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Persona Infection (Scrum x MellowYellow)

With each passing second, Sadayo felt more rippling waves of heat rolling through her body until the strange energies seemed to pool in her bust. Her bra grew tighter in the span of a few seconds until her bust caused the front of her bra to snap open. Her breasts grew larger and larger, seeming to gain an entire cup size in the span of a few seconds. Her bra hung open to expose her bust, Sadayo's breasts now larger than Ann's once more. "This is... the weirdest shit..." Sadayo panted, her face flush in a mix of desire and exertion.

She managed to return some focus to her current task however. She gave Ann's hips a squeeze and redoubled her thrusting speed, until the intruding mass of her cock started to push past Ann's cervix and into her womb. A distinct outline had formed in Ann's abdomen, expanding on every inward thrust.
Sadayo's comment was something of an understatement. Weirdest shit indeed, and that meant even more to Ann given the sort of double life she had been leading lately. But even that was normal compared to this, though it had to be said, this was far more pleasurable than that. Ann glanced back over her shoulder, gasping as she saw Sadayo's now enlarged breasts as well, though just as before Sadayo's change had been much more rapid than Ann's. There would be time to be curious about that later though, right now there were far more important things to focus on.

Ann moaned loudly as Sadayo started to thrust into her harder and faster, having to release her own breasts in order for her hands to scramble for a student desk infront of her, barely grabbing onto it in time to feel Sadayo's new cock thrusting up into her womb, Ann's eyes going wide as she cried out, feeling her stomach bulging and distending like a cock sleeve, the outline of the thick cock clearly visible inside of Ann's virginally tight belly. "Ohhh! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" Ann's own cock was bouncing wildly from the thrusting, spraying pre-cum all over the classroom. She had to wonder, if it came into contact with some of the other students would it have a similar effect to what it seemed to have had on Sadayo? Tomorrow was looking to be a very interesting day indeed. "K-kawakami-sensei, c-come on...more...please! Fuck me harder Kawakami-sensei!" Ann was practically screaming now, her voice echoing through the corridors of the classroom building.
The rapid wet slapping noises of their hips meeting resounded through the room and joined neatly with Ann's lurid moans. Sadayo was left panting hotly, eyes closed as the blonde's copious precum oozed from her cock with no signs of stopping. Whatever this change was, it was immense. Had she the faculties at the moment, Sadayo really would have wondered about the mechanics of all this. But instead she was focusing on thrusting balls deep into the blonde student, feeling her body shuddering from the tightness embracing her new cock, and the rhythmic bounces of her own breasts.

Sadayo maintained her fast pace, subtly encouraged by Ann's lurid moans. Sadayo threw her head back, groaning hotly as her heavy cock tensed inside the entirety of Ann's soaked pussy. Her eyelashes fluttered, her knees shaking as a hot deluge of cum splurted inside Ann with a seemingly ceaseless volume. "Oh g-g-god..." Sadayo shuddered, her eyes nearly rolling back in her head.
Ann could feel the cock inside of her throbbing, her body was so tight she could already feel every bump, every curve, so she could most certainly feel it throbbing and pulsing, and from the feeling she could tell what was about to happen, it reminded her of exactly what Ann had felt herself before. "Oooh...K-Kawakami-sense....I...I..." Ann felt her pussy convulse and tighten, then she cried out as she came hard. Her pussy juices squirted across Sadayo's mid-section, whilst Ann's cock burst once more, cum spraying forth from beneath her, spraying across the classroom and desks. At the same time the outline of Sadayo's cock in Ann's belly vanished, but only because her belly was growing and rounding out, steadily bulging out further and further, pushing against her cock as her belly grew to sizes to rival Sadayo's own.

