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How to be a Good Girlfriend {darkest_fate&Takashi}

Relax? Emma nearly blurted out another laugh. She had a beautiful Latin woman she'd barely met between her thighs, about to engage in her first act of lesbian sex outside of a fairly committed relationship and she was supposed to somehow relax? The starlet nearly said as much, but instead just forced herself to nod. She could feel the light touches along her thighs, gently working her. Would it be rude to say stop completely? Emma had already agreed, hadn't she? Both to the general principles and quite specifically to making love with Luciana.

What had Emma been thinking? Thinking was proving simultaneously too hard and hard to stop at the moment. "I'm not sure my first time should be like... like this..." she said, flushing. "I mean, not my first time, but, oh God," she trembled as lips kept working her neck, feeling like they left flares of liquid heat at each stop. Emma shuddered again. "It's official: you're the best kissing partner I've ever had," her hips canted again, grinding slightly. The lewd movements caused Emma to flush, and she again reached up to tuck back hair. Luciana's fingers were fluttering everywhere but Emma's sex, and the teasing touches were nearly worse than just having her by now likely soaked loins massaged directly.

"I've never been with a woman," Emma said. "I think... I may have... said that. And I'm still not entirely convinced that you... you like me, as incredibly dumb as that sounds. Also I don't even know your last name or how old you are, both of which seem somehow important, as your fingers are about three inches from making us sexual partners."
It seemed that Emma still had restraints, more than she had thought she did, as she could see emotions playing just under the surface. She was having a bit more trouble reading them than she had before, the woman was flushing which was possibly a good thing. Then she said what she had been preparing for this whole time, she wasn't wanting her first time time be like this, and she kind of understood what she meant. The compliment came as a surprise, and made the Latina woman feel a little better about this whole thing. She had been turned down before, but never in such a confusing way. One moment she was wanting this, the next she didn't. It was becoming a bit hard to keep up.

Finally Luciana made a decision, and pulled her hand away. She also righted herself on the couch so they were no longer in such an intimate position. “I thank you for the compliment.” She responded before taking a small breath, trust had been established. So she had no qualms in allowing her to know a few personal things about her. “Martell. Luciana Martell. I'm thirty one years old.” She said meaningfully while she watched the woman, letting her get readjusted on the couch beside of her. She did feel a little bad cutting off their sexual contact like that, but she wasn't about to take advantage of the woman of she told her no.

“I am sorry about that, telling you to relax. Now that I've had a moment to think I realize that it was pretty stupid of me to say. I was so wrapped up in my desire for you, I partially forgot I was your trainer.” The woman said this, and turned so she was facing her, her own dress had rode up in all of the moving. The woman's chocolate coloured skin showing, her soft thighs, and a hint of her panties that laid beneath. Her own arousal may have been evident if the woman had been brave enough to explore that far down her body.
Now Emma wanted to whine as Luciana pulled away. Instead she took the gesture for what it meant: Luciana trying to adhere to Emma's wishes. It did leave the starlet's sex feeling a little buzzed and neglected, but to be honest, Emma was used to feeling like that. A breath, and soon Emma got a last name, and took note of the age difference between the two of them. She licked her lips, then let out a fluttering gesture at the apology.

"You're supposed to say things like that," she protested. She used the hand to reach up, tucking back some hair. Emma paused midgesture, rehashing words. "Wrapped up in my desire for you," really could only mean one thing. Curious, Emma tried to casually look Luciana over. Unlike the starlet, there was no tenting at the dress. Emma could quickly note the difference there, though at least hers wasn't quite as bad as she'd pictured in her head. So that meant... Emma glanced a little further. Luciana's dress had risen too, showing almost too perfect skin and thigh. Emma could swear she just saw something else, and she chewed her lips for a few moments.

Do it.

"Um," she reached a hand down, stopping just short of Luciana's sex, "do you... I mean it's horribly rude, but do you mind if I just...?" she extended her hand slightly, hovering over Luciana's sex. Then Emma pulled back, realizing just how horribly rude that was. "Oh my lord, I'm cockteasing you! Well, not, um, cock, but," she flushed, shifting to face Luciana. "Maybe, maybe what we need to do is... pretend. Or, well, less pretend, and--- I don't know," Emma nearly groaned with frustration. "Dammit, I'm a damn mess! No wonder I got sent off to a fucking girlfriend trainer," Emma was now nearly crying, clearly working herself up.
Luciana had hated leaving the woman unsatisfied like that, but there was little that she could do once the woman had said no. Continuing and trying to convince her to allow her would be no better than if she just did it anyway, so this was the safer route. Plus the woman was right, before they became sexual partners, she had a right to know a little about her. It was only fair considering that the starlets entire history, almost, was public information since people didn't let celebrities have any freedom anymore, especially the well liked knew. It was almost criminal the way the acted to some of the poor actors and actresses.

