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A Dog's Bitch (Fruits Basket, East and Frogger)


Mar 17, 2012

"But I don't want a new girl in my house." The idea of someone else living here was already kind of offensive to him. He didn't want to have to share anything, he had been an only child for the majority of his life, he had never even met the girl they were calling his half sister.

Despite the fact that the curse is supposed too only break for true love, a woman had managed to get far enough along with his father that it had broken. His father the former dog, had this stupid sense of loyalty that probably ended up causing the curse to be broken in the first place. Unfortunately his mother had only stuck with him for about two years before her own human disloyalty had caused her to up and leave with another mans child in her belly.

He had never met the other woman, or the child that had come from it. Aside from school he had lived his entire life in the compound of the Sohma main family house hold. His interactions with the outside world were limited, and he had never cared to explore them.

So the thought of them bringing this stranger into his territory was frustrating and annoying. However the woman whom had donated her eggs was now dead, and the father of this other child had apparently up and left, which meant that now at the age of 18, he was getting a half sister.

The thought did not thrill him.

"She's not even a Sohma, just because your curse broke doesn't mean you get to bring some brat into our house." Only apparently that was exactly what that meant because no matter how he tried to beg and plead for this not to happen they were still in a car going towards the court house to fill out the last of the paperwork and bring the girl home to live with them.

To say that Makoto was sulking was an understatement. His father was a silent impassive wall, only ever really saying that the girl needed them, and it was the least they could do.

"Can't we just let her go to some orphanage she will be in the system for like two years tops." Again no reply came, and deep down Makoto knew that they couldn't. He knew full well that they couldn't just send some girl off to the market to live alone without family. There was that sense of empathy in him.

He just really didn't want to share a room. When they got out of the car they were escorted to the office where the documentation and the girl would be waiting.
Akemi Fujioka

Oh boy. Akemi is nervous. No, that’s the understatement of the century. If the sweaty palms are anything to go by… she’s having a frickin’ panic attack! Then again… she’s about to meet a man that, apparently, her mother used to be with way back in the day, and a… half-brother? ‘Oh boy’ doesn’t begin to cover it!

How is she supposed to handle this? It’s not everyday she gets to meet a man that’s… sorta like a stepfather, or a half-brother! Ugh! Akemi began to pace up and down the corridor, much to the receptionist’s irritation. Yeah, she knew. Of course she knew. Ever since she plopped her butt down in a seat, she’s been getting nothing but the evil eye, but she’s just gonna have to get over herself, now, isn’t she? Mean old bat. At least nobody else is around. Yet.

Akemi paused by one of the large windows, just to glance out. It looks like she’ll have to wait a little bit longer. It’s nice out, though. A few flowers are opening up, as if to show off their spring colors, and drops of dew are sparkling on the grass, on the green leaves.

Maybe it’d help her anxiety if she had something to eat? Maybe, but the receptionist would have a conniption fit if she brought a crumb of food in here. Ugh! Akemi placed a hand over her grumbling stomach, only to sigh and start pacing again. There isn’t much else she can do here, besides read.

Don’t get her wrong, she loves to read… she just can’t sit down and read right now. Not with so much going on.

Is it weird? Is it weird that she’s about to be taken in by a man she’s never met before? Akemi rubbed her hands together, only to brush her palms over her skirt. With the school year about to start, she doesn’t really have anything besides her uniform to wear… that is, not anything she can impress her new folks with. Her hair was left down, too, even though she normally puts some of it up in a side ponytail.

“I wish they’d hurry up and get here,” Akemi told the empty silence. “Put me out of my misery!” Akemi couldn’t resist throwing her hands up dramatically… but of course, her sense of humor doesn’t seem to faze the seventy-something year old lady typing away at the computer.

Fine. Be that way. Halfway tempted to stick her tongue out at her, Akemi rolled her eyes and instead plopped her happy butt down in one of the uncomfortable chairs offered to the general public. A leg went to cross over the other. Akemi crossed her arms, too, while she was at it… not that it helped things any.

I hope they won’t be too much longer. I don’t know how long I can take this waiting! A hand lifted to brush a few threads of hair behind an ear, revealing a pair of thoughtful, if not nervous, purple eyes.
Walking into the courthouse, Makoto's brown eyes were laced with judgement as he looked at Akemi. He blinked for a moment as he looked at her, he had seen a few pictures of his mother, though not many had survived the time from when she had ran off, and if he really tried too he could think back to a time almost forgotten and try to remember a face, he supposed this girl in front of him was a close approximation of that plus another.

Which only made him want to kick and fuss at the woman. He knew nothing about her aside from the fact that seeing her face she was far too cheerful for the situation. He practically hid himself behind his father for a moment as the man bowed towards the sixteen year old.

"I am Daisaku Sohma, and the man currently trying to hide behind me is Makoto, It is a pleasure to meet you Akemi." Their father seemed to give a slight shove to Makoto.

