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RP: NCIS: It Must Be Love (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Throughout their relationship, Derek always maintained his desire to keep Ellie safe. Even during sex when he desired to rough her around the bedroom, Derek made sure he held back enough to prevent harm from happening to the blonde. Tonight, he felt that she wanted him to shove his fingers even further inside of her pussy. Fisting was not something they had ever done before but Derek wanted to try it. Hell, there was hardly anything that Derek did not want to try so he gave Ellie what she wanted, slowly adding another finger into her womanhood each time until he was properly fisting her, rolling all five fingers around against her vaginal walls as his hand became coated in her juices.

While fisting her with one hand, the other was massaging her ass. Sometimes, he switched it up and started to spank the blonde, watching her hot, firm ass bounce and jiggle with each movement. Moans were falling from his lips again as his head tilted back, sliding his thick cock deeper inside of her ass. His hips were slamming wildly into her rear and it was difficult to keep Ellie still so she was not bucked off the bed. “Ellie, baby, I am getting so close. Keep moaning for me. I’m going to fill up your sexy ass, Ellie. Oh, God. I am getting close.”


It hurt when Ziva left Tony without saying anything. It hurt even worse when Ziva turned down the chance to move in with him. Tony did have a nice backyard though. It was a nice house and he was a little upset that Ziva would turn it down. It made him wonder if she did truly love him at all. If she did, why would she not move in with him? She finally addressed the next part of his question about starting their relationship and Tony let her talk with everything she needed to say. “Don’t worry about other partners, Ziva. I know you think I am driven by the need to have sex with as many women as I can. That’s not true. I will not bring a date back to my place if you both were there. I haven’t even had a partner since you left, Ziva. I realized that no matter how hard I looked, I would never find the perfect woman because I already found her and I already knew who she is.”

Tony had a less than ideal track record with women from Jeanne Benoit to E.J. Barrett and many, many others he tried to date during his time at NCIS. She asked if he loved her and the male cupped her face with one hand. “I do, Ziva. I didn’t realize it until you were gone. I knew that I couldn’t live without you. Letting you go was impossible. I do love you, Ziva. Even if you hurt me, I still love you.”
Ellie was unable to stop moaning as Derek fisted her. Each time he added a finger inside of her, it caused her to spread her legs even wider for him and encourage him to keep going. As soon as the last of his fingers entered her, she paused for a few moments to adjust to the feeling of being so full. As his hand moved in and out of her, pulling cries and moans from her, she felt his other hand massaging her ass, and bucked back against it, especially when he used that hand to spank her. "That feels good, Derek..." The blonde told him, as she let out another moan when he spanked her ass.

Each thrust from him was harder and faster, and along with him fisting her pussy, and spanking her ass, it made it difficult for her to decide on which thing she should focus on. Each time his hips slammed into her ass, she cried out for more, unable to help herself. And surprisingly, the blonde was enjoying being fisted by her man. They might have to do it more often. A grin came to her lips, as she eagerly began to move her body back and forth against his, wanting to drive Derek as crazy in love and lust as he did to her. "Harder, babe. Harder, harder.." She said, wanting a really good pounding.

"Your apartment while nice, will not hold all of comfortably. And it is not Tali-proof. So I still think that a new house is best for all of us," Ziva said softly. "I did not mean to imply that you get around.. though it used to be true.." She mumbled the last part. "I just mean that I do not want us to get in your way.." Her words trailed off as she took in the rest of what Tony had said. He cupped her face with one hand, and a smile smile came to her lips at his words. "I l-" Her words were cut off at the sound of crying coming from Tali in the bedroom. "I will get her.." She said and then went to pick up their daughter.

She carried the little girl in her arms into the living room and sat down beside Tony on the couch once more. "Tony, this is Tali.." The young woman told him, as she held their daughter close, and sang to her in Arabic as she tried to soothe the little girl. Once she had sang for a while, Ziva paused, and then glanced at Tony. "Would you like to try holding her? Tali needs to get used to her abba." After she spoke, she fell silent and waited to see what Tony wanted to do. She just really hoped that Tali did not start screaming her head off if he decided to take her into his arms.
Although they have only been at this for a short period of time, Derek found out a few things to please Ellie he did not know about before. He tried not to analyze these kinks too much as he just tried to enjoy himself as he thrust into his beautiful fiancé. Moans continued falling from his lips as he kept slamming his hips into her ass. His cock rammed as deep into the blonde as possible with each movement of his hips. His fist continued circling and rub around Ellie’s pussy. Derek could feel her getting wetter with each passing second. Of course, that only made him feel even more aroused.

It was not longer after he felt Ellie reach her orgasm when his own climax hit. His hand had been soaked with her sweet nectar and after only a few more thrusts, the hot, sticky semen was flowing from the tip of his cock. The male breathed out her name as he filled her up to the brim, his hands squeezing her ass rather toughly. After it was over, Derek felt exhausted already and just collapsed down beside the blonde. Leaving her tied for now, he started to kiss her neck, his arms around her shoulders. “Ellie, that felt so fucking good.”


