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What makes a hero? Will. ((ThomasRHellsing x Applepoisoneer))

Sep 18, 2011
Hell ((2nd Circle))
Thomas ran a hand through his hair. It was an almost white shade of blond. His eyes sapphire blue. The 17 year old was a bit nervous as he headed for the shower.

Thomas Alexander Tiberius Midas's life had always been interesting. Since a young age, the heir to the Midas Fortune had been creative. A Sculpture, and carver. His parents dying at the age of 8 might have been part of why he got into it. He'd had a a decent childhood, a few issues sure but at the age of 15 he'd ended up on his own. Emancipation had shown the younger teen how much work went into living comfortably. Then last year, he'd found an old jade ring in an abandoned building he'd been working on his graffiti skills in.

The blond had put the ring on, and felt the power that came with it. The original Green Lantern Ring. He'd searched out the Lanterns on Earth, and gotten some training with the ring, but only recently had he been allowed to join an actual super heroes team. The Teen Titans.

Since Thomas couldn't exactly vanish, he'd rented the pent house at the most expensive hotel in Jump City. He'd also bought a warehouse to work on his famous sculptures and carvings. Thomas was quick to shower, and check his schedule, a fencing tournament in a few weeks, a kendo one Friday, he had a report due Friday as well. The young man enjoyed his swimming and blade tournaments, it kept him in good shape. The teen pulled on some silk boxers that matched his eyes and headed to the balcony.

He closed his eyes and reached for the well of power kept deep in the ring. Soon clothes had formed. A black leather jacket that reaches his knees, emerald green cargo pants, a neon green shirt with the green lantern logo in black, black boots and finger-less after the second knuckle gloves. Finally a black helmet, with a sort of scaled texture, neon green highlights, and emerald green lenses over the eyes. He focused turning himself invisible for a few minutes, he took off, gothic bat like wings forming, even though he didn't need them to fly, he still liked how they looked. Plus it made people think he needed them. Soon he was flying off, towards his new friends, towards Titan's Tower.
A gentle, cooling wind ruffled Raven's purple locks. Though their tiny prickles no longer distracted her. She flated about a foot-and-a-half from the roof's surface and breathed deeply. Her legs were crossed and her fingertips rested in the "Omm" sign. All was quiet until...

"STANKBALL!" Beast Boy's shrill cry pierced her concentration, even through the heavy roof door. It burst open and the green lad and Cyborg fell through the frame. They passed a large, rubber-banded ball of socks and who knows what other laundry back and forth, raving about how bad it smelt. Fortunately, the breeze carried the scent away from Raven's resting place. But the same could not be said for the sound.

"Are you guys still playing that stupid game? And why here?" She demanded quietly. "Do I really have to throw you off the roof...again."

"Sorry Rae," Beast Boy apologized half-heartedly. "We had no idea you were even here."

The half-demon rolled all of her eyes, though only the two were visable. Of course they knew she was here. It's where she was every day at this time, when they weren't fighting something. And obviously they weren't. She sighed and stood, her cloak obscuring her once exposed legs. Maybe she could brew a pot of tea and take a nap before the mission alarm forced her to be social again. It was days like these that made her feel especially cat-like.
Thomas smiled as he said, "Hello Titians, did you miss me?"

He chuckled a bit and let himself drop to the roof top. The wings folding in like bat wings and dissolving into the green energy barrier he had. Before that too dissolved. He knew the voice modulation "built" into the neck of his suit made his tone sound a bit deeper. He could almost fool himself into thinking it was his real voice, until the slightly synthetic nature of it wrung through.

The Green Lantern smiled a bit, because of the fact his mask was an energy construct he willed it to show his smile. He knew he seemed a bit cut off because of the mask. However, he didn't want everyone and their mother knowing his secret identity. Plus it helped him to realize what all the ring could do, such as allowing different vision shades, stopping poisoned air, etc.

Thomas had kept his tone teasing, and rolled his shoulders a bit when he landed. He'd met the team a week or so ago. Working hard with them in training. But today was supposed to be his first "Official Hero Day".
Raven was abut to leave, when she spotted the gigantic batwings sweeping across the sky. She wondered for a moment who they might belong to, until she noticed they were green. She waited by the door to greet him, but hadn't planned to linger long.

"Ey, Lantern!" Cyborg called boisterously. "What's happenin' man?"