Makoto who was supposed to be the older of the two siblings at 18 years old really didn't understand just how childish he was being, but their father excused himself to go and deal with the paperwork and finalize the fact that he was now the younger woman's care taker.

Makoto for his part just walked up to the girl, he sniffed the air slightly as he looked at his half sister. The only thing to come to mind that he could say was as a very curt. "you smell weird."
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir- I mean, ah…” Akemi’s voice crumbled and disintegrated, only for embarrassment to sink its claws into her. A frustrated groan bubbled up just seconds later. “Daisaku? Do I call you that, or… something else? It seems really formal…” Akemi couldn’t help but break down laughing awkwardly, her hands brushing over the dark blue skirt. How the hell is she supposed to handle this situation? It only seems to be getting worse, too!

N-No, wait! Don’t tell her he’s-?! It was right about then that her heart dropped right into her stomach, and the acid started eating away at it. Akemi looked at the closed door, wishing more than anything she could join him inside, just simply because… well, her ‘brother’ obviously wants nothing to do with her. It’s not a good way to start things, she knows that much.

Of course… things went downright awkward, really damn fast. Akemi was trying to mind her own business, she really was… only, he didn’t seem to take it that way? No, he felt the need to try and… make fun of her? It doesn’t matter.

Huh? I smell weird? Isn't that weird to say, in of itself? Akemi thought of sniffing her sleeve, just to see if what he says is true… but she'd rather not give him the satisfaction. Besides! It wasn't even two hours ago that she hopped into the shower! How can she possibly smell anything but nice?

“Ah… Okay? And you look weird,” Akemi was quick to retaliate, but only after showing her skepticism. “I’m not complainin’, though.” Akemi flashed him a toothy grin, only to laugh moments later. “Anyway… Makoto, is it? Nice to finally meet you!” Akemi offered him a hand to shake.
Daisaku chuckled slightly when she asked what to call him. "You can call me whatever you wish Akemi, Sir, Daisuke, some pet name, dad eventually if you would so desire." He seemed genuine and warm even as he answered her question about what their name could be. He didn't really know what to tell her, before going into the office to finalize the paperwork.

Makoto was looking like he was trying not to growl for some reason, he blinked for a moment when she said that he looked weird. He knew part of that was true. He was lanky, today was a day off so he was wearing a T-shirt and some sweat pants, he was practically in his pajama's compared to her. He also looked more tired, he had been up pacing most of the night so he didn't have a lot of the leg to stand on.

When she offered him a hand he looked at it, and took a deep breath, he supposed she had just lost her family, if it had been his dad he wouldn't have much of a say in this situation either, and she hadn't done anything really offensive, she been the result of her mother running away from his dad's true love, probably because Makoto had been born with the curse.

He tried not to think about it like that, and slowly gently he took her hand. "Sorry, I..." He let out a long breath. "Sorry for your loss, I don't want to make things harder for you." The less of each other they saw probably the better in all honesty.

"It's your shampoo, I have a strong sense of smell, artificial scents tend to burn my nose." He actually sneezed after he spoke and tried to hide his wattering eyes, it was the honest truth, scented shampoos always got to him. "It's fine, you coulbn't known."
Very reluctantly, he reached out to gently take her hand. To be honest, Akemi halfway expected him to smack the thing, but he’s proven himself to be halfway decent just going this far. Neither one of ‘em wants this. If anything, Akemi prefers to have her father back among the living… only, that isn’t possible. “No, no; don’t apologize. And… thanks. I think you’re the first person that hasn’t… danced around the bush about it.”

Okay, did things just get awkward? Probably. Ugh! Akemi should’ve kept her big mouth shut! No, wait; did he say something? Big eyes that look purple in this light blink up at him, only to widen slightly. “Really? Oh. Uh… I didn’t think my shampoo would be a problem… It’s just this stuff I was borrowing…” Akemi reached up to grab a chunk of her hair, to sniff it herself and see. Yeah, she can kinda, sorta smell it, but… it isn’t so strong she’d be offended.

“I’ll have to keep that in mind. Um… Anyway…” Akemi kicked at nothing in particular, just looking for anything that can be used as a sort of… conversation starter. Only problem is? She knows next to nothing about this guy. Yeah, he’s her half-brother, but that’s all she knows. Akemi doubts they have… well, anything in common. Maybe it’d be best that she steers clear of him?

“My, um… My shampoo is bothering you, so I’ll just go take a seat waaaay over there, okay? I’ll leave you alone.” Akemi pointed a finger at the chair in question, just to flash him an uneasy smile. “You obviously want nothing to do with me, and… I can kinda understand that.” A shrug rolled through her shoulders then.
Makoto sneezed. Rubbing his eyes he didn't mind that she seemed to want to get away from him. Part of him wanted to explain that for him life was a mix of senses of a dog allergies like a human. It was a hell he didn't wish inflicted on another living being.

But when she said that he didn't want anything to do with her he blinked and shook his head. That wasn't really the case here. While yes her scent did burn him he also didn't want to make this situation harder on her, and he felt kind of bad that he already had. As she moved away from him he sniffled for a moment but the damage was done and his nose was going to hurt for a bit.

