A new ally [Sesshi x Wiki234]


Feb 9, 2015
California, soon to be Oregon
Sesshimaru Dawnsorrow had been at the DWMA for a mere two months, which had been two months of hell. Ever since she had arrived there the other students picked and tormented her. But today seemed to be worse than normal. Outside her dorm room was written on the small dry-ink board, saying "A Monster lives here". She had sighed as she whipped it clean and then left for her day of class in Stein's classroom. One of the girls threw a wad of paper at her and then the others laughed as it smacked her right in the forehead. "Yeah real funny..." She mumbled as she tried to shrug it off. She had her pride but she also knew she had no choice but to work with the DWMA now that she was there. Well, she could have left but then they would have won. Despite having issues with the other students, she never had issues with the other teachers there. She walked down the dorm and then left, with little but more stuff thrown at her. She did overhear one of the girls calling her a slut, which only angered her. How could they label her as such when they didn't even know her? She wondered as she made her way to class. Walking down the halls she ended up running into one of the teachers who she was familiar with only because his daughter had graduated from their academy.

Spirit was his name, and as he went to greet her she found herself being tripped by one of her fellow classmates, June. A girl who was always tormenting her. "Now that wasn't nice June!" Spirit called out as he walked over to her and began scolding her. Still, she refused to say sorry. Shrugging it off Sesshi walked into the classroom where chaos had only started when she walked through the doors. "Why don't you leave monster?" A male student asked as he threw a rock at her, which missed her but caused her to go and hide under her desk which was far away from everyone else. "J-Just leave me alone!" She shouted as she held her arms over her head and let the insults continue until the professor entered the room. Bringing in a new student in with him.
Nagato sighed as she jumped down from the roof of school, though of course landing lightly as she was not a regular human though much weaker in this form than her weapon form. The mysterious, quiet, weird looking girl named Nagato. A girl who was always under a dark gray hoodie with the hood up, piercing red eyes and arms always in the pockets with a face that showed how much she could care less about anyone or anything here even after all this time. As she passed through the halls to get away from the light and heat of the sun it seemed she had run into one of the head teachers whom had mere seconds already started to lead her to her classroom, filled with other people like her though the only difference being they actually cared to be stupid and annoying.

As she walked over she could hear all the words she had grown up to ignore, now glad she was a weapon and no ordinary one as well. As she heard this she stopped at the girls desk, glancing down at her scared form as she heard more objects being thrown, swiping her arm as if chopping something in midair, though the motion was different in that it was the sound of metal cutting through something as well as the sound of what an electrical current would make when it shocked someone though in this case it was just running through the blade as it cut the rocks being thrown at her. " when your talking to her, your talking to me! So say that again!!" As with one swift motion her arm turns back and she turns to push the boy out of his seat. " come on do it, do something to her....I dare you..." giving off a very creepy red glare, a twisted wide smile, and a disturbing childish giggle. " if I have to deal with people like you everyday...I'm gonna have fun destroying you after school then..." waiting to see the boys and the other students response as she glances at the other behind her then looks back and waits.
When the figure stepped up in front of her, at first she thought this one was here to cause her harm as well, but when she stopped the new wave of objects flying she then knew different. The students stopped for a moment there and then one of the students asked, "Why defend a monster? You're just new to this class and you think you can bark o-orders at us?" He stuttered near the end as he swallowed hard before turning back to his seat as Professor Stein called class to order. "For the last time! Stop harassing Sesshimaru!" He yelled as the rest had now all fully came to a dead silence. "For the last time she's an elf, not a monster." He said sternly and then turned to Nagato. "Well class this is your new classmate, Nagato Kitsuragi, she new here so lets make her feel welcomed." He finished as he then turned to what he had brought in with him that he had hidden behind what looked like a torn cloth. As soon as he removed the cover the class saw what it was, it looked like some kind of kappa. As the professor drew out his lecture she asked Nagato to take a seat next to her.

