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A Dog's Bitch (Fruits Basket, East and Frogger)

Two hours later, Akemi’s being gently shaken awake by her new brother. A protest was right on the tip of her tongue… only, she couldn’t string together enough words to make a good argument, so she just rubbed at her eyes and moved her butt. A yawn breaking free of the girl, Akemi stretched her arms high above her head, back arching as she stretched… very much like a cat would. Akemi even lifted herself up onto her tippy-toes for maximum satisfaction on that front.

“Hm? Oh… I love it!” Akemi ran her hands through her hair next, hoping more than anything it ain’t a tangled mess. It’d be super embarrassing if it was after her little nap in the car. “This place is a lot bigger than our apartment was!” Her expression bright and excited, Akemi bent to take a peek in the pond. “You have koi? Neat!” Do they have any pets? Probably not, if Makoto’s allergies are so bad he can’t go out during spring…

Akemi’s jaw dropped at the bomb he just dropped, her eyes big as dinner plates. “You… You’re kidding, right? There’s no way-!” How?! It didn’t take long for the shock to sink in, or for the poor girl to stumble back. “I… I don’t know what to say… I mean, we had trouble paying the bills… I didn’t have a room of my own, and… this place is bigger than our apartment building was! I just… I don’t know what to say!” Akemi rubbed the back of her neck.

“I better go… grab my stuff, I guess?” Akemi isn’t the sort of girl to rely on others, not if she can do it herself. An awkward little laugh spilling free, she turned to fetch her things out of the car… not that she has much to begin with. Nope. All of it is clothes, and there isn’t much. Akemi couldn’t afford the fancier stuff, and she’s learned to live without begging for every little thing. “Do you know where I’m gonna be…?” Looking at Makoto, Akemi gestured to the house with a lost look written all over her face.
"Had we known about you sooner we would have come to your aid." It was the words of her new father. He seemed a touch troubled. He was trying to figure out if his ex had her mind erased or simply never passed on any information. How had the legal agency known to contact him? He had no idea how this was possible. He looked at the ground and sighed. "I'm sorry we couldn't help you back then."

He knew why she didn't contact them, he knew why she had run away, and Akemi was going to learn soon enough. But he didn't want to say it. When Akemi grabbed her one bag he looked at her. "Did you want to go into town to shop sometime? It's a bit of a drive, but Makoto can take you." As he spoke he pointed to a much more beaten down car, one that looked like it may have been a family heirloom. It had a number of dents in it, the paint was scratched, and it looked like the front bumper had been impacted. "If you can stand his driving."

Makoto nodded. "I'll set you up in the room across from mine, up until now it's been a guest room for when one of our cousin's stayed over, but we have other rooms for that as well." He started showing her around in doors, the house was kept rather clean due to the fact that Makoto's nose would burn around anything prolonged or rotten. His sensitivity to smells was probably the one reason that two men out in the woods would actually clean the place. "We burn a lot of the trash, and recycle the rest. We don't have a compost." He gagged at the memory of when they had tried to do that for a garden, but the smell of rotting compost, mixed with manure made it... disgusting and impossible.

Walking up stairs he opened his door to show her his room. It was a bedroom with a double bed, painted soft green, there was a hand full of pictures on his desk. One of what looked like Makoto, and twelve others, some much older, others around his age, and one much younger. Another picture was of a young dark furred but large dog. He had a few posters, from various movies that he had enjoyed, but all in all it was a room that was sterile and meant for mostly study, there was a laptop, and a box of tissues next to it on the desk along with a bottle of what at a distance could have been hand sanitizer. realizing that some things were still out he quickly shut his door.

When he opened up the room across the hall from it looked less used and lived in that Makoto's the bed was made and the sheets pressed, but it lacked decoration, a desk had been set up in here, as well as a book case and a dresser. "You can of course decorate as you see fit."
“Oh no! We’re not getting into that!” Akemi brushed the words of her new father off, not even considering the idea or nothin’. Her smile following that declaration happened to be bright, warm, and not the least bit… oh, what’s the word for it? Hateful? Ah, that works. “Look. I didn’t know about you, and you didn’t know about me. I’m not lettin’ that hang over my head, though, and I don’t think you should either. I mean, let’s think about it this way: it’d have been super weird if we met when my dad was around, don’t you think?”

Akemi’s attention shifted to an old, beat-up car… one that’s definitely seen better days. “Ah… No, it’s okay. I don’t want to be any trouble,” she decided to put nicely. It’s true that she doesn’t want them to go out of their way for her or anything, but if the dents are any indication… it’s probably best not to get into a car Makoto’s driving. Akemi followed her older brother around as he gave her the grand tour of the place, showing her what’s behind every door. Of course she’s gonna make a complete fool of herself sometime very soon. It’s a lot easier than it sounds to navigate, when there’s more doors than she’s used to down just one hallway!