Ziva might have a point about his apartment not being childproof. The male thought they could just all look at a house for all three of them. There was no way in hell she was going to keep Tali from him again so if it meant moving into the same place as Ziva then so be it. He would do it and he would deal with whatever the fallout was. It might not be the smartest idea but Tony needed to see Tali. Before he could suggest that, she was running off into the room to get Tali. When the Israeli returned with their child and sat down beside him on the couch, he just watched her with a smile on his face. One look into Talis’ eyes and he knew for a fact that this girl was his.

There was never any room for doubt. Tony had been hoping ZIva would give Tali to him to hold. Once she did, Tony was too eager as his hands gently wrapped around Tali’s body. Carressing her, he had tears in his eyes again. She did not cry. Instead, she just looked at him and smiled, giggling as Tony started talking to her in a baby voice, saying how much he loved her already and that he was so happy to finally meet her.
"I should let you tie me up more often," Ellie teased breathlessly. She loved sex with Derek. He was a good man, and a good partner. In and out of bed. Time passed, and eventually he uncuffed her, and let her free. The two of them got dressed once more and then left the room to explore. Sometimes when the blonde was with her man, it was easy to forget that they
were on the job, and had to keep an eye out for anything suspicious or out of place. It was easy to get distracted from the job, sex with Derek had a way of doing that to her.

Once they had dressed once more, they left the room and walked around the establishment, taking in everything and everyone as they tried to get a feeling for it, and see if anyone stuck for all the out right reasons, or technically, all the wrong ones, given that they were looking for a killer. The young woman pushed some of her blonde hair behind her ear and made sure to stay close to Derek.


Ziva was happy to remain silent as she watched Tony and Tali together for the first time ever. The young woman was happy that their daughter didn't cry when she was carefully set in her father's waiting arms. She was enjoying this moment, as Tony played with their daughter and talked to her in a baby voice, making Tali smile and giggle playfully. It was one of the best moments of her life, and the woman was glad that she had finally managed to work up the courage to tell Tony about Tali.
Yes, you should, my love.” Derek responded with a wicked grin on his face. This was easily the best sex they ever had. Sure, that did not mean he did not enjoy anything that they did before because he did. He always loved sex with Ellie. However, there was just something about having her bound, gagged, and blindfolded that was more arousing than anything he had done. As much as he would love to keep her like this all night, Derek knew that was impossible. Finally, he untied her and removed the gag before placing everything back where they belonged. Before they left, though, Derek was absolutely going to buy a few toys to take back to their hotel room.

Once out of the room and dressed, Derek brought the leash and collar with them. “You know, we need to blend in here. You should probably put this on.” With a grin, he placed the collar around her neck and held the leather leash in his hand. The male decided they should probably start with the owner that greeted them when they first arrived so he walked with Ellie towards one of the tables as they spied on the owner across the room to see what exactly she was up to.


This was one of the greatest moments of Tony’s life. Since Ziva told him about their daughter, he wondered how he could actually react when they met. Tony was nervous up until this point. Now? He was not nervous. He was happy beyond belief and there was a huge smile on his face that would never leave. He could barely believe that this girl was his. IT did not take long before he helped his daughter fall back asleep, so once she did, Tony placed her gently back down into the crib and then walked out of the room with Ziva so they would not wake Tali up.

Unable to help himself when they walked out of the room, Tony just wrapped his arms tightly around Ziva’s shoulders and held her head down gently against his chest. Squeezing her tight, Tony just rested their heads against each other. He missed ZIva so much. “We have a beautiful daughter, Ziva.” Tony whispered, feeling all the anger and disappointment he held towards Ziva quickly fading away. It felt good to hold her again and Tony just hoped she did not mind this. They had things to deal with soon but that could wait for now all he wanted was to hold Ziva.
"I know that you definitely love the idea of putting the leash on me," Ellie teased Derek as the two of them made their way around the establishment, checking out people and seeing the kinds of things all of the club's clients were up to and keeping an eye out for anyone who could be their killer. "Don't get too carried away with your fun," The blonde teased him, unable to help herself. "While yes, we can have a bit of fun, you need to remember that that's not the main reason we're here.." She said and then whispered the words in his ear a moment later, smirking.

They continued to walk around for a bit and then met up with the owner. The two of them acted like they were a regular couple and were interested in knowing where the real fun stuff went down. They also asked the owner about her favorite things to do, and joined her at a table, sitting down and talking about different things for a little while, while continuing to check out the place and the people there.


Ziva was happy to stay quiet and watch Tony and Tali together. It was something she had wanted to have happen for a long time and it was finally happening. "I know. Tali is very beautiful, and the best thing to ever happen to me." The young woman was happy to let Tony hold her, and she was happy to be close to him after a long time that they had been apart. "I do not know what you want to happen now. You have to tell me. As we both well know I am not good at this kind of thing. I have not been in a relationship in a long time. I do not want to mess this up again."
The owner was a kind lady. She did not act like a killer – but looks were deceiving. The owner questioned Derek and Ellie about their relationship and interest into BDSM. This was not part of a cover they had to develop. They could answer truthfully so Derek happily talked about meeting Ellie, their first dates, his interest in BDSM before she knew about it. It was all quite genuine and that worked well for their cause. Soon enough, Derek threw in a casual question that might help their investigation. “We were nervous about this. I’m sure there are plenty of people that take it too far. We were worried that might happen here in the club.”

