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Max and Chloe's New Addition (Encryptment & morgan20)


Keeper of the Gilded Crypt
Apr 17, 2017
Parking my car outside the house of the girls I have been dating, we all have been dating for about a year or so now, and have all been getting along really well together, keeping affection and attention balanced, making sure no to leave each other out at all. We've all been going on some great dates altogether; restaurants, movies, and dates at my own apartment.

Today I was waiting outside their house to take them out to a fancy dinner because I got my paycheck today, so I was going to spend a bit extra on them tonight. I sat in the car, waiting for them to come out, as it was getting closer to the time that they would need to come out. I let the music on the radio play softly for right now so we'd all be able to talk the whole trip.
It had been a few years since Max and Chloe drove away from arcadia bay in their pick up. They had grown up a little more since then, in more ways than one. Having time rewind powers meant that the two could make money easily by gambling, but to not draw attention, they kept the winnings to a small amount to live day by day with. It was about a year ago when they added a third to their mix to spice things up and after several duds they finally landed on a good guy.

"Would you hurray up, your slowness," Chloe burst out of the front door calling back to Max as she made her way to the car. "He's already here. SHOTGUN!" The blue haired vixen yelled and ran towards the car. For once, she was not wearing her beanie as this date was described as 'fancy'. Not dressed up too much, Chloe wore a buttoned up collared blouse with suspenders and black pants. "Hey," Chloe said as she threw the car door open and began to get inside.

Closing and locking the house door behind here, Max made her way to the car. She had her brown hair straightened and was a little passed her shoulders. She wore a simple black dress and carried a clutch purse with her. Max had on flats instead of heels since she had trouble walking in those. She jogged lightly to the back seat door, causing her hair to bounce. "Sorry, sorry, I had to redo my make up," Max apologized as she got in. "And I left my camera at home, so I didn't have to hear Chloe bitch the entire time."
"Its fine, no worries girls. We still have time before the reservation starts." Looking over the both of them, they both dressed in their own fashion, and that was clearly obvious to me. Chuckling lightly, I looked in the rear view mirror at Max, looking her over. "Max, that dress looks good on you. And Chloe, those suspenders and blouse look fantastic on you." Starting my car back up, I make sure to buckle my seatbelt up as I begin driving to the restaurant we had reservations for tonight. Making sure to drive the right way, I was able to pull into the parking lot next to the restaurant, I stop the car and look at them both. "Seems like we still have a couple of minutes, I'll go check in with them right now." I get up and out of my car, closing the door behind me as I walk over around to the other side of the car. Making sure to open both doors for both of them, I wait for them to get out.
"Yeah yeah, cool it Romeo, we aren't even at dinner yet," Chloe dismissed your praise, waving a hand as she looked out the window hiding a smile. "Thanks, you look nice as well," Max replied as she leaned forward to speak closer to you. She pushed her hair behind a ear as she nervously held her clutch purse in her lap. "Wow this place looks like the shit," Chloe said as you pulled the car in. The two girls hopped out of the car as you did and walked up next to you. Max stood a little awkwardly before taking your arm, meanwhile, Chloe just threw an arm around your next on the other side, putting her body close as you walked.
"I can't help it if I think you guys look good." I say back to Chloe in the car. When hearing Chloe's admission to the look of the building. "Well I went for the best one that my paycheck could get a reservation for us." Feeling the girls taking my arms, as well as Chloe's body pressing lightly against mine, I blushed deeply, trying not to stare down at the protruding of her chest against her blouse. "N-now then, lets go inside." Taking the girls, I brought them into the restaurant, confirming the reservation, we walked over to the table. Sitting them down, I sit down in the last chair between the two girl, handing them each a menu. "What do you guys think, a small bit of alcohol for tonight? I'll make sure to stay sober to take you guys home if you want it?"
"Hell yes, that would be amazeballs," Chloe quickly responds grabbing the drink menu. She already appears to be fidgeting with her collar as she looks the menu over. "That sounds like fun, I'll just have whatever Chloe gets," Max says opening her menu and lookin it over. "You sure, Max, for an Otter, you can't hold your liquor well," Chloe retorts. "It's fine, I have my Prince charming here to help me," Max responds putting a hand on your shoulder. "Wowzer, this place is a little pricey you sure you want to eat here?" Max exclaims as she looks over the menu. A waiter eventually comes over and takes their drink orders. Chloe ordered something heavy as usual.
"Yeah, its fine. Its changed to my card already, so i'd ask you don't worry about it for tonight. I mean, its been about a year now since i've been together with you guys, I might as well show you guys how much you mean to me." Watching Max's hand resting against me for hope, I blush slightly and look them both over. "Its funny enough Chloe, considering what happened last time you drank when I came over to your house last." Chuckling lightly, I grab my own menu, ordering myself a simple coke. "You guys can even order dessert for the road, don't worry about it. And I mean it Max, theres no need to worry about it tonight."
"If you insist," Max smiled and silently looked over the menu. She crossed her legs in her chair as she thought, resting her head on a hand. "It doesn't count if I don't remember," Chloe joked, laughing at the table. "Oh and don't worry we have a surprise for the year mark for you too, Xio. Riiiiiiiiiight, Max?" Chloe announced playfully, reaching over Crypt to poke at Max. The time travelling photographer blushed as she shot a glance at Chloe to shut it. "It isn't a surprise when you talk about it, Chloe!"

