How to be a Good Girlfriend {darkest_fate&Takashi}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
The instructions had been simple, almost childishly so. Properly wash every nook and cranny of the body. Dress in something comfortable. Head to a hotel at this address. Go to the desk and inform the clerk that you're here to see the best girlfriend. Then wait patiently in the lobby. So simple on some levels, but at the same time both looking and sounding like something ripped from the pages of a spy novel. Even as she essentially told the clerk what felt all too much like a password, she very nearly started smiling, or laughing.

Better that than getting angry, which had been her first reaction. Her boyfriend had always been a little... demanding regarding sex as far as she was concerned. He daren't be outright about it, and in every other way he remained perfectly charming. He just happened to think that they should be making love considerably more often than she did. Add on her tremendously busy schedule, and they spent less time touching than even she would've liked. Still, suggesting that she go to a girlfriend trainer had struck her as crossing a line. They'd had an extreme row about it, to the point where she'd very nearly considered cutting him out of her life.

That had almost spiked when he admitted that he'd already gone through and arranged everything, even giving her some of the information. She'd all but snapped. That row had certainly eclipsed the first. But then she looked at who he set her up with, and she had to pause: a woman. She was going to be "trained" to be a "good girlfriend' by a woman. There were quite a few testimonials, and for a bit, she was reminded of the training she underwent for her roles.

Plus, she could see herself acing this training and rubbing it in her boyfriend's face.

All of which explained why Emma Watson of all people sat in a rather impressive hotel room dressed like an average girl and patiently waiting. The blue jeans and pink flannel weren't particularly flattering, nor was the basest amount of makeup enhancing her girl-next-door features. Still, the lightly freckled face would be rather familiar, particularly to fans. Big brown eyes clearly expressed the girl's curiosity and intelligence, both of which were fluttering across her now. She kept looking to her phone, reviewing files and the records of this "trainer" (she still couldn't remove the quotation marks, even mentally).

Emma had already signed the paperwork, essentially agreeing to follow instructions, even the ones she didn't want to. That had been a bit of compromise: the "trainer" got a privacy agreement with a giant lawsuit potentially attached; Emma got a similar contract stating that if she failed her end of the bargain, the knowledge of her "training" would become public knowledge.

So Emma looked back at her phone, wondering for a moment why she couldn't even find a picture...
It had been three months since a man contacted her about a new job. She was told that the woman she was supposed to be training needed to talk about it, and making sure she was comfortable with it. Then there was the issue of her signing the contract that she wrote out, and then finally they talked about meeting places for their training. They had decided on an expensive hotel in downtown, far enough away from the woman's boyfriend that he wouldn't be involved, and she made sure he didn't know the location of this so he didn't show up.

The trainer was very successful at her job, and have had famous clients before, so she wasn't surprised when she learned that her newest one was none other than, Emma Watson. It actually excited her a bit to be training someone with such a strong background in acting, and advocating for female and male rights in equality. This was probably her biggest gig yet, but she knew it would also be the hardest. The boyfriend had already explained that she was not exactly overly sexual, nor did she make time for him as much as they both wanted.

The trainer's name was Luciana, she never gave out her last name to her clientele. She preferred to keep them from snooping into her private life, unless they wanted to sort through every Luciana that they could find online. She was a tall, confident woman that walked with the air of someone who knew exactly where she was going, even as she walked into the hotel, and had no idea where her client was. She knew who she was looking for, but as she walked in she had to do a quick scan of the area. She had been waiting to actually come to the hotel when she was told that the client had arrived, instead of waiting in the hotel room for her all day.

Finally the woman's dark, chocolatey eyes spotted the fair skinned woman who was dressed atrociously, which the woman should have known better. Probably dressed like this so people wouldn't recognize her so easily. Luciana walked past the woman, her long legs making the trip quick, as as she passed the woman didn't slow down, just said, “Let's go. We don't have all day.” They did, but she had a lot of work to get done with this woman, and the Caramel skinned woman didn't like to waste time of they didn't have to. She didn't even slow down until they were in the elevator, assuming Emma actually did follow her, if not she gestured for her to hurt up.

“I'm Luciana, surely you figured that out. I'm not going to make this harder than it has to be, but you Will have to cooperate with me. If you do, then this will be extremely easy for us. Do you have any questions?” The woman asked as she ran one of dainty hands through her long, hazel Brown hair. She was wearing a black dress that came to her mid thigh, and hugged her body softly. She was tall, and had long legs, wearing four inch heels on her feet. She was slim waisted, with full, perky breasts, just a little cleavage shown in the small v cut of the dress. Her dress clung to her wide hips, and round behind. All in all she was gorgeous, and filled out the dress well.
Is that a model? fluttered through Emma's mind as the striking Latin woman confidently strode through the hotel. The actress/model narrowed her eyes, taking in the other woman with a professional's look. There was certainly a put-togetherness about the woman, but she did seem to have perhaps a little too much in the chest department to be a classic model. If anything, she looked more like a pinup or a playgirl. The flashes of leg only added to that, not to mention making Emma feeling horrendously underdressed.

The starlet quirked a brow as the woman all but brushed passed her, tossing an order over her shoulder as if Emma were a concierge instead of a world-renowned celebrity. The amusement pulled at Emma's lips as she rose, mostly nodding in agreement. She could appreciate the professionalism, given what they were there to do. She followed close, still watching the woman with that professional study.

A nod at the name. "I'll make certain to cooperate," Emma stated. She'd already essentially agreed to that before even arranging this meeting: the contract would have severe penalties after all. She shifted to a decent position of the elevator, suddenly quite aware that she was looking up at the woman. Questions, yes; Emma drew out her phone, where she'd written a handful down.

