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Dragon Ball Z: The Princess of Saiyans (matttheman89/akiravadel)

Jun 12, 2017
"Heheheh. Well, I can't say this wasn't fun while it lasted, but it looks like this is the end for you weaklings." the large, muscular, mustachioed Saiyan known as Nappa gloated as he stood before a much smaller earthling who laid prone and helpless on the ground, the one called Krillin, the proverbial last man standing. The others had all been defeated one by one, either by Nappa himself, or at the hands of their monsters they had called Saibamen, like poor Yamcha. Even Piccolo was no more, having taken a fatal energy blast from the Saiyan moments ago and passing on, taking Kami and the Dragon Balls with him.

"Damn...I can't believe this is happening...Goku...where are you...?" Krillin weakly uttered, completely unable to fight any longer after the damage he had sustained from the fight.

Nappa laughed uproariously as he lifted his massive boot in preparation to stomp on the smaller earthling. "Still holding out hope on that runt Kakarot, are you? Well, don't. Even if he had gotten here in time, it wouldn't have made a difference! Against Elites like us, that lower class scum wouldn't have had a chance! Right, Vegeta?" he said over his shoulder to his companion, enjoying the complete superiority that the two of them held at that moment. "Don't feel too bad though. You'll get to see Kakarot again real soon. When we find him and kill him too-!" he exclaimed, turning back to Krillin and stomping his boot down...only to find that the earthling was no longer there. "What the hell!? Where did that little bastard go!?"

Carrying Krillin in his arms and stepping down from the Flying Nimbus onto the ground, Goku could be seen by the pair of Saiyans as he set his friend down and crouched down to speak with him. "Sorry I'm late, Krillin. Here, take this Senzu Bean." he said, helping the man take the bean in his injured state, and nodding his head with a grin as the bean immediately healed all of his injuries. "Let me take things from here, alright?"

Standing back up and turning to the Saiyans, Goku's expression grew more intense as he sized up the large mountain of muscle standing before him, before turning to the smaller of the two...and blinking in surprise when he realized that not only was that the stronger of the two, it was a woman!
Vegeta just watched with her hand on her waist. She usually let him have his fun stomping down the small fry. She didn't really care about picking on the weak she just ended it quickly.

Suddenly her scooter picked up a fast speed and she turned to see him suddenly standing there. Turning to look at the taller man she raised a brow. So this was Kakarott. The lower class Sayian who was supposed to destroy this planet. There was a sort of strength about his stance and determination in his eyes that she hadn't seen in her people on a long time. There weren't many of them left and she was seriously not interested in Nappa besides the fact she considered him weak, she didn't want to see what their offspring could be. Too bad they were here too kill Kakarott.

Her tail end twitched a little seeing his energy level was lowered now but maybe he was hiding it somehow? She did notice his eyes were on her but ignored it, "So you're Kakarott."

Gohan trembled on the ground as he watched his father finally made it, "dad!" He sniffled and held on tightly to Piccolo's gi. He couldn't believe they had killed him, in that shirt time he'd grown to look up to the Namek.
Goku looked to his son as he called for him, smiling in his direction despite the situation and came closer. "Hey, Gohan. Sorry I'm late." He crouched down to be closer to eye level with Gohan, and handed him a senzu bean as well so he could recover. "You've grown since I saw you last. I guess I have Piccolo to thank for that, don't I?" He glanced down at Piccolo's corpse and frowned, shaking his head before looking around at the rest of his fallen friends. If only he'd arrived sooner...

Nappa noticed this, and began laughing cruelly. "If you're looking for that little one, don't bother. There's not enough left of him to put back together!" He was, of course, referring to Chaotzu, who had blown himself up in a desperate attempt to take down the large saiyan, only to fail and die least until Tien had joined him moments later in a suicidal attack of his own.