The owner assured them that while they did have troublemakers here, she kicked them out whenever possible and she ensured that it was a safe place. There could be an option that the killer was someone she kicked out – they grew upset and decided to extract revenge on all the customers that go here. It would be smart to look for any military personnel that might have been booted from the club. Soon enough, the owner left them alone before Derek glanced at his fiancée. “How about I buy you a drink? I love getting you tipsy.” Derek teased but of course it would be only one drink so they could be the opposite of impaired. Besides, it would look suspicious just sitting at the bar without a drink.


“Well, neither of us have a good track record with relationships.” Tony reminded Ziva. From Jeanne Benoit to EJ Barrett, Tony had not had the best of luck. He felt like things could be different with Ziva, though. When she asked him what he wanted, Tony had to think on how he could say this. The last thing he wanted was to scare Ziva away from him again so he decided to approach the topic carefully and cautiously. “That’s a good question, Ziva. I have wondered that myself ever since you got back today. I don’t know how you feel either so I want you to tell me, but I will be open and honest with you if you give me the same courtesy.”

Pulling away from the woman, Tony walked with Ziva towards the couch so they could sit together. “My feelings for you have not changed. I thought about you every day and I still feel strongly about you. I want you and Tali both in my life. I still want us to have a chance at being together, but only if I know that you won’t run away and break my heart again. You did that already and I’ve forgiven you, like I said, but I need to know for a fact that if we try this, you will give me your all.”
Ellie was content to let Derek do most of the talking to the club owner, as she focused her attention on a few club goers in particular that had caught her eye. She wasn't sure why that was, as there seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary about them. They were enjoying themselves, just like everyone else at the club. But something about them caused a prickly feeling in the back of her neck, so she just kept an eye on them. When the owner left them alone, she turned her attention back to her fiancé and listened as he spoke. The blonde laughed at his words and then nodded.

"I could use a drink. On top of keeping an eye out for anything off, I'm getting eyed back by way too many men to count, and I'm definitely not a fan of that. I can also see a few couples who are pissed off that we're together. I'm assuming they're from the south and are having a conniption over our relationship. I'm sure that wherever they're from, they don't have or see many interracial relationships there. So, while you know I'll watch your back, be careful, Derek." The blonde said, as she leaned closer to speak into his ear, so that she could be heard over the music of the club.


Ziva nodded at his words. "Truer was never spoken.." She said and then made a face. "You know what I mean." The young woman fell silent as she let Tony say what he needed to say. Once she was sure that he had finished speaking, the dark haired woman wrapped her arms around his waist, holding him close. "I love you, Tony. I did not think it was possible after losing my sister. But then you made me feel things I never felt before. You made me see that there is more to life than work and fighting to stay alive. And you gave me Tali, which is the best part of my life."

"You were on my mind all the time. I dreamed about you every night and missed you more than I can ever truly express. I do not want to run away again. I just do not know how to get over being scared. Scared of letting myself love you and then losing you and Tali. That would be more than I could handle. If we do this, I promise that I will give all of myself to you. I also promise to keep being my hard headed and stubborn self, as that is what has kept Tali and I alive. If you think that you can learn to live with someone as flawed as I am, then yes, I will be with you. It is what I have wanted for so long."
The looks thrown their way were unmistakable. Despite that, Derek paid little attention to what anyone thought. However, he felt a natural desire to claim Ellie again and mark his territory from the other men. Sitting at the bar, Derek suddenly pulled Ellie to sit in his lap. One hand gripped the leash while the other hand wrapped around the blonde’s waist. Looking towards the bartender, Derek ordered a couple drinks. Knowing exactly which drinks Ellie preferred, Derek ordered whatever she wanted. As they waited for the drinks to arrive, Derek started peppering kisses down her neck and collarbone. Derek was thoroughly enjoying himself because there was no harm with mixing pleasure and business. This much was obvious.

“What do you think so far, baby? Does anything catch your attention? See anything suspicious?” Derek asked while his lips were pressed right against her ear. It just looked like he was kissing her earlobe and nipping at the flesh. In reality, he was talking about the case, wondering if Ellie had spotted anything. Meanwhile, he let that hand on her waist travel upwards so he could lightly fondle one of her breasts. His eyes were scanning the crowd now, hoping to find something useful during his search. So far, he had not seen anything suspicious but he did not think they would find anything on their first visit. This was a long-term assignment that would require many visits.


It was gloriously reinforcing when Ziva told Tony that she loved him. For a long time, Tony doubted it. How could ZIva love him if she abandoned him and kept their child from him? Sure, Ziva had her reasons but it was difficult for Tony to understand those reasons. His sweet Israeli had always struggled with emotions such as love – Tony knew that so it was expected she experienced difficulty understanding or expressing the emotion properly. That was nobody’s fault.

“You were on my mind all the time, too. I thought about you every day as soon as I woke up. Every night, I would wish you were lying beside me on the bed. I believe that you do not want to run away again. I am scared too, honestly. This is new for me and I don’t know what to do. Though we are both scared, we can be scared together. Just because we love each other and we love Tali does not mean that we will lose each other or her. We’ve let that hold us back for too long. I want to be with you as well. So, does that settle it then? We will try this? No running. No hiding from each other. We will give it our all. We will be together and focus on our love and our love for our daughter. This is what I want, Ziva. Is this what you want, too?”
Ellie had been finishing her first beer when she suddenly felt Derek reach out and grab one of her arms, pulling her onto his lap. She set down her beer on the bar and then watched his hand grip the leash which was around her neck, as his other hand moved to wrap around her waist. The blonde relaxed at the feel of his touch and remained silent as he ordered a few more drinks from the bartender. She chuckled as he started to kiss her neck and collarbone, squirming in his lap, as she was ticklish. "I'm loving it so far, Derek. Though I was thinking that in a little while, we'd go into one of the rooms and you'd tie me up."

