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Dragon Ball Z: The Princess of Saiyans (matttheman89/akiravadel)

Laughing breathlessly at Vegeta's reaction to his words - noting how hoarse her voice was from all her moaning - Goku's hands sensually worked their way up and down the Princess's body as she shuddered underneath him, caressing her breasts for a moment as well. He winced a bit as she grabbed him by his hair again, but it turned out to be a weak grip that didn't last long, and he smirked as he realized how spent she was.

Taking advantage of that, he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers again, stealing several long and deep kisses that lasted for more than a few minutes, wrestling with her tongue. When their lips inevitably parted once more though, he laughed again and shook his head. "Do you need me to carry you back to your ship, or do you think you can manage to leave on your own?" he asked with a twinge of sarcasm. As far as he could see, this little conflict of theirs had come to an least for now.
It was strange. She had all this rage before at missing her chance at immorality. She needed that. Although right now she felt content and if she was carrying his child she could begin on another journey. Immortality could wait a moment, she couldn't risk death right now. Not when she had this chance.

Kissing him back she didn't fail to notice the flutter in her chest and stomach from their kiss. A piece of her couldn't bring herself to kill him and the others here.

Glaring at him she shoved her hand against his face, "get off of me. I'll get up on my own." Scooting herself it from under him she started to grab her clothing and dress herself. What could she say now?
Letting Vegeta get out from under him and begin to get dressed, Goku grabbed his clothing as well so he could do the same, enjoying the last glance at the Saiyan Princess's nudity before she was clothed. This certainly hadn't gone down the way he had imagined, but it had all felt so amazing that it was hard to care very much. Now what was going to happen though? He was willing to let her go, but would she just come back and try this all over again? The Dragon Balls were gone though, so she had no reason to return...unless she wanted another go at him.

"So...feel better now that you've got that out of your system?" he teased, remembering that she was actually the one who had started their little sexual showdown to begin with.
Vegeta turned from him and dressed herself with a soft blush on her face. Even thought they just did all that she was still embarrassed by him looking at her. She pulled her gloves back on and turned back to him, "well Kakarott I'm still upset about the dragon balls but I haven't given up on immortality. In fact I'll need it more now."

Her tail flicked behind her in irritation. Things were certainly complicated now. Should she return? She would only need him if she wanted more kids or if this time didn't work. "You aren't going to follow me now are you?"
"Why's that?" Goku asked, folding his arms over his chest and tilting his head, curious despite himself. Speaking of the Dragon Balls, hadn't Krillin said something about them earlier before he'd left with Gohan? Something about there still being hope to revive everyone who had been killed?
Vegeta faced away from him and touched her stomach, "I'm going to revive our race. It's my duty." She turned to face him the wind picking up and blowing her hair.

"Our people were killed Kakarott. We're all that's left," she signed softly then turned to start heading towards her pod. "I'll let you all loeve for now. I have another mission."
Watching silently as Vegeta departed the planet in her space pod, Goku scratched the side of his head once she was gone with a quizzical expression on his face. That had been...something. Who would have thought that it would have turned out like this? In some ways, she had been what he had been expecting...but in others, completely different. It was a lot to process. For now though, there were other things to take care of, and he knew he couldn't stand around out here he went.

Reuniting with the others and letting them know the danger had passed, the conversation eventually turned to what Krillin's idea was on how to revive their friends, and it was actually a sound plan. If Kami - a Namekian - had created the Dragon Balls here on Earth, then it stood to reason that the Namekians themselves on their own world would have Dragon Balls of their own! And with a little help from King Kai and Mr. Popo, they were able to not only discover Namek's location, but also secure a ship that would be capable of taking them there as well!

Together with Krillin, Bulma, and his son Gohan, Goku would travel to Namek over the course of about three months, training all the while to get stronger. He thought of Vegeta more than once during that time, wondering where she was, and what she was doing. He tried to stay focused on the task at hand though, and soon enough, they were arriving at Namek itself.
As the pod door closed she looked over at him. There was no way she would forget that face, honestly now she knew where he was and finding him for another round later wouldn't be hard. It wasn't like this planet had any real ships. Touching her lips she wouldn't forget his taste either. It was like he already imprinted part of himself in her which was silly. They didn't even bond. Or maybe it was because he took all her first. Well... She gave them to him.