The dress would show the woman's curious eyes a glimpse of her matching panties to the silver bra, the panties a bit more of a white colour because of their sheer fabric, but over the woman's flower was a bit of silver to hide the woman's beautiful womanhood from view. However, this had come at a surprise to Luciana, she hadn't expected the pale woman to be so bold in checking her out. While she did she may have noticed her quickened breath in the rise and fall of her ample bosom, her thighs parted slightly as she was wanting to be touched as well. She was even flushed slightly in the face, her eyes dilated with her arousal.

When she saw Emma's hand extending towards her core she felt a moment where her breath still as she waited for the moment when She would be graced with the soft touch of her client, but that moment had yet to come. “Well, I'm not sure of the equivalent, but no. It's alright, and this isn't your fault.” She moved a bit closer, her arm slipping around the woman's shoulder to gently rub her back in a comforting way. “Emma, from where I am sitting you seem like an amazing girlfriend. You're willing to do something, anything for your significant other, you are eager to please, just a bit nervous and shy with new things. There is nothing wrong with that, I am not here to make you better, only help guide you to learning more about what you like, and how you can achieve everything you want within a relationship.” She leaned over to kiss her cheek softly, hoping to comfort her so she wouldn't be close to tears. She almost wondered what it would be like to date Emma Watson. She wondered if it was anything like this, or if she was a bit more comfortable with someone she was with.
Not her fault? Emma let out a rough laugh at that. She knew full well it was her fault, and that stuff like this kept happening between her boyfriend and her. Why else would he have signed up? He was hoping she turned into his eager little sex-kitten, and Emma had gone right along with it.

She felt an arm circling her, and she fought the urge to just lean into it. Compliments soon followed: assertions that she was, in fact, a good girlfriend, willing and almost eager to please. That made Emma laugh, and she brought a hand up to tend to her own eyes. "Well, yes, it's like that with you," Emma insisted. "Because I'm trying to be the good student," she very nearly added the again, but figured it was more or less unspoken. She could feel a soft kiss to her cheek, and it made her smile. Clearly Luciana was trying to make her feel better, which really only made Emma somehow feel a little worse in comparison.

"Also I think we can both agree that I'm more than a bit nervous," Emma insisted, looking over at Luciana. She licked her lips, considering the Latin woman again. Was the comforting part of her contract? Maybe, but somehow Emma doubted it. This felt more... more human than that. Emma worked at her eyes again, trying to take another deep breath. "Wine," she said, leaning forward to grab her glass. It had gone a little warm, but that didn't stop Emma from finishing it all in one swallow.

A hand went to her own mouth and she grimaced for a moment. "That was a bit of a mistake," she said, before leaning forward to set it down again. She turned, looking over at Luciana. "I honestly do not know how you do it," she said, leaning back. She took another deep breath, letting it out slowly. She had agreed, right? Emma looked to Luciana again. The pretty Brit's face had to look blotchy now, and she did vaguely wonder if her pale neck wasn't dotted with lipstick smears: she'd left marks like that on boyfriends before. She tilted her head.. "Do you still want to..." she said, fidgeting. "Because, well, either you do it for me or I'm going to be pulling something out later tonight," she flushed after that, lowering her eyes for a moment. Probably the wine talking.

Luciana had felt bad instantly as she spoke a few of the words, but in her eyes she wasn't the one at fault, the boyfriend was. He was the one who thought that Emma needed improving instead of awakening. The woman's laughs told her that She didn't believe what she was trying to say, but that didn't matter. In time she would either learn the truth, be shown the truth when her boyfriend did something completely stupid. She hoped, for Emma's sake, it wasn't the latter option. That would have a nasty fall out that no one would enjoy.

Again the Latina noticed a mistake she made, but this time it was more of a cute gesture. She had meant to clear away the woman's tears that had threatened to fall, but in her moment of trying to help her feel better she had neglected it. “I'm fairness this has gone a little fumbly for me as well, usually I don't drink wine with my clients, and now I see why. It's made me a ball of nerves, which I'm usually not.” She admitted, and then grabbed her own glass. If the starlet was going to finish her glass, so was she. She took a drink, swallowing the warmed over liquid, and gave a unflattering face. “Well, we both just made a mistake.” She didn't actually regret it, but it definitely tasted better cold.

Luciana was watching the woman as she leaned back, and she returned her glass to the table before she sighed a bit. She could agree on a few things already. Then, a question that had her so shocked she gave a small laugh. “You surprise me sometimes Emma.” Her chocolate eyes drifted to the woman's perfect features, her beautiful face was no less than it had been earlier, but That's when she noticed that there was a trail of lipstick stains on the woman's neck. She was going to tell her, but the question had her more distracted than that.