"Yeah, Yeah," Chloe laughed and went to move her hand over to grab a menu. She was sitting almost sideways facing the two of them in a haphazard position. When Chloe moved her tattooed arm over the table she bumped into a glass of water, spilling onto Crypt's lap, all over his jeans. "Oh crap, shit, fuck, my bad," Chloe pleaded as she grabbed a napkin and dabbed your crotch. She froze for a second and reversed. The water forming up and reversing from their dates groin back up into the cup that repositioned itself on the table. "Yeah, yeah," Chloe laughed before being interrupted by Max, "And watch your dumb arms!" Chloe stopped a moment and avoided the cup.
"Oh, but it was a pretty funny night, you stripped down to your underwear and was about to grind on me. Max stopped you and locked you in the bedroom for the night. I agreed it was about time I went home after that. I'm sure whatever surprise you girls have planned will be exciting either way." Chuckling at the thought of the story again, I leaned back in my chair as I began to read over the menu. As the glass spilled, and water splashed, I looked down to see my lap soaked as I see Chloe beginning to dab her napkin against it. But as everything went reversed, nothing I knew happened, but now my cock was slightly hard for reasons I didn't know of at the moment.

Now as the hazard had been avoided unknown to me, I called the waiter over and placed an order for a nice small fillet, with a salad as a side for it. Ordering a couple appetizers for the beginning for us. "I hope its alright with you guys if you take any leftovers home, I plan on ordering a bit to let you guys have."
"Hella cool," Max said ordering a salmon with a side salad. She folded her menu and handed it to the waiter. Subconsciously, she glanced down at Crypt's crotch to see if the spill was ok before remember she fixed that. Max's eyes widened for a moment before she looked up and away as if she didn't notice anything, cursing herself in her mind. "Yes, I'm f-in starved and leftovers are always welcome," Chloe stated before ordering a nice cut of prim rib and adding another appetizer to the order. The two began to drink their beverages as they arrived. "So Max, fuck, marry, kill. Victoria, Dana and Brooke. Which is which huh?" Chloe asked as she took a healthy sip of her beverage.

"Uugh really? Kill Victoria that's easy. I guess I would marry Dana, she seemed really nice, even though she was way too preppy. So I guess that means me and Brooke are enjoying each others company. Jealous?" Max retorted.