“Really? Huh.” Akemi twirled about to look at everything one last time before taking a peek into his room. It was… a hell of a lot nicer than anywhere she’s slept in. A lot bigger, too. Her eyes landed on the pictures he’s got on his desk, and… she just couldn’t believe it. Is that their family? Wow. He wasn’t kidding when he said their family’s huge. Akemi didn’t expect him to close his door so soon, though. Almost getting her nose crushed, Akemi stumbled back, blinking up at him. What was that all about-? Oh well. It’s not like it’s a big deal or anything. A little shrug rolling through her shoulders, Akemi jumped at the chance to see her own room. This’ll be the first time she’s ever had a room all to herself! It didn’t look like much… but then again, didn’t he say it used to be a guest room?

“Yeah… Um, I wouldn’t even know where to start decorating,” Akemi decided to point out, though she couldn’t rein in the awkward little laugh. “I’ve never had a room to myself before. I’ll probably just… leave it the way it is. It’d be way easier.” Akemi pulled her single suitcase in from the hallway, lifting it up to plop it down onto the bed. “I don’t want to be a pain or anything. I wouldn’t know what to do with this room, anyway.” Akemi rubbed the back of her neck, bits and pieces of dark brown tumbling to emphasize the girl’s curvaceous figure. Is that weird? Don’t get her wrong, she can paint the walls her favorite color, but other than that… she wouldn’t know how to make this room her own. It’s not like she’s listened to a lot of music, or have any favorite movies to speak of.

Now what? Akemi doesn’t have much to unpack, not really, just a few clothes. “Um… If… If you want, I can cook you guys dinner tonight,” she threw out as an offer. “I mean, I’m not that great of a cook, and you can turn me down if you want… I just… I thought it’d be nice, since you are letting me live here with you and everything…” A blush rising to her features, Akemi groaned and tried to hide her face from view. “Alright. Just ignore the rambling of this crazy person...” she mumbled next.
"How many times do I have to tell you that... wait you can cook?" Makoto blinked when she said that she had no idea how to decorate her room, or that she had never had a room of her own. There was an odd moment of thought about just how poor the girl was. for a moment he wanted to sniffle or something, but passed on the thought as she didn't seem to want any kind of pity. He instead focused more on her offer to make food. He blinked for a moment before realizing that she was serious. "Follow me."

"Dad!" He lead her down to the kitchen, to reveal what was otherwise the biggest secret that the two men had been hiding. He opened the fridge, and showed her, take out boxes. Several dozen stored take out boxes, from various places, Chinese, Thai, one or two pizza boxes, and sushi platters. More take out food than was actualy reasonable. He gestured between him and his father. Then at her. "She can cook!"

"Neither of us know how to cook." He pointed to the oven, honestly the last time it had been turned on was probably the day or so that his mom left. He put his hands on Akemi's shoulders, wide eyed in admiration. "Mom left before she could teach me anything, and the most complicated thing that dad can make is a pot of coffee. I worked as a barista, but like the food was all... prepackaged kind of stuff, the most complicated i've ever gotten is I can grill a cheese sandwich."

"So the honest truth is we survive off of take out. If you need groceries I can take you into town." His offer was genuine he seemed honestly kind of excited. "We survive by ordering two different large family meals a week, and then we ration that out, it's a touch more expensive than grocery shopping, but there are places we use so often that they now give us discounts."
Huh? What did she say-? Akemi nearly tripped over herself as she was dragged from her new bedroom into the kitchen, without any explanation as to the reason why. It didn’t take long to get answers, though. A crack of the fridge revealed everything she needed to know. Dark purple eyes blinked in horror at the several take-out boxes stuffed inside, not just from one place… but… from the looks of it, three or four? Do they eat out every night of the week? That’s… really… Akemi ran a hand through her hair, not even sure what to think of it.

“You’re telling me… neither one of you learned how to cook over the past sixteen years?” Akemi lifted a brow, sending her brother an incredulous look. “I mean, I never learned from Mom, either… but I managed to learn through trial and error. It’s not that hard!” Both hands are thrown up into the air, only… before she could scold him any further, he put his hands on her shoulders, his eyes practically sparkling with excitement over the prospect of a home-cooked meal. Akemi’s resolve withered just a tiny bit.