That said he still got up and moved towards her, taking a seat next to her regardless of what his nose wanted. "Sorry, I... don't get out much." He said lightly.

"I have a condition that keeps me home schooled, and as you noticed I have allergies to even week scents. So I don't really have a lot of social skills." He regretted that fact, but at the same time he didn't want to leave the girl with the thought that she would be forever unwelcome in what was supposed to be her own home.

He sighed having to breath through his mouth at this point. "It's probably a good idea to... have someone else around." He admitted. "I don't hate you, but I also don't really know you... so I have no idea what to talk about." He voiced the same thoughts she was having.
“If… it’s any consolation, I have trouble making friends.” Akemi rubbed at a shoulder this time, not meeting his eyes or anything. “I don’t know why that is. I tend to ramble every so often, but I doubt it gets on anybody’s nerves… I just don’t know why I… Ah…” It’s sort of hard to put into words. Akemi tries to reach out, she really does… and yet, she can’t seem to keep anyone as a friend… not for very long, that is.

“Anyway!” Akemi spoke up with a clap of the hands, deciding to move on from this depressing subject. “Um… I know, I get it. I haven’t really had anyone for me since Daddy ran off. I mean, I… can’t help but wonder if it had something to do with me. I don’t think I’ve done anything wrong… It’s just… It hurts, you know? And I know I’m a total stranger, and that I’m intruding in on your life and all… and I’m sorry.”

Feeling awkward all of a sudden, Akemi rubbed the back of her neck while kicking at empty air. “I don’t hate you either. I don’t know you, but… I’ve never had any siblings around. I guess this’ll be a new experience for the both of us, huh?” Akemi laughed at realizing this, flashing him a bright smile.

“Let’s see… What should we talk about?” Her purple eyes drifted up to the ceiling, her lips pursing in thought. Akemi tapped a finger against her chin, too… not that it did a lot of good or anything, it’s just an old habit. “Well, um… What’s it like being home-schooled? I’ve always gone to school,” Akemi told him with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders.

“My favorite subject… well, I don’t really have one? I guess? I like them all just fine, though I’ve gotta admit: math? It ain’t my friend.” English is alright, Biology is pretty interesting… and Geography is a royal pain, but whatever. Akemi let out a great big sigh, looking to him for any kind of input. A conversation is something that has to go back and forth, after all.
Makoto blinks for a moment as he is asked what it was like to be homeschooled. He kicks at the floor slightly trying to come up with an answer. "I suppose it's not that much different. I come from a rather large family on my dad's side of things, and me and a bunch of the other kids all take classes together because of... a condition."

He sighed he wished he could go to regular school, but no one wanted to take the risk of the curse being found out. It was a huge paradox how exactly where they supposed to find people they could fall in love with and break the curse if they were never allowed to interact with the outside world.

She was right about one thing though she rambled, a lot. He couldn't see why someone so cute though would have a hard time making friend's wait did he just think that his half sister was cute? He paused for a moment feeling slightly daft and when he realized he hadn't spoken for a number of minutes he opened his mouth to say something.

"I'm a pretty good writer." He said after a moment. "I try my best to write stories, small novels, I hope to one day become an author." Makoto blinked after a moment and got up from his seat it felt awkward always just sitting around a beurocracy.

"Do you wanna go for a walk?" He kicked the floor for a moment. "Those two could be another hour, I have some cash, and we are in downtown, we could probably get a coffee if you would like find a nice cafe."

He was pretty sheltered, and honestly didn't even know if that was a good idea, but for the moment anything was better than just sitting around and waiting, something that he was pretty sure this girl had done enough of today. "I have a phone, so dad will know where went."
A large family? Really? Akemi tried to imagine what it’d be like, having several cousins in stones’ reach, but… it’s kinda hard to. Mom died when she was little, and Dad… he never mentioned having any family, and she never met anybody that was related, so… it was just them two, for the most part. “Am I going to… take these classes, too?” Akemi couldn’t help but wonder, kicking her feet out at the empty air.

It’d be cruel if he’s stuck at the house, and she’s able to leave every morning to go off to school. Bright eyes glanced over as he spoke up, curiosity and intrigue sparkling in their depths. A smile spread across her face in just seconds. “Really? You write? Hey, that’s great,” Akemi told him on a soft laugh. “At least you’re good at something. I tend to screw everything up. If… you’re cool with it, I’d love to read some of the stories one of these days.”

Huh? A walk? Now that sounds nice! Akemi hopped up out of her seat, twirling around to face him with a bright smile. “You know what? I’d love to. I’ve been hanging out here for the past… two hours or so? I’m sick and tired of this place,” she continued on with a wrinkle of her nose. “I swear, the receptionist is pure evil. No matter what I do, I tick her off somehow.” A smack on the desk and a glare from the old bag herself was evidence enough.

