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Killing Machine: randomname98766789 x Styxx. FTWD.

Dec 22, 2014
United States
Where were they? Telephone communications were down so it was impossible to know. Matt Sale, an eighteen-year-old high school senior, waste away in his bed. The other day, a nasty virus hit him like a violent storm out of nowhere. Problems piled on top of each other at this point. His parents should have returned from their vacation days ago. With a spreading influenza epidemic that killed anyone it infected, Matt thought this was it. He tried to text his girlfriend Alicia Clark and warn her not to come over. Before sending the message, his eyes closed and he slumped over.

That was nearly an entire day ago. The only thing that woke him was the sound of pounding at the door. His eyes opened and Matt coughed a little bit. He was thirsty, hungry, and tired. However, his head felt cooler and he was not sweating as much. The young male still looked sickly, but he was functioning now. The other night, he planned to meet Alicia on the beach before he fell ill. The sickness did not even allow him time to inform her of what happened. She must have been worried and Matt felt horrible about that.

It was a task getting from his bedroom into the living room where the front door was located. When that happened, his hands weakly twisted the knot and the door was opened for Alicia Clark. At the moment, the only thing that was clad on Matt’s body was a pair of blue boxers and a dark green bathrobe. Anyone could tell that he looked sick from the moment he opened the door. Greeting his girlfriend with a small smile, he stepped back if she wanted to walk inside.

“Hi. I don’t know if you want to come in here. I’m not doing all that well. I’m sorry that I missed you at the beach earlier. I fell asleep yesterday and just woke up. I tried to send you a message but I just couldn’t stay awake long enough and the phone lines seem to be down.”

If there was anything he knew about Alicia, though, it was that she would probably still come inside anyways. In the past when he was sick or injured playing football, Alicia always played the doctor for him. Besides, he was all alone and left to tend for himself. The house was a mess. When his girlfriend entered, Matt closed the door behind her, checking the brunette and hoping that she was not harmed.

They had been best friends ever since Matt could remember. They had playdates together all the time. His mother was close with Madison Clark. They were pregnant around the same time. It was during middle school when Matt passed Alicia a note across the classroom in art to ask if she would be his girlfriend. She said yes and what started out as two children “dating” in middle school turned into a long-lasting relationship. Not many relationships went like this. In middle school, most relationships lasted for a couple weeks until the boy was seen giving his milk to another girl in the cafeteria. Those ‘relationships’ were taken with a grain of salt. Not this one.

Matt was the star football player – a highly ranked quarterback. They were attending the same school together for college. They were even going to have an apartment together, preparing them for life beyond school to see if they could actually live together and be roommates. Instead of falling for the head cheerleader, Matt much preferred his artsy, beautiful Alicia Clark.

“Are you alright? You’re not sick too, are you? I don’t want you to get sick if you aren’t.” Clearly, he was worried about her. That was his job, though.
To say that she had been worried when Matt had no-showed on her yesterday would be an understatement to Alicia Clark, who spent the remainder of the day anxiously sending her boyfriend texts once in a while hoping to goad a response from him. It was very uncharacteristic of him to ignore her, which left her more worried than she had been about anything lately - even Chris, who'd been found in the hospital after yet another of his benders and left her wondering if he even cared about her at all.... She was grateful to have someone like Matt around, who understood how deeply her brother's relapse affected her. Not that he'd know right now though....

While part of her considered the option that he was just ignoring her, she was able to push away that thought pretty easily. They had a strong long-term relationship that had held on tight despite the odds that were stacked against them as a young couple. That was what lead her to his door, wondering just what happened to make him vanish on her. Had he caught that flu that was going around? That was her first thought, and that made needing to come visit all the more imperative.

The longer it took for him to reach the door after she knocked, the more anxious she got and that was only relieved when the wood gave way to reveal every inch of perfection that made up the love of her life. She didn't even wait until he told her not to come in to move through and wrap her arms around him, burying her head against his chest. "I'm fine you dick, I was worried." The name was meant in affection rather than as an insult and they knew each other well enough that he would be able to tell.

"I'm not sure what's going on," she said to him, her arms still around him. "My mom's telling me not to come here and she sounds really freaked out and I think Nick's with her but maybe not? She wants me to go pack some stuff but I don't know why she wants me to... We can't be going anywhere just last second like this." Having finished her little rant she looks up at him. "You're feeling a bit better right? I was really worried something bad had happened."
“Yes, I am feeling better. Especially since you’re in my arms.” Matt admitted, his arms tightening around Alicia’s shoulders. They were reunited and Matt felt a great sense of relief. It appeared the brunette did not care if he was sick. She seemed hellbent on hugging him and being affectionate. “I still have not heard from my parents. You are right. There is something weird happening here.” The young man commented, still in this embrace with Alicia. There was a point yesterday when Matt literally thought he might die. The sickness made him feel that horrible. Thankfully, the worst was past him.

When Matt pulled back from Alicia, he decided to bring her towards the couch. It must have been 24 hours since he had eaten anything yet he did not have much of an appetite. “The only thing I want to do right now is hold you, Alicia. I felt so horrible yesterday and I was worried about the rumors we heard. I had all the symptoms of this outbreak. My temperature was close to 105 degrees.” It was dangerously high but it had fallen since then. Matt actually went five minutes without throwing up or coughing violently.

