Black Widow Baby (RoleplayMaster x Faetal Attraction)

"You can call me Natasha for now." She replied to his shock with a grin. Natasha took another step forward as he tried to hide in the corner of the stall. She took Peter's chin in her hand and lifted his head to look at her. "What do you think I am doing?" She chuckled as she tried to sneak a peek between his legs. "I want to see everything. Otherwise, how will I know how to best utilize and train you?" Natasha asked, taking yet another step forward so her already hard nipples brushed against his chest. "Stand straight, don't be shy."
Looking up at her, Peter reluctantly stood straight. As her eyes fell between his legs, she'd find a surprising amount of pubic hair. But amongst that, was Peter's 'peter'. It had gone soft since training, and it was evident that the boy was a grower, not a show-er. His cock was currently quite small, though as Natasha had close contact with it earlier, she would know it got better. Peter remained silent, embarrassed as he looked away.
"I see you have calmed down a bit since our training session." Natasha said as one hand rested on his chest. "Let's see if I can't wake him back up, shall we?" Her fingers ever so lightly traced down his chest, to his stomach, then began to fight their way through his thick pubic hair to the shaft of his soft member. Her eyes followed her fingers until they wrapped around the warm and wet manhood between Peter's legs, then they snapped back up to his face and noticed that he was avoiding her gaze. With her other hand, she grabbed his chin again and turned his face to hers. After staring at him for a second, her eyes flashing with lust, she pressed her lips firmly to hes, her body following and pressing her breasts against his bare chest. The hand on his cock began to caress the short shaft, trying to encourage it to grow.
The simplest touch of Natasha seemed to be enough to spark a little bit of life back into him. Her fingers coaxed his cock into appearing, and very quickly it grew. It was only a few gentle pumps later that his cock grew to five inches of length. Rather skinny, but the length was impressive for a boy his size.

Groaning softly, Peter eyed Natasha's face. She was very pretty, especially up close. And he wasn't just thinking that because of his dick being in her hand. Then, all of a sudden, he felt her lips against his own, kissing him as only an experienced woman could. His body edged back slightly as she forced herself onto him. So much soft, smooth, wet skin against him, it sent his mind crazy. Soon, he felt the tap against his back. Grunting in slight pain, Peter rotated them so his back was to a normal wall, feeling the water get a little hotter thanks to him moving the tap by mistake.

From Peter's frequent, brief stops for air, and even just the complete lack of skill, Peter's inexperience with kissing was fairly obvious to the Russian Spy.
Natasha was continually amused by Peter's reactions and enjoyed playfully teasing him about his responses, it was supposed to be all in good fun, for the both of them, and hoped that Peter could see that. "There we go!" She cheered in a cutesy voice as she felt his member stand at attention. "A little thinner than I was expecting, but still..." She chuckled. Peter's groan only made Natasha smile brighter and elicited a small giggle of delight. She didn't fight him when he moved them around so the hotter water was falling over both of them.

She enjoyed his soft inexperienced lips on her, the nervousness that Peter seemed to radiate as the clearly more experienced Natasha took advantage of the young man. I can't scare the boy off, as much as I want to continue... She sighed internally and pulled away from the kiss, allowing both her hands to fall to her sides. "Well, that was fun. Good luck with that little problem of yours Spiderboy. I'll see you in the dining room when you are done." She giggled, sauntering out of the stall back to the bench with her clothes, and then back to their room.
Peter, despite himself, looked very disappointed when she pulled away. He was only just starting to relax, and to enjoy himself, when her hands suddenly disappeared from him. Sighing, he began to stroke himself to her image once she left him alone, finishing not long after. Leaving the shower, Peter then towelled off and dressed, returning to his room that he shared with Natasha. "What was that about?" He asked, the moment he entered the room. Placing his bag at the foot of his bed, Peter laid down, happy to relax even if was only for a few moments.
Natasha saw the disappointed look, took note of it, and decided that later she may take it a little further, but not too much. It was only his first day and although Natasha wanted nothing more than to break the boy in, so to speak, she knew he was a virgin and thought it best she take things slow.

