How to be a Good Girlfriend {darkest_fate&Takashi}

Luciana realized she needed to stop drinking, so she did the obvious thing, she sipped a little more of the wine, then say it aside in favor of her water. She had noticed the woman's hesitation as she rose, as if pondering what to say next. She figured it may have something to do with the outfits that she had laid out for her. She had not had the time to get everything in order, or rather, she had forgotten a few things. Like shoes for each outfit, but that was mostly because she ended up wearing the shoes she had intended for the red dress, which would later explain why Emma couldn't find them for her choice, not that she knew her choice yet.

Once Emma went into the room she dug out her stockings from her purse, and slipped them on. It was then that she found the lingerie that she had got for the outfits. She hadn't forgotten them, but rather, wasn't sure Emma would necessarily be comfortable in them. She stared at them for a moment while considering what to do with them. If she asked for them She would mention them, if not she would just assume she was wearing appropriate underwear for the outfit, which was highly unlikely if her choice in clothes were at all reflected from her outfit she wore to the hotel.

It wasn't long before the woman emerged again, and indeed wearing her favorite choice. “Well, I hadn't forgotten, I was assuming you may have worn something fitting for them. However, after dismissing that once I saw your clothes, I also wasn't sure if you would be comfortable wearing them. I have them though, let me get them. As far as your shoes, Well, I wore them today, which is why they weren't with the dress. I liked them too much to pass them up today.” She said while digging around her purse for all of the lingerie. They were all moved into a plastic back, and then she carried them over to her. Her Brown eyes looked at the woman in the dress she had favored, and it looked much better than she had thought it would.

“Here you go. Some of them aren't exactly lingerie, just to make sure you had some options.” Luciana said while they stood there, her eyes even roamed to her hair, liking the way she had it in a messy look. The lick of the woman's lips had brought back her desire to kiss her, but again she had to remember to be professional. It wasn't easy actually, for once in her career. It was probably the alcohol talking, she hadn't eaten anything since she started sipping at it, or even before so it was messing with her.

In the bag Emma would find quite the assortment of underwear. Various different matching sets of panties, and bras. Some of them were simple, but cute panties that would match each of the outfits, it there were two sets of lingerie. A black set that was lacy, and had a garter belt to go along with it, and a bright red one that was silly smooth, and sheer so it was fairly revealing. It had a bit of lace around the edges, and and also came with a garter belt. All in all, she had plenty of choices, and all of them were new and never worn before. Also in the bag was a makeup kit, in case she wanted to freshen up her makeup.

While the fair skinned actress was finishing up in the bedroom, the Latina woman went about setting the mood a bit better. She dimmed the lights, and light some candles around the room so it was filled with a sweet scent, lavender. Then she opened the curtains so the moonlight would filter in, and they had the best view of the night sky you could in a city with light pollution. She say back down, and relaxed into the couch again, sipping at some of her water again. While she waited to see the woman's completed look.
That almost sounded like a challenge: wouldn't be comfortable wearing them. Emma didn't easily rise to claims like that. Perhaps the wine or her own desire to prove herself to Luciana or simply a desire to raise a symbolic middle-finger to her boyfriend pushed her in that moment, but Emma decided spontaneously to go further than just tease about it. Whatever Luciana had selected, she'd wear, regardless of how racy they happened to be. The comment about heels had her smiling. "They look rather fetching on you," she commented, "and heels feel rather pointless for what we're doing."

She reached for the offered purse, purposefully letting her fingers linger for just a moment on the woman's fingers. Dear lord, I'm starting to go a little randy, aren't I? Emma's eyes flicked to the lingerie, realizing what she'd just so readily agreed to. If she wore them, then Luciana would see them. It wasn't difficult to imagine. And if she saw them, that meant that Emma would undress to them. They'd already verbally agreed to at least some sexual contact, but Emma had just almost casually enacted a quite obvious sign of agreement.

Yet Emma took it all the same. Took it and turned back into the bedroom, almost adding a little hop. Another quick look showed makeup, and Emma's brows rose. She wasn't quite an expert at self-application, but she could at least better match what she had. To her delight, she noted that the colors Luciana picked out best matched the red dress. "That minx," she said, lips twisting into another smile.

Into the room. Shimmy out of the boy-panties. Then, bottomless, Emma studied. Black or red; they always said black meant you wanted to shag, but the red looked the most daring. Emma thumbed the red for a moment, wondering if red on red wasn't a little overkill. "You're overthinking it again," Emma said, before taking the red set and shimmying into them. They fit her quite well, though she felt that her only slightly trimmed nether fur likely stood out upon the sheer fabric. Emma flushed as she smoothed down the dress, instead focusing on the makeup. She opted for a slightly sloppy, sultry to go with her hair: red lipstick to match, some light work around the eyes. Emma hesitated for a moment at the blush: they'd talked her freckles up before. Again simply going with instinct, she forewent anything major, simply adjusting her foundation and readjusting everything.

"Right," Emma said, nodding at a reflection. She looked... hot. Not simply adorable or gorgeous, but like she wanted a good shag. The loose hair even looked grabable, if Emma was any estimator of such things. Emma headed back to the living room, smiling as she entered.

"Wow, it's official," she said as she looked around, "I should be dating you instead of him," the starlet smiled an honest smile, brown eyes twinkling with mirth and delight at the utterly romantic situation as she turned to Luciana.
Luciana had no way of knowing what the starlet was going to choose to wear, but she figured she would take either the safe bet, or go with the black set. She was guessing based on the woman's previous choices while their spoke together. One thing she did know, was that Emma had looked amazing in that dress of hers. She was actually considering letting her keep the outfit instead of her holding on to it for another time they spent together. She was sipping at her water almost distracted while She waited, looking around to make sure she didn't forget anything again.

