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Killing Machine: randomname98766789 x Styxx. FTWD.

Unforgivingly, the soldier did not waver. Instead, he demanded Alicia continue undressing. However, when she was still clad in her bra and underwear, a tapping sound outside emanated. The soldier was paranoid about being followed, so he threatened Alicia with the gun again, to be quiet. Unbeknown to either, they had been followed. It was none other than Alicia’s boyfriend himself, Matt. Right before she was taken, Matt caught site of her being forced into a truck. So, Matt also stole one of the running vehicles from the outpost and trailed behind the entire time. It was just pure luck and chance that it worked out well enough for him to be hot on the trail. When the soldier asked for the person outside to show himself, Matt remained hidden, forcing the soldier to step outside. There, Matt was waiting for him. There was a brief struggle and even though the soldier was strong and trained, he was no match for a man defending the woman he loved. Matt heroically snatched the gun from his hands and fired three shots into his chest. The soldier was dead upon impacting the ground, but Matt finished him off with a knife to the head to prevent reanimation.

Then, he sprinted inside to find Alicia half-naked with duct tape over her lips. Despite that, he walked up to her and hugged her as tightly as he could. Even with the tape over her mouth, Matt pressed a kiss onto the outline of her lips, his eyes closing. “Alicia, Princess…. I’m right here now. It’s going to be okay. Did he hurt you?” Matt asked, now looking at his girlfriend’s body, hoping to not see any wounds or marks.
There was nothing not startling about everything that was going on. First she was kidnapped and forced to strip - then there was someone outside. There to watch - get off on some secondhand rape, pretend it was okay because they never touched her? Or there to save her? Alicia silently prayed for the latter as the soldier walked off to see what was going on. She hadn't stopped hoping that Matt would come save her from the moment that the man stopped her alongside the road.

Gunshots. She nearly screamed as several went of - she did, masked and muted by the tape over her lips that stopped her from truly being noisy. Her eyes were covered in a glassy sheen of tears that were yet to fall as Matt walked in, and the opening of the door was just another startling event in a terrible series of actions - until his familiar form came through the door and she ran to him, wrapping her arms tight around his waist as she let the tears start falling. When he asked if she was hurt, she shook her head. Physically, she was fine - the soldier was yet to lay a hand on her.
“Oh, thank God.” Matt whispered quietly, squeezing his eyes closed. The psychological trauma was inflicted, but thankfully, there was nothing physical. His arms continued hugging Alicia tightly, her body against his chest. “I love you, Alicia. I love you so much. I’m so happy that I found you. I’m here now, Princess. I’m here for you always.” He whispered quietly, keeping their eyes locked together. Once pulling away from the hug, Matt used the pads of his thumbs to wipe away the tears that had fallen. Yet, he could not bring himself to remove the tape from her lips. God, she looked so hot like this – half-naked, gagged, and ready to be taken.

After all, this was something they both enjoyed. Why should they have it ruined? He was here now, she was safe, the soldier was dead, was there something wrong with getting handsy? Matt did not think so. Though the average person might not think this was appropriate, what better way to celebrate being reunited with the woman he loved than to make love to her while she was bound and gagged, but by him? So, Matt decided to test the waters, driving his hands down her back slowly, pressing his lips against the outline of hers that were covered by the tape.
Alicia fully expected Matt to remove the tape as soon as he reached her, but as soon as she saw that devilish glint in his eyes as the pad of his thumb found the edge of the tape. Instantly she knew what was flashing through his mind and though she was a little hesitant to start, she quickly came to his side of things. His rough hands caressing down her back were a reaffirming touch, a reminder that this was Matt and she was safe. When he pressed his lips to hers, separated by the tape the soldier had put on her lips, she did her best to kiss him back.

"Okay," she said - one word muffled by the makeshift gag, and all that she needed to say for him to know that she was okay with what was going on. While she still could - she had a feeling that those handcuffs left on the table would be on her wrists as soon as he noticed them - she grabbed at him, fingers slipping beneath his shirt to run over the muscles of his abdomen.
When Alicia touched his abdomen, Matt shuddered. “Princess…” He whispered quietly, offering her a smile. Since it was obvious what Alicia wanted, he removed the shirt from his torso and tossed it away. Once that was removed, Matt reached down and grabbed both of her hands, pulling her towards the couch. Once they reached the couch again, he slowly pushed Alicia down onto her back. Although he looked forward to binding her hands, he was giving her some freedom for right now. Crawling on top of her, pressing his crotch firmly against hers, the male pressed a kissed onto her neck.

