A new ally [Sesshi x Wiki234]

Sesshi looked at her and sighed shaking her head. "Never mind then..." She said as she turned back to her doodling until the end of class had finally came. "If you'd like you can go back to the dorm and rest a bit. I don't mind training by myself." She said as she tried to put on a convincing smile. She didn't want to force Nagato to do anything against her will. "Don't worry about me though hun, I'll be fine." She said as she gathered her things and left the room.
"With no damn weapon..." as she rolled her eyes a bit before coming back out, " I can't even fight good myself and I need to be better as a weapon anyway..." making it outside and looking around before turning to her form anyway, though it was different as there was a bolt that was spinning in the air then forming into a different shape and form of herself now being a blue and black scythe as he blade was spinning in the air a bit in a new form before the blade went into the ground. With that she changed back again as she felt a bit weird from just switching forms again.

Sure she had trained before without a weapon, but she knew she had to do it now with her partner. "I guess you have a point there..." She said blushing slightly and then watched as Nagato changed forms into something else... A double edged scythe? "Oh wow! That was so cool!" Sesshi exclaimed as she walked over to her partner. "Lets go train together, Nagato." She said as she held her hand out to the other girl, still blushing. "A scythe... Now that's something I can wield better than anything... How did... How did you know? And, how did you do it? I've never seen a weapon switch forms like that before." She exclaimed, sure there was weapons like Tsubaki out there, but this was different... And it fascinated her dearly.
" I pictured a different form really hard, the shape and everything and I just kept forcing it..." as she she explained with a little headache as she held her head. Nagato looked over as she put her hands in her pockets turning away as she held her herds again with one hand, not noticing again the hand that the other held out. " well lets go then anyway..." as she waited wondering where they would even go.
"That is amazing Nagato." She said cheerfully as she led the way to their training grounds. "Okay Nagato." She started, "I won't do anything fancy like yesterday, will just take easy for now." She said as she held her hand out waiting for her partner to change forms. "Just try to focus on it again and lets see if you can do it again." She said gently as she waited for Nagato. She blushed as Nagato looked at her as she held out her hand to. "Y-You know... Looking at you you're really cute." She commented.
She just simply shrugged as she turned away from her and closed her eyes to focus. Nothing happened for a little bit for the moment before lightning started to hit around them as when she heard the random comment she blushed, jumping back and almost tripping over herself as the lightning stopped. " w-wait what the hell?" As she looks at her for a moment but not mad with more embarrassment than anything maybe even more than the other. " what's that even..." deciding not to question it as she kept shaking her head before closing her eyes again as lightning started to hit for a bit before jumping up and dissapearing before two blue orbs started to appear and spin on the air before lightning hit again and a scythe started to spin and fall to the ground as the blade stuck to the ground with electric going through it as it had a good handle with light blue blades.
"S-Sorry... I just can't help but find you... Cute..." She replied as she smiled timidly. "I mean... You're so cool and I can sense you're strong, stronger than any weapon I've wielded before." She continued as she said as she reached out for Nagato's weapon form. "And you stood up for me when no other would. I-I think I l-like you..." She trailed off as she looked at Nagato for a response. She couldn't believe she had announced what she had been feeling since last night. "You're companionship means everything to me, Nagato." She finished.
A bolt of lighting would shoot on the blades of te scythe as there was a reflection on it showing her human form, though only the top half and it seemed she was naked but it only showed her from the beck and shoulders up. " I-I'm just gonna forget for now you said this then...j-just to make things less awkward for me..." not helping to blush still even in her other form as electrify would be moving through the scythe as she sat there in her other form. " l-lets just d-do this and at a time like this..." as she reflection went away as Nagato waited already for her and now with something to think about and not even looking at her the same way really much anymore though she didn't hate her or anything but it was of course awkward out of nowhere.
"Fine..." She sighed as she lowered her ears as she focused on their training. "Just.. Forget I said anything..." She mumbled as she let go of all senses and just focused on how the elders taught her. She closed her eyes and focused, hard on her training. She gathered her thoughts and then slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes had changed color to black, which wasn't uncommon to those who could wield different elements. Nagato would be able to sense that her partner had changed, she wasn't the timid girl that she had been speaking to before. "Lets just focus, sorry about before." She said sternly as she fed some of the darkness to her weapon, it was a temporary thing, but she would feel the negative energy flowing from Sesshi into her, empowering her more.
She could feel the weird power as she tried to focus and match the transferred energy, closing her eyes as more lighting started to appear through the whole weapon but the color had changed to a black instead of a bright blue seeing oddly that it combined the two elements together to be one strong form of her lightning ability. " w-were you really be serious or was that a weird joke..." trying to make it seem less awkward that have the impression she was bothered by it but more confused than really anything else right now as Nagato would just wait then of course for her to start.
Ignoring Nagato's words she closed her eyes again and took a deep breath as she focused all her energy into bringing a storm into the area, which was possible now that she was using half her strength, much more than yesterday. Focus Sesshi... Remember your training, the elders said to keep all emotions like that buried... She told herself as she let go of her emotions now. She could remember the elders speaking to her during her training. "Don't let emotions show and don't have emotions towards others, this world will only weaken you if you do." Is what they had told her several times a day. She had almost let it slip up again as she turned Nagato towards the sky and called forth the storm.

Rain started trickling down before turning into a downpour. The ground becoming soaked with the water as it came down hard, showing to Nagato that she wasn't as weak as she had showed. "This is the true me Nagato, I had to play 'nice' to the others because of how much I hate it here, yet I want to prove to the world that I will become the most powerful meister out there. No matter the cost for me. So, as my weapon, do you wish to follow my path and become the most powerful weapon out there?" She asked in a sort of cold-ish tone. She wasn't trying to be mean, she was just trying to show her partner that she was stronger than she had led others to believe.
After releasing its power ar her command the water dropped onto the blade as it showed a girl with crossed arms. " all I have to say was that it took you damn long enough...." as she gave a chuckle. " my lightning will consume them in a spark of death..." as blade started to glow a bit with power as it tried to sync up a bit more and better with her so it would a bit easier to control and use her power.
"Hmph speak for yourself, all I did was amplify your powers, you've just needed someone proper to wield you." She smirked as she concentrated on forming a ball of dark lightening in her hand. Lightening shot out of the sky and hit her, but not hurting her at all as she held her hand up she formed the dark ball of death and shot it at one of the buildings and watched it explode before her eyes. "Neato." She exclaimed as she watched the fire starting to glow and rise.
She just rolled her eyes with a smirk, " I'm more actually close range though...unless you know one move that helps you attack without any of those." as she uses the energy to form the ball and fire it off when she wanted it though wasn't really that excited but seeing that it was something cool probably because it was just really simple and not of a challenge of course or that they were even fighting anyone to test herself.
"I know this, but our people have a way with weapons... You say you're close range, but with my abilities to amplify a weapon, you could be used as ranged now as well. After all, lightening strikes at range, does it not?" She asked as she twirled the weapon around, sensing the same prescience again. "Nagato, I have a feeling we're being watched, could be just me but been feeling like this for awhile now." She commented lowly.
" well yeah but that drains a lot from me anyway, I would mostly use it to make the blades be better or swing harder or do something to the actual form than anything..."explains herself as she gave a sigh, " weird..." Nagato didn't really care much though unless someone was really gonna come down at them.
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