Black Widow Baby (RoleplayMaster x Faetal Attraction)

Nodding at the instruction, Peter stood, fumbling with his pants for a few moments before they reached his ankles, kicking them to the side. It was difficult not to cover himself, but he did his best to stand proudly. His cock was five inches and skinny, as she had seen before, pubic hair surrounding the base of his shaft. Large, heavy balls hung below, a rather appealing sight.
Natasha licked her lips at the sight. It had been a while since she was able to play with a real cock. Though it couldn't measure up to the attachment on Toni's suit, there was something special about playing with a real dick. "That-a-boy. Quite the mess of hair you have Peter. But you have a decent cock for a boy your age." She said as she stood in front of him.

Natasha put one hand on his chest and pushed him back onto the bed so he was sitting. Then she pushed his legs apart a bit and got on her knees between them. "I don't have any lube, so I guess my mouth will have to do." She said as she took his whole member in his mouth, just long enough to get a nice coat of saliva on it. Then she began to wrap the fingers of one hand around the shaft and pump slowly. "How does that feel Spidey? My hand stroking your skinny cock, while I sit on my knees for you?"
Peter threatened to explode once she had put him in her mouth, but somehow he delayed it, listening to the sound his wet dick made in her hand. "Feels good." He mumbled, not having the thought process to come up with detailed words. After a moment, he gave her a warning. "I won't last long, as you probably know. So if you want to uh... have fun with it, go ahead. I'll uh... f-finish quickly whether you go slow or fast." He wanted to tell her that so she knew that despite her slow motions, he would still cum quick. So if she had something special in mind, he wanted her to do it now.
"Thats what I thought. Your throbbing cock seems to agree with you." Natasha said with a smile. "Aww, you can't hold it very long can you." Natasha laughed playfully as she increased the speed and pressure. "You just enjoy yourself sweetheart. I want to see your dick explode all over my hand and chest. I think I would like to wear a nice pearl necklace made of your cum to dinner Peter." She teased and kissed the tip of his cock once. Her free hand pulled the zipper of her suit down to her belly button, and she leaned her breasts, which were about to pop out of her top, closer to his member, ready for whenever he reached his climax.
As promised, it did not take long at all until he shot his load. Balls tightening, cock twitching, a thick load of cum soon streamed through the air onto Natasha's chest, mostly staying in place while a little dribbled down her cleavage. Panting softly, it was only post-orgasm that Peter noticed the first two jets of semen had managed to hit Natasha's lips. "Th-Thank you."
"There we are, right on time." Natasha said happily as she felt Peter's cock throb hard before he came. She milked his dick of every last drop of cum, making sure not to leave anything behind. She felt some droplets on her lips and grinned wider. "Mmm, no, thank you Peter." She said with delight, licking the seamen from her lips, clearly savoring the taste. "You are one yummy boy. I hope I get to taste more later."
"Just... ask if you want to." He panted, blushing a little more. That had felt good, and he hoped it happened frequently. "Should we uh... clean up and go get our dinner?" Peter asked, glancing at her for a moment before grabbing his pants.
"What is the fun in that? I'd rather you ask me? It's so cute when you do." Natasha said, brushing his cheek affectionately with her hand. "You can, I think I'll stay like this for dinner. Does that bother you Spidey?" She asked playfully.
"It uh... d-doesn't bother me." He replied, grabbing his pants and slipping them on. Putting some shoes on too, he helped her stand. "Shall we head off? Lead the way." Peter requested.
"It wouldn't matter even if it did sweet Peter." Natasha grinned. She accepted the help up, but kept hold of his hand. "Yes, I am sure Toni's kitchen bot has finished cooking by now. Lets go enjoy our spaghetti dinner." Natasha answer, gently pulling Peter behind her as they turned right out of their room and walked to the end of the hall, then entering the last door on their left. They now stood inside an open room with many tables and chairs set up, almost like a cafeteria but with much better furniture and decor. In the middle of the room sat a table with a covered tray on it presumably their dinner, and Natasha lead Peter to the table to sit down. It had already been set for two people and a tall pitcher of water was next to the large covered tray in the middle of the table.
Peter accepted Natasha's hand as she pulled him away, dragging him to the cafeteria. Sitting across from her, Peter hungrily began to eat, devouring the food in front of him. A long training session and three orgasms will do that to a person.

"So when do the others get back?" he asked. With such a large room, the fact that only two people were in there was difficult to miss.
Natasha watched Peter eat for a second before starting her own meal, careful to compose herself with grace as she partook in the messy dish and taking mindful bites, savoring the flavors.