“I… guess I can throw something together tonight, if you take me into town.” A blush had risen to her face, but Akemi pretended like she wasn’t blushing and instead flashed him a small smile. “Just… don’t be disappointed if it isn’t anything fancy. I told you before: I’m not that great of a cook. Dad wasn’t very good at cooking, so I took it upon myself to learn how to. It’s a good thing I did, otherwise I’d have starved.” Akemi laughed a little under her breath, a hand coming up to rub the back of her neck.

Does this mean she’s in charge of meals from now on? It certainly sounds like it. Akemi didn’t expect her new role in the house to be chef extraordinaire. “Are we going to head out now, then?” Akemi asked Makoto. “I mean, I don’t know what you two want for dinner, but the sooner we head out, the sooner I can get back and start cooking… I’m pretty sure you don’t want to eat at ten o’clock tonight.”
The two of them just nodded confirming her fear that neither of them had ever learned to cook. The idea that they would actually be able to stop eating take out even for a little while was a prospect that clearly the two boys enjoyed on rare occasions. "We have a few cousin's who cook as well, and when they come over we usually have them take over the kitchen, but yeah.... this is pretty much how we have lived up to this point. We tried to learn a couple times."

Makoto pointed to the ground, something about it was different than the flooring on the rest of the house. It was newer, cleaner. The rest of the house was old, almost ancient, but everything in the kitchen seemed kind of like at one point or another it had been replaced at least once. "We nearly lost the house. We have three different fire extinguishers for when you need them."

Makoto walked with Akemi out to the car, opening up the slightly dented door, and taking a seat, grabbing his seat buckle, and then shutting the door, The interior of the car was a lot nicer than the exterior, The seats were less abused, and the milliage was rather low. "The car was a hand down, from one of the others in the family. I mean we are wealthy, but we can't exactly afford to buy new cars all the time."

Pulling out of the driveway Makoto's steering jerked and he practically whipped the car around as he started to drive along the dirt roads the cars older and abused shocks rocking over the road, as he drove well over what anyone with sense would call a speed limit. "Don't worry we picked you up in the city, here we are going to town, it's also where your new school will be, I mean we could have walked, but it's getting late and there are wolves in these mountains." Makoto was talking To Akemi, his eyes on her as his head was turned towards her not paying any attention to the car as he swirved down the roads on rote memorization.

"We will hit up the local grocery, they close in about an hour, but I'll get us there in about fifteen minutes." He turned his head towards the front window finally, as the car basically jumped from dirt road to highway the sound of metal scraping as the low riding car kept moving. "Man it's great to have someone to talk too while driving, dad won't let me drive with him anymore."
Uh oh. Why does she get the feeling she's gonna regret this? Don't get her wrong, Akemi likes to cook and all... it's just that... she has no idea what she's getting herself into. Akemi pasted a smile all over her face, even though there's a bunch of butterflies fluttering about in the pit of her stomach. The loud clip of her safety belt only put her at ease... a tiny little bit. Both hands brushed over her skirt nervously. "I, ah... I can't believe you haven't had a home-cooked meal in... sixteen years? Is that right?"

Fear rippled over her features as the car whipped around in a way... it really shouldn't. Akemi held onto the seat for dear life, her heart in her throat. "H-Hey, uh, Makoto?" she dared to speak up, a pathetic excuse of a smile making a surprise appearance. "Don't you think you should drive below the speed limit-? I mean, I don't want you to get a speeding ticket or anything..." Honestly? It'd be a freaking relief to get pulled over. Maybe they'd be able to pick up her stomach that they left behind!

"M-M-My new school?" Akemi stuttered, her face paling as he ran a red light and just barely missed an elderly lady crossing the street. "I thought I was gonna be home-schooled, like everybody else?" It'd be nice to attend school again, but it just wouldn't be fair to leave him at home while she goes off to school... to meet new people and make friends and everything else. "Fifteen minutes?" Did she just squeak? Yikes.

Is she going to die? Is she seriously going to die at sixteen? Without having her first kiss? Without getting her hands on a driver's license? Akemi is trying really hard not to panic, but... if he keeps this up, she's liable to fling herself out of the car. Seeing as how she's a bit challenged in the whole athletic department... it's not a good idea. "Please keep your eyes on the road!" Akemi just about screamed, the sound of metal scraping echoing in her ears. "I love that you're... enjoying this moment and all, but I'd really like to make it to the grocery store! Alive! Not in a body bag!" Akemi's face was pale as paper at that point, not a speck of color to be seen aside from her eyes.
Makoto relented and started to actually watch the road, but when she spoke about speed limits he laughed, even though his dashboard clearly stated he was going 90mph, and the needle was closer to 95. "These are country roads, the speed limit is set by zoning, which means that between zones there is no actual speed limit." He nodded knowing he was in a sense technically correct, however the highest speed limit set in japan was 80, and he was currently 10 over that limit.