"Maybe use some nipple clamps, a flogger, or a whip on me. Or any kind of toy that you'd enjoy spanking me with." A smirk was on her lips at her answer, and then she leaned forward to speak into his ear once more. "There's a couple near the door that's been eying the marine at the end of the bar. And it's not in a 'I wanna get in your pants' kind of way. They haven't done anything yet, but I have a bad feeling about them. The hair on the back of my neck is standing on end." The young woman admitted, and reached out to take one of Derek's hands into her own once more.


Ziva nodded at Tony's words. "This is what I want, too." She agreed softly. "I just worry about putting you in danger," She admitted to him. "With my father dead, many of his enemies have transferred their anger and hatred to me. You and Tali are targets. And that does not even include the enemies that I have made both back in Israel and here in the US. I want to tell Gibbs to put you and Tali in a safe house, but I know that is something you would never agree to. You are stubborn as I am." She sighed softly. "The men that tortured me are part of a terrorist cell in a large organization."

"They also killed my father and my sister. I found this out when they had captured me." She paused for a moment after speaking and then shook her head. "We should talk about something else. We should also start looking for a new place. I already have a few houses in mind. I just need to find the time to actually go and check all of them out. Maybe we should take the day off from NCIS tomorrow and spend the day together looking at houses. We can bring Tali along and I can give Tamir and Shani the day off. So it would be like a family inning. Just the three of us."
Nipple clamps and flogger. Derek could do that. After the sexual conversation ended, Ellie moved onto the job. It appeared there was a couple eyeing the Marine. Derek took a glance and found she was accurate. Nothing in their reports suggested there was a two-person team. It was possible, though. What if the woman lured the male into a room? What if something else happened? Just as Derek ordered another drink for himself and Ellie, he watched the male of the couple leave and the woman approached the Marine. She was trying to seduce him and it was appearing to work. Could this be how it was done? However, the male finally walked up to the two and the man scolded his partner and dragged her roughly off towards one of the rooms.

It appeared as a false alarm. They eyed the Marine because he was one of the lone men without anyone beside him at the bar. They just did some roleplay where he punished her for flirting with another man so that ruled out the couple. After a few more minutes just watching, Derek decided they could go back to that room now. It would look suspicious if they just sat here on the bar and did nothing. “Well, babe, are you ready to go back to one of those private rooms?” Derek asked with a smirk, his lips moving down her neck again.


“Don’t worry about putting me in danger. You’d have to be crazy if you think this was something I’d let you go after alone. I will never agree to it. We will work together with Gibbs and the team and find these people. We’ll get through this, together. I’m sorry to hear about that and we can look for a new house tomorrow. I don’t think Gibbs will mind. I like the idea of us having a family day together. It is much needed.” The conversation had put Tony’s mind at ease. Without worrying anymore, he sighed softly and pressed a final kiss onto ZIva’s head. The male was happier now and thought that everything was going to work out. No, this was not going to be easy but it sure as hell was worth it.

Looking deep into Ziva’s eyes, he placed both hands gently onto her face before kissing her lips. “I guess we should get some rest then. In the morning, I can call into NCIS and tell Gibbs what we are doing. I know he won’t mind.” Gibbs was always adamant that his agents spend time with their family. Losing his own made him understand just how important family was so that was not anything Tony worried about Gibbs rejecting this idea.
Once it was clear that the couple wasn't who they were looking for, Ellie turned back to Derek, listened to what he had to say, and then smirked and nodded. "I'm ready whenever you are.." She told him. A moment later, the blonde picked up her remaining beers, downed them both, and then moved to get up from her stool. She held out a hand to him and within moments, the two of them left the bar area and headed back to the rooms to have some fun with each other. A grin was on her lips as he led her from the bar and right to the back room by tugging on her leash.


"That is easier said, Tony.." Ziva told him. She fell silent after speaking and listened to what he had to say, and nodded at him when he said that they would continue to work with Gibbs and the team. A smile came to her lips when he agreed that they could take the day off from NCIS tomorrow and start looking for a house for the three of them. She wrapped her arms around his waist when he kissed her forehead. When he placed his hands on her face and then kissed her lips, she kissed him back, the action gentle as she relaxed in his arms. "I have one thing that I must say."

"It concerns Gibs.." She explained, as they remained locked together. "I know that you and Gibbs are close, and I want us to invite him over often, once we get our new place. I do not like him being alone so much. So, I was thinking that you might invite him over for the soccerball games that play every Sunday. We would all have lunch together, and then you and Gibbs will watch the game, and Tali and I turn on a movie for her, or we will take a nap together. Does that sound okay?"
Upon entering the room, Derek detached the leash from Ellie’s collar. However, he left the collar around her neck and focused his attention onto the blonde. Keeping their eyes locked together, the male placed a gently hand onto her face. “Okay, baby. I’m going to sit here on the edge of the bed. I want you to dance for me. I want you to give me a show. Strip down until you’re wearing nothing other than your collar.” After giving the order, Derek turned to grab one of the clamps and a flogger. Next, Derek sat down onto the bed and waited while waiting for Ellie to start the fun for him. Derek was already getting turned on.


