Naughty Girl. . . (Katie X Atom)

Jul 2, 2009
Malfoy Manner. To Lucius, a humble estate, where his wife and son lived along with him. It was a fairly nice place if he did say so himself. His footsteps echoed throughout the halls as the pale, pointy faced man made his way with his snake head walking stick, that housed his Elm and Dragon heartsting wand. Something, any wizard held dear to them. This day, this day he had plans from his usual ranting about how Mudbloods were inferior, he was to go to Hogwarts and meet his son and the Headmaster for routine Ministry work. How quaint of Dumbledore to invite him while there was a Quidditch game going on. It was mostly to take his mind off his son, so he thought.

With a poof, he Apparated to the hallowed halls of the castle known as Hogwarts. His son was in his fifth year by now. His cane, marking where he walked as his fingers were wrapped tightly around the head of it. He hoped that the blasted Weasley family would stay away from his, that family of Wizards was almost as bad as Mudbloods. The whole like made him sick to his to stomach, and the fact of the matter was, they seemed to do better in school that his own flesh and blood. Something that often made Lucius lose sleep. How could a member of the esteemed Malfoy clan, fail academically to a Mudblood and a fucking Weasley? He didn't understand it.

The meeting was over. Just routine things for the ministry as stated before. He walked toward the Quidditch Field, which was suprisingly empty. The game must already be over, either that or it must have been two other houses playing. He stopped as something caught his eye. The ginger mudblood was making her way somewhere. His blood boiled just lookign at her. He realized now, that he really should have sent his son to Durmstrang, there he wouldn't have had to deal with those Weasleys. . .
Hermione poured over the small notebook in hand, the one where all of her notes from DA meetings were scribbled down. Her hair was half up in a twisted bun, the rest of her ringlets falling around her neck and chest. While she wasn't necessarily a fan of the game, she had promised Luna she would go and watch Ravenclaw try and beat down Hufflepuff. Not that most people cared for either team. No, even the house members knew that Gryffindor and Slytherin held the best teams.

Pulling her gray and red scarf back, she tightened her grip on the short peacoat she was wearing. It was far too cold for the uniform pleated skirt, and yet every girl adorned them, along with gray stockings. Perhaps she was getting too old for these outfits. It made her look more like a whore than a good student. Her chest was now poking between the v-neck, unlike the first years who had yet to go through puberty. But she wasn't going to break the rules and change her tops. Besides, they got her some good attention.

Closing her leather-bound book, she shoved it into her messenger bag, and walked into the arena. Passing through the crowds she looked up just in time to catch someone glaring at her. She, for a moment, had though it was Draco. After all, same eyes, same hair - but this man had far longer locks, and a much more pristine look to him. Lucius Malfoy. Of course he was here. Always poking into Hogwarts business. Hermione looked at him for a moment, narrowing her eyes, and then walked passed the man, keeping her head held high.
For a Mudblood, even Lucius himself would have to say, she was quite an attractive little thing. He had always loved intelligence, even for someone whose very being was built on dirt. As their eyes met, his eyes narrowed to a cold stare. Though it was hard for him to say he was staring at her face the whole time. He had to teach her a lesson. A lesson for being disrespectful, both towards her elders, but toward an esteemed member of the ministry of magic. His black cloak hung on his shoulders loosely as well it should. His black and grey scarf tight around his neck.

As she walked by, he spoke. "For a bookworm, you sure are disrespectful." He said in a taut voice. With a laugh, he turned toward her. "Say, aren't the O.W.Ls coming up?" He asked, knowing full well the answer. A slight chill hung in the air, as it was in the middle of December. He supposed that was something no wizard would ever be able to change. . .the weather, but even then, the girl was wearing clothes that he didn't seem fit for the weather at hand. With a gloved hand, he brushed his hair out of the way, as to get a better look at the girl.

How naive. As if her head being held high was some sort of sign of disrespect. He would love to teach that girl a bit of respect. "Why don't you do me a favor?" He purred at her. "Why don't you help my dear boy study for his O.W.Ls." He said with a laugh as he made his way closer toward her. "Shall I set up a meeting?" Of course, he wouldn't be caught dead asking a Mudblood for help, though this may have just been a ploy. He knew that she would be skeptical of him.
Hermione stopped dead in her tracks when she heard a cold, eerie voice. A moment later she realized that the voice was indeed talking to her. Turning around, she glanced up at Mr. Malfoy. It was a bit frightening, he had a good foot of height over her, which was only bolded by the long cloak that flowed around him. Raising a brow, she pushed her hand into a pocket in her coat, and held on tightly to her wand. She didn't know what this man wanted, but according to Harry - and from the looks of Draco - nothing good could come of it.