"We are perfectly safe, this car is german made." He pounded the roof, taking a hand off the wheel and veering to the left hard for a second. "Volvo, former tank company this car is hard steel. If we crash we will rip through any other thing on the road." He spoke with such confidence that it evoked first hand experiance he should never have had.

Finally they started to approach the town denoted with smaller buildings, and more organized roads, and he slowed from 90mph, to a much more resonable 30. "See I'm actually a great driver." He said as the car blitzed through a yellow light that he hadn't actually seen. "Wasn't red so it doesn't count."

Slowing to a stop he arrived in a parking lot in front of what could best be described as a small mom and pop shop, turning off the car as he got up from his seat he stretched and felt great. "We have eaten home cooked meals before, like i said we have a few other cousin's some of which can cook, and I don't know if you will be in school, but in all honesty it would probably be better than sitting in on lessons with us. We..." He tried to think of a way to explain their isolationism and why they prefered being alone. He honestly didn't really have much to say so long as she didn't know it would be better for her. "We can get pretty depressing."
“Land!” Akemi cried out, jumping out of the car to kiss the ground. Alright, so she’s exaggerating… just not a lot. His driving… oh my God, his driving. It needs some serious help! Has he ever taken a course? A driving lesson? Akemi hasn’t had a chance to get her learner’s permit, but she can definitely drive better than him! It’s a miracle she’s still alive! “Ah… Makoto?” Akemi managed to say once she’s managed to get her wits together, “I hate to say this, but you are not -I repeat, you are not- a great driver.”

How has he managed to survive this long?! It's just astonishing. Akemi ran a shaky hand through her hair, several tendrils of dark brown tumbling down the girl's back, and... the motion had her white blouse stretching tight across her breasts. "Alright. Um... You said the store closes in an hour, so I better get started on the shopping, huh?" Akemi chuckled a little under her breath, twisting away to stroll through the sliding glass doors.

Okay. First question: what’s she even going to throw together? Akemi has no idea what they like, or if they’re allergic to anything. Dark purple eyes swept through the aisles, but before she tackled this somewhat daunting task she’s embarked on… she twirled back around, not only to face him but to curl her fingers into his shirt. Their bodies were just millimeters apart, not that she noticed or anything.

”Hey! Um! Are you guys allergic to anything?” Akemi decided to blurt out. Is there any stuff you don’t like? I just… I’ve got no idea where to start! I, um… I ate just about anything, so…” Uh oh. Did this just get awkward? Probably. Is she rambling? Akemi put a quick stop to that and, after taking a deep breath… let it out slowly. ”Okay. Sorry. Um… Is there anything you’d like to have for dinner?” Akemi flashed him a shy smile, tilting her head slightly.
Makoto rolled his eyes when she cried out that they were on land, and told him that he was not a great driver he was certain she was being dramatic. Walking into the store, and he looked down the aisles The place was a bit on the abandoned side when it came down to it, at this late at night there was basically just a skeleton crew working. Walking through the place he pondered what was he allergic too. "Nope all my allergies are to things like pollutants in the city, stuff that makes my nose burn."

"As for what i'd like to eat." He paused for a moment wanting to say her, but that seemed rather like he would get punched for such a comment. "spaghetti is good." He said tapping his chin, he didn't really have a lot of ideas since he had never really had home cooking just meals from various restaurants so going off that he would pick something that got to his plate on the quick side.

"Tell me what you need and I can get it for you, but first." He took Akemi by the arm and walked with her pulling her towards another person around his age. He gave a slight bow to the other. "Akemi I'd like you to meet Usa Shoma one of our cousins. Usa this is Akemi my new sister."

The look the male gave was a little on the cold side, as he turned and went back to doing whatever inventory he was doing, but he did briefly pause looking at the two. "Makoto drove you?" waiting for a yes or nod before he let out a sigh and patted Akemi on the head. "I'm sorry for you." He said before walking off to attend to the shop.
Another one of their cousins? Seriously? Akemi blinked up at this other boy, taking in the sight of silvery-blonde hair. He looked to be about their age, maybe a year older. “Hi!” she chirped, “it’s nice to meet you! Usa, was it?” A hand was about to go out, since it’s only polite and all… but he had decided to pat her on the head instead before moving back to inventory. Light pink spread over her features, just to darken to red a heartbeat later. Uh oh. Please don’t tell her he can hear how fast her heart’s beating… Please don’t-!

