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RP: NCIS: It Must Be Love (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Ellie couldn't help but slam her body back against Derek's as he rammed his cock inside of her. The action caused her to moan out loudly as he hammered away at her and made the blonde feel amazing. She loved it when he pulled on her hair, which yanked her body harshly against his. The gag that was on her lips once more, muffled the sounds that she made, but that was okay. The young woman knew that her man liked the sounds she made behind the gag. She knew that he found her moans and screams of pleasure to be hot, as they were muffled.


It didn't take Ziva long to get dressed as she didn't get fully dressed, not wanting to waste a lot of time. She simply pulled a jacket on over her night shirt and zipped it, then slipped on some pants and shoes, not caring that she wasn't wearing a real shirt or bra. The jacket she wore wa to hide that fact. Answering Tony's question she said, "We'll take her to the ER, and then do whatever they suggest from there." Several minutes later, they got into the car and she worked on trying to keep Tali calm as he drove them to the ER. She sang softly, and spoke softly to their daughter.
That was all it took. Ellie’s moaning, struggling, and body took Derek over the edge. The man’s entire cock throbbed and pulsated inside of Ellie before the tip released, pumping his sticky semen exploded inside of the blonde. After filling her up, Derek started kissing her neck. If she had not reached an orgasm yet, Derek placed his hand in between her legs, finding her clit. Then, Derek started rubbing on the girl’s mound. His two fingers were pressed firmly down as his other hand remained free, tugging on the blonde’s hair before slapping her ass violently. The male wanted to ensure that Ellie had an orgasm just like he did.


During the next few minutes, Tony dressed himself immediately. Jumping into the driver’s seat, the male drove faster than the speed limit but he drove safely. The last thing he needed was endangering himself, Tali, and Ziva. At the same time, the NCIS agent had no medical training. Hypothesizing about the etiology of Tali’s symptoms was dangerous for someone without training. At the same time, it was urgent. Tony wanted to get his daughter help as quickly as possible. “I will drop you off at the door, okay? Jump out and take her inside. I will meet you there.” It would be more efficient than Tony parking with the girls and wasting more time before they reached the emergency room. At the entrance, he stopped and waited for Ziva to take Tali inside.
Ellie came hard once Derek slapped her ass, pulled her hair, and worked his fingers on her clit. It didn't take her long to come all over his fingers that worked her body. The blonde fell back into the bed and laid there, a grin on her lips as she tried to catch her breath. "Once we catch our breath we should go home. We need to shower, change, and have dinner.." She said, after glancing at her phone that was on the table near the bed. "It's after midnight. And while I've enjoyed having our fun here, I prefer to be home with you, just the two of us in our own bed."


Ziva didn't waste time. As soon as they got to the ER, she quickly took Tali inside and flagged down a nurse as she made her way to the front desk, to sign her daughter in. She immediately started to describe her daughter's symptoms as she held the baby girl in one arm, and used her other hand to fill out the paperwork. "Her father's parking the car and will be here any minute. I just want to help her feel better. I can't stand listening to her crying and not being able to help her." The young woman really hoped that whatever was wrong with Tali, it wasn't anything too serious.
Agreeing with Ellie, Derek moved steadily. Removing the restraints and re-ordering everything in the private club room as it was found, Derek started to redress. Soon enough, the male was ready to go. After getting dressed, he stood and waited for Ellie to do the same. When she arrived, he held her hand, walking out towards the front. Before they left, however, he could not resist the temptation of buying a few of the bondage toys there which included nipple clamps, flogger, restraints, and gags. Who could blame him? After the purchase was made, he approached the car with Ellie by his side. “Now that… was the most fun undercover operation I’ve ever done.” He chuckled, giving her a kiss on the lips before sliding into the car.