"What? Brooke? She is so boring. I'd switch her and Victoria. Something about her makes me feel like she's a good lay," Chloe corrected.
After getting our food, I begin eating, chuckling lightly at their antics as I watch and takes sips of my own drink. Sitting back in the chair, I looked down at myself for a moment, realizing I had a hard-on for some reason. I scoot lightly into the table more to hide it under it as I continue eating like nothing was going on. "Well then, I hope you guys will enjoy the leftovers." I didn't notice it till now, but Max had a bit filled out on the top in the last year that we three have been together, and it was definitely showing a bit from the top of her dress. I couldn't help but take a long glance down at it, enough for either of them to notice as I continued to eat. "A-anyways, you girls will want to order dessert afterwards, right? Max? Chloe? I think that sweets would compliment this night, and your alcohol somewhat."
Max, looking away for moment, let her thoughts wander to the events that led them here. The tornado, Blackwell, everything seemed so life or death at the time and now seemed like a foggy memory. It was hard for Max to piece together what was even real memories from the ones that never transpired. A smile slow formed on her lips as felt a relaxing wave that she was a lifetime removed from those horrors. She glanced back to notice the attention her chest was receiving causing her to blush. “Ummm Yeah, dessert sounds great!”

Chloe meanwhile noticed earlier considering the attention was not on her. Chloe took a long sip of her drink as she contemplated her next move. She smiled coyly as Max responded before leaning over and almost whispering into Xio’s ear. “I bet you’d want to see those tits bouncing up and down,” the succumbs guessed as she leaned into you a little, so that he could feel her chest.
After hearing the whispers in my ear, I blushed deeper, looking away from her chest now and towards Chloe whispering into my ear. "Mmm, a bit, but not just hers. Yours as well Chloe, I wouldn't mind staring if you unbuttoned your blouse a little. But i'd like to see much more of your girls bouncing." Looking back over to Max, I could tell she saw me staring, as I then look back at Chloe again. "Do you mind if I ask her to give me a little nipslip if I lean close enough to her?" I smirk as I grab Chloe's drink from the table, taking a small sip of it as I then lean back in my chair again, waiting for an answer or response from either of them, if Chloe was going to show off, or give some permission at the table.
Chloe laughed and made seductive eyes. She began unbuttoning her shirt. "One.... Two.... Three..." She counted as you could almost see the majority of her bra before she applies the third button. "But you lose a button for taking some of MY drink," Chloe quipped as she grabbed her drink back. You could tell the both of them were getting a little intoxicated as a reddish hue took over their faces. "And you can ask her anything you want."

Max watches the both with invested eyes, trying to overhear whatever secrets her ears miss. "Ask me what?" Max inquires as she scoots closer to you, not being able to hear the whispers that have been taking place.
"Aww come on Chloe, its not like you're paying for the alcohol." Chuckling lightly as I take a few nice, long stares down to her and let her take her drink back. As Max slid over to the two of us and asked what I wanted, I only blushed slightly deeper. Leaning in close to her, it was obvious that they both were getting a bit drunk now after a couple drinks as I look down at her, sliding an arm around her as I lean in close to her ear.

Leaning in close to Max, as I look down at her face, my warm breath lightly against her ear as I whispered my question. "Hey Max, I could tell you noticed what I was staring at earlier. Do you think you could have a bit of a 'clothing accident' for me?" It felt embarrassing to ask her to basically show off one or both of her breasts in the restaurant for a moment, but I was slightly eager for it.
Max blushed and glanced around the room quickly. She bit her lip for a moment in thought before looking up to meet your eyes. "She's not going to do it," Chloe piped in, amused at her friends torment. Max shot her a glance before adjusting her seat so she was facing you more direction. She brought her hand up and slide a finger between her bra and skin, pulling both her black dress and bra down a bit between you. Her perky breast's top half popped up, resting the lining of the bra that was pulled down. You could see she was wearing a black lacy bra, but were more distracted by other sights. She quickly adjusted her self back into her clothes almost as fast as they were pulled down. Either due to nervousness, embarrassment or the alcohol, her face was bright red as she quickly took another drink.

