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RP: NCIS: It Must Be Love (greenandgold x randomname98766789)


Mar 8, 2017
So much had changed in a year. Ziva still could not believe the things she had seen and done over the last year, but 90% of the time, we cannot undo our mistakes. She had discussed it at length with her father and had decided to return to D.C. It was time to tell Tony and everyone else about their daughter, Tali. Well, it was really past time, but the young woman had been afraid of telling him for many reasons, though the main one being that she had not wanted him to feel trapped and like he had to be with her. She still felt that way now, but refused to let herself chicken out any longer.

Tali was with a babysitter/school teacher, and a bodyguard that Ziva trusted, and paid to look after her daughter. The man who looked after her daughter for her, was a good friend that she had known for a long time, most of her life. And with the exception of Tony, McGee and Gibbs, there was no one she trusted to watch her daughter more. After having spent the morning
with her daughter, it was now time to face Tony and the others at NCIS. She held her head high and stepped off the elevator, as she walked through the room and over to her old desk.

She could feel their eyes burning into her, and shook off the feeling of doubt that suddenly plagued her. The young woman took a few breaths to soothe her nerves, squared her shoulders and decided it was time to face the music. There was no use putting it off any longer. With a distracted greeting to McGee, she walked over and stood in front of Tony's desk until he gave her his attention. "We need to talk, Tony." They had not talked much or at all really, since they had slept together. "And before you come up with some excuse about a date you have, no, this cannot wait."
Over the past three weeks, four United States Navy sailors have died suspiciously of heart attacks. These men were young, in impeccable health, and Dr. Mallard ruled the deaths a murder because he and Dr. Palmer found small, microscopic points of injection in the skin. Someone had killed these men and tried to make it look like natural causes. There was only one thing the four sailors had in common: a BDSM club called Temptations. In the news, they kept it on the down low. The reports still said that they died from natural causes. On the inside, they were going to infiltrate the club. Derek Morgan was taking the lead on the deep cover. The male had been with the team over five years. After his time finished with the BAU, he joined NCIS. It was a position with better pay and less work hours since they did not travel as much as the BAU did.

A few years ago, he started dating a NSA analyst named Ellie Bishop. His girlfriend was selected to replace Agent Ziva David when she left NCIS. For the past year, Derek and Ellie have worked closely together. Their relationship at work was strong and they helped each other thoroughly. They did not let anything interfere with their work so Gibbs and Vance had both been okay with the arrangement. There were exceptions to every rule. This was one of them.

Sitting in a conference room now, Ellie and Derek were alone. They were given the report where the assignment was described. They would infiltrate the club together. They would go as a couple looking to learn about BDSM. Derek would be a sailor on leave and Ellie would be his fiancée just like she really was. They would not tell these people at the club they are NCIS. Looking at Ellie across the table, he sat the folder down. “What do you think, babe?” It might not be so bad after all. They did enjoy a good deal of bondage in their life so this would be a chance to have business and pleasure. Besides, they would have to play along to get to know everyone here at the club. They would get the chance to enjoy themselves and he hoped Ellie was looking forward to that like he was.


It started out like a typical day. Agent Anthony DiNozzo was busy working on some old paperwork he let pile up. Last night, he had yet another unsuccessful date which McGee kept prying about. Brock and Ellie were taken inside a conference room to work on some undercover assignment together so the team was down a couple people. He expected Gibbs to come by at any time to say they needed to grab their gear, but he had not shown yet. Instead, while looking at McGee typing away on his computer, Tony saw a familiar face enter the squad room. Quickly, he grabbed his phone and pretended to have a conversation when Ziva arrived. McGee was the first to greet her and he was even smiling. “Ziva? What are you doing here? It’s nice to see you again.” He commented, a little hesitant at first.

Ever since Ziva left, Tony had been pissed at her. She did not say anything to him or anyone else. She had to say something to Gibbs, he figured, but other than that, it was radio silence. Putting down the phone, Tony’s nostrils flared up slightly. “A date? Me? Come on. I’m not as desperate as you remember. I might have settled down now.” He commented but clearly it was his sarcastic, playful tone. It did not stay that way for long. He grew to an accusatory tone.

“Are you really doing this? You don’t talk to me for almost a year. You show up one random day at work and I’m supposed to do what? Drop everything for you, Ziva?” Tony had been deeply hurt by what she did. He could never understand what happened. He knew they slept together but he did not think that had anything to do with her departure. “Where have you been? What have you been doing? Why should I give you even one minute of my time, Agent David? You just disappeared without a word. What gives?”
A smirk came to Ellie's lips as she eyed her boyfriend. "I think that I'm going to have to keep reminding you that we're undercover, and not to enjoy the club and the BDSM too much.." She teased him. Her relationship with Derek was one of the best parts of her life. The blonde loved being with him and working with him at NCIS. It was nice to finally be able to have a normal relationship where she could talk about her day, and not have to keep things classified because of the NSA. She had hated keeping things from her friends and family through the years.

But anyway, that was in the past now. The blonde smiled at her boyfriend a few moments later. "Derek, when we're doing this, you're going to need to also remember to keep your temper under control. We're going to see and hear things that are horrible, and we won't be able to do anything about those situations without blowing our cover. I want you to keep in mind, that if we come across anything or anyone doing something they shouldn't, we'll nail their asses once the case is over. And you can take that for whatever meaning you want.." She said and then smirked at him once more.

Ziva wanted to say that she was surprised by Tony's reaction to her reappearance in his life. But the truth was, there was no way she could be. They both had many scars, and had been hurt a lot. And she had been the one to hurt him the most, even though he did not know it yet. The young woman smiled at McGee and then said, "It is good to see you too, McGee. As for why I am here. I got my job back, and Gibbs said I can start today." After she had hugged Tim, her eyes went back to Tony. She could see it all on his face, though she knew that he was trying to hide it.

The hurt, the anger, the betrayal he had felt about her leaving. Unfortunately, that was only going to get worse once she told him the truth about all of it. Ziva watched as Tony put down the phone and made a sarcastic remark, which she tuned out since it was of no importance in the moment. His next words had her straightening her spine and getting defensive. "I do not know what you think I am doing. I just need to talk to you, without one of your... what is the word..? Hookups, getting in the way." She said and then used air quotes at the word hookups.

"As for the fact that I did not talk to you for almost a year, there is a reason for that. It was for your protection, and my own. As for the rest of your statement, I never said that you had to drop everything, Tony. All I said was that we need to talk, and it is true, and serious. As for where I have been. I returned to Israel and went back to work for the Mossad. It was dangerous and I did not want to involve you, but unfortunately it is much too late for that." Ziva really hated the idea of telling him about their daughter like this, but she was starting to feel like she had no choice.