Tempted to stick her tongue out at the woman, Akemi rolled her eyes and decided otherwise. “Coffee. I’m down for that. Let’s go!” Akemi leaned down to take his hand and help him out of the seat, laughing a little all the while. “How about you shoot your dad a text, so he knows where we’re going and he doesn’t worry? Huh? I know Dad… I mean, my Dad, used to worry if I go off without telling him.”

Damn. It still hurts to think about how he ran off. Akemi swallowed past the lump in her throat, and instead pasted on a big ol’ smile to hide the pain and all. “Do you know any good cafes ‘round here? I’ve never… been in this part of the city before,” she decided to throw out there with a small shrug of the shoulders.

Uh oh. Is she trying too hard? Probably. Akemi can never tell. A hand rubbing the back of her neck, Akemi went to snatch her purse up off the floor… not that she has anything too terribly important inside, it’s just an old habit. “Is it cool if I leave the rest of my stuff here?” she asked the old bat behind the desk, not really caring if she says yay or nay. Jeez. Who the heck peed in her coffee this morning?
"You're mom never told you? You have about." He looked at his hands for a moment as if trying to count on each hand. "well there are a lot of us, around 8 cousin's and more aunts and uncles than i have ever seen at one table, oh, and not just large, but wealthy and old, we're one of the land owning families in Japan. You'll see what I mean when we get to our family estate." Makoto walked along side Akemi humming slightly the lady had said that her stuff could stay, and he quickly shot a text off to his father to let him know that Makoto was taking Akemi out for a walk.

"It's unlikely you will ever meet all of them, heck even I haven't, and I lived with some of them. Me and dad used to live in the main family compound, but a while back we moved out to a stock house on the outer edge." Makoto didn't go into anymore detail as to why, it happened around the same time their mother had ran off with Akemi's father. They had been moved outside of the central home.

Makoto shook his head. "No I don't get to come into town, but, that doesn't mean I can't find us some good coffee."

He closed his eyes, sniffing the air for a moment, trying to focus, the city always burned his nose, too many artificial smells. Keeping his eyes closed however he was able to focus, and started to lead them. "Follow me, their is a good one down this way." The smell of coffee was easy to pick out, and the ritcher the blend the easier it was to follow. By the time he was done walking with her it had been about six blocks, and several turns, no way anyone could have smelled, or seen it with normal senses, he rubbed his nose and sneezed. "Here we are." He opened the door for Akemi and lead her into an elegant looking caffee.
Whoa… Seriously? I’m part of an old and wealthy family? It’s kinda hard to believe. Akemi has always thought it was just her, Dad, and the mother she can barely remember… that’s it. Her eyes drank in the sight of this unfamiliar city, her mind absorbing whatever he’s willing to tell her about the family she’s never known about. It’s just… It’s so unreal. Why didn’t anybody ever tell her about the eight cousins, the countless aunts and uncles? Akemi blinked as he told her to follow him, but seein’ as how she has no idea of how to get from Point A to Point B… she didn’t object.

“I just can’t believe it,” Akemi murmured under her breath. “Why didn’t Dad ever say anything? I’d have loved the idea of gettin’ to know everybody. I always wanted to have a bigger family…” Kicking out her feet with every step, it sure as hell didn’t take long until they reached a nice-looking cafe. In fact, it was pretty… elegant? Is that the right word? Normally Akemi wouldn’t describe a cafe as elegant, but it certainly fit the bill here. Akemi shuffled between her feet, all of a sudden feeling… uneasy. In a school uniform, she feels like she sticks out like a sore thumb.

Right in the middle was a pillar, with a black something-or-another wrapped around it to advertise their menu. It is somewhat dark, and yet chandeliers hung from the ceiling to provide ambience and lighting. Akemi definitely feels out of place here. Maybe they’re better off going somewhere else-? No, no. He decided to come here, so she should just… suck it up, right? A blush rising to her cheeks, Akemi stepped inside and looked around, playing with a few threads of hair around a finger. “Um… This is… nice…” she said first, even if it’s redundant and sort of obvious.

“Okay, so… um… Where do we-?” Akemi bit the corner of her lip, her hands pulling at her skirt now. A few bits and pieces of dark brown fell forward to brush against the girl’s cheeks. In order to try and banish this embarrassment, Akemi clapped her hands together with an awkward little laugh. “I sure hope they sell caramel frappes here!” she told him, a weak smile curving her lips. “I absolutely love ‘em! I used to order ‘em every chance I get! It’d be really refreshing… since it’s so hot out and all.” Akemi brought a hand up to tuck the strands behind an ear, just to pull at the collar of her shirt a moment later. “What are you going to get?” she asked out of curiosity, tilting her head.
"I would assume your dad probably didn't know any of this." He took a menu as the two of them found a place to sit. He avoided eye contact with his half sister, mostly because he didn't really know what to tell her when it came to their family and why she didn't know. He had some memories of the family back when he had a mom, but not a lot. So how exactly was he supposed to comment on that. Plus there was the fact that their grandfather had the ability to erase memories, it was a very real possibility that his mother may not have even remembered he existed past the point of leaving their family, a fact that was... truamatic to say the least.