Even though everything was much easier said than done, Tony had confidence in himself and in Ziva. If they wanted this to work badly enough, they would find a way. He leaned into Ziva when she wrapped her arms around him. They were both relaxed when Ziva said there was something she needed to say. Gibbs and Tony were close but Tony did not know how much he would like doing this. Gibbs was just like a second father to Tony. He was more than just the boss. Thinking about everything, he figured this was a decent idea so he slowly ran his hand through her long hair.

“I think you’re right. They are football games, by the way. Soccer is what every other country calls football. I can ask Gibbs but I don’t know if he’ll want that. You know Gibbs likes to do his ownt thing all the time. We can ask and see, though. Let’s just take everything one step at a time. I think finding a place for us to live is the best option right now. After that, I know everything will fall into place for sure.
Ellie stood there and waited as Derek removed the leash from the collar around her neck. Once that was done and he placed a hand on her face, she smiled at him. The blonde nodded at his words a few moments later, and waited until he had sat down on the bed, before she moved a few feet away and toed off her shoes. After that, the young woman lifted her arms into the air and removed her shirt slowly and sexily, showing off her breasts, and dropped it down onto the bed beside him. From there, her hands worked the clasps of her bra until they came loose, and she removed that bit of clothing, too.

With her shirt, shoes, and bra now discarded, she walked over to him, straddled his lap and ground her body against his, as she slipped a hand behind his head and then pushed it into his cleavage. A smirk was on her lips as she kept his head there, and then shifted on his lap, and removed her pants and set them down as well. Then she quickly shimmered out of her panties. Within just a few moments, she sat on his lap in just her collar, as he had told her to be. "What do you think, handsome?" The blonde asked as she finally released her grip on his head, so that he could pull his head from her cleavage.


Ziva relaxed into Tony's touch as he ran his hand through her hair. "I agree that we should find a place of our own before we say anything to Gibbs. He can be pretty stubborn when he wants to be. But I feel like I should tell you, I am not giving down on this. Gibbs is family, and though we both have not had the best examples, I know that I will never give up on us, Tali, or the rest of our family, our team. We should also invite McGee, Abby, Ducky, Ellie and the new agent, Morgan over. We need to get the know the latter two, better. And we both know that McGee will have questions."

Once she had finished speaking, the young woman got up from the couch and got to her feet. She held out a hand for Tony and then quickly pulled him to his feet as well. "I changed my mind. Instead of both of us sleeping on the couch, we should use the bed. It will be more comfortable, and we will also be closer to Tali if she wakes up crying in the middle of the night again." A few moments later, the two of them entered the bedroom once more, and Ziva moved to lie down in the bed, and lifted the blankets and waited for Tony to join her. She hoped that she was not assuming too much.
Since she was working slowly, Ellie provided Derek with a nice view of her body. It was almost teasing to the young man. After she removed the shirt, bra, and shoes from her body, Derek felt the blonde straddle his lap. Even if she had not pushed his head against her breasts, that was exactly where Derek was going. While she worked on removing her pants and panties, Derek took his time with kissing each inch of both breasts. After the kisses, he sucked lightly over each nipple before he pulled back and looked at his gorgeous fiancé. Smiling at her, Derek decided to kiss her lips before answering, just wanting to feel those soft, full lips against his own.

After pulling back from the kiss, Derek just winked at Ellie. “I think you are the sexiest woman alive, Eleanor. I often wonder how I get to keep you all to myself. It’s almost unfair.” Winking, he suddenly pulled Ellie down so she was sitting across his lap with her ass in the air. In this position, he had a perfect angle to spank her over his knee and that was exactly what Derek intended to do. “Someone’s been a bad girl, though.” Derek teased before raising his hand into the air and connecting his palm onto Ellie’s ass. After a spank to each cheek, he sent another to each mound of flesh with a bit more power. “Mmm, I bet you’re getting so wet from this, baby. I know you love being spanked.”


It made Tony smile when Ziva relaxed into his touch. After all this time, she did not shy away from him. It was beautiful to see and feel. The male felt relieved that Ziva agreed they should find their own place. Gibbs was family to them just as the rest of the team was. “I agree with you, Ziva. I’m not saying we keep everyone out of the loop. I just think that it’s extremely important that we iron out things together, first. I’d rather us have a good idea of where this is going before we talk to anyone else. This is about us, first.” Tony reminded her before kissing her head. When she stood, Tony took her hand and joined the woman. When she suggested they use the bed, Tony nodded as he figured this was happening.

When they reached the bed, Tony saw Ziva slip in first. To get comfortable, Tony just slipped out of his shoes and quickly joined Ziva. One might think this was moving too fast. Even if they were not doing anything heavy tonight, it had been a long time since they saw each other. Why were they sleeping in the same bed and cuddling like nothing happened? Well, something did happen but Tony felt his strong connection to ZIva outweighed everything else. Without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around her body and squeezed her tight. “Thank you so much.”
Ellie moaned as Derek kissed both of her breasts. When he moved onto sucking the skin over each of her nipples, it caused her to ground her body into his, loving the way his lips and then mouth felt on her soft skin. As his lips moved off her skin and their lips joined together, she was happy to kiss him back, flicking her tongue against his as they kissed and tasted each other. When he pulled back and spoke, she smiled at him and his words. His wink caused her to smirk this time, as she answered him. "You were just in the right place at the right time, baby."