"Yeah, wanna play some stankball?" Beast Boy cheered, triumphantly holding up the rubber banded ball of socks.

The purple haired demon scoffed and shook her head, planning to slip away unnoticed.
Thomas chuckled a bit, "Probably wouldn't be fair, energy can't exactly stink, and I have my mask set to kill bad smells unless they qualify as dangerous. I actually wanted to talk to Raven."

Smiling and using a bit of focus to make sure the mask showed it he said, "I was wondering if you could help me out Raven. Your magic has to do with suppressing your emotions, and still using your belief right? Green Lanterns are all about will power, we have to believe we can do something, and we will. The thing is, natural fears still occur. For example, if I'm flying under water the fear of the depths crushing me or suffocating would weaken my will a bit. Or space, or even flight. Trust me, jumping off of buildings and believing I could fly took alot longer then it should have. So, I was wondering if maybe you could show me, or help me with emotional reaction suppression techniques."
Cyborg and Beast Boy looked at one another and shook their heads.

"Great," Beast Boy sighed, though his manner was more teasing than serious. "another bummer."

Raven threw him a sharp look from under her cloak, then drew her eyes back to the fair-haired young man. "Most of what I do is through meditation. That's something you can, and probably should do on your own."

It wasn't that she didn't like Thomas. Quite the contrary, she thought he showed a lot of promise and potential. But these were typically things that were best done in private.
Thomas nodded a bit, "True, but I don't know much about meditation beyond the massive media stero types. If you could talk to me about the basics, maybe help walk me through it a time or two I'd be super thank-."

The Green Lantern was cut off as Robin said, "Titans Assemble!"

As the group walked inside Robin said, "Lantern I'm glad you're here. This new mission is certainly your speed."

Thomas blinked, "What?"

Robin brought up a dozen police reports, "A dozen of Jump City's elite teenagers have gone mission lately. All receive texts from a club known only as "Paradise". It's the kind of place where you need a black credit card to get in. They are having a party tonight, think you can wrangle an invitation? Starfire can be your date."

Thomas shook his head, "No offense to The Princess, but I think Raven would be a better fit if it's ok. No offense to Star but with bright orange skin and her mannerisms, well she's too kind to be someone I'd be interested in. Plus, Raven is an empath right, so she might be able to warn us before things get too bad."

Robin nodded a bit, "It is fairly well known that you have a type."

A few images popped up revealing Thomas, most of the girls he was seen with were pale, with either red or obviously dyed hair colors. Thomas shrugged a bit, "I like goth girls, they are fun to talk to, and most of them don't buy into the hype. They are fine just hanging out, getting drunk and seeing where the night goes."

Robin rolled his eyes but looked at Raven, "You ok with this? I'm sure your "Date" can get you a proper dress made. If you want to back out now is the time. For what it's worth, I agree with him, at a party like this you'll stick out less then Starfire."
Raven closed her eyes and sighed deeply. "Remind me why I got into the superhero trade again?" She asked rhetorically and shrugged her shoulders. Somehow, being counted amongst "Thomas's Girls" was not flattering, and while she was bright Orange, Starfire was better with people. But she knew this was a good fit, and once in, she would be able to scan a few quieter minds and perhaps find the locations of the missing teens.

"Okay, fine. I'll go." She continued. "Do you know what kind of party it is? Like, what should I wear to blend in?" The half-demon winced a little, as though the question might make her physically ill, just from asking.
Thomas smirked, "The awesome pay, and benefits?"

He chuckled as he said, "Don't worry, I'll call one of my clothes makers. Something tells me black silk with purple highlights is the way to go with you. This is the sort of party where you're expected to spend a few grand on the dress alone."

He deactivated his helmet since they were inside, looking at her he said, "Speaking of, you'll need some jewelry as well. Do you have any allergies? I have a friend, who does some very impressive silver work. Silver and Platinum with Sapphires would make your eyes and hair pop."

The blond turned when he heard laughing and flipped off the green changeling, "Screw you, part of being rich, is looking rich. Trust me, I'd much rather wear jeans and T-shirts, but no one takes someone dressed like that seriously."