"I don't remember much of our mom, but enough to remember there was a lot of fighting between her and dad before she ran off with your father. She may have never looked back, or said anything to your father. She ran off when i was like 4, so I don't have a lot of context and my dad never talks about her, there are a couple of photo's i've seen but they are all in a box in the storage room. For most of my life it was like the woman just didn't exist." One memory stuck out, a time when he had asked his father if he was to blame, if he had done something to make his mom run off, His dad had pulled him into an embrace and just kinda cried. He never got an answer, which in a way was it's own confirmation.

Taking a deep breath as the truamatic memory subsided he sighed and leaned back into his seat looking up at the ceiling this place had quality stuff, but now that he was taking in the atmosphere that was probably because this place was wildly more expensive than he could comprehend. His dads credit card would probably take a beating. "Probably, all you need is a blender, some instant coffee, and a few flavoring syurups, i work as a barrista during the winter months, i can't work during spring or summer too many allergies."

"I worked as a barista for a winter, had to quit when spring rolled around too many allergies." He looked at the coffee shops menu. "I'll be getting a mochaccino, I am a sucker for chocolate."

He chuckled for a moment, at least he had one thing going for him over regular dogs, being a human did give him all the advantages of an actual human rather than having to worry about what he ate, or worse having to eat dog food. Though the few times he had eaten dog food he hadn't found it bad... not that he would ever admit that.
“You kinda make it sound like my favorite drink is just a cheap excuse of coffee,” Akemi said on an awkward laugh, though she didn’t hold it against him. “I’m sorry, I just don’t know a lot about coffee. I’ve never had a chance to try every kind of brew.” Akemi placed a hand on her chest in a dramatic fashion, putting special emphasis on her last words. “I’m just not as… what’s the right word for it… I’m just not as… fancy as you are, I guess.” A shrug rolling through her shoulders, Akemi placed her hands on the table, if only to bang a happy little tune on top of it. “Hm… I might as well grab myself a snack, too…” she murmured, taking a second look at the menu.

Akemi glanced over at him with a bright, cheeky sort of smile. “Oh yeah? I’m a sucker for chocolate, too. Always have, always will be. I just like to mix it up every now and then, or else I’ll get tired of it.” A hand lifted to brush a few pieces of dark brown hair behind an ear, only it lingered there as her eyes returned to the menu posted on the pillar. “Let me see… they’ve got bagels, cake… cupcakes, the whole nine yards, huh? How’s a girl supposed to choose?” Akemi chuckled a little under her breath, a hint of a smile pulling at her lips. “I think I’ll order a chocolate chip mocha frappe this time ‘round… with a big slice of Devil’s Food cake!” It sounds downright sinful. More than likely, she’ll regret it later, but right now? Oh hell no!

“Do you want anything else besides your fancy mochaccino?” Akemi placed a hand on the table, about to get her lazy butt up and put in their order. “I have to get something else to satisfy my sweet tooth!” A laugh filled the air only seconds later, Akemi flashed him a bright smile. “I probably should get something ‘healthy’, but I’m not really in the mood for anything like that.” Akemi rose up out of her seat, waiting for an answer. A hand lingered on the table, her eyes on him with a smile still playing along her lips somewhat.
"Cheap is not a word I associate with Coffee." Makoto put a hand over his chest as if he was offended, but could easily tell that his half sister was joking. He didn't know if he was softening up towards this other or not. He still wasn't sure he wanted her around his home, and he knew things would get awkward as some point. She was going to learn about their family after all. Then again contact between him and the others of his family didn't activate the curse, so why would she?

Taking a moment to close his eyes and sniff at the air again he tried to decide what he wanted to eat without really looking at the menu. The problem with doing it like that told him a lot of different things, but not really how they tasted, and pastries lacked strong scents. "I'll go with a Danish. The chery one preferably, and hey sweet tooths are great, don't let anyone boss you into eating stuff you don't want. And I agree, screw health food, lets go crazy sugar for days."

He chuckled awkwardly unsure what he was saying but trying to remain calm. He pulled out his dad's card, and seeing the hand lingering on the table reached out for it, taking her hand as he got up from the table. He was originally just going to pass the card to her, but for some reason he suddenly felt like... holding hands, he shook his head, but didn't let her go alone, not really sure why he was acting so weird today. "I did say I was paying."
A cherry Danish, huh? Akemi wouldn’t’ve pegged him to pick cherry over chocolate, but then again… she’s just getting to know him. “I’d hate to tell you this… If I don’t get bullied into eating my fruits and veggies once in a while, I’d be eatin’ nothing but caramel and chocolate.” Akemi laughed at herself under her breath, just to blink as her hand is taken hostage. As strange as it’s gonna sound, her heart sort of… flipped over inside her chest, only to start racing… and a little faster than she liked.