"A few of these are rather simple," Emma admitted, frowning as she skimmed through them. "I think I made the list while a little nervous," she bit her lip, flicking through questions that asked name and how Luciana got into the business and a few others. "I am supposed to ask if you're alright with recording this," she said as she arrived at one. A slight heat rose in her cheeks as she all but glared at her phone, "my... boyfriend suggested recordings for later," she tapped again. "I'd also like to start with the rather difficult one first," she looked up, trying to meet Luciana's gaze, "are you planning on sleeping with me? I've already agreed, but I feel knowing if I'm about to have my first experience with another woman would be somewhat beneficial."
Luciana had expected questions to be honest, but she hasn't expected the woman to have written them on her phone so professionally. She was wondering if this was one of the reasons that their relationship hadn't worked out as well as they had both wanted it to. She was so organized, and treated everything professional like, even questions. That, in itself was respectable though, and she admitted that she likes it in a way though. It meant she was at least taking this seriously.

The elevator ride wasn't a long one, they just had to go to the fifth floor, so by the time she had asked her question the doors were opening. “Well, I would say that we should consider it a strong possibility that we may end up having some form of sex. As for recording these sessions for the amusement of your boyfriend, no. If you were to want to do it for refresher videos, and reminders, then possibly.” She said as she walked down the hall, stopping in front of a door. She quickly slide her card over the electronic light, and pushed it open.

The room was large, and had a light grey furniture set for the couch, and the two chairs set up facing the 70 inch television set. The side wall was a side glass door set that opened onto the balcony that gave them a wonderful view of the city. A few doors to the side led to the large bathroom with a stand in shower, and a bathtubs combo. Then the comfortable bedroom was beside that, with a hot tub in an adjoining room. This was a comfortable place and it did include a small kitchen so they could cook for themselves if they didn't want to go out for food, or order room service. “This is a decent temporary place, I would have preferred an apartment, or something a bit larger. Alright, sit, and finish your questions.” She said, while she got them both a bottle of water from a bag she had waiting for them, rather than paying the overpriced markup for the water there.

Then the brunette walked over to the couch, and took a seat, handing Emma a bottle. She opened hers, and took a sip while waiting for her follow up questions. She folded one of her long legs over her other, and let her hands rest in the couch beside of her, as she turned slightly to look at her client while she spoke. All the while she was thinking about where to start her out, and what would be the easiest things to teach her first. She knew she first needed to gauge what the woman already knew, and how far she was able to get her to go. Her boyfriend wanted basically a while new girlfriend, but she wasn't in the business of breaking a woman completely, only teaching them to fully embrace themselves, and be who they were without fear. Plus making them better at all the little things they needed improving on, which for this one was, anything to do with sex, and being a more attentive girlfriend.
Yes, there would be some potential sex; no recording. That made Emma laugh. "I think not recording it and teasing him about even the idea of my having sex with you would be splendid," she said, smiling a little. "Oh, am I allowed to take a picture of you? I hadn't seen any on your contact pages, which I assume is fairly smart. I wonder how many would be eager to go to a trainer if they knew that the woman doing said training could be making a career out of modeling."

Was that a little flirty? Perhaps, but Emma was feeling just a bit after the fairly blunt comment regarding sex. It was a little refreshing, particularly for someone like Emma, who came from a background where you whispered about sex and called it "lovemaking" if you brought it up at all. She'd had to learn most of what she did know from the sets: thank God for loose actors.

The room looked somewhat inviting. Emma did agree with the idea of an apartment in general, but it wasn't as if they could temporarily rent somewhere out. Emma tucked a loose light brown curl behind an ear as she admired the room only for a brief moment, turning her attentions back to the far more interesting woman. The starlet smiled at seeing the water appear, nearly letting out another laugh. It didn't take much for Emma to realize why ,after all, and the little gesture just humanized Luciana a little more.

"Right," Emma said, raising her phone up again. She still hadn't taken a seat. "Some of these are almost written for me," she chewed her lip for a moment, thumbing through them. "Are you adverse to giving away personal details? I've some curiosity about how someone gets into your profession. There was some mention of it on your information pages and in the emails and so forth," Emma waved a hand, "but, well... "she trailed off, only to stop with a short laugh. "Oh, God, I'm doing it, aren't I? I'm overthinking it," she ran her hand through her hair, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. "I need some wine," she mumbled, turning to look for the hotel's minibar. She should've just had them send something up, maybe something light and fruity. Emma wasn't exactly an alcoholic, but she did have a palate for the stuff. Plus it would certainly help if she was going to be asking personal details from an attractive woman.

Almost like it's a date. Only she's here to "train" you to be a better girlfriend instead fo buying you dinner.
It hadn't gone unnoticed to Luciana that the woman had yet to sit down, but She didn't say anything else about it yet. She was going to indulge her, but just from seeing this, she needed a lot of help. It was also kind of cute how seriously she was taking this, even drawing a laugh from the beautiful Latina as Emma mentioned it was exciting to keep this from her boyfriend. That did bring up some questions of her own, but she was sure they would be answered by the young actress in time. Just letting her ask her questions was telling the trainer a lot about her.

“Pictures of me may be discussed, but for now I would prefer to keep them off the table. Once we become more familiar, and acquainted with one another, I wouldn't mind that at all. I would just like to establish a form of trust between us, the same for the personal information. For now we will use emails to talk, but at the end of today's session we may exchange phone numbers, if, again, a trust is formed between us.” She answered, he accent more evident as she spoke, her accent making her soft voice a bit harder to understand for someone not used to accents, luckily she was talking to a flexible actress who had worked with many a different people.

At the mention of wine she snapped two of her long fingers together, as if she just remembered something. “I knew I had forgotten something.” She said as she stood up again, sitting the bottled water down on the wooden coffee table, and walked to a white corded phone. She dialed the front desk, and spoke quickly, ordering them some wine for the room. She got something, light and sweet, a fruity drink for them. She didn't want them to get drunk, but to enjoy the taste, and loosen Emma up a bit so she wasn't so tense.

“If you took a seat you may be much more relaxed you know, and I'm sure the wine will help.” She added, as she took her seat on the couch again. "In honesty, you wouldn't be the first person to over think this, and to be this nervous. This is not something that you do every day, and you are naturally and inquisitive person. Stop worrying about it, and take a seat, we will talk and drink some wine to unwind a bit. Then when we are both ready, begin your lessons. Just remember, that we are both women here. I understand how nervous you must feel, and I won't force anything on you, but you need to calm your nerves. Even your questions seem to me the nervous scribble of a woman who was over thinking something so simple." She hoped this would help some, but the wine would help more when it arrives.
Emma nodded along with Luciana's almost too calm and professional assertions regarding professional details and exchanges. At least they were keeping this all quite professional, which Emma appreciated. It actually helped center her a little more. After all, she'd done a few scenes of a nearly erotic nature before; this wouldn't vary too far from that script, really. Plus, she was already starting to like Luciana and the way she handled things. That liking only increased as the woman ordered wine.