Ann's body wasn't just milking Sadayo of her cum though, it was draining the woman of her energy as well, sucking it all out into Ann along with the hot, thick seed. The energy drain wasn't enough to cause any real harm to Sadayo of course, just enough to likely make her pass out, whilst making Ann feel better than she had ever felt in her entire life even when not taking the immense pleasure into account.
Once Ann had seemingly milked Sadayo's cock for every drop of cum it had, along with enough energy to cause the teacher to pass out, Ann stumbled forwards, taking a few deep breaths as she turned around. Sadayo's belly was still bulging from cum, Ann's own belly much the same, though her upright position meant it was leaking out down her legs, Ann's cock starting to soften. Now that her lust was cleared her mind was starting to clear a little too, and she was beginning to realise the situation a little. She needed to figure this out, get help...there was one person who might be able to do that, Futaba! Yeah, if anyone could figure this out it was her. The problem of course was how to get there. Ann's breasts were now too big for her bra or blouse to cover, she could stretch her hoodie over them but that left the issue of her cock. Even soft it was hanging down to her knees, and her panties and leggings were destroyed from when it sprouted, and her hoodie was too loose to keep it contained.

"Think Ann think....ah!" Of course, she had something she could wear. Her school swimsuit! It was a one piece and would.....contain things. Ann grunted as she pressed down on her belly, pushing Sadayo's cum back out, before she went to her bags to grab her swimsuit, stripping down and tugging it up her legs. She grunted as she started to pull it on, which wasn't an easy task. Her balls were rather too big to fit properly, showing a little at the sides. More than that though the stomach part of the swimsuit was bulging with the very obvious outline of Ann's cock, running up the center of her belly, the head nestled snugly between her breasts. Stretching the swimsuit over them had been the hardest part, and they were now squashed to the point they were practically spilling out of the top and sides. Still, they were a little smaller to look at now so it made it easier for Ann to get her hoodie back on, along with her skirt.

Suitably covered up and modest Ann grabbed her bag and ran from the room, leaving Sadayo naked and the classroom covered in cum as she made a quick exit and headed for the train, doing her best not to think everyone was staring at her as she made her way to the Sakura household, knocking on the door loudly. "Uhhh....Futaba-chan? Futaba-chan you're here right? I seriously need a little help here"
Being an agoraphobic shutin, Futaba rarely did anything outside the home. Most of her time was spent watching anime and shitposting online, and whatever time she spent outside was used either to hang out with Akira or to do Phantom Thief stuff. So when Ann knocked on the door, it was something that reached Futaba almost instantly. The petite redhead was perched in her chair, dressed in a dark tank top and green booty shorts, her attention immediately being drawn to the camera feed of the front door.

