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Dropping in on a new life! (Distain and Shibby )

Stephen smiled walking over to her pulling her to her feet before setting down in her spot. Smirking he pulled her down into his lap and kissed her shoulder. "Perfect."
Elise looked at him as he suddenly pulled her up out of her seat. She seemed to gave him a frown when he sat back down in it but that changed when he pulled her into his lap. She smiled and said "I couldn't agree more" she said with a smile.
"Nothing more perfect then the woman i love snuggling with me. " He smiled leaning in slowly kissing her cheek before falling quite allowing everyone to speak.
Stephen followed her setting down moments before her placing his hand on her chair as she sat down. Smirking not able to resist teasing her from time to time and today he was in a rather playful mood.
"Sorry hun could on not resist. " He chuckled softly patting her leg before eating a bright smile on his face so happy to be leaving some time soon.
"Your always so abusive!" He smirked turning to the table looking at her chuckling softly. "She beats me like this regularly I don't know why she saved me just to beat me!" He laughed softly giving her thigh a firm squeeze.
Elise took a little longer to eat then him. After a bit she stood up and took her own plate and walked back up to their room.
Stephen was laying in the bed facing out the window just looking up at the sky. He missed being outside at night the sky seemed like it was calling him.
"I miss a lot of things. But if i did not lose them i would not have you. " He said softly never taking his eyes off the sky outside the window.
He smiled his hand going to her back rubbing it lightly letting out a happy sigh. "I can not wait to take you up in the air. "
He smiled and turned to face her kissing her ever so softly taking a deep breath relaxing. " Your just the most amazing person i have ever met. "
Elise looked at him and said "You only say that becouse you love me, there are far more remarkable people out in the world".
"So im a bit biased I just hope you always love me in return. " He smiled holding her tightly kissing her cheek his hands running over her back.
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