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Birdcage (1x1 with DarkMudkip)


Jun 3, 2013
New shipment, new inmates, freshmeat. For a while Deadman Wonderland hadn't gotten any new prisoners, but that would only last for so long, there was always trash to be cleaned up. Unfortunately the shipment of prisoners was rather small, perhaps crime was taking a plummet?

"Ne ne, Riko-chan, I heard we're getting in another Deadman~" A tall, voluptuous woman trailed after a smaller woman, long pink hair swaying almost as much as her hips. Pale hands gently grasped the smaller woman's shoulders and she leaned in close as they walked, a mischevious hum coming from full lips. "Do you know who it is?" Yui always expected Moriko to tell her what was going on in the world, Yuki's distaste for television shows and anything along the sort rather intense.
"You know that high school kid, Igarashi Ganta? He's in there.." Moriko answered, "You know, the kid who butchered his whole class...~"
"Really~?! Oh wow," She smiled wider and rested her chin on Moriko's head. "Kids these days really are scary~ Ne, you'll protect me right, Riko-chan~?" She asked, the entire time her smile never faultering.
Moriko laughed softly and reached to gently pet Yui's hair, "I'll do my very best.." She answered, "But I think you could take him easy~"
Yui let out a loud laugh, waving her hand and moving to walk beside Moriko. "Who? Me~? Never~" She gently bumped hips with Moriko, her smile softening a bit. "What do we have planned for today, Riko?" She asked, and this time the sarcasm was gone from her voice, but her eyes were still like a snakes, cold and hungry.
"Never gonna quite get used to those mood swings~" She said before pulling a small pad of paper from her back pocket, "Leeeet meeeee seeeeee...Senji is fighting today, the park is having a promotional sale, blah blah blah..."
"Ah! Senji-san~!" She chirped, clasping her hands together and smiling again. "Who is he up against?" She asked, bending forward slightly to look at Moriko.
"Hm? What's wrong?" Yui tilted her head, looking to Moriko, then to the paper, as if it could also tell her the answer.
"Oh!" She perked, straightening up. "I remember their first fight!" She drummed her fingers along her lips, smiling. "Took only a minute, and to think it was their First~" She looked to Moriko again. "Any thoughts from our dearest Senji?"
"He is beside himself. He doesn't care much, really, he knows how to deal with Secretary Bird..." She replied, "Though I am curious to see if he'll win again now that they know how he fights."
"Mhm~!" She made a noise of delight as she straightened back out. "We'll just have to see how things go tonight, won't we~?"

The hours before their fight always made the scars hurt, anxiety would grip their chest and wouldn't let go until they were out of the ring once more. Fighting the Crow again? These people really were twisted. Pulling on the much-too-big hoodie they wore during both fights and free time, they hid their smaller stature the best they could. Being small often meant being weak, and if you were weak, you died. Zipper boots made it easier since they only had one arm, ending just a few inches below the shoulder. Hours slowly diminished and when time ran out, they left the comfort of their room, heading down to prepare for the fight.
"I guess so..." She said, pocketing her book, "Come on, let's get some food, I'm starving."

Senji didn't need to get ready. He knew his strengths and limits, he felt good. He always felt good before a fight. But Secretary Bird? Again? Guess they didn't get enough the first time. Their Sin was...insane, to put it lightly. He was lucky to win the first time.
"Hai hai~!" Yui followed Moriko, hands clasped behind her back as they made their way to the food court.

Shit, this wasn't good. They had trained so hard after they had lost, or at least did their very best to do so, but it had only been a few months since their last fight, were they ready to fight them again?
Senji made his way to the elevator when it was time, hands in his pockets. He was pretty confident, but at the same time he didn't really care about the outcome; so long as he didn't die at least. He played with the rings on his thumbs absently, brows furrowed. Guess he would just have to give it his all as he usually did.
As the elevator touched down into the arena, lights lit up the stage that showed the opposing elevator. "Laaaadies and Gentlemen! Welcome to Carnival Corpse! Tonight is a much demanded rematch, Crow versus Secretary Bird!" The gate to the elevator slid open and the hooded person stepped out, face shaded by the hood of the jacket. "Last time it was a sure victory for Crow, will it be the same this time around?!" The voice of the announcer hurt their ears, echoing loudly off of every surface, only interrupted by the sound of the starting buzzer.
Senji didn't waste any time; he cut his arms and his Crow Claw activated immediately before he rushed at Secretary Bird. He wasn't going to give them a chance to use their Sin. At least that was the plan.
Secretary Bird almost seemed to be caught off guard, lurching backwards when Crow started their assault. Blood rushed from their hand and they brought it up to stop the blades from digging into their chest, a distinct sizzling sound coming from the blood that stopped Senji's claws. The smaller was shoved back, but didn't fall or lose their footing, the thick tendril swaying before expanding and then extending toward Senji's head through his claws, almost like a snake.
"Shit." He hissed and rushed forward, smashing his forhead into their nose, or at least where he assumed their nose was, before gripping the tendrils and spinning around to toss Secretary across the ring.
They definitely hit dead on, bone crunching beneath his forehead and a grunt of surprise coming from Secretary Bird. When Senji gripped the tendril however, his flesh went slit with pain, like his hand had been set on fire; he didn't hold on long enough to do any real damage though. Slamming into the far wall with another grunt, Secretary hit the floor, but was quickly back on the feet, blood dripping from what Senji could now only assume was a very broken nose.
It was almost like a dance, Secretary dodging all of his attacks just in time, keeping just out of reach, and then attacking with their corrosive blood, it would be tricky- if Senji didn't pick up on their pattern. They never tried for a physical attack, they only used their Branch, did that mean they were physically weak? Or were they just using that as a lure? Still the pattern continued, more and more burns appearing on Senji's skin, but more and more gashes were being gained on Secretary's side as well.
Finally, Senji had had enough. He caught the tendril around his Claw and tugged Secretary forward, grabbing them by the throat and throwing them to the ground before slamming his foot on their stomach and pressing his claws to their throat.
Secretary actually cried out in pain when Senji slammed his foot down on his stomach, and for the first time since they had first fought, Senji saw the mans face. He was fair skinned with long hair and a girlish face, eyes wide with shock before a soft frown came over their face and he slowly rose one hand in defeat.
"And it looks like Secretary Bird is down folks!" The announcer, who had been silent up until then, came back over the loudspeaker, sounding Senji's victory.
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