"Thank you," Emma breathed. She soon followed up by taking a seat opposite Luciana. "I have a tendency to do that. I thought that all the research would make me better prepared, but to be quite honest I'm not certain I could ever be rightly prepared for this. I think I had half hoped you'd be some scary monster out of a bad erotic thriller; make it easier for me to simply storm out of here," Emma chuckled a little. "You do seem to know how to put someone at ease, I'll grant you that."

Emma considered again, looking over the dress. "That seems quite fashionable," she said, leaning forward. "I suspect that your line of work pays fairly well, but I can certainly appreciate that you turn that over into class." Emma laughed again. "I've friends who've turned their money into ice cream trucks. Though that has some appeal," she tapped the phone. "There's also questions in here regarding various safety concerns and so forth as well. Perhaps you'd rather take a look? I have to warn you that while I organized it, it's in one of those 'according to my mind' organizations."

Emma set the phone in front of Luciana just as a gentle knock sounded on the door. Emma nodded, reaching into her pocket to pull out some bills as she headed for the door. A polite smile, and the wine soon was wheeled into the room, set in a chilled bucket for their enjoyment along with a few glasses. Emma slid some bills into the helper's hand, thanked them, and sent them on their way.
It seemed it had worked, her effort to calm the woman's mind, and ease her nerves a bit had not been in vain. She gave her a small smile of her luscious lips, which did reach her milk chocolate eyes. She was glad to hear that her professionalism helped a lot, but she couldn't resist a small laugh at the picture she painted. She had been told before that she wasn't what they were expecting, but being told that she expected some kind of thriller monster was definitely a first in her line of work. It seemed they were getting along just fine and she was starting to realize the problem with communication wasn't the fault of Emma, but the boyfriend, no surprise.

“I assure you, that is the most unique, and imaginative thing I have ever heard a client admit they were expecting.” Luciana said, and then she reached down to take a hold of the phone. She didn't look at it right away, and instead watched as the woman stood to pay to man that brought their wine. She was going to do that herself, but she wouldn't complain that she did. She watched her closely for a moment, admiring the woman's good looks finally. She was extremely pretty, gorgeous even, and had the soft features that many a woman would kill for. She wasn't hard on the eyes at all, and she could have appreciated her for another moment if they weren't here for business.

Finally her Brown eyes glanced back down at the phone again. She was reading through them slowly, and even went about the process of deleting the questions that had already been answered, or weren't relevant. The questions were very much not organized in any way that would be easy for anyone minus the writer to follow them. She read each, and every one of them before she sat the phone back down gently. “You have a lot of questions, most of which were already answered, or not really important now that we've spoken a bit.” She said as she walked over to her bag again, and pulled out two glasses of her own, taller than the ones provided.

“Are these better?” The woman asked, giving her a smirk that had won the hearts of many of her exes, men and women alike. Then she walked over to the bottle, and sat down the glasses, and popping the bottle open. She did so carefully, and over the ice in case any spilled over. Then she poured them both some of the sweet smelling drink. This was more expensive than the normal guests would be able to afford, and it was more fruity than her boyfriend would have bought her, since he didn't like wine anyway. So this may be a small treat for her. Then she carried the glasses over to the table, and sat them both down in front of where they were both sitting.

“Thank you for the complement. I try to make sure my partner is comfortable in these settings. It becomes unbearable, and awkward if we are uncomfortable in any way.” Then she held up her glass, and offered a small toast before she took a sip of the light coloured wine. It was delicious.
"I've been told I have quite the active imagination," replied Emma with a slight smile. She still found it hard to believe that Luciana hadn't been called worse things. Then again, maybe some clients simply weren't willing to admit to their fears face to face with the woman. But Emma fully believed that if they were going to do this, then there needed to be some degree of honesty present between them. That and her nerves, which were fortunately abating by the second, had spun her out.

Apparently all the best questions had already been answered. "I think I wrote a handful in there twice," Emma admitted. She noted that the woman actually pulled out glasses, opting for her own instead of the hotel's. That had Emma's brow quirked, but she took the offered glass all the same, admiring it. It almost looked like a champagne flute, only perhaps a bit thicker, at least to Emma's appreciation. She helped hold at least her glass steady while Luciana dealt with the wine.

"They say you should let it breathe," Emma said, half-teasing. She'd already taken the glass up to her lips, taking a soft sip. "Mmm," she cooed, lips curving yet again. "You have excellent taste," she said, taking another sip. "I think this is actually a bit fruitier than I normally get to have. I do like to at least pretend to enjoy the dryer vintages and so forth, which is generally more in line with the higher end brands. But there's some girlish part of me that almost wants her wine to taste like juice," she took another sip, feeling the warmth spreading into her. European Emma had more than her share of experience handling wine, and she knew precisely how much to put in her to achieve maximum relaxation.

She took her seat again, adjusting to get as comfortable as possible. For Emma, that meant kicking off her flats, showing off a pair of bared feet, the toes completely unadorned. She leaned forward to take the toast again, then took another sip. "I admit that I'm getting more comfortable by the moment," said Emma, reaching up to brush back her hair. "Which would have proved your professionalism in spades. That is, assuming, "she started ticking off on her fingers, "the website, the legal contract, your demeanor, and everything else hadn't already done its part to make it abudently clear that you are a consummate professional," Emma smiled and took another sip, her own brown eyes dancing.
Luciana knew you were supposed to let it breath, but sometimes exceptions were made for the sake of a good drink. “I know what you mean, this is fruitier than what I get sometimes even. I don't hate it Though.” She said, before going back to what she had said previously, “I have been called worse though, for the record, but not necessarily before they meet me. Sometimes people aren't very happy about the results they get, boyfriends want the perfect girlfriend when they bring their women to me, but Instead they get their girlfriends back with more confidence, and more accepting of who they are.” She left out the part that the women sometimes went back wanting the men to be more attentive in sex, since that may give away the underlying part of this meeting.