"Oh come on, if it went badly you could always, you know, change it!" Chloe joked.
Blushing deeper, the reaction of it only got my cock harder seeing her do it. "W-wow Max, they were really nice. Good job." Turning back to Chloe, I wanted to dare her to do the same since she seemed so courageous right now. "Since you sound so eager, why don't you try it then Chloe? Those tits of yours are big enough to definitely be noticed. And how about this, if you show off, then I will as well under the table, you two can both 'accidentally' drop your silverware and pick it up, and take a nice look at it if you want." A sip of Chloe's drink had given me a little more courage to be a bit more eager for things, and a little less moral.
“Oh it’s on like donkey Kong,” Chloe responded, unbuttoning a few buttons and pushing her suspenders out of the way. She smiled, holding her shirt with both hands just as Max piped in. “Chloe wait...” she said. A healthy moment later a few waiters walked passed carrying a birthday cake, like up with candles. Chloe glanced at Max sending an invisible question, which Max replied with a slight nod. Chloe then turned and opened her shirt towards you and used her elbows to push her tits together. She shook her upper body back and forth for a moment before giggling and putting her outfit back together.
Taking a good long look at Chloe's tits bouncing left and right between her arms as she pressed them together, they both were hot and made me excited. "Mmm, that was definitely worth it Chloe. I hope you guys don't mind that when we get to your house, I get to grope both of you a little bit before I drop you guys off?" I knew it was now my turn to hold up my end of the bargain, I slide my waist more under the tablecloth, letting my hands slide under to unbuckle and unbutton my belt and pants. Sliding them off along with my underwear a little to let my hard cock free from them. I motioned lightly for them to know that they could check under the table now for what they wanted to see.
A wide smile developed on Chloe's face as you get into position. Max, however, seemed more nervous and worried, constantly glancing around to see if anyone is noticing what's happening. "Oh there maybe more than groping," Chloe teased, her blouse was still half unbuttoned. Max followed direction and pretended to push her fork off the table, while Chloe dropped all pretenses of guile and simply got down to look under the tablecloth. The two froze for a moment taking in the site of your erection. Chloe glanced over at Max, "Hey use your powers in a sec, I want to mess with him." Before Max responded, Chloe reached a hand under the table and grabbed your cock. She began to jerk it off, starting slow to get ahold of it and then quickly progressing to a fast pace.
I couldn't hear what Chloe said for a moment as they both headed down under the table, my erection was already hard and quite girthy. As I felt one of their hands wrap around my cock, I stifled a moan as I reached down to pull the tablecloth up a little to see what was going on. Seeing Chloe grabbing my cock and beginning to stroke it, I whisper down to her. "C-chloe, what are you doing?" As she began to stroke it harder, I looked down at her as I leaned back in my chair, trying to concentrate on holding in moans from coming out as I look around to make sure no one was coming around, as well as looking down at Chloe.
Chloe continued stroking the large cock. She could feel its hardness and its warmth. She giggled as you look down to figure out what's going on. "I'm just having some fun in the moment, don't worry and let yourself go, Max 'll fix it in a moment," Chloe responded as she gripped your man meat harder, really stroking it's length. Max was a little used to Chloe's 'in the moment' ideas and rolled her eyes a little before watching your cock get attention. Her eyes hid the things that Max imagined in her head of what could be done to and with that cock. She almost lost her train of thought, memorized by it.
Letting her continue, I look down at her with hazy eyes as I felt her begin to stroke my cock more, looking down at both her and Max, trying not to moan as my cock throbs lightly in Chloe's hand. One of my legs sliding against Max a little, lightly urging her closer to my cock as I look down at her with slightly pleading eyes. Whispering down to Chloe under the table, "Hey Chloe, since you're having some of your own fun right now, make sure Max gets some fun after she fixes this."
Max took the non verbal queue and moved closer to your crotch. She was trying to figure out when she should rewind things, but decided to reach up and begin playing with your scrotum. Softly massage it in her hands, Max looked up at you for approval. Meanwhile, Chloe responded "Sure thing, you want to paint this under table already, my arms getting a little fuckin tired," she complained while switching hands. She spat into her palm and began rubbing your head to give more pleasure.
Almost letting out a moan, I put a hand over my mouth. I look down at Max as she begins to massage my balls, motioning for her to get a bit closer, approving of her actions to them. Using my other foot to push Chloe closer, whispering down to her as I smirk. "Well maybe you could give those arms of yours a break and use that mouth instead. Besides it'll definitely let you know what you did when Max rewinds this." My cock throbbed a bit more and twitched as Chloe began to tease the head with her wet palm, my balls stiffening lightly in Max's hand as she continued to massage them.
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