Despite being clad in something so minimal and despite the air conditioner on full blast, Matt still sweated profusely. A light smile returned to his face after sitting on the couch and pulling his girlfriend down with him. “We’ll make up for our missed time at the beach.” The male whispered quietly while locking eyes with the girl. Her presence made him feel so much better. His eyes traveled down to her arm, spotting the area of her forearm where he had drawn the spiral heart the other day. It seemed that she was serious about leaving it there. Matt had used marker that could be washed off is she scrubbed hard enough.

With a smile, he placed his hand over that spiral heart. His other hand stroked through her long hair with his fingers threading through the locks. “I love you, Alicia.” He whispered softly and leaned down to kiss her temple. Everything was getting better for Matt. Not only was he feeling better, but the love of his life was back where she belonged. There was not much else he could want right now. Little did he know the things that were going on outside in the world. For now, he was content with his little slice of happiness.
Alicia was feeling better just from having him close, and the firm but gentle pressure of his arms around her sent a wave of relief through her.

"I'm really glad you're okay babe," she said to him with her cheek pressed to his chest still. She could feel just how warm he was, and if his was him "getting better" she couldn't even begin to imagine how terrible he must have been feeling the day before. 105 could kill someone, couldn't it? That sounded way too high to have a decent chance of surviving... especially passed out and alone. What if she hadn't showed up? How long would he have had until it was too late? She didn't even want to think about it - instead she paced slightly behind him, keeping her hand in his, and fell in to the couch beside him.

Alicia hummed lightly as his hands ran through her hair, finding enjoyment in the feather light pressure against her scalp that made a pleasant tingling down her neck. Now that she was here she was able to forget the hectic mess that seemed to be forming outside of them - Nick's latest adventure didn't matter when she could sit here curled up with the love of her life, blissfully unaware. "I love you too," she says, angling her head to meet the kiss he placed to her temple.

Her peace is quickly broken by her phone going off, and she lets out an annoyed sigh as she answered it.

"Alicia, you seriously better be home right now, we need to go."

"No I'm at Matt's, I just told you that a few minutes ago. He's sick, I can't just leave."

There's a pause and she can hear how frustrated her mother sounds on the other side of the call. Alicia started to feel more and more unnerved, wondering what exactly was happening.

"Okay, we're coming to get you, but just stay away from Matt until we get there, okay?" The phone begins to crackle, fading in and out. She catches bits and pieces of frantic words from her mother, and she manages to sum up that they are really coming before the line cuts. She looks over to Matt with her brow furrowed.

"I'm not sure what's going on, but I think something serious is happening. My mom's coming to get me, I don't know why."
Madison and Travis speculated about how this infection spread. Rumors of people attacking others stayed fresh in their mind. For the next couple hours, Matt stayed on the couch with Alicia. Without meaning to, he fell asleep with her in his arms because it was just so damn comfortable. The next time when he woke, it was like Matt was a new man. His fever had quickly dropped and he felt more in control of himself. It just so happened that the origin of his wakefulness was attributed to Madison and Travis entering the house. Madison was worried when she saw Alicia in Matt’s arms, being so close to him.

It appeared she did not heed her advice. Travis and Madison both stole a glance at Matt. They saw no bite marks and no blood. He looked clean. Plus, he did not look sick like the others they had seen.

“Madison. Travis.” Matt greeted with a half-smile. The male was way past the part of his relationship where he referred to Madison as “Ms. Clark”. She wanted him to call her Madison anyways.

“Hey, how are you feeling?” The older woman asked.

“I’m doing much better, actually. I guess I’m mostly worried about my parents.”

Madison and Travis shared a look. It was likely neither his parents were alive.

“Well, there’s a lot going on now. There are blockades on the highway miles long. I’m sure you’ve heard the news. They are probably stuck in traffic.”

Matt shrugged his shoulders simply in response. He knew that something was wrong but he was afraid to admit it.

“Alicia, like I said on the phone, we have to leave now. We’re evacuating to the desert until this blows over.” Madison started, looking at her daughter before looking at Matt.

“Matt, you can join us. We’ll wait for you to get packed. You can write a note for your parents. I can’t possibly leave you alone here. It’s not safe, I will be honest with you. We’d be more than happy for you to join us so you can be safe.” Madison offered and it was an offer Matt could not refuse.

The male did look towards his girlfriend first and he could tell it was obvious that she did not want him alone either.

“Alright. Thank you, Madison, Travis, and Alicia. I’ll get everything ready. I’ll be back in a second.” With that, Matt had to maneuver so he could slide out from Alicia’s body. Before the girl could join him If she planned to, Madison called her daughter’s attention. Once Matt was gone, she asked her a series of questions in a quiet tone.