By the time the door was opening, and Emma walked out in the stunning dress, she was sure she was ready again. She glanced over, and sucked in a breath as she appraised the work the young woman had done on herself. The makeup was on point with her features, and the look she chose was stunning. She really couldn't use adorable as a descriptive word for this outfit on her, instead she wouldn't have to use a lot more creative words. “Flawless. You look flawless Emma.” She said, standing to move over a bit to allow her the seat She was previously in, since it was the one closest to where she was walking out from.

Then it occurred to her what she said, and she gave her a smile again. “You said it, not me.” She teased quickly, in response. “I assure you, I would be much more...attentive and caring than him.” She said, but she knew Emma was only teasing, so she put no merit to the words of the fair skinned woman. She figured she was perfectly comfortable in her relationship with a male, and not looking for a female to go with. Even if she currently looked more tantalizing than Luciana did, and she almost regretted not bringing any change of clothes for herself.

After a pat to the couch, so she would hopefully join her again, she turned on soft music in the background. It was turned down low so it was hard to hear, but it was playing music to set the mood back to the way it was before she started evaluating her. “I know men don't often set the mood like this, but a woman does. So I felt for this next attempt at your lessons we should indulge ourselves a bit. This Also happens to be something I enjoy doing.” She never said if she did It for all her clients, or if this was exclusively something she did for someone she had an interest in.
Flawless? Emma fought another role of her eyes, again feeling a slight flush. The way Luciana said it, like that, it sounded less like a teasing word and more like the Latina's brain had skipped a few beats. Luciana recovered quickly enough, flirting and teasing yet again. That last claim though, it had Emma looked at Luciana curiously. How... how teasing was that? Because it almost sounded just a touch genuine. Emma had dated better guys in the past, and she'd gotten fairly close to dumping her current paramour but... shouldn't she be defending him? Then again, he'd signed her up to get "properly trained" without looking through everything, so fuck him.

A slight bit of anger had hardened Emma's expression, and she nearly jumped at the offer. Nodding, she headed back toward the couch, once more sliding on, hardly disturbing it. She tugged the dress slightly, though it rose just enough to confirm stockings and give a flash of garter. Emma hesitated a moment, her hands hovering near her skirt edge. If Luciana had seen that, and had memorized which garter went with which, then she'd essentially guess which pantie Emma had gone with.

"Some men do," Emma replied, considering her wine glass again. "I had an ex, probably two before my current boyfriend. He could set a mood quite well. I'd sometimes come home from a shoot to find lights dimmed and some light wine poured: we were barely legal for it by European standards," Emma took a breath, leaning slightly against the couch, one arm raised to prop up her head. "Sorry for the indulgence," she considered Luciana for a moment. "You mentioned liking to set the mood, and I'd wager you like your job, but I can't help but wonder... and forgive me if I'm being too forward here, but considering that we're about to kiss, I figure it's alright. Are you exclusively interested in the same sex? Or are you perhaps bi or... what's the word, pan? Pansexual. I know there's a spectrum, I think I took a test once..." because of course she had.
Again the woman felt ridiculous, even she could hear how cheesy her words were. She was a bit surprised that the woman didn't jump to the aid of her boyfriend as she very obviously said that he wasn't worth her time it didn't matter though, she knew if she had any plans of dismissing him, She would. Everyone knew Emma was not the type of person to let someone drag her down for too long before she took action, every role she had played had a backbone of varying degrees. She wondered how much of that was the actress now that she thought of it. There was one bit of redeeming done, the compliment of calling her flawless was very cheesy, but it was hardly used anymore to describe a person.

Luciana had noticed the garter from the corner of her eyes as the woman sat down, but which garter it was, was a mystery to her still. The peripheral view didn't offer enough detail to ascertain which One it was belonging to. She did know that the woman's makeup up close looked amazing, and she was very drawn to the woman's lips with them being painted from her offered makeup bag. She was impressed at her work, and she was also impressed that she didn't have to coax her into sitting beside of her this time. It had been much easier than before, and she was amazed at how little the couch gave under her, she knew she was light but still. “I do think you look amazing in that dress, it was a good choice on your part.”

“I see, he sounds like a wonderful man.” Was all she said about it, as she didn't know the circumstances that led to their splitting up, not what sort of person he was besides that of course. Then she watched as the woman got comfortable on the couch beside of her, leaning back and propping her head up, and she realized that she was thinking of something. That had not been the question she had been expecting, and it brought a small laugh to her plump lips. “Well, that was a surprise question. I would say that I'm mostly interested in the same sex. I do find men appealing, but it's harder for me to get emotionally invested in them since I have been disappointed so many times by them. I prefer women because I just have more of an emotional attachment, and it happens I like the female body.” She said.

Then she gave her a small smirk after she answered the question, “I never said we were going to kiss when we started back up.” Luciana raised her thin eyebrow in a silent question to the woman, teasing her again. She was back in her more friendly attitude, instead of her training one, so that it was a lighter air between them again. She preferred this, as it promotes them talking to one another, and treating the other as a person rather than a trainer or client.
A good choice, as if Luciana hadn't all but set up the choice to begin with. Still, Emma had to smile a bit at that, feeling a bit like the teacher's pet she so often played in films. That the dress in question made her feel considerably sexier certainly helped as well, even if she did have to keep fighting the urges to start tugging it down more and more.