Luckily, Usa walked off to do… something or another, leaving her to suffer in her own embarrassment. Akemi brought both hands up to pat her hot cheeks. ”If I didn’t know any better, I’d say it was illegal to be that cute…” she whispered under her breath, just to brush the thought aside. It’s really wrong to think of her cousin that way! It doesn’t matter how cute he is, he’s off-limits!

”Okay! So! Uh, spaghetti?” That’s easy to make. Akemi ran a hand through her hair, just thinking of the ingredients she’ll need. ”Between the three of us, I think two pounds of hamburger meat will be enough… unless you two are starving half to death, then we’ll need three. Do you think you can grab that for me?”

In the meantime, Akemi can grab the noodles and sauce. Do they have any spices-? It might be safe to assume no, so she’ll swing by that aisle, too. “Oh! Hey!” Akemi looked at her older brother again, just to blush a little. ”Is it okay if I grab… a few things? Besides ingredients for dinner?” Akemi doubts they have any extra, so she’ll need to buy shampoo, conditioner, and body wash for herself… maybe other stuff, too, but that can wait until later.
Makoto blinked, she may have spoken softly, but Makoto for his part could still hear her thanks to the heightened senses of a dog. He knew he shouldn't have heard it, so he tried to not to take it personally, but he couldn't help but supress a tiny shudder of annoyance. why did everyone think that the rabbit was cute, dogs were way better. He shook his head trying to shake the jealousy off of him.

Going off to get hamburger like he was asked he did so without complaint. coming back with three pounds. When she asked if they could get anything else he just nodded. "Yeah I have the debit card, don't worry too much about expenses. Like I said we have a lot." He said with a soft shrug.

Makoto shrugged, pretty much everything was solvable if they threw money at the problem, well all but one problem. He tried to ignore the tension he suddenly had about not being cute anymore. Outplayed by Usa, he wanted to growl. "So what do you need." when she said shampoo he walked with her, and pointed out the scentless brands that he approved of. "Sorry, but it's just a lot easier on my nose if we can cut down on scents in the house."
"No, it's totally cool. I get it." Akemi looked through the options, but seein' as how they're all scentless... it didn't really matter what she picked out. It's sort of... disappointing. There's something super refreshing about stepping out of the shower, with steam fogging up the mirror, and smelling... well, clean. Oh well. It'll just be a thing of the past, at least for the time being. Akemi grabbed a couple of bottles, not spending a lot of time reading the labels or anything.

A hand lifted to tuck a few threads of hair behind an ear. A hint of a smile can be seen playing along her lips, and there was still a hint of color on her cheeks. "Alright, so... you've got the hamburger meat. I picked up a couple of spices, and I have three boxes of noodles, so... I think we're pretty much set." Her eyes glanced back at him from over a shoulder, the light reflecting and refracting off the pretty purple. A small tilt of the head followed, and then... she twisted around to face him.

"Is there anything you need, while we're here?" Akemi kicked at empty space, trying to think if there's anything she needs. Yeah, there's tons of stuff she'd like to get at one point or another... but that can wait, and after she finds herself a job. Nope. There's no way she's going to bother the Sohma family for anything that isn't a necessity. "Do you think... I can drive on the way back?" Akemi asked gingerly, not entirely sure if it'd offend him or not.
Makoto had to think for a moment when she asked if he needed anything. did he? he bit his lip, and had to think for a moment about something he needed. "Um, yes, but... it's personal." He walked away for a moment sneaking to an isle to get something. A long time ago, there had been an incident, Makoto had gotten sick in the rain and reverted to his dog form, and when a little girl had found him she had a dog treat, at first it had been humilaiting. Makoto had been starving and the girl asked him to do tricks never knowing he was actually a human,

but since then they had been a bit of a guilty pleasure that he had snuck into the house when no one was looking.

He pulled the small bag under his coat, and waved his cousin over to the till, he lifted up a finger, and his cousin added 120 yen onto their total. Makoto getting to keep his purchase a relative secret for the moment. "He knows what i bought."

"When Akemi asked if she could drive Makoto looked at his car for a moment loading everything up and sneaking the treats into the back when he was sure his sister wasn't looking. "Fine, but i'm telling you that everyone drives that speed on that highway you're gonna end up getting us hit or honked at." He said though the chances of anyone being on the street now that the sun was setting was much much lower.
Akemi lifted a brow, but didn't say anything... not for a long while, anyway. A playful little smile curving her lips, not to mention mischief sparkling in the girl's eyes, she laughed a little while they approached the register. "I really doubt 'everyone' drives at that crazy speed, on that highway or anywhere else. I just don't want to die before we get back." It was easy to unload everything on the counter, though she couldn't resist teasing her new older brother on his secret purchase. Maybe she should've waited until later to say anything, but what's the fun in that? Huh?