In record time, Tony parked the car and sprinted into the emergency room. Around this time, Ziva finished the paper work. Since they took emergencies over everything else, the couple was called back within the next thirty seconds. They followed one of the nurses to the special rooms where infants were treated. Ziva was directed to place her down in a small, baby hospital bed. After that, Tony pulled Ziva to the side and stood out of the way so they could let the doctors work as his arms wrapped around the woman. All they could do now was wait and trust the doctors. It was a helpless feeling, but it was the only thing they could do.
Ellie laughed as they got into the car. "Whoever said mixing business and pleasure would only lead to a mess, never had the kind of job we do, which allows us to have fun and enjoy our work." She fell silent a few moments later as they buckled up and started on their way home. After a few minutes, the blonde leaned forward and turned the radio on, and then reached
out to take Derek's free hand that wasn't on the wheel, and hold it with hers, squeezing it firmly. "I love you, Derek." She said softly, and then squeezed his hand that was in hers once


Ziva hated feeling helpless as she and Tony watched the doctor's and nurses help their daughter. She knew that Tali was probably terrified and wished that there was something she could do to make her little girl feel better. She hugged Tony tightly, her worry spiking the longer the doctor's took care of Tali and didn't tell them what was wrong with her. "What if it ends up being something serious? That would mean I wasn't doing a good job taking care of our daughter, and I let something happen to her." Real fear was in her eyes as she spoke, unable to take her eyes off Tali. Even as she gripped Tony tightly.
“I love you, too, baby.” Derek responded before they pulled into their apartment. Since this case was so close to home, they did not need to stay in a shitty hotel like the team usually did when having a layover with a case. It was nice. After parking, Derek carried all bags inside, leading the way. “Why don’t you get the shower ready for us? I’ll put our toys away and then I’ll join you.” Derek was quite meticulous and organized with these things. It was important to him that everything was organized and kept neatly packed where he wanted it. The male approached the bedroom and looked in the closet, finding the box where everything was located before adding to the pile.

Tony returned the tight hug, his hands calmingly stroking through Ziva’s hair before moving down her back. “Ziva, you should stop that right now. I don’t believe it will be something serious. If it is, we will deal with it. Don’t think like that, though. I also didn’t realize you had the cure for every illness in the world. It’s not your fault. You can’t shield her from viruses or anything like that. Don’t even kid yourself into thinking you can. The doctors will take care of her, Ziva. You’re an amazing mother. I’m sure everything will be fine.” Tony reassured the woman as he pressed a kiss to her forehead.
Ellie smiled as they got back to their apartment. They exited the car and went inside. A smirk came to her lips as she watched him carry all the new toys he had bought, inside of their place. She nodded when he suggested that she get a shower ready for them. "Sounds like a plan. I already can't wait to feel that hot water falling over me. It'll work out the tenseness in my back." After giving Derek a peck on the lips, she went to grab some clothes for them both and then headed into the bathroom, stripped and stepped into the shower as she turned it on hot and full blast.


Ziva sighed. "I just hate not being able to help her.." The young woman's words trailed off when the doctor gave Tali some medicine, and then gently picked her up and carried her over to them. She quickly took Tali into her arms and cuddled her, nodding as she listened to the doctor as he said they needed to give her Children's Tylenol twice a day, and to monitor her fever
and just keep it down with cool washcloths and sponge baths. "Thank you," She said softly, and then quickly and quietly carried Tali out of the room after the doctor finished speaking.

The young woman carefully shifted her daughter in her arms, and got out Tali's medical card out of her wallet, to pay for the visit. Once that was done they got back into the car, Ziva buckling Tali up. "I don't have any Children's Tylenol at the hotel. Can you stop by the pharmacy and pick some up, before we head back?"
Seconds later, Derek entered the bathroom. “Our toys are safely packed into the closet, ready for use. I can’t wait to see you in these things.” Derek commented with a chuckle before working on stripping down beside of his fiancé. It was a shame every case did not involve this. Derek honestly enjoyed it, minus the other people dying, of course. Once Derek was nude, he stepped into the shower first. When the blonde was ready next, he pulled her into the shower behind him until she was right there in front. Before making a move to actually shower, he pressed a firm kiss to her lips, wanting to feel her lips one more time before he got serious about the showering.


Thankfully, nothing appeared seriously wrong with Tali according to the doctor. Tony thanked him for the assistance and helped Ziva however he could until they reached the car. When she mentioned children’s Tylenol, he drove until they reached one of the only pharmacy stores still open at this time. Tony ran inside to buy a couple bottles so they would have plenty before returning to the driver’s seat. Before moving again, he let Ziva give the pill to Tali and once that was done, Tony started driving again. When they reached his place, Tony parked outside and walked back into the house with Ziva.