"I don't think you or your son deserve a favor." The word rolled off her tongue rather elegantly compared to her pinched expression. She was annoyed, angry, and fearful. But of course, she hid the latter. She wasn't going to act like a baby, not right now. "And I don't believe Draco would want my help studying." Turning her back to him, she took a piece of paper from her bag, and scribbled a few notes onto it. "Besides, he is far too dull to learn something from me."

Her cheeks turned pink when the words left her mouth. Oh, Mr. Malfoy would not be very pleased to hear that. She gulped for a moment. Even if they were in a public place, Lucius was a Death Eater. He hated her, he could kill her if she upset him enough. Still, she tried to shake these thoughts, and she handed the paper to him. "This are the classes your son is failing. Talk to the teachers in charge, and leave the students alone." To be honest, it was only a guess of what classes Draco wasn't doing so well in. But, she knew he only paid attention in Potions, and sometimes in DADA.
It was almost infuriating the way she talked about his kin in that manner. No, in fact, it was infuriating. It was a matter of respect to Lucius, and Hermione Granger was obviously not beaming with respect toward the family. That was fine, she would learn soon enough. He knew she was throwing around the idea of defending herself with her wand, but as good of a wizard as she was, it was well noted that Lucius was a good duelist. Nigh, a great duelist. With a glance around, the two were alone. He had half a mind to put her under an Imperio curse and punish her himself. His cold glare never left her face now. She would learn, that was for certain. The girl would learn.

The gloved fingers toyed with the snake's head for a moment, as a couple of students passed by the two on their way to the stadium. The Potter boy was no doubt in the stadium with that fucking Weasley. He hated the group, he hated Gryffindor, she would learn. The man grasped the paper. She was bluffing. Lucius knew full well that, while his son was a dunce sometimes, he did well in most classes. That was fact. With so many teachers on his payroll, how could he not do well. That would be a violation of the contract. He decided he was going to make a move. Mouthing off to him was something that Hermione would soon not forget.

Within a moment, a loud cheer erupted from the stadium and Lucius found his chance. Before the girl could do anything, the man whipped out his wand from it's hiding place and mumbled just one word: Imperio. True, it was one of the unforgivable curses, but he had learned alot in his days as a Death Eater. Imperio, the control curse. As long as his wand was on her, she wouldn't have much of a choice but to listen to him now. "Why don't you come here, dear girl." He said with a sneer on his face. The spell ought to have worked, and he was a potions master. This was going to be fun. . .
Withing moments of turning around, a loud cheer echoed through the stadium, and Hermione jumped a bit. The noise had scared her after such a tense minute. But something even more frightening was going on behind her. She couldn't exactly make out the words, but Lucius had mumbled something. Suddenly a searing pain went through her, down to her toes, and then her body turned cold. Her mind knew what it wanted to do, to run, to get to Dumbledore... But her body didn't listen.

When Lucius called her, the brunette turned around, and immediately moved close to the man, leaving only a few inches between them. She closed her eyes tightly, hoping that this was all some terrible nightmare. Lucius couldn't preform the control curse, not here, in broad daylight - at Hogwarts! No, it had to be fake. It had to be a dream...

Tilting her head up, she cracked open one eye. "Stop it!"
A crude laugh escaped from the man's lips. "Why on Earth would I listen to a Mudblood like you?" He asked her softly. It was her, who had decided to mouth off to him. It was her who made that decision, not him. This was a consequence that was a direct result of her actions. He moved toward her, wand poking into her back, and wrapped his arm around the front of her. Within a few moments, the two had Apparated to a location that was unknown to most people in the Wizarding World. As most rich people in the muggle world had, Lucius had a house, just for this occasion. He made her go into the basement, and before setting her free from the curse, he handcuffed her to a bedpost, and removed the wand from her person. The basement was made of stone, and was dark and damp. What little light there was came from a small candle lit lantern, just near the corner of the bed that she was tied to. There were no windows, and t he only way out was the narrow staircase to which lead the rest of the house. It must have seemed like a dungeon to the girl. Now all he needed to do was to make a potion. "Try not to hurt yourself." He said as he left the room, and closed the door softle behind him.

