A new ally [Sesshi x Wiki234]

" From the marking I knew you might be someone for dark..let's go then..." moving a hair to the side as she would follow not being a person to talk a lot anyway really as she started to think already about what they would have to be doing for therself tommorrow. As she waited the girl closed her eyes for a moment before opening them and walking past a bit as she didn't notice her hand out to her for the moment. Eventually as they got into the room she finally took her good off showing dirty blond hair as well as finally her face more clearly with her slightly pale skin and her eyes it would seem she wasn't a human but even still she wouldn't really have answered since it was still obvious she was a human and not anything else.
She didn't know what to say as they made their way to their dorm room. Guess it was obvious why the others looked down upon her as some monster, after all she did come from what would be known as a 'dark' clan. But still, they had never served witches in the past, for they normally stayed to themselves. "We're here." She said flatly as she opened the door. The room wasn't too big, fairly small compared to most of the dorms, but that was because she never thought she'd get a roommate so she had requested for the smaller room. "It's not much..." She said as she looked around at the neatness of her room. Two chairs stood by a table near the small kitchen, the bedroom was next to the living room. She opened the bedroom and led Nagato inside and showed her where she'd be sleeping. "I'll let you have my bed, I'll sleep on my futon." She said as she looked into girl's eyes, which was a color she wasn't use to seeing, but didn't question it. "The shower is right there..." She said as pointed to a door inside the bedroom. The bathroom was neat and tidy with one toothbrush in the cup and two towels hung up on the wall. "I have more towels for you too in case you need to shower." She offered.
Soon they finally made it back as she looked around, the smaller rooms did make things awkward for her as well as seeming a bit confusing that she still didn't want a bigger room though as Nagato still followed when the other was showing her everything. " well if you really want..." replying to where she would stay, " it should be good for now then..." still looking around before coming back to the living room when she was done.
Sesshi went over to the couch and took a seat as she turned the tv on, mostly for noise as she turned to her partner. "What sort of hobbies do you like?" She finally asked after a while of silence, she was use to silence but she had someone with her now that the silence didn't seem, right. Maybe I shouldn't talk so much... She thought as she flipped the tv to component so she could turn on one of her video games. "Wanna play with me?" She asked nicely, holding out a controller for her partner to take, hoping this was another good way of bonding.
" that's fine...." As she down beside and got the controller from her, waiting to start before they eventually relaxed and played together for the rest of day and maybe even a bit late into the night where the tv seemed to be th only light they had to be able to see each other. " well I'm not hating this much, but your not a bad person..." As she glances again at her marking for a moment before going back to the game. Finally she had something to be doing for most of her time now instead of being lazy and there was finally a dnan chance to have someone to practice her skills a lot with hopefully and even have the other girl be able to use her with no effort at all, knowing every strength and weakness and all the moved they would have come up with. Nagato now thinking about again and seeing this actually happen to her now would do anything to push herself to be stronger and maybe have the ultimate form of a death scythe.
It had felt nice having someone to play with other than online people. "I try not to be a bad person." She said as she smiled happily, knowing the words were true. She didn't like being the outcast at school, but maybe it wouldn't be so bad with her partner around. She remembered when the class all reeled back from Nagato's intervention. Their faces were priceless to say the least. As they continued to play into the wee hours of the morning Sesshi looked at the time at last and made her comment. "Maybe we should get some sleep. Got class in about 6 hours." She said yawning as she looked over to her partner who had been just as much indulged into the gaming as she had been. "We can always play more Nagato when we have time. I promise, what's mine is yours now." She said in a tired yet cheerful way.
"Hmph...." she simply said finally giving off a smile, though a small one it was a smile even she didn't think to see herself for a moment in a long time other then when of course she did something she didn't feel bad emotion from doing anything. With that she gave a yawn and fell to the others lap, laying her head down even to be cheeky and mess with her for the moment.
The girl had smiled at her, even though it was small she was still glad that some of the ice had finally broken. When the girl laid her head on her lap she flinched a little, but then relaxed afterwards. She wasn't use to contact with others still, so this was strange and foreign to her, but still, she liked it. Even if she was messing with her, she still liked it. "I don't know where this came up all of a sudden..." She started. "But... It feels nice..." She finished as she went to gently pet Nagato on the head, should she allow it.
" what...is it weird for me to do something normal like this?" Asking as she closed her eyes, her hair falling to her cheek and covering most of her face as she laid there quietly not caring as she felt her soft hand. The girl was glad for a bit she could forget about everything for now, it had somewhat felt weird to her even when she and done so many times before...maybe the first time today having a partner and hopefully a friend things would change forever for her.
"I didn't know it was normal for you, sorry hun." She said softly as she petted Nagato's head gently. This was nice to her as well, she felt safe with Nagato and hoped that they would be able to have a good bond together and have the ice fully melt. She had been hurt too many times, and she wanted, just for once, someone to actually call friend. She wanted closeness, something she never had... Not even from her parents. "Do you accept me as your partner?" She asked quietly as she continued to stroke the girls hair. "Because I accept you as mine, if you will have it." She smiled as small tears of happiness slowly filled her eyes.
Soon her breath in started to get slower as her eyes completely closed seeing as she had already fallen asleep already before hearing the last comment. The tiredness had already started for her and would get worse if she hadn't already started to sleep since her laziness of doing anything and not a lot of experience using her weapon form had seemed to make her drain energy faster.
"Heh, asleep already..." She sighed as she smiled softly. "Still though... She is cute when she sleeps." She commented as she pulled a blanket up over them and slumping over a bit on the couch as she held onto Nagato gently, her too falling into a good sleep. Her dreams weren't normal dreams however, she normally was plagued with nightmares of school and the torture she had endured since she first got there. But this time she was saved by someone, Nagato, as she recognized the girl with her unusual cloths, but seeing her calmed her down. During their sleep she only twitched a little and groaned some, but not enough to wake the dead. She just hoped that Nagato hadn't woken up from it.