They reached the bedroom, placing their daughter down again for the night. After standing beside the bed and ensuring the girl fell asleep, Tony turned his attention to Ziva. “Alright, are you ready to get some sleep now?” He asked, gently holding onto her hands as they watched together.
Ellie smiled when Derek joined her a few moments later. Before long, they were under the shower and when he kissed her, she happily kissed him back as the hot water fell over them. "Do you wanna wash my body, or do you want me to wash you first?" She asked several moments later after she pulled back from the kiss and looked up into his dark, warm eyes. The blonde loved their life together. She couldn't have asked for a better partner both personally and professionally. "Derek? I feel like I don't say it enough, but you're the best thing to ever happen
to me."


Ziva smiled at Tony, once they had given Tali some medicine and their daughter had fallen asleep. "Sleep sounds amazing," She said and then squeezed his hands, before she followed him to the bed. The young woman took off her shoes and didn't bother to change back into her night clothes, she just dropped down onto the bed and curled into Tony's side. After a few moments, she reached out for her cell phone that was on the bedside table, and sent a text to Gibbs, letting him know that Tali was sick, and that she and Tony wouldn't be in today. Then she turned back to Tony. "I am too tired to argue. Let's just sleep."
Deciding that he wanted to wash Ellie’s body first, Derek grabbed a wash cloth and the woman’s body wash. After squirting an amount onto the rag, he started to soap up her body. Listening to her talk made his heart flutter. “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me as well. I love you, too. I can’t wait until we finally get married. We’re just a couple months out now and I can’t stop thinking about it.” The male murmured as he stopped washing her body long enough to press a kiss onto her lips. Their relationship was everything he ever wanted and needed. The desire to call her his wife was growing stronger each day.


At the hotel, Tony and Ziva ensured Tali had everything she needed. From her bear, to blankets, and whatever other accommodations she needed before they went to bed. It was Tony that suggested they do not sleep on the couch. When he suggested that the first time, he intended on being there alone, having no idea Ziva wanted to sleep by his side so badly she would even go to the couch with him. Now that everything was squared away, Tony and Ziva went into the bedroom of the hotel, just across from Tali’s room they set up inside that hotel room.

Once they curled up together, Tony wrapped his arms tightly around Ziva and peppered her faces in kisses. Tomorrow, they would look for a place together. Tony would put his place up for sale. It was a hgue step to take, especially since Ziva only now returned, but it showed how much faith he had in her. She could really screw him over by leaving again after he had sold his house and went all in on the father thing with Tali and the relationship binge with Ziva. Yet, he trusted her to do the right thing.

(I meant to say they went to the hotel. Just ignore that I said house and we can carry on like they are in the hotel).
Ellie smiled as Derek grabbed her body wash and a wash cloth and after mixing the two, started to rub it over her body. Soft sighs of pleasure left her lips as she enjoyed the feeling of his hands all over her body. It didn't even have to be in a sexual way. The blonde loved everything that the two of them did together. The smile on her lips widened when he talked about their upcoming marriage. "I know what you mean. 5 months seems so far away. And I still haven't decided if I'm going to hyphenate or take your last name. Luckily there's still time to figure it out."

Ziva turned in Tony's arms so that she could face him. "You and Tali have saved my life. Saved it more times than I can count. Knowing that I have people I love and need and knowing that there's people who love and need me. It is what has kept me alive. I have found myself in lots of bad situations, and every single time, the last thing on my mind was always Tali and you.
Yes, it has taken us a long time to get where we are now, but I do not regret the path it took to get us here. All that matters is that we finally made it. Good night, Tony." She said softly.

The young agent closed her eyes and placed her hands on his, as his arms were wrapped around her.

(Edited, no worries. :))
Either way, Derek was thankful that Ellie was going to hyphenate or take his last name. It was important to him that she did. That might sound like a strange thing to say. After all, Ellie has the right to do whatever she wanted. Yet, Derek just adored the idea of her taking his last name. He hoped she would not hyphenate. It felt counterproductive. He wanted Ellie Morgan, not Ellie Bishop-Morgan. Still, he was thankful she was at least doing something and not just keeping her last name as it was. Talking about it made him smile as his hands continued to roam her body. By the time Derek finished, every inch of her body had been scrubbed and washed effectively. He attacked her hair last, thoroughly enjoying the sensation of running his fingers through her hair and scrubbing the scalp while giving her a massage. Soon enough, he washed out the soap and his fiancé was clean. Now it was her turn to wash him off so he exchanged the cloth to her and waited for the blonde to begin. “I know you’re going to look so beautiful in that wedding gown. I can’t wait.” He murmured, still in a lovestruck state.