The young woman took a calming breath, reached into her pocket for her wallet and pulled it out, along with a picture of Tali. She saved her wallet a moment later, and set down the picture on Tony's desk. "I left because of my daughter, Tali DiNozzo. Our daughter.. I named her after my sister. I worked for the Mossad and was captured and tortured a few months ago. I almost died, and when I woke up in that hospital in Israel, I knew it was time for me to face my fears. So, here I am."
“Keeping a clear head is what I’m best at.” Derek was not worried. There was a time to play while they were undercover. It was not a bad thing at all. Besides, he could definitely enjoy himself with Ellie. There was no problem with him figuring out when to cool it. After they finished reading through the file, Derek thought they were ready to get started. “Well, I guess it’s time we go home, change into something nice for the club. Our mission begins tonight.” It was a fancy club. He could have Ellie in a nice dress and tied up? That was a dream come true.

Standing from the desk, he reached to take Ellie’s hand. They were walking out of the room together, down the stairs and to the elevator. When they were alone, his arms wrapped around her neck and he pressed a kiss to her head. Sure, this was not all leisure but he was taking advantage of this. “We do have to build a relationship with these people so we will have to play the part. Don’t be too analytical at first. Just go with the flow. Let loose for a bit. Once we know some people here, once we are regulars, we can find out information.” Derek spoke, knowing that she might be too focused on the case facts and not just building a relationship here. This was a long-term assignment after all.

It was difficult to believe that Ziva was given her job back just like that. Tony did not understand why Gibbs or Vance would let that happen so easily, but it did. This might get awkward. How could he continue like nothing happened? What was Gibbs thinking? It was unwise to ever question the wise Leroy Jethro Gibbs but Tony’s mind was honestly spinning right now. The young man almost chuckled when she talked about hookups. It was nice to have their playful banter. It almost felt like things were the same, though he knew they were not the same. Nothing was ever the same. Tony felt upset at himself for even letting him think that way. Nonetheless, he just tried to turn off his brain and just react to whatever Ziva had to say to him. He could not imagine what she might start with, though. He was sure as hell not prepared for the truth.

One thing he hated was hearing Ziva kept him out of the dark because it was for his “protection”. Were they not partners? Were they not a team? How could she ever think that keeping him out of the loop of things was a good idea? How could she do this? Tony bit his tongue and held his words, though. It was difficult to let Ziva say everything, but he did. A picture was sat down on his desk followed by a few words that took Tony by surprise. His daughter. Ziva nearly died. Captured a tortured.

“Woah… hold on a second cowgirl… That’s not funny to joke like that.” A joke. It had to be a joke, right. Even McGee thought it was a joke until they saw the look on Ziva’s face. It was no funny business here. Looking deep into the woman’s eyes, he suddenly felt time slow and come to a halt. Not knowing what else to do, he suddenly reached down to grab Ziva’s hand. There were so many emotions running through his mind right now so he just pulled her from the squad room and into the elevator.

Inside, he quickly pressed the emergency stop button like Gibbs did whenever he wanted to speak privately. Turning to Ziva, with tears almost brimming his eyes, he needed an explanation. “Do you want to tell me this again? Maybe explain it slowly? You mean to tell me that… I have a daughter? We have a child? You’re telling me now? I don’t even know how to react Ziva. Shed some more light, please. This has to be a joke. I hardly can believe you right now.”
Ellie laughed. "I think that I might need to take you out to the shooting range and pop that ego of yours.." She teased Derek a few moments later. The blonde nodded a few moments later, and slid the file across the table to him. She got up from her chair and stood beside the table and waited for him to do the same. A smile came to her lips when he took her hand, and within moments they walked out of the room together. A sigh of relief left her when he wrapped his arms around her when they were alone and he kissed her head. "I've never trusted anyone as much as I trust you."

"Not just as my boyfriend, but as my partner here. You've got my back, and I've got yours. It's a relief to know that." She nodded when Derek spoke about them building a relationship with the people at the club, and told her not to be analytical and to go with the flow. "I'll do my best. I know, it's just easier said than done.." The blonde said when he told her to let loose. "We'll make it work. We're a good balance for each other. If I screw up, I know that I can count on you to bail me out. And vice versa." Before long they had exited the building and were headed for their cars.


Ziva didn't crack a smile when Tony told her not to joke about their daughter. "I would never joke about these things. This is a serious conversation, Tony." She watched as he looked deep into her eyes and knew that he was seeing the truth of her words. She had to admit to being surprised when he grabbed her hand, dragged her out of the squad room and into the elevator. But once that happened, she was no longer surprised. When he pressed the emergency stop button like Gibbs usually did, the young woman expected it. This was the best place for them to talk in private.

She listened to what Tony had to say, and when she figured he was done, she finally began to speak once more. "I thought I was doing what was best for both of us at the time. We had been spending so much time together, and it was not a good idea at the time. I did not want to admit it, but I was developing strong feelings for you. Feelings that I did not want to have. And then we slept together, and my feelings went from attraction to love. And when I realized that I was in love with you, I did not know what to do. A few weeks after we slept together, I found out that I was pregnant with Tali."

"My feelings for you had become full fledged love, and I did not know what to do. You enjoy the company of many women, and no one faults you for that. But I did not want to be responsible for ruining your life or making you miserable. You had a carefree bachelor life, and you seemed to enjoy it. You had made it pretty clear over the years that you liked a variety of women. So, when I found out about Tali, I knew immediately that I did not want to trap you in a relationship with me. I hated the idea of Tali and I being your obligation and I still do. So, I left and went back to Israel."

"I started to raise her there, and then I was captured and tortured, and I thought I was going to die, and almost did. I was stabbed, beaten, cut, and shot. The last thing I remember about when I was captured, was the sight of him as he stepped forward with some kind of electrical thing in his hand, and then the door flew open, and I passed out. The next thing I know, three days later I woke up in a hospital. I called my friend Shani, who is a teacher, and my best friend Tamir, and asked them to look after Tali for me. I also asked Tamir to be Tali's bodyguard, and he agreed."
Thankfully, the ride home did not take long. Upon their arrival, Derek had a bounce in his step. The male even bought a few outfits for their undercover assignment. Dropping his bags by the door, the agent led Ellie to their bedroom and went right into the closet. There was a navy blue suite he thought looked nice. It was tailored and he looked great wearing the suite. While waiting for Ellie to get into her outfit, Derek changed clothes, shaved, and made himself rather presentable. Derek dressed and grabbed his phone, keys, and wallet. The male waited until the blonde showed herself to him. A smile was on his face and he whistled at her.

“Mm, look at my sexy fiancée. I might have to spend my time fending off the other guys at the club.” The male chuckled, his hands resting on her hips as he leaned in for a kiss. Their lips touched together for a few seconds and he squeezed her waist. “I love you. Lets jump into this feet first. I am excited. I always dreamed of doing something like this. Besides, we’ve used this in the bedroom since forever ago. This will be interesting to take it to a new level.” Derek murmured, pulling back from the kiss so their hands could lock together, walking bak out to the car.