Curious, Futaba slid from her chair and quickly made her way down to the doorway. She slid the doorway and settled her hands on her hips. "Ann? What's up? You usually don't bug me at home... and what's in your shirt? You smuggling cantaloupes?" the wry nerd asked, her left brow curiously quirked above her thick rimmed glasses.
Ann couldn't help laughing nervously as Futaba opened the door, doing her best to look inconspicuous, which only made her look more suspicious. "Uhh...hi Futaba-chan..." She glanced down as Ann mentioned her shirt, well, Ann's hoodie was rather stretched at the moment...not to mention the swimsuit was bulging and stretched to its limits keeping her enlarged breasts shrunk and contained, not to mention becoming incredibly uncomfortable. "Um...can we talk in your room? There's something I really gotta show you and get your opinion on, something private, and it seriously can't wait" Ann hopped a little foot to foot. Another problem was that the journey over here meant the snug swimsuit had been rubbing at her cock with every little movement, not to mention the head being squeezed between her breasts. Her previous orgasms had helped, but now Ann could feel her ability to get hard starting to come back, meaning the swimsuit may not last much longer with how strained it already was.
"Ahhh.... really?" Futaba replied, heaving a small sigh. She supposed if it was something serious, there was no point in being obstinate about it. Though she did really hate letting people into her room. "Fine fine. Come on in," Futaba replied, taking the time to stand aside for Ann. Once the blonde was in, Futaba slid the door shut and casually strode deeper into her home. She led on to her bedroom and slipped inside, revealing a cramped room distinct for Futaba's rather impressive computer rig and her array of anime collectibles. "So what's the problem? It's nothing serious, right?"
For a moment Ann was worried Futaba would try to make a few excuses on why she couldn't come in, but she couldn't help letting out a soft sigh of relief as Futaba stepped aside, Ann practically dashing inside past her, practically desperate to get off the streets. She followed Futaba to her bedroom, taking a few deep breaths as she could finally relax just a little bit. "Uh...well, I guess you could say it's kinda serious. Though if I try to explain it then might not really believe me, so maybe I should just show you" Ann stood motionless for a few moments, hesitating briefly, before reaching up to grasp the zipper of her hoodie. She held it for a few seconds, then tugged it down in a single brief motion, pulling it open and dropping it to the floor.
Ann was now stood in just her school one piece swimsuit, gigantic breasts straining against the material at the top, the thick outline of the shaft of her cock running up the belly, and the outline of her big, heavy balls at the base, all tightly clad in the skintight fabric that was clearly struggling to contain the flesh within.
Futaba felt her glasses slide down the thin bridge of her nose. "And people question my fashion sense," the young woman said, inspecting the very clear outline of Ann's weighty bosom and her freshly grown cock. In particular she paid focus to the huge balls slipping from her one piece. "Okay, so the dick is definitely new. I'm pretty sure your breasts are always mondo sized like that, but your dick wasn't there... where the heck did you even get that thing from?" Futaba asked, once more examining the huge throbbing outline of Ann's cock.
"I...I don't know! It just kinda...sprouted a little while ago, grew out of nowhere! And my breasts have....well they're definitely way bigger than before, the swimsuit is just kinda crushing them at the moment. They're at least twice the size they were before, maybe bigger" Ann bit her lip, the outline of her cock throbbing and pulsing slightly as Futaba stared at it so intently. It seemed to swell and thicken slightly, oh god, Ann could feel herself starting to get aroused again, her nipples were hardening too, already becoming plainly visible through the swimsuit.
"Geez... you might wanna take that thing off before you either suffocate, or the thing tears out of its confines entirely," Futaba said, speaking in a cavalier scientific manner rather than out of any latent desires. Though Futaba would be lying if she said she didn't find the prospect of Ann's naked body rather appealing.

"I'm not a doctor ya know, so I probably can't find any medical discussion for what's happened to you. But, given what we do in our free time," Futaba trailed off. This had to do with the Metaverse, no doubt. The lenses of her glasses glowed white as a long spectral tentacle sprouted from thin air beside her, worming toward Ann until it found her balls and gently coiled around her hefty nuts. Futaba hummed in thought, using Necronomicon to give Ann a detailed scan. "Hmm... It seems this new hypersexual body is a result of some deeply buried desires you have. Prolonged exposure to the metaverse has caused those same desires to 'bleed out' into the real world."
Well, Futaba wasn't freaking out so that was something at least. Though she seemed almost too calm really, which actually unsettled Ann a little more than she already was, something she hadn't thought entirely possible. Ann bit her lip as Futaba trailed off, but then let out a sigh of relief as she watched the girl calling on her Persona, only to yelp as suddenly something was coiling around her balls and stroking them through the fabric of the swimsuit. "A-ah...." The area of the swimsuit around Ann's breasts was beginning to grow dark in the center, pre-cum starting to pour from the tip, forming a sticky layer between her breasts.