The girl had been able to finally fall asleep fully after a while though it was hard for her since she was used to sleeping right when night struck just with the fact that she was alone and didn't have to worry about doing anything with anyone and be mostly lazy all day still. As the hours passed and day started to come, the sunlight slowly rising through the windows of the room, eternally quiet by the two girls who seemed that after a day had already gotten off to start building their bond and even friendship and only in the future still working to make that bond stronger as well as themselves especially with Nagato as a role of being a weapon and a dream of being a death scythe.
Sesshi was the first to wake when the sun rose. Looking at her watch it was 7 and they had class in an hour and a half. Quietly she got up, slipping out from underneath Nagato as she quietly made her way to the shower. She slowly slipped her cloths off as she turned the shower on and got ready to start the day with cooking some breakfast afterwards. She left the door open in case if Nagato wanted to brush her hair or something before breakfast.
Laying on the couch she would be still sleeping as sesshi did her own thing, very slowly waking up much later than her though they still had plenty of time before then. Rubbing her eyes nagato gave a long yawn as her hair was totally messed up as always wheneger she woke up in the morning. Slowly rising she turned to do her own thing as she went to the bathroom, taking her clothes with her so she could shower and change before coming out in a black sleeveless plain shirt and brown shorts with her hoodie on and up as well. With everything ready she would shuffle back onto the couch to watch tv for a bit as she could tell and decided to wait until the other was done.
After Sesshi got cleaned up and got dressed in a black and red leather tunic, made to protect her in combat, it was sturdy and had bits of metal molded into it to add more protection. She normally wore this when she went training, it was her elven style. She wore the same style of leather pants as she put her hair up and put her game face on. It was time for breakfast now. She got everything prepared and once everything was ready she ushered Nagato to the table. "I hope you like it. I had some salmon in the fridge and figured you'd like it for breakfast." She offered.
Soon she walked over with a stretch as she looked down at the table then over at her before sitting down and already getting some of the food. " it's fine..." as she spoke softly as she still wanted to sleep for a bit more so right now it would take her a while to really be awake and ready to do anything as she turned to the tv while she was eating not having anything to really talk about as it was still just after the first day and she wasn't used to talking much or starting conversation as she was really more of a responsive person if anything.
Sesshi smiled when Nagato took the salmon and began eating it. She was relieved. Though she then turned her attention to the tv and let her partner wake up a bit more. Before long it would be time for class and then she turned to the clock on the wall. "It's time to go Nagato." She said as she rinsed the dishes off and got her bag ready for class. She wasn't in any hurry to go back to class, but she knew this time it would be different with her new partner by her side.
Finally she stood up after she had finished, going to the bathroom again before getting her things for the class already knowing that right after breakfast they would have to leave a second after they would be both ready. Getting her back Nagato looked over at her and walked toward the door as she opened it and waited for her before following after a moment and changing her arm to a blade for a moment then changing it back as she had to get used to the actual transformations of weapons in general. Eventually they made it outside and with more time the view of the largest school in the city started to appear in front of them as they made their way closer and eventually inside into the halls.
Without words this time they walked to their school, just taking in the city's view as they walked in silence. Once they reached the school Sesshi sighed heavily as she reached for the doors to the building. Still though, she felt as if they were being watched by someone, yet whoever it was had yet to show themselves. So she shrugged it off, dreading opening the doors as for fear of what might happen to her today. No! I cannot think like that! I must be strong for my partner! I-If I c-can... She shook her head as she opened the doors and walked with Nagato staying right by her side. A lot of whispers and hushed voices as they talked about the two. They knew that both of them was listening, yet didn't care. "J-Just l-leave me a... Alone!" Sesshi yelled as she clung to Nagato's arm, which for her was completely unusual for her to do.
Soon they entered inside the building filled with people, her cold heart being that luckily she could really really care less about making any friends here and just passing her classes, showing off, and being stronger than anyone. As she heard their words she just ignored it and walked through the hall with her as she had a bored look on her face as usual. With the other suddenly pouncing on he like that as she walked Nagato would almost trip but managing to catch herself with a small jump, as she continued to walk. " screw all of them..." she simply said walking through the building to find the class.
Sesshi nodded in agreement as they walked to their class together, both now ignoring the others. Nagato was right, they weren't worth her time anymore. She had someone now that meant something to her and she was willing to fight anyone to prove it too. She walked into the classroom and went to her normal seat with Nagato taking a seat next to her as they waited for class to begin. The professor came in and called class to order like normal and then started class.
She continued to follow next to her with her hands in her pocket though one still being held by the other though of course being her cold self to everyone else mostly as they finally made it in as she sat down next to her new wielded now. Leaning back against the seat she waited for a moment before things really started where she now started to get bored as she hated being in the class of course but doing her things until it would be over. Looking up at the ceiling and closing her eyes Nagato started to think for a bit as it seemed as well she was thinking hard about something for the moment.
Sesshi herself was lost in her own little world as she doodled on her paper. She hated being here and would rather be off training somewhere other than having to listen to the boring lectures. "Man won't he just shut up..." She mumbled lowly and watched as the clock seemed to tick by slowly. She wanted to just leave this class. After all, she had her partner now who looked just as bored as her, but she noticed she was lost in thought as well. "Hey, wanna ditch this class and go train?" She asked in a low voice.
Crossing her arms and leaning back she sighed, looking over as she wondered what to even do. " how do you even..." seeing that everyone was there and there was no way to even go of course as she stopped thinking and laid her head down. Nagato didn't really care for anything right now than to lay down or even still sleep and be lazy again.
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