How could Tony DiNozzo process this right now? It did not help that men in his family struggled with emotions. His father, his grandfather, and Tony – they were not good at this thing. What the hell did he do? What the hell did he say? This was so random and so strange – she just showed up to work one day and told Tony in a natural voice that they had a child together. He did not get it. He did not understand. It was impossible to process. Why did Agent Gibbs not tell him or anyone else about Ziva working on taking the job back? Why did Ziva not call Tony beforehand? He had so many questions but he wondered if those were even answers he wanted. It could end poorly either way. The male was bothered by so much right now. He tried to listen to everything Ziva said in a neutral way. Before Tony reacted, he figured it was best to hear all the facts first. That was important.

“So let me get this straight. You fell in love with me and then you got pregnant but you ran away? That doesn’t make sense, Ziva. If you fell in love, why did you leave?” Was Ziva that terrified of love? Was Ziva that scared of having a love life? Was she that afraid of being his? Did she not think he was fit to be a father or her lover? More than a lover? Fuck, this was making his head spinning right now. How could this have happened? How was he so reckless? Even though Tony never liked kids, if this was his own child, he wanted to be there.

“You can’t read my mind, Ziva. You’re wrong. Do you know why I did have been with so many women? I am afraid of committing to something because I am afraid I will fail. I don’t want to die old and alone with nothing but one night stands in my past. Plus, I care about you too, Ziva. I wanted you to be mine but I never thought I would have the chance. I guess I should not fault you for not speaking up because I did not either, but I can say that I did not run away.”

That part did frustrate Tony. She ran away. She did not try to address the issue. Things had not been well for her though. She was tortured yet she talked about it like it was not a big deal. God, Tony was pissed, he was sad, he was upset, but eh could not feel too angry with Ziva. Not knowing what else to do, he wrapped his arms around Ziva and pulled her into a hug.
Ellie took her time getting dressed and watched as Derek pulled out clothes and showered, shaved, and redressed. She finished dressing and turned him when he whistled at her, laughing. "I'm sure you will. Gotta make sure that no one sweeps me off my feet." The blonde smiled when he rested his hands on her hips and then kissed her. She was happy to stand on her tiptoes to kiss him back, as he squeezed her waist. "I love you, too, Derek." The young woman nodded at his words, able to see clearly on his face that he was telling the truth. He really was excited to do this.

The blonde happily held his hand as they ended the kiss, and then headed back out to the car. "We also need to keep in mind that we might get some funny looks. We don't know how people in this BDSM culture feel about interracial relationships. It could turn out to be like Mississippi or something, so we need to be aware of each other and our surroundings at all times, just to be on the safe side." The two of them got into the car a few moments later, and she moved into the passenger seat and buckled up as Derek drove to the club. "We're gonna need a safeword or some kind of distress signal."


Ziva sighed softly, as she listened to Tony speak. "You are right. But I think I am not explaining this right. I fell in love with you after we slept together. Then, a few weeks later, I found out that I was pregnant and so I ran away," She admitted to him. "It makes plenty of sense, Tony. You scare the hell out of me." The young woman told him seriously. "I have had relationships before. Friendships, and romantic relationships. But none of those people could do the one thing that you could do, which would be to hurt me so bad I could not recover. You are not the only one with relationship issues."

"I had so much going through my mind, and all I knew was that I needed to get away and figure things out." She stopped talking once more and listened as he started to speak once more. "Neither one of us are good at the emotional side of things and instead of dealing with it, I left. I am sorry," Ziva said softly, and when Tony stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her, she willingly went into his arms, wrapping her own around him tightly. "I missed you every single day," The young woman admitted. "And just so you know, Tali knows who you are. I show her pictures of you and us every day. I talk to her about you all the time."
Agreeing with Ellie, Derek and his fiancé decided on a safe word. If she or Derek spoke the word, they both knew to escape as quickly as they could. Holding her hand while they drove, the happy couple arrived to the club within the hour. During their time working undercover, they would stay in an apartment near the club. It was already set up with everything they wanted and needed in the apartment. As he parked in the lot, Derek admired the outside. BDSM clubs like this gave the lifestyle a bad name. It was not something so dark and sinister even though many thought it was. The club was dimly lit outside and the lot was full. As they exited the car, Derek held Ellie’s hand as they approached the entrance.

Music could be heard from outside of the club. When they entered, Derek held Ellie’s hand as they moved through the front where some security was stationed. Entering the actual club area, Derek felt like he was in heaven. There were cuffs, gags, blindfolds, floggers, and other things all around. There were private rooms for couples that wanted to have some fun. There were stages where some performing happened. Some were dressed up all in the latex and leather gear but Derek never was interested in that. Others looked to enjoy the lighter side as Derek and Ellie were not the only ones dressed normally. “Wow… where should we start?” He asked with a chuckle just before a woman was approaching them. Derek realized that she was the owner of this place – they had researched her before entering undercover. This was one of the suspects but now she had a smile on her face, ready to welcome the new faces she saw.


“I missed you too, Ziva.” Tony admitted after pulling back from the hug. Looking deep into the woman’s eyes, the young man frowned while looking deep into her eyes. “I can relate. You are not good with emotions. Neither am I. I can forgive you for that, Ziva. I want to. But do you know what I’m having a tough time with right now? You kept my child from me. My flesh. My blood. Believe it or not, I would want to be there for the birth of my daughter. You kept that from me. You took that from me. It’s not fair, Ziva. I’ve been living my life the past year without even knowing I have a kid. How could you do that? It shouldn’t matter about how you feel about me or vice versa. This is a kid we’re talking about. Do you think it makes up for that by showing her pictures of me?”

Tony shook his head and his it was throbbing. “You know for a fact that she is mine, Ziva? If she is, I want to be in her life. I MUST be in her life. I don’t care if we can’t fix thing between us. I do care, but if we can’t, you will not keep me out of her life anymore Ziva. I will make sure of that.” Tony had secretly wanted kids at one point but he did not picture it happening quite like this.
A smile came to Ellie's lips as Derek asked her where she wanted to start. "How about we have some fun with the whips, cuffs, and floggers? I'm sure that it won't take us long to get the hang of it.." She said and then chuckled softly as they took in everything and everyone around them. The blonde fell silent and discreetly nudged him, as she noticed the owner of the club walking over to them. The three of them introduced themselves and chatted for a little while. Eventually once the owner had left, she felt herself relax a little, and resumed looking around the club.

"Well? How about it? Feel like cuffing me and whipping me with the whips, floggers and more?" There was an excited look on her face and she was really starting to get into this scene. But even though she was excited, she didn't forget the reason they were there, but in all honesty, she couldn't wait to get started. She and Derek had discussed it a few times, adding more BDSM to their sex life but hadn't reached a compromise just yet. Her attention was all over the place as she took in the many different types of people all around them, and all the different things those people were doing.

