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Dragon Ball Z: The Princess of Saiyans (matttheman89/akiravadel)

Vegeta looked over at Goku honestly surprised he was so excited to meet a stronger opponent. She was afraid of this guy and yet he was excited. True Sayian. Maybe more so than she was, but she'd been through enough.

Landing on the ground she started to walk into a hut and grabbed the ball coming back it with it, "you think I'm strong Kakarott. You don't know how powerful he is. Frieza. He takes out entire armies. My max power level a little while ago was only a fraction of his. We need to be smart about facing him." She tucked the ball under her arm a bit awkwardly because if it's size.
Vegeta may have been trying to worry Goku, but if so, she was going about it the wrong way. Hearing that this Frieza guy was so strong only excited Goku further, and he grinned in anticipation as the Princess retrieved the Dragon Ball. "Can't we just go and take him on right now? I mean, if we work together...we'll win, right?" he asked, tilting his head.

Before Vegeta could answer Goku's potentially bone-headed question though, they would both sense an energy source approaching them, and if they looked to the sky, they would see the sudden arrival of a humanoid alien; purple, tall, and wearing the same type of armor that Vegeta wore, she should recognize him from her days with the Frieza Forces. It was Cui, who folded his arms over his chest with a smirk of derision.

"So this is where you went, Vegeta? Do you really think you can take the Dragon Balls out from under Frieza like this?" he asked, looking down at them through his Scouter.

"Huh? Who's this, Vegeta? Do you know them?" Goku asked with a raised eyebrow.
Vegeta raised an eyebrow at Goku at the stupidity of that answer. He might be more dim witted then she realized.

Turning to Cui she sighed. Just what she needed but no matter just kill him too- wait. She looked at Goku, "this is Cui one of Frieza's men. Let me stop him before he alerts the others. If he's here than there's more men and we'll be over run."

Looking back up at the alien she set the ball down, "I don't know what's worse. You finding me in a predicament or me having to look at your face."
"Really? He doesn't seem that strong though..." Goku commented as Vegeta explained who Cui was, earning a look from the alien as he sized Goku up with his scouter, smirking at the numbers that were displayed on the screen in front of his eye.

"Who's this, Vegeta? Your new partner or something?" Cui laughed as he turned off his scouter, and shook his head. "He's even weaker than Nappa was! You'll never stop us with someone like him on your side!" he continued through his laugher, not realizing that Goku was masking his power level, specifically making it seem far lower than it actually was.

Lowering himself to the ground to stand before the pair of Saiyans, he put his hands on his hips and smirked. "You should just give up now. If you do, maybe Frieza will be lenient on you."
"He's not that strong anymore," Vegeta watched Cui as he decended before them. She felt safer with him there. After her training and fighting she'd become stronger, but was it enough?

"How's little you know Cui," she looked to Goku them back to the alien with a smirk on her face. "We'll get this over quick." She raised her hand ready to blast him with an energy beam as she powered up. She had a feeling Goku would try to stop her but she was trying to blast him before that.
Goku stood back and watched as Vegeta prepared to blast Cui, who quickly went from confident to fearful as his scouter activated and made him aware of Vegeta's rapidly rising power level. "T-This can't be-! You were never this strong before!" he exclaimed in a panic, used to seeing the Princess's power level being roughly equal to his own, rather than where it was now.

Pointing behind the Saiyans though, Cui tried one last desperate gambit to save his skin. "Hey look, it's Frieza!" he cried out...which got at least Goku to look. As soon as he did though, Cui unleashed a powerful energy blast of his own upon the two Saiyans, hoping to overwhelm and destroy them with the attack.
Vegeta was ready to blast but the glanced to Goku to see if she needed to worry. His stance didn't change so she assumed they were fine but that was quickly messed up by the blast which honestly wasn't really noticed. Seemed she because very powerful lately.

Smirking she jumped up to punch and kick him back to the ground, "oldest trick in the book but it won't save you." Flying towards him she prepared to punch the daylights out of him.
Seeing that the blast had no effect on either Saiyan, Cui's panic only grew, and he was struck by Vegeta's attacks, knocked to the ground. "T-This can't be happening!" he gasped in pain, struggling to his feet and blasting off into the sky in an attempt to run away. "Lord Frieza! Help me!"