Now, he did remove the duct tape from her lips. He peeled it away from her mouth, but kept one end sticking right beside her lips so he could gag her again when he wanted. “I love you so much, Princess. I’m going to make you forget about all the bad. I love you so much. I’m going to make love with you while you’re all bound nice and tight. Do you like the sound of that?” he whispered, now giving her freedom to kiss him and touch him all that she wanted now.
Alicia moved slowly, her heart fluttering in her chest as Matt gently guided her to the couch and then lowered her down on to her back. For a moment their eyes met, both guided by passion, and as soon as he climbed on top of her she pressed every inch of her already half-bare body against his. If anything could make her feel better about what was going on, it was Matt. He had a way of making her forget and bringing her in to a world where nothing matter but him, her and the love that they shared together.

The last thing she expected was for him to pry the tape from her lips, careful not to hurt her as the adhesive pulled away from her skin. Fully able to speak she was able to properly thank him. "Thank you so much for finding me," she whispered against his lips, hovering so close to him that the were basically kissing. The sentence ended in her pushing her lips against his and truly stealing that kiss. Her tongue ran across his lower lip, a silent and subtle beg for more.
Matt indulged himself completely in the kiss. Kissing her made him begin smiling. It should have been a crime for someone to look so attractive with tape over her lips. Yet, here was Alicia. Just one look at her combined with the emotions, Matt knew he could not leave this house without making love to her. As they kissed, Matt made sure it was deepened. It started as a gentle kiss with closed lips, but he soon changed it. His mouth parted and his tongue slipped inside of Alicia’s. Enjoying the domination of her in the bedroom, he took the domination in the kiss as well.

Her tongue was pinned beneath his own while Matt’s head tilted, allowing for a passionate kiss. “I love you. I will always find you.” Now, the tone was taking more of a sultry, sexy turn. His hands moved, climbing her back to where her bra was located. Within seconds, he had unstrapped each strap so it could be easily removed from her shoulders. Not breaking the kiss while he did it, though, Matt removed the girl’s bra and tossed it onto the ground. “You are so beautiful.” He purred against her lips, now grinding his clothed cock against her partially covered womanhood, just beginning to create friction between their bodies.
"I love you, too. I love you so so much, Matt." Despite everything that had just happened, as soon as Matt's hands were on her Alicia felt comfortable again. He would always find her - if the day came where he didn't, he would be dead. That was not something that Alicia wanted to think of, however. By now she was stripped near bare and left covered by only white panties on her soft pale flesh. Matt's grinding was having its intended affect and as his tongue danced with hers within the confines of her mouth, though she playfully fought back against his control of their kiss. He had already taken his shirt off so her hands ran across his skin. She grasped at his shoulder blades, raked her fingertips down his back until they came in to contact with the thick material of his pants and even then she simply curled her fingertips in to the waist. She pulled slightly before releasing and then her soft touch made its way back up towards his had.

With each gyration she responded in tune, pushing and grinding with her hips as he did. It wasn't long before all she wanted was to pull his pants off and jump his bones. Though Matt would generally take control, as she imagined he would this time as well, that didn't stop her from being enthusiastic and letting him know what she wanted - in this case she pressed her nails against his skin, just hard enough for a pleasurable scratching and not enough to leave a mark, then brought her hands back down along his back and sides until she could sink her fingers in to the front of his pants. The gesture pulled both his pants and underwear about an inch from his body and left the tips of her fingers hovering precariously close to his cock.
Clearly, they were on the same page. Feeling Alicia’s roaming hands combined with kissing the brunette sent Matt into a spiral. There was no chance he could hold out much longer. As her hands hovered close to his cock, the male decided to remove his jeans and boxers the rest of the way so his wide, long girth would hang free. Yet, without Alicia even touching him, she could see how erect he had grown. It just went to speak for how sexy he found Alicia when she was bound and gagged. It was not something he could help. She had always accepted his dirty mind, though. For that, he was thankful. He dare say that she even enjoyed it, too, that she liked being tied up and dominated by him in the bedroom. Of course, it was not that way during every bedroom session, but it was incorporated often to Matt’s liking. So far, Alicia never had an issue with anything they had done. It appeared that was true again. Reluctantly pulling back from the kiss, Matt gazed at her lips one final time and offered his precious beauty another smile. His hand cupped one side of her face and the other reached for the duct tape still hanging on.