"I am sorry for hurting you and keeping Tali from you, Tony. That is the last thing I ever want to do. To be honest, I was not thinking straight. I did not know what to do, so I ran. It was a cowardly thing to do, and I will spend the rest of my life regretting it and trying to make it up to you." A sad smile ghosted over Ziva's lips when Tony said that he had wanted to be there for Tali's birth. "I did not know you felt that way and I am sorry that my actions hurt both you, and our daughter. I know that it does not make up for her not knowing you, and I wish I could do it over."

"Yes, I know for a fact that Tali is your daughter. I have not slept with anyone since you and I slept together, and I was not seeing anyone else when we slept together. I do not make it a habit of having many sexual partners at once." She nodded when Tony said that he wanted to be in Tali's life. "If you want a DNA test to prove her paternity, I am willing to have that done. As for you being in her life, that is why I came back. I could not stand being away from you any longer, and I hated keeping her from you and you from her. I knew that if I wanted to be a good mother to our daughter, then I had to get over my fears and come back here to face you and everyone else."

"I have no plans to keep you out of her life. I am working on dealing with my fears, about you, about us, and about what all of it means. You can see Tali whenever you like. I will inform Shani and Tamir of this, so that there will be no issue of you having access to her. And just so that you know, Gibbs and Vance already know all of this. When I got back to DC, I had a long talk with both of them. Gibbs is actually the one who convinced me that it was a good idea to come back. He talked about losing his wife and daughter and told me not to waste time making regrets that can be easily avoided."
The owner was nice enough but looks were deceiving. Before leaving the couple, the owner brought Ellie and Derek to the side of the club where they could buy bondage gear. It was something that she did, letting a new couple choose one thing free of charge. There were so many things here but Derek settled on a leather collar and leash. Once it was chosen, Derek realized it was time to begin. They found an open, private room as the music continued around them. Once they were alone, Derek closed the door and winked at the blonde. It was a perfect idea to start with cuffs and floggers. Plus, there was a collar here.

“Hold your hair out of the way, baby.” Derek murmured, waiting for Ellie to comply. He used the collar, placing it around her neck. Obviously, it was not choking her and it was not too snug. The inside of it was soft anyways so it should feel nice on her skin. Inside the room, there were many toys to play with. The first thing Derek went for was a set of handcuffs. It was not like the ones they used. They were built like wrist cuffs with the leather being the same as the collar. There was a strong chain in between the two cuffs and Derek was happy to try this. “Okay, give me your hands. Keep them in front for now.” Derek murmured while quickly cuffing the leather around her wrists. “Do you feel submissive yet?” He teased while his arms snaked around her, squeezing her backside.


“I believe you, Ziva. I don’t know why I believe you, but I do. I believe you are sorry for hurting me and I believe that you thought you were doing the best thing you could.” Even if her actions were unforgivable, Tony was going to forgive the woman. It did not matter what she did. His feelings were too strong. Why in the world did he care about her so much? She hurt him in the worst way possible. She kept something from him that she should not have. Her decisions were wrong and she made a huge mistake. She was right, she did not know how he felt because she never asked him. That was unfair to Tony. It was all too unfair and painful.

Although he wanted Ziva to show him the paternity test, he decided against it. Something told the male that she was being serious about this. Tony did not think he was the only one that hooked up often. He figured it could have been any male’s child but the way Ziva was acting, he believed her. Plus, he did not know she had only him as a sexual partner when they were together. Tony waited until his former partner finished speaking so he could answer her. So much had gone through his mind right now. Tony of course wished she did not wait this long, but the past was the past. It was time to focus on something more important. It was time to focus on family and being together with the woman he cared deeply about. It was time to meet his daughter. Just thinking about being a father was unnerving especially he did not have nine months to prepare himself for this. It was all so random and so quick. That combined with his emotional pain took a toll.

“I want to meet Tali as soon as possible. I would like that. I would like to have you in my life again. I don’t know at what length our relationship could be, but I want to be in my child’s life. I missed you so much. I hate to admit feeling like this, but I do. I am happy to have you back. Please promise me you will never do something like this again. If you run away again, I swear on everything I will never forgive you.”
Once they were in the room, Ellie moved her hair to the side once Derek said to do so, so that he could slip the collar around her neck. Once it was securely around her neck, she watched as he walked over and picked up a pair of handcuffs. The blonde nodded at his next words, crossed to where he stood and then held out her hands to him so that he could slip the cuffs on her. She smirked at him when he asked if she felt submissive yet. "Not yet, but then we're only just getting started." The young woman said, and loved it when he wrapped his arms around her.

"So, what should we do next? Are you going to tie me me up? Have me suck you off? Or are you going to paddle me, use both of my holes?" There was a grin on her lips as she waited to see how Derek was going to respond to her words. This was going to be hot, and the only thing that she had even the slightest hesitation about, was that they were being monitored by NCIS. Their friends and coworkers didn't know that they were into BDSM, even though it was tame compared to some of the stuff that she saw others doing here. A few moments later, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed him.


"I promise that I will never do anything like this again. From now on, anything that happens, we will handle it together." After a few moments of silence fell between them she spoke again and said, "Since today is Friday, you should come over tonight after work. Pack some clothes and the three of us will spend the weekend together." Ziva said, figuring that the sooner he met Tali, the sooner they could start working on making things better between the two of them. "I will give Tamir and Shani the weekend off, and it will be just the three of us together, as a family."

After she spoke, she leaned over and pressed the emergency stop button, and the doors opened in front of them once more. "I know that your head is spinning. You are confused, angry, sad, happy, and many other things and I get that. But we need to focus on work right now. You can come over tonight and see her. She will probably be asleep by the time we finish up here and then get to the hotel, but you will still have the rest of the weekend to get to know her. What do you think?" Ziva asked Tony a few moments later. She just hoped things went well, whatever he decided.
“I will do many things, love.” Derek promised his fiancé. What to do next? It was a valid question because Derek saw so many pieces of bondage equipment that he desired to use. His eyes moved from location to location until he found something extraordinary – a red ball gag. Derek grabbed the smallest ball gag he could find because he wanted to prevent any drooling that was associated with larger gags. Taking the gag, he showed it to Ellie with a soft smile. She already knew about the love of gags he had but they just did not have a ball gag. Up to this point, it had been mostly cleave gags in the bedroom. “This is something I’ve wanted to try for a long time.” He winked at the blonde, approaching her with a bounce in his step.

Whenever her mouth opened, Derek placed the gag in between her teeth. Keeping her hair out of the way, he latched the gag tightly at the base of her skull. Once it was in place, the young man locked eyes with Ellie as she was now cuffed, gagged, and collared. The leash was detached at the moment. “Now, let’s see you down on your knees like a good submissive girl.” He ordered, his voice deep and throaty as he was becoming more turned on by the moment.


