Black Widow Baby (RoleplayMaster x Faetal Attraction)


Jun 26, 2013
Peter Parker took a deep breath, looking at the door in front of him. Maria Hill had just escorted him and five other kids around his age through the SHIELD Helicarrier. They were to be a part of the Junior Avengers Initiative, a young team of Superheroes to provide back-up to the original team if necessary, or to help out other threats in the world if the original team is busy. It was exciting, and he was looking forward to it.

He was told that they would be paired with a member of the original team in order to learn from the best. They were paired through their different powers and how they can act in the field, so Peter was curious as to who he was paired with. Looking at the door in front of him, he finally braced himself and entered.

The room was empty, at least in terms of other people. But from the various items around the apartment, he could guess who he was to train with. No forms of experimental technology, so that eliminated Toni Stark. No chemicals or other science experiments, so Barbara Banner was not his teacher either. He had no clue what Thor would have for her room, except maybe a mantel for her hammer, but he didn't believe she was in this room either. Stacy Rogers would have a record player or other old technology in here, or maybe some old newspaper clippings, so she wasn't here either. That left either Natasha Romanoff, or Clarissa Barton. Well.. there were various weapons on display, yet no bows... Just as he was coming up with his idea on his teacher, the door opened behind him...
Natasha rolled her eyes as she saw the helicopter land on base. The last thing she wanted to do was babysit some kid while the rest of the team got to go on missions. Not to mention that she would have to share her already cramped room with the brat. "I'll get you back for this Toni." She muttered under her breath. It was partly his idea to start the Junior Avengers Initiative, all after he saw a video of some kid, called Spider Boy or something in a sweat suit "saving the day" in New York.

Natasha decided to test the kid. She would let them find their room on their own and surprise them, just to see how they would react. She wondered if it was going to be the Spider kid or someone else that Stark had her eye on. She watched as the boy walked down the hall and thought it was interesting that, whoever it was, was a teenage boy. "That could make things more interesting for me." She thought to herself as she watched him enter the room. She waited a few moments and then opened the door, holding a Glock 26 in her hands, pointing dead between the kids eyes. "Who the hell are you kid?" She demanded in a no-nonsense tone. "And what the fuck are you doing in my room?" Natasha of course knew the answer to the second question, but she wanted to see how easily this kid could be rattled.
Looking around the room curiously, a tingling feeling in his head and hands told him about a potential dangerous threat coming in the next moment. He did not have time to wonder why he would be in danger while on the SHIELD Helicarrier, as he could hear footsteps. Once the door opened, Peter whipped around, his hand grabbing the gun and crushing the barrel as he stole it from Natasha's hands. Eyes widening as he saw Natasha, perhaps realising that this was some sort of test, he apologetically handed her back the weapon.

"S-Sorry, Miss... Ma'am. Miss Ma'am." Peter stumbled over his words. "I'm Peter. Peter Parker." He introduced himself nervously. "I'm to be uh... your student with this new team thing... Miss Hill told me to wait here for my teacher to appear, which I suppose will be you." His heart was racing, partially due to the adrenaline and partially due to his fear of already ruining this opportunity.
As soon as the door opened and she caught sight of him again, she noticed he had tensed up, even before he turned around. "He has instincts, thats a start. What else does he got?" she wondered. Natasha was almost pleasantly surprised by his reaction, both the speed and the reaction itself. She simply raised and eyebrow and gave a curt nod. "Peter Parker. Are you that Spider Boy kid?" She asked, taking the gun back from him and tossing it onto her bed.