Goku grimaced at this, and grew angry enough that a vein could be seen throbbing in his forehead. "Chaotzu too? Damn you!" Standing back up, he locked eyes with the pair of saiyans, clenching his fists at his sides until they shook. "My name is Goku, not Kakarot, and I'm going to make you pay for what you've done!" Looking down at his son and best friend, he gestured for them to stand back. "I'll handle things from here, you guys!"

Gohan looked as if he were about to protest at first, but a hand on his shoulder from Krillin stopped him, and the bald martial artist shook his head. "Let's listen to your Dad, Gohan." He looked up at Goku, eyes narrowing. "And about our friends...I know the Dragon Balls are gone...but there might still be a way to bring them back. I'll tell you more after you've taught those two a lesson!"

Nodding his head, Goku began walking closer to the saiyans, eyes full of determination and unafraid despite the difference in size between Nappa and himself, and energy could be seen radiating off of his very body as he gathered his ki. Eventually he paused in his forward gait, and began to power up in earnest, soon shaking the ground with his very energy.

"Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his power level?" Nappa called, curious about his next opponent.
Vegeta watched in surprise as this man tended to his fallen comrades. He had to be strong to go from one person to another making sure they were okay and right in front of the ones who did the damage.

That or he was stupid.

Watching the other Saiyan move she wondered if he was that strong how he got that way on a weak planet like this. Since they got there they'd done nothing but slaughter these people. Listening to them talk she picked up on the fact that they said the balls were gone. That was the whole reason for coming there! Why were they gone?!

Her thoughts were stopped as the low class warrior began to power up. Raising her eyebrows the power just kept rising! How?! How was a low class Saiyan on a weak planet this strong?! His power was getting dangerously close to her own. Pulling off the scouter she realized that was pointless at the moment, "It's over nine-thousand!" Crushing the scouter in her hand she glared at the taller men. A year ago he could even beat Radditz and here he was ready to take on Nappa. She'd never heard of anyone increasing their power level that much in one year.
The battle was intense as the seemingly mighty Nappa and the newly arrived Goku fought, yet almost from the start it was clear who the stronger combatant was, much to Nappa's disbelief and anger. No matter what Vegeta's companion tried, the other saiyan always seemed to be one step ahead of him, dodging his attacks with relative ease, and soon enough, countering them as well. Up until now none of the earthling's attacks had so much as slowed Nappa down, but each strike from Goku left the larger saiyan doubled over in pain. It was a complete turn-around from how the battle had been progressing up until this point, leaving Gohan and Krillin just as baffled as Vegeta herself likely was. How had Goku gotten so strong in so short a time?

So powerful had Goku become, that not even a fully-powered blast of ki from Nappa's gaping maw - the same attack that had felled Piccolo - could damage him, and the two combatants now stared one another down as they floated in mid-air; Nappa enraged and Goku still relatively calm.

"This is impossible! I'm a saiyan elite, and you're just a nobody! You can't be doing this!" Nappa exclaimed, battered and bruised from Goku's attacks.

"What's wrong? Don't like it when you're on the losing end of a fight?" Goku retorted with a small grin, knowing that he was getting under the big man's skin. Still, this fight wasn't going quite the way he had been hoping. He'd been hoping to take Nappa out without much effort, to save his power for the woman, but so far the larger saiyan had yet to yield. Was he going to have to use the Kaio-Ken to end things?
It seemed that the female Saiyan warrior would have to get her hands dirty. She watched each hit and a couple times had a hard time following his movement. Crossing her arms she watched as this man bested Nappa the whole fight. Maybe Nappa was good for one thing here, Goku might be a little easier to fight after this battle.

Seeing that Nappa was starting to get really angry she glared up at them, "Nappa calm down! Use your head or you'll end up in a worse situation." She didn't know if it would really help calm the man down but if he was seeing red from anger it would make the larger Saiyan not think clearly. Not that she thought Nappa had much intelligence as it was but still.