Then she took another sip of her drink, before she spoke again, to Emma's latest words. “Well, I appreciate that. I try to be professional since in my line of work, a single slip up, and I would be on the bad end of a lawsuit. It's rough work to be honest.” She said, and Then finally took a deep breath. “Well, now we have some wine in us, and we are more comfortable, would you like to begin with the first step. It's a very easy step, but not the easiest believe it or not. It's just some questions I want to ask you regarding various fields of your life, and some questions about what your boyfriend had wanted. You signed the form already, but he came to me with a few more...concerns.” She wasn't originally going to admit that her boyfriend had done this, but she had already gotten to a point where she trusted this woman a little bit.

Luciana decided to follow the lead of Emma in that regard, and also removed her shoes, revealing her bare feet, and hers were equally unadorned. She had meant to wear stockings, but they were in here bag. She was planning on wearing them when she went to the bedroom, or bathroom to freshen up a bit. He room was slightly cold, and because of that she was slightly regretting her dress as her choice of clothing. It didn't matter though, they would soon be on her long legs.

“Oh, right, before we begin, I was wondering if you had any qualms with coming to this location the whole time during our sessions, including times when we may take a weekend to have a long session, or if you would prefer to go to your home without your boyfriend being there, or one of your vacation homes may work, assuming you have one.” She was offering because some of their lessons may take all night.
Emma nodded along with the mention of the wine, glad yet again that they'd found a point of agreement. She took another sip of it, listening intently as Luciana outlined the potential pitfalls of her job. It all made quite a bit of sense to Emma, given everything that these sessions could very well entail. The last bit, when mention of confidence, had her raising her brows. "I don't think I could disagree with that result," she admitted, tapping the rim of her glass. She did wonder, if again only for a moment, whether or not she really needed all that much more confidence.

Lawsuits followed, and again Emma found herself nodding along yet again. They settled into business, with Emma setting the glass down and waiting while Luciana outlined a little more. The mention of questions had her sighing slightly, and she leaned her head toward her hand, fingers slightly splayed to tap against the side of her forehead. "I imagine he does," she drawled, amusement and irritation warring for several long seconds. A movement distracted, and Emma noted the shoes leaving Luciana's feet.

"I've no qualms about coming here," Emma admitted. "It's probably the best solution, unless we need more mobile locales," she gestured around her. "Hotels are designed to provide some anonymity to their clientele, and given my prestige and position, I can sometimes garner a bit more. Not that I'm one to usually to abuse it. There's... some concern about your coming to my home, seeing as that location happens to be moderately well known. If you want, we could probably arrange for a rental home of some kind," her lips quirked slightly, "perhaps a beach, if you're keen on seeing if I tan," she paused for a moment, before flicking a wrist, "it's more freckle than tanning with me, by the way, but I've been told that can look quite adorable."
The gesture she made, made Luciana chuckle a bit as she watched her for a moment. It was obvious that the woman was not too happy about everything that was possibly about to be asked, courtesy of her boyfriend. She smiled a bit, since the questions weren't actually all that bad to be honest, but he was clearly wanting her to mostly work on the woman's sexual appetite and skills. That was not all she was planning though, and she would not do so solely for his entertainment.

“Oh really? I could see why you would be called adorable. Even at a professional standpoint I can admit that you are quite adorable. Though, seeing you try to tan could be very interesting.” She admitted while she watched her response, wondering if she would blush a bit from the woman's words. She looked down at the wine, wondering if it was possibly affecting her mind already. That thought was dismissed quickly, it was probably just because she did feel an attraction of some sort to the woman. That was no surprise to her, she often found that she preferred the fairer sex over men.

“Alright, first your boyfriend wants me to talk to you about possibly have some sort of agreement where you all have sex more often. I was supposed to tell you that it's healthy for a woman to do so, since sex so many times a week was healthy. I tried to press upon him that I am not trying to force you to be more sexually active, per se. So I'm merely asking because it's technically in my side of the contract to ask. Next and final quest from him is, Would you be wholly against it if I was experiment with various...kinks to help you awaken to them.” The second question was partially hers, because it could be fun since she was supposed to be making her into the ‘perfect girlfriend’.
"Well, thank you, though I'm not sure that's what a girl wants to be called," Emma replied, smiling again. She had felt a little warmth at hearing Luciana, whose accented words dripped sex, calling her attractive. The woman literally played with others for a living, hence making her something of an expert in what one looked like ."Particularly given what I'm wearing," Emma added, knowing full well that her outfit certainly didn't do wonders to enhance what she had. Emma had been told that there may be a stripping down to check her over or that Luciana would actually start providing clothing. There had been a few questions about that, but they'd doubtless get to them later. Given Luciana's sense of style, it wasn't nearly as high a worry for Emma as it had been.

The mention of more sex nearly had Emma rolling her eyes. "That is his end goal, yes," she said. "As it is, we're only making love perhaps... every two weeks? Maybe less?" Emma shrugged; it didn't really matter to her. The whole experience could be somewhat enjoyable, particularly if effort was put in, but it didn't exactly stand out as something Emma circled on her calendar. She did have to wonder some about Luciana's claims at it being healthy.

Then again, wasn't that liberating, in a way? That was the very thing Emma kept championing after all. And a healthy attitude toward sex was doubtless part of it. If she were to become someone who was a positive role model, she should at least put some work toward being sex positive as well. Luciana's ideas might result in that.