He'd wait for Raven's answer, before calling two people one a dress maker, the other a jewelry loaner. He'd suggested black, dark blue, and midnight purple silk for Raven's complexion. He also called a suit maker, and told him to head to Titans Tower. Looking at them he said, "Is Raven going into this as Raven, or someone else? I'm not sure how we could hide her chakra jewel."
A small touch of blush threatened to illuminate the naturally pallid face. "I think you're enjoying this way too much." She told him in regards to the discussion of silks and jewels, though her tone was clearly teasing, and as much as she tried to surpress it, her lip curled into a smile. She told him she wasn't allergic to anything and gave her identity a lot of thought.

"I don't think we can hide the Chakra either, and I know how to do makeup, so don't sweat that. I think not enough people have seen me with the hood of my cloak down for long enough to really pick me out of a crowd, but maybe changing my name couldn't hurt."

"Good idea." Robin nodded. "I'll let you guys work all that out." He smiled at Thomas. "And believe me, I know what it's like to have 'rich kid problems'. Though most of the time, I got to make excuses for not going places."

"It's so strange that the people of your planet place such emphasis on wealth and tradable goods." The Tamaranian piped in. "On my planet, the caste system is determined by who conquors the most swiftly and brutally."

"Aaaand that's why you probably wouldn't do so well on this mission, Star." Robin replied, resting a hand on her shoulder to show her there were no hard feelings.
Thomas shrugged a bit as he said, "Humans are, physically speaking weaklings. We are the mutts of the universe. You could argue the only reason we're still around is we will screw anything that lets us, and are devious. Most alien species I've studied, and admittedly that's not a HUGE number have atleast some form of honor. Humans have no problem stabbing eachother in the back to get ahead."

Thinking a bit he said, "It's possible that because of all the breeding that's gone on, humans have been forced to evolve slightly more cunning then the alien species out there. I mean there proof Kryptonians and other alien races visited earth when we still lived in caves. Humans are arguably one of the weakest species on earth, we have no claws, no teeth, no armored hide. And yet we evolved trickery, pits to kill mamoths, guns to kill buffalo. I mean that's not even getting into the mythical side of it. Demons and Gods have used Earth as their own personal bordellos for centuries. Look at Heracles, or Perseus, given the way men were sluts then, do you really think they didn't leave a few bastards across the planet?"

Thomas smiled a bit, "But I digress. Humans like our money, I'd prefer my family was still alive, but I'd rather be a rich orphan then a poor one selling myself on the street."

He shook his head banishing images before saying, to Raven, "I get to spend time with a beautiful woman, whose aware of the fact I can smash concrete with my mind, and isn't freaked out. Of course I'm excited. Plus, we get to save people, I like that. I like doing hero stuff that isn't grey. Lanterns are space cops, that means we sometimes end up on domestics, or finding what amounts to a dime bag of weed. As a "Junior Lantern" that was my job."

Soon a blond woman, and a black haired woman were at the tower, along with a small asian man, and his wife. The blond was very busty, and her tank top a bit too tight. She looked almost trashy, but carried herself like a pro. The dark haired woman wore thick glasses, a suit with a knee length skirt. She had two brief cases handcuffed to her wrists. The man spoke, in broken English, "When you need suit by?"

The blond woman spoke, "Yeah Darling, when you need this dress?"

The blue eyed Lantern told them and before they could protect handed over his black credit card. Their eyes almost seemed to change to dollar signs before they pulled Raven and Thomas off into separate room to get fitted. Raven in a dark purple silk that could easily be mistaken for black. A fishnet body suit under the knee length dress. 7 inch heels that were black and had just a bit of a metallic look to them. Bare toes. The dress was strapless revealing a nice amount of cleavage, but the mesh kept it from being too revealing. The mesh would go down to her wrists, but slightly metallic looking silk gloves that matched her shoes went up to her elbows. The netting would come up to her neck, where a collar of fabric and jewelry would rest. A thick ruby set in platinum and silver chains. It would draw the eye to her bust just a bit, while providing further coverage. A few platinum upper arm bracelets finished the outfit. Along with pink diamond earrings of course to make her eyes pop. A white gold hair clip added.

The blond looked at her, "What do you think?"
The whole time she was being poked, proded and measured, Raven made no complaints. She just tried to find her center and breathe deeply, focusing on the fact that all this was for the greater good, she supposed.