The comments regarding the ex nearly had Emma laughing again. Then again, what else could you say when someone was being indulgent like that? At least the "surprise question" drew the attention back onto Luciana. Apparently the woman was bisexual but leaned mostly toward women in a relationship fashion. Emma spent a few moments thinking about scales and labels before mostly dismissing it. It was all rather complicated, and for the moment, it hardly mattered. The bit about the female body had Emma smirking again. You're smiling a lot around her, and your hand keeps playing with your hair.

Emma drew her hand away from a flyaway curl for a moment, as she saw a smirk on Luciana's face. More light, flirty comments, and Emma again felt like another moment had opened up, a moment she was supposed to be taking advantage of. Her brain started firing so many different opportunities and lines, nearly causing her to stun for a few moments. It lasted only a second, before words tumbled out of Emma's mouth, barely thought out: "Oh," she frowned for a moment, head tilting, that flyaway curl bouncing, "did you not want to kiss me anymore? Because if so, then this lipstick was rather a waste," she licked her lips slightly, tilting her head into a nearly classic kissing position. Another thought followed, the idea of being daring, forward, but not directly copying what Luciana had done before.

So Emma reached out, and instead of brushing back her own hair, moved to gently stroke some of Luciana's, letting her fingers linger on the cheek for just a few moments.
Luciana noticed that the young star almost laughed again, her eyes were easy to read once you sit down with her for a while. The woman had to admit though, Emma's smiled was quite charming, and now she seemed to be more comfortable, and confident in what she wore, it was doubly so. It was making it harder to resist flirting again, right off the bat. She was feeling her own flirtatious signs coming up to the surface, and hers woman be just as easy to read as the other woman's. She usually started with gentle touches, and smiling a lot. Sometimes she had a habit of keeping her hand close to her face, her fingers tracing her luscious lips to draw attention to them.

What was unexpected was the woman's words as she moved her hand from her curls, and the tilt of her head that left her open for a kiss. The temptation was strong, so strong in fact she almost gave in, but she wasn't going to crack the moment she showed interest, no matter how tempting. Her hand reached over to gently rub the woman's thigh as she went to speak, but was stopped short as she initiated her own form of flirting. The woman's hand brushed her cheek, so soft and gentle against her flawless skin that she felt her head tilt ever so slightly into the small hand of Emma. That was definitely more bold than the woman had been up to this point, and she was proud of her.

Luciana did cave a bit, and leaned closer to the woman, her right hand moving to the cheek, her thumb lightly caressing over her high cheekbone. She was watching the woman's eyes, but this time she didn't give the woman a chance to pull away, if she tried. She leaned into close to her, and for a brief moment their lips were so close they could almost feel them, her breath caught as she leaned in to fill the gap. Her lips were soft, warm, and gentle against the other woman's. The kiss was soft and sweet, her hand gently ran through the woman's hair to stop at the back of the woman's neck. Her fingers softly making designs as she kissed her.

The kiss didn't last long, before she pulled away to gauge the woman's response to it. Her hand caressed the woman's neck as She pulled it away, to rest in her lap again. She didn't think about giving her a grade, so to say, on this one. This may have been a professional move, but at the same time she felt that both of the women had wanted that for more than the job at hand. Maybe it was the wine, and the mood that she had set. That's what she wrote it up to, not her being unprofessional, not her possibly being attracted to the woman. She was sure it was the wine, without it they would probably still be laughing and joking, while doing the job. Not moving on to the physical parts of the job. Granted that would be because Emma wouldn't be so relaxed with her, and it would have taken much longer to get her to open up.
The starlet nearly asked her trainer if she'd done well, if the flirting had scored. Instead she watched, seeing the emotions play out across the Latina's pretty features. Enough practice let Emma know when the other girl was leaning in for a kiss, and she closed her eyes in time. Her own lips met Luciana's: pliable, soft, yielding while still moving in time with the other. She felt hands threading through her loosely bound hair as they kissed, and her own raised to flutter just near Luciana's cheeks, tips drawing just about the jawline, barely feeling the muscles moving in time with the kiss.

Soft, with a proper amount of give and take, without any needy tongue threading its unwelcome way into Emma's mouth. There was this strange, light taste just lingering on Emma's tongue, just long enough. Gentle flesh and coaxing lips kept the kissing going for not quite enough, leaving Emma before the starlet's head had even begun to proper spin. She blinked, looking at the trainer for a few seconds, before another smile spread her painted lips.

"So," she said, moving to run her hand along Luciana's face before again bringing it to rest on the couch, "was that a training kiss? Or was that a naughty, I can't believe I'm kissing my pretty client kiss?" Emma tilted her head. "I couldn't quite tell, as it was rather more enjoyable than I'd think something solely for training would be."

The starlet's smile had a naughty twist to it, and she nearly flushed. Wasn't that a good deal more forward, more flirtatious than she'd been prior? Emma knew there was a simple explanation for part of it: she wanted to flirt with the trainer, against her better judgment. But she also wanted to prove herself a good student and do what it took. There also might, just might, have been some alcoholic influence involved.
To no surprise, it seemed that Emma was a wonderful kisser, easily following Luciana’s lips as she gently moved them while the kissed. Her lips felt amazing, the tenderness of the kiss amplified from the feeling of her lips against the Latina’s. Even she had felt like the kiss should have lasted, and it was a pleasant change of pace for her to kiss someone who wasn't trying to stuff their tongue into her mouth, but Instead they had just shared an intimate kiss that left her feeling tingly where the woman's fingertips had brushed, her lips feeling incomplete now the kiss had separated them.