“While the thought of you getting out something to do that later aroused, and intrigued me at the same time, I'm thinking I should finish what I started.” The woman's hand started by rubbing her thigh again, she was going to try a slightly different approach. “Emma, what kind of toys do you have now a days anyway?” She asked, a naughty smile upon her lush lips. Her hand trailing up slowly, and brushed past the woman's sex again, rubbing just above as she waited for the woman to be more prepared. Her lips met her neck again, kissing tenderly against the soft flesh while she waited for an answer. She was wanting to build her back up,which shouldn't be too hard with wine in her system, and after how aroused she had been earlier. If she was able to admit it, she would have been even more surprised.
Fumbly? Emma couldn't help but wonder how the woman acted when she was in complete control, if this was her at "fumbly." The older woman had been playing Emma expertly all night, to the point where the actress couldn't even think of simply taking a shower or turning off the arousal that burned within her now. That desire simply demanded attention, perhaps convincing her mind that just a little playing would be just fine.

The admission of surprise had Emma smiling. "I try," she managed, meeting the gaze. Twin browns locked then, each showing just a shimmer, a hint of arousal, a drop of want. To Emma's now delight, she felt the caramel touch again flicking against her thigh. It rubbed, and Emma let out a soft little moan of appreciation. If she were perhaps more verbal, it may help relax Luciana, right? Though all Emma wanted to do when Luciana touched her was moan and groan.

"My toys?" Emma asked, a bit of amusement sneaking in. She could feel the hand going up, and she felt her breath hitching with each bit of flesh Luciana covered. Each gentle touch sent more shivers up her body, made Emma's sex tingle with that much more want. She wanted to feel what it would be like to achieve release at this skilled touch, to simply let go of that frustration and cry it out.

"You know that neck kissing is supposedly taboo?" she said, smiling slightly. Her hands moved to trace over Luciana's thigh as she kept going. "Since I model and act, they generally don't want my neck splotchy, so I sort of stated that nobody could do anything there. So just being kissed there nearly makes... makes me want to melt. And you're just too good, "she let out another shuddering breath, eyes fluttering. The image of showing up at her boyfriend's covered in Luciana's lipstick pleased Emma almost too much. Or perhaps with just a bit of her pale flesh inflamed, Luciana marking ownership. Ownership? This is supposed to be a professional relationship. Stick to professional responses, Watson.

"I've a handful of toys," Emma said, her voice shifting, still sounding aroused but not quite as lackadaisical as her earlier comments. "My personal favorite are---are usually small vibrators. Eggs and the like. I started with, mm," she rolled her hips letting out a soft gasp, "with wands. But I like using eggs more. I've also got at least one that literally looks, mm," her head lolled, "looks like a wand from the set," she felt her body shivering. "Plus, um,' She bit her lip, looking away for a moment, her voice dropping a little: "one jeweled butt plug. It's absolutely tiny and I couldn't even rightly fit it in..."
Luciana was pleasantly surprised when the woman decided to be more vocal, and it made a smile creep back onto Her lips. She watched the woman's eyes, and she couldn't pull hers away at first. She was lost in the woman's gaze, but soon she descended back to the woman's slender neck, a small giggle escaping her as she admitted that her neck was a bit of a taboo. She was torn between teasing her about it, and just letting her enjoy it. There wasn't a hard choice, she wanted the woman to experience things she wasn't used to, and enjoy everything she may not be able to on normal occasions. So she didn't comment on that, simply placed a firm kiss at the woman's neck, just above her collarbone.

Emma had become much braver thanks to the alcohol, it has to have been that, and even allowed her own hands to touch the Latinas thighs. She breathed out softly against the woman's pale neck, her breath warm. She hasn't been expecting it, and it made her suddenly aware of her own cores need, a warmth that had been there for quite some time, but she had been ignoring for the most part until now. She shivered at the touch, her thighs parting slightly to allow the woman better access, if she's as brave enough to take that opportunity. The student was quickly learning, thanks to the alcohol smoothing everything over making it all seem like a good idea.

With the thought of Emma's neck needing to be able to be shown in public she was more careful as she continued, knowing that she couldn't leave any marks, no matter how tempting. She didn't stop, but Instead she went lower, kissing the woman's chest, all the way down the v neck of the dress, a playful smirk on her luscious lips, no trace of her lipstick left by this point. She should have worn the smudge proof, but too late now. She kissed the woman gently, and then made her way back up slowly, and as she did, her hands went ever higher on the woman thighs. The woman's fingers gently brushed over the woman's covered flower, but just for a brief moment. She was gauging her response again, seeing it she still freaked out, and then her hands went back down while she watched her.

Was it a terrible thought? The idea of asking the woman to bring in her butt plug during one of their sessions so she could teach her, help her adjust to it. She knew that it could be a part of the job, but was she asking from a pure professional standpoint, or was the wine speaking for her? That was hard to tell, the wine had helped them both become more relaxed, more free with their words. “I see, sounds like you have a bit of a selection.” Before she spoke again, She pulled from her neck to look into her eyes, smiling a bit. “Toys can be a lot of fun, and an intimate experience for lovers to indulge in. Something that can help make the sex life more fun, even for a man. Just because he has a penis, doesn't mean it needs to be used solely for the pleasure of his girlfriend. Toys can do that as well, and sometimes be even more enjoyable.” She leaned in to press her lips against the woman's again, having missed the feeling of their tenderness against hers.
Luciana shivered at her touch! Emma noted that, her eyes widening for a moment. She didn't think of herself as particularly seductive or sexy. Beautiful perhaps, and capable of some enticement, particularly when thrust into a role. But she certainly thought she paled in comparison with the beautiful Latin woman who'd been so expertly making her over.