“Alicia. Was Matt bitten? Scratched? Can you see any injures? How has he been acting? Is he violent right now?” Madison and Travis were more than happy to let him join but they had to make sure it was safe. They did not even have to say anything specific because it was obvious they had both seen something horrible and it was involved with this disease. Madison was trying to keep Alicia shielded though.
Alicia had been about to follow behind Matt when her mother summoned her, and she spared a glance in his direction as he walked away. Reluctantly she got off the couch and got to where her mother and step-father were standing. Her eyebrows furled in confusion as they questioned her, and all she had to say in reply was "what".

"Just answer the questions, please," Madision said, obviously unnerved from the exasperation in her tone, and Alicia shrugged her shoulders.

"He's just fine. Had a fever, was puking a bit. He spent the last day, literally all day, asleep but he's not injured in any way and he's not violent. What's going on? Is this flu that bad?" When her mom inquired about injuries she realized there had to be more to this than a little flu, though.

"Look, don't worry about it right now and just get ready to leave we really can't stay here. I'll explain more in the car." She didn't want to explain it, didn't want to ruin her daughter's innocence to all that was going on. She would have to though, if this didn't get under control fast. If she didn't? Well, Madison didn't want to think about the mental picture of her daughter with sunken eyes, greyed skin - surviving bullets and being run over. This wasn't drugs and it wasn't a flu, and the right thing to do was get as far away as possible until things got under control again.

"Okay," Alicia replied, though she wanted to know what was going on. "Look, I'm going to go help Matt. I'll just be in other other room. Is that okay?"

Madison wanted to say that no, it wasn't and to keep her daughter in sight but the last thing she needed to do right now was make Alicia upset so she gave her daughter a relenting nod and Alicia walked off.

"Hey you good?" She asked from Matt's doorframe, her gaze locked on him.
“Great.” Matt responded with a half-smile. Maybe he was not great, but the male felt much better than he did a few hours ago. It was great compared to that feeling.

Hearing everything that Madison and Travis said before he exited the living room worried Matt. They might have thought he was out of earshot but Madison clearly forgot how close his bedroom was. He heard every word.

“I guess this thing is worse than we expected. I guess the rumors are true about this disease causing people to go postal. It almost sounds like…” Matt paused, not wanting to say the word because it would sound absurd. However, the word was the only way it could be explained. “Well, it sounds like zombies. I’ve seen the videos. We all have. If your mother and Travis are getting us to the desert, they must know something.”

Matt understood Madison wanted to keep Alicia innocent: Matt did too. However, more than her innocence, Matt wanted Alicia to live and survive. He hoped the older woman would at least tell him so he would know what the hell was happening. How could he protect the love of his life without knowing the threat?

In a large backpack and his football duffle bag, Matt packed in clothing, toiletries, a couple bottles of water, and personal items. Of course, he managed to grab some of the toys that he and Alicia used in the bedroom – some bondage rope, cuffs, and other goodies buried deep inside the bag.

Once ready, Matt joined his girlfriend by the door while hearing Madison and Travis calling for them. They were urging them out. When they reached the truck, Matt hopped into the bed since there were five of them and Nick was already in the cab. Either Alicia or Nick would ride with him in the bed. If it was Alicia, he obviously moved close to the girl to at least link their arms together during the ride. Regardless of his companion, Travis drove much faster than he typically would. The neighborhoods were mostly abandoned and even the few people Matt did see were packing up their cars as well. Oh yeah. This was bad. When they arrived, it was already dark and unsafe to leave for the desert now. Besides, Travis could not leave yet without his ex-wife and son. While entering the house, he immediately whipped out his phone and tried to reach the pair while Matt stood awkwardly in the living room as Madison immediately went to Nick’s side since the withdrawal symptoms were beginning already.
Zombies... While Alicia had seen the video she didn't want to admit how accurate that word sounded.

Alicia smirked as she watched him pack away their toys, all kept here where they wouldn't be found by the prying eyes of her mother, a woman who didn't even know to keep the bathroom door closed when someone was trying to shower inside. Of course, they couldn't forget those but if they were going to the desert would they really have time to make use of them? The thought quickly faded from her mind as the sound of her mother calling out to them pulled her and Matt back in to the living room. It was time to leave, and she spent the ride back to her house in the back of the truck. She cuddled close to him, her hand resting on the forearm of the arm he'd linked with hers, and she kept her head rested on her shoulder as they sped through the streets. The night set in around them, painting the sky in warm oranges and reds before fading in to midnight blue. The stars weren't out tonight.

Getting in the house was the first time she had time she had gotten to see Nick that day, and she offered Matt a quick squeeze on the bicep as she walked in to the living room towards her brother.

"He needs something, mom," she said to Madison, incredibly worried. Nick would get worse before he got better and right now wasn't a good time to be going through withdrawl. She'd never advocate drugs, especially after watching the way it had stolen her brother from her, but there had to be something they could get him that would help quell the symptoms. Not long after Travis was out, and Madison and Alicia went to scour the house - unsuccessfully. Eventually, Madison ended up leaving the house and at that point Alicia returned to Matt.