Her focused eyes moved over to Goku studying him. Too bad he was a third class warrior.
Furious to the point of seeing red, Vegeta's commanding voice was still enough to cut through the haze, and Nappa began to calm down...if only somewhat, and sneered at Goku as he took a few deep breaths. "Right, right. Sorry, Vegeta. I almost lost my composure there. You're in trouble now, Kakarot. I'm not fooling around anymore. From here on, I'm a machine." he growled, glaring at Goku with anger in his eyes.

"Oh yeah? Now we're talking. Show me what you've got." Goku replied with confidence. Anyone could see that it was the kind of confidence that could be backed up though, and as Nappa went on the attack again, he fared little better than he had before. The low-level Saiyan had the upperhand in every conceivable way, and no matter what the larger Saiyan tried, he couldn't so much as lay a hand on Goku.

"W-Wow...this is crazy." Krillin said, unable to believe how things had changed since Goku had arrived. Gohan shared the sentiment, and nodded his head.
After a while Vegeta grew tired of this battle. Nappa was losing. This third class warrior was winning still his power didn't reach her own. As far as she could tell. Although she did watch him carefully, how he moved, how he enjoyed the fight. He may not remember his heritage but he was sure behaving like one.

Looking down at Nappa when he was knocked to the ground before her feet she sneered at him. The season balls were gone because of him, he was losing and weak. Useless. There was only one thing left to do.

Grabbing his hand she doing him into the air and blasted him into hundreds of peices. Turning back to Goku she rested a hand on her hip, "now then... I'm going to take out my disappointment on you lot before destroying the whole planet. It's worthless to me now."

Gohan shook seeing what these bad people could do. This woman seemed stronger than the big guy but something else was strange about her he just couldn't figure it out yet.
Having knocked Nappa to the ground with the use of the Kaio-Ken, forced to use the technique to save Gohan and Krillin as the other Saiyan had tried to take out his frustrations on them, Goku might have wondered if that would get the female to take her companion and leave...even though he knew it was a long shot. Instead of that though, she surprised them all by flinging Nappa into the air and vaporizing him in an instant. The attack was so powerful, that Goku was forced to take Gohan and Krillin to a safer distance to avoid getting caught up in the explosion, and they were all wide-eyed in shock in the aftermath.

"Gohan, Krillin. I want you both to get out of here. Go back to Master Roshi's. I'll handle things from here." Goku told them both as they floated in the air above Vegeta, locking eyes with the woman below them.

Gohan was against it at first, but Krillin convinced him that it was for the best. Before he left though, he caught Goku's attention. "Don't worry about the others. If I'm right, then I think there's still a chance that we can revive them all." he said. "I'll tell you more after you stop that Saiyan, alright?"

Goku nodded his head, and after shaking his best friend's hand and ruffling his son's hair, he sent the two of them off to safety. Once they were gone, he turned his attention back to Vegeta, and gestured towards the distance in the opposite direction his son and friend had gone. "Let's move this somewhere else, alright?"

Without waiting for her answer, Goku took off in the direction of the mountains, assuming that she wouldn't be far behind him. A short flight later, he was setting down on top of a spire, staring down his opponent as he took up a fighting stance, waiting for an opening to attack.
Vegeta felt her heart speed up seeing that intense look in the others Saiyan's eyes. She hadn't every seen passion like that before. It made her excited for this battle, to where even the tip of her tail twitched.

Following after Kakarott she touched down a few feet away from him and took up a defense posture. She was excited beyond any battle she'd faced before. She'd always either been more powerful or left alone because of her title. Being one of Frieza's officers helped, even though she hated it.

Too bad he would be dead soon he'd make some nice- her eyes widened then. No no... She couldn't think that, "pity you won't last long enough to learn about your heritage."
Looking her up and down as they waited each other out, Goku had to admit, the other Saiyan would have been very appealing to the eye...if she wasn't trying to kill him and everyone else on the planet, that is. That wasn't what he was here to think about though, so he quickly changed his focus back to the upcoming fight, and shook his head. "I think I've seen enough of my heritage to know I want nothing to do with it. I may be a Saiyan, but Earth is my home, and I won't let you have your way with it any more!"