Said woman again feasted upon her neck. Emma melted more and more with each touch, the admission of the slight taboo, her own stupid rule, making it seem all the more decadently delicious. The shiver shook down to her core, igniting most every inch of Emma. She could feel the pleasure bubbling in her mind, realizing that it wasn't simply the physical sensation, but the experience itself leaving her feeling aroused.

Thus her thighs parted almost too willingly. Hips canted gently upward, rolling subtly toward the questing digits. The body shivered, but the usual tension had melted away. Emma let out a soft little gasp, feathering her own hands over Luciana for a moment. "Your touch is far too good," the starlet said, reaching up to tuck back some hair. "you'll have to teach me how to do that,' as if to follow suit, she tried running her hands along Luciana's thighs. Manicured nails teased against the flesh, lightly grazing up to where the hem of the dress ended.

Soon Emma was chuckling. "About half were 'gifts' from 'fans,'" she said. her hand moved to gently stroke Luciana's hair, moving it away from that strikingly pretty face. Before she could say more, Luciana continued, and Emma let out another laugh. Her smile twisted into that wry expression again. "Can I get that in writing?" she said, only half teasingly. The thought of this woman using the toys that already brought Emma pleasure made her shiver. She felt her hips roll again, and could all but feel the liquid gathering between her legs. The image made her shudder, as if she needed more mental stimulation in addition to everything that unfolded before her.

Emma was melting onto the couch now, not really sitting up straight so much as slouching into it, giving way for the Latin woman to have her way with her, spread legs and eager lips welcoming further advances. The starlet even rolled a shoulder, letting a little of the dress slide tantalizingly down.
Even now it was easy to see the effect the darker skinned woman had on the young woman. Her hands traced up her thighs, and her hips moved as if asking for more. She didn't give it to her right away. She let the woman speak, telling her how her fans had bought her toys for her sexual gratification. She wasn't surprised, some of them were probably perverts who hoped she would talk about them in an interview. She shook her head slightly at that, a smile forming on her plump lips. It was impressive that the woman was talking about sex toys at all without blushing, even before her last drink of the wine.

When Emma parted her thighs so willingly, Luciana took advantage of it. She crawled back over top the woman, who had managed to sink even further into the couch. To make this more comfortable in both of them, she gently guided the younger woman to be laying down, her head slightly propped up by the cushioned arm of the couch. Now she was fully over her, with her side on the very edge. She smiled gently to the woman, and watched as she caressed some of her hair, and she leaned into her lips again. It was a soft, and very gentle kiss. The feeling of their lips reconnecting making the fire inside of her veins flare with more life, and finally she let her right hand move up the woman's thigh again. This time she didn't stop as she reached the spot where her let ended, and the woman's pelvic began. Her hand tenderly moved to caress the woman's flower, as if her fingertips were barely brushing over a rose petal.

“Emma.” The kiss was broken long enough she her to whisper her name, before her lips pressed back against hers, now moving against hers in a passionate kiss. The Latin woman's other hand was used to proper her up, but she didn't intend to stay on the couch for long. It would be more comfortable for the both of them if they moved from the couch, to the soft bed in the other room. “Let's get to the bed.” Again the kiss was broken for only a moment, before she again pressed their lips together. This time, it was a short lived one before she stood up. She teasingly pulled her hand from the woman's dress as she did, but it moved to take a hold of her hand, and help her stand.

Normally she may not have minded the couch, but with wine in her system it was a fair chance she may fall over the edge, and that would not be sexy. “It will be much more fun in there, don't you think?” She asked, her hands tracing up the woman's arms gently, a featherlight caress along her smooth skin. Then, her hands carefully interlocked her fingers behind her neck, and leaned down to the woman to kiss her, hoping this would coax her to follow her, if the words weren't enough. Her hands moved from her neck then, to gently caress down the woman's shoulders, taking the shoulder of the dress with them, slowly pushing them down her arms along with her gentle caress.
That intelligent mind kept whirling. She was doing this, doing this while in a relationship, doing this with another woman, doing this of her own free will? Or was it of her free will? God those hands felt so good, running over her body, teasing her in ways that only her best boyfriends had managed and even that took a few times. how the hell was Luciana that good so quickly? Why was Emma's stomach already twisting into knots, her lower half burning and starting to seep, hopefully not staining anything with leftover juices. Was she gay? Was this how people found out they were gay? How often did people have hot, experienced, beautiful Latin woman draping over them drizzled their skin like so much caramel on smooth vanilla? Was this how Emma found out she was gay? Was it gay to be excited by a woman? Or was that just a side effect of being with someone like Luciana, who likely made priests think bad thoughts simply by passing by? When had Emma last been touched like this? had she ever? was that why? Or was she gay? Or was she something else? Where was that hand going? it was drifting up, so near something. Just brushed. Then a kiss, or was the kiss first? When had that happened? When had Emma's spinning head been cupped by this woman, her lips taken and dashed into a soft embrace. When had the heat coursed through them both, a little more addictive contact igniting more lust within two eager bodies. When had that hand drifted up to her loins, teasing out a near orgasm by sheer proximity alone.