"Sorry I, uh, just wanted to make sure that Nick would be okay," she apologized as she held on to her boyfriend's waist. She offered him a smile and kissed him softly before grabbing his hand and pulling him in the direction of her bedroom. There was nothing they could do about Nick right now... They could at least sit down and have a chance to talk about what was going on.
Unable to reach Chris or Liza by phone, Travis decided to go to Liza’s house and pick them up. He urged Madison to leave without him if necessary, promising to catch up with her later. Madison tried to search the house and reach the doctor for any prescription. Desperately, Madison left the house and ordered Alicia to stay put. She felt confident enough to leave her here alone since Matt was here. She would likely not have any reason to leave if he was here and she truly did believe that Matt would keep her safe. Madison knew how much the male cared for Alicia.

Knowing his place, Matt offered privacy and room for the dysfunctional family. When Alicia entered her bedroom where Matt waited, he was absently looking through one of her sketchbooks. She was such a damn good artist: much better than him. Silently placing it back where it belonged, he sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her down with him. They needed to talk.

“Don’t apologize for anything, Alicia. I understand. I honestly don’t know what’s going on here. I don’t think anyone does, really. I want to make you a promise, though. No matter what happens here, I’m going to keep you safe. I love you more than anything in the world. I’ll get your mother to tell us what’s going on. Or we could even talk to Nick since he’s been with her and Travis for a while. I’m sure he will know something. I just want to know what it is I am protecting you from.”

Clearly, Matt was ready to help Alicia and offer any protection he could. Any person could claim that they would give their life for the person they loved. When the time came to actually do that, how many could actually go through with it? Probably not many, but Matt was in the minority. Matt would die for Alicia if he must. Now, he was not showing any signs of the flu as the recovery was nearly as rapid as the onset. Relaxing against her bed, his warms wrapped around Alicia’s shoulders and pulled her into his chest.

“Talk to me. Tell me how you’re feeling now. Tell me everything.” The young man spoke, stroking his hands slowly through her hair, ready to help however he could.
"I don't think Nick's thinking straight enough to really tell us much of anything," Alicia said with a sigh as she fell on to the bed beside him, laying with her legs hanging over the edge and her hands held together on her lower abdomen. When he pulled her in to his arms she relented without a fight, desperately needing to either make sense of what was going on or just forget it all. She wanted to opt for the latter - and cuddling up to Matt was as close as she could get to that. She hummed as she rested her head against his chest, above his heart, and let the steady beating take her mind away from everything and soothe her in to a calm.

"I'm not sure what I'm feeling honestly," she said as she wrapped an arm around his torso, resting her hand against his side. Her thumb idly stroked above his hipbone, and she angled her head up so that she could just look at him. If this... sickness... If he had gotten it he wouldn't have gotten better right? Or would it resurface? Would he end up like the man in the video anyways, or did he have something completely different? She didn't know what to think of that, or what to think of everything else. All she knew was how sincere he was - no one had ever cared for her as much as he had, and she trusted that no matter what he would remain her rock and her shoulder to cry on.

"It's a lot. I'm worried about Nick and I'm still worried about you, and I'm worried about Travis and my mom now because they're out even after forcing us all to stick together." She mulled for a few seconds, her lips pursed together. "And if you're right if it is... zombies... Well, we're fucked right? I mean, you never hear about those kinds of things happening and it gets under control. Maybe it'll be different because this is real life and those are just stories but what if it isn't?" She's more just mulling out loud than asking genuine questions, and she lets out a worried sigh as she tightens her hold on her boyfriend. "How are you? Feeling better, yeah? You look like you're doing better."
“Yes, I feel much better. I don’t feel that hot anymore. I think this is passing quickly. If I had whatever this is, I would not have gotten better. I read that it is… transmitted from direct contact with another infected person – a bite, even.” Those reports sounded absurd when Matt read them at first. Now? Maybe not. Matt was doing just fine now. “I think we’ll have more questions than answers. I guess we should not even try to understand this right now. We should use this time to relax and forget about all of this. Let’s just escape into our own world. That sounds more appealing to me honestly.”

After admitting this, Matt pulled Alicia in a different position. Matt sat upright against the wall that was beside her bed. He pulled the brunette until her head was in his lap. From this position, Matt started stroking his right hand through her long strands of hair. His left hand cupped the right side of her face and his thumb slowly stroked her cheek over and over again. It was an intimate, loving position. It was something that made Matt feel more relaxed even if she was the one with her hair brushed through with his hand.

“Whatever this is, hopefully it will be over soon. In a few months, we can be on our way to Berkley. Just think about it: our own apartment and our own time. Nobody will be around to chase us off anymore. I know it’s a big step for us but I’ve been ready for this. Soon, this will all be history and we’ll be living our life like normal.” Matt mused softly, leaning down to kiss the top of her head.

“Think about our memories already. Think about our prom might.” Matt cooed, recalling the night that happened nearly a month ago. They were easily the best couple at prom. Alicia looked gorgeous in her dress. They danced the night away and had fun with the games after prom. They fell asleep early the next morning after hours of sitting in bed, kissing, and cuddling. That was an incredible night. Thinking about it surely made him feel better.
"Mmm, me too," Alicia agreed as she adjusted her position along with him, ending up with her head rested gently on his lap. She let her eyes close as she tried to focus on better things, better days - and all of the amazing things that the world would have in store for them once they were off to college. The gentle pressure of his hand sliding through her hair sent little flutters through her, and before long it was like nothing else even matters. It was him and her against the world as it had always been and nothing - nothing was going to change that. It didn't matter what the world tried to throw at them.