Tony felt better when Ziva promised to never do anything like this again. Words were words, though. Tony would have to watch her actions because they spoke so much louder than words. She had a habit of doing things on her own when things got tough in her life like with her father and this situation. If they were going to be in each other’s life, if they were going to be parents together, her business was now his business and vice versa. “Sure. I will come over tonight. Just let me know where you are staying. I would like spending the weekend together. How old is she now? When did you have her?” Tony asked, happy to be spending time with Ziiva and their child.

“You are right. There are many things going on in my mind right now. But I want to do this. We will do this. Now, let’s just get back to work and finish his day. I’m honestly excited to see our little girl.” Tony said with a small smile on his face as the doors opened. When they returned to the squad room, Tony walked in front of Ziva and he did not bother with looking back or making another comment though Tim was looking at the both, hoping for an explanation. “Stop staring, McCurious. Nothing to see here right now.”
She stood there and let Derek place the gag in her mouth, and then tie it tightly around the back of her head. When that was done, they locked eyes and the blonde smiled, well, as much as she could with the gag in her mouth. His words had her nodding and a within moments of him speaking, she dropped down to her knees on the ground. She knew that he was loving this, and couldn't wait for the fun to really get started. This was their chance to act out the things they had been discussing and fantasizing about for the longest time. She remained on her knees and looked up at him.

Ellie waited for the next command, but nothing came. She figured that Derek was taking his time and enjoying her looking like this for him. It also had the bonus of being in a sort of public setting and the blonde knew just how much this was turning him on. It was turning her on, too, but she was also impatient and wanting to get started losing clothes and having fun. Sure, they were undercover and this was a serious situation, but there was no reason that they couldn't mix their work and play just this once. The blonde remained still, her eyes locked on his and waited for his command.


"Tali is 5 months old. I had her in April. She just made 5 months yesterday."

Ziva gave him the name of the hotel where she and Tali were staying, and as they exited the elevator she said, "I left a picture of her on your desk. Keep it. I have many other pictures of her, and I will make some copies for you." They both got back to their desks and she saw the curious look that McGee gave them, and simply smiled at him. "Tony is right. There is nothing to see here." Though a small smile came to her lips as she saw Tony lift the picture of Tali off his desk and look it over. Then she turned back to the paperwork on her desk and began to fill it out.

Over the next few hours, they actually managed to spend most of the day at NCIS, which was a rare thing. Several of the other teams were sent on cases, but the hours passed quickly and still Gibbs did not show up and tell them that they had a case. Ziva was about to call it a day at the office, when Gibbs showed up 3 hours before the end of the day and told them to grab their gear. Without waiting for another word from any of the others, she jumped up, grabbed her gear, and then quickly followed the others as they left for the crime scene. It was her first case since returning to DC 2 weeks ago.
There was not another command yet. Instead, Derek removed his jacket and dropped it onto the floor behind his legs. Reaching down, Derek used his hands to slowly remove the belt from his pants. If not for the floggers and whips inside the bedroom, he would use this to spank his fiancée. Instead, he just dropped the belt down as well. Next, he unzipped the zipper of his dress pants after undoing the button. Spreading his legs a bit, the dress pants and boxers fell down around his ankles. It pooled around his shoes that were quickly stepped out of. Reaching down, he guided her cuffed hands to his crotch. Her palms were against his balls as he wanted Ellie to start stroking his cock while her hands were cuffed together.

It might not be natural or easy for the woman to perform, but she could since her hands were bound in front. As she did this, Derek gripped the base of his manhood and pressed the tip against her upper lip. Having her suck him off was an amazing idea that would happen soon enough. Instead, he just wanted her to use her gagged lips to rub against his cock. Then, the head pressed into her cheek as his hands reached down to slide through her hair. “Rub my cock, baby. Get me as hard as I can get. Let me hear you moan, too. I want to hear how hot you sound with a ball gag in your mouth.


Having Ziva stay at a hotel seemed wrong. Maybe he could invite Ziva and Tali to stay at his place for the weekend at least. Part of him wanted to suggest that they move in with him but he wondered if that was too quick for such a young girl. Back at his desk, the male looked down at the picture and decided to tuck it into his desk: not because he was disappointed or embarrassed, but he wanted to keep it safe. If the picture was locked in his desk, nothing could happen to it. As of now, it was the only picture of Tali he had so he wanted to make sure it was safe and make sure that nothing happened to it.

The day went by and Tony was much happier than before. He loved everything that was going on now even if there were many different emotions going through his mind. Overall, though, Tony decided that he was happy with everything that was going on. It could be much worse. Tony almost groaned when Gibbs said it was time for a case. The male went and grabbed his gear, following everyone out to the car. McGee was driving with Gibbs in the front seat. Tony sat in the back with Ziva. They were going to an alleyway outside of a bar. There was a dead marine that was in the bar hours ago but was now behind a dumpster.
Ellie watched as Derek removed his jacket and then dropped it onto the floor. Her eyes happily went to his crotch and she watched as he removed his belt and dropped it onto the floor as well. Her eyes lingered on the zipper for a little too long as he slid it down and then unbuttoned his pants. As soon as his pants and boxers fell to the ground, her eyes immediately zoomed in on his cock. When he reached out and grabbed her hands, to bring them to his crotch, she had no problem going along with what he wanted. With a few moments, her hands were at his crotch, stroking his cock.

It wasn't exactly easy given her position, but that didn't stop her from doing what Derek wanted. And her hands continued to work his cock. She watched him grip his cock at the base and press it against her gagged lips. As he started to rub his cock back and forth across the gag over her lips, she felt the head of it press against her cheek, followed by the feeling of his hands moving through her hair. His words caused her to nod and she kept working his cock, letting out soft moans as she did so, at his encouragement. Her hands started to fondle and squeeze his balls.

They arrived at the crime scene a few minutes later and all of them exited the car and moved to do their jobs. Talking to Ducky and witnesses, collecting samples to send to the lab, working the scene and reading the clues left behind. They managed to run the marine's fingerprints through CODIS and came up with a match. The next several hours were spent talking to friends and family members, and it was nearly 2 am by the time they had run down all their leads and arrested the marine's brother for killing him because a financial deal had gone sour between them.

By the time they had finished up with paperwork back at NCIS, it was 4 am. After several calls through the day to check on Tali, they were finally done for the day. They each went in their
own cars, and Ziva gave Tony the address to the hotel, and said that she would be waiting up for him, while he drove to his place to get clothes and things he would need for the weekend.
20 minutes later, she got to the hotel, thanked Shani and Tamir for taking care of Tali, and told them good night. She took a quick shower and changed into some shorts and a shirt, and
then walked over to Tali and covered her with the blanket.