"I'm fine with experimenting," Emma allowed. "I've mostly stuck to... I believe vanilla is the word," she paused for a moment. "I would like to become more sex positive," she admitted. "Hence part of why I agreed to do this," another slight pause, "that and your being a woman made it feel less... unseemly," she smiled at that, reaching to take another sip of the wine. She very nearly admitted that having an attractive woman made it more appealing. If Emma did want to experiment, she'd have liked to do so with someone she was at least friendly with, and appeal did play at least some small part in it. She ran her fingers over the glass, considering herself and the woman opposite her yet again.
“Once every two weeks, wow.” Luciana said as she also took another drink, her hand gently cupping the glass, but Instead of sitting it down this time she kept it in her hand. Her index finger gently trailed around the lip of the glass, as She watched the fair skinned woman, listening to her answers to all of her questions. She thought about it for a moment, and nodded. “Yea, I am sure there are more flattering words I could think of.” She teased gently, “like calling you gorgeous, which I'm sure you hear a lot. Your clothes don't diminish your beauty, they merely don't complement it. Luckily you have lovely facial features, beautiful eyes, nice legs, and many other small details a man would be too blind to appreciate.”

Then the Latina scooted to the edge of her seat, and replaced the glass where it was, and nodded. “Alright, I can teach you. I was vanilla myself before I discovered the wonders of the internet. My first girlfriend also helped introduce me into a more fun world.” She dropped the hint, again, that she was interested in women. “Alright, let's move on to my questions for you. Is there any outfits you would consider...unappealing to you. Example, like dressing up in a cosplay?” She asked, but she was sure that an actress wouldn't be bothered by this at all, she had technically done it every time she played a role that was already done before.

There wasn't a lot of questions, and most of them were more of statements than questions, reminding her that she agreed to strip of needed for this, and making sure she still consented to this. Then she moved to her final question, “You also understand that the stuff I teach you will be hands on at times, and that it will be between only us. Your boyfriend Will not be allowed here, or even know of this room. So while in this room, you're consenting to give your body to me. Not in a depraved, sexual manner as in I own you, but as in if I was to caress your thigh, and start initiating our session through touch, you would not try and stop me.”

After that, it officially started. She was ready to begin, and some trust had been had already. Emma was the first person she was able to talk with so easily, and if she was honest, she enjoyed this. Usually this was pure work for her, but with her it was more fun. She was enjoying this client already, and had plans for their future lessons. “Then let's begin. Tell me how far you've been, or have you tried anal? Toys, being with a woman, masturbation, handcuffs?”
Emma's lips pursed slightly at the wow, but she decided to let it slide. Wasn't that part of the whole sex positive, increase libido business that they were attempting to work through? Instead she simply took another sip of the wine. That proved quite fortuitous, given the barrage of compliments that Luciana tossed her way. Most of them were at least somewhat familiar, but, again, it came from someone else. "Thank you," she said, nodding.

It was somewhat fascinating, and very appreciated, that Luciana offered some history. Emma yet again paid attention. She noticed the almost casual mention of "girlfriend," confirming that Luciana was at least bisexual, if not homosexual. The questions soon followed, with Emma making certain to look attentive in addition to paying attention. "I'm fine with most outfits," she admitted, before pausing to consider. "I'd prefer to veer clear of anything too humiliating. But, well, the idea of dressing up and playing a role is... sort of what I do? So I suppose I wouldn't mind it overmuch," Emma didn't mention it, but even she had to silently admit that properly coaxed, she'd probably go right along into something along those lines. Acting was a passion for her: she'd made enough off the Harry Potter series to effectively retire, yet she kept taking roles to keep her sharp.

Emma could field simple questions easily enough, and she did so with aplomb and tact, sliding comfortably back into a professional role. They came to major questions, and Emma made certain to consider. "I already signed," she pointed out, "but if you're looking for verbal consent, then I am quite willing. Technically you could enforce our contract and all but do what you would. I'm... here," Emma finally said, frowning slightly, "here to learn, and it seems silly not to be willing to at least try and do so."

Another pause, and Emma could almost sense the questions. She took another drink of the wine, slightly bigger than her more measured sips. She swallowed almost hard, feeling the flush creeping up her pale skin. "I've tried a handful of positions, though mostly missionary and, ah, doggy," she licked her lips, clearly not liking that description. "I... I use toys rather.... or I did, before I got a boyfriend. You see, they thought it fun to send me wands and, well, let's just say I probably started masturbating at a proper age," she took another sip. "I let a past flame play around with my bum a little, but it never struck me as all that enjoyable. Besides, I think my rear is perhaps my least appealing feature," Emma paused again. "I did some giggling, silly kisses with a few girls on a set once, mostly on a dare. It wasn't awful, and again: I only agreed to this when I found out you were a woman. As for handcuffs..." Emma trailed off, biting a lip. "To be quite frank, I'm not certain I'd trust anyone enough to try that. Knowing me I'd insist on three keys, one of which would have to be in my hair or something," she let out a slight laugh, before tilting her head, thinking through. "Since you didn't ask: I've done oral as well, and I fancy I did fairly well at it, considering the results. I don't mind swallowing so long as the lad's diet means he doesn't taste awful. The most adventurous place I've had a liaison is probably a trailer. I never had a one night stand, though I considered it once while filming in France. Man looked like sex poured into jeans. I also practiced tying knots into cherries with my tongue, since it seemed like a fun thing to tease people with."

She smiled at that last, remembering it from some daring nights out as a coed. She'd gotten quite a few positive reactions from performing that, considering that it was perhaps her most erotic trick.
The woman's thanks brought a small smile to her lips, and that's all she did to comment on it. She was focusing on the woman's answers first, and was honestly pleasantly surprised by the woman's answers to her first questions. She knew that the question had technically been asked before, but it had come up before that apparently it wasn't always clear to everyone so She had started saying it as well, luckily Emma was extremely smart and studious.

Luciana was amazed that She was so open to answering these questions, but she figured the wine had a bit to do with that. The answers made her nod to herself, and she looked impressed as she listened to the woman's British accented voice, which to her was quite alluring. “I see, you are definitely vanilla. Not horribly so though, at least you have some experience in various different situations. Thank you for being so honest. That makes this a lot easier on both of us.” She said as she dug out a piece of paper from her purse, and made a few quick notes on the paper. It only took a few seconds before she looked back at the woman.