“Let’s get a fresh piece over your lips, hm?” Delicately, he removed the other piece of tape and grabbed the roll on the table beside the couch. “Okay, Princess. Close your lips for me.” Next, Matt showed how meticulous he was about the gags he used. Rolling out the tape, he measured the perfect length by hovering it over her lips. Once he was certain about the length, he neatly ripped the silver sticky substance and slowly lowered it over her lips. Instead of leaving it there, however, Matt pressed on each inch gently, ensuring there were no creases. His eyes were furrowed and focusing, also while rubbing his hips towards her hands. When he felt satisfied, he slowly retracted his hands, now wanting Alicia to test it for him. “Go ahead, Princess. Let me hear you try and talk to me.”
Alicia worked on his command; as he pulled the remaining tab of the tape off of her mouth and he asked her to close her mouth to allow him to perfectly re-tape her. The amount of focus he put in to every delicate detail of her binding aroused her, from the firm touch of his finger against her upper lip to the way his eyebrows creased towards each other. His now-freed erection only had her even closer to the point of anticipation, making her mouth water and core grow slick, despite how moments ago sex had been the last thing on her mind. At Matt's request, the brunette's lips tried to part, muffled words escaping: "How's it sound?"

If her lips hadn't been covered in tape, she would have smirked as she waited for his reaction. Instead her eyes had to do all the expressing, clouded by lust and a sly little glare because she knew what effect her gagged words had on her boyfriend. Thanks to his jeans and boxers being removed, her hand was left above bared skin and as he pushed his hips in towards her body she sunk her hand lower. As she spoke, her hand wrapped firmly around the shaft of his length and stroked towards the tip before moving back.
When the touch of Alicia’s hand on his cock was combined with the sound of her attempting to speak, Matt moaned loudly. “I think you already know.” He whispered breathlessly, his eyes intense and passionate. Both of his hands cupped Alicia’s face before he leaned down to kiss her. Arguably, Matt might have enjoyed kissing her even more when she was gagged than when she was not. It combined kinkiness and romance, two aspects he loved about their relationship. “It should be a crime for a girl to sound so hot when she’s gagged. I swear, one day, you’re going to make me cum without even touching me.”

The only remaining item of clothing located on either his or Alicia’s body happened to be her panties. It might to have been easy for Matt to focus, but he finally regathered his attention. Once he was thinking critically again, Matt decided to reach down and pull her panties off while she stroked his cock. “Oh, Princess… that feels so fucking good. Keep stroking me.” After urging her to continue, Matt reached down and decided to place two fingers onto her clitoris. Once he pressed the pads of his fingers onto her nub, Matt started rubbing clockwise circles on her clit, hoping to bring her the same pleasure. Matt had every intention of bringing her to an orgasm before they had
Alicia would have been honored to make Matt cum without even having to touch him - and if the situation ever arose where she did then she would be quite proud of herself. Would an extremely sexy lap dance count as not touching? Or would she have to go for the seductive, slow strip tease - so close but still too far away to lay hands on? It was something that she had thought about before. Now wasn't about that, though.

Alicia's heart raced and her skin flushed from her chest to her cheeks and she was virtually panting from the way that Matt handled her clit. She didn't know if she came easy or if it was simply from the way that Matt touched her, but it never took long for the young woman's pleasure to build. With every moment that passed she grew more heated, and she continued to stroke his length with the kind of expertise only someone who knew him as well as she did could muster. What started as slow strokes picked up the pace as her own pleasure grew, and though Alicia started quiet it wasn't long before soft whimpers and moans started to leave her lips. The longer that they kept going the louder that she got, and before long she felt like puddy in his hand. "Oh-" she gasped, "I'm so close... So - Matt!" She was too aroused to even think straight, but she still struggled to try and speak. It wasn't long before her blurry thoughts gave way to pleasure and she virtually screamed his name past the tape as she hit her release.
When Alicia reached her orgasm, Matt was not quite at the edge of his. Listening to her sexy, gagged moans only turned him on more. Once his fingers became drenched with her juices, he slowly retracted his hand, offering the green-eyed beauty the sweetest smile possible. “I love you.” He reminded her, giving her a kiss. Finally, he reached down to grab her hands, letting her know that she could stop touching him for now. He was ready to take her fully. While she was calming down from the orgasm, Matt started to slowly pull down her underwear. “I love having you all bound and gagged for me. I know this isn’t an ideal situation, but we’re going to make something special out of this, my love. I just know it.” It might not have been the first thing anyone else would have thought about in a situation like this, but Matt and Alicia were not like a regular couple. Offering a sweet smile, he gently took both of her hands in his own after licking her juices from his fingers, walking with her towards the bed, keeping the tape over her mouth as he carried the roll of duct tape.