Each time Derek brought one of his hands down and spanked her ass, it made her grind her body into his some more, as her moans got louder and she enjoyed their time together. As his slaps on her ass got more forceful, she nodded at his words. "I always get wet for you, love. You know how to drive me crazy and do so all the time." She brought their lips together again, loving kissing him as their bodies ground against each other. "If we didn't have to worry about money or work, I'd never let you out of my sight or my grasp.." The blonde told him and then smirked.


Ziva turned in Tony's arms to face him. "What are you thanking me for? I should be thanking you for not getting your lawyer involved in all of this. I screwed up, and you have been good enough to forgive me." She paused for a moment and then moved out of his arms and got to her feet once more. The young woman crossed the room to the bathroom, turned on the light and then said, "You need to see this. I do not want to keep things from you anymore, so you should know what you are getting into before things go any further between the two of us."

She walked into the bathroom and removed her long sleeve shirt, along with her pants and stood there in just her bra and panties. Her body was literally covered in burn marks, bruises,
stab marks and the like. "My face was not as bad, as the man that did this mainly enjoyed inflicting pain below the neck, so I was lucky that my face fully cleared up. I can not say the
same for the rest of my body. If this scares you off, you need to tell me now before I let myself care too much for you again." Ziva fell silent as she let him see her wrecked body.
After Derek pulled back from the kiss, the agent found a pair of nipple clamps and handcuffs for his fiancée. Derek began by cuffing Ellie’s hands together. Instead of cuffing her wrists behind her back this time, Derek focused on cuffing her hands in front this time. Offering her a smile, Derek placed a quick kiss on her lips before moving further. Next, he flashed the pair of nipple clamps from the drawer of toys. “I’ve always thought about having these on your nipples. I can’t wait to see how they look.” He purred lowly before attaching the clamp to each of her nipples. The chain hung downwards, brushing against her belly.

It was so arousing to Derek. His hands reached around and cupped her breasts even with those gorgeous tits clamped already. Leaning down, he started another kiss and massaged her breasts firmly, digging his fingers into the flesh. “I love you so much baby. Are you ready for me to spank your sexy ass? I might spank your tits, too. I’m going to make you scream nice and loud for me. I bet I can get you wet like this, too.”


Even though Ziva made the mistakes she did, Tony could not hold her completely accountable. Perhaps he could have done these things Ziva talked about. It was likely that he could have won that case as well if he tried. However, Tony did not want that. He did not want to get some legal team involved. He just wanted his daughter. He wanted Ziva, too. This way, he got both. Everyone made mistakes. Tony had made many of them in his life. There was no reason to keep Ziva out of little Tali’s life. It would have been unfair, unjust, and wrong. When Ziva went to the bathroom and turned on the light, he had no idea what she was talking about. What did he need to see? Waiting patiently, he heard her drop her clothing down.

When she talked about the scars on her body, Tony stood up immediately. He found it unfortunately that she thought this might make him think different of her. That was not the case. “Don’t worry, Ziva. This does not change anything. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I want to help you heal through this.” He murmured before leaning down to start kissing a few of those scars, showing that this did not push him away.
Ellie remained where she was and smirked as she watched Derek pull out some handcuffs and nipple clamps. The blonde knew that the two of them were about to have some real fun now. She stayed silent and let him cuff her wrists in front of her body, and then was happy to kiss him back when he kissed her lips. A chuckle left her lips when her fiancé admitted that he had been thinking about using the nipple clamps on her for a while. Several moans of pleasure left her lips once he had slipped the nipple clamps onto her body. "Love it. That feels great, baby."

She felt the chain from the clamps brushing against her skin and grinned. The young woman glanced at Derek and knew that having her wrists cuffed and the nipple clamps on was driving him crazy. It was driving her crazy, too. Her moans got even louder once he cupped her breasts and played with them for several moments. His words had her eagerly nodding her head, as she wanted him to do all of it to her. When he began to kiss and massage her breasts, she cupped his head against her breasts enjoying the feeling. "Spank me all over, love."

The blonde leaned in close to whisper in her man's ear. "My ass, my tits, my pussy. I want you to tease me and spank me and drive both of us crazy as you make me scream the place down. We'll have to get a flogger so you can torture me with it..." Ellie said and smirked at him.


Ziva swallowed a few times as she tried to force back the tears that fought to fall. Whenever she thought that she couldn't love him more than she already did, he proved her wrong. His
words had her grabbing his hands in a grip tight enough to break bones, as she continued to fight against the tears. As soon as he leaned down and started to press kisses against her
skin, the dam broke and the tears came flooding from her eyes and down her cheeks. "You are helping by being here.." She said the words softly and they were completely true.
Gladly, Derek took the flogger and went to work. The first thing he did was walk behind his fiancé. Before spanking her, Derek admired her ass, a grin playing on his lips. “Did I ever comment about how fucking hot your ass is, Ellie?” He asked, a wicked grin spread on his face still. They had done anal a handful of times and seeing her ass now while she was in such a vulnerable position drove the desire to explore with it again soon powerful within his mind. Until then, just using the flogger on her ass was good enough and still pleasurable all the same for the man.