“Now we officially begin. Would you mind joining me on the couch?” The woman asked, her Accent a bit thicker now as she was speaking more softly, now she was trying to seduce the woman. Once Emma joined her, she turned to looked at her, sitting so that their thighs touched, their bodies close together now. She smiled again, her full lips turning up in amusement as she was watching the woman's face. “You have no lesser attractive parts of your body, you are a picture definition of the word perfection Emma.” She whispered, this was training her on how to respond to someone making advances on her. She knew the woman was smart, and After she said it began then she was sure She understood.

The woman was also doing this out of an attraction to her, the wine also getting into her system as well. She was not making a bad decision, in her opinion, instead she was making a good one. She was interested in women, and she was single Emma wasn't, but she was with someone who didn't appreciate her the way she was, and wanted her to be changed. He didn't deserve her.
Emma very nearly laughed as Luciana insisted that the actress wasn't vanilla. It sounded very much like flattery, or, also quite probably, the wine. The few fumbling experiments Emma had tried weren't exactly outrageous, and she couldn't help but wonder if somehow she'd let Luciana believe there had been more of that. The actress very nearly pointed out that most of it had been back when she'd been in university, which had been a while ago now.

Official beginnings: Emma rose, cradling her wine carefully in her hand. She delicately stepped over and lightly took a seat next to Luciana, barely disturbing the couch. She gently set the wine on a nearby table, adjusting it so that it wouldn't be overly disturbed. The shifting let Emma feel Luciana's thigh pressed against hers. Under normal circumstances, this wouldn't be all that erotic. Emma had crowded next to people on public transport before. However, given the conversation, Emma couldn't help but feel the slight charge from the shift. As if Emma weren't already flushing enough.

Compliments only made it worse. Emma nearly blurted out a laugh now, quickly covering her mouth with her hand. "I'm sorry!" she said. "It's just.. it sounds so very... cheesy," she shook her head. "I do appreciate the compliment, but I am far from perfect. You've seen my atrocious list-making skills, for example." Emma tossed some hair behind her shoulder, getting it out of the way of her face. She spent a few extra seconds raking fingers through it, getting it out of the way. Then she froze for a moment, bits coming into place. "Oh God," she looked to Luciana, "was that... was that supposed to be our starting?" Emma nearly spat a curse, just barely swallowing it. She ended up flushing darkly again, before letting out another laugh.

"I suppose that dismisses the whole," she gestured, "perfection idea, yes?"
Luciana had honestly expected a little resistance to her cheesy words, she had started with cheesy because that was the most common thing to hear. It was also true in its own way, but that was about to be explained. “Yes that was the start, but it's alright Emma. You weren't expecting me to start off like that, and I can see how you would mistake it. Don't worry, just relax, and try again.” She said. This was a cute mistake though, and if she was being honest it almost made her like the woman more. It seemed all Emma could do was draw her in, even with her mistakes she found her more charming.

“No, not really. Perfection is something everyone has in them already, it's just being who you are. That's all anyone should be, and no one should ask any more, or any less, than that.” She said, letting her know her view on perfection, and why She didn't think it was all that cheesy, but still a bit cheesy. She couldn't deny that people used that so much now a days that it had become something someone almost expected to hear. “However,” She leaned in to whisper in the woman's ear, “you are beautiful, you eyes are so attentive, and soft that I swear I have melted upon a single glance.” She may be using her Accent to get her way with this one.

As she spoke her dainty hand reached over to caress the woman's thigh softly, her manicured nails softly playing along the woman supple thigh. She pulled away after whispering, and looked at the woman, giving her a soft smirk. “You ever tried anything like this with your lover, to get him going?” She asked, “Or him doing this for you.” She then finished, but her hand kept caressing at her covered thigh. She never went too far, not wanting to make the woman uncomfortable with her touches. She was trying to keep her comfortable while she did this.
They weren't starting, or, rather, they were going to count that as a false start. Emma nearly laughed at that again, but she could recognize a retake when she heard one being offered. There had been a time or two when they'd gone too silly; outtakes often proved that. Emma shifted again, letting her hand run through her hair, almost casually draping it over one shoulder. It served as a backdrop while she turned to Luciana, her attentions refocused on the pretty latin woman.

This time, Emma picked up on the argument. It sounded almost more philosophical than flirty and, well, Emma couldn't help but appreciate that. She soon felt warm breath tickling her ear, sliding more words into her mind. The accent drizzled them over Emma, feeling like hot caramel just melting over her creamy skin. The starlet barely suppressed a shudder, and certainly couldn't as a hand trailed along her thighs. Emma tensed for a moment, bodily reflex taking over for several seconds.

"Flirting?" she asked. "Or," she moved her own hand now, letting her fingers trail over the back of Luciana's hand, "do you mean the light gentle touches?" she almost purred. She let her finely manicured nails trace over Luciana's hands for a few moments, trying to pretend that said hand didn't belong to a stunning woman instead of an appealing man. Emma shifted, her thigh rubbing against Luciana's for a moment. Her hand trailed, while she moved so that her expressive brown eyes were looking up at Luciana.

"If perfection is something brought out, then wouldn't you be more perfect than me?" she asked, keeping her own voice low and a little flirty. "After all, you're the trainer; I'm the trainee," she licked her lips for a moment, shifting. Think teasing; she had to think about teasing and flirting. "I would also wager a guess that most would find your accent far more appealing than mine," Emma said, smiling slightly. She drew her hand up to move her hair back again, showing a little more of her face. Her other hand moved, almost drawing circles about Luciana's hand.
Even though this was take two, it didn't matter. The important part was the woman's willingness to jump in, and it seems She did a wonderful job at that. Without even having to think about it at first, or so it seemed. She was staring into the woman's eyes, the backdrop of her soft down hair making it feel as if no one else could look in on them, like they had escaped to their own private place to talk and act flirty. It was sweet, and as her hand ran through her hair it filled the space with Emma's shampoos scent. It smelled amazing, and mixed with the natural allure of the woman it was another form of seduction unique to Emma Watson.