There was that smile again, the look she got when she was about to tease, or maybe it was a look she gave when she had enjoyed herself. The question answered that the smile was probably both, but that didn't mean the question was any less hard to answer. “I'll admit that it was a quote enjoyable experience, more so than I can say about any client previously.” Another honest answer, and before she finished explaining, she took a sip of water to level her own thoughts from the swirling mass of tangled words. “I would say it was supposed to be for the job, but it quickly spiraled into a kiss that I wanted to share with the charming woman beside of me.”

Luciana didn't let that go, though, “I was going to ask the same thing, if you had done that to prove that you're willing to do whatever you must for this, or if it was because you had wanted to kiss me. However, you admitting it was more enjoyable than something done for work, tells me all I need to know.” She gave the woman a teasing smile, her eyes sparkling with her mood, happy and playful. She hoped that the kiss had also solidified everything between them, made it so the rest of their time together would be a lot smoother, and when they started her lessons again it may go better than before.

Now that the caramel skinned woman gave it another thought, she wondered if the alcohol had played a role in it at all. Maybe instead of it being the reason she kissed her, it was what loosened her up enough to be willing to. The smirk that the starlet just have had a naughty underlying meaning, she giggled a bit as she let her hand rest on Emma's thigh rather than her own leg, her thumb tracing small patterns against her skirt covered thigh. “It's a shame he only wanted me to keep you for a few hours. Our time is running short today.” She said, but she wasn't able to hide the small sign she felt inside of her. Clearly, even she wasn't ready for their first session to end.
Enjoyable experience. Emma felt a little more warming at that. She felt a little warm bit of pride mixing in as well: she was at least partially seducing her trainer, in some small way. The actress almost had the ludicrous idea of convincing Luciana to sleep with her instead of the other way around. She dwelt on it for a few seconds, enjoying the mental image.

"It was a mixture of both," Emma agreed. "I'm trying to prove a good student, but your lips are quite pleasant," she smiled at that, knowing that by now her lips were starting to get rather used to the motion, almost sliding into the expression. The glee deepened as Emma noted the sparkle in Luciana's eyes: she was proving entertaining, if nothing else. The actress very nearly took another celebratory sip of wine, but instead simply let herself relish the moment.

A giggle, and a hand touched Emma's thigh. The starlet felt a little delicate shudder shoot through her, along with a quick tense and release of muscles. The little delicate motions made her feel, well, strangely appreciated for several seconds. The comment had her quirking a brow. "I'm sure that if I asked to stay longer he'd hardly object," a slightly irritated look came over her, "would serve him right, honestly. Did you know he signed me up for this before checking to make sure I was okay?" Anger flashed in Emma's expressive eyes. "At times he can be such a---sorry, sorry," she shook her head. "You're not a therapist."

Emma paused again, before taking in and releasing a deep breath. She closed her eyes, leaning her head back against the sofa. "God, and I spent so much time picking out the right set of lingerie because I was sure you'd be seeing them. I feel like a fool now."
Again, Emma's words got beer rained to giggle a bit as she admitted that her lips were quite pleasant. She was also glad to hear that she so openly admitted that she had wanted the kiss, and was trying to prove a good student for this. “Well, I can assure you, your lips were like satin caressing over me.” She teased, but that was ale true. The kiss had ignited something inside of her, like a warm glow that was slowly building, had been since she had come out in the red dress. It was a pleasant feeling, and wholly different from the warmth she felt from the wine, it was more focused, harder to ignore as it tempted her to keep the woman here for a while longer.

A flare of anger at the mention of her boyfriend, noted, so that the subject stayed off the table. It was oddly adorable to watch the woman to from the smiling woman who was enjoying herself, to the angry one who was saying that her boyfriend deserved whatever happened. “I didn't know that actually. I felt like he was oddly vague about why it took three months to get you to do this. If I would have know I would have contacted you directly instead of letting him trick up both.” She said, but then waved it off. “Forget about him, now you are here for you. So what you want to, his problem is that he didn't think you were sexual enough. What he didn't realize is, maybe he he problem was him. He didn't know how to make you feel appreciated enough.” She said, but she still had a lot of work to do, while the fair skinned woman was not needing to be more sexual, she definitely had some areas she could improve on. If she decided to come back for some more lessons.

“I'm not a therapist, but I don't mind listening, it doesn't bother me at all.” Luciana said as her hand gently rubbed her thigh, a more comforting gesture than her earlier touches. She was here as her trainer, but no progress could be made if she was upset, but the anger seemed to dissipate after she mentioned that their time was running thin. This brought a smirk to her lips while She watched the woman lay against the couch almost defeated in her body language. It was another one of those moments where she found the woman's honesty charming.

“Emma, I said that the time was staying to draw near, not that it was over. Besides, as you said, it wouldn't hurt to stay later. These sessions are about you, not what he wants.” The Latina said, and then followed it up with words spoken more lowly, and with an underlying hint, “but now that I know you're so willing to undress for me, it's much more difficult to allow you to leave.” She said, as her hand trailed down to the hem of her skirt, and momentarily brushing her smooth, milky thigh directly before her hand moved away.
More compliments regarding the kisses. Emma shuddered, and had she not felt that stab of anger, likely would've carried on that conversation. She could quite easily make comparisons to caramel sweetness, though part of her wondered if that didn't border on racist (generally the part that refused to stop overthinking every aspect of everything, despite repeated assertions to do precisely that, mixed with wine making it harder to do so). But the flare happened.

A flare that Luciana worked to quickly tamper down. The last comment about forgetting had Emma nodding, even as she kept eyes closed and head back. More complimentary words followed, and Emma felt another blossom of warmth. She'd half expected it to come from betwixt her thighs, ignited by sexual passion, but instead she felt it in her chest. A burst of warm emotion spread: it felt like Luciana actually cared, even if it was merely part of the whole training. While Emma didn't quite realize it at the time, later she would likely realize that the door toward a loving relationship had creaked open with those few words.