Unfortunately, he wasn't fast enough to get away from Vegeta's next attack, which struck him with enough force to break through his armor and severely damage him. All that was left was to finish him off...
Vegeta was brutal and graceful in her attacks. Her hair moving behind her as she moved to test her hand against and slightly in his chest, "no one can save you now Cui. It's over and this will be the last face you ever see."

Sending a blast through his body she incinerated him. That was too easy. Maybe she was much stronger than she realized. That was when she looked down at Goku and felt her heart sink a little. She looked again. The problem was it came so easy after years of kill or be killed.
It was over in an instant. Cui was completely destroyed. When Vegeta looked down at Goku though, she would see a mixed expression. On the one hand, it wasn't as if Goku had never killed anyone before, but that didn't mean he enjoyed it, and he worried that Vegeta did. "Was that really necessary, Vegeta?" he asked, folding his arms over his chest. Maybe it was, but again, that didn't mean they had to revel in it.

"Anyway...that guy wasn't the strongest soldier Frieza's got, was he? Because if he was, this won't be much of a challenge."
Vegeta floated down before him glad to see that he wasn't angry. It was good to know that sometimes this was something that had to be done and he seemed to understand that, "if he warned them then we were dead."

"No," she only to pick up the ball. "There are several who are three times as strong as him and some who are weaker than him." She stood next to him. "We need to take out his guards. Dedoria will be with him I'm sure. That means we have a challenge... Well maybe. As long as Zarbon isn't there."
Goku was excited to hear that Cui wasn't the best that Frieza had, and nodded his head. "Well, if we want to take out his guards, why don't we head straight to his ship? Let's get this fight started!" Goku said, clearly still wanting to just face Frieza now rather than later. He could sense a lot of gathered power levels off in one direction, maybe that was where Frieza, his ship, or both were?
Vegeta almost chuckled at how excited he was. She did smile softly then, "you're awfully excited to head to our doom." She stepped over to him to look up at the taller man. "Where are the most amount of power levels located? That will be the ship." She was still sorting out how to sense power levels. Looking up at him her tail gently swayed behind her. Around him she didn't feel the need to keep it tucked away.
Goku chuckled as Vegeta smiled and commented on their situation, looking down to meet her eyes as she stepped closer. "Hmm...over there." Goku said, pointing towards the source of the multiple power levels he could sense. "I don't think Frieza is there though. I'm not sensing anyone that strong." he said, sounding almost disappointed.
"No he's not. You'd know," Vegeta stated to float up getting close to kissing him but didn't as she floated back, teasing him. Fighting with him like this was turning her on in a way.

"We want to take the others out first so they don't gang up on us," she waited for him to fly with her towards the source. This was honestly exciting to get to go take these guys out and find some of the dragon balls. They would have to gather them all and hide them as they went.
Goku blinked as Vegeta floated closer to him - close enough to kiss him if she wanted - only to float back, teasing him, leaving him feeling a little frustrated. He almost hated to admit it, but being around her like this was turning him on again. Taking off into the air after her, they flew in the direction of the energy sources he had sensed, and soon enough a round ship with spider-like legs could be seen in the distance. "That must be it." Goku stated as he came to a stop a short distance away, observing some men in armor standing guard outside the ship while able to sense others inside.

"So...ladies first." Goku said with a bit of a teasing smirk, gesturing for Vegeta to take the lead.
Feeling a bit more bold with him by her side. She smirked over at him. If they survived this she was going to rock his world. Nothing like two Sayian's taking out their biggest enemy.

"Let's do this," floating down she gently set the ball behind some rocks. Making her way inside she was about to slaughter them all. Or at least debilitate them. Making her way through the ship she made sure to take out each one as quietly as she could at first but then threw a huge beam of energy down the hall.
The energy beam detonated and damaged a large portion of the ship, taking out more than a handful of Frieza's men in the process. Survivors quickly went on the attack, but many were dispatched quickly and easily by strikes from Goku, often before his opponents even had time to realize what was happening. To call what was happening a proper fight wouldn't be entirely accurate, as it was mostly the pair of Saiyans mopping the floor with the opposition, until none could be found left standing.