The woman's tension didn't go unnoticed to the trainer, but it died off before she was too concerned about it. She fell back into the groove of the situation simply, and even started flirting back as well. The gentle touch to the back of her hand, the momentary caress of thighs against one another. It was all the most simple part to play in the act of flirting, the safe bet. Then she turned to look up at her, this eyes of hers were so soft and inviting. They told her everything she needed to know, yet withheld what she wanted to know. For a moment she felt herself cracking, but she reeled it in, composing herself again while she stared back into the woman's eyes. This was going well so far, but she wondered if the woman was flirting with her, or picturing her boyfriend in her place.

“No one is more perfect than someone else. It just means I've found myself, but even Then I have room to grow. Perfect is ever growing.” She whispered back. The woman's voice, and she had noticed the near purr in her voice moments ago, was like silk caressing over her bare flesh. She felt her body shiver in response to the woman's words, and hand drawing gentle circles on hers. She noticed the gears turning in her head as she had to think about the flirting, the words she was going to say. Everyone was different sure, but it was her job to help improve her in these areas. So she noted that. “Many would say that, but many still find a British accent sensual, and alluring in a way few are.” She gave in a retort to her tease.

Finally she did speak again, as her trainer, “Don't think about it, just do, and say whatever feels natural. I can tell you're a woman who likes to use her brain, but you don't need to while flirting and teasing. Use something a bit more...basic.” She said, her hand trailing up a little further now, even dipping to caress the woman's inner thigh. Her lips came closer, leaning in so their lips actually nearly touched, her eyes still meeting hers. The Latina's eyes half closed as if overcome with the passion of the moment, the need to kiss her. She didn't close the gap, she waited to see if the other woman would back away, or close it herself.
Yet again, the flirtation took an almost philosophical bent. Emma smiled, eyes lowering with a slight laugh. Either Luciana's flirtations turned toward mental, or... and Emma realized this to be more likely, she was matching her flirting to her target. Offer teasing mental puzzles to the girl who had been overthinking everything and looked as if she had everything all together, but say it with a teasing, flirty purr. She even twisted Emma's own words.

"Perhaps if you like prim and proper," Emma replied, dropping each word and almost over-enunciating. Her hand stilled for a few moments. "Most prefer that sensual purr of yours: it feels like petting with words," and she wasn't entirely sure she could manage that without much more guidance. She opened her mouth, ready to move on to talking more about the idea of perfection. But advice stilled her, as she recognized Luciana moving gently from flirting to training.

"Natural?" replied Emma, quirking her brow. Her mind started whirling, trying to think about what she considered natural. While her brain fizzed, she found the other woman descending. Soon Emma's vision filled with soft caramel. A shuddering breath drew in an almost spicy flavor, and Emma's lips parted a little, momentarily overwhelmed by the situation and the woman involved. Her lips hovered close to the Latina's, breath intertwining for a few more moments.

Natural? Emma raised a finger up, lightly putting it onto Luciana's lip. "I would say you quite earned that yet," she said teasingly. She drew her finger back, kissed it lightly, and smiled. "I'm also not certain I've had quite enough wine to be experimenting with a woman yet. Even one who looks like caramel sex poured into a designer dress," she reached for her wine, taking a slight sip and edging slightly away, though she kept her eyes locked on Luciana the whole time.
Luciana giggles softly as the woman spoke with an over-enunciating voice. She smiled a bit, and shook her head softly, as she had found the British accent of the woman pleasing to her years, even if she didn't believe it. She didn't have to, all that mattered was that it was the truth, that she enjoyed the accent of the other woman. She did slightly regret moving on to the training before she had caught what the woman's thoughts about her latest speech on perfection. She enjoyed their little game they were playing, a game that took flirting into Emma's court, which was exactly what she had wanted to do. The more comfortable she felt with the type of flirting she was doing, the better.

As they were so close she could practically taste the fair skinned woman's lips on hers, the warmth of their breath mixing had a sweet taste to it almost. She wasn't surprised, however, as the woman pulled away from her, but in a way that was flirty. It was a massive improvement, something she hasn't expected. She had expected her to pull away, too nervous to do something like that Without more wine in her system, that had been a test. One that the British woman failed, but it was also a hopeful moment. She had wondered what it would be like to kiss, but it was still mostly a chance for her to prove she was prepared for this training. Apparently she still had some room to go.

“I knew you were going to do that, but you still impressed me a little bit.” The Latina said bluntly, now back to her professional composure as she also indulged in Some of the wine. “You tensed up once, as I leaned in, and you pulled away. We talked about us possibly doing sexual things, but I can understand that kissing may be your limit. I did some research beforehand and I noticed you admitted in an interview you didn't like to watch movies scenes where you kissed someone. I take it you find kissing to be something intimate?” She asked, and again made a note on her pad of paper.

Luciana smiled again to the beautiful woman, “But the flirting thing you are getting better at already. You just need to remember to stop thinking about it, and start just feeling it. It would make it easier on you, and a lot more tempting to your partner. Besides that I have no complaints. Your touched took the safe route, caressing my hand rather than being more bold as I was. Now, before we move on, and comments, questions, or concerns?” She asked as she leaned back into the couch to watch her, wondering with amusement if she would take what she said well. She wasn't meaning to insult her, and she wasn't being mean she was just stating facts. She still did like the woman, but she had to remind herself that she was a client. Not someone she was able to actually seduce.
To Emma's surprise, the flirtation, and most of the heat in the room, evaporated in a few moments, just a few words. The starlet again fought the urge to start smiling or laughing as Luciana gave what amounted to a performance review. Emma settled back, fighting the urge to start taking notes as Luciana started. The mention of kissing had Emma flushing slightly. She had said that, hadn't she? It had been so long ago that she'd nearly forgotten. It did impress her to hear that Luciana had done some research before.

"I was trying to be coy," Emma insisted, though she was fairly certain that her flush gave her away partially. Perhaps mentally she had but, well, she wasn't sure she could've done much else. She supposed she could have turned Luciana away gently, but that probably would've been much worse. As for mentions of tension... Emma knew that would only go away with practice, if it went away at all.

"You said to go natural," Emma replied. "And my instinct was to be... coy," she frowned, not pleased with having to use the same word again. Apparently that was the problem, wasn't it? She was supposed to be more bold, right? Plus, she had all but signed up for this. But apparently mentally there was some bit of Emma still hesitating. She went for her wine, taking a sip.