For now, she had to simply let the trainer play therapist. A rub at the thigh felt far too good, and she creaked one eye open to turn and watch. Yet again Emma found herself nearly feeling like a child, and she let out a wry laugh at that. Sessions about her? more warmth, bubbling up and spreading like molten caramel throughout Emma. Her eye flicked, seeing the hand teasing at the edge of her dress. She could say something, suggest Luciana go further, admit to it being right.

Instead, Emma opened both eyes. She looked Luciana in the eyes, and slowly, she let her thighs spread just a little more, the dress rolling up just a hint too daringly up her thighs. Emma could feel the air kissing her suddenly too hot skin. She knew the garter would be on full display, the teasing garment drawing a path up to between Emma's legs, a promised land where many would have pilgrimaged if offered the chance to do so. There was a slight tremor in Emma's legs, but she held the position all the same, still looking at the trainer all the while.
The anger seemed to dissipate as she had hoped it would, and the woman calmed back down. She was glad to see that it didn't last, it could have drawn the curtain a bit more early than they wanted it to be pulled. Instead she seemed to lighten even more so now that she was showing her she was able to play therapist as well as her trainer, because she did care about her clients. Wasn't that what this was all about, helping people to open up to experience more. In the end this was her job because it was a passion of hers, because she enjoyed helping people. So there was no doubt that she did care for the fair woman, as she had genuinely started caring for her.

When Emma's expressionate Brown's met her own chocolatey gaze, she felt the flicker of desire rekindle the flame once more. She was again wanting to bring this woman's more playful, sexual side to the surface, and allow her to experiment with it. What she wasn't expecting was the parting of the woman's legs, letting her skirt hike up a bit daringly for the star. She smiled a bit as her eyes watched her, and now she was able to see the garter more fully. Her eyes drifted down the woman's body, and she giggled a bit as she noticed which garter she chose, knowing which set of lingerie she had chosen now. It was a good choice, and very pleasing to the eyes, eager to see it now she moved on a bit more.

However, Luciana didn't intend to dive between her thighs like some sex depraved fan. Instead she scooted a bit closer, and moved her hand up, trailing her fingertips ever so lightly over the woman's side. She teased slightly before as she leaned in, “Emma, you sure that isn't a lot of red?” She giggled softly, playing to the woman's constant over thinking. While her hand moved up, and caressing down her arm now, her fingers as soft as silk, until she took hold of the woman's hand. She pulled her hand over to her side, letting the woman know it was alright to touch her as well. If they were going to go any further than earlier, she had every intention of having this be as fun for Emma as it was her.

Once the Latina had allowed her to touch her side, she moved her hand to the woman's hip, guiding her to sit a bit more closely. Now her lips, slightly parted as she leaned in to the woman's again. She reconnected their lips so that the earlier kiss, which was pulled too soon, was remade. This time she had a bit more fire on her side, a passion in the way her lips moved against hers.
Emma's head swam, and she could hear the constant thudding of her own heartbeat pounding her ears. Surely it would be loud enough for Luciana, close as she was, to start hearing as well. That heart skipped a few beats as Luciana smiled, the giggle seeming almost too playful. Emma's breath caught as Luciana nudged closer. Fingers danced and Emma felt her flesh shiver, her head lolling slightly. She hadn't been seduced like this in... had she ever been seduced like this?

Another teasing giggle, with Emma joining in. "Not fair," she protested, adding a slight pout, "you're the one who picked them out," she kept the pout for a few moments. The pout slid as her hand trailed up Luciana's side. She could feel the warmth radiating from the woman, the softness just hiding beneath the fabric. A gentle, sloping curve belying a much more full-bodied woman than Emma herself. Emma let her touch feather over that side, just feeling it out, almost as if to admire the fabric. While she played, she felt Luciana's hand descend, just touching her hip.

They moved. Emma's head tilted. Her lips parted to willingly move, joining Luciana for the kiss. The Latina's passion coursed into Emma, and she felt her own lips returning in kind. Emma moved, her hand sliding up, cupping against Luciana's face. Her body curled slightly, a little flare starting in her lower abdomen. Feeling daring, either sexually or scholarly, Emma dared open her mouth a little more. Her delicate pink tongue just flicked outside, as if to wave inward the more experienced woman's.

Emma felt her chest tighten, knew the burgeoning signs of arousal. Her mind screamed, insisted that she stop, pull back. But wine and desire and the want to do something utterly different, perhaps reckless, fought back, marshaling a stronger attack as Emma leaned a little further into the kiss.
Luciana was breathless as she felt the woman's hand caress at her so softly it reminded her of a feather being caressed over her body, igniting a fire in her lower abdomen. Her mind was wiped of all thoughts, cleared of anything besides this one moment. This one kiss from her brunette partner was on a whole new level compared to the previous one. She felt as if all of the previous teasing and games were over, now they were to the point they were trying to make get at the whole time. Their lips speaking for them, no words needed in this moment, although the pout from Emma had made this more worth it. It was cute, not that she would tell her that now, it meant breaking the kiss.