Ziva leaned over the baby bed and pressed a gentle kiss to her daughter's cheek. "Tomorrow you get to meet abba. I can tell that he already loves you so much.." She whispered the words to her daughter. The young woman spent the next while just watching her daughter sleep, until there was the sound of a knock on the door. She grabbed her gun off the bedside table, just to be safe, and went to answer the door. At the sight of Tony through the peephole, she unlocked and opened the door so that he could enter. Once he had, she closed and locked the door, and then put her gun away.

Then she led him across the room to where their daughter slept. "Tony, this is Tali."
It only took a few minutes before Derek became erect. From the love he felt for Ellie to the handcuffs, ball gag, and the collar, it was impossible not to grow hard. After she had fondled his balls, Derek gently gripped her hands and stopped the blonde. Stepping back, Derek removed the tie from his neck but did not drop it onto the ground. Instead, he wanted to blindfold Ellie. When her eyes close, he wrapped the tie around her beautiful eyes and head, tying a tight knot at the back . From this point, he helped Ellie onto the bed, sitting her down onto the edge. “Just stay right there, love. You look so hot like this, baby. Damn. I don’t know how much longer I can go without fucking you.”

With the same grin on his face, Derek turned back towards the assortment of toys. He grabbed one of the other leather cuffs. This one, however, was used for her ankles. Crouching in front of her, he quickly attached those cuffs onto her ankles as he kept the heels on her feet. Now that he was nude, Derek climbed onto the bed beside Ellie, sitting beside of her while bringing her hands to his cock. “Can you act, Ellie? I am going to find out. Convince me that you’re my captive, that you’re trying to escape.” He whispered softly into her ear, kissing down her neck eagerly.


Some cases took multiple days. Thankfully, this case did not. Even though it took him into the early hours of the morning, Tony was wide awake with anticipation. The case was over and he held the address close while also taking the picture of Tali to his home. Leaving it on his bed, Tony packed clothing and other necessities for three days at the hotel. He would probably end up breaking down and offering his place for Ziva. No child of his was going to live in a damn hotel. She was going to get a better treatment than that. Besides, a family needed to be together.

He showered and gathered his belongings before showing up to the hotel. At the door, he was not too surprised when Ziva was carrying a gun. After she put it away, the dark-haired male grinned after it was over. When he was lead into Tali’s room, he had to look twice. Tali did look like him a bit. A smile broke out onto his face and tears were brimming over his eyes. Not wanting to wake her but not being able to help himself, he gently leaned over to touch a kiss to her head.

After that, he pulled back and just stood there, looking at her for a good ten minutes, gently crying though he kept everything silent. After it was over, he turned back with Ziva and walked out the room, wiping his eyes.”I am sorry for ever doubting you. I can feel that she is mine. Thank you so much for finally telling me. I am scared to death but I am also excited. I think this is something we can do. We have to. I want to give her a better life than I had.”
Ellie paused when she felt Derek grab her hands and stop her from touching him. She watched as he stepped back and removed the tie from his neck. The blonde waited to see what he was going to do with it, and didn't have to wait long as he lifted it and stepped towards her. Getting his drift, she closed her eyes and allowed him to slip the tie around her and blindfold her. Once it was tied in a knot, she remained where she was until he helped her up from the floor and onto the bed, as he helped her to sit down. His words had her trying to smile against the gag, knowing just how much he enjoyed this.

A few moments later, she heard him moving around the room and rummaging around with the toys and more. A few moments later, the blonde felt him slip something that felt like leather around her ankles, and knew that it was leather cuffs. After that, Ellie felt the bed dip as Derek got onto the bed as well and sat down beside her. His hands covered hers and then she felt
him move her hands to his cock. She nodded at his words and then immediately pulled her hands away from his cock, as she started to pull on the bindings on her hand, as she pretended to try and escape.


Ziva stood there in silence and watched Tony's reaction to seeing their daughter for the first time. She contemplated going over to him and consoling him, but was not sure if it was a good idea or not. So, since she did not know what to do, she simply remained where she was and continued to watch him. She smiled when he leaned over Tali as she slept, and kissed their daughter's head. It was a sweet action, and she was glad to finally be able to see it happen. When he pulled back from the kiss and stood there, just watching Tali sleep, she knew how he

When he seemed to get his fill of taking in the sight of their daughter, he turned and exited the room, and Ziva followed him so that they were in the other room, and would not wake their daughter. "I do not blame you for doubting me. You would be foolish to believe me without proof. As for me finally telling you, you do not need to thank me. It was past time for the two
of you to meet." She nodded when Tony said that he was scared but also excited. "We will give her a better life. Her life is already better because both of us are with her. When she wakes
up in a few hours, she will be happy to meet her abba."
After a couple minutes of watching Ellie struggle, Derek’s boner had reached its peak. Changing her position, the young man assisted his fiancé into a position where she was sitting on her hands and knees with her ass in the air. The position made Derek smirk as he grabbed a whip from the rack inside the bedroom. Taking the flogger, he pulled the material of her dress that covered her ass up slightly against her back. Once her butt was exposed, he pulled down her panties enough so her cheeks were uncovered. “You have such a sexy ass, baby. I love it so much.” The male whispered as he took the whip and cracked it over her rear. This happened once, and then twice as he made sure her backside was stinging from the flogger. “I will punish you like this from now on. If you break your rules, if you act like a bad girl, I’m going to have you bent over while I use a flogger on your pretty ass.”

With a grin, Derek slapped her ass with the whip one more time to get his point across. Standing at the edge of the bed, his legs pressed against the foot of the bed and his gigantic, throbbing sex rested in between Ellie’s ass cheeks. “Mmm, I can’t wait to fuck your ass baby. Let’s see you shake it for me. Try to get me off like this.” He commanded, letting his girth rest in between her cheeks.


If Tony and Ziva saw eye to eye with only one thing: it was their child. Too many times, he saw and heard about cases where the mother and father did not get along and it ruined the child’s life. Much of that was accurate for his parents, too. Tony was determined to never let anything between himself and Tali’s mother impact his daughter. Once they were alone now, he smiled softly at Ziva. It was early in the morning hours an Tony was tired. He wanted to be wide awake when he got to see Tali and meet her for the first time. He would likely never let her go.

“Alright. I can take the couch or a chair. You should stay in the bed. What are your plans now? I know you cant’ just stay in a hotel forever. Are you looking at any places?” Tony asked curiously, also figuring it was best if they did not sleep in the same bed together. He was wondering how Ziva felt about it as he did not want to push things too far too fast so he tried to get a read on her reaction as he suggested their sleeping arrangements since there was only one bed in the hotel.
Ellie let Derek move her to her hands and knees with her ass sticking out. She watched as he grabbed a whip and then pulled her dress up her back and revealed her ass to him. A few moments later, she remained still and let him remove her panties as well. His words had her smirking and then she jumped and moaned once he smacked her on the ass with the flogger.
The first smack was quickly followed by two more, which made her flinch and moan at the same time each time. The blonde nodded when he spoke again, saying that he would punish
her like this from now on.

