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A Dog's Bitch (Fruits Basket, East and Frogger)

Walking away with the familiar tics of soft claws against hard wood flooring he heard his new sisters comments about how it would be fun to have a puppy, he kind of felt like she was insulting him by doing that, walking upstairs he was safely out of sight before he turned back into his human skin, it always felt a touch uncomfortable. there wasn't any real pain associated with the transformation, no linguring feelings, but in all honesty he wasn't entirely sure which one was his 'proper' skin.

He was still angry as he pulled out new clothing and got dressed before he sat down and started to clean up his desk, hiding the lotion and box of tissues in his desk before sitting on his chair and leaning back into his seat waiting for dinner. She was right that it didn't sound right, but hadn't that been how dad had broken the curse? what even was the curse. He knew the gist of the thing, but it had been a while since he had been forcibly changed from a human to a dog.

It was weird how fast his sister seemed to adapt to the info he had given to her, though that could have been shock. He decided that for now the two of them could share the house, but he would do his best to give her space. He just pulled out his homework and started on it for the night and would come down when she called for dinner.
Did she say something wrong? Akemi sort of feels like it, but he didn’t say anything, either. Maybe it’s just better if she keeps her trap shut. A soft sigh leaving her lips, Akemi ran a hand through her hair before going through the motions of tying it all up into a ponytail. It’s been one hell of a day. First, she gets adopted by a man she didn’t even know was still alive a week ago… not to mention finds out she has a half-brother, and oh! He can transform into a dog if he gets a hug from a girl, or if he gets super weak! Yippee~!

Akemi just about smacked herself with that one, just cause. A groan and a roll of her eyes portraying the exasperation, Akemi decided she might as well jump into making dinner. If this is their first home-cooked meal in who-knows-how-long, she can’t keep them waiting! Akemi began to hum a little as she threw the hamburger meat into a pan, taking this opportunity to add salt, pepper, and a touch of basil for flavor. How long has it been since she’s last thrown a meal together for somebody other than herself-?

It wasn’t long before the scent of basil had permeated throughout the entire house. Akemi set the table after a little while, though she didn’t do anything more than put plates and silverware on. It’s impossible to predict what they’d want to drink. “Dinner’s ready!” Akemi called out, just to disappear back into the kitchen and start pouring everything into bowls. Once she was through with that, Akemi placed both on the table, so they can serve themselves.
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