Her expression remained emotionless as she eyed the kid up and down, listening to his response and walking around him in a circle to size him up. "You look a little skinny for your age kid, but I guess I have some muscle hiding away there. You did a number on my Glock." She said with a little chuckle. "How old are you anyway Pete?"
"Spider-Man.. It's um... Spider-Man." He replied meekly, knowing it was a lame name. As she began to walk, he wanted to follow. But she circled him, almost as if checking out if he was worthy of her time. "I'm uh... F-Fifteen." He admitted, his eyes following her whenever she walked into his vision. He remained silent, knowing that she was in charge. That meant letting her have control of the situation. For now, he simply focused on controlling his breathing, and letting his heart rate fall to a normal speed.
"Spider-Man. Huh." Natasha repeated with a slight grin. She took another step forward and grabbed his chin in her hand. She turned his head side to side as she examined his face more closely. "You are only fifteen and don't even shave. You are not a man yet." She said decisively. Natasha let his chin drop from her hand and she stepped back. "Okay, I guess I can work with this." She stated as she allowed her eyes to glance over his whole body once more. "You can relax a bit for now, get comfortable and organize your gear. Meet me in the training room one in an hour. I want to see what else you've got." Natasha turned away after she finished speaking and walked out of the room, not bothering to stay to hear his response. For now she was going to do a bit more research on this kid so she could better form a plan of action for their training sessions. Natasha wanted to find out more about his powers, his strengths, weaknesses and limitations. All of these factors would be important to consider when coming up with a training regimen.
"I... I shave." Peter replied half-heartedly. He had shaved once, when a little bit of hair poked through his skin. That had been a few months ago though, and his face was still clean-shaven. Watching as Natasha left the room, Peter couldn't help but look at her butt, the skin-tight suit the woman wore doing wonders to his imagination. Shaking his head from these thoughts, he geared up, wearing some work-out clothing. Unsure if she planned a sparring session, he also grabbed his web-shooters, before heading to Training Room One.
Natasha shook her head at his reply and ruffled his hair, like one would do to their little brother. "Sure sweetie, sure." She feigned affection. As she left the room, she could feel Peter's gaze watching her hips, Natasha smirked to herself and made her hips slightly more, to accentuate her already impressive assets.

She stopped in the surveillance room and kept an eye on Peter on a monitor as she pulled up his file on a computer. "Hmm, agility, speed, flexibility and strength. He can shoot webs, but only with web-shooters and canisters of web fluid. Not bad. I may want to start with hand-to-hand combat, he needs to know how to fight without his gadgets, just in case."

Fifteen till the hour, Natasha looked up at the clock and headed over to the training room. As she waited for Peter, she did some stretching and tumbling to warm up her muscles. When Peter peter came through the door, Natasha was in the middle of doing a split, stretching her legs to either side of her body and pushing out her chest as she stretched her arms behind her, causing the zipper of her jumpsuit to fall a few inches and reveal a generous amount of cleavage.
Giving a nervous smile to his teacher as he entered the room, Peter began to stretch too, doing his best to ignore Natasha. After a few moments, he approached. "So what did you have planned?" The Web-Slinger asked, as she performed the splits. From his point of view, he had an amazing view down her cleavage. Feeling himself grow a semi, he looked away, hoping not to become hard before training.
Natasha watched the boy from the corner of her eye and smirked slightly as his eyes kept wandering back to her. When he approached, Natasha rolled her neck as Peter spoke. "Well to start..." Natasha began as she slowly stood up from her split, her hands trailing up her legs, belly, and torso as she got on her feet. With her keen eye, she saw his growing member and he smirk slowly turned into a half smile. "I want to see more of what you've got. What can you do with those?" She asked, pointing to the web shooters on his wrists.
"With these?" He confirmed, looking down at the shooters. "I can web them to something and pull myself up, or bring it to me." He explained, webbing a nearby weight and pulling it towards him. It was a fairly heavy weight, but as it launched towards him, Peter caught it with a single hand. Putting it down, he shot a web to the ceiling, pulling himself up and then using another web to slowly sling back down. At one point, the two were face to face, then groin to face, before he flipped over onto his feet. "Or I can simply web something into place, like a person. Or if something was breaking, the web would temporarily keep it together." Peter explained it's abilities
Natasha nodded as he motioned to his shooters. "Yes. Lets see what they can do." She watched as he shot at the 70lb weight and effortlessly caught it in one hand. Impressive for a kid his size and age. Then she observed Peter get up to the ceiling. Her eyes tracked him as Peter lowered himself back down. Just for fun, Natasha blew him a kiss as they were face to face, and blew another one toward his growing bulge when his groin was at her eye level, she was curious to see if he could keep his composure around her. It would be a skill that would be useful to have in his arsenal. "Alright, not bad. I could see how this stuff could come in handy in battle. Now what do you do if the shooters are damaged or you run out of web fluid? In combat, you need to be able to defend yourself and attack without your gadgets. Always be prepared for the worst scenario."
As he lowered further and further, his cheeks reddened. While it could have been due to his upside down positioning and the blood running up to his face, it was more likely from the kissing gestures Natasha made. "I always bring enough web fluid to last a few fights if necessary, however if I do not have access to my webbing for whatever reason, I use hand to hand combat." Peter replied, it sounding fairly weak when he considered he was speaking to 'super spy' Natasha Romanoff. "I'm not trained, but my powers heighten my reflexes significantly, as well as my strength, which works well in most situations." He added.
Natasha chuckled to herself as she noticed Peter's face blush more It was kind of endearing and cute to see his reactions toward her advances. "Alright, then. Let's see if you can take me." Natasha said as she readied herself. First she came at him slowly, walking closer as she reached for his wrists, carefully dodging any hits or kicks he may throw her way.
The fight was fairly even as they began, her experience helping dodge his attacks, and his senses helping him. It was almost as if the two were shadow sparring, except at extremely close distance. Finally, he began hitting her here and there, but unfortunately fell into a rhythm. This was bad as she'd be able to predict his next shots, and likely counter.
"Impressive. You could hold your own for a while." Natasha said as they sparred, not sounding the list bit breathless, as if this fight was effortless for her. She let him get a few hits in, not only to see how hard he could hit, but also to let him get the feeling of some success. As Peter fell into a rhythm, she decided to defend herself one handed. "Lets introduce some distractions." Natasha said with a grin using her free hand to pull the zipper of her suit down, exposing more of her plentiful cleavage and causing her breasts to bounce a bit more since they were no presses to closely against her chest. She pushed her breasts closer toward him as they continued to spar, arching her back a bit and lowered her eye lids a bit, giving him a sultry look and licking her lips slowly. "Loosing concentration means loosing the fight Peter." She warned.
Eyes widening as she pulled the zipper down, it was right in front of Peter's eyes. From what little he knew about fighting, he knew that you had to look at the chest of your opponent. It helps as you can see both arm and leg movement. But as more skin exposed, glistening sexily from sweat, he could feel himself harden into a full tent. Doing his best to ignore it, his eyes instead moved to her face, eyeing the look she gave him. This was tough.