"Some are coming tomorrow, others later in the week." She answered flatly. "Why, are you getting tired of my company already? I'm almost certain your cock doesn't feel that way."
Laughing, he shook his head. "No, definitely not. I was wondering how much more alone time we had." He replied smoothly. Looking at her spaghetti, and then the semen on her chest, it made him smile. "It looks like you applied the dressing to your chest rather than your meal." he said, gesturing to the cum. "You can grab some fresh dressing if you desire?" Since the handjob, he was slowly gaining more confidence.
Natasha jaw nearly dropped to the floor at Peter's response. Where had this sudden bout of confidence and witty banter come from. This was not the Peter Parker that had just blown his load on her chest. She was speechless for a minute as she tried to wrap her head around the sudden change in his demeanor and flushed at his suggestion to go another round. She closed her mouth and blinked her eyes one, regaining her composure quickly after his last comment. "Oh, look who is being a cheeky little thing now. I didn't expect this from you Peter." Natasha jeered as she took another bite of her food. "Where did my shy little Peter go?"
"I'm doing my best to stay confident, which isn't my strong suit." Peter admitted. "It's easier to be nervous about a uh... hot chick such as yourself, when she's just teasing you. When you know she likes you back, at least in a sexual sense, it's a lot easier to relax." He answered. "Plus, I knew that if I did that, there was a chance I could do to you what you've been doing to me and catch you off guard. That worked." He smiled.
"Aww! You think I am hot? How adorable." Natasha beamed and fluttered her eyes at Peter. "Well, I guess you are ballsier than I anticipated, literally." She laughed and then took her last bite. "Maybe... no, I don't think you are capable. Not yet anyway." Natasha started her thought, but decided not to share. "Its one thing to talk bodly, it's entirely different to act on it. Hmm, I guess I will have to wait for the others to get back if..." She turned to Peter and gave him a sly smile. "...I want any help." Natasha said with a wink.
Peter wanted to tell her that he could help. But once again, Natasha succeeded in making the boy flustered and speechless. Simply turning to his food, he busied himself by eating it, having nothing left to say.

Once dinner was finished, Peter wiped his mouth clean on a napkin, as he had eaten rather messily thanks to his hunger. "What next?" He asked, wondering what Natasha normally did after dinner.
"Cat got your tongue dear?" Natasha said, mocking him, but in a playful manner. "One doesn't best their master after only a day, no matter how much natural talent or abilities they may have." She said and wiped her mouth with her napkin in a dainty manner. "I just hope that Toni returns soon. I could really use her and her toy right about now." She said suggestively, letting Peter come up with his own idea as to what she meant by it.

"For you, the Library. You have class. Can't be an Avenger without a proper education." She said, standing up. "Leave the plates, the bot will clean up. I'm going back to the room to take care of some business." Natasha declared, winking on the last word. "Library is across the hall from here, so you lot have no excuse for being late to class. There are desks and laptops set up in there. All you need to do is pick a spot, sit down, and open the laptop. The computer will give you a scan and do the rest." She said standing up. "Oh, also this whole site is set up with a cell phone jammer that turns on when class starts, so your phone will be a brick until you are dismissed, to prevent texting, playing games, or web surfing during class."
Peter soon left Natasha, blushing wildly at the idea of Natasha and Toni. The classes he attended were fairly easy, though with above average intelligence, that was to be expected.

Two hours later, Peter returned to his shared bedroom with Natasha. Climbing onto bed, Peter closed his eyes, not realising he climbed onto Natasha's bed. She wasn't there which helped with the confusion.
Natasha was amused by his blush and was curious as to how he pictured herself and Toni. She exited the room soon after Pete and went to the showers to clean up and take care of herself. Again, she pictured the young boy as her fingers thrust in and out of her cavern and she groped her heavy breasts, moaning and shouting Peter's name aloud in the empty and well soundproofed locker room showers. Natasha brought herself to orgasm a few times before actually cleaning herself.

By the time she was done, almost two and a half hours had passed. She returned to their bedroom and was surprised to see the exhausted Peter fast asleep in her bed. Well, looks like I won't be sleeping alone tonight. She chuckled internally and changed into just a pair of skimpy and silky black shorts. Quietly, and with care not to wake the young man, she slipped into bed next to him, allowing one hand to ever so softly rest between his legs where his member currently lay dormant. She allowed her body to sink into the bed as she took a deep breath in, and then out, closing her eyes slowly and pressing her body, softly, against his, enjoying the warmth of his back against her bare breasts.
The next morning, Peter awoke in confusion. Eyeing the strange place, he quickly remembered that he was now an Avenger. With a smile, he made to move, onto to find himself stuck. He seemed to be the little spoon to some, a girl judging from the feminine arm, and the two breasts against his back. He only wore pants, having discarded his shirt before going to sleep. But somehow, the girl spooning him had managed to her a hand in his pants through the night, touching his now erect penis. Blushing heavily, Peter couldn't move thanks to how she held him, so all he could do was wait for her to wake up.
Natasha was a light sleeper, as it was required in her line of work, otherwise she would have been killed off long ago. She awoke when Peter tried to move, but kept her eyes closed, wanting to see how much she could get away with before he tried to wake her. Natasha was well aware of where her hand was. She gave the phallus between her fingers a gentle squeeze as she nuzzled his back, sighing softly, her breath ghosting the back of his neck.
Gasping softly at the squeeze, Peter admittedly was enjoying what Natasha was doing to him. Her soft body against his own, he felt maybe she could have been tricking him. "Are you awake?" He asked softly, unsure if she was. He remained quiet, in case she actually was asleep. But he definitely knew this would be something she'd do anyway.
"Mmm..." Natahsa said, but still pretending to be asleep. She began to stroke the shaft up and down slowly while pushing her body closer to his. She was careful to keep her facial expression neutral and her eyes closed so that Peter would assume she was still asleep. She could feel her own shorts begin to dampen at the sound of his moan and she imagined his blushing face.
Blushing more, he reached down, attempting to pull her hand from his cock. "You're not sleeping." he said more confidently, doubting she could stroke someone off while asleep. He would have been happy to keep it going, but if that meant making a mess in his pants, he'd rather it didn't happen at all.
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