It was an imperfect relationship for an imperfect family. Let’s be honest – Tony and the DiNozzo men, in general, were never good at being perfect or being with perfect. One could argue that the flaws in this relationship were none of his own. It was not his fault Ziva kept their child away from him. It was not his fault that Ziva disappeared on him. At the same time, Tony could have fought harder for her and played less of a hardass when it came to feelings. But, one could make himself or herself sick over thinking about the past. Tony agreed that they should just forget about what they can’t change and focus on what they can. Falling asleep with Ziva in his arms for the first time was enlightening. Thankfully, Tali even slept peacefully after their scare earlier in the evening. Out of all three, Tony woke up first. Even if his Ziva looked peaceful sleeping, they had a ridiculous amount of shit to get done today with only one day off. The longer they wasted, the worse it would feel. So, he decided to gently wake her with his words and lips to the cheek while calling her name.
Ellie smiled at Derek's words and then took the towel into her own hand, which she soaped up and then began to run over his body as she washed him. "I can't wait to see you all dressed up in a suit. As much as I love seeing your butt in the tight jeans you wear, I've been wanting to get you all dressed up for me, my handsome man." She moved the towel over his body, taking her time and enjoying touching him. Once they had rinsed off, dried off, changed, and then had dinner, they both settled down in bed, curled up together, and watched a movie as they fell asleep.


Ziva yawned and forced her eyes open some time later. A small smile came to her lips when she opened her eyes and saw Tony beside her. Part of it still felt like all of this was a dream and if it was, then she didn't want to wake up. But hopefully it wasn't. After he kissed her cheek and called her name softly, the young woman kissed his lips and then pulled back and smiled. "Good morning," She said softly, and then pushed the blankets off, left the bed and went to check on Tali, who was babbling and playing with her toys. "You seem to be feeling better," She said and scooped their daughter up.

After quickly changing Tali, the young agent carried her over to Tony. "Spend some time with abba while amah gets ready for the day." The young woman smiled, kissed their daughter's cheek and then handed her over to Tony. Once Tali was safely in her father's arms, Ziva exited the room and took a quick shower and dressed. 30 minutes later she finished and took their daughter back into her arms, cuddling their baby girl close, as Tony took a turn to shower and get dressed for the day. The two of them squealed and laughed as they played together and enjoyed their time together.
Sleeping peacefully, Derek woke the next morning full of energy. Since he was awake before Ellie, he decided to cook breakfast. The food consisted of whatever her favorite morning meal and drink was with a plate for himself of eggs and bacon. After the meal had been cooked, Derek returned to the bedroom and sat a plate down beside of Ellie on the nightstand. He woke her with a kiss and a light touch on her face. When her eyes opened, he waited until she had adjusted to the state of being awake as he presented her with the breakfast in bed. For a final, romantic touch, he even placed whatever her favorite flower was beside the plate.


After waking, Tony traveled into Tali’s room with Ziva. After ensuring their daughter was safe and sound, he took the baby in his arms and played with her for the entire half hour while Ziva prepared for the day. Time flew by. Tony realized just how much he enjoyed being a father. It was almost like Tali knew that this was her father as she was very warm and accepting of him. It brought smiles to Tony’s face like never before. This was the best thing that could have ever happened to him. Like Ziva, Tony, too, thought this was a dream. And if it was, he hoped it was something he would never wake from. Never before did he see himself in a future like this, but now, he could not see himself anywhere else.

In fact, Tony was almost reluctant to let Tali out of his arms even to shower and get dressed. It took him about half the time it took Ziva before he was ready to go for the day. Clearly, Ziva had done research about what homes or apartments they might want to look at, ones that were safe for their family. “I’m ready to go, Ziva. Where are we going to check out first? Do you have a list of places?” He asked, hoping that he could read and learn about them before they arrive.
Ellie smiled as she was woken by the man she loved. As soon as her eyes opened, she locked eyes with him and was happy to kiss him back after he kissed her and touched her face. "Good morning, Derek.." She said softly. Her smile widened at the sight of a plate piled with her favorite blueberry pancakes, and reached out for the lily that he had placed on the side of her plate. The blonde lifted the flower to smell it and then she carefully placed it down once more. "How about we share my breakfast, handsome?" After she spoke, the young agent used her knife and fork to cut up some of the pancakes, and lifted her fork with a bite to his lips.