The next several weeks were a pain to explain. Feigning injury she pretended to have killed Kakarott to keep them from returning to Earth but they already knew about the dragon balls. She would have to work fast. Heading straight to Namek not long after her arrival at Frieza's base. There wasn't even time too scan herself and find out if she was carrying, plus it was too early. Sayian gestation periods were around six months and usually within a week they knew but she was inexperienced so you never know.

Her mind wandered to him often keeping her distracted a lot. On the trip over she had plenty of time to ponder on him. Touching the side of her neck she wondered if he knew anything about bonding. Maybe it was lost somewhere in his mind. Sighing she had to focus on the more pressing matter. Frieza was already there.

Landing in Namek she felt a strange familiar presence but ignored it to head to the first village.
Namek's atmosphere turned out to be similar to Earth's, so the group had no trouble being outside, and once they were outside, Bulma's Dragon Radar quickly showed them the location of the Dragon Balls on the planet. While at first that seemed like a good sign, there was worry over why four of them were already gathered together, and while Goku didn't say anything about who he thought it might be, he could feel a familiar energy...somewhere on the planet.

That wasn't all, however. Massive sources of energy could be felt all around the planet, and those of the group that could sense said energy had a feeling that it didn't belong to the locals. Something about that set them all on edge, and they decided that they needed to act sooner rather than later.

It was decided that Gohan and Krillin would investigate the four gathered Dragon Balls - Goku at first wanted to head out with them, but that familiar energy was bothering him, especially as it seemed to be nearing another group of energy that he assumed belonged to a group of Namekians, so he decided he would split off from the group to check that out himself.

So with that decided, the group flew off, leaving Bulma to take care of the ship. Traveling quickly, Goku flew in the direction of the energy...wondering exactly who it was he was about to find.
Vegeta felt several energies all over the planet but sensing specific ones was new to her. She was still learning how to hone in on it and figure out whose was who. Landing next to the village she looked over the Namekians she found there. As they greeted her they realized she wasn't there to make nice. Bolting into the group she started to kill them off one by one.

That was when she felt him closing in. Turning towards him she raised her head, "Kakarott?" How was he here?!
Coming to a sudden stop over what appeared to be a Namekian Village, Goku's eyes widened at the sight of the bodies, then went wider as he spied Vegeta amongst them. "Vegeta? What are you doing here?" he asked, before clenching his fists and descending to the ground. "Are you the one who killed these people? How could you?"
Vegeta felt a strange pulse through her body. It was as if they were bonded but that wasn't true. The alpha could have some pull in a bonded pair but they didn't bond. Swallowing hard she clenched her own fists and faced him, "this doesn't concern you Kakarott. I need these balls to make my wish. You don't have control over me. We aren't bonded. Not that your silly mind would know about our people." There was a blood splatter on her cheek in purple from one of the Namekians.
"Bonded? What are you talking about?" Goku asked in bemusement, completely lost in that regard. "Well, whatever. I'm not about to let you have the Dragon Balls, or hurt anyone else." he declared, taking up a fighting stance. "I was hoping that you'd take the chance to change your ways after what happened on Earth, but I guess you haven't. So I'm going to stop you, right now!"
"Sayian's bond but biting each other's necks..." Vegeta's heart thumped hard in her chest a couple times, "stop me?"

Turning to take up her own stance she smirked at him, "you don't stand a chance against the princess of all Sayian's. A one night stand doesn't change anything." She needed to search the houses and get the ball but that would have to wait.
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"We'll see about that. I'm a lot stronger than I was on Earth." Goku retorted as Vegeta took up a fighting stance of her own. Briefly, he wondered about the bond that she was talking about, and how she might have reacted if he'd done that to her, but knew that that wasn't important right now, and concentrated on their upcoming fight.

Flying forward with his fist drawn back, Goku went on the attack, throwing several punches and kicks at the Saiyan Princess.
Vegeta stated in defensive mode but was surprised when he was a lot stronger than on Earth. Maybe she should have best him down when she had the chance? Blocking his hits she took a couple steps back and started swinging her own punches.

She wasn't about to let him take the ball
S from her, "I will have my wish Kakarott! I'll avenge or race!"
Taking a bit of satisfaction in the fact that he was capable of pushing Vegeta back with his attacks, Goku still soon found himself on the defensive as well, blocking her punches and continuing to attack whenever the opportunity presented itself. "Sorry, but we have our own wish, and I'm not going to let you take that away!" he exclaimed, catching both her fists and holding them in place so she couldn't try to punch him anymore.