Like Matt, Alicia was more than ready to get out of home and head off to college with him at her side. They had a place chosen and everything already, and now it was just a matter of time until they would be off to Berkeley having the time of their lives with each other, learning how to live as a couple as adults with responsibilities, bills, all the dumb stuff that came with it. Well, she didn't really want the bills or responsibilities but those came with the territory, and she'd take what she had to if it meant moving forward with her life.

"We should get a cat," she mused, adjusting her position so that she could look up at the love of her life. After a moment of thinking she grimaced, and then shook her head just slightly. "Actually no. Probably not a good idea. Maybe like... a fish. Something small and easy, we're not going to have enough time for anything like a cat." She loved musing about the future, thinking about all the opportunities that life had to offer them. In the back of her head she still couldn't shake the thought of what was going on and that it may not end, but she forced herself to focus on the positive. In reality, she desperately needed a chance to calm down and just forget about all the mayhem that had erupted already and laying here with Matt was already doing wonders for her mental state. Just a few minutes ago she was frazzled, overwhelmed - now she managed to feel almost at peace.
“If my Princess wants a cat, then she will get a cat.” Matt reassured Alicia with a lighthearted chuckle. For another three or four minutes, they mused about being at college. Their apartment was five minutes from campus classrooms. They could easily walk if they wanted. The rent was low because Matt’s parents knew the landlord of these set of apartments. Plus, his parents were on the wealthy end of things. They were helping to pay but Matt would also get a part-time job to help pay as well. It was a grown up, adult responsibility to have. Matt thought they were ready for it even at 18. It was not conventional but nothing much was conventional about their relationship.

After a few minutes playing with her hair, Matt decided to pull her even closer. This time, her backside was in his lap. One arm was underneath her knees and the other wrapped around her neck. If he were standing, it would look like a bridal style carry. This position brought their faces closer together and he suddenly leaned down for a kiss. After college, it would be finding work and eventually getting married. Yes, they looked that far ahead already. Matt would not tell her, but he was saving up money already for an engagement ring.

They both expressed desires to marry one day- probably after college. During their junior year in high school, they had the cliché taking care of a doll for a week part of the curriculum. Of course, they chose to be partners together and even though it was only a doll, they did quite well. Perhaps when they were married and had stable jobs, a family was not out of the question either. Matt knew that regardless of what they eventually decided for their future, he would love Alicia forever.

“Well, I guess we’ll have some time to waste now. How should we wait and pass the time? Do you want to sit here and continue cuddling? Or do you want to do something else?” Matt could think of dozens of ways to spend their time but he wanted to figure out whatever Alicia had in mind to keep her the most relaxed. She seemed much more shaken than he did. It made Matt want to comfort her to the maximum level possible
Alicia wanted to stay right where she was but she knew that she should probably go and check on Nick to see if he was still doing okay. There had been no loud bangs, no screams... In fact, she barely even heard any signs of life at all. That freaked her out a little, and she looked at up at Matt with a little pout.

"I should go make sure Nick's okay, see if he's okay enough to talk about today. If you want you can come with me, if not I'll only be gone a few minutes." In reality, she really wanted him to choose to follow her and stay by her side, and there was no doubt in her mind that he knew that but but she was going to put the option there anyways. After adjusting her position so she could nuzzle her head against his neck and press a kiss to the tender flesh, she crawled out of her arms and went to he living room. Nick was under a blanket on the couch, a bucket on the ground in front of him and he did not look good. He didn't look very pleased, but when he met Alicia's gaze he sat up.

"Hope mom's back soon," she said, frowning in his direction as she sat down on the arm of the couch, hands one on top of the other with her elbows rested against the edge of her thighs. "You need anything?"

"I'm good." She could tell he really wasn't, but she couldn't blame him for that.

"What happened out there, Nick?" There's concern in her tone and she can see his face that he'd seen some fucked up shit.

"It's terrible, Lish. You can't go back out there. He... fuckin' came back to life, man. I shot him, and he got up." Zombie was starting to sound a lot more likely than she wanted to admit.
Following Alicia downstairs, Matt stood silently behind the brunette. Overhearing their conversation, Matt frowned. Before anyone else had a chance to respond, Nick reached for the bucket and continued vomiting. Almost simultaneously, the drug addict began having a grand mal seizure. Immediately, Matt dropped to a crouching position and rolled Nick onto his side.

“Alicia, hold the bucket near his mouth.”

A person having a seizure should not be touched unless they were vomiting. Nick would likely have choked on his vomit if he was not rolled over. Toiling through the seizure, Matt watched the older male with worried eyes. Soon enough, Nick ceased his convulsing.

“Thank you both.” Nick murmured before releasing a deep sigh. Matt leaned away for a moment until Nick suddenly grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

“Matt. You were not bitten, right? If you were, bad things will happen.”