It was cheesy, but she liked the idea of being silly and feeding him. There was something about it that felt intimate to her. "Thank you for my wake up call, breakfast, and my beautiful flower." After she spoke and he had swallowed the bite, she leaned in close and kissed him, chuckling when she pulled back after the kiss, as she had tasted the pancakes during their kiss. "I was thinking that we might go in a little late today, and just enjoy each other's company for a while. What do you think?" The blonde asked and then began to eat her pancakes. Every other bite she'd feed to Derek, after eating a bite of her own.


Ziva smiled and handed Tali back to Tony, once he had finished showering, dressed, and joined them once more. "I have a list of two dozen places that I think we should check out. They are all houses, as I do not think it would be wise for us to rent an apartment with Tali being so little. These houses are in good and safe neighborhoods, close to schools and NCIS, have plenty of kids in the neighborhood for Tali to play with when she gets a little older, and the houses are all in good shape and for sale at decent prices. So we won't be paying an arm and a leg if we can agree on one of these houses."

"The first 2 houses are all on the same street, which is Bevins Road. There's a one bedroom, one bathroom house, but it has a tiny backyard and a small kitchen. The second one is a three bedroom, two bathroom house. It has a big backyard, a decent sized kitchen, is 5 minutes away from the Elementary school, 15 minutes away from the middle school, and 20 minutes away from the high school. Also, 10 minutes away from NCIS, and 15 minutes away from the nearest hospital." After she told him about the first two houses, she packed Tali's bag with food, toys, and clothes, and they headed for her car.

Once they had Tali buckled up safely in the backseat and playing with her toys, Ziva gave Tony the addresses to the first 2 houses. And as he drove, she filled him in on some of the other houses. "There's a four bedroom, two bathroom house, with a big kitchen, big backyard, a large garage, and a built in swimming pool." She talked about a few more of the houses, and
when they arrived in the first neighborhood, scooped Tali out of her carseat and carried their daughter into the house so they could look around.
That beautiful smile from his fiancé was everything Derek needed to see for a good morning. Ellie’s smile made him melt. It made him feel weak in the knees. The good morning kiss was passionate and full of love. Honestly, the day did not begin right unless they shared one. For the longest time, Derek had not gone without one of her kisses to start his day. “Good morning, my love.” The male cooed back in response as a matching smile spread across his own lips. How could he not smile? Ellie made him the happiest man in the entire world. Just watching her reaction to breakfast in bed was everything Derek needed. Not only was it thoughtful, but he could make a mean pancake. After all, what girl didn’t like having their man bring them breakfast in bed? It might be cliché, but Derek enjoyed doing it for Ellie.

“I’d love to join you.” Derek responded to the notion of sharing breakfast, so he climbed into the bed beside the blonde. Grinning as the pancake was held to his lips, Derek took a bite. Many things he did were just as cheesy and silly. It might make some people sick, but their relationship had a foundation of these things. “You’re welcome, babe. And yes, we can go in later today. I don’t mind that.” He wanted to return the gesture, so Derek grabbed her fork as well. It turned into a feeding of each other with every other bite and it was not something Derek was complaining about. This was his favorite thing in the world.


Happily, Tony took Tali from Ziva. He found that the more he held his daughter, the more difficult it was to let her go. The immense list surprised Tony. Two dozen places? That might take more than today, but every second spent on deciding a house to live was well used. After all, they needed somewhere that was safe for Tali and somewhere they could start their lives together. If someone would have told Tony last week at this time that he would be looking for a house to live in with Ziva and their child, he would have called them crazy. Everything that happened seemed surreal and unrealistic, but it was his life and he was living in this reality. He felt no more malice, only happiness. In fact, he looked forward to checking out houses today.

It was nice to hear that the price was not too high. It was not like they had a massive budget working at NCIS. Plus, knowing they were in safe places and neighborhoods with other children made Tony relax. He would love to see Tali grow up and have tons of friends to play with around the neighborhood after school. It had been like that when he was little and he felt that many children missed those opportunities today. As she explained the houses on Bevins road, he watched her get everything packed. Tony was going over the route in his head as he knew the area quite well. It would not be difficult to find.