Although, when everything was said and done, she did thing she looked...somehow different. Like an entirely new person wearing her face and hair was staring back at her from the mirror. She pushed the glimmering hair clip into place and watched the light from the pink diamonds dance in her own eyes. It hadn't really occurred to her that she was allowed to be pretty. She'd been told for so long that she was nothing but a doorway for an ultimate evil, whom just so happened to be her creator, to enter the dimension she had come to love so well. Otherwise, she had been a heroine, giving up her time and energy for the sake of others, perhaps as a kind of atonement for the threat of her very existence. In between these two dark clouds, her moon-like beauty was obscured. But she saw some of it looking back at her, otherworldly.

She wobbled out on the almost too-tall heels like a baby giraffe taking it's first steps. Flats or bare feet were her preferred fashion, but it completed the dress, and gave her perhaps some much needed height. She was, after all, the shortest of the Titans.

"I feel..." She began methodically. " a well-wrapped christmas gift. Kind of stuffed in, and I'm not so used to showing so much of me. But, I guess it'll do to save some lives."

No sooner had she finished her thought, than a green wolf howled his approval. With a quick flick of her wrist, she sent the canine over the couch and rolling toward the window overlooking the city. In mid-roll, the wolf transformed back into a boy.

"Damn, Rae!" Beast Boy complained. "I was just kidding." He stood and brushed himself off.

"Well, all joking aside," Robin added. "you probably shouldn't throw team mates around unless it's during practice."

Raven rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, but said nothing.
Thomas spoke up from behind her, "If you're a Christmas gift, does that mean I get to unwrap you later?"

The playboy asked teasingly. Turning around Thomas looked like well, a million dollars. He cleaned up nicely, a three piece silk suit. The jacket, slacks, and classic fedora all the same blackish purple as Raven's dress. Meanwhile the vest he wore was a dark plum that worked with his eyes. The buttons on it were platinum. His shoes were Alligator hide boots, with just the right amount of purple high lights to make them pop. His suit vest's highlights were a dark blue that went with his eyes. On each hand was a black leather glove, finger-less after the second knuckle.

The asian man stepped up now, and began to speak. Soon he had Raven's heels and broke the heels off of them, before pulling out a pair of what looked like white gold heels, but as he attached them they were obviously more heavy. Thomas spoke, "Mr. Lee is my wardrobe consultant. While Britney and Veronica are good at stylizing, he's good at making sure you never bring a knife to a gun fight."

The Green Lantern smirked, "Your heels are now reinforced, meaning you not only won't have to worry about them breaking, but if you stomp or kick you'll be hitting them with either the sharp toe, or the weighted heel. In other words breaking bones."

Thomas took a cane, cuff links, and a Rolex from the man as well as designer sunglasses. The man then did something to Raven's earrings, Thomas spoke, "Press the diamond in your right ear three seconds, a one use energy shield will pop up for three minutes. Left ear is a microwhite noise generator good for four feet around you."
Rolling her eyes at his comment about unwrapping her, she decided it wouldn't be wise to throw him across the room too. Raven raised an eyebrow at the earrings. "I haven't used a lot of tech beyond my communicator." She admitted. "She wondered if all this precaution was to prevent people from figuring out who she was too quickly, but if they were attacking her, wouldn't they already know? "Thanks though. That white noise generator should be useful."

She moved around in her new heels, clicking them against the floor of the tower and getting used to gheir weight. It was a little like wearing two lead balls compared to the lightness of her usual footwear. But she would make it work. It seemed like she was doing a lot of things his way for the time being, but perhaps that was for the best if she was going to fit in at this party thing.
Thomas nodded as he said, "Most people don't, but it never hurts to have something on hand. Given the world we live in, most rich people have some sort of tech on them. Given Luthor, Wayne, Palmer, and Queen it's sort of expected. The White Noise generator is for use at a party, say you notice I dunno Slade Wilson or some other villain there. Walk over to me, activate the generator, and any tech, or eves droppers listening will hear only white noise. As for the other tech, mostly for reaction. Say a grenade falls from the ceiling on you, or someone opens fire on the crowd, that's where it's useful. Remember, my identity is a secret, so I can't just Lantern up."

The blond smiled, "As for your heels, that's just common sense. Most heels can break, and in turn snap your ankle. If someone goes for you quick, and you don't have time to take them off you'll be glad. Most women own at least one pair of reinforced heels, and I've been told Lois Land has only reinforced heels. It keeps you from ending up a horror movie cliche."