"Uh...deeply...buried desires huh? That uh....well I guess if you say so..." Ann panted slightly as her cock bulged and continued to grow, straining the swimsuit further as her cock tried to pull away from her body in order to stick straight out, though the swimsuit was surprisingly well made and still managing to put up some resistance. "Ooooh.." Ann moaned softly as her cock seemed to only grow harder and more powerful in response, before with a mighty rip the front of her swimsuit ripped apart. Ann's enlarged breasts finally spilled free, and her cock sprang forth, flicking massive amounts of pre-cum all around the room that had built up inside the tight confines of the swimsuit, across the walls, the bed, the ceiling, the equipment, and Futaba herself.
"I do say so. I mean you came to me 'cause I'm the smartest person you know, after all.. seems you had a bit of a pervy side buried away," Futaba casually said. She pondered the implications of this transformation and became so engrossed in thought that she barely had a chance to react as Ann's suit gave way. The redhead yelped sharply as the bulbous head swung out, a layer of slime streaking across her face and modest chest.

"Blllleeeeh! Gross!" Futaba said, nearly falling out of her chair. "Don't just shoot... goo all over people like that! I oughta-" Futaba stopped, her cheeks suddenly growing red hot. A great warmth washed over her, growing more intense and settling in her chest. Her modest bosom trembled, and to her own shock her breasts seemed to instantly balloon to a weighty D-cup, exceptional cleavage on display in her tank top as the dark fabric was left struggling from the sudden shift.
"S-sorry! I didn't mean to! You're the one who was stroking me and made it get like this!" Ann glanced down at her cock, it seemed to be even larger than before, longer and thicker than it had been with Kawakami-sensei. The pre-cum seemed to be even more than before too, it was practically pouring from the tip now and the amount that had built up inside her swimsuit in such a short time had practically been enough to fill a bucket. "I just what do you think we should do about this Futaba-chan?"

Ann looked up just in time to see Futaba's cheeks change colour, then some kind of movement inside of Futaba's shirt, before in a moment her breasts practically exploded outwards, rapidly growing in barely a second. This was...different. With Kawakami the pre-cum had only made her aroused, the woman had only physically changed after Ann had cum inside of her, but with Futaba the change seemed to come just from pre-cum. What would happen if the girl was exposed to Ann's actual cum...? The thought sent shivers through Ann's entire body, her cock squirting a little more pre-cum across Futaba's legs as well. "W-wow Futaba-chan...? did that happen....?"
"It's..." Futaba blushed, trailing off. This was a complicated matter to discuss already, but it was even harder with her brain being clouded by the second. "It's s-something you transmit like a virus. Those perverted desires of yours latch onto another person through direct physical contact... though the exact e-effects can vary depending on the repressed desires of the individual you i-infect," Futaba said.

The cum soaked through her sweatpants, staining them a darker shade. She tensed, a shuddering groan leaving her as she felt a far stronger heat rapidly pooling in her loins. "Sh-shoot!"
"Well...I guess that makes sense...sort of...kind of" It probably made more sense to Futaba than to Ann, but the lust building inside of her meant that Ann was finding it difficult to see sense right now. Still, did this mean that Futaba's enhanced bust was part of her own repressed desires? Well, maybe it made sense. The pre-cum had just made Kawakami horny because of her repressed sexual desire. With Futaba, well, she had mentioned Ann's large breasts several times in the past, perhaps the girl was jealous and so this was the result.
"Uhh...Futaba-chan? This uh...this isn't gonna go anywhere..." Ann glanced down at her cock which pulsed and throbbed. "It's gonna just get worse unless we do something about it, and I don't think I'm gonna be able to focus on any attempt to find a cure for this while it's worked up like this" Though in the back of her mind Ann wasn't sure she wanted to find a cure, this felt so good, could she really get rid of such a sensation?
Futaba took in a sharp gasp through her teeth, a huge tent suddenly bulging inside her sweats until the sleek material strained and then tore asunder as a huge cock, nearly as big as Ann's own, suddenly burst out of her trousers. A thick glob of pre shot out, lancing along the underside of Ann's cock. "Oh what the hell Ann," Futaba grumbled, reaching down and weighing her fleshly grown testes. She was breathing heavily, sweat gleaming on her face from the sudden rush.