"Please don't tell me you bought something pervy," Akemi pretended to whine, even going so far as to roll her eyes in a dramatic fashion.

"I know you're a boy, and there's raging hormones and everything... I just really don't want to walk in on you... doing 'your thing'." How horrifying would that be? Akemi doesn't have enough experience with boys to say that she's used to that sort of thing... but she's read enough books to know a thing or two, at least!

"Then again, I can't say much about that sort of thing," Akemi said with a nonchalant shrug. "I've never even been kissed before. I can't imagine doing 'that' to myself, you know?" It took about... five, maybe ten seconds before she realized what she'd just blurted out, and to her new brother, of all people. Deep red washed over her features in an instant. "And... there I go, rambling again!" Akemi laughed, looking anywhere but at him while rubbing the back of her neck. "Is there a hole I can climb into-?"
Makoto looked at her for a moment as she asked if he had picked up something perverted, he looked at her for a moment, as she started to panic and want to climb into a hole, as she confessed that she had never masturbated, and he just looked at her like she was an alien. She was sixteen how in the world had she never masturbated before? it seemed almost impossible. She seemed interested in boys. He blinked slowly just thinking over how to handle his response but couldn't handle it.

"Wait so you've never masturbated? that's like... really weird. I mean no offense but I don't think that's how growing up works. I mean they go over it in health class, it's natural. Also I have a computer so who pays for porn?" He shook his head, seriously in the digital age who payed for porn.

When she asked if there was a hole she could crawl into he pointed at a ravine. "I mean that's a hole for you." He shrugged. "Seriously who doesn't masturbate, it's great for stress relief and it's perfectly natural. I do it almost every night."

With that he walked to his seat. "Tell you what, drive us home, and when we get out of the car, I'll tell you what I bought if you hug me." he chuckled a bit as the demand seemed a bit awkward but this was something he couldn't explain otherwise.
"Yeah! No! I haven't!" Are her ears melting off? It sure feels like it. "I just... never tried it," Akemi confessed, mortification practically dripping off the words and splattering all over the poor girl's feet. "I either never had time, or I was too tired to try... or too shy. It was always something. I'm sorry if I'm not 'normal'," Akemi huffed, using her fingers as quotation marks around the words she wants to put emphasis on. Dark red was just turning darker on her pale skin. "I was helping Dad pay the bills, and I was more worried about homework than about exploring my body. I get it, I'm weird."

Is she getting defensive? Probably. Akemi has every right to be, though. It's not as though she had the same opportunities as everybody else to explore her sexuality. Her life was chaotic. Not only did she have to worry about bullying, she had to hurry off to a part-time job, keep that a secret from her father, and finishing off her homework at a halfway decent time. Don't even get her started on essays, or projects! Ugh! Akemi opened the door of the car, nearly throwing the bags into the back seat.

No, wait; is he serious? Not expecting that to come out of his mouth, Akemi blinked at him while sliding into the driver's seat. "You... want me to hug you? Seriously?" Incredulous, Akemi shook her head. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I got the vibe you didn't like to be touched too much."

A twist of the wrist had the car starting with a roar. "I mean, I don't know why that is, I just get the feeling, you know?" A shrug rolled through her shoulders and, after a quick glance over her shoulder, pulled out of the parking spot. Akemi was a better driver than he was, even if it's because she had a lot of practice... without a learner's permit. Hey, how was she supposed to get from Point A to Point B? Or, to be more specific, from the house to her job?
Makoto just kinda nodded "trust me i don't, but this will make sense when we get home." as for the fact that she was a ripe tomato she was adorable. As she started to drive he started to point out what she was doing wrong, helping her out showing he could drive sanely, but just seemingly chose not too. Aside from that he was prepping himself for what was going to come up next.

He sat as the car went along the roads in a calm orderly fashion basically just counting seconds till they reached the highway, and then when they did he leaned back. "You're on your own here." He said waiting for it.

And then two cars blitzed past them, one of which honked it's horn loudly as it passed them on the right doing 130, where Makoto had just done ninety. The driver stuck his hand out the window to flip them off, Makoto just leaned back in his seat feeling justified. "Such a good driver."

He wondered if he should appologize for his normal remark, but honestly normal was the kind of thing he wished he was. When they finally got home he just unclipped his seat belt and stepped out stretching himself for a moment. "Okay ready when you are."
"Jerk," Akemi grumbled darkly, halfway tempted to flip him off herself. "I'm going the speed limit. As in, what the law requires us to abide by." A quick look over in the passenger seat showed a smug Makoto, just sitting back and enjoying the show. "Hush," she huffed, her eyes going back to the road. Where do these people learn how to drive? Makoto's awful, but it looks like others in this town are just as bad, if not worse!