“Uh… I don’t think you did? I mean, I don’t mind paying. I’ve got a little cash on me…” It isn’t much, but it should be plenty to cover the cost. Akemi blushed a little darker as she came to realize that his hand is… really warm, gentle, too. What the hell? What’s wrong with her? This is her brother she’s thinking about! Granted, half-brother… but still! The tips of her ears burning, Akemi offered him a little smile while following him to the counter. Alright, it’s sort of weird that they’re holding hands… and yet, not really?

In line, Akemi was shuffling between her feet. It was sort of cute. A hand lifted to brush threads of dark brown behind an ear, and with her shifting like she is, it’s hard not to notice how the white blouse of her school uniform clings to her breasts. The skirt doesn’t do much in hiding her long, slender legs either. “Ah… Y-You know, I don’t want to have to rely on you guys for everything…” Akemi spoke up, biting the corner of her lip. “I already plan on getting myself a part-time job, to help out with bills and stuff. I just… I know neither of you knew about me, and that I’m sort of barging into your lives…”
"A couple of hours ago, I would have said great, but." The truth was she was starting to grow on him. He could hear the intesifying of her heart rate when he took her hand, and he could only really smile at that. He couldn't help but think that he kind of liked her, that this felt a bit more like a date, though it was one under tragic origins. The truth was he didn't get out much not this time of year, and he had never once had. "You've kinda grown on me, so i'm gonna pay. Also like yeah you could contribute, but did you hear the part where our family is rich? You really don't have too work unless you want too. I do it as a way to get out of the house in the winter."

Walking beside her he was insistent to put the bill on the credit card and paid for their meal, the waitress looking at them still holding hands, and saying one of the most awkward lines imaginable. "Well aren't you too a cute little couple enjoying your date?" Before the two had a chance to reply she put an additional slice of chocolate cake on the table free of charge for the two of them to share thinking they were some sort of new couple.

He let go of Akemi's hand only so far as to take the food, and didn't correct the waitress, after all why give up free food just because this was his sister and not his girlfriend? He was already thinking this kind of felt like a date. His face did go slightly red at the idea that they made some sort of cute coupling. He blinked for a few moments as he walked back to their table, their drinks being made and would be brought to them.

Did he say anything? was this getting awkward. He swallowed and figured he needed to say something. It's just that he chose to say the worst thing. "I mean we would be cute."
”I don’t care if our family is rich or not,” Akemi huffed, even going so far as to pout. ”It doesn’t feel right to rely on everyone else… though we’re related… I want to help out in whatever way I can.” Wait, what? Akemi didn’t expect to hear that, not so soon. The girl broke out into a bright smile, and she couldn’t help but laugh a little, though she’s blushing pink. ”Really? Well. You’ve kinda grown on me. I think you’re going to be a great older brother.” Akemi smiled up at him, only… the waitress behind the counter just had to say one of the most awkward lines in existence. In the blink of an eye, Akemi blushed dark red. Did they really look like a couple-?

Are the tips of her ears melting off? It sort of feels like it. Uh oh. Akemi had to reach up, just to make sure, and a relieved sigh left her lips shortly after. It’s definitely… embarrassing? Yes and no. It doesn’t feel like the right word to use. It’s… awkward, yeah, awkward… to be mistaken as a girlfriend instead of a sister. Following him back to their table, Akemi sat down and went to nervously play with her skirt. Does she say anything? If she doesn’t, they’ll be sitting in silence forever…

Huh?! What? Dark purple lifted up off the floor, just to look incredulously at him. It didn’t take long for her face to take on hints of shock… and then melt into amusement. ”Ah… You’re kidding, right?” Akemi blurted out, using her hair as a distraction, twisting a piece of it ‘round and ‘round her finger. ”I-I mean… I don’t know about all that… I’m not cute at all, in case you haven’t noticed. I’ll play along just this once, cause of free cake, but…”

No way. He can’t be serious. Akemi swallowed past the lump in her throat, now taking this opportunity to look anywhere but at him. Her fingers were now playing with the pleats of her skirt, revealing the girl’s long, slender legs… ever so slightly toned from who-knows-what. A leg kicked out after a little while, and then the other. Akemi has no idea what to say, now that that’s been thrown out there. It’s just… sort of hard to speak up, or think of anything.
When Akemi blurted out that he had to be joking Makoto's reaction was almost immediate, his eyes lowered and he for a moment it was like someone had just called him bad or insulted him. A bit of the cheeriness in his face was gone, and he lifted up his drink and took to it quickly trying to wash away the disapointment with the taste of chocolate.

Just for a moment he had been able to kind of pretend that he had a normal life, and then that was gone quickly. When she called herself not cute, he shook his head, but didn't say any more on the matter. He had found her at least a little attractive and cute, but now he felt like if he said anything on the subject he would just end up furthering the devide between them. Instead he just tried to focus on something anything else. She had just called him a good older brother he supposed that was good.