"P-Please s-sit." She offered timidly and waited for her to sit. "The name's Sesshimaru Dawnsorrow, but you may call me Sesshi if you'd like." She almost mumbled, but loud enough to where she'd be heard by Nagato. She looked into the other girl's eyes and liked what she saw. "So you're a weapon huh?" She asked quietly so to not draw anymore attention to herself. "I hope we can become friends..." She finished as she bit her lower lip, hoping to not scare off this one, though Nagato was already proving to be a much better person than the others. She tried to smile at Nagato as she scooted over to give her room to sit.
" why be damn tough when your not?" Asking as she crossed her arms with a sigh and waited so she could sit somewhere. As the teacher introduced her she stood up and turned to face them leaning to the side a bit with a mostly blank expression as of course she hated mostly everyone already accept of course for the other girl which she did not care to know but wouldn't hate it if the other tried. As she heard the voice again Nagato had turned and already sat down next to her once she was given the chance. " I'm a lightning blade..." replying as she leaned back with a small nod before seeing that class would already be starting
Sesshi knew the answer as to why they wouldn't show their true abilities. It was because it was forbidden without a teachers say so that it was okay and have them oversee what went on. But for the entire class to fight them right now, it was unfair in the professor's eyes. As he drew on with his lecture Sesshi looked at the new girl and nodded. "A lightening blade huh?" She asked in a awed tone as she whispered to Nagato. "That's so cool!" She exclaimed as she smiled more now. The girl would be able to get a better look now, seeing that not only did she have rune markings over her face, but over her arms and legs too. "I'm not like the others here..." She started as she turned to face the professor who hadn't even noticed her talking. She already knew most of the stuff from his class and all he ever wanted to do was dissect things, which did fascinate her, but it wasn't like it was her doing it. She flipped to her notes and then offered them to Nagato. "Here, take this." She said as she changed the subject, almost trying to avoid being judged again for her looks.
The girl put her hands back in her pockets as she found this of course very boring and would rather be doing her usual things of lazing around all day outside or just even lurking somewhere. Nagato didn't really pay much to anything for now as she glanced over then back up to listening at the lesson still not minding the girl next to her though not ignoring anything she said for the most part. " jeez I hope they get through all the damn teams so I can go already. Or not even at all hopefully..."
Seeing the girl not really respond to her she sighed to herself and then began taking her notes. Maybe... She doesn't like me after all... She thought to herself as the professor dragged on. About an hour later he then announced the teams to be working with each other, and since everyone but her and the new girl had a partner, he paired them up together. "Now class, I want to see your homework by the end of tomorrow. Class dismissed." Stein said as the class started gathering their things and started filing out. "Oh and Nagato." He called out to the new girl. "Please take care of Sesshi and make sure no one else harms her please.... As you know she's not from around here, and even though you're new, I believe you two will make a great team." He finished as he too left the classroom, leaving the two of them, if Nagato had stayed, in the room by themselves.
As the class ended she stood up and stretched, seeing it somewhat not a surprise she was gonna be paired with her since they as the same problem of course. " I want them to so I can kick some ass..." as she punched her fist into her hand looking over at the other for a moment. " well if we're done then let's go eat...." as she turned to link one of her arms together and walk back out down the hall. " so they make fun of how you look? Jeez that's stupid, you seriously don't look weird..." soon she led her out into the courtyard, letting go with another yawn as she looked around for a moment.
Walking with Nagato she nodded when she was asked about them making fun of her looks. "They don't think that humans and elves should mix, they think there should be a school only for..." She cut herself off, swallowing hard, then finishing. "My kind." She had almost said monster, but it was because she had been called that since she was first introduced to the class and was allowed to show off what she could do. She could soul resonance with anyone but that's what made her... Different. In her clan they were called Runic Elves, or Rune Elves for short, but their daughters and very rarely, sons, were born as both meister and weapon. The runes on her body kept her weapon form sealed away and here was the catch... Anyone could wield her, but her partner had to be able to meld with her own essence or else it wouldn't work.

It was so rare that someone from her clan who was not born as either meister or weapon, to find their perfect partner. She had been raised knowing the fact that ever becoming both was a slim chance, so she had just put all her focus into becoming a meister. Maybe it was better that way but still, she knew she would become stronger than any weapon or meister before her. "So uh... Nagato... What sort of things do you like? Like music, food, ect..." She trailed off as she smiled again at Nagato as they got their food.
Soon she took her arm off of her and crossed them, " well I mean..." she thought for a moment " actually yeah screw that it wouldn't make sense to make another school for just one type of person...and I mean if someone called me a monster I really would not care. Actually being a weapon myself I think it would be good for me....I could see that as a way to rule the school in terms of having people not screw with you and leave you alone. But right now it doesn't work like that..." Nagato looked up at the sky for a moment, " I'm more of a seafood person, I like showing off sometimes and beating people horribly who think their all tough and badass...mmmm...music well I've actually heard and kept a song to sing whenever I'm fighting against a bunch of people..." as she grinned a bit. " and I don't really believe in mercy...well most of the time really depending on what's happening..." as she went on to talk about herself. Soon they walked away from the school for a bit as they eventually got food and relaxed a bit more, mostly being quiet and only responding to the other as the wasn't one to be around someone alone even for this long.
Deep down all she had wanted since coming here, was acceptance, and that she wasn't getting by just being her. She nodded as she listened to Nagato and then let out a drawn sigh. "See where I come from my clan is... Well... Strange compared to most of those here. Those of us who aren't weapons nor meister's, we have a harder life ahead of us. But those who have a specific role, and I... Well I am a meister yes, but..." She shook her head as she had trailed off from the topic at hand. "Sorry for ranting." She finished as she looked at the other girl. "So seafood huh? I enjoy that myself too to be honest, I can soul resonance with anyone, yet no one's wanted to be my partner because of it. I do enjoy video games from time to time, got into them when I came here from my homeland. Music, well I use to listen to mostly elven music and then started listening to some of the newer stuff here." She said as she then found herself grinning with Nagato when the girl had stated she didn't really believe in mercy. Deep down inside, neither did she, but she knew she had to obey the rules of the school or get kicked out and possibly be the last of her kind to be there.