Not many people knew about this house. It was in the Muggle country side. It had a charm on it, that made it look, just like an abandoned house, when in all reality, it was pretty nice. Sure, maybe not as nice as Malfoy Manner, but it was nice. Way nicer than that shithole called the Burrow, that was for sure. Lucius hummed to himself as he fired up his cauldron, mixing in ingredients here and there, using a larger version of the self stirrer for his cauldron. He had this potion memorized, just for an occasion like this. He laughed to himself as he thought about what he was going to do. Finally, after about a half an hour, the potion was done, and he was putting it into a glass vial. He would use this for later.

With a humming tone, the man made his way toward another room. Opening drawers here and there, Lucius pulled out a mini vibrator strap on, a paddle, and a whip. He thought to himself, maybe a gag? No. He wanted to hear her moan like a whore as he punished her. He wanted to hear her scream and beg. He often took Narcissa and even Bellatrix occasionally out here, but neither knew where it was. There was no one to help her. Things were on Lucius's terms now, and his terms were very explicit to be perfectly frank. As he grabbed the items, he made his way back to the basement, with a dish of water for the girl if she needed, though that would almost be the only sustenance she would receive. Slowly, he made his way back to the basement, beeming with happiness. . .
Hermione wanted to scream when she felt the wand at her back, but her mouth wouldn't open. Suddenly she felt herself being sucked through a tunnel, every inch of her being torn apart, and then, she was back on the ground. Within moments she felt the tightening on her mind gone, as she was able to do as she pleased. And just when she was about to run, grab her wand, anything - she was once again held together. But this time by physical forces. "Where the hell are we?" She cried out as her wand was taken from her. Thrashing about the bedpost, she kicked the bed as he left the room.

The intelligent brunette tried to turn around and see the handcuffs, check if there were any sort of flaws in the craftsmanship so that she could be freed. But unfortunately, she was unable to turn her head all the way around. Sighing, she sat down on the bed, and tried to focus. There had not been many lessons at all on spells without wands. That was a sixth, seventh year issue. Still, she had always been able to do things before the other students. Concentrating, she mumbled the spell over and over in her head, but nothing happened.

For the next twenty minutes Hermione began to tear up, letting warm liquid roll down her cheeks as her eyes turned pink. What was she to do? No one could find her down here. It was underground, for sure. She had no want, no owl, and she was tied up! Just when she was about to sob, she heard the door open up once more, and Lucius began to track down the stairs. "Let me out of her, Malfoy!" She yelled, her voice terribly shaky. "Bring me back to Hogwarts!"
A sneer crossed the man's lips. "Now why on Earth, would I do that?" He said with a slight laugh. He was having way too much fun with this mudblood, and in a sense, he almost felt guilty. But now, now she was his. To use, to exploit, to dominate. He set his stuff down in the fleeting darkness of the room, so the girl would not know what was coming to her. She would be in for a surprise when all was revealed. In the corner of the room, a leather collar with a chain attached. He sat on the bed, just out of reach from the girl and sighed. "Now. . .what am I going to do with you?" He asked himself. Of course, it was a rhetorical question, and he didn't expect an answer, but maybe she had an idea.

With a quick movement, he forced her to lay on her stomach on his lap. The paddle lay next to him. With a click, the handcuffs were off, at least for now, and it was time for her to receive her punishment. "Now, for terrible disconduct and rudeness to your elders, I hereby punish you to paddling." He said as he lifted that school uniform skirt, to reveal her panties. With his finger, he traced her curve and played with the elasticity of her panties before grabbing the paddle. "Oh, and feel free to scream, it will take part of the pain away." He said as he raised the paddle and made it come down hard on her ass, right in the middle. Oh, he was enjoying this. She could probably feel a bulge forming, this was going to be fun. . .

After about ten minutes of the vicious paddling, he looked down at her. "Now, are we going to disrespect again, or are you going to learn?" He asked the girl as he ran his finger on the underside of his chin, in an almost playful manner. It was so quaint how these things worked out. She would be naive to think things were almost at an end. They weren't even close. He had so much planned for her. She was no longer going to be the good girl of the school. She was going to become his pet, and she would do what he wanted her to do. Life was great. . .
"Your going to let me be." She mumbled viciously, just before feeling herself being lunged forward over his lap. Hermione whined, and then thrashed a bit in his lap. He couldn't do this! No, it was illegal! Once she got out of her, Dumbledore would hear about this, and it would be in the tabloids, and, and.... Her thoughts trailed off as a dreary realization hit her. Lucius knew these things were not allowed. He wasn't stupid enough to let her go tell of his actions against her. She wasn't getting out of here.