"Wanting to avenge the Saiyans doesn't justify all the things you've done!" Goku said with a frown as he shook his head. "It's not too late though, you can stop now!"
Struggling to pull back she growled as he held her hands tightly. Fine. Slamming her forehead against his she glared at him, "you have no idea what I would consider Justice! I watched our entire race die and could do nothing to stop it!"

Tears were brimming in her eyes then. She was so passionate about her people. Through her hard exterior she cared so deeply about them. Licking her leg against him she tried to get him away from her but she was so much smaller than him it was a difficult move. "I have to do whatever it takes!"
Wincing as Vegeta suddenly headbutted him, Goku just managed to maintain his grip on the Princess's hands, meeting her glare with one of his own as she continued talking. "The ends don't justify the means, Vegeta!" he replied, blinking the stars from his eyes and grimacing as she began kicking against him. Once his vision cleared though, he was surprised to realize that she had tears in her eyes. He knew this was important to her...but to see her shedding tears over must have really been something.

Stepping into her guard, Goku let go of Vegeta's hands, and took a chance by wrapping his strong arms around her smaller, curvier form and pressing themselves together. "You don't have to do these things! You can find another way! We don't have to fight like this!"
Screaming she struggled against him her arms punching him but at this close of distance it had no effect. It wasn't long before her screams turned into soft sobs behind the yelling and her hands gripped his shirt while her legs tucked up against his sides. Pressing her face against his shoulder she realized his arms meant a comfort she didn't realize she wanted.

Taking a few deep breaths she started to calm down. This man, this Sayian treated her differently than she'd ever been treated. He didn't pull his punches, he was honest with her and didn't give a damn about her title.

"I have to fight... I have to kill him... But I'm not strong enough. He's too powerful. He looked our whole race. Destroyed or whole planet with one small energy ball. You have no idea what we're up against. I can only defeat him if I'm immortal."
Holding Vegeta against him until she finally began to calm down, Goku actually began to smoothly and softly stroke her hair and back as she pressed her face into his shoulder. "Look, I don't know who you're talking about, but if this is what you have to do in order to beat him, then it's not worth it. If you keep this up, then you'll be no different from this man who destroyed our planet." he said, looking down into her strong, yet now strangely vulnerable eyes.

"You don't have to do this though. You can stop, right now, and instead...we can fight together. If we work together, we can stop this guy." he continued, knowing that it was a stretch, that it might be difficult to work together with this woman. He wanted to try though. Maybe it was because they were both Saiyans, and he felt a kinship with her. Maybe he wanted to believe that she could change for the better. Maybe it was an underlying attraction. Maybe it was all of those things. Regardless of the reasons. he felt that he had to try.
Vegito is at a loss never before had anyone ever done this for her. Especially another Sayian. They were all inherently selfish creatures even herself but this one was different. Looking up at him she could tell he was being honest but that kind of honesty and vulnerability got you killed, or at least that's how she saw it.

"You saw what I did to my last partner and you still offer that up?" Vegeta looked confused at him. even through all of this she still kept her smaller body tucked up against his.
Goku nodded his head as Vegeta questioned him, taking notice of the fact that she remained pressed against him even as she did. "I would. You don't have to be that way, though. You can be better than that. We can be better than that. We can make the Saiyans something better." he said, not completely certain if he meant in a moral sense, a physical sense, or both. Things had been...strange, ever since they'd mated that day on Earth.

"What do you want to do? Do you want to work with me, or against me?" he asked, realizing how close their faces were, how close their lips were. Slowly, he leaned down, as if he might kiss her...
Vegeta wasn't sure what to say but as she noticed his face moving close she blushed hard and shoved him back. She floated back from him and rubbed her face with a hand to try to cover up the heat on her cheeks, "fine we'll do it your way for now. But if the tables start to turn and he's slaughtering everyone I will make my wish." She always took what she wanted so it was strange to have a sort of guiding angel with her.
Blinking as Vegeta shoved him back, Goku grinned regardless as he noticed the dark blush on the Princess's face, and nodded his head as she agreed to play least for now. "Good. So...since you know so much about who we're up against...maybe you should tell me what's going on? Who is this guy? And is he really that strong?" he asked, feeling a twinge of excitement at the thought of someone so powerful.
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