Quickly, Derek snapped the black device over Ellie’s ass, making sure equal amounts of the flogger caught her bare skin. The sound of it hitting her backside caused a moan to leave his lips. Then, Derek spanked her with it again, and then again. Yeah, he would definitely need to buy one of these for them to use at home. The redness on her ass was already showing which could only turn the male on even more. After ensuring each cheek was equally spanked, he walked back in front of her. “Okay, baby. How about you spread your legs open for me now? It’s time to whip that pussy of yours.”


This proved that Ziva was different. Why? Because the old Ziva would never let this emotion show in front of Tony, or anyone for that matter. It appeared that she had been holding these things inside for so long that they were now just overflowing. Thanks to Tony, he provided a safe spot for her to vent and talk about her feelings. That meant the world to Tony. When the water works began flowing, Tony kepy his arms tight around the woman. He wanted her to know that it was okay to cry and talk about her feelings. It even made him tear up a bit, thinking about the horrible things she had gone through. “You will never be alone again, Ziva. I’m never going to let anything bad happen to you again.” He whispered into her ear, hoping she understood how genuine he was being.
Ellie laughed softly as she knew that he was admiring her ass for a little while before her did anything to her. Then, when she knew that he was ready to start, she wiggled and moaned
each time Derek spanked her with the flogger on her ass. The blonde loved the little sparks of pain that she felt each time he spanked her, and wanted to make sure that he continued
to do that as it felt so good. His words had her chuckling and she shook her head, because even though they had been together for a while, no, he had not yet remarked on her ass.

"You're making me crazy, Derek." She admitted as he continued. The sound of him moaning had her smirking, and knew that she wasn't the only one who was enjoying what was currently happening between the two of them. When he stopped paddling her and walked in front of her a few moments later and told her to spread her legs, the young woman wasted no time and eagerly did so. They both knew she had a pain fetish, and now they could finally have fun and explore it, together. A deep moan of pleasure left her lips when he finally brought the flogger against her pussy.


Ziva quickly wiped her eyes and cleared her throat a few times to try and stop the waterworks from continuing. "Sorry, Tony. You do not want to see, hear, or deal with this kind of thing.
It is not attractive..." Her words trailed off when he began to speak, so she remained silent and listened to what he had to say. And when he spoke, his words caused more tears to fall
faster from her eyes. "Thank you, Tony. You do not know how much it means to me, that you still love me, and are at my side." Her hands held onto him tightly as she tried to pull herself together.
Derek swore that he could see Ellie’s pussy dripping wet after it had been flogged. In this moment, he was understanding the extent she had for a pain fetish. No, he obviously did not intend to harm her or break bones, but he could push boundaries a little further. Next time they have sex, he could thrust a little harder. Smirking at the blonde, he whipped the flogger over her pussy again and again. Sometimes, he aimed for her clitoris, ensuring the fat part of the flogger contacted the fleshy mound. Other times, he aimed for her vagina, ensuring the whip contacted directly onto the pink skin. Stopping after a few spankings, he walked behind Ellie once more.

This time, he had something different in mind. His foot fetish had recently become known. What if he used the whip over the soles of her feet? It was a thing that Derek had seen before and while he had not been into it, the combination of this moment combined with knowing Ellie’s thing for pain made this perfect. With a wide smirk on his face, Derek cracked the flogger over her feet as well a couple times, finding out he enjoyed it more than he thought he would. “Let’s see, baby. Where should I take you this time? Are you up for me taking your ass?”


“I will always love you. Everyone told me that I should move on and no longer hold myself back. I couldn’t, though. No woman would ever attract me because it had to be you. The things we shared were so powerful and meaningful. I didn’t care if I was alone forever. I’d rather be alone than without you. Please know that I mean it. You never have to worry about this fire dying out. Now, less talking and more cuddling and hugs, yes?” Smiling, Tony pulled ZIva into his arms and hugged her tight. Words could help heal these wounds but hugs, kisses, and cuddles should help even more. So, Tony grew silent and let this hug tell a thousand stories to Ziva, hoping she could sense how genuine he was in this moment.
Ellie couldn't stop the moans that left her lips as Derek continued to spank her with the flogger. Each time it slammed against her pussy, it caused her to wiggle and moan in pleasure, as
she begged him for more, and for him to spank her with it even harder. A groan of displeasure left her when stopped a few minutes later, and walked behind her. "Baby. Don't stop. Please." The words came out as a needy whine, and she writhed and begged for more. "Spank me. Spank my pussy. Been a bad girl, and need to be punished. Only you can punish me like I need."

His next actions caused her to jump. Not in pain or alarm, but more in surprise when he brought the flogger down over her feet a few times. First, as he played with one foot and spanked it, and then he gave time to the other foot and spanked it. One look at his crotch, and she could tell that Derek was enjoying this just as much as she was enjoying it, if not more. The blonde was glad to know that her man enjoyed this, and she hoped they would continue to do this at home, after this case was solved. She started to moan again, each time the flogger hit her feet.