“No, man. I promise. I’m doing better. I’m fine.” Matt murmured softly when her brother’s hand released his collar. The next time Nick spoke, seeming satisfied, his attention was focused on his sister.

“Mom doesn’t want to be truthful about what’s going on. The things I saw in the church – they are real. This is not the flu. I don’t know what this is. I know what it does. We’ve seen it. This is not something that’s going away. If you see an infected person, you have to kill them. Kill the brain. It is the only way. Those videos were real.”

Soon after making his case, Nick suddenly collapsed down and went to sleep. With a shaky breath, Matt pulled the blankets around his body again and sat the disgusting bucket of puke down. It was unlikely that Nick was finished yet. Power began flickering as multiple districts in the city had started to lose power. Even though the older male was an addict, he was lucid the last few minutes.

“I think he’s right, Alicia. It sounds like he explained everything well.” Figuring Alicia would need comfort, Matt stopped talking and stood up, pulling the brunette into his arms.
Alicia acted quick when her brother began to seize, grabbing the bucket as it fell and Matt acted quick to get Nick on to his side, an action that probably would have been what saved him from dying to his own vomit. The next several minutes were tense and adrenaline fueled as the pair worked to keep him in a safe position, and in both what felt like a day and a minute the seizing and ceased. Alicia could finally take a deep breath, and she leaned in to press a hand to his cheek as he he spoke to her, his words coming fast but his tone serious, before he slumped back on the couch and fell asleep. She imagined having a seizure was rough enough without going through withdrawal, so she couldn't blame him. Instead she rose back to her full height and moved closer to Matt so that she could easily be pulled in to his grasp.

She wrapped her arms around his waist as she watched her brother in worry, figuring that from here out it was best if they stayed out in the living room. They didn't know when the power would cut for an extended period of time or if Nick would seize again and she wasn't risking her brother's life. She'd be here.

"If it was just him I would have chocked it up to nothing, but given how upset my mom is I think he's right too..." She kisses his cheek before moving in to a chair, preparing to ride out the rest of the wait.

Madison didn't return quickly, and the longer it took the more worried Alicia was feeling. Eventually her mother was back, though Travis wasn't just yet, and they roused Nick in to an upright position, handing him a bottle of pills. When he began to crush one Madison looked at him in disgust, making a remark about swallowing the pill like a normal person. Nick remarked back that it would get in his system faster this way, and Alicia averted her eyes from the whole situation, instead focusing on Matt.

"I'm glad she's back," she said to him just as the power flicked off, and she spend a moment in silence as she waited for it to come back on, but this time the lights never returned.
Matt felt worried, too. Madison’s jacket was soaked with blood. Clearly, it was not hers. The only thing the young man could do now was hold Alicia. Normally, he would tell her that everything would be okay. That was not a promise he could assure, though. Travis called Madison on her cell phone and informed her of his situation. He was stuck in a barbershop. Right before the connection cut out, gunfire and explosions were heard through the phone. A few feet away from Madison, the noises were so loud that even Matt could hear them. Madison looked devastated and worry, shouting Travis’ name even after the connection lost.

The next sound to accompany the family was screaming. Madison dashed to the window and pulled the shades. A neighbor of theirs was being attacked by another. Madison commanded Alicia not to look and Matt held onto the brunette even tighter. Besides, there was nothing they could do. Trying to keep herself composed, Madison decided that they were not helping anyone by worrying.

“Travis is stranded for the night. He’ll be here tomorrow. I’ll watch Nick. You two just go on and get some sleep.”

It was probably for the best. Matt politely nodded his head at Madison. He thought what everyone was probably thinking. What if Travis did not return? It was not a possibility that Madison seemed prepared for. After she sat down onto a chair beside the couch, Matt pulled Alicia upstairs again to her bedroom. The power was out so watching TV was out of the question. It was hardly light enough to see around the house but Matt had been here enough to know this house as well as his own. Reaching their now shared room, Matt pulled her towards the bed.

“Your mom’s right. We should probably get some rest. Hopefully Travis will be back in the morning. Let’s make sure everything’s packed.” Matt had everything from his home. Now, he ensured that Alicia was ready as well. After a good ten minutes spent searching her room for anything they needed, Matt decided it was time to retire tonight. Getting comfortable, Matt removed his shirt and socks: only clad in his boxers and sweatpants. This was normally how he slept around Alicia at her house. If they were alone, he would have been dressed in even less since he enjoyed sleeping nude or in just his boxers. However, he had to stay somewhat decent here. Once ready, Matt plopped down onto the side that has become his side of the bed, waiting for his girlfriend to join him.
Madison was right - she needed sleep. Really, everyone needed sleep and the chance to just lay down and take a break from the chaos that was forming around them. She relented quite easily, especially once Matt agreed and she offered both Madison and Nick a hug before she walked off towards her bedroom. Matt pulled her towards the bed and she didn't object, giving him a kiss on the cheek before walking towards her dresser. She pulled a pair of flannel sleep shorts and a beige tank out of the second drawer before stripping down to just her panties and throwing the new materials on.