Before leaving, Tony practically triple checked himself to ensure everything about the carseat was correct. He knew little about it, so he had done research last night when he thought about everything he needed to know to be a parent. It would take time, but he could learn. Just having a child in the car made him even drive much slower than usual for safety measures. Arriving at the first house, Tony followed Ziva towards the house. “Is it an open house? Can we just go on inside?” Tony asked.
Once they had finished off the pancakes, Ellie brought everything into the kitchen and made quick work of cleaning the dishes and saving them. Then she returned to their bedroom and Derek, and laid down beside him once more. "Derek, I think we should talk about the wedding. We need to start making plans and getting things ready. The next few months are going
to fly by. I want to make sure that we invite all of our friends and family. I have a cousin in Virginia that I want to reach out to. We haven't spoken in a long time and I want to change

"We need to figure out when we're having the wedding, who we want to be in our wedding parties, what kind of church or other location we want to get married in. I need to pick my
Maid of Honor, and you need to pick your Best Man. We need to make sure to invite the team, and you might consider inviting your old teammates. We need to figure out where we're
having the reception at, we need to look into getting a D.J., flowers, all of that. We still have a lot to do. We also need to make sure your mother and sisters are coming, and my mother,
too." She sighed softly.

"I might have to go to Virginia and track down my cousin. All I know is that she lives there, but not where. I tried to look her up by using the database at NCIS, but McGee said that her personal information is blocked by some Detective named LaMontagne. So, on Friday, I'll take the weekend and following week off, fly the 3 hours and 40 mins to Virginia and try to track
her down in person. We had a falling out years ago. She lost her sister and we haven't talked since. I never got to tell her how sorry I was for missing the funeral. I've been a crappy cousin and friend, but I want to change that now."


Ziva nodded. "It is an open house," She confirmed as they walked inside a few moments later. "Luckily, all of them are. I made sure of that before I considered putting them on the list of
ones we were to look at I didn't want us going in blind. This way we can check them all out and see if we like any of them." After the young woman spoke, she fell silent and they walked
into the house and started to check it out. A smile was on her lips as they walked around the house and took everything in. Tali had to be distracted a little, so she handed their daughter
her favorite stuffed bear, and the baby girl settled down once more.
After the meal, Derek followed his fiancée into the kitchen. While she washed the dishes, he waited to dry the dishes and put them back where they belonged. Returning to the bedroom, Derek cuddled up beside Ellie again, his body relaxing into the mattress. Ellie suggested they talk about the wedding. She mentioned something about a cousin, a story that Derek had never heard before. “Of course, baby. We can talk about whatever you want.” They had almost everything figured out already. They were missing a couple minute details about the whole ceremony. The location and date had already been set. The biggest objective to complete involved wedding invitations, best man, bridesmaids, and the flowers. “Well, I’ve been thinking about this. I thought about asking Gibbs to be my best man.” Derek had worked for NCIS for a long time, now. Gibbs was basically a father figure to him.

Derek wished his own father could be here for this, but he lost his life when Derek was young. Gibbs had played an important role in his adult life once he started working for NCIS. He owed that man so much and it only seemed right to have him as his best man. Either him or Tony were both valid choices. He was close to both men, but obviously in different ways. While Gibbs was like a father figure, Tony was basically his best friend (outside of Ellie, of course). It was not the easiest of decisions, but he could not go wrong with either selection.

Listening to Ellie suggest flying to Virginia to find her cousin was an interesting take. With his eyebrows raised, Derek gave her a hug. “You’re not a terrible friend or terrible cousin. Do you want me to come with you?” Derek would obviously travel with her if she wanted. All she needed to do was ask. On the other hand, it sounded like one of those things one might need to do alone, but Derek was putting it out there just to be safe.


Tony agreed with Ziva. They needed to find open houses. They needed to physically explore each option before making decisions. Walking beside Ziva, Tony could check the facial expression on the woman and figure what she thought about it. Tony kept an eye on Tali as she played with the stuffed bear. They explored the entire place and Tony thought it was great. When they finished and were walking out together, Tony glanced towards Ziva. “What did you think about this place? I thought it was nice. I like the location, too. I know this is just our first house but this one is at the top of my list already. We’ll see what the others look like, though.
Ellie nodded when Derek asked if she wanted him to go with her. "Yes. I want you there, if you don't mind. I know that I'm going to need your support and you could also probably be a buffer between the two of us if we find her and she and I don't get along." A small chuckle left her lips and she moved away from Derek, crossed their bedroom and pulled down a box from the closet. The blonde removed a picture and held it out to him. "This is my cousin, Jenny. We used to be best friend's when we were kids. But it's been years since I've seen or spoken to her."

