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[Star Wars] Privateer (OoCc)

............ That is pretty different from the Sith Alchemy Talent tree from the Jedi Training Academy :-/ Going to have to mull it over and think about it now, might not go that route after all. I see her as more of a very focused specialist if she goes that route, so....

Will be mulling it over.
May be adding droid later, either in rp or sometime before we get strarted. Here's what I have so far for Bysk, let me know if I did everything right. XD
RPG-Girl said:
............ That is pretty different from the Sith Alchemy Talent tree from the Jedi Training Academy :-/ Going to have to mull it over and think about it now, might not go that route after all. I see her as more of a very focused specialist if she goes that route, so....

Will be mulling it over.

Well, if you want to go for the whole Sith apprentice prestigue class (which has that Sith Alchemy Talen Tree option)...

Minimum Heroic Level: 7th
Trained Skill: Use the Force
Feats: Force Sensitivity, Weapon proficiency (lightsaber)
Dark Side Score: must be equal to wisdom, if it ever become less, you loose all class features...
Must be member of the Sith tradition. As in being the apprentice of a Sith Lord. Which was recently one Master and one Apprentice in the whole galaxy... So wait for it.

But if you go that way, then you get the talent tree use possibility too, I promise.
Fair enough enough, and my bad there :p Still, would be looking into the first option then, likely just taking one level of Jedi, as she delves into the dark lore... before going back to noble for the most part. Really, only real thing she would do with the Force is the Alchemy... and may help the party and any minions as needed via... experiments.
Just never forget, that where you need to spend a dark force point, that "help" is forever marked in the Force as Dark.
And sensitives could feel it. The good guys and the bad guys too.

It is lucky that you usually have to only spend a force point, and it can be good or bad... so to speak. Hm. Maybe in d20 SAGA there is not even dark force points...? :)
Technically, there is a Dark Side Score, but no split between Force Points, which you get on a per level basis (and one major reason why I want the talent) or if the GM switches things over to the limited number per day mechanic. Still a split between Dark and Light side techniques/powers, and the Sith Alchemy talents (and really, why not learn from a Holocron, or allow a Force Adept to take it with the proper in game knowledge?) has several uses that automatically gain you a Dark Side point.
Well then, we have the "light" side and the "dark" side, which makes sense, - and leaves a feeling that could be sensed by anyone with Force Sensitivity and - depending on the strenght of the feeling - can be sensed by the Use the Force Skill too. (Still depends on the intensity. as there is a DC.)

And then we have the Force itself, with its points, that is neither light, neither dark, until used. Only the cause and method of its use makes it Light or Dark.
Pretty much. That said, might look into seeing if some of it can be done with mechanical/technological means, rather then force based. Main thing I'd be looking for is lifespan extension... and something to keep her young.... which is more then possible. Heck, at our current level of understanding, we have a very good idea of possible ways forward.
You might find it easier to take Biotech Surgery for enhancing yourself and others - you would likely need to do some independant research in that field to master it without the Vong though.

For immortality/cosmetics you could even use it for replacing failing organs etc.
Something I'm going to have to look at then :) Only real concern would be the brain/mind, but even that is... manageable. And would fit more inside of her theme as a mostly normal person... as hey, I'm defining normal as lack of force powers/space magic.
At the year 19 ABY it is more of cybernetic implants than any kind of biotech, as the use of the bacta and the already spread medical tech and knowledge would need the galaxy-reforming spread of the Vong to really change anything.

But it could be taken as FEATS for Nobles. Later. If you find access to it.
Biotech Specialist: need to be Trained in Mechanics (Make custom modifications to Yuuzhan Vong biotech)
Biotech Surgery: need to be Trained in Treat Injury (Install biotech prosthesis onto a living being)

And stopping a natural lifespan even if making it lenghten is considered Dark, if done by the use of Force - and not happens naturally because of the Force. But otherwise it is quite hard to do. I can imagine a process that ads 5-10-15, maybe even 20% to the natural lifespan, but to even reach +50% would need something heroic.
And anything that makes it more than +100% is clearly making the recipient into something that it would be no longer the same race or even mind that was.
Fair enough, and thats more then fair as hey, I'm not asking for it to be easy or simple. It does not even need to be from the Vong, as why would they have been the only species in the history of the galaxy to do biotech? Personally, I'd say that Sith Alchemy gave the field a bad name, and with the Jedi influence, they made strides to suppress and keep some of the more.... well, things their particular religion found offensive from surfacing again.
Maybe there is a slight difference in calling it biotech. Biotech is always something that adds some foreign into a living organism, mainly a part of another one, or a piece of "alien". So, that is why biotech is shunned and "bad". Just remember that every living thing is saturated with the force...