Ziva smiled as she listened to Tony speak. She felt her heart squeeze in her chest at his words, and she knew that she felt the same way about him. As much as she had tried to move, tried to get on with her life without him, there was no way she could do that. They loved each other and belonged together. Nothing else and no type of other life would ever do. A smile came to her lips when he finished speaking and mentioned cuddling. "I would like that, Tony.." The young woman said softly and she happily wrapped her arms around him and held him close to her.

"I know that we just agreed no talking, but I need to say this. When I am with you, I am home. It feels like everything is right in my world. Even though you can frustrate me more than anyone I ever met, it is only because I love you so much and give you that power over me." She fell silent once more after speaking, and just rested her head against his chest. "Home,"
The young woman mouthed the word and knew that for the first time in her life it was true. She was with Tony, and he was her home. The knowledge of that settled inside of her and gave
her a warm feeling.
How else could Derek punish Ellie other than using the flogger and using the nipple clamps? An idea was given to Derek of preventing the blonde of reaching an orgasm. He needed to find that peak of pleasure but not allow his fiancée to topple over. With a grin, he climbed onto the bed beside her and put both hands to use. His right hand reached in between Ellie’s legs. His index finger and middle finger started to rub circles on her clitoris, pressing his fingers firmly into the throbbing, sensitive flesh to start simulating her. While doing that, he also leaned down to kiss her neck, attacking those sweet spots again.

His other hand still held onto the flogger and he began putting it to good use. It started with whips over her ass and then moved back down to her feet. Taking into account the multiple sources of pleasure for Ellie, Derek stopped rubbing her pussy a few seconds later right when she was teetering on the edge. Knowing where and when she would cum from their extensive experience together, Derek found it easy to pinpoint the time to stop. When he stopped, the male smirked and connected their lips one more time, sliding his tongue into her mouth as she no longer had that stimulation.


They must have shared strong feelings, then. Tony had gone through life unable to get over Ziva while thinking she must have skipped over him and started anew. Clearly, he was wrong. Tony was satisfied with the result. Even if they both spent the last few years in pain and suffering from missing one another, Tony was glad they were back together. If that pain and turmoil was necessary to get Ziva again and meet his daughter, then Tony would go through that pain he felt a million times to keep them now. His eyes opened after Ziva began talking again, listening to her every word, soaking it in.

“I am glad you think this is home. I agree that home is wherever you and our daughter are. It does feel like everything is right now.” It made his heart melt when she placed her head on his chest and said that word. “Good night, Ziva. I love you.” After that, he pressed one more kiss onto the top of her head, nuzzling his nose against her cheek before closing his eyes once more, slowly drifting off to sleep with the woman in his arms.
Ellie moaned loudly as she felt one of Derek's hands move between her legs and start to rub circles on her clit. She loved the feeling of his fingers working her body, and she enjoyed the feeling of his lips on her
neck as he kissed the skin there. When he added the flogger smacking her, it caused the blonde to jump and then moan in pleasure. The young woman let out a groan of displeasure as he stopped rubbing her
right before she was about to come. "You're evil, Derek Morgan.." The blonde complained, right before he kissed her lips hungrily. As soon as he slid his tongue into her mouth, she happily kissed him back.


Ziva relaxed into Tony's side. She wasn't sure how long they slept for, but eventually there was the sound of Tali crying, and so the young woman forced her eyes open and reluctantly moved away from Tony
and got up to go and check on their daughter. A few minutes later, she had their baby girl in her arms and walked over to the rocking chair, sat down and started to sing to the baby in israeli. When singing
didn't work after a while, she lifted a hand and felt Tali's forehead. A frown came to her lips as she carefully stood up with her daughter in her arms. "Tony? Can you get some clothes for me?" She asked him.

"Tali's running a fever and I think we should take her to a doctor."
Having enjoyed the torture of his sweet fiancé, Derek finally decided to give Ellie what she wanted. The blonde looked so fucking hot and irresistible, so Derek finally caved in. Before doing that, however, he realized there was one more piece to add. Though she already looked perfect in the handcuffs and nipple clamps, he felt it was necessary to place another ball gag in between her pretty lips. So, Derek reached over to grab the same smaller, pink ball gag and quickly placed it into her mouth. “Now, I think you’re finally ready, baby.” He kissed her neck again and pushed the blonde onto her hands and knees.

Crawling behind her and sitting up on his knees, Derek began by teasing her pussy entrance with the tip of his cock. Then, the male slowly slammed inside of her tight walls, tilting his head to the side once he entered. “Oh, fuck. You’re so good, baby. So tight. Oh, God…” Derek breathed out, his hands tangling in her hair, pulling on the locks as he began to slam into her again and again, filling her up with his girth.


Tony slept well until Tali began crying. Feeling the bed shift, Tony knew that Ziva was getting up to check on their daughter. So, not allowing his girlfriend to move alone, Tony decided to sit up as well. He yawned to himself before joining the woman, entering the room. He watched as Ziva took care of their daughter by holding her and singing to her. He just sat against the door and listened to how beautiful her voice was. When nothing worked, Tony felt worried when Ziva mentioned a fever.

Though Tony was not exactly inclined about children’s health, he would have to learn, but he knew that a fever meant nothing good. So, he felt her head and agreed. Within mere minutes, Tony changed into something else before providing Ziva with something as well. Then, Tony held Tali until she could dress. “Where do you take her? Or should we just take her to the ER?”
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