"Sorry." His eyes a little more downcast as he sighed and went to the Danish. if nothing else food could shut him up for the moment. He just shrugged. He knew from a young age that he was never going to get things like dates, even if it had been pretend it would have been nice.

"We should find something else to talk about." Despite the desire to continue talking about what had just happened, he knew he had to change the topic somehow otherwise he was going to get sad again. "So what are you studying towards? Do you have a goal in mind like university?"
Oh. Oh no. Akemi can sense the... the... disappointment? Is that right? It doesn't really matter, she's hurt his feelings. "I-I didn't mean it, not like that..." How the hell is she going to explain? Akemi's halfway tempted to dig a hole and bury herself in it. "I just... I..." A hand began to rub up and down an arm, only to play with the tips of her hair moments later.

"Alright. I'm gonna be completely and totally honest." Dark purple eyes lifted up off the floor to look at the brother she just met not even an hour ago, and who's intent to look anywhere else but her. "I think you're cute, Makoto. I mean... I can't date you, but if I could, I'd definitely... you know... blush and stutter every time I get close to you, and I'd awkwardly shuffle between my feet. I'm flattered that somebody thinks we're a cute couple. It's just... I've never dated anybody before, so... it's..."[/b] Akemi started to rub the back of her neck next.

"Let's, uh... Let's talk about something else. Ah. I... I do have a goal in mind for university, only... I don't think I'll ever be able to make it. I'm not very bright. I want to be an anthropologist," Akemi just about threw out there, sort of like a peace offering only in the form of words instead of an actual present or anything.

Does he know what that means? Maybe. Akemi hates to assume, and yet... A finger began to trace up the glass, through the drops of condensation. "Um... What are you studying towards?" she decided to ask next, the tips of her ears burning all over again. "Or... do you want to go to university?"
"I can't date." Makoto admitted. His eyes didn't really want to go look up, but at the confession that she thought he was cute he couldn't help but smile at least a little. He looked up for a moment and a blush was practically written across his face as he did. He sighed as he looked at his sister, this was clearly a conversation that neither of them really wanted to have. "Don't get me wrong, it's not forbidden or anything, and If we could... well I'll be honest you are kinda way out of my league in terms of looks."

"I'm sick, a lot, so I don't actually get to go out. I don't think I'll ever get to have a real date." It was the excuse he was so practiced at using that he almost believed it himself. He wanted that human connection, but he knew full well that it was impossible. He sighed and just ate his food, chuckling when she said she was studying to be an anthropologist, and letting the old conversation die. The thing about the excuse was that it made him sound like some cancer patient.

"I'd love to go to university, but... Well I won't be able too, Highschool already proved too hard for me." Sixteen different instances of the curse popping up and peoples memories needing to be erased. It was out of the 13 of them the highest number in the family.

"Basically I get to serve out the rest of this year, and then after that unless I can convince others that I'm strong enough or something changes, I just kind of get to lay around the complex for the rest of my life." He shrugged, and finished his drink and danish. "Sorry I've somehow made this even more depressing for you now. We should get the chocolate cake to go, dad is alergic to it, but we could at the least save it for later and start getting back to him, the paperwork is done."

He held up his phone showing the text from his dad saying to come back whenever they could.
Wait, what? No. Did she just imagine that he-? Akemi blushed at least five shades darker, to the point it was impossible to ignore… or play off as nothing. Her heart sort of flipped over inside her chest, only to plummet into her stomach for whatever reason. "I-I-I'm not... I'm not that cute or anything..." Akemi bit the corner of her lip now, not entirely sure if she should let the subject drop, or continue on a rant. Yeah... No. "I'm sorry you don't really... get a chance to go out very often. I, um... I don't get sick but... once every... year or so, but... I..."

Uh oh, there she goes. Is she imploding? Probably. Ooh... Akemi decided to cut it off right then and there, to dive head-first into a totally different conversation. "I don't see why you can't go! To university, I mean. Isn't there... sites online that you can take the classes?" Akemi's lips parted as she thought it over, a leg kicking out at empty space. "I'll admit, high school was... pretty hard for me, too. I'm not the most popular girl. I didn't have any friends, and not for lack of trying, I just..." A shrug rolled through her shoulders next.

"I guess I'm not... sociable? I don't know. I'm trying not to let it get to me. I'm just a lone wolf." Akemi leaned in to take a sip of her frappe, not realizing that she's giving him a bit of a view. Tendrils of dark brown fell from behind a shoulder, and a hand was quick to whip up and brush the strands behind an ear.

Dark purple blinked as she read the message, just for a noise of confirmation to follow. Akemi wiped her lips to get rid of the little bit of whipped cream that had gotten there, and began to get up out of her seat. "Okay. Um. How about I get these to go, too?" she asked, a finger gesturing back and forth between the two drinks. "I know we haven't gotten our treats yet, either, so... I'll ask them to put them in some containers." Akemi flashed him a bright smile before spinning away to do just that.