Another tear ran down her cheek, and she only partially noticed that her skirt was being lifted. Within moments though, a stinging sensation filled her behind, and she knew red welts would outline where the paddle had hit. With that hit she didn't scream, but after the next two, she was wailing like a child. Tears were going straight out of her eyes, hitting the bed and his lap as she continued to yell. It hurt more than anything she had experienced before. A stinging that wouldn't stop. And he kept hitting her, over and over again until it felt like he was about to cut her in two.

Sniveling about his lap, she only stopped yelling when the paddle was set down. Her ass was so tender right now, she didn't want to move. "I'll learn!" She cried out. She would have said anything to keep that from happening again. And even though she could feel the awkward bulge in his pants, she didn't want to move. She didn't want to feel anymore pain. "Please, just stop." She choked out.
The evil man pulled a vial which held a yellow liquid. It was enough for one dosage of the substance. He put it in her hand and smiled. "Drink this." If she didn't want her ass to be raw when she went back to school, she would have to oblige. The potion was a mixture of different things, but it's effects were always the same. She would be unable to tell anyone about this little incident, otherwise, horrible things would happen to her. Her body, would be unable to form the words to talk about this, though she would still be conscious in thought and able to talk to her friends about almost anything else. If she did manage to tell anyone, she would be punished. . .horribly.

Slowly, he moved her panties to the side, just enough to reveal Hermione's tight snatch. He would degrade the poor girl, degrade her like a mudblood deserved. He picked up the mini vibrator and turned it on. A slight hum could be heard as it was activated. Slowly, he slipped it into her pussy, right next to her clit, and found a way to make it stay. The sound coming from the vibrator was muffled in her. He moved the panties back in their place and let her stand up. "Now, I am the only one who will be able to remove this for you, so you better not go mouthing off." It was obvious that the sick man took pleasure in this, and there was almost nothing he could think of that she could do to get out. "I will come for you in a few days." He said to her as he stood her back up. "Enjoy!"

Within a moment, the two were back at school. He had apparated back to the stadium, which was empty now. Most of the students were in bed or studying as it was almost ten o clock. He smiled. "Do well on your exams." He chuckled as he walked into the shadows. He would be keeping tabs on the girl, and he was sure to make her life a living hell. How was she going to maintain? He didn't know, but he knew, she better. . .for her sake.
Hermione didn't fight as the potion was poured down her throat. She closed her eyes at the taste, but she didn't dare try to cough the substance up. She was far too frightened of more punishment. After drinking the contents of the vial, she set it to the side, and laid her head against the bed. She was so tired, so sore. She just wanted to go back to her dormitories and sleep. But before she could think more on the topic, a buzzing sound erupted through the air.

Turning her head, Hermione saw a small device being shoved into her hole. She cried out, but this time not in pain, in ecstasy. "You can't leave it there for-mhmh-a few days-mhmzz!" She yelled at him as she was stood back up. Once again she was apparated back to school, and she felt her hand grabbing at her panties. She tried to pull the device out, but found herself unable to. No button, no switch. There wasn't anything she could do about it. "You can't do that!" She whined, before stomping on the ground.

Suddenly a moan erupted from her, and she covered her mouth with a hand. Looking around, she noticed no one was in the arena. And so, she began to ran towards her dorm. Oh, what was going to become of her?
The boys had been looking for Hermione all day. They were supposed to go to the library to study for the Charms O.W.L. but she just disappeared. As she neared her dorm room, Harry stopped her. "Hermione!" He called out to her as he ran to catch up. "Where have you been Hermione?" He asked her with a smile. "I missed you at the Quidditch game and the after party." He said to her as he put his arm around her. "I thought we were supposed to go to the library." Had he known, he probably would have tried to hunt down Lucius or Draco for that matter, but she wouldn't be able to tell him. She knew the punishment. .

He laughed and fiddled with his glasses. "Anyway, what areyou doing tomorrow after classes?" He asked her slowly. He noticed something wrong, but couldn't quite put his finder on what it was. Maybe it was the fact that she was out past ten and she was usually in bed by now, or at least hanging out with him and Ron. "Do you need to talk about something?" He asked her, changing the subject almost completely. "It's not like you to skip out of hanging out with us or one of our games. It's especially not like you to skip going to the library. ." He said as he looked into her eyes. "What's wrong?"