"I wanna change that now. I need to change it. I can't keep going knowing that she's out there and I don't know anything about her life. So, I need to go and find her. And I really want you to come with me. Jenny and I are both stubborn, but I know that you could knock some sense into us. I just don't know where to start. I guess that I should contact that Detective LaMontagne and see what he knows about her. Maybe he can even put me in touch with Jenny." After she spoke, the blonde hugged Derek back. "I really want you to meet her. I think you guys could be good friends."


Ziva laughed softly as they exited the house together. Tali was still in her father's arms as she played with her bear. "Is that your way of asking me to end the search and we'll just get this house?" The words were said teasingly, and as they got back into the car, she changed Tali, fed her, and then they exited the car and went into the next house. "Let's look at a few more and then make a top 5 list. From there, we'll discuss why we like those better than the others, and we'll go from there." Before long, they walked into the second house and repeated their actions of checking it out.
Derek was more than happy to travel with Ellie. If it meant helping her amend one of her relationships with a family member, then Derek approved. He watched his fiancée move across the room and find some old picture. He assumed it was a picture of her cousin, but he did not anticipate knowing her. The male glanced at the picture and did a double take. Perhaps he was only seeing things. He only confirmed what he once expected when she mentioned the detective’s name. Hugging Ellie back, he double checked the photo. The last thing he wanted was to tell Ellie that he knew where to find her when he had her mistaken for someone else. Yet, Derek was certain of it now. This was the Jennifer Jareau that he knew. It had to be.

“Actually, babe… I’ve already met with her.” Derek responded. “I’ve worked with her at the BAU. This looks like her. Jennifer Jareau. That detective you mentioned, that is her husband. They have two kids, too.” Derek explained while offering a smile. “I can make this process so much easier. I’m still in contact with some of my old team. Let me call JJ for you and you can talk to her or I can set up to meet her and Will and the kids and you can surprise her there in person. It is up to you, Ellie.”


The day was full of searching houses and ranking each house. While Tony found something attractive about every house, some were better than the others. His favorite houses were mostly the homes with the best proximity to work, school, and anything else they might need. When they returned to the hotel after the long day of searching, Tali was all but passed out asleep. She looked tired. “Let’s talk about them and rank them when I get back. You start writing down whatever you need and I’ll put Tali in her bed.” So, Tony did exactly that before returning to Ziva, joining her on the couch as he was ready to look at the notes she created.
"I still want you to come with me. I'd feel a lot better with you by my side," Ellie admitted softly. "I haven't seen Jenny---" She cut herself off. "I mean Jennifer, in years. Not since Rosaline died. And anyway, this will give you an excuse to see your old friends and teammates." A smile came to her lips when Derek explained that Jennifer was married to the Detective who had sealed her files from public record, and that they had two children. "I'm glad that she's happy, and I hope she wants to see me." She paused for a moment and then said, "Derek, will you reach out to Jennifer's husband and see if you think he thinks she'd be agreeable to seeing us? Well, to seeing me? I don't want to force my presence on her if she doesn't want to see me."


Ziva smiled as she watched Tony carry Tali to bed. And when he returned a few minutes later, she had written down the top five houses that she liked, and why. The young agent had a items in a list under each house she had listed, and handed the paper and pen over to Tony so that he could do the same. "Once we've both written down our favorites, we can compare them and any ones we have in common, we can narrow it down if there's more than one." The smile on her lips remained as she watched him write, and realized that this truly was where she was meant to be.
Squeezing Ellie’s hand, Derek laced their fingers together before pressing a kiss onto her lips. “Of course, baby. I’ll make the call immediately. I’ll let him know you want to see Jenny again. Just stay right here and relax, my love.” Pressing a kiss onto her lips again, Derek slipped from the bed and removed his cell phone. Will LaMontagne’s phone number was still saved, so he called it immediately. After a few rings, the detective answered the phone. After some chitchat and catching up, Derek revealed that the Ellie he was marrying was in fact a cousin of JJ’s. Will sat down and talked to the blonde about Ellie wanting to speak with her. JJ seemed quite pleased with the idea, so Derek said that he would tell Ellie and he would text Will a time when they want to meet together. It would be like a double date.