When she got back to her room, she lay on her bed naked. With eyes closed, picturing the young man she just saw in the shower, she began to stroke herself, concentrating on toying with her clit. When Peter came back into the room, Natasha already had a few fingers from her other hand thrusting in and out of her folds while the other toyed with the sensitive nub above. She look toward the door, her face flush from the pleasure she was giving herself. "I was just having a bit of fun with my new team-mate. It is Avenger tradition after all." Natasha said, matter-of-factually as she continued to toyed with her pussy. She began to breath more heavily as she approached her own climax while watching Peter cross the room and lay on his bed, imagining herself climbing on top of him and riding his skinny and small virgin cock. "It seemed like you enjoyed it, or at least your little friend did." She added in a breathy to as she continued to masturbate.
Peter had been focused on laying on his bed that it was only after he was resting that he noticed what Natasha was doing. Face flush, Peter stared for a few moments, entranced by the sight, before turning away. "Maybe I should give you a bit of privacy?" He suggested, sitting up and heading for the door. Despite having entered the room soft, he was leaving the room with an erection.
"No! Stay Peter." Natasha ordered. The hand on her clit moved to her breast now and began to fondle it roughly, flicking at the nipple and then moving back to grope the fleshy orbs on her chest. "I'm.... a..almost....there..." She panted as the fingers in her pussy moved more aggressively in and our of her slit. "YES!! Yes, right there Peter!" She exclaimed, finding the sweet-spot inside her sex and rubbing at it madly. "FUCK!! Spiderman!!" screamed with delight as she reached her own climax, her pussy trickling juices of her orgasm on her sheets as her body convulsed with pleasure on the mattress. She writhed for a few more seconds on the bed as she rode the wave of pleasure out, then sank back into it, both her hands now lazily resting on her breasts, caressing them as she came down from her sexual high. "Good lord, that was a big one. Almost a good as when Toni fucked me silly with the special attachment on her suit." Natasha chuckled at the memory. "I hope you enjoyed the show Peter."
Blushing heavily, Peter reluctantly stayed, his hand lingering on the doorknob. Despite her request though, he still looked away. Even listening though was arousing, from the wet squelching sound of her fingers, to her moans of his name, and alter-ego. The more he listened, the more aroused he grew. And by the time she finished, so had he. His body twitched slightly as he tried to hide his own orgasm, cock convulsing within his underwear.

Peter left the room soon after, even more embarrassed at his accident. Returning to the lockerroom, the boy cleaned himself up, removing his underwear and going commando for now, since his current pair was dirty. The lockerroom had a communal laundry basket that the staff would collect and wash their gear (mostly used for training gear, which is where Peter's old clothes had been discarded to). Peter simply threw his undies in there before beginning to head back.
Out the corner of her eye, Natasha saw a wet spot grow on the groin of his pants, knowing that Peter had just climaxed himself, all from listening to her moans on pleasure. "I'm glad we both got a happy ending, though it looks like you might need to do some laundry sooner than you thought." She teased playfully as she sat up on the bed and stretched out. As he walked out the door she called out "You are really cute when you blush like that Peter!".

Once he was out of sight, Natsha cleaned herself up, flipped her sheets, and slipped back into her skin tight latex suit. This time though she left her top mostly unzipped so all her cleavage was in full view. She sat back on her bed and began cleaning her Glocks as she waited for Peter to return.
Upon Peter's return, he grabbed a pair of underwear and left the room again, stepping outside and away from Natasha's peering eyes as he put them on. Once again entering the room, Peter sat down and went on his phone, eyeing the various messages he had from friends at school, wondering why he pulled out. With SHIELD having a dedicated education system, he no longer needed to balance school life with his secret life as a hero.

"Sorry again about your gun." Peter said, eyeing the guns she was cleaning and remembering how he destroyed one of them earlier. His eyes would occasionally flicker to the exposed skin, but he did his best to ignore it.
Natasha looked of briefly as he came in to grab a new pair of underwear and commented. "Hopefully you won't cum in those too." She chuckled. When he came back in and sat on his bed, she let him have some peace and quiet while he checked his messages. After dinner he would go to the library for his study break and do some coursework on the computers in there set up for the SHIELD members who still needed to finish school.