Before she could answer, Ron had caught up to them. "Bloody hell, you missed a good game." He said to Hermione with a laugh. "I mean, I thought Hufflepuff was going to get crushed, but nope, they held on and dominated. Imagine that." Even Ron, who was not a very observative person, noticed Hermione's facial expression. He said almost nothing until Harry stopped them in the main room of Gryffindor tower. He sat her down in one of the armchairs. They all just sat there and waited. . .
"I-uhh- I got distracted." Hermione said quickly, and then sucked in a breath. She ignored most of Harry's words, trying to avoid talking as long as she could. Closing her eyes, she bit down on her lip, trying to hide the pleasure this toy was giving her. "I was working on one of my papers -mmhgg- in study hall and lost track of t-time." Slipping into Gryffindor tower, she was careful to not let the boys see up her skirt, especially not at a time like this.

After being sat down, she immediately got back up. "But I'm really tired now and need to get some sleep." She spat at the two boys. She didn't want to come off as angry, but with the pain from sitting down, and the annoyance of the vibrator, that task was easier said than done. Moving backwards towards the stairs, she tried to reassure her friends. "I'll talk to you boys in the morning. And I'll give you a study sheet for the -mmm- O.W.L.S. Alright?" Without even waiting for an answer, the girl rushed up the stairs, and into the fifth year girls dorm.

Once inside she let out a heavy sigh. Only two other girls were in now, and one was asleep. The other was busy putting her hair into braids. "Hello Hermione." The blond said. Nodding, Hermione went to the closet to change into a nightgown. But as she removed her cloths, she moved the vibrator ever so slightly, and found herself falling to the floor. She moaned out, and then immediately covered her mouth, frightened to death that one had heard her. But thankfully, there was no response outside. And so, slipping on her nightwear, she was careful to adjust the vibrator so it stayed only against her pussy instead of her clit.
A glass of wine, and memories were all Lucius needed to fall asleep that night. He told Narcissa that he was away on official Ministry business while all these events took place. This of course was a lie. Of course he was exploiting the Mudblood for all she was worth, and of course he would eventually fuck her and make her scream his name. He sat in a lavish arm chair, adorned with sewings of snakes and the like. He took another sip and sighed. By the fire he sat, waiting for the plan to take place. Soon, the vibrator would get more violent, and go harder and harder. That is what it was supposed to do. Every 3 hours or so, it would become more intense. It had ten settings, and right now, Hermione was on setting 1. She was in for a doozy.

Slowly, Lucius drifted into sleep. The idea of getting back at her was pleasing to him. She was becoming a woman now, she was becoming, his woman. Maybe he would make her wear no panties and a short skirt next. Maybe he would have most of the Slytherin seventh years fuck her brains out. Hell, maybe he would give her to Draco as his pet. He was a good father and a good Slytherin to say the least. Tomorrow was the busiest day of classes, and by then the vibrator should be damn near unbearable. Unless that is, Hermione decided to skip class, which of course, would be no fun at all. . .

As he finished the glass, he stood up and walked toward the sink. Washing his glass out, he moved back toward the downstairs and got the basement ready. Implanting more chains in the ground. Attaching handcuffs to the bed, and setting out very slutty clothing for his pet when he went and retrieved her in a few days. By then, she would be almost done. By now, her will was almost broken, at least, that's what it seemed. He wondered which kind of potions he should make next, and he went back upstairs to his bed, and slowly drifted to sleep. . . .


Downstairs, Harry and Ron looked at each other. Harry couldn't help but get the feeling that something was wrong with Hermione. She was acting very strange. She never usually got pissy with them when she was tired, she got pissy with them when they acted like idiots, or did stupid things they knew they shouldn't do. Ron had an infatuation for her. Well, it was growing. He couldn't stand to see her like this. The two of them had thrown the idea of dating around, but she found it unneeded at this very moment. Maybe that was all she needed. Tomorrow morning, at the butt crack of dawn, he would go. He would go and ask her out. . .