She climbed in to the bed so that she was beside him, and curled herself against him, pushing his closer arm up so that she could rest her head against her shoulder and then she wrapped her arm around his waste, fingertips gently sliding across his smooth, warm abdomen. It had taken a while for Madison to grow to trust Alicia and Matt enough to let him sleep over but those days were long gone now, and she imagined that there wouldn't be a fuss about them sharing a bed tonight even if that hadn't been a case. In days like these you needed to keep your loved ones close - if this didn't get under control... Well, the reality in that case was that you'd never know when you were seeing the people you care about for the last time.

"Kiss me," she said to Matt in a soft whisper, glancing up at him with pure affection in her eyes.
Before Alicia even finished those two words, Matt obliged. His rough, chapped lips pressed against Alicia soft ones. The kiss started slow but it quickly turned more heated and more passionate. His left hand gently cupped the right side of Alicia’s face. His eyes remained open during the kiss so he could reaffirm that this was not a cruel dream. Alicia was here, in bed with him. His right arm was still wrapped around the back of her neck with his hand slowly stroking through her long, brunette hair. This was so relaxing. It felt so good to feel Alicia’s mouth against his own again in the comforts of their own bed.

It was the end of the world. Fuck it. Matt suddenly pushed Alicia down onto her back and he crawled on top of her. Madison walking in on them was not the least of his worries. His large, calloused hands rubbed down her body and suddenly gripped the tank she wore, breaking the kiss long enough to pull the shirt off her body. It was discarded quickly and Matt pulled back from her lips, leaning down to kiss her left nipple before taking the pink flesh into his mouth against his lips.

While this was going on, Matt’s left hand slipped inside of Alicia’s shorts and panties. He searched around to feel for her clitoris. When it was found, he used his index finger and middle finger to gently roll the sensitive bundle of nerves around against the pads of his fingers. “Alicia, I love you. I’m going to make you forget about anything that’s not us.” He purred softly against her breast, a smile growing wide on his face.
They exchanged a knowing glance, and Alicia obliged as he pushed her on her back on to the mattress, pulled her top off and tossed it to the side. Her back arched in to him as her nipple was suddenly surrounded in wet warmness, and the flicking of his tongue against the nub made her hold back a gasp. One hand grasped at the sheets and the other at his hair as he slid in to her shorts, coming in contact with her quickly moistening sex. Her hips ground in to his fingers as he gently but expertly played with her clit and she could feel the need growing and coursing through her veins. She wanted more, even more - she wanted him harder, deeper, more intimate than she had ever experienced.

"Please," she replied simply as she ached to find herself in a world where there was nothing but them, and all that mattered was her and Matt and the life they'd make together with none of the craziness or family drama or dead around them. She could lose herself easily in that fantasy and right now she needed to. Straining her arms she slid her hand past where his met her body and went for the waist of his sweatpants, hooking two fingers in to pull them down rather ineffectually given her position. Alicia let out a beg of a whimper, though she knew that Matt would take the time to make sure she was good and worked up before giving in to her whims.
“Now, now. Someone is eager. Patience, my love. You’ll have me soon.” Matt promised his girlfriend. Between the couple, he was clearly the more dominant one. From taking control almost every time in bed to using bondage, he was dominant. Generally, he would have taken the time to bind and gag Alicia, but he was in the mood for something sweet tonight. Rest assured, they would never go too long without some bondage incorporated. It did incredible things to Matt when she was restrained. Tonight, however, she was given free reign to touch him and kiss him. It was something she did not always have.

Before doing anything else, Matt wanted to reiterate something. Sure, he often told her that he loved her and wanted to be with her for his entire life, but he loved showing it to her as well. Leaning down, his lips puckered and pressed a kiss onto her chest, exactly where her beating heart was.

“Mine.” Matt whispered softly before kissing over her heart again. Yes, she was his in every sense of the word. The reverse was true. Matt used one hand to cup that area of her chest before touching their lips again. High schoolers often did not share these strong bonds, but Matt and Alicia did. Without a doubt, Matt wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. It did not matter about never being with anyone else other than Alicia. One might argue that it was impossible to know what he wanted. How could he know if he only had one girlfriend his entire life? The same was true for Alicia but that did not matter. Matt knew without a doubt that Alicia was the one for him. He never wanted to be with someone else.

After pulling back from this kiss, he wrapped his warm lips around her other nipple so it was not unattended. The male’s tongue flickered over the flesh again and Matt released a soft moan from the back of his throat. He loved getting her worked up to the point where she was practically begging for him before they even started. His fingers slowly continued working her clit, giving her as much pleasure as possible.

“How bad do you want me, baby?” Matt whispered seductively into her ear before nibbling gently on her lobe.
Alicia conceded, though every inch of her wanted to just take more and more of him while the option was still there. It was rare that she got the chance to act on her urges, as usually when they were intimate she would wind up tied up - sooner than later. It was exhilarating and arousing and did so many things to the eighteen year old that made her want to burst at just the thought. She was playful, though - pushing limits when she could, knowing that Matt demanded control and she liked to misbehave and see where it could bring her. She trusted him completely to be good to her, keep her safe and not push her in to territory that she wasn't comfortable with. That made handing over the reins of control incredibly easy and very, very sexy.