With that said, Goku leapt from his spire towards the woman with his fist drawn back, throwing a punch once he was within striking distance, followed by lashing out with a series of high-speed kicks, chasing after her. He had sensed her power when she'd taken out Nappa earlier, and knew that this wasn't going to be easy, but he wasn't sure if he was going to need the Kaio-Ken yet or not, and was holding it in reserve for now.
Standing there her long Wild Hair flew around her body. she was watching him intently wondering what he was going to do first wanting him to do it. This was certainly exciting she never really had another Sayian who would challenge her before because she was a princess, they were all too scared to get in trouble.

With blocking his first attack she was able to feel the power behind him, and that made this fight all the more exciting. She seem to be able to block or Dodge every attack he threw her way. Then after a few moments Her Moves turned from defensive to offensive.
The fight had only just begun, and Goku could already tell he was completely outmatched. None of his attacks were able to break through Vegeta’s guard, and as soon as she went on the offensive, it was a struggle just to keep up. She landed several blows, knocking Goku around the mountain range, until he flew back a bit to a safer distance to catch his breath.

“Wow. She’s good. At the rate things are going, I don’t stand a chance...” he thought aloud, a grin on his face despite the dire circumstances. “...and yet, I don’t think i’ve ever been this excited!”

Knowing he had no choice now, he braced himself, gathered his energy, and activated the Kaio-Ken in a burst of red. Not wasting any time, he rushed the Princess again and renewed his attack!
For the moment it looked like she might take him out too soon but it felt like he was holding back. She was crafty and of course used her size to her advantage. Honestly she was surprised how well he blocked her hits, usually others would crumble by now. When they pulled apart she could tell he was just as excited as she was. There was a smirk on her face until he burst into that crazy blur of energy.

In a moment her smile faded and a powerful force slammed into her. This time she struggled to keep up with his attacks. How was this possible?!

He was strong in that mode but she had speed. It wasn't long before he broke through and she went flying into the dirt on her back with a gasp.
Having caught her off-guard with the power of the Kaio-Ken, Goku briefly had the upper hand, and used his advantage to land some powerful hits of his own, even managing to knock the Saiyan Princess down to the ground before the attack dissipated and he returned to normal.

Panting a little from the exertion and strain of the technique, Goku wearily approached Vegeta, standing overtop of her. “Ready to give up yet?” he asked breathlessly.
Vegeta had never been so turned on in her life. Never had any Sayian over powered her even if it was for a moment and that was a huge thing for her. Powerful partner meant powerful children, she would just have to not tell them where there father was from.

Slowly she say up on her elbows watching him carefully, "so bursts of energy huh? You're a rather powerful specimen. You're even the first to mess my hair up." She pushed a stand out from her face that fell out of place.
“Well, it just goes to show you; even a low class warrior can go up against an elite, if they work hard enough.” Goku replied with a little smirk, eyeing Vegeta warily...but also taking in her beauty as well. He’d never met anyone quite like her before, and whether he knew it or not, it was having an effect on him.

“So, what happens now? Do we keep fighting, or are you ready to surrender?” He asked. “I can keep going all day, if you haven’t learned your lesson yet!” What else might he be able to do all day though, if given the chance?
Vegeta felt her blood boil at his first comment. How dare he compare himself to a Sayian elite! But she hated to admit in the back of her mind he had hit her down. Well there was one thing she could take away from him here but would he take the bait.

Sitting up further her armor pieces that we're broken fell away exposing her chest slightly. The spandex held together her c sized breasts and showed off her cleavage. She was very different from any human, her body could take anything he were to dish out, but she was inexperienced so this would be a new venture for her.

