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Breaking A Freelancer (xXRyuJunkie & Firestarter09)

Carolina tried her best to force Amy tongue out of her mouth, trying her best to fight back against the mad woman, who had forced her into this position, she let out slight moans as the machine was working at full max, pumping her cock and milking it for all it worth. Her cock began to twitch at the pleasure it received from the device, Carolina would most likely cum soon. Her balls churned as more cum was produced, Carolina eyes began to cross, as she felt Amy tongue force way deeper into her mouth as the pleasure increased even. Her cock began to spurt out small amounts of cum, which was sucked up into the device more and more. Her cock twitched more and more, she was going to cum once again.
As Amy was making out with Carolina she began to massage and play with the freelancer's breasts, flicking and pinching her harden nipples. Seeing how she was going cross eyed Amy mentally laughed in victory though she knew it was going to take more that this to break this soldier. As for Lei she began to massage and carcasses Carolina's balls while kissing and sucking on them. "It's useless to fight anymore Carolina. Just face the facts that you're our little pet now." She said.
Carolina moaned more and more, as her breasts were massaged, she let out gasps as her harden nipples were flicked, before crying a bit as they were pinched. She let out lewd moans as her body was used before her crossed eye's. Her tongue lolled from her mouth limply, as she began to slowly break, though maybe she wouldn't break in Amy's favor, maybe something else would snap in her? Who knows... Carolina moaned lewdly as her ball's were massaged and handled gently, by the soft delicate hands of Lei, before her balls were kissed lovingly and a sucking sensation was felt on them. Carolina did not answer what Amy said as the pleasure was all to much, all she did was moan like a whore.
Hearing the way Carolina was moaning. There was no way Amy was going to let a moment like this not go recorded. She got up and got her camera and began recording Carolina, her naked body strapped to a table being pleasure and moaning like a cheap whore. "Oh man I wonder what all your friends would think about this. Seeing you like that. I bet York would have some things to say, if he were still alive that is." Amy laughed. Meanwhile Lei began to finger Carolina's ass massaging her prostate while sucking on her balls still.
Carolina moaned more and more like a whore, as her cock was pumped more and more, and her sperm sent into the machine. She gasped as her prostated was massaged more and more lovingly by Lei, Carolina's pussy was practically wet at this point. She moaned more whorishly as her balls were sucked, her spunk seemed to clog the tube now? Guess she was producing to much cum. Carolinas eyes rolled into the back of her head as she let out another cry of pleasure.
"Um Amy. I think the tank is full." Lei said as the milking with getting clogged with Carolina's cum. "Looks like we got enough." Amy said turning the machine off and taking the tube off her cock which was covered in her own semen. "Good girl Carolina. You filled the whole tank up. The UNSC will love this. Now that wasn't so bad wasn't it?" She asked grinning devilishly. slowly but surely they were breaking the freelancer. "Say why don't we introduce to Ralph? I'm sure he would love to have some fun with you." Who was Ralph you ask? Carolina was about to find out. The floor under her opened up and she was lowered down into what looked like an alien tentacle pit. "Ralph show her a good time." Amy said as she released Carolina's restraints.

Tentacles grabbed a hold of the semi broken freelancer binding her up spread eagle. They began to caress and touch every single inch of her body and two penetrating her ass and pussy while another jerked her cock off. "You should be fine down there for the rest of the night. We have a meeting with the UNSC. Ralph will keep you company until then." Amy waved goodbye as the floor covered up the pit leaving Carolina in a mostly pitch black tentacle pit except the tentacles were glowing a bit.
A man waited at a desk, hands clasped as his shoulder rested on the desk, his eyes were locked on the door, waiting for a certain mad scientist to arrive. This man was the one that Amy was going to meet, this man was apart of The Office Of Naval Intelligence, or ONI for short, the man let out a soft sigh, as he continued his patient waiting for the mad woman, and her accomplish. "When will they arrive?" He wondered to himself.

Carolina moaned as she was pleasured by the mass of tentacles, that stroked her cock, pleasured and plundered her ass and pussy, the freelancer couldn't help but wonder what the plant (At least that what she thought it was)... Ralph? Was doing to her? Was it trying to pleasure her? Eat her? She didn't know but that didn't really matter at this point, as Carolina continued to moan like a slut at a bar, her mind slowly breaking as she was pleasured by a-a-a... Plant. Man that was depressing to think about, being pleasured by a plant, what a way to go, she let out another whorish moan as cum spewed forth from her cock landing all over the giant plant, her pussy leaked her girl fluids down plants tentacles.
About a minute after the ONI man asked that Amy arrived through the doors with her assistant. "You must be with ONI." Amy said walking to the man with the container full of Carolina's semen. "I believe this is what you came for. As for the freelancer she's mine. Though I can confirm that all her records will say that she's dead correct?"