"Luciana," the starlet breathed back. Her head still spun. They were kissing again. Were they kissing? Luciana was on top, when had she gotten on top, did Emma like her on top. Their mouths were open and--


that meant fucking meant lovemaking meant something, right. A hand was coaxing her and Emma was getting up and it felt like some sort of strange dream only she wasn't asleep and she wasn't sue what was going on but it sounded like fun was it fun, was she gay?

Fingers danced feathers on her arm.

"Fuck it," whispered Emma, her voice nearly hoarse. She closed those last few inches, taking advantage of Luciana's lead. Soon her lips all but mashed against Luciana's, moving rough enough for teeth to nearly draw blood. Emma's greedy mouth pried open Luciana's. This was no gentle coaxing, but a demand. Kiss me. the starlet pressed against, moving to caress. Her delicate fingers began working at zippers and fastenings. "I'll pay for them," whispered Emma in a breathy breeze, before she began to all but rip the clothes from Luciana's body. She wanted to see that beautiful brown now.

She wanted to fuck.
Slow, and gentle coaxing seemed to be working. The woman responded in favorable ways, but she could tell something had her reacting a little slowly. She wrote it off to the alcohol, and continued to lead her up, and to let her hands caress down the woman's arms. She had originally intended on removing the dress completely, but she decided against it. In a way the Latin woman wanted to see her beautiful partner wearing the red dress she had chosen for her, the way she looked in it made her crave her more than if she fully stripped her. She had always appreciated a woman in clothes, and clothed sex could often times me more fun than stripping the person completely.

When that one word, her name, was breathed from Emma as if she was her lover, it sent a chill down her spine. A single chill that seemed to not put out the fire, but only fuel it more. As they kissed she was slowly walking her towards the bed, her hands caressing against the woman's sides, down over her covered hips. She had originally planned to have her clothes off by now, but that had changed. What she hadn't expected was the woman's response to her teasing. The way the starlet would finally give in to her carnal needs, and the level of need that had been coaxed from her throughout their session.

Lips met passionately, hard, like she was desperate for more. Hands undoing her from the fabric she had covering her dark skin. There was no gentleness in this kiss once it got started. Her mouth was forced to open upon the woman's assault, and within minutes there was no more denying it. Luciana felt the same needs inside of her screaming, her very core, her very essence needed this. Her mouth opened, and her tongue dueled, danced with the other woman's. Her full lips pressing hard against the other woman's, no more stopping her. She felt as her dress fell to the ground. Was it ripped? Did she manage to undo it? She didn't look, she didn't care at the moment.

This left her in only the silver of her sexy bra, and matching panties. The sheer material leaving very little to the imagination, and if she was looking there would even be a damp spot from her obvious arousal staining those expensive panties. Now she had changed her mind once more, and her hands nimbly unzipped Emma's dress, and her hands pushed it gently down from her shoulders again to let it fall in a pile only inches from her own.

The two women's bodies were pressed so tightly together that Luciana found it hard to tell where she began. Her large, ample breasts pressing tightly against Emma's much smaller ones. Then the woman's hands started caressing her bare flesh, gently up her back, gentle fingers over her exposed skin. Now they had finally made it into the bedroom, and that's when she regained control of the kiss. Her tongue leading Emma, no more exploring her mouth. Now she teased and danced the kiss along, her luscious lips, moving against the pale woman's soft lips.

Without daring to break the kiss for too long, she carefully laid the woman on her back. Her body was again on hers in mere moments. Her hands caressing up the woman's stomach now, caressing over her breasts again, this time with one layer removed.
God this was fucking hot.

Emma's hands slid up, moving away from Luciana just long enough to help shove the dress off her body. Her already bared breasts showed to the air, the creamy flesh puckering against the relative chill. Emma's mounds barely qualified for the word. Yet they perked in an almost obscene manner, their shape the perfect teardrop to accent their beautiful owner. The unblemished white continued along the flesh, only to end in a soft pink nipple, already standing at full attention and begging for further attention. The gentle sloping flesh curved down to where the daring red lingerie barely covered her neatly trimmed sex. The sultry garter and stockings made Emma look all the more sexual in response, an almost perfect foil for the bombshell she eager attacked.