"I'm sure you will find some way of making it up to me Spiderboy." Natasha said with a sly grin and a wink while pushing out her chest so he could have a better view of pale skin beneath her jet-black suit. She liked his shy and awkward glances at her body and seemed to want to encourage him to look more. "So what do you want to eat tonight? I'll order it and we can head to the dining room when you're done answering your friends."
Trying to ignore Natasha's comment about cumming in his pants, Peter simply stared harder at his phone. "For dinner?" Peter asked, more as a way to delay an answer. "I dunno, perhaps some spaghetti or something?" He shrugged. "Whatever's on offer, I'll eat." He added, not being particularly fussy. A few moments later, he put his phone away, slipping it into the pocket of his tracksuit pants. "I'm ready to go now if you want?" He said, sitting up and looking over at her. Once again, his eyes ran along her body automatically, finding it difficult not to admire her figure. Her suit did little to hide her curves, but he knew what she looked like naked anyway, at least from his peripheral vision.
Natasha nodded at his answer, put down her gun and pulled out her own phone. She typed in the order for a classic spaghetti bolognese meal as he finished on his phone as well. "It will be ready in a half hour. You are welcome to wait in the dining room if you want, but it's pretty boring in there." She smiled as she noticed Peter's eye wash over her again, hovering over the curves in her form. "You like what you see? I certainly did when we were in the showers." Natasha laughed as she stood up and moved to sit next to Peter on his bed. "Tell me, what do you like the most?" She asked as one hand fell onto his thigh.
Peter looked away as she began to tease him once more. It was difficult not to stare in the first place, and being caught (even if it seemed as if she did not mind) was difficult to deal with.

Eyes widening at the hand on his thigh, he turned back to her, a little confusion on his face. "Like the most?" He asked, unsure what she meant. "Like the most about what?" he asked, thinking and hoping she had changed subjects already.
"Aww, no need to be shy Peter." Natasha said as he averted his gaze. "Yes dear, what do you like most about my body?" She clarified. "My breasts? My ass? Something else?" She asked using her free hand to rub each part she mentioned. "I'm curious to know."
His eyes travelled back to her, following the hand that rubbed each part named. "It... It's all pretty good." he admitted, his pants tightening from another erection. "I guess your um... a-ass?" he shrugged, cheeks red. "Especially in the suit." He added, the skintight suit making the Russian look even sexier.
"Ahh, Spidey is an ass man." She teased and squeezed his thigh. "Then the suit is doing its job. You know, Toni worked very hard on the design and fabrication. She said she wanted it to show off all my best assets, pun intended." Natasha explained, gentle allowing her hand to rub his thigh, sometimes dipping her hand to his inner thigh, but retreating it quickly to tantalize him. "The suit is so tight I can't wear anything under it, but the fabric feels amazing against bare skin. Toni made sure that I would be comfortable, such a sweet woman."
"A bit of both, actually." Peter admitted, not particularly being one or the other at any given time. The knowledge that she couldn't wear underwear was an arousing thought though. "So why do you like teasing me of all people. I'm nothing special." he said, his cock twitching on a particularly close stroke of his thigh.
"Well, lucky I have enough of both to spare." Natasha chuckled to his response. "Well, for one, I think you are pretty cute." She said, dipping her hand again. "And two, your reactions are entertaining. I love how shy and embarrassed you get." She said, licking her lips as her eyes stared at the bulge between his legs.
"You think I'm cute?" he repeated, a little surprised. Looking down at her hand, he was growing rather sexually frustrated, though admittedly he was enjoying every moment of it.

"And are you only going to tease me? It's going to be annoying if I have to disappear ten times a day to take care of these uh... problems, you're giving me." He confessed. He noticed the way she licked her lips, and despite him not having much to work with, it apparently still appealed to Natasha.
"I do, very cute." Natahsa nodded, letting her hand now rub the inside of her thigh, but not touch his member at all.

"For now. I don't think you are ready for anything else yet. Don't want to move too fast for your virgin body." She chuckled again. "Unless you ask very nicely, then I may consider helping you out." Natasha added, giving the inside of his thigh a squeeze.
Peter was struggling to find the words to ask. He had never wanted anything more than for Natasha to help him. With a slight nod, he cleared his through and weakly asked. "C-Could you um... Could you help me out? P-Please?" His voice was barely more than a whisper, his excitement at the prospect, and fear at the possible humiliation, both evident.
Natasha looked back up at Peter as she asked. The way he stuttered the words out in a whisper excited Natasha. Again she felt her womanhood become warm and damp and her nipple, now hard, pushed the thin fabric of her suite, making themselves known. "Aww sweetie, sure." She said, brushing his smooth face with her hand and then planting a kiss on the cheek.

The hand on his thigh moved to the bulge and gave it a few good squeezes, before pulling away. "Stand up and take them off." She demanded with authority. "Lets try and keep this pair clean, shall we Peter." She teased and waiting for him to do as he was told.
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