Even after Carolina had came the tentacles would let up. Instead they got more aggressive. One latched onto her cock sucking on it like the milking machine only the inside of the tentacle's mouth had these small bumps that added extra stimulation. It also twisted around her cock like a it was polishing a doorknob. Two more latched onto her sensitive nipples sucking on them as well. Tiny tentacle were inserted into Carolina's ears and began messing with her mind. By the time Amy released her she would be completely broken, a former shell of her past self. She would a obedient slave to Amy and do whatever she desired.
The man simply nodded, he brought an ash tray from out from under the desk, placing it on the desk. "Yes all records of Carolina will say she is dead... But don't think that for a minute, that it will guarantee that people won't come looking for her." His hands moved to a cigarette case, opening the case, he grabbed one and brought it to his mouth, while the other hand went to his pockets, grabbing a lighter from it, he the cigarette, he took a puff from it, before tapping it against the ash tray. "Want one?" He gestured to the cigarette case, and lighter.

Carolina sturggled as she was pleasured by the tentacles, a bit of her began to fight back against them, trying to break free and get out from it silmy grasp, her hands grabbed the tentacles trying to enter her ears, keeping then away from said ears, it seemed Carolina was starting to put up more of a fight. "W-Wont lose... Can't give in." She let out in between pants, she struggled more and more before letting out a moan due to tentacles pleasuring of her body.
"Well, even if they come looking for her they won't find her and if they do it'll be too late to save her. Poor woman is already losing her mind." Amy said before the ONI man offered her a cigarette to which she politely declined. "We must be getting back to our subject."

Seeing that Carolina was pulling the tentacles away from her ears more tentacles appeared to keep her in place. They grabbed her arms and legs and pinned them to the flesh wall. They had incredible strength meaning she wasn't getting out of them. More tiny tentacles went for her ears. No matter how long it took they were getting inside her brain and giving Carolina a good mind fuck.
The man sighed and gestured to for them to leave. In the back of his mind he made a mental to note, to let Amy think she was in the clear and give her about a month, before they sent a spartan team in, he also remembered to do something involving Misss Lei. "Oh miss Lei can you stay a moment? We need to talk." The man from ONI stated.

Carolina moaned as her mind was literally fucked, drool started to leak frim her mouth, as her eyes glazed over, her cock spewed out loads of cum, and pussy dripped an leaked, slowly she was starting to become a bit crazy due to the mind fuck, and slowly she was starting to like this, and soon she would be loving this. "S-So! So good!" She squealed in delight, as her cock erupted once again, blowing her load all over the tentacles.
Lei nodded before looking over at Amy for permission. "Make it quick." She said before walking off. Of course Amy didn't trust ONI or the UNSC. They were known for screwing people over. Just ask the Blues and Reds. No matter in a few weeks she would be gone from this place without a trace. "What's this about?" Lei asked the man.

The tentacles continued to fuck the poor freelancer. No matter how many times she came, no matter how insane she would become they wouldn't stop. They would never stop fucking her and pleasuring her. In fact two more tentacles latched onto her balls and began to suck on them while massaging them. It seemed every inch of her body went untouched and they would continue to torment Carolina even after they had drained her balls of all her cum. Though thanks to the injections it would be days before her balls were drained.
"Your distant cousin York." The man stated, taking another puff of his cigarette and then tapping against the ashtray, he noticed the change in Lei facial expression. A small grin made it's self know at the corner of the man's mouth. "We've recovered a few belonging's of his, and we thought we should let you know, incase you wanted them delivered to your priavte quarters, and there's one more thing." He took another puff, his hand going under the table once more to bring another light out from under it, though this wasn't a ordinary lighter, it was York's lighter! "You know what this is? Don't you?"

Carolina moaned as her balls were being sucked on by the tentacle's which began to speed up their work, she let out another whore-ish moan as she was driven crazy further, her tongue hanged from her mouth like a dog, as she let out another moan, this time it was followed by her cock erupting up out loads of cum, that began to splash against the tentacles. "M-more!" She said in a very wanting voice, demanding the tentacles do more. "W-wash it all way!"
"What about him?" Lei asked. She didn't really like bring him up. Though it had a long time since his death she herself was still torn about it. Hearing that they had personal belongings of his she immediately told them she would like them delivered to her private quarters. After all it was all she would have left of him. Lei's eyes widen when she saw the lighter. "W-Where did you get that?" She asked.