The longer the kiss continued the more her partner seemed to be into it, her lips parting more, the woman's head tilting, her hand cupping her cheek. In turn the darker skinned woman moved her hand around the woman waist, her dainty hand caressing softly of the curve of the woman's back as she leaned in. The fabric dampening the soft skin of the woman's back, but her hand still followed the woman's back until it curled in her hair finally. She let her thumb trace softly against her neck, before her hand started undoing the woman's hair, letting it fall around her face. She liked it better like this, and then her hand softly ran through her hair.
Then Emma boldly introduced her pink tongue into the kiss, and Luciana responded in turn. Her mouth parting slightly more to meet the woman's beckoning tongue. Her own pink tongue slipping carefully against the woman's, following it into her warm, awaiting mouth, lingering momentarily to slowly lick at her lower lip. Her tongue tenderly explored her, playing with the woman's as she continued to deepen the kiss, already feeling more aroused from this intimate moment than she had from a kiss previously. The warmth spreading throughout her body, originating in her lower abdomen as it made a blazing trail throughout her veins.

Finally her left hand moved, as she turned to better face the woman, resting on her hip. Her thumb traces, almost mindlessly, over her waistline as she appreciated the woman's soft body so close to hers.
This was quickly becoming the sort of kiss people wrote songs about. Emma could feel it seeping into her. Warmth curled in her abdomen, spreading, seeping slowly into the rest of her, leaking through her veins and igniting small fires as it went. Emma could feel the electric tingle at the apex of her thighs, the same dancing sensation that happened with arousal. Her breath hitched, her chest felt tight. Cute pink nipples would start to perk, little mounds showing on the red fabric, giving way Emma's braless state.

Emma could feel her hair falling about her shoulders, and she let out a giggle through their kisses. Apparently Luciana like it when women let their hair down. The giggle broke contact for mere seconds, before hungry lips began again working against one another. Emma's open mouth, teasing tongue wiggling, would be quite the enticing target. The more skillful tongue explored her own, and Emma let out a shuddering moan. Their tongues began dueling for a moment, playfully seeking one another out, sliding saliva between them. Emma found herself momentarily stunned, realizing as the kiss deepened how very outclassed she was. Emma had nearly hit the edge, short of demonstrating her tongue's agility. She felt like Luciana's lips promised more.

A hand fluttered, and Emma felt herself melting into a ouch. Her own hands trailed down the woman's curved form, feeling the dress starting to contour to it. Her own likely clung as well, twin fabric forming second skins upon both the fair ladies as their tongues dueled. Emma felt her body roll slightly, the electric sensations shooting throughout. If kissing always felt this good, she'd have practiced far, far more often.
Even as the woman broke away to giggle so a moment she smiled as her eyes quickly roamed the angles of the woman's face, only to close Once more as their mouths met again in their passionate hunger. The Latina’s own nipples perked underneath the fabric of her dress, hers a bit more hidden thanks to the lovely silver bra she was wearing. She hadn't yet realized the other woman's arousal yet, but she had guessed as much. Even the kiss reflected their growing arousal as both women were teasing the other into the warmed bliss of need. Their lips forging the way as they remained locked.

Luciana found the woman's tongue to be just that, an inviting target that led her back into the woman's warm mouth. She was able to tell that the young star was a bit less experienced in this regard, so she used this chance to show her. Her tongue slowly teasing along hers, momentarily dueling with hers, the playful game only served to entice her more. She was slowly and passionately methodical as she allowed her tongue to explore her mouth, teasing tracing the tip along the roof of her mouth, knowing it's usually quite the sensitive spot for someone. She wanted to show the woman how to do this, while also enjoying the kiss to the fullest, which she had hoped she had done. If not she didn't care, the latter part of her wants was working.

Luciana felt the woman's body roll into her, and took this opportunity to climb onto the couch, her knees keeping her up as her body dangles over hers for a brief moment, this action separating their lips for mere seconds before she sought hers out again. Her left hand trailed now, moving slowly up the woman's flat stomach, gently caressing her covered flesh. Her hand moved over her breasts, but she didn't stop to grope her, instead she carefully went up, the palm of her hand teasingly rubbing over Emma's erect nipple just covered by the dress. Her hand found the woman's neck, where she held on to her. Her other hand moving around to cup the woman's face now, her thumb caressing over her cheek.
Their tongues kept swirling. Emma's head grew lighter with each passing second, feeling her breath stolen almost literally by the latina trainer. Still she kept the kiss, not wanting the first to break, to call a pause to their mouths' glorious actions. She could feel Luciana's tongue teasing and exploring, clearly flicking and learning Emma's own mouth. The starlet took the opportunity show that dexterity, swirling her own tongue about the exploring digit, almost dancing around it for a few long seconds.

Luciana moved, shifting along the couch. Emma took advantage of the momentary break, greedily sucking in air. She could feel her lips already swelling from their kissing, the red lipstick slightly smeared from passionate movements. Emma looked up at the Latina for a few moments, uncertain as to their next moves. Hands trailed along her, and she tried to move hers in time, more of her inexperience and uncertainty showing. Part of Emma hadn't even accepted that this was happening to her, let alone become willing enough to allow herself full participation.

The starlet sucked in a breath as she felt the hand flutter near her breast. Her eyes darted down as she saw the tent of fabric. The lip twisted between her teeth, Emma biting and looking up. As hands directed her, Emma tilted her head, again moving her lips to position. Her own hands shifted, uncertain, looking to perhaps circle or stroke Luciana in return. The starlet's pulse had quickened, and the fire within was making processing more difficult.
Luciana had noticed that the woman had to greedily fill her lungs while their kiss was parted. She had to do the same, but She was more subtle about it, breathing through her nose slowly as they kissed. While parted she took a few quick breaths, as this woman was showing her little tricks with her tongue, mostly it's dexterity once they started their kiss back. Her lips felt like they were pouty now, after having been engaged in the other woman's lips for so long, she was willing to bet her own lips may have a red stain on them by now, which was perfectly acceptable for her.