"Maybe it would help if," she gestured, "I were, ah, prepared? I mean," she frowned, "I don't feel particularly... sexy in this. I was told comfortable, and I almost feel more like we should be shopping or taking a hike. Or drink more wine,' she frowned, looking at the alcohol. Drinking more of that would probably make her more flirty, assuming she didn't just fall asleep on the couch or something like that. She paused again, still mostly facing the wine, but turned slightly.

"Do you actually want to kiss me?" she asked, reaching up to tuck back hair. "As in, if you weren't being paid to, would you want to?" Though Emma was fairly certain that she already suspected what the answer would be.
The flushing of her cheeks didn't go unnoticed by the woman, realizing it came from her comment about her not liking to watch her kiss someone on a movie. Then she didn't necessarily confirm, not deny, that she thought of kissing as something intimate. That let her know a bit more about what was swirling inside of the woman's pretty little head. Now she just needed to figure out more, but Emma brought light to that as she said she had tried to be coy, and she would admit that if that was her intention, then she had done quite well at it, and then she would have to rethink her initial thoughts. However, the blush on her pale cheeks told her the tale tell sign that she wasn't necessarily being honest.

“Alright, as long as you followed your instinct I Will have to give you that one. I'm proud of you in that case.” Luciana made one last note before putting the paper away in her purse. She wasn't sure she was done with it, but she didn't need it at the moment. Instead she took a sip of her wine, and then refilled both glasses, as they needed it by this point. She was thinking about the next step when She mentioned her clothes not making her feel sexy. “Right I had forgotten again, there is three outfits on the bed, the bedroom is right there,” She gestured, “feel free to wear any of them. My favorite is the one in the middle.” She said, taking yet another sip of the wine.

That question had managed to surprise the woman, and because of that Luciana took a moment to answer. She sighed a bit, “Well, the answer to that is quite simple. I almost kissed you there because I wanted to. Professionally I knew I shouldn't yet, that I should have let you got more comfortable with me touching you, teasing you, allowing you to learn to do the same. However, I let myself get swept away a bit, and because of that I almost kissed you. So yes, I would want to, even if I wasn't being paid.” She almost admitted to more than that, but she stopped herself. She didn't want to scare off the woman, this wine was making her lips awfully loose.

The outfits Emma would find on the bed, if she went; on the left hand side as she walked in was a cute blue dress, a bit more reserved. It went down just below her knees, and was a bit more free and loose, with a modest neckline. It had spaghetti straps, and came with some heels if she wanted, very short ones. The one on the right hand side was a white blouse, with short sleeves, and a few buttons on it so she controlled how much cleavage she showed. It had a black skirt with it, a few inches shorter than the blue dresses, and a bit tighter around the hips. The one in the middle was a red dress with a shirt hem line, at her mid thighs,and a v neck line that dipped down to show a glimpse of cleavage. It was designed to hug the woman's hips, but he looser as it went down to the hem so it was easy to move in.
That felt a little like a mother patting their child's head for drawing a rather shaky sketch. Still, the half-compliment did make Emma feel rather good, and perhaps a little ashamed at protesting at all. She again found herself tucking more hair behind an ear. At the mention of the outfits, Emma rose, thinking that she should look fairly soon. She hesitated as Luciana continued: three, with one a clear favorite. Was that another test? Or was the outfit going to be something so outrageous that Emma daren't wear it at all?

While Emma considered, her question hung in the air. Again Luciana gave her an almost too honest answer, with several layers of compliments hidden behind each explanation. Swept away, almost kissed, and an admission that Luciana found her attractive beyond even the job. The actress almost asked if Luciana weren't essentially being paid for that, but she could see the realization in those chocolate eyes: Luciana hadn't meant to be that honest. The thought had Emma stunned for a few seconds, looking at the attractive Latina. There was something else there, if Emma were to guess. Perhaps she finds me sexually attractive? fluttered through her mind. Maybe Emma should tease a little? She looked to the room, considering for a moment.

"Right, if you just wait a moment," Emma said, "I'll try to be fairly quick at changing. I do have practice," she paused for a moment, again considering Luciana. "I'm certain the choice will be quite difficult."

A quick nod, and Emma entered. She saw the three outfits. The blouse and skirt looked almost too professional, something Emma would've worn to an interview of some kind. She noted the well selected hosiery laid beside it, running her fingers over it with approval. Clearly this would be considered a safe choice, and not proper. The blue dress appealed rather strongly: blue looked good on Emma, and it struck her as being more freeing than a more buttoned down appearance. When she held it up to the mirror, however, she noted the rather modest hemline. So that left...

"Oh my," said Emma, noting the red dress. It bordered on scandalous. Emma had worn red before, and with her hair twisted up or properly curled and some brilliant lipstick she knew she could make it pop. A quick check showed that it would come up to mid-thigh, and that, were Emma to choose the stockings, they likely would have showed. Additionally, the plunging neckline would make wearing her rather conservative bra an impossibility. "I think this answers my question," Emma murmured. She quickly divested herself of her own clothing, carefully laying the flannel and denim to the side. Her boy-short panties and matching bra were far better suited to the causal wear, but Emma didn't exactly see alternatives laid out. So she, with some reluctance, divested herself of the bra and prayed the panties would somehow work. Stockings rolled up, and Emma soon found herself squeezing into a dress that felt nearly a size too small.

Quick hands twisted her hair up, forming a purposefully sloppy updo with a few strands hanging down. Emma adjusted it, nodded, and smoothed the fabric out. It took some work to zip up, but she was fairly certain it would be worth it. Emma knelt, picked up the low-slung heels laid near the blue dress, and rose smoothly. She headed back into the room, smiling. "Sorry about the delay, your choice is rather snug," she smoothed the fabric, then held up the heels. "Did you want me to wear these? I didn't see any laid out near the red..." she trailed off, licked her lips, then offered a slightly teasing smile. "You also neglected to lay out appropriate lingerie, so unless you expected me to go au natural, I'd say that counts as a bit of oversight from our perfect trainer."
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