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Dropping in on a new life! (Distain and Shibby )

He followed her closely keeping her hand on her lower back the entire way. A soft sad sigh as Adrien said he was going to have to stay her a bit longer. "You rest up and get better we are going to need you at your peak when your able to fight again. " A soft smile crossed his lips enjoying knowing they where going to be together and free of this war soon.
Annabelle grinned and said "See, even he agrees you should stay, so will you stop complaining now?"

Adrien smirked and said "I only want to leave so I can be with you, but seeing as you don't want that I guess I'll stay"

Annabelle blushed and said "Well good, I hope you stay here for good!"

Adrien grin dissapeared and he said "Annabelle....your hurting my heart"

"That won't be the only thing I hut if you don't shut up" she said frowning.
Stephen smiled moving to stand between the two women slipping his arm around both of their lower backs. "I guess i can watch over them both while your convalescing." He smirked glancing at both of them his stomach flexing ready to be struck.
Annabelle glared at him and was the first to strike him, rather hard in the gut followed by Elise who was much kinder and walked out of the room with Annabelle giving him a haughty look.
Once Elise had left the room he held up three fingers mouthing silently. "3 days then we leave. " Before turning to follow her from the room jogging up to catch her. "what now love?"
"Let me know if we need anything i will take a small team out tonight to gather some if we need something. " He smiled placing his hand on her lower back still following her around like a lost puppy.
He smiled brightly kissing her softly on the back of the neck before she left. He then went back to Annabelle and Adrien. "How you feeling bud. You going to be up to traveling in 3 days?"
Adrien looked at him and said "I'm up to traveling right now, I feel perfectly fine, but my doctor here is over cautious"

Annabelle gave him a glare.
"Adrien we need you at your best. We are going to have to keep move 3 people and one unconscious woman with us. Annabelle how long can you keep her out with out risking her health?"
Annabelle looked at him and said "3-4 hours at best" she said softly. She spoke again "If I was to put her into a deeper sleep, she would end up in a coma" she said softly.
"We are going to have to move fast then I was hoping for more time. I saw a car with the keys in it when i blew up the bridge. It is not far from here i will bring it back i just hope it can get us across the lines before she wakes up. " He said softly looking at her nervously he was terrified that he would not get her away in time.
Annabelle nodded and said "Be careful when you do try to get it" she said to him softly.

"Don't go getting shot before we even leave"
"I have no intention of it. " He said softly biting his lip nervously pacing a bit in the room. "It is so hard trying to keep things from her. "
Annabelle looked at him and said "I know, but you must not tell her, she will never agree to go willingly" she said looking at him and Adrien nodded.
Stephen walked over to her hugging her tightly kissing her cheek. "Thank you i owe you more then i can ever repay both of you."Turning to face Adrien letting out a soft sigh. "I am still not hugging you!"
Annabelle smiled when he hugged her. She chuckled at him joke and Adrien scoffed and said "Whatever, who says I want a hug" she said smiling.
"You know you wanna hug me Adrien i can tell. " He chuckled playfully before turning and letting out a soft sigh. We need to tell the other groups in the city we cant leave this group alone. "
"What ever you think is best I think i found a way around the Germans as long as they have not changed their placing. " He took a deep breath relaxing a bit clearly nervous.
"I am going to get going if you need anything just let me know. " He said turning and leaving the room putting on his best face so no one would notice his nerves.
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