It wasn't hard to tell the woman was a bit nervous with her hands, clearly not sure what to do with them while the Latina explores hers for a moment. She broke the kiss with a soft smile, and leaned down to playfully nip the woman's ear, giving it a tender kiss before she whispered, her voice changed from the arousal she felt, her accent thickening. “Don't worry, just enjoy what I do for you.” She whispered, she wasn't concerned with her own pleasures tonight, only having the chance to explore Emma's lovely body with her eyes, and lips.

Her hands moved from the woman's hair now, one of her knees shifting to be slightly between the woman's legs, her thigh being placed between the other woman's. Her hands moved down along her arms tenderly, her fingertips playing along her sensitive skin, making a pathway back up the underside of her arms. When they reached her shoulders again She gently rubbed down the woman's front again, this time her fingers gently caressing over her nipples, playing softly for only a moment before moving on, slowly down her stomach again. “Do you want this?” She asked lowly, staring down into the woman's eyes, her long hair falling around her face like a curtain of dark locks. Her lips turned in a small grin as she appreciated the woman's reactions to her tender caresses.
That sultry whisper made Emma shiver yet again. Luciana had played off her accent, her smooth and silky voice, before, but hearing it all but promise pleasure now melted Emma all the further onto the couch. She felt her breath hitching as Luciana continued, words lathering the starlet up all the further. Emma could see the eyes raking her, consuming her flesh with a hungry gaze. Part of her almost wanted to fold inwards. Instead, she felt herself almost opening up, as if she were a flower coaxed into bloom by the buzzing Luciana.

Legs shifted. Emma felt her own parting slightly. She let out a slight gasp as she felt Luciana's smooth leg sliding between her own. Her hands fluttered for a moment, before coming to a rest on Luciana's shoulders, not finding anywhere else. Delicate touches played along her, moving up and down the arms, again pimpling the flesh. Emma once more bit her lip, staring coquettishly up at the trainer as she played. When fingers touched near nipples, Emma let out a soft noise, her body undulating just once, chest thrusting slightly.

Then she lay back, breath coming harder. Hair shielded their faces, providing further intimacy. Another question fell, and Emma had to smile. Did she want this? Hadn't she already agreed? But Luciana kept asking permission, kept seeking steps even as she actively worked to seduce Emma. Had she wanted to make love to a woman, even this woman, before entering the room? No. Was she at the point where not doing so even felt like a option....?

Emma shifted her arms, linking fingers behind Luciana's neck. She gently drew the woman down, and lightly kissed those lips, just a soft, gentle peck before pulling back. Emma's eyes shimmered for a moment, and she took a shaky breath. "I'm nervous," she confessed, a hand unwinding to brush back loose curls, "but... but I haven't felt quite like this in..." she bit her lip, shifting her hips, "well, I'm honestly not sure I ever have..."
Luciana felt the woman's responses more than saw them, and as her fingers had traveled up her lovely arms she felt felt the woman's skin, like it was on edge. She smiled slightly, a secret smile just between them, hidden from view thanks to her long curls blocking the view of the rest of the room. Her hands had caused the woman to curl into her touch, her body to respond in ways that were enthralling to watch, enticing to make happen. It was as if she was drunk from the woman's body, her hands couldn't get enough. The breaths, and the sounds Like music, addicting, seductive lyrics to her favorite song.

The woman was able to almost feel heat radiating from the starlets flower, or was that in her head? The thrusting of her chest had almost caused a pause, temptation, the thought of stopping to see what other soft noises could be elicited from the woman, but she decided to move on for now. Her hands moving down to her waistline, trailing along for a brief moment, then over the woman's hips, down to her supple thighs. Her hands roamed down, reaching her knees after a tender moment of silken touches. Her hands moving to trail back up her thighs, hiking the dress up a bit more as she did so, but Instead of slipping inside she moved out, to head over her waist again.

“It's alright Emma, I understand nerves. I keep stupidly asking if it's alright, but I'm more worried you will tell me to stop.” She admitted lowly. A secret whispered between them, and she followed it with a soft laugh. “Let's just see where our lovely bodies take us, and enjoy the ride.” While she spoke her hands had managed to caress up the flat stomach or Emma, and her hands finally stopped at her covered breasts. She stayed tenderly caressing them, her hands massaging them ever so lightly, her fingertips sometimes brushing along her collarbone as she moved up to rub the woman chest, and then back down to allow her palms to brush against the pert nipples of her partner.
Hands kept feathering along her, and Emma could barely hold on for the ride. Hadn't she had her sexual awakening years ago? Touches igniting passions; times spent in her trailer, frantically stroking herself with a wand; loving liaisons after tumultuous nights out. Yet this felt like a further awakening, flames roaring from within Emma, birthed from embers only recently ignited. They canted her hips, moved her body in erotic timing to Luciana's touch and their own primal drive.

A gentle touch graced Emma's knees. She sucked in another breath, feeling her sensitive flesh already trembling. Hips rose slightly, letting more of the dress bare, showing more of the sultry garment laying beneath. Red stood out in stark contrast to the almost too white skin, only slightly inflamed from pleasure. Emma could feel her heat spiking between her legs, the fire stoking hotter still.

Another admission of nerves, one that had Emma laughing lightly. She pulled a hand back, tucking hair behind ear yet again. "I like that plan," said Emma, nodding. "I also would rather prefer you not stop," her lips twisted into another wry smile. "After all, the goal is to push my boundaries." She felt herself shivering yet again. Her chest rose as hands worked her chest. Emma found herself leaning back, body melting. Her nipples became twin points of pleasure, all the more sensitive for the constant movement around them. Fabric dragged against tender bits, adding more sensation to the already massive mixture. Emma could just feel fingers teasing her collar as well.