The jet black haired boy had few friends in the fifth year girl's dorm. Though there was a Quidditch player there, whom he frequently talked with. He would ask her tomorrow to see what was going on with Hermione. By now she was asleep, and soon Harry would be as well. Tomorrow the trio had their hardest classes and they needed Hermione for help. Their schedule was as followed: DADA, Potions, Charms, Transfig, and Muggle History. The most brutal day of the week. Aside from that, it was Monday, and no one liked Mondays. .
Hermione had managed to keep herself under control until she got to her bed, at which she covered herself completely with the piles of blankets. Her fingers sneaked between her panties, and she rubbed softly against the sensitive skin. Moaning into her pillow, she tried to be as quiet as possible, but it was hard. Hours later she had felt the quickness increase, but somehow, she had managed to fall asleep. But of course, in three hours, she awoke to find an even more violent pulsing inside her. It was enough to make her want to scream. But she stuffed her mouth with blanket, and closed her eyes, again barely getting to sleep.

Hours later she awoke with sunshine in her eyes. Her blankets had fallen off her face, and revealed that she had been chewing on her covers in her sleep. No one spoke to her that morning as she got dressed in her uniform. Finishing the knot in her tie, she pulled her hair into a side ponytail, and grabbed her books for class. Making her way out of the dormitories she decided to skip breakfast, and instead, head straight to class. Maybe she would be able to get a back seat, and no one would notice her face twisting as the vibrator increased in power.

Professor Umbridge would for sure take notice if she did anything out of the ordinary. Thankfully, arriving early wasn't strange. Pulling out the Ministry approved book, she flipped to the pages that were marked on the board. "Damn. More on punishments for dark wizards?" For the past two weeks they had been studying Azkaban, and the results of bad behavior. It was getting to be quite annoying. Still, at least she got to remain silent in this class. As long as she didn't talk, a moan wouldn't escape her. Sighing, she began to scratch some notes down as students poured into class.
The trio made their way to Transfiguration. Potions and Charms were easy enough. They read and that allowed Hermione to hide in the back. Transfiguration would not be so easy. This week, they were sharing Transfiguration with Slytherin. As they filed into the room, Harry and Ron guided Hermione to a seat near the front. They knew it was her favorite class. By now, the vibrator was on it's second to last stage, and being that this Transfiguration class was longer than usual, the vibrator would change during this class. During when McGonagall would ask the students questions for house points. The whole Gryffindor House was counting on her to answer the questions for them. . .

Tick. Tick. Tick. The time ticked away before it's final stage. This stage was nothing like the previous nine. It was WAY more intense, as if, her pussy would turn to jelly if left in too long. This was for the big dogs. This vibrator stage was going to test Hermione and her ability to withstand and maintain. It would stay like this for a day, and then, if she was lucky, Lucius would decide to take pity on her. In the worst way, the vibrator changed, and began to rattle around, though not enough to wiggle out, just enough to change positions and cover alot of the area in her pussy. It was this time, that McGonagall finished her lesson and looked toward the class. Now was the time for House Points. .

As she looked toward the crowd, she asked a question to the class. "What is the correct movement to change a goblet into a frog." No one raised their hand. No one knew. The only person in the whole class that probably knew the answer was Hermione herself. Professor McGonagall smiled. "Fine then. If no one will speak up." McGonagall had noticed that during the whole hour and a half class, Hermione had not said a word. "Ms. Granger." She said as the whole class turned to her. "The answer please?" She said with a warm smile. .
Hermione wanted to object when Transfiguration came around, when her best friends led her to the front of the class. But at this point, her entire body was exhausted, and she didn't have the energy to fight them. So taking her seat, she pulled out her parchment, and began to take notes on whatever McGonagall was saying. But unlike her normal self, the words were smudged, ink splats were everywhere. Every time she moved in just the right way, the vibrator would surprise her again, and she would ruin her notes. Her friends, or at least a house member, was sure to realize something.

But then, all too soon, something happened. It felt as if her entire insides had started vibrating. Her walls were clashing together, everything was buzzing. A harsh take against her clit made her knock over her ink with a slap. Harry looked at the spill, and quickly tried to clean it up before the professor saw. Ron gave an odd look at Hermione. She was twitching, grabbing onto the desk, as if someone had put the Cruciatiris curse on her. But he didn't say anything. Perhaps it was just another weird girl thing.