For Emma's lip didn't cease. They barely parted as dresses fell to the floor. They didn't move as hands started trailing new paths and lighting new fires. They only parted for the barest moments to suck air, moving like a singer or diver, drawing only what was necessary to continue going deeper, to hold longer, to keep the moment stretched.

Emma helped walk them to the bedroom. She felt the semi-familiar sensation beneath her feet. Her lips broke as Luciana laid her back. Breathless, the starlet looked up at her new lover. They only dared part for an instant before caramel smothered cream. this time limbs intertwined, Emma not entirely certain where she ended and Luciana began. her own hands moved up as she felt Luciana's traveling to her breasts. Fingers pushed aside the cups of Luciana's bra, just moving enough to gain access to the breasts. Emma rolled her palm down, cupping the impressive mounds, knowing that they filled her hands to overflowing.

A tremble shook her, ending with a slight upward bob of her hips, just enough of a thrust to remind both parties that she'd been soaking in heat for a while now. Luciana may be damp, but Emma bordered on sodden, her panties likely needing peeled from her body. The starlet didn't know with certainty how lesbians attacked in a moment of passion like this, but her body and her hushed mind were both quite willing to find out.
Now Emma was where Luciana wanted her. Their mouths hadn't ceased their increasingly heated moment. It was stretching on forever, never stopping besides for small breaths of air. Now, they were on a bed. The Latin woman wasn't sure how it could be that this woman, who wasn't even with her, could feel so perfect beneath her. Even when she had to move slightly to allow them their moments of breath, she was physically aware of every move, every curve of the woman beneath her. Their lips only intensified the connection.
Flesh, not bra. Now that she had a moment she noticed the woman hadn't been wearing one, the alcohol had made her miss the detail at first. Now she knew, and her breasts were lovely, she enjoyed how they felt in her hand. She didn't care if they were small, they were Emma's. The soft, pink nipples were fully pert, and she took advantage of this, her fingers gently caressing around the slightly darker skin around them. Softly flicking over them, gently caressing back down. More teasing of her soft skinned lover, but it didn't last long. She need the woman too much to possibly wait much longer.

The woman's roll of her hips had reminded her just how badly she was sure she needed it. Her hands caressed down the woman's body as she rolled hers into her, their hips pressing together for friction. Feather light fingers traced down the woman's stomach, down to the waistband of her lingerie. She really wanted her to keep them on, so her hands caressed down to the woman's crotch, one hand gently pulling the fabric from her, the other hand pushing them down only slightly. Leaving them on her thighs, as her right hand moved back up, finally making contact with her soaking core.

Moans escaped escaped her lips as she felt the woman's soft hands rubbing over her large mounds. The woman's hands moved her bra, and before she knew it, dainty hands were pressing into her breasts. It had been so long, and her lovely nipples, small and of a darker pink than the softer skinned woman's, were pressing into the palm of her hand. A small gasp, but she didn't break the kiss, moaning into their heated connection.

Her fingers carefully rubbed against the woman's lips, spreading them to allow her middle digit to caress between them. She teased her opening as if she may insert it into her, but then her hand caressed up to rub over her sensitive bud, running a single finger around it. Her manicured nail careful to just caress the flesh. She broke the kiss now, and made a path down her neck again. This time her soft kisses were accompanied by gentle nibbles down to the woman's collarbone. She had no intention of stopping now, and her soft lips kept traveling down the woman's body, down her chest, until she made it to the woman's breast. She gave a kiss to her left, before she gently licked the woman's nipple, looking up as she started teasing her. Her pink tongue darted out, and gently trailed around her sensitive bud, flicking gently over it. Then she pulled it into her lips, and gently suckled on it.
Delicious friction drew more heat along Emma's hips. the starlet had barely wondered how two lesbians made love; she'd seen and heard jokes before, but of course had never gone further. Now the reality slowly crystallized around her. Fingers trailed hot flames along her trembling abdomen. Everything felt inflamed, from her pale skin down to her thudding blood. The expensive wrapper contorted fully to the starlet's sex, showing her in every detail, tight lips sticking to sheer red fabric.

A hand tugged. Emma's hips rose. She could feel the panties sliding, a bit of her arousal sticking to the crotch. They trailed down, showing her bared lower half to her new lover. the thin thatch of light brown crowned the sex, pointing toward the wet heat. Trembling thighs parted ever so subtly, just allowing enough room for a questing hand without bucking the Latin lover from her willing form.

All the while Emma's own hands worked Luciana. first to caress the breasts, rubbing, teasing, using self knowledge applied outward. Delicate nails, manicured with expensive ,teased dark rose nipples, drawing against them and lightly pinching before trailing down. Emma let her own hands trail along Luciana's hips, her nails catching along the hemline of her equally exquisite panties. The starlet didn't pull; she merely ran, feeling the soft skin just trapped under the dainty fabric.