Of course, she had absolutely no idea how many eyes were drinkin' in the sight of her long legs, of how high the school skirt flirted...
Makoto blinked for a moment when she mentioned university online courses, he had genuenly never thought about that before. Probably because some parts of the family barely owned a computer and didn't really know how one functioned. He himself had an old beat up PC, but with his savings he could probably get a better one. At the same time she was embarassed as all get out and he had to admit that the blush on her face despite her denial of not being cute she was probably the most adorable woman he had ever met. "Yeah maybe not cute, but you are adorable."

More and more he was starting to notice the more sexual trates of the woman he was sitting next. His sister was physically very attractive, and watching her legs as she turned to get their drinks in a to go cup he blinked yep she definetly had an ass under that skirt, he had to wonder just how round and firm it was, heck her cleavage had been almost perky. He had to shake his head free of that thought she had already explained why that wasn't an option. "I actually hadn't thought of that before. A lot of the family barely knows how to work a cellphone let alone a computer, so it's not something that comes up in conversation all that often. Don't worry our house is one of the few that has wifi."

He wouldn't deny he wanted to see more of her. At the same time it wasn't like he could just ask. Taking the food and walking along side her to go back to the government center. He sneezed when he got outside, the alergies hitting him like a wall as his nose burned and his head felt like it had just been stepped on due to the force of the sneeze which he had barely managed to put into his shoulder. "Uhg."

Makoto hid his nose for a moment trying to breath through a cloth to help dampen the effects of the pollen. Walking back towards the government building he was greatful to get back inside the car after helping Akemi with her luggage. Their father meeting them. He patted Akemi's head. "Well it's all done now, you are officially a Sohma, welcome to the family. Come lets get you home so you can unpack."
"Ah... Yeah, that's not really something I'm too worried about? I don't have a cellphone, and I definitely don't have a laptop." Money was sort of hard to come by when it was just her and Dad... Every so often, the electricity was turned off in their apartment because he forgot to pay the bill, or the water didn't heat up. Akemi tried to help out where she could, but Dad refused to let her, since it was 'her job to be a kid, not an adult'. Maybe that's part of the reason she can't seem to make friends very easily: cause she can't relate. Almost all of the other teenagers have one or the other, right? It only makes sense...

Dark purple eyes, so much like their mother's, blinked up at the man he just met an hour or so ago. A small tilt of the head had pieces of dark brown brushing against a cheek. "Akemi... Sohma?" she recited to herself softly, just to laugh a little under her breath. "It doesn't sound half-bad!" It's going to take some getting used to, of course, but that'll just take time. Akemi went to slide in next to her older brother, not really sure what to expect of her new home. Makoto mentioned that she's part of a large, wealthy family... but all she's ever known is the small, cramped apartment she and her father lived in for several years. Does this mean she'll have a room of her own?! Akemi fiddled with the pleats of her skirt, nervous all of a sudden.

The drive was a lot longer than she thought it'd be. Miles and miles of trees went off into the distance... and as pretty as it all is, she couldn't really focus. Maybe it has to do with the fact she didn't sleep very well last night? Akemi was so anxious about this whole... ordeal, she couldn't get to sleep until some ungodly hour in the morning, and she had to get up super early just to be at the courthouse. Her eyes feel really heavy...

A great big yawn nearly breaking her jaw, Akemi blinked sleepily... shifting over to rest her cheek on Makoto's shoulder. "Mind wakin' me up when we get there...?" she murmured. "I'm just really tired..." A hand came up to rub at an eye, but of course that didn't help things any. Akemi's whole body rolled a little to press in closer to him. "Is that okay...? If not, I can move, it's just that... your shoulder is a nice pillow..."
The great thing about being in a car was the feeling of wind on his face when he lowered his window and enjoyed the country side drive. Slowly he could feel the weight on his shoulder as his sister, Akemi now a Sohma started to lean on him, and then fall asleep on him. He sighed for a moment when she murmured he agreed to wake her up when they arrived. "It's fine Akemi, You've had a long day, just don't drool on me."

When Akemi was passed out he jokingly said that he wished he had a marker. Part of him kinda wished he could draw kitty whiskers on her face. He sighed he brushed his hand against her thigh, a small gesture and one that their father couldn't see. He was uncomfortable sure because a woman was touching him, but he looked at his dad a soft smile on his face. "I'm keeping her."

It got a chuckle out of him, but their dad didn't know that Makoto was very serious in that statement. Two hours latter he gently started to rouse Akemi. Shaking her shoulder so that she could get up as the car rolled to a stop in their new home. He unbuckled them, and got out onto the dirt road that marked their house. "Like I said we don't live on the main compound, so our home is pretty well tucked away."

The house was a two story cabin, large for it's size but isolated by it's surroundings. He moved to show her around pointing out the small pond. "This is a fish pond, we tend to have some Koi in it, but around back, if you hike like a mile we actually have a lake on the property for swimming, oh and did i mention that all of this." He gestured to the mountain range. "This is our families home. We own this shit."
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