Finally, he got her with a quick leg sweep, though he got tangled within her. Falling too, he soon found himself underneath her, his cock pressing against her though their clothes.
Natasha could see his cock stiffen and was amused that he was so easily aroused. She was however caught off guard by the leg sweep for a moment. I should be more focused on fighting him, not teasing him. She thought to herself, but she was having so much fun. As they fell to the ground, Natasha took that opportunity to move her body so she ended up on top of Peter, her legs straddling him on either side of his hips. She blushed for a moment as she felt his, unexpectedly large cock for his stature, pressing up against her own sex. She could feel it throb through the thin latex of her suit. Quickly she composed herself and locked her legs around him and pinned Peter's wrists above his head. She leaned over, enough that he was looking him straight in the eye, and that he could see straight down her suit. "I wasn't expecting that, but clearly you didn't think your move all the way through, now what will you do?" She asked, knowing that with the way she had him pinned, he couldn't buck his hips or pick up his arms because of the leverage she had on his joints.
Grunting as she moved positions, it was clear that he didn't particularly want to move. But she soon asked what he planned, his eyes darted around looking for something (and avoiding looking down her suit). Eyeing the ceiling above him, Peter manipulated his hand to aim up, shooting his web. It hit the ceiling as he had hoped, pulling himself out of her grasp. As he did so, his erection brushed her face firmly, not that he noticed.

Pulling himself up, Peter was halfway up the room before he dropped, using Natasha's momentary surprise to land on her. The force (which he did his best to lessen so he didn't hurt her too much) brought her to the ground, almost in a reverse 69 position. His erection hovered above her face as his knees held down her arms. Webbing her feet to the ground, he quickly webbed her hands too. "Did I win, or did I cheat?" Peter asked, standing up and looking down at his teacher. He thought he could see a little pink from her nipple, causing his cock to twitch, but he was unsure.
Natasha watched as Peter's eyes scanned the room. Good, he looking around to see what his options are and forming a plan. It would have been a shame if he had given up. She noted before Peter made his move. Natasha admired his quick think and ingenuity, though she was curious what he would have done without his shooters. When his member brushed against her face, Natasha felt her suit dampen between her legs. "Fuck." She muttered as he raised himself up to the ceiling, and she pulled herself up.