Her lips never stopped demanding attention. she greedily sucked Luciana, a starving girl eating real meat for the first time. Her mouth pulled and took and took and demanded more like a selfish child. Emma only parted to let out her own gasp, brown eyes widening. She had felt that electric touch just teasing her. A delicate finger lightly caressing; pushing again like an expert in Emma's taut form. As if to further proof that, Luciana began kissing against Emma.

"oh God,'the starlet breathed. her legs moved to hook about Luciana. Her hands clung, and she all but buried her face inward. Those light nibbles drew out a tremor for her. Emma cried out, feeling the sharp blast of pain rocketing throughout her. She recognized it as an orgasm, the same lightning of pleasure that she'd bottled herself. It felt exquisite, jolting nerves and tightening her body. She yelped her satisfaction with it, body jerking against her lover, only to arch as she felt lips descending upon her nipple.

For Luciana wasn't stopping, now was she?
The starlets tender caress over the woman's sensitive flesh drew a breathy sigh from her plump lips. She hasn't felt a woman's touch in a while, and the woman's fingers showed some skill as they traced over her pert nipples, her breathing quickening from the kiss pushed her chest outward slightly, into the woman's hand. This was an exquisite feeling she hadn't expected from the younger woman, the desperate need of someone taking and taking from her as their lips pressed together. Knowing her partner needed this in a way she couldn't quite explain drove her on, demanding she gave this woman everything she desires from her lips.

Even as the pale skinned woman's hands trailed down her body ever so lightly, she moved on. She had reached down to tease the woman's sensitive neck again, but as she did, the woman called out. Her dark eyes traveled up to watch the woman's face contort to the pleasure as she heard her orgasm suddenly. This made Luciana feel accomplished, but she wasn't done just yet. Women could enjoy themselves for a good long while, relishing the others body until they were both exhausted and spent.

This was her intention as her fingers gingerly traced the woman's lips, going slowly so she didn't over do it again. Her mouth trailed kisses up to Emma's again, gently kissing her, her hand between their soft bodies as she rolled her voluptuous form into the other woman's, her own need making her panties stick to her core. Now their needs matched, and she eagerly awaited for the young womans touches on her own sex. She was more eager to hear her call her name out as she brought upon another orgasm, but first she had to let her adjust to the touch of another female.

The wondering digits were gentle as they parted her lips now, her curious middle finger gently caressing the woman as she kissed her deeply again. Her low sounds of need mixing with the sounds the other woman made, the room filling up with their noises. Her lips moved against hers, and her hips wiggled slightly as she hoped for the woman's hands to return to their exploration.
The little shivering pleasure seeped into Emma's body. She felt it spreading, coursing hot delight throughout her bloodstream and warming her blood in turn. It hit only in that short burst, only a little flare, nearly a promise of what this skilled woman could wring from a body given time and freedom. The fleeting sensation may have been all too similar to the ones Emma enacted upon herself: a sharp moment in a sea of dullness. Except that Luciana's play did not cease, as Emma expected. Her overworked body could barely process as digits continued to ply against her flesh, teasing and moving.

"Oh God," she moaned, her disbelief forcing its way out of her mouth. She shivered, the motion jerking her hips upward again. Her body barely felt in her own control: merely a bundle of teased nerves to dance at Luciana's delight. The starlet let out another throaty moan, her spinning mind attempting to grasp the how, the why, the what. The sounds became deeper, guttural, as lips again seized Emma's. She felt Luciana's nearly pushing her own arousal back in, feeding Emma back her own want. It cycled, making Emma's eyes roll as another flare of pleasure, not quite an orgasm, shot into her.

The poor dazed starlet's hands fluttered hopelessly. Pleasure-drunk, she could hardly control or think what to do. Her training said to grip upon the ass, and the hands kept fluttering near there. Delicate nails teased pantie-clad rear. They'd dig, drawing into the flesh for a few moments as if to coax the hips, the pleasure they would surely bring, down into the woman. Then they'd fly upward, drawing along the back. Years of heterosexual instinct and experience guided them, let them pull. Her legs were starting to curl upward as well, as if to hook her heels around.

But Emma felt something parting her insides. She gasped around the kiss, bucking her hips again. Such exquisite pleasure! The hips she teased swayed as well, and Emma found her own moving in time, as if Luciana moved to guide instead of to express need. Another groan left Emma, her body quivering under the hands. She could feel another orgasm quickly riding, teased out of her oversensitive body and ready to roar outward. But even this felt like a preamble to something else...
Luciana moaned lowly into the kiss as she felt the woman's sensitive touch on her rear, her hips pressing down instinctively as she wanted more. The woman's touch was delicate, but the way she moved encouraged her to continue working the starlets body until she had yet another orgasm for her. She needed to hear those pleasured moans filling the room, she needed to witness the young woman losing control of her body as pure bliss and pleasure overtook her, shaking her body till the wave of ecstasy had passed. To do this, she wasn't going to stop just yet, she had to make sure the woman felt her talented fingers a bit longer.