It was a relief to get off the highway, and it was smooth sailing from there. Hardly anyone is out at this late hour. Akemi turned into the long driveway, and after shifting the car into park, climbed out of the driver's seat. "Look," she said on a sigh.

"We don't have to do this. I was just teasing you about the porn thing. You don't have to tell me what you bought if you don't want to, just like this hug thing. I love hugs, but I'm not going to force myself on you. I mean, you just don't me you're not a touchy-feeling guy."

Akemi closed the door, moving to fetch the groceries out of the back. "Come on, let's head on inside. I'm sure your dad is starving by now," Akemi said on a laugh, already twisting towards the door. "I'm surprised your stomach hasn't started growling already."
"This will make a lot more sense if you just do as i ask, and hug me." taking a bag as well he walked with her inside the house. He understood that she wasn't going to understand and he wasn't about to force himself onto her in any physical way. his main fear was that he had no idea which bag the dog treats were in at this point, was it in one of the ones he was carrying or in her bag.

It wasn't that he didn't like the idea of touchy freely moments, if anything he desperately wanted them, but he had never had any experience with anyone from outside his family, in all honesty part of him was curious. she was his half sister did that count? It had counted when his mother had hugged him as a child, so it probably would probably trigure this way too. He looked to his dad wondering if he could get any ideas from him about how to explain what he was trying to demonstrate. Walking into the kitchen with her.

"I've only ever met a few other girls my age, i'm not against the touchy kind of thing, but this isn't really about it, seriously it's important to me that you do this. It will help me explain a lot of things." He said rolling his eyes, great now he was the creepy one, all because he was afraid of his dirty little secret getting out, and it wasn't even that dirty.

He glanced around hoping that their dad wasn't around. He couldn't see him, so he could assume that the man had gone to his bedroom to take a nap while she made dinner.
Now this is just getting weird. Is he seriously insisting that she hug him? Why? Akemi let out a sigh, putting everything down on the counter. "You're starting to sound pretty damn creepy about this whole thing," she dared to speak up, not even looking over his way while she pulled out a box of noodles from one of the bags. "I mean, it's not a big deal. Like I said before, I was just teasing you about the porn thing, and you don't have to tell me what you bought. You have a right to keep secrets, just like everybody else."

How is this important? It's just a hug! It's not like it's the end of the world or anything! Akemi twisted around to face him, both arms crossing under her breasts as she leaned back against the counter. Of course, this only served to make the white blouse tighten across her breasts... as if to show off their generous shape without revealing any of the skin. "If you're so intent on this, why don't you just tell me instead?" she told him, exasperation clear in her tone. "I'm not going to judge. I'm not against hugs, either, but you're really starting to creep me out with all of... that."

A hand lifted to gesture towards him, though only half-heartedly. Akemi waited for an explanation, not expecting one anytime soon... and she wasn't surprised to find no words flying her way. Figures. "Okay, fine," she said on a sigh, her expression one that's obviously not very pleased. "I feel like I'm being coerced into a hug, but whatever. Let's get it out of the way, shall we?" Both hands waved to portray fake enthusiasm.

Let's get this done and over with. Akemi pushed away from the counter, arms spread wide to accept this hug.
Oddly Makoto didn't seem exactly hype to hug her, but went in anyway once it was clear that the argument was done with. The moment her arms enclosed around him their was a large wash of smoke. when the cloud of smoke cleared Makoto was gone, but he had been replaced by a large black dog and a pile of his clothing was on the floor. huffed and managed to put two paws on the counter his nose going through the bags finding what he had purchased.

With dog treats in jaw, Makoto walked a few steps away from her, and sat on the floor putting down the dog treats. "This is embarrassing as all hell, but here you have it." He said gesturing to himself, and the dog treats. "This is why mom probably never told anyone about us. our family has a bit of a curse. Are you familiar with the story of the zodiac?" He moved a paw to scratch the back his ear for a moment it had been a long time since he had actually taken this form, and he didn't usually do so for very long.

"basically god hosted a feast and invited his friends the 13 animals, mouse was a dick gave the cat the wrong time so god cursed the animals." He gave his fur coat a bit of a shake. "The Sohma are decendants of those animals. The curse can be broken, true love, blah blah you know the fairy tail, till then whenever we are embraced by a member of the opposite gender or we get weak, we revert to this state. And that's why I sometimes buy these." He picks up the fake jerky treats. "Comfort food, okay that's what i bought."