“Now, be a good girl for me. Lay down on your back, keep your hands crossed together in front of you. Keep your feet together, too. Let me bind your wrists and ankles, then the real fun can get started. I know you want me inside of you. I can see it in your eyes, and feel it in the way you touch me. I want it too. I’m going to make you forget about anything bad that has just happened.”
They were making something special out of this - Alicia could barely even remember what had brought her to this place as her orgasm blew her mind, and every moment that she spent with Matt was perfect. Had her lips not been taped, she would have smiled back - but even the gag couldn't stop her from trying. The brunette did as she was told and rolled on to her back, being the good girl that her man wanted her to be. Thanks to their time together, she knew that things were only just getting started - once he bound her, and once her body was his to take and touch, the real fun would begin. As he held on to the tape she positioned herself, holding her feet and ankles together as well as keeping her hands crossed and clasped together. For now they were above her head, stretching out her lean torso and bringing her breasts to attention. If he desired her hands bound somewhere else, he was welcome to do as he pleased.
The positioning was perfect. Matt began by wrapping the duct tape a few times around her wrists. It was a slow, meticulous, deliberate task. He liked to scrutinize his work, making sure that everything was perfect: no creases, no tears in the tape, just a perfect binding. Once that was finished, he crawled down her body, to her ankles, wrapping the tape tight around them as well. Once her hands and feet were bound, Matt focused every ounce of his attention onto Alicia. “So beautiful…” He cooed, leaning down to kiss her over the tape gag, reaching to hold her hands with his own, also effectively pinning her arms down. “You are incredible. I’m so thankful that you’re mine, that you’re safe.” He could not say it enough. Matt was worried sick about Alicia, but now, there was no reason to worry. They could have fun, they could forget about what got them here. “Are you ready, my love?” Matt whispered softly, trailing his lips against her neck.
One of Alicia's favourite parts of bondage was honestly just watching the effort and attention that her boyfriend put in to the way he bound her, making sure that every loop of tape and knot of rope was done just perfectly. She knew that she was tied up just as he lied her, with both her hands and ankles bound together and the gag over her lips. At this point the rush was really settling in - her heart raced deep in her chest and pussy grew slicker with each second that passed. He held her arms down and playfully she pulled against his hold - if her lips weren't obscured by the tape then she would have been smiling at him. For now, her eyes would have to do the talking - and those deep green orbs of hers did just that. They spoke of lust and need and a little bit of desperation, something making the fear she had felt earlier before he had showed up and saved her,

"I am," she struggled to say through the gag, her words muffled.
Although it was an untraditional sex position, it still worked out. Even though Alicia’s ankles were bound together, it would not stop Matt from being inside of her. Reaching down, the young man pushed her knees towards her chest because it naturally opened up space between her thighs. Plus, it left her feet dangling in front of his face, which was arousing to him. Sitting upright on his knees, Matt started to pepper soft kisses along the soles of his girlfriend’s feet. While doing that, one hand reached down, continuing to pin her taped wrists onto the mattress. However, he allowed their hands to lace together as well, allowing for a gentle hold that combined with the dominant position. His eyes locked with hers one final time as the tip of his cock teased her entrance. After only a few seconds of this teasing, Matt suddenly thrust forward, sliding his thick, hard cock inside of his bound and gagged girlfriend, immediately releasing a loud moan from his lips. It did not take long before the pace started to pick up, now having the male thrust at a quick pace inside of her tight pussy.
Alicia's feelings didn't waver as her boyfriend moved her in to position and then he sunk between her thighs. A soft, sweet moan escaped the brunette's taped lips as he plunged in to her for the first time. This may not have been their first time or even their tenth, but Alicia never grew tired of having her boyfriend inside of her. He always kept things interesting, and on top of that Matt was possibly the most handsome, sexy man that she had ever laid eyes on. On top of that, he had a very nice thick cock, and a love for making her feel like she was on top of the world.

Matt could take her worst days and turn them in to her best with just a touch - like he was now. As the pace of his thrusts built up with each minute that passed, the earlier events of the day mattered less and less. Hos passion consumed her, made her desperate - made her crave the release that she knew her lover would give her. "Fuck me harder," she gasped, her words obscured through the tape. At the same time her body writhed, subconsciously pulling her wrists against Matt's hold. "I want to feel all of you, baby."
Fuck her harder? Yeah, Matt could do that. Fuck, she looked so sexy all bound and gagged like this. It did not take long for him to start thrusting deeper inside of the brunette, filling her pussy lips with his huge girth. More moans were falling from his lips, his head tilted backwards as he focused his kisses on her bound feet. She was gorgeous, he was so in love with her. This was the best way to make sure that each other knew it. So, with that in mind, Matt stared to thrust inside of Alicia’s pussy, reaching as deep inside of her as humanly possible. Loud moans fell from his lips, louder than perhaps ever before.

There was just something sexy about the adrenaline going through his veins right now. Of course, he did not like her in harm’s way but damn, rescuing her and having her all restrained did so much for him. His cock was throbbing now, pre-cum dripping inside of her at a rapid rate. He probably could not hold on for much longer. “I’m getting so close, Alicia. I’m going to cum all inside you, Princess.” Matt whispered, hoping that they could both get to their peak at the same time. To ensure it, he started rubbing on her clit with a fervent grip, hoping to give her all the pleasure he could.
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