The woman's long middle finger pressed into the woman's tight opening, gently piercing her for the first time tonight. Her hand kept moving, gently rubbing against her sensitive bud with the palm of her hand. The warm, wet core of the woman easily welcomed in her questing digit as she pushed it in further. Her finger gently sliding into her, tenderly caressing along the woman's walls as she pulled it back out. Her finger found a rhythm as it started moving, a slow, confident movement in and out of her needy sex. Her hips gently rocked to the same movement, they same rhythm as she moved her body against the woman.

As her finger started finding a slightly faster pace, her lips grew more passionate as they kissed again. Her own moans mixing with the woman's, her free hand holding her up now so she could focus on pleasuring the woman with her other, her whole hand moving in perfect unison with her hips. Between kisses, when the women needed air, she would breathily whisper the starlets name against her tender lips.
Luciana's hand proved all too skilled at pleasure. Emma felt each touch working her, amplifying the already intense pleasure. Feathering touches stoked the burning fires all the hotter. Emma's sex felt as if it were melting against the hand. Surely Luciana would feel it drizzling upon her palm. Each press almost made Emma feel as if she would change from bubbling to erupting. The motions kept sending pleasure, kept keying her up.

Moans kept leaking from around cojoined lips. Emma's kissing grew increasingly feverish, sloppy, messy. Passions made for enthusiasm, not for accuracy. The same could be said for her hands. Emma tried: she flitted, she teased, she reached for nipples to flick and tried to rub her hand along a sex so like and so unlike her own. But she didn't know if her efforts would bare any real fruit.

Their hips moved. Emma could feel them all but grinding out. Heat gusted between them, stirred by motion and the room itself. Still her own hips ground forward, upward, trying to increase pleasure, to do what it took. "Feels so good," Emma admitted as her lips slid off. She could feel her mind racing, trying to process yet again. She shut it off, letting her hips buck. "Make me cum," she all but whimpered up at Luciana. Brown eyes started begging her latin lover. Her pale body squirmed and undulated, dangling so tantalizingly over the edge, simply craving that slight... push... off
The responses Emma gave made Luciana think of never stopping, but if course that was only a fantasy. Even now as her hand gently moved against the woman's sex, her middle finger pressed deeply into her, taking a decent pace as she moved in and out of her tight walls, she knew this was the last she was giving the woman. She could feel how the starlet needed this release, her words begging to be taken over the edge one more time, and the Latina had ever intention of giving that to the woman. She wouldn't make her wait much longer now.

As she started the pace, she was forced to slow it down as she pushed a second finger into the woman tight pussy, moving the, gently as she curled them against her. She kissed the woman one more time, before her other hand helped her slide down the woman's body, kissing along the woman's flat stomach again. This time her lips reached her waist line, but this put her own flower out of reach of the woman's questing hands, which made her pout for a moment. She moaned softly as she kissed ever lower, her lips brushing the woman's swollen clit. Now she was at her destination, and she didn't have plans on stopping short again.

At first Luciana went slow, gentle kisses, softly licking at the sensitive bud as her fingers pumped into the woman's drenched walls. The woman's dark eyes glanced up to meet Emma's as she licked at her clit again, but this time She leaned in to gently suckle at the bundle of nerves, watching for the woman to finally go over the edge one more time. Her other hand now free, as she was arching her back and using her elbows to hold her up, gently caressed The woman's supple thigh.
Emma's mind was a burbling mess. She wanted to kiss Luciana some more, to feel the woman's taste upon her tongue, to maybe literally feel her tongue while she was at it. Yet her hips burned hot enough that Emma thought she'd melt through the bed below, or perhaps flood the room. Everything ached with that pent up need, as if several years of haphazard lovemaking culminated in one fiery, frustrated mess.

Thank God Luciana knew what to do. Emma's body kept squirming, undulating, bucking with approaching orgasm. Yet Luciana kissed down. She expertly worked the pale starlet's body. She teased with lips, taunted with a tongue, drew fire into Emma's blood and scorched her nerves. Emma felt the tension rising to a fever pitch, and she released a sharp, wordless cry.

Lips brushed, and Emma found herself crashing down. Fingers slid into a quivering, climaxing sex. Velvet walls greeted the new arrival with a frenzied celebration, anointing digits with juices. A suckle upon nerves sent a new bolt, seeming to spike the already happening climax. Emma shrieked, hips drawing up in almost perfect timing with Luciana's lips. Jerked motion drew fingers across thighs, which Emma felt all the way down, teasing against her flesh. Everything pulsed and shot and coursed.

And just kept going. Luciana was just lightly teasing Emma. Emma found herself twisting sheets in her hands, arching her body, rocking through the orgasm; was another cumming? Or was she crashing down? Her body was sending so many signals, wires crossing and just bombarding her overwrought brain with pleasure. even an attempt at words came out as a "gaaah" as Emma finally let herself give over fully to the arousal within.
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