"To be honest..." She started as she then lowered her voice to where only Nagato could hear her. "I don't believe in mercy either... But I have to follow the rules here during class time..." She finished when they finally got some food. She chatted poor Nagato's ears off, but something inside of her told her that this girl didn't mind listening to her. Seeing as she hadn't walked away yet. This was the first person aside from her teachers to show her any kindness, and it meant a lot to her. After some time of silence she then spoke again. "I do thank you for standing up for me in class. First kind thing any other student has done for me since coming here." She stated as she ate her food.
" god damn is it annoying when your a normal person but they hate your looks..." as she leaned back with her arms behind her as she listened casually for the moment. " well I mean it's really annoying to see it anyway if it happens to you or not and get kicked out for something like that? Well in school I'd fight back anyway until they would screw off but whatever..." nagato then looked at her again almost staring with a small blush though looking away and acting natural again with her relaxed expression. " well now it's more damn important to me then cause we're supposed to be linked now..." still eating herself a bit.
"Well normal or not, they still judge though and it's different here... They want us to work together, yet how can I when everyone else is either afraid of me or just hates me because I'm different." She said as she bit her lower lip, dispirited in many ways, but she tried to cheer up for her new partner. Did she just.... She started thinking and when Nagato looked away and then went back to normal. Leaning in a little, her ears lowering as she made Nagato look at her, not forcing her in per-say but she wanted to look into her partners beautiful red eyes as she answered her. "Yes, we're partners now. I do hope you don't mind it... But you will more than likely get tormented like me if you continue hanging out with me... I know the professor said we had to work together, but if... If you don't..." She trailed off, almost bringing herself to tears as she shook her head and let go of Nagato. "S-Sorry... I d-didn't mean anything! Please don't hurt me!" She whimpered as she backed up a bit. She just couldn't stand the thought of another having to suffer because of her.