Thomas offered her a hand, "So Milady, ready to go? Your chariot awaits."
She thought again of reminding him that she could create her own force field, but thought it best to just leave it alone. If he thought it would help, then perhaps it was worth the ruffling of a few feathers. She touched his hand and it steadied her. She took a few steps to get the hang of it.

Cyborg, Beast Boy and (though he was quieter) Robin, all snickered and whooped. Raven threw a dagger-like glance back at her team matesand dropped the hand she was holding, chosing to stroll out on her own.

Once they were outside the tower, she sighedand shook her head. "It'll be miraculous if I don't banish them all to another dimension someday."
Thomas chuckled a bit, "Meh, their just jealous I have a beautiful woman on my arm. Well, or their jealous of you. I know the internet is sure Beast Boy and Cyborg have something going on. I am fairly attractive."

He shared a smirk with the gothic woman as both the changeling and Cyborg growled, or grew pale. He knew there was nothing wrong ith interest in the same sex, still few straight teens enjoyed such comments. If you listened to the internet Robin had a thing with both Starfire and Raven. Something told him after knowing the Boy Wonder, Thomas wondered if he was enough aware of his emotions to date either.

Thomas's steps were focused and sure, as he lead her to the limo. Opening her door, he casually pulled out a deck of cards. Shuffeling them, he spoke eyes closed as his fingers went through the motions, "Good, Bad, I'm the guy with the gun. This is my boom stick. I'm here to chew bubblegum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubblegum. Dip, duck, Dive, Dodge, and Dodge. If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball. Who the hell do you think I am? I am Ironman. Tis a good day to die, but not my day."

As he'd been speaking the Lantern had put three cards at random from the deck in front of himself. Nodding he spoke slightly casually to Raven, "Did you know in the old days, or maybe I should say modern days, you can use playing cards as tarot cards? My Lantern Ring is different then most, the original lantern was magic based, a special space rock. The fact it resonates with me implies I have some magic, but I sort of suck at it. My family has always had legends, a great aunt who could read the cards, or a great uncle who could see things, but being an orphan I don't know how true it is. It's one reason I was so excited to meet you. I've talked to some of The League's magic people, and they all pretty much say the same thing "You have power, but it's untrained. Look around until you find something that fits." lots of help that is given for all I know it could be some minor skill that barely amounts to anything. But my mother always used the cards, so I tend to do so, both out of habit, and comfort. No idea if it really works, but let's see what fate says about our mission shall we?"

The three cards he'd put down while talking to himself were a Six of Spades in the past, Ace of Hearts in the present, and two cards stuck together in the future, Five of Clubs and Two of Spades.

The Lantern whistled, "Damn, so in order, Moving on, travel, mentally getting to a better place is the six of Spades. Ace of Hearts means New friendship, romance. And the Five of Clubs means Competition, disagreement, irritation, with the two of Spades meaning Failure to communicate."

The rich teen shrugged a bit and said, "Hopefully nothing too bad will happen. Besides, what's life without a bit of danger. We should be there soon."
She couldn't help but roll her eyes a little at the long string of movie references, though she was used to it by now. It was still a little funny though. She slid into the limo, happy to have a placeto sit and relax for a bit. "I did know that." She nodded, smiling just a little as she listened to his interpretation of the tarrot. "I have an Avian deck that I sort of...inherited from my mother. I think she thought life might be better with a little danger. And here I am." She shrugged weakly, the simile fading from her face.
Thomas chuckled a bit, "Well it's true in a way isn't it. I get that you dislike your life, and I understand why. Being the "Vaginal portal to hell" must suck. But a character in a video game once said, "Had to be me, someone else might have gotten it wrong.". Your whole being a conduit for a devil sucks, but admit it Raven, you've managed to kick your demon pops in the dick every time he's tried to force a portal. You've become the guardian. You've stood against him. Would someone else have done the same? I know T-Gon's style, other worlds have burned, but YOU have stood strong. We know The Devil exists, hell he owns a night club in L.A., so maybe God or something else made you the hero you were meant to be. I meant face it, had you been born a normal every day human, how many times would the world have been destroyed? No Raven there to help save it."
Raven sighed and turned her whole body to face him. "I don't know if someone could've done it better. They certainly would've done it differently. But I believe whatever happens was meant to do so. So, I guess I was...meant to happen. And even though there are days when I want to plunge the world into nightmare and misery, I try and be the bigger person."
Thomas nodded a bit as he said, "I get it. I really do. Humanity can be vicious and cruel bastards. But remember Raven, as bad as they can be, and they can be bad, they try to do better. In Lantern training I've been across the universe and even went to hell a time or two. Most intelligent races accept their faults and thrive on them. But Humanity, it gets better. We don't still have slavery in parts of it, we have more equality in it between genders. Are we perfect? No. We are far from it, but we ARE working towards it. We are getting better."