She was fine with that. Everything Derek was currently doing only served to turn her on and want more. He whipped her ass with the flogger once more and then set it aside. The blonde waited to see what he was going to do next and within moments Ellie felt his cock between her ass cheeks, which made her moan even louder. His words had her eagerly shaking her ass
for him, wanting to encourage him to do more than just tease and spank her, but to start fucking her now. When Derek told her to try and get him off like that, she immediately started to work her ass on his cock.


"If we do not share the bed, no one is going to sleep in it. So I guess that means we will both sleep on the couch." After speaking, she got up and got some extra blankets and pillows and set them up on the couch, before she motioned for him to sit down on the couch, and then sat down beside him. "As for my plans for now, I am looking for a house. One with a nice backyard and enough room for Tali to run around and play and swim in when she is older. I am looking for one with two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a big kitchen and a big backyard. It does not need to be fancy, it only needs to fulfil the requirements I just listed."

After she spoke, Ziva reached out for the remote to the TV and turned it on, relaxing back into the couch as they talked. She kept the volume at a decent level, where it was loud enough so they could hear the TV, but not so loud that it woke up Tali. "I think that tomorrow or Sunday, you should meet Shani and Tamir. They are the ones who will be with Tali while we are at work all day every day. I trust them to look after her, and once you meet them, you will, too. Shani is a teacher, and Tamir was a police officer in Israel. They both lost their families and wanted to start over. So I asked them to join me here in DC."
“We should set up some rules. The first rule is that every now and again, I will set out your clothing for the day. If you do not wear it, you will be punished. I think we could also get you a choker necklace. It is something you can wear anywhere without raising suspicion.” A moan left the male’s mouth after saying this as her backside worked his cock. Some BDSM relationships had the dominant choosing the submissive clothing every day. Of course, Derek figured that they would work up to that. Besides, it was not like he would choose anything outrageous that she would not wear – at least her lingerie. They would work on things.

“And when we’re in the bedroom, you can start calling me Master now and again. Soon, it will be full time when we’re playing.” Derek continued, deciding to give her a few rules tonight. It was not too many, not wanting to overwhelm her. Once his fiancé understood everything, he reached down and spread open her ass cheeks wide so her rosebud was revealed. Before entering, Derek let the tip press inside of her, just penetrating her with the slightest of ease. A moan left his lips, causing the young man to lean back struggle to keep balance as this already felt better than he ever imagined or hoped for. “ellie.” He breathed out, slowly rolling their hips together.


That was strange. Ziva did not even offer to sleep separately. It was like she was hellbent on them sleeping on the same surface. It surprised Tony. They had not seen each other in so long but Ziva was eager to be close, it seemed. Nonetheless, he sat down on the couch since they had both planned to sleep on the couch. He listened to Ziva talk about looking for a house. She had some nice ideas and Tony knew a few places, He could help her look. As the TV was turned on, he listened to the woman speak about meeting Tamir and Shani. She was doing good for them, giving a chance to start over but there was something Tony did not sit well with.

“It will be nice to have you back and nice to have Tali close, but this means that I won’t come home to her every evening.” He murmured softly. Why should she get to keep Tali all on her own? She kept Tali from her father, kept her a secret and did not even say anything to him about it yet she got to come home every day to her. When did Tony get to see her? Weekends? That was so unfair and he was a bit worried about that. There was not much he could do, it seemed. “How often do I get her?” He asked, hoping she was not going to try and keep him out more than she already had.
Ellie nodded at Derek's words, not saying anything as she was sure that he didn't want her to talk just yet. She smiled at the sound of his moans a few moments later, as she worked her ass against his cock. The blonde listened as he described how he wanted her to call him Master when they were in bed together, and nodded. Though the idea seemed like a bit much to her. She moaned softly when he reached down and spread her ass cheeks, and then she felt him rub the tip of his cock against her, slipping inside just the slightest bit. Sort of teasing her and getting her ready.

As soon as the rest of his cock entered her, she paused for a few moments to get used to the way it felt. The two of them did anal sometimes, but it wasn't a regular thing, at least not yet. Several minutes later after she had gotten used to the feeling of his cock in her ass, she moved back against him, encouraging him to keep going. His actions were slow and Ellie was pretty sure that he did it like that to drive her crazy. She wasn't one for much patience in bed. Their bodies joined and unjoined and she loved how it felt. The blonde had a feeling this was going to be her favorite assignment yet.

Ziva looked at Tony. "I was thinking to start with, that you would get to see her on the weekends. Friday morning you could pack some necessities in a bag for the weekend. We could meet up after work on Friday's and you would come over and spend the weekend with us, and this way you would get to spend time with Tali, and I can keep an eye on her. I do not handle being away from her well. When I woke up in that hospital 3 days after nearly dying, I needed to see her as soon as the doctor said I could. And since then I have struggled with being away from her."

"I will never again make the mistake of not allowing you access to our daughter. Something that you will need to keep in mind, though, is that while she knows you are her abba, she has only seen pictures of you and has not seen you in person. She may be scared at first, as she is not used to you. So do not take it personally if she is shy or afraid tomorrow. It will take some time for her to get to know you." Ziva paused for a moment and then said, "I am thinking of trying to get a house somewhere near your apartment, if you do not have a problem with that."

"I am thinking that maybe you could spend time with her for a few hours in the mornings before work during the week, so that you can see her every day, if you are amenable to that. And then like I said before, you can come over on Friday nights and we will all spend the weekend together. When she is older, we will discuss the idea of her staying at your place. But she is too young right now."
As soon as Ellie began moving her ass against his crotch, Derek took the hint. The male’s own hips began to thrust back-and-forth rapidly. Since they did not use anal too often, Derek was still learning exactly where Ellie’s sweet spots were located inside of her ass. The young man had a clue, but he was not entirely sure yet. When he started pumping his hips, Derek attacked those sensitive areas at full speed, hoping to find out more about his sweet fiancé. Moans started falling from his lips as her tight rear squeezed his length. The hole was almost impassable, but that made it feel even better. He could feel himself tearing through her walls. Derek rested his hands onto Ellie’s ass. From this position, he could both hold her down so the wild thrusting did not throw her off balance and play with her backside all at the same time. His breathing became rapid and heavy, his head tilting back just slightly as his eyes struggled to stay open.

The pleasure was so euphoric that all he wanted was to close his eyes and focus on every sensation. Of course, he did not do that. His eyes remained wide open, watching Ellie’s ass shake and bounce each time he thrust forward. “God, this feel so good, baby. I am going to cum all inside of your ass.” He breathed out, now moving one hand up her back and into her hair, tangling and pulling rather roughly on her locks.