"If Necronomicon is correct, an orgasm or two should calm us down... a bit..."
Ann gasped in surprise as Futaba's pants suddenly bulged outwards, before ripping apart as a cock sprang forth. Just like with Kawakami-sensei but just from pre-cum once again, maybe the infection Ann was spreading was growing stronger. She had felt as if she'd drained something more than just cum from her teacher after all. Ann shivered as she felt Futaba's pre-cum splattering across her own cock, which seemed to throb and bulge in response, Ann's balls shifting before growing even larger. "An orgasm or two...yeah...that sounds good..." Ann grinned softly, shifting herself forwards a little, causing her cock to move towards Futaba's face due to the girls sitting position, the tip of Ann's cock sliding across Futaba's face, smearing it with even more pre-cum than was already there.
The redhead blushed intensely as Ann's throbbing dick drew in close to her face, the aroma alone sending a shiver through her lithe body. It seemed that Ann knew full well what she wanted, and Futaba supposed she had to deal with this if they were to make any progress on solving this issue. Futaba opened wide, taking the bulbous head into her mouth as it stretched her lips wide open. Already the taste was rather inviting,

Futaba reached down, gripping her newly grown dick in both hands and giving it a few firm strokes, her body shivering from the newly developed sensations.
"Ooooooh!" Ann was a little surprised at how readily Futaba parted her lips to accept the cock, she'd expected at least a little bit of a protest, but Ann certainly wasn't going to complain. "Nnngh....oooh fuck! Futaba-chan your mouth feels so good!" Ann thrust her hips forward to try and push a little more of her impossibly thick cock into the other girls mouth, pre-cum already pouring down Futaba's throat. "C-come on...give it a nice hard's for science after all right?"
As Ann started to saw her shapely hips too and fro, the head of her cock sinking in deeper until Futaba's throat was being parted under the girth of Ann's dick, Futaba came to the steady realisation that Ann's change was growing stronger and more defined. She was practically pissing precum down her throat, sending warmth pulsing through her body. Futaba's cheeks were hollowing as she pushed back and forth, her hands stroking her own cock at a growing rate. Hot squirts of clear pre shot out, coating Ann's silky thighs and heavy balls. She had to admit, there was something a little addictive to all this.
"Nnnngh!" Ann moaned loudly as she felt herself entering Futaba's throat, watching as the girls throat visibly bulged from the intruder. Her entire body shivered from the sensations running up and down her cock, along with the sensation of Futaba squirting her own pre-cum all over the lower half of Ann's body. "'s it Futaba-chan....a little more and you'll be able to have a taste of my cum....I'm sure you'll love it" Ann reached up to start playing with her own breasts, moaning as she pinched at her nipples, which only seemed to grow larger in response to being played with. The additional pleasure caused Ann to involuntarily thrust her hips forward a little more, pushing her cock further down Futaba's throat as the cock began to throb more, the tightness of Futaba's mouth and throat already bringing Ann close.
With each passing second Futaba felt herself getting more invested in the perverted act, slurping noisily at the heavy cock as it continually pushed into her throat, strands of saliva rolling down the underside of Ann's dick. She had to admit that it tasted pretty good, and she felt a good deal of pride from having Ann pulsing in an impending release. Her own meaty dick was throbbing in her grasp, adding to Futaba's enjoyment of the act.
"Uhhhh...ooooh....!" Ann was moaning and panting in pleasure now as she felt Futaba sucking and slurping on her cock. Who could ever have guessed that the shy, quiet girl could have such a perverted side to her? After all, it was Futaba herself who said this infection seemed to bring out desires that a person already had right? "Futaba-chan...gonna...gonna..." Ann couldn't complete her warning, and with a scream of pleasure her cock pusled and bulged, growing even thicker in Futaba's mouth and throat as cum rushed up the shaft, before cum fired from the tip like a cannon straight down Futaba's throat, every spurt in itself an impossible amount, yet spurt after spurt just kept on coming.
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