After a few moments, McGonagall turned around, and Hermione's eyes got wide. Her name was immediately called. But how was she to answer? She couldn't open her mouth. A loud 'mhpm!' sound came from her, trying to release the pleasure without everyone hearing. But of course, a few Slytherin in the back heard, and chuckled. "I-I... AH!" Hermione covered her mouth, and looked at her friends. "...Hermione isn't feeling too good today Professor." Harry said quickly, trying to protect his friend. Hermione nodded, but tried to answer anyway. But again, a quick open of her mouth and a moanlike sound came from her.
The Professor's face showed disgust. She sighed as she looked at Hermione. "Take her to the nurse's office." She said as the boys quickly stood up and shepherded her not to the nurses office, but back to Gryffindor tower. They moved her up to their shared room, Ron and Harry's that was, and sat her down on the bed. Ron proceeded to close the door and place a chair in the way, while Harry looked at Hermione and sighed. "What's going on?" He asked her. He never usually had to cover for her, and quite honestly, didn't know why he was starting to now. Something was defineatly off. .

Ron looked at Hermione and took a seat next to her. He put his arm around her shoulder. It almost sounded like Hermione was moaning in the middle of class. Moaning, as in moaning in pleasure, like during sex or something. He wondered if someone had tampered with her. Maybe she was under a spell, or under the effects of a potion. Something! He looked for answers as Harry grilled and interrogated her. There was no getting out of this room until they knew. . .

The two boys called a side conversation and appeared to be talking amongst themselves. They looked almost like they were arguing until Harry came back. "Well?" he asked of her again. He wanted revenge on whoever was doing this to her. All Harry wanted to do was help her. His intentions were good. Though, he feared the dark wizard was behind this, he honestly had no idea. He didn't know what to do, this was the first time something like this had ever happened. . .
Hermione gathered her things quickly and sped out of the room with the boys. She held onto her books tightly, and closed her eyes as they led her to the room. Sitting down on the bed, she laid her head on her pillow, trying to block everything out. No matter how many times they asked, no matter how much they pushed her, she couldn't tell. Even if she wanted to, that potion would keep her from it. Aha! The potion! She thought in glee. Perhaps she could tell a little white lie, or change around the story, to get them off her back.

"Well, if you -ah!-... If you really want to know..." She clung to her covers, and faked a few tears. "I was looking through some of the restricted section books. For extra credit I was going to make a potion for Snape." Her mind rushed around, trying to think of something reasonable. What kind of potion would she be making for Snape that would cause this to happen? She shivered at the thought, but then proceeded on. "Its supposed to make people yell when they look at somebody else's work."

Covering her mouth, she moaned into the pillow, trying her best to be quiet. "It kind of b-backfired. Instead of yelling, it makes you moan. And instead of when you see someone else's work, its when you see your own." Sighing, Hermione crushed her legs together, as if trying to stop the vibrator. "I know its silly, but... I didn't want you to see I made a mistake."
Although skeptical, Harry and Ron didn't think of Hermione as someone who would lie to them. They accepted her excuse and Rom moved the chair. Harry laughed and opened his mouth. "We thought someone was doing something scummy to you!" He said as he sat down at his desk. "Well, are you going to be at the DA meeting tonight?" He asked her as Ron sat back down next to her. Before she could answer, there was a knock on the door and Harry answered it. It was someone who was there to check on Hermione. "No, she's fine!" Harry said before closing the door again. Man, today was sure weird. . .

Finally, Harry let Ron and Hermione have some time alone, and went down to the main room. Ron turned and looked at Hermione. It appeared that he was balancing a few ideas. There was some internal conflict before he looked up at her. "Look, Hermione." He said finally. This was the time. Now, he would let his feelings be known. "I know you think, that I'm sort of a dunce." He said trailing off a bit. "But. .." He stopped to take a deep breath. He got his courage up one more time and just decided to blurt it out. "But I think I'm in love with you. . ." He said trailing off.

Down in the main room, Harry sat with Ginny. They were playing chess in front of the fire place. They talked about Ron, and about how he was asking her the question or telling her right now. Then they talked about DA and what was going to happen later after it got going a little bit more. They had no idea Lucius was doing what he was doing, and they thought Hermione would never keep anything from them. ..
Hermione smiled with the realization that her friends believed her. But soon it was wiped off her face as the vibrator continued to ravage at her virgin hole. She was almost hoping to see Lucius, despite how evil he was to her. At least he would be able to turn this damned thing off. Soon Harry left, and she found herself awkwardly alone with Ron. "Oh... Well that's very flattering Ron, but I uh...." The girl suddenly groaned against pillow, and her fingers moved to scratch at the headboard.