Tony knew he should not have expected Ziva to be different. This was his own fault for thinking foolishly. Weekends only? As a federal agent and former detective in Baltimore, DiNozzo had work experience and common knowledge that when a parent was limited to weekends only for their children, this parent was normally an addict, a prisoner, or all of the above. He wanted to scoff when Ziva said that. Sure, maybe she talked about eventually seeing her more often but seeing her every day was apparently not a good idea. Tony wondered how she was allowed to make such an executive decision. Tali was his daughter, too. She might have appeared to try and compromise with him, but Tony did not get that feeling.

“Weekends, Ziva? Are you serious. I once saw a case where the father of a child was convicted of murder and after he was out of prison, he got weekends with his child. I am sorry if that’s abrasive but I am far from a killer and I have a right to see my child more than three days a week.” Tony was a little hurt that she thought that was good enough. Here she was rambling about how tough it was to be away from Tali. She should have thought how that would make him feel, keeping him away for as long as she did.

If anyone should be restricted to weekends, it damn sure was not Tony. “It’s whatever, Ziva. I don’t want you to run off again. I’ll try your way, then. Let’s just get some sleep. I’m too tired to deal with you right now. We can deal with this tomorrow.” Muttering these words underneath his breath, Tony turned on his side and nestled into the couch though he did not try to sleep just yet in case Ziva actually had something to say to him but he expected her to stay quiet since she seemed to run from any issue she faced.
Ellie moaned loudly as Derek thrust in and out of her ass. She eagerly moved back against him, urging him on and on, loving how it felt for them to do this. They didn't experiment with anal often, and now that they were, she was enjoying it. The sound of his moans mixing with hers was wonderful. The blonde scrabbled to find something to hold onto as he kept pounding away at her ass, and she bit down on her lip, as he shoved himself deeper inside of her. She felt his hands on her ass a few moments later, squeezing the flesh and gripping it as he pounded away at her.

The blonde wasn't used to being held down, and her first reaction was to use her training and throw him off of her, but thankfully she didn't. Ellie had to remind herself that she was safe, and with Derek, and that she could take care of herself if it came down to it. His words were just what she needed to help her relax. And the young woman resumed pressing her ass back against him as he continued to thrust. "Fuck me, Derek. Pound my ass so hard so I can't sit for a week." The words brought a grin to her lips as she said them, knowing it would drive him crazy.


"I am sorry," Ziva told him softly, honestly. "It was not my intention to imply that you would be a bad parent to Tali. I do not think that at all. I know that you will be wonderful with her. And even without that implication, when do you plan on seeing her, Tony? I am Tali's custodial parent and I barely see her as it is. Our jobs take up a lot of our time and the only way to change that would be to leave NCIS or to not work, and neither of us can afford to do that. So, you need to tell me what you think can happen when we are both busy working during the week."

"I know that you are not satisfied with my answer, but I do not know what else to do. I am trying here, but I do not have all the answers on how to make this work. I told you that I will not keep you from seeing Tali and I meant it, Tony. I just do not know what good it would do for you to try and see her every day when she is always already in bed and asleep by the time the two of us get home from work for the day. If you have an idea, I am all eyes." She told him and then frowned slightly, not sure if she had gotten the American expression correct.
Ball gags were starting to give cleave gags a run for first place in what he liked the most. The way Ellie’s words sounded was so arousing and electrifying. It could only create more motivation for Derek to thrust harder against his fiancé, driving his thick cock as deep inside the blonde as possible. It was easily the deepest he reached inside her ass than ever before. Moans continued falling from his lips as his mind grew hazy. It was tough to concentrate when he felt so much arousal. Ellie was bound, gagged, blindfolded, and her ass was there for the taking. Derek’s fantasies were not even this hot as the real thing surpassed every imagined scenario he thought of.

A good dominant always considered pleasuring the submissive, too. It should not be one-sided. Keeping that in mind, Derek slowly slipped a hand in between Ellie’s legs as he fucked her from behind, As his cock continued to slide in and out of her rear with ease, the male pressed the pads of two fingers against her clitoris. He would rub circles on the flesh while sometimes sliding those same fingers into her womanhood. All Derek wanted was to make Ellie cum, too. Derek knew it would not take long for his orgasm to reach, but he wanted Ellie to have the same feeling, too.


“Ears. You’re all ears, Ziva.” Tony responded gruffly and laughed wryly. He was not satisfied with this, no. Ziva always had to be the one that was right, she had to be the one with the correct answer and it bothered Tony to no end. “As I said, we’ll talk about it tomorrow. But I don’t see why you and Tali just couldn’t move into my place. I get that you don’t want to, but I think it makes sense. I want to see her each day. You want to see her each day. That’s the only logical place. “Tony pointed out as he waited to hear her reaction. It could work out for the best. They both got to see their daughter. Besides, Tony thought they were still together so he had no reason to think they would not stay separately. He was just surprised Ziva did not expect that.

“What about us? Does this mean we’re not picking up where we left off?” Tony asked because he did not feel any different than last time. “You said that you love me so I think we should move in together now. We’ll build our relationship too.” Tony added as he looked into her eyes, seeing if she was on the same thought pattern as he was.
Ellie was going crazy as Derek pounded away at her. Each time he slammed in and out of her, it caused her to moan louder and louder. She was probably drawing some unwanted attention to them, but she couldn't find it in herself to care right now. The blonde resumed eagerly slamming her body back against his, trying to make both of them feel amazing. She felt it as he slipped a hand between her legs while he fucked her, and as soon as his fingers entered her, she bucked against his hand, needing and wanting so much more. Her fiance's hand and fingers were bringing her close to the edge.

She tried to force more of his hand inside of her, trying to give him plain permission without being able to speak, for him to slip his whole hand inside of her and fist her while he fucked her. It was something that they had never done before, and she was eager to try it. There was just something so stimulating and freeing about being in this club and being able to let loose and really do all the things they had thought of doing before, but had never actually done. Ellie cried in pleasure against the gag, as Derek slammed into her harder and harder, which she really enjoyed.

"Oh," Ziva said and shrugged when Tony corrected her when she had used the expression wrong. "Americans and their strange expressions.." She mumbled under her breath and then let it go. When he mentioned the idea of her and Tali moving into his apartment, the young woman shook her head. "I do not think that is wise. And not because I am trying to keep the two of you apart, but because I still want to get a house, with that big backyard for Tali and the other things I mentioned before. As for you seeing her every day maybe we can do a run trial to see how it does."

She had to admit to being surprised when Tony asked if they were picking up where they left off. "I did not know if you would want that. What about your other partners? It would be awkward if you brought your date back to your place, and Tali and I were there." The young woman paused when he resumed speaking, and when he was done, she said only one thing which would be what would decide if they should move in together. "Do you love me, Tony? And I do not mean like a friend or co-worker." Ziva was aware that she had no right to ask that after everything, but she needed to know where they stood.
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