"I figured you were bound to learn about this sooner or later. Best to rip off the band-aid early."
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No... way. This can't be real! A cloud of smoke had Akemi stumbling, her back colliding with the counter rather painfully. A rustle of... fabric caught her attention, only... where did he go? His clothes are just a pile on the floor! Please don't tell her he's dead! How is she going to explain this to their father?! Wait. Calm down. There's gotta be a rational explanation for this! All sorts of flustered, Akemi was waving her hands to try and calm down, cool off, something along those lines... when she noticed a large black... dog?

Okay. Seriously. What's going on here? Akemi is totally freaking out here! All of the color drained from her face, her eyes providing the only color now. "You're... a dog?" Akemi spoke up finally, incredulous. How is this even possible?! The Zodiac is nothing but an astrology story, ain't it? A hand reached up to pinch herself, just to see if this is a dream or not. "Ow!" No way. This is real? It's so tempting to make a bad pun, it really is. Would it be wrong to throw it out there? Probably. Is she going to do it anyway? Oh yeah.

"Does this mean you know the 'doggy position' better than anyone?" Akemi tried to hold it in, she really did. It's just... How could she resist?! This isn't funny, though. True love is the only way to break the curse? Isn't that just a fairy tale? Not once has she ever believed in it, personally. Akemi began to play with the pleats of her skirt, not entirely sure what to say now. It explains the 'seasonal allergies' bit, but... she feels kinda bad for him. "I'm sorry this curse is on your family," Akemi finally told him, though it sort of feels... odd to blurt it out. "I really am."
Makoto has to admit that he kind of enjoyed the look of panic across her face. It was kind of priceless, if he had thumbs he would have taken a pic with his cell or recorded a video as she freaked out. He nodded when she called him out and said that he was a dog. "Yeah, sad lot all around. I mean I wish I could have met mom again to ask why she walked off, but i mean I think it's pretty obvious, who wants a puppy for a son?" His new height put his face at height with his new sisters stomach, and as she started to play with her skirt his head tilted slightly wondering if he could take a look at her panties thanks to all this. "There are others like me, and I'm sure you will meet them in time."

Her comment about the doggy position made him surpress a growl. "Your kidding right the girl who has never touched herself is seriously going to come at me with that kind of thing? Besides, just because I am a dog doesn't mean I like dogs. I like women, human women. You wanted to know why i don't seem touchy feely? this is it."

He got up from his seated position and stretched his body out for a bit. As he did his head naturally ducked down allowing his vision to dip down below her skirt and see what she was wearing under her skirt. "True love is a load of shit, dad broke this curse cause he fell head over heals for our mom, but she ran off with your dad, and really who would ever want a dog in their bed, get real." He turned and walked away padding up to his room. "Call me when dinner's ready, when i revert to being human again, I need to put on clothing."
”Huh? A puppy for a son?” Akemi couldn’t help but consider the idea, though she didn’t really have to. Her expression thoughtful, Akemi curled a finger under her lip, her eyes intent on nothing in particular. ”I think… it’d be fun to have a puppy for a son,” Akemi realized after thinking about it long and hard. ”I mean, it’d be lonely, because I’d never be able to hold my son… but there’s so many things we’d be able to do together!” A soft, delighted laugh dancing through the air, it was a good… minute or so before she realized that he didn’t actually ask for her opinion, but asking a redundant question. It didn’t take long to die of embarrassment on the inside. Akemi fought the urge to bury her face in shame.

Uh oh. Awkward! Quick! Talk about something else! Akemi decided to blurt out the first thing that came to mind, even if it’s the most ridiculous thing in the world. Anything had to be better, right? “You’re right. True love is nothin’ but a fairy tale,” Akemi huffed, taking this opportunity to gather his clothes together. ”I’ve never believed in it. I just… I don’t know what it is, I guess I’m sort of a cynic when it comes to love? Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to someday find somebody I can settle down with, have kids with and all that… but true love? Please. I don’t believe that one person is meant to be with another. It just doesn’t sound right.”

Akemi climbed up onto her feet, his clothes in her arms. ”I’ll call you once dinner’s ready,” she chirped, not entirely sure if she should hand his clothes over, or… if he plans on getting himself a new set. Maybe she should leave it up to him? ”I’ll just… get started on it, then…” Akemi placed his clothes on the counter, and leaving it at that, she turned to where all the bags are, taking out the hamburger meat first. It takes longer to cook, and she wants to drain the grease before doing anything else to it. Noodles can pretty much be left alone to cook, luckily.
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