Again Emma circled her hands over Luciana's shoulders, looking up at the other woman. Her eyes offered permission, a slight nod of the head adding another slight confirmation. She felt her hips starting to sway slightly, and her own fingers trembled along Luciana's body. Her eyes drifted down the caramel woman's form, wondering if she should start stroking or playing irregardless of commands...
Even as the woman's body responded to the woman's touches, she kept on their gentle, loving exploration as they teased the woman's breasts ever so delicately. Every touch made the owner of the hands that much more attracted to the woman, and the way her body moved against her in reaction to each touch she gave her, was perfect. This whole scene was more than she had planned out, she couldn't have planned for how amazingly the woman's body would fit into hers, now sensitive her twin peaks would be as her silken fabric caressed over them to elicit more responses from her. The fabric adding friction to the woman's gentle touches.

The woman's words brought forth another smile from the Latina woman over top her. She was amused by how eager the woman seemed to continue already, even if she had just been doing this for mere minutes, or so it felt as she had lost track of time. She wanted this to last for a while, so each moment that passed felt like an hour, and yet each hour felt like a moment had passed. She wasn't done with her yet, “Well, it seems someone has warmed up to the idea quite a bit.” The woman teased as one of her hands finally broke away from the woman's breasts, her left hand sliding slowly down. Her right also finally moved, but it went to hold her up a bit better, as she was leaning in closer to the woman again, but her lips didn't touch hers, instead she gave warm, tender kisses down the woman's jaw line.

Luciana’s left hand traveled back down the woman's stomach, her touch a bit more sure and she knew where she was going now. Her hand was making the pilgrimage that many others would love to make. Her hand slipped down the woman's thigh, but this time, as her fingers played along the supple thighs of Emma, she sipped under the dress. Her hand moving to the woman's covered flower, now only separated by her lingerie of choice, and nothing else. Her fingers gently started caressing the woman's tender flower, a slow caress along the woman's lips. The soft fabric adding a delicious amount of friction. She knew what she was doing, and she was going as slow as she was to allow her partner to respond. She wanted to see just how sensitive her new client was.
The teasing comment had Emma flushing. "if you say it like that, I'm going to--ahaa," came out as the woman shifted again. Emma blinked, wondering if something in her little words had caused a shift in attitude. Instead, she soon found Luciana's lips descending lower. Emma all but literally melted as hot nibbles and kisses worked their way down her flesh. Her legs trembled and she felt herself sliding down into the couch a little further.

This pushed her slightly against the questing hand. Doubtless Luciana would quickly note the heat: Emma felt as if her sex were starting to melt. The fabric had certainly contoured to her skin; it already felt almost too tight, plastering down light hairs and conforming to the tight slit. What Emma didn't quite realize, or wasn't ready to admit even to herself, was that quite a bit of moisture had gathered there as well. The girl was wet, teased into readiness by skilled hands and better lips.

"Haaaa!" Emma let out, as she felt fingers caressing her directly. The sudden barrage of sensation nearly hurt, and she knew it was just fluttering. Emma flushed almost immediately, hands falling from Luciana's shoulders. one moved up to quickly brush aside hair, while the other hovered just above Luciana's hand. The starlet had turned a deep red. "Just---stop, not, forever, just, for now," Emma said, the flush deepening. "I'm sorry, it's just, it's been a while... too long and... and I'm not sure that, oh God; you are really too good at kissing."

The starlet trembled again, feeling her heart skipping. Her body practically screamed; This was the most physical pleasure she'd felt in ages, at least since that romantic and attentive ex. To put it off now screamed of mental denial, but that mind roared and demanded its due. While Emma's head may be spinning, she hadn't quite been dizzied that much yet.
Luciana smiled a bit as the woman was cut off halfway through her sentence, again the young star was showing off how adorable could be. It was impossible not to find her cute really, she radiates it, even when she was this close, wearing a sexy outfit, She still managed to be adorable. Even as She nibbled, and kissed her way down the woman's neck, her tongue darting out to lick against the tender flesh after she bite into it playfully. She was being gentle with her, testing the waters of what she likes, and so far she had favorable responses from the light haired woman, nothing she had done so far had been halted, until she had touched the woman's notably damp sex.

Even as She was asked to stop, she wondered why the woman would want to. She was clearly aroused, and gave her permission on multiple occasions to be able to do just about anything, but she remained patient with the woman. She listened to what she had to say, and looked up at the woman, gently pressing her lips against the woman's chin. “Of course Emma, but you really should relax. Do what feels natural.” She whispered again, her hand moving away to caress the woman's milky thighs, and around her warm flower, caressing the tender skin around it. She was wanting to make sure relaxed enough that the next time she ventured to her lips, she wouldn't be halted.

However, one part of what Emma said gave rise to a question. “You're not really sure of what, you can tell me anything you know.” She whispered again, her lips trailing back up the woman's slender neck, leaving a different trail of warm kisses, and gentle nibbles. The path went along the woman's jaw line again, and up to give a soft peck to the woman's soft lips, relishing the taste of her. The woman's tender lips were tempting to capture again, claim with hers, but she waited for her answer to her inquiry. The questions would bother her if she didn't 1st least attempt to hear her out.

While her hand may have stopped touching her moist core, she didn't let it go unnoticed. Every now and then it would move to trail along the woman's thighs, but still keeping just shy of her womanhood. She wanted her partner to want it as bad as she did next time, it had been a miscalculation to move in so soon. That was partially because she was so enthralled by Emma she may have read the woman's body language wrong, or maybe Emma was hesitating again. It didn't matter either way, what was important was allowing her the brief reprieve.
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