"I don't think the Dragon Balls are here." Goku thought aloud as things grew quiet, dusting off his hands now that the fighting was over. "I wonder if that means that those ones we saw on the Radar are with Frieza, then?" As he thought about that though, he failed to notice that one of the guards previously thought dealt with was still conscious on the floor nearby, and was weakly aiming his arm cannon at him, while his back was turned.
Vegeta looked around as well trying to see if she could spot them but it look like they really weren't there. Taking out all the guards was easy. She forgot how nice it was to have such a powerful partner to travel with. Napa really wasn't that for her.

"They must be," she started to say is she turned around to face him noticing the cannon pointing at his back. In an instant she moved without realizing, lunging forward she pushed him to the side and threw up an arm to block the attack.
Goku gasped in surprise as Vegeta suddenly lunged at him and pushed him out of the way of an attack he hadn't even seen coming, but immediately reacted on instinct, firing a ki blast of his own that finished off the offending Frieza soldier seconds after he fired his attack, which struck Vegeta on the arm. "Vegeta, are you ok?" he asked worriedly, coming closer and taking the Princess's arm gently in his own to check for any lasting injuries.
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Why did she do that?! She's never done that before! Looking down at her arm it was trembling as blood coated the back of it. Those concentrated canons could pierce skin off you didn't have your ki high enough and she wasn't on such high alert at the moment with him by her side.

"Damn pea shooters..." Vegeta grumbled and looked over the lemon sized laceration on her arm. "That was stupid... I never should have... Why did I?" She looked up at him with confused eyes. "There's an infirmary in here. I can patch myself up in there."
Goku grimaced as he examined Vegeta's wound; it was bad, as blood was dripping to the floor from the back of her arm, but it could have been worse. Meeting Vegeta's eyes as she chastised herself for saving him, he shook his head. "I don't know. Why did you do it?" he asked, almost as confused as her. They may have been on the same side, but she hadn't seemed especially happy about it until now, so why risk herself like that?

After she mentioned an infirmary though, Goku nodded his head and let Vegeta point them in the right direction. Once they'd found the right room, he began looking through the medical supplies - keeping a respectable distance from the needles, of course - for anything that could help Vegeta treat her wound. "Here, this should work." he said, approaching with some bandages and things to clean off the wound.

Doing exactly that for her - despite any protests she might have - Goku worked at patching up the injury, occasionally looking closely at Vegeta's face as he did. "Looks like I owe you one." he said, their faces dangerously close once more...
Vegeta struggled with getting close to anyone but after allowing him to touch her and even approaching him herself for his body she found her words softening towards him. When they got to the infirmary she complained that she could clean it up herself but eventually allowed him to do it without complaint.

By the same token, he wasn't obligated to help her either. Looking at him she noticed he was close again. Blushing she found she was doing that a lot lately, but only around him. She hadn't really felt him since that day he took all her firsts.

"Just... Help me defeat... Frieza..." Her eyes trailed down to his lips.
They were so close at that moment as Goku finished taking care of her wound - it was difficult to ignore - and he felt his heart beating faster and faster the longer they were at this proximity to one another. He was feeling that same...heat...he'd felt that day they'd been together on Earth. Was it because they were both Saiyans, or was there an actual attraction there? Goku felt that it might have been the latter, and as she spoke softly, he found himself leaning in closer and closer.

Their lips soon met for a soft kiss, yet one wasn't nearly enough to satisfy Goku, leading to another, more searing and intimate kiss, and the Saiyan pressed amorously against the Princess as he took her into his arms again, kissing her firmly and passionately.
Vegeta could hear her own heart ringing in her ears. She couldn't deny feeling a sort of bond to him. Or maybe something else but she didn't know any other way. The flutter in her stomach was strong this time when their lips met again.

Kissing back she felt the heat flare inside her body. Her arms wrapped around his neck ignoring the pain shooting through her arm. Pulling her body against his she slid onto his lap. She wanted him, she wanted to bond with him but why was that want so strong?
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