"Whoever said anything about surrendering?" Her hands shot forward to his hips grabbing into them. "You, my low class warrior, are about to be in for a treat before I destroy you all." In the blink of an eye her mouth came up to untie his obi. Her teeth gently took the strong and yanked back untieing it.
Unable to help himself, Goku eyed Vegeta’s exposed bosom through the damaged parts of her armor, admiring their size and shape despite the situation. Were this any other time, he would have certainly been aroused by the sight...although he knew he actually was anyway.

Unfortunately, this distraction gave Vegeta the opening she needed to grab him by the hips, and he gaped down at her as she sat up and began undoing his obi with her teeth. “W-What are you doing?” He asked in confusion as his pants fell down alongside his boxers, exposing his massive erection.

Large, throbbing for attention, and veiny; to say that Goku was well-endowed would be an understatement, and after all of the excitement so far, he was standing at full attention.
Vegeta's eyebrow rose at the sight of Goku massive size. Not only was he powerful but well endowed as well. It was nice seeing him flustered, it helped make her feel less awkward. Smirking up at him her gloved hand moved to wrap around his length, "what do you think I'm doing? Your powerful, Sayian, even though lower class you still have good enough genes to help restart or race."

She wasn't afraid of him but she couldn't help the temple that started through her body. Was it nervousness? She was a princess! No this was her duty!

Although she wasn't sure yet if she could bring herself to put this lower class Sayian's cock inside her mouth, "you should feel honored."
“W-What?!” Goku exclaimed as Vegeta spoke up, not expecting anything like that at all to be on her mind, especially not at a time like this. Her gloved hand around his cock sent a shiver up and down his spine, and he groaned softly as she began to stroke his length.

“Are you serious? You already had a male Saiyan with you before, so why me?” He asked, beginning to pant from excitement. He knew it was wrong; they were enemies, yet he couldn’t stop his heart from racing with excitement!
Vegeta smirked up at him running her hand along his length, "he was weak and let's face it ugly. He wasn't a good match for me. You on the other hand are much more appealing."

Honestly she didn't feel like her life was threatened by him, even though she was threatening his. She clicked a release level on his armor and dropped it to the ground leaving her in just the spandex."You don't want the princess of all Sayian's?"
Were it any other situation, Goku might have actually been flattered by Vegeta’s praise comparing him to Nappa. Right now though, he was still trying to process what was happening, and how much he was actually enjoying her touch.

His eyes widened as she released her armor, leaving her clad only in form-fitting spandex that showed off her curves and breasts very well, and his cock throbbed harder from the sight. “Y-You’re serious?” He asked, making no attempt to get away.
Vegeta noticed he was going along with this. She was a Sayian full of burning pride so it made her feel good to see he enjoyed what he saw, as he should!

Grabbing the back of his knee she slammed him into his back on the ground and climbed over him. Her heart pounded away in her chest as she did. Why was she so damn nervous?! It was just sex, for her people. Taking a deep breath she reached behind herself to undo a tiny zipper and released her breasts from the tight clothing causing them to bounce slightly in the process. A blush dusted her cheeks then at having what she considered a lot class Sayian to see her.
Grunting in surprise as he suddenly found himself flat on his back with Vegeta on top of him, Goku almost panicked and raised his guard, but was surprised again when the Princess didn't try to attack him, and instead reached around behind herself and undid a zipper, letting her large breasts bounce free. "W-Whoa..." he breathed as he looked up at her, noting the surprisingly cute blush to her cheeks. So this really was happening, then? Part of him knew he should stop this, but another part of him - maybe the Saiyan in him - couldn't help but want to see how this played out, and right now it was in the driver's seat.

So with that in mind, his strong hands rose up to begin kneading and caressing her breasts, squeezing them softly and letting his fingers sink in. Meanwhile, beneath Vegeta, she could feel his cock pressing up against her body quite firmly.
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