They use either partial regeneration (bacta), or surgery to help with problems. If unable to help someone with medical technology, their own body, they use full on tech, as in cybernetic. Which is just a little bit better than getting another living being's force put into you.

And no, there is no longer blood transfusions or organ transplant. They either do it with your own parts, or go technical way. Putting any other's part into you is too much of a taboo. At least in most of the galaxy.

Some really uncivilized parts could still be doing things like that, but they are not up to the level of growing anything or creating real biotech. There are exceptions, but very hard to even hear about them, finding is even harder.

But, there is Cosmetic surgeries. And that is something that is accessible by Treat Injury skill, but would need at least a Talent, or a Feat to really get into body altering cosmetic surgeries. But it could even include gender reassignment at very hard - and costly - levels. Maybe also would need Knowledge, life sciences and a Feat called Genetics Surgery, but it is much more readily awailable galaxy wide.
Well you could likely use Sith Alchemy as a baseline, figure out what actual changes occured and try to reverse enginner it to achieve similiar changes without the force resulting in something mechanically the equivalent of Biotech Surgery.

But the quest for immortanity never seems to work out in Star Wars - still good to have life goals and all that.
Oh, she does not want to be immortal for immoralities sake, she wants to live forever because she wants to keep learning and uncovering the mysteries of the galaxy :p

Also, fair enough, and something that she would take into account, as there is enough evidence that the Jedi are mostly correct. So, how would partial cloning, or using what is essentially 3D printing using your own genetic material/force signature work? Because, would be more then willing to try that in the game.

That, or may just go mechanical. It was a thought anyway :p
Cloning Lives! I mean, just think about Kamino and the Clone wars. Of course, also think about how they was pushed out of the Stormtroopers, even if they was more elite. If people know, you are a clone, they fear you - even if your mind is your own.

But with Trandoshan's regeneration ability, anything similarly done by medical science is not too alien, just usually needs more money and time than slapping on a working mechanical part. (As it could easily be x10 cost and x100 - x10.000 time, you understand...)

Any 3D printing would still count as either technological or medical way of doing it, it makes no difference, just a way of doing it. So, still makes it either a cybernetic implant (if not fully organic), or a fully medical genetic level "Treat Injury". The second type even counts as your own, if you spend a Force point while healing it into your body. (Helps a helluva lot against rejection...)

You can always use your own body to heal yourself, or even slightly change it cosmetically. Any bigger change in its working would count as a slight transgression, just like you changing someone else cosmetically without real need and consent. But it would always count a possibly Dark side point to change some other's body's working without full understanding, need, and consent.

And using any outside biological component - as in part of something living - would be always a slight transgression, if just for a cosmetic change, and a possibly Dark side point if it is changing the workings...
RPG-Girl said:
I'm just wondering... does there have to be need, if there is consent? And your admitting it may be a somewhat.... risky procedure?

Yes. Because if there is no consent - and not necesserily before the operation, mind you - then it is a moot question if it was needed or not. Just a medical condition does not makes a need to cure it. It just makes it a possibility, to be cured.

Also, because someone call it a medical condition, it does not means, that it is one for others.

And "risky" means, there can be complications... After all, if there is a DC 20, and you did not make it easily, there can be a complication... (Usually if you are better at least by 5 than the target number, there is no complication...)
XD Well hey, not everyone has to have a sad, intricate backstory. But I'm sure it'll be interesting regardless. :)
It's not. She's pretty much just a sexual minor noble, that has a small obsession with gathering knowledge/information..... also, pleasures of the flesh.
I mean I guess you can go into her lineage and what her family got/gets wealth from? Will information gathering be almost a hobby to her, or a full time gig she plans to make her money with in place of some company her family owns? (Or both, I guess.)

Or is this the kind of noble class that doesn't 'work', just lives off of peasant workers' taxes.
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