As he landed on top of Natasha, she let out a grunt as she was pinned to the ground. She took advantage of the situation though, seeing the position they were in, she leaned her head toward his groin and nuzzled the budge, adding a gentle nip to the firm member, just with slight pressure, only enough for him to notice. Natasha tried to move her hands and feet after Peter webbed them, but they didn't budge. "You won, for now." Natasha said approvingly "You are very clever Peter, that is a great attribute to have." She said as she arched her back to accentuate the vulnerable position she was in. "You won, using your shooters and wit, but you won." Natasha said with a smile. "I think we can conclude our combat training today." She stated with satisfaction. "Mind helping me up now, or do you have something else in mind?" Natasha teased with a lustful grin and glance, licking her lips slowly to draw attention to them.
His cheeks hinted up at the last comment, silently crouching down to rip off the webbing. It was a tough material, so without having superhuman strength, Natasha would have had to wait an hour for the webbing to disintegrate. He was by her side as he pulled off one hand, and leaned over her as he fixed the other, and then done the same for her legs. Standing up, Peter offered her a hand to help her up.

Unsure if he had felt her nip at him as he was positioned on top of her, he did not make a comment, instead looking around the room. "So, what's next?" He asked, unsure if they were to hit the showers.
Natasha let out a chuckle at his blush. The more she thought about it though, the more she realized it might be fun to do "more" with Peter. He did seem well equipped, and one could argue that the ways of sexual pleasure is a useful skill to have in espionage. The showers would be a perfect place to start that training. We are the only ones on the compound today. Natasha schemed. When Peter leaned over her, she sneaked a kiss to his cheek, but acted as if she hadn't done anything out of the ordinary.

She took the hand he offered, stood up, and brushed herself off, slowly moving her hands over the curves of her breasts and hips. "Now its time to hit the showers before dinner. They are down the hall and three doors down on the left. Go get washed up." She motioned to the door. "You did good today Peter, you are better than I thought, and it takes a lot to impress me. I can see why Toni had her eye on you." Natasha added as she made her way to the door.
Blushing further at the kiss, Peter thought nothing of it. It seemed as if she made it her mission to embarrass him, and it was working. Nodding at the instruction, Peter walked off and headed to the showers.

Entering the lockerroom, Peter found one shower stall and intended to start showering. But when he noticed a lack of a lock on one door, Peter quickly went to another one. No lock. Apparently, due to an incident not too long ago, it seemed like SHIELD decided to remove the locks, something that Peter knew Natasha would take advantage of. Groaning in annoyance, the boy slipped into the corner stall and shut the door, hoping his bag of equipment by the door would help at least warn him if she intended to enter. Stripping, Peter then turned the water on and began to wash up.
Natasha was surprised that the kiss go to no reaction and was disappointed. She watched as he walked down the hall before heading to her room briefly. She was aware that there was little privacy in the compound, both for security reasons, but also to build trust between the heroes, but was unsure if he was. Once getting into her room, she removed the hidden weapons from her suit, she wouldn't need them where she was headed.

By the time she got to the locker-room, Peter had already begun washing up. Natasha was careful not to make a peep as she disrobed, leaving her suit and shoes on a bench. There had been nothing under her suit, it was far to tight to wear anything under. She noticed that Peter had try to take the least accessible stall, but that only worked to her advantage. She silently walked over to the stall, careful not to touch his bag as she opened the door. "Your clothes don't do you justice." Natasha said as she reached her hand quickly to give his bum a playful pinch. "Such a shame to hide this cute ass under those baggy pants."
Jumping at the sound of her voice, Peter hassened to hide himself as she pinched his ass. "N-Nata... Miss Romanoff." He changed his mind on how he addressed her, unsure if they were on first-name basis yet. But with how she was behaving with him, it was difficult to see how they couldn't be. Glancing over briefly, his eyes widened at the two hanging globes on her chest, without a care in the world. "W-What are you doing?" He asked.

The boy looked so awkward, hunched over himself in the corner of the stall, cheeks bright red as he tried to look anywhere but her.
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