"Look.. Sorry... I'm just not use to talking to others anymore..." She said lowly but to where Nagato could hear her. "I haven't had anyone my age to talk to since I left my village three months ago... I was training with some of the elders for a month before I left for here, so..." She paused as she watched Nagato and waited to see what would happen next.
She had looked over, a little caught off guard for the moment as she sat a bit straighter a bit confused though not needing to ask as she still listened. " like I said tormented my ass, it just gives me something to do so I'm not bored..." though Nagato was getting slightly annoyed at how cautious she was just being around her though giving a sigh after hearing her response. " I don't hate or kill or hurt without a damn reason. Sure screw mercy but I like knowing why about stuff. Dude there's not even a reason for me to hate you, jeez calm down a bit we haven't done really anything and it's about learning right now.." as she leaned over to flick her forehead a bit playfully, " we really need to practice for school stuff though since we have to be bonded..."
She smiled again and nodded at Nagato. "You're right. Sorry again, just a little on edge." She paused and then nodding to herself. "Yes! Lets get started on training and get bonded!" She said excitedly suddenly changing from her depressive mood, to a more cheerful one. She led Nagato to her own special training grounds, talking her ear off the entire way. After about half an hour had passed they finally reached it. "Alrighty, let us begin!" She said cheerfully as she then put on her game face, ready for her partner to change into her weapon form. She was excited and anxious to see what her partner looked like.
Nagato followed again not really care where they had to do their training as she mostly ignored a few of the things she said when she stopped listening for a while. Soon they made it as she looked around and leaned to one side a bit with a hand in her jacket pocket and the other in her back pocket. She took a deep breath as her eyes started to change blue and suddenly she disappeared before lightning started to strike the ground in front of her a few times before a light colored strike of blue lightning struck closer in front of her showing off a large blue sword stuck to the ground in front of her.
Once her new friend's weapon form shifted into play, she ooed and awed. "Damn girl, love the sword!" She exclaimed as she went to wield her new weapon partner. Electric shocks surged through her body as she began matching her own soul wavelength with Nagato's. When she was like this, she was like a heartless killer, well in a sense. She could feel the lightening pulsating within her as lifted the sword and swung hard, forcing a surge of lightening to strike the ground in a large line. Whistling to her amusement she then looked at Nagato, chuckling slightly. "Well, my partner, it looks like we will make a wonderful team.~" Sesshi chuckled to Nagato, hoping she too approved as well.
" hopefully you can learn about my weapon attacks though...there are a few strong but cool ones..." she looked around for a moment still feeling a it weird with this form as she didn't really use the complete form a lot of course since she was alone as sparks of lightning would run through her body every few seconds as she was holding her. " dammit now I really want a stronger form than this..." giving it off as something she wanted to do if they stayed together like this. " I wonder if there's armor shifting weapons that I could learn about that can have two forms at the same time or change forms.." wondering about other attacks that could use her power.
She looked at her partner and then nodded. "I think only..." She paused biting her lower lip as she struggled to finish. "A witch can grant that sort of power..." She said as she looked around, hoping she hadn't summoned one or something. So far it was still just the two of them and she liked it like that. "But I do want to learn more about your current moves and maybe we can work on some new ones?" She asked thoughtfully. As she stroked the sword she could feel the lightening licking at her touch, as if enjoying the feel of someone from not having them there for a long time. Sure she had been alone most of her life, her upbringing only was to train her to be what she would eventually become, a strong and powerful meister. When she was with her partner it felt like her true nature was being awoken within her, like something inside of her sparked and it wasn't just her partner.
"Hmph working hard to kill one..." she simply said with a sigh, " well if you have an ideas, maybe the inner power though, I feel something really weird, I don't really know..." Nagato closed her eyes and relaxed a bit for the moment as the sparks continued to move around and through the sword as she held it. " how do we train for it then, wondering if she had some ideas now.
"It's like... Well like the professor once told us, We all need to both focus to form what we want. So... If we both just... Focus..." She mumbled as she imagined calling forth a lightening storm down. Though what Nagato had said before... Worried her a bit, for she felt it too but didn't know how to explain it either, just that it was as if they were being watched now. She shared her thoughts with Nagato as together they focused and when she struck the sword straight in the air, she thought that for a moment she could feel the air change. Though it only lasted for but a moment. "Hmm..." She thought. "I wonder if we need to focus more...?" She asked and felt her partners quack in her hands, as if agreeing with her.
"I'm still damn weak well in this form still, what do you expect..." replying to her question slightly ticked off but luckily she couldn't see her human form until she had to change again. " I've never used this full form, so I'm mostly like a baby weapon or something like that..." as Nagato blushed in embarasssmeny for a moment with a pout. " I actually already thought of that as a base for a really strong summoning attack, I already have some things planned but I can't do it all just like that. We're still new you know, it's only been a few hours..." seeing as she seemed to think she was already strong after meeting her like this. " I'm not strong completely yet in using the elemental form of attacks yet only a little bit, that's why there's training.." explaining a bit, " well I mean I guess the first thing I could tell you is the arc wave...it's for slowing someone down, swing in a U shape from back to front...have most of the blade sliding across the ground" as she would do this, the sword would create sparks on the ground as it was dragged then as it swung up it would create a large vertical wave on the ground that would travel a few feet before disappearing.
Blushing deeply as she had forgotten in the heat of the moment of their training. "I guess you're right..." She sighed as she watched her partner change back. "Sorry..." She replied as she lowered her ears. She listened to Nagato's words and nodded. "Very well then. I think I can do that." She said as she aired the movements as if copying her partner. "So like that?" She asked as she did it again. She wanted to make sure she was following suit with her partner. After all, she was right they were still fresh in their team. After all she didn't want to disappoint Nagato anymore than she already had, if she had done so.
"It's a simple big swing, but it works if you can use the slow..." Nagato have a yawn as she looked around, I think you should be better in general skills of using me first then..."wanting to have her fight better with a good form. " unless you know swords already though, you should maybe learn about the element in general too before you learn the better skills we could do...." as they finished for now it had already been later in the afternoon now. " well now I'm bored again and there's nothing to even practice attacks on though.." giving a shrug as she pulled her hood a bit wondering what to even do now.
"I am trained in all weapons, just not all elements yet. I can work with ice, fire, and water so far...." She then paused. Well she had one other element, but it was a forbidden one and it was darkness. She could wield it better than she could light, then again her people were more drawn to darkness than anything, maybe she was different, but maybe not. Who knew. But she sighed and finally spoke once more. "I can also wield darkness as well... Was trained in it though from birth, so that's something that I can work with as well, though it's rare to see it in weapons outside my clan." She explained as she then realized her partner was bored when she stated it. "Sorry if I bore you..." She sighed as she checked her watch. "If you'd like... I could show you to your new dorm room... Granted you'll be bunked with me." She finished as she stretched and slowly, and timidly pushed her hand out towards Nagato.
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