"I don't think it's a very good time for that type of thing. Not when Harry needs us so much for DA." Sighing, Hermione did feel a bit bad for turning Ron down, but she wasn't lying with her excuse. She just left out the partthat Lucius Malfou had paddled her ass raw and planned on torturing he quite a bit more in the future. "I'm sorry Ron. Just not right now."

(Sorry for short post)
With that, the conversation was over. He was a broken man. Ron was distraught. The fact was obvious. The look on his face, the way he carried himself. He didn't feel well. He stood up slowly, and just mumbled one word answers. "Yeah" He said as he shoved his hands into the robe's pockets. He didn't feed well. Slowly, he opened the door and slunk hs way downstairs. Though Harry didn't ask, he sighed. "I'm going on a walk." He said as he headed out the door and outside to the Forbidden Forest. Ron Weasley, loser extroidanerre. His heart was in pieces in the room. . .


Lucius waited outside, he had drunk an invisibility potion, as to blend in. He waited for his pet. Seeing the red haired boy, he smirked. He looked horrible, and that was something that he loved seeing. Furthermore, he was ready to have more fun with Hermione. Looking at the door, he hoped she followed him, and he hoped that she was the one that broke his heart. He firgured that's what he was suffering from. Another sigh, and a breath out, it had started to get dark. The man waited and waited. Would he have to go retrieve her?

((Tis okay, and right back at you. My next post will be better))
Hermione sighed when Ron reacted to her answer. "Ron..." She whined, now feeling terribly guilty. But she did not get off the bed, for fear of being found out was still eminent. Once the ginger had left the room, she sat up on the bed, now disgusted with herself. She had let that Malfoy get to her! And now look what she had done! Ron was miserable, and it was all her fault. No, she might not have liked him in the same way, or at least she didn't want to admit to it - but that didn't mean she had to hurt him like that.

With another sigh, the brunette got off of her bed, and wobbled towards the door. She needed to go talk to her friend. Even if she was constantly interrupted by moans, and other annoying reactions to the vibrator. Hermione didn't say a word to Harry or Ginny when she passed, and instead silently escaped out of the school and towards the outer grounds. Where else would someone go to think? It was then Hermione realized her coat had been left indoors. Shivering, she wrapped her arms around her waist, and turned her head, looking for the bright red hair of her friend.

"Ron?" She asked loudly, standing on her toes, as if it would help her see. "Blast..." She muttered under her breath. Walking in the light snow blanket that had fallen the night before, she kept her eyes peeled. "I'm sorry!" Hermione yelled, hoping Ron was probably hiding in self pity behind a tree. But then again, what would sorry do to solve that?
Slowly walking toward her as to not giving himself away, Lucius wrapped his arms around her and Apparated back to the basement of his second house. He was standing behind her. The setting would be familiar to the witch. There were no handcuffs this time. He held onto her tightly. His arms around her waist. As they got there, the invisibility potion wore off and his hands slowly regained their visibility. He thought slowly and moved backwards to sit on the bed. His grip was strong enough so even should she struggle, she wouldn't be able to get away. These were the kinds of little things being over a foot taller than her, and being a male had to their advantage.

As they got to the bed, he made her sit down right in front of him. His left arm around her stomach still, he moved his right arm free. Putting his head on her shoulder, his voice at a whisper, he spoke. "Let's get this out of you, eh?" He said softly. "Enjoy it, did you? My little slut. . ." He said as his right hand moved down to her waist and slipped beneath the waistband of her skirt. He was rather enjoying this. "Shh. . .Shh. .." He muttered into her ear. The only separation between his slit and his long, slender fingers was the thin fabric that was her panties. He ran his finger down the middle of her pussy with the separation still there.

The fabric was damp. He assumed she had gotten off many times to the toy. "Well, did you enjoy it or not?" He asked her, his tone increasing in sharpness. Her hands were probably the thing that was holding her up. Finally, he moved his hand beneath her panties and his cold fingers touched her bare skin. "Now. . .let me find this for you." He said as his first finger entered the slit. It slid in fairly easily, her juices now covering his finger. He knew exactly where it was, but this was too fun. The second finger entered, and the two fingers "searched" her virgin hole. He grabbed it and took it out, setting it next to him, but he wasn't done. "I think I felt something else. . " He said as he moved his hand back, and felt down the front of her pussy, starting the finger the girl. . .
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