Writing down the names of the houses, Tony realized they shared two homes in common. So, he drew lines through all the houses that were not shared. When they had the final two, Tony went over why he liked each house and why he would prefer each one. They continued to share lists and Tony was honestly happy with either selection. “What do you think, Ziva? Does one stand out more to you than the other?” Tony questioned inquisitively. It was a tough choice, but both had desirable locations and builds. He was somewhat leaning towards the cheaper one for obvious reasons, but it did not mean he overlooked the other already.
Ellie smiled and then squeezed Derek's hand back, happy to lace their fingers together when he started to do so. When he leaned in and kissed her, the blonde slipped her tongue into his mouth as they kissed, and pouted, though the pout quickly went away when he started to speak. They kissed once more after he spoke, and she nodded and remained silent as she listened
to him talk to her cousin's husband, Will. She could hear Will talking to someone on the other end and guessed that it was her cousin, though the other person's voice was muffled on the other end of the line.

A few minutes later, once the two men had hung up, she moved closer to Derek and kissed him once more, then pulled back. "Thank you for doing that. And thank you for agreeing to come with me. I feel better now that I know I'm not just going to walk up to some strangers. On the bright side, you'll get to see all of your friends again."


Ziva looked at the lists once more and then pointed to the cheaper house. "This one. While it's a little cheaper than the other house, it also has a bigger back yard, and I want that for Tali. I want us to put a swimming pool in for her in a few years when she's older and wants to be able to go swimming. What do you think?" She asked and then looked up from the paper and over at Tony as she waited for him to answer. A small smile was on her lips as they tried to decide which of the final two houses on their lists that they liked the best and could reasonably afford.
“You don’t need to thank me, baby. I’m happy to set it up and go with you. After all, I would like to see these people again. We went through a lot back when I was in the BAU. And it seems like JJ is excited to meet you. Or, Jenny – at least, we called her JJ. I’ve never heard anyone call her Jenny until now.” Derek mused, thinking it was adorable that Ellie had a name for her cousin that nobody else really used. “Anyways, Will said they will be home all day tomorrow, so we can meet them at their home. How does that sound?”

After explaining to her what was told to him, Derek reached down and firmly squeezed Ellie’s hands, pulling them against his chest as he stole another kiss from the corner of her lips. It made him happy to know that he could help make Ellie feel so good and excited about seeing her family. It also made Derek happy to see some of his old team again as he had not done the best job in keeping in contact like he wanted.


Tony agreed with Ziva on the house. Not only was it cheaper, but the backyard was huge. It could be perfect for a swimming pool. They would not have to worry about traveling too far to have fun in the Summer. Plus, it would be a cool hangout spot for Tali and her friends during the Summer as well. “I think that’s a great idea, honestly. I think a pool would be perfect, too. She and her friends will probably love that. I like the neighborhood, too. It is the lowest rate of crime out of everything we looked at and school is just five minutes away. This is the house that I’d choose.” Tony responded with a smile on his face.
Ellie smiled and then stood on her tiptoes and pressed a sweet kiss to his lips, before pulling back. "It sounds amazing, and I have you to thank for bringing my cousin back into my life. I can't explain how much this means to me, Derek.." She said softly, completely serious, and then let out a strangled laugh. "Damn you. You're so sweet that it's gonna make me cry. In a good way," The blonde quickly explained. The young woman wrapped her arms around his waist and then rested her head against his chest. "I'm so glad that you joined NCIS, or I might never have met you."

"And that would be horrible. I don't want to ever think about my life without you in it."


Ziva paused for a moment and then reached out and took Tony's hands into hers and physically turned him to face her. "I need to be completely honest before we do this thing. I did not tell you about Tali because I did not think you would be pleased. I know you do not want to revisit this, but I need to get everything in, so that we have nothing else between us. I hurt you by keeping Tali away from you, and I am sorry for that. I thought that I was protecting both of you, and even myself.." She admitted quietly. "I did not think you were ready to be serious and be a father."

"That was not fair to you, though it was one of the reasons why I kept Tali a secret. I did not think you would be a good influence on her. You were immature, had multiple partner's on a regular basis, and I... was afraid that you might one day realize how amazing she is and take her away.." The last part was said in a whisper and was something she hadn't told anyone.
She was good at shoving her fears down deep and burying them so that no one else knew they were there. But it was harder to hide her feelings and fears when it came to their daughter.
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