Looking at Raven he said, "Also, I know it sounds a bit odd, but humanity is still very much a child race. A demon whose been around as long as humanity has would be considered a child. Asari aren't considered adults until they are over a hundred years old. Humanity, in comparison to so many races is still a child. We haven't even been around ten eons. 2 thousand years may seem like alot to the average person, but it really isn't. For how long we've been around, we're doing pretty well."
Raven smirked a touch at his words. "Actually, humanity's been around for a bit longer than two-thousand years. That's just when Christian scholars thought we should start the calendar cycle over." She rested a hand on his arm as a comforting, quieting gesture. "But I get what you mean. And I know humanity isn't as bad as it could be. I mean, there's the Trigon alternative. Whenever people really start to get under my skin, I remindmyself of that."
Thomas nodded as he said, "In a way, demons are easier though."

Looking at her he said, "A wolf isn't evil. It might kill a child, or a baby dear, but it's not out of malice. It's not out of hate, or because the deer was another race, or because the deer had something it wanted. It needed food to survive, it needed to ear, and so it went after prey. There was no maliciousness on the wolf's part. It was, and is kill or be killed."

He looked at Raven, "Demons are pretty much the same. It's why Trigon needed your mother. Why you have a soul. Demons are souless creatures. They are made to be and do evil. Demons have a set note, a specific goal. If you killed Superman Luthor might stop being a villain, or he might not hard to tell. However, if Trigon took over if in some hellish alternate world he won, he'd look for a way to win again. He is by his very nature a conqueror. It's not a choice, he's a tumor."

The green lantern shrugged, "Then again, I might be wrong. Satan runs a night club in L.A. after all. Although I guess technically he COULD be bad, he just doesn't see the point? Honestly it's all sort of confusing and hard to follow."

Soon the two were stepping out into a gala. Thomas offered the half demon his hand waiting for her reply, but also aware of what was going on. He almost whispered for his ring to start passively scanning everything and report if it found anything odd. Especally food or drink related. He leaned over, almost kissing Raven's ear and told her what he was doing. Then kissed the nape of her neck so to anyone watching it would seem like flirting. Once he had proven he was on the watch list he headed inside. Women in barely there corsets and thongs with fishnets and heels and opera masks, all blood red were serving food and drinks.
"That's...surprisingly insightful." She had to admit. She was so used to having to correct this or that, that a right answer every now and again was a sort of breath of fresh air. She took his arm and listened close to what he whispered. And when he kissed her, it brought about a little shiver. She hadn't been expecting it, and forced herself to check her power before it flew at him. Touching of an intimate nature, even pretend, was hard to work around.
Thomas shrugged a bit, "I've always wondered on morality. Part of being an orphan. Another part of being rich. Then when I found out Magic was you know, real I did research into it. Didn't want to accidentally sign my soul away or whatever."

The inside of the club was impressive, but then to target the rich and elite it sort of had to be. Roulette tables, black jack, even a few slot machines. Waitresses wearing barely anything moved around, in one piece swim suits made of red latex with elbow length gloves, black fishnets and red heels. Their hair was kept back in tight ponytails. An automated screen showed that you were expected to trade cash for coins, coins were what you used to gamble. There was also a stair case leading to the second level. However, it was called the High Roller's Club. He looked at Raven and winked, gesturing with his head up towards it. If anything weird was going on, odds are it would be up there.

Thomas pulled out a wad of cash and handed it to the coin exchange. The woman whistled one hundred grand wasn't chump change. Soon he and Raven both had been handed a small bucket of coins. There were 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 dollar coins. He willed his ring to scan the coins and whispered into Raven's ear, "Be a bit careful, one in three coins has some sort of barbiturate on it. Touch activated. It won't hurt a human, but it will lower inhibitions, make you more submissive and easily swayed. My guess is it's touch activated, and absorbed through the skin. The more coins you throw around and the more you absorb. It's slow acting, probably means it had a long shelf life. You want to split up until we qualify for the High Rollers club, or stick together?"
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