The more that he worked her, the wetter Alicia got and the more the need to have him in every sense of the word grew. Her hips gyrated in to his fingers as she held back little moans, her body writhing and her hands intermittently clasping at sheets, themselves, his hair.

"More than you can imagine," she whispers back to Matt as she lets out a moan.

"Fuck me please," she begs as her hands move to the sides of his torso, applying a feather light touch as they slid up towards his back.
“I know you can do better than that.” Teasingly, Matt placed one more kiss onto Alicia’s left nipple.

One of his favorite things for Alicia to do was beg: just like she was doing now. Unlucky for her, Matt had become more resistant to her begging. There had been a time where all she had to do was flash those gorgeous, green eyes at him in a certain way then she would soon be in bed with him. Now, he enjoyed teasing her and pushing her limits. Finally, his hands traveled down to her shorts and he slowly pulled them down her legs.

“Mmm, I have such a sexy girlfriend. Haven’t I seen you in a magazine before?” Matt continued teasing but he was being serious. Whether it was biased or not, Matt TRULY believed that Alicia Clark was the sexiest girl, not only in school, but the world. He was certain that she could easily have been a model if she wanted. Thankful that this glorious body was his and his only to see and touch, Matt disposed of her shorts onto the side of the bed.

Not wanting to make this scene too unfair, Matt pulled back until he was straddling her waist, knees on either side of her body. There was nothing over masculine about Matt. Sure, he played football and lifted weights but he was more fit than muscular. It seemed he had the perfect mix of muscle and softness for his body. His only desire was appeasing Alicia. Slowly, his sweatpants were discarded. His lean thighs were revealed and now the male was only clad in his boxers. The bulge was already showing. His right hand wrapped around Alicia’s right wrist, pulling her soft hand into the material.

“Do you feel that, babe? You did this without even touching me.” Matt purred lowly, his lips attacking her neck again while his free hand swiftly pushed back into her underwear. She would have him soon enough, but Matt wanted to enjoy their time together tonight. He did not want it to end.
Alicia let out a whimper as he slowly, teasingly pulled her shorts from her body, leaving her virtually bare and all open for him to see from his vantage point by her hips. She's stuck, forced to watch as he touches her in all the right spots, making her squirm an whimper in need. She smirks up at him, meeting his gaze as he pulls his pants off and they're left in no more than their underwear together. She takes him in, just as blown away with how sexy of a man she had as the day she had first seen him stripped down for only her eyes to see.

When he guides her hand to his boxers she melts in to the touch, shivers shocking down her body as her fingers come in to contact with the hardening flesh she was already so close to. She's pleased with herseld, about how she makes him feel and how see feels being able to see just what affects she has on him. She grins and opens her neck up for more of his lips as she takes advantage of where he had placed her hand to slowly, needily stroke him.

"I think the way you're touching me helps enough," she quips, adjusting her legs to press against his hips. "I can think of much, much better ways you could make use of me, though. Should give it a try. Requires a little less clothing though." She's both teasing and sincere, wanting to lure him in to her without begging at his knees. She's weak though, weak foe him and she won't be able to hold up that pretense long.
Winking, Matt responded only with actions. Crawling down Alicia’s body, Matt placed his hands on either side of her legs. The male was not touching his girlfriend’s body at this moment. Instead, his teeth gripped the waistband of her panties before slowly pulling them down her toned legs and off her feet. Sitting upright on his knees, Matt somewhat flaunted her panties around, still between his teeth. It was like a prize to him and he winked one more time before dropping them. It left his beautiful girlfriend nude. Figuring she was void of his touch for long enough, Matt squeezed her sides and leaned down to kiss her face, neck, and shoulders. His hands started massaging her breasts again, digging his fingers firmly into the flesh.

Occasionally, Matt’s fingers would twist Alicia’s nipples during the process. Just touching Alicia sent electricity into Matt’s body. His lips migrated from to the front of her chest and around the meaty part of her left breast. His mouth circled a couple of times, intermittently kissing and licking the flesh, closing in on her nipple. His fingers clasped both tits gently, perching the nipples upright so his mouth could devour them. His lips caught the areola and nipple inside his warm mouth. Matt pulled on it gently with the suction created, while his tongue zeroed in on her trapped nipple, flicking its prey around the inside of his cheeks.

Before getting into the main event, Matt wanted to treat his girlfriend, first. The first thing Matt did was kiss the outer folds of Alicia’s glistening, warm pussy. His tongue licked the outline of her entrance slowly and teasingly while his hands reached underneath her body and gripped her ass. His momentum pushed her hips upwards so her crotch was all but forced into his face. Finally, his tongue dove inside of her sensitive lips and he began to massage every inch of her inner walls that he could reach. His teeth grazed the flesh and Matt was starting to moan out softly against her, filling her tight sex with his noise to create a vibrating sensation for her. His thumb reached down to continue the assault on her clitoris, flicking the pad of that finger back and forth as he attempted to bring Alicia to the very edge of an orgasm so she would have been dripping wet for his cock.
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