Carolina wanted more and the tentacles would give her more. More tendrils began to surround her body pretty much covering her in some sort of cocoon. Every inch of her body went untouched. From her cock, balls, ass, pussy, breasts, nipples, feet, toes, soles, the tentacles could sense her sensitive spots. The ones that would turn her on and focused extremely on them. They even created a flesh like sac to collect her sperm as they were milking her ruthlessly now. Even more small tentacles entered her ear fucking with her mind even more.
"Understood then, oh this? That's private information, O.N.I agents can't go leaking such information, it be... Unprofessional. To say the least, but then again your not some gung-ho moron... So maybe it wouldn't hurt to tell you." The man stated, shifting his head a bit. "I'm not liable for any thing that might happen later on, but lets say we had eyes on York for sometime." He handed the lighter to Lei. "Oh and one more thing, think about this for a while. Is that what York would want you to be doing?" The man said stone cold, to the nurse who helped a mad woman, bent on revenge and sexual desire.

Carolina moaned as she was cocooned, her brain being fucked with mercilessly, as her balls were continuously being drained by the plant thing; Ralph. At some point the thing had attached tentacles to her nipples, dojng something to them, Carolina didn't know what and could see them due to being mind fucked and cocooned, but her nipples had become inverted. "Oohhhh more!" She squealed in delight as she felt her balls drain more and more. "I want more!" She cried out happily as she became more and more insane, and less like the person she was. Her cock spewed forth more cum, she let out cries of pleasure as more of her body was pleasured, fetishes added to her mind as she was mind fucked.
"......Thanks for the belongings." Was all Lei told the man as she walked off to catch up with Amy. The tentacles of course gave Carolina what she had wanted and fucked her silly sucking her cock off as well and getting a hold of her nipples and sucking on them as well. Eventually though he time with Ralph would come to an end as Amy and Lei returned. Pressing a button the tentacle monster was forced to spit out the freelancer leaving her on the floor in a mess of slime and her own semen. Putting on some gloves Amy picked Carolina up strapping her to an x frame on the wall. "My my it seems you had some fun while we were gone." Amy chuckled.
Carolina panted like a crazed bitch as she looked at Amy. "More! I want more! Give me more!" She said crazed her mind a large amount of muck. "Please do things to me! Make my breasts as large a beach balls! Turn my ass into a large bean bag! Make my balls large!" She exclaimed in a insane tone, her mind truly lost forever an all the remained was a horny bitch waiting to be experimented on once more. "I wanna fuck! Can i fuck? Can i worship feet?" She said even more crazed, it seemed Ralph had added many things to her mind, besides making her crazy. Carolinas cock was fully erect and waiting to be used, it twitched like crazy as beads of cum leaked from the tip, and down the already cum and slime covered shaft, her balls were practically empty at this point waiting to produce more and more seed. "Can i please fuck something? Or can you do something to me please? I need it!" Carolina begged the mad scientist.
Amy looked at Carolina grinning ever so devilishly at the freelancer. Lei on the other hand looked in disgust. That tentacle creature she had, it warped Carolina's poor mind into submission. "I'm sure we can think of a few things to do to you." She replied with getting herself a chair and sitting down in it in front of Carolina. She began to take her high heels off revealing her bare feet. "You wanna worship feet? Well you can worship mine." She chuckled using her left foot and teasing the freelancer cock head with her toes before pressing her right foot against her face. "Start licking."
Carolina moaned into the foot muffled, as her cock was teased by the mad scientist. She began to lick at the clean soles of Amy foot. Her tongue licking up and down of the bottom of the sole. She cried in pleasure as she felt Amy toes teasing her cock was so much, as she felt her own balls churn with cum as her tip was becoming incredibly red. As pre-cum was leaking from tip and spilling out on to the toes, as she began to nibble on the foot whilst licking, as she felt an orgasm approaching within seconds she came, coating the toes, top of the foot and bottom of the foot, getting her sticky seed all over Amy foot. "Mhmhm!" She cried happily what she was acutally saying was unknown. But it may have been along the lines of. "Your feet are so clean! They taste sooooo goood!" Thats what she probably saying anyways.
"Oh man. Even after all you've been through you still can cum so much." Amy said chuckling a bit. She wiped her cum covered foot over Carolina's face and chest before wrapping her soft soles around the freelancer's cock once more. "Lets make you cum again. Lay down for me." The scientist order as her feet began to pump Carolina's cock. All of this was starting to get Amy aroused as she was getting a wet spot in her panties.
Carolina gasped and moaned as Amy's feet pumped her shaft, parts of whatever remained of Carolinas fragmented mind screamed at her, telling her to stop giving in and fight back. Yet sadly those parts of her mind were drowned out from the pleasure the main mind was reciving, Carolina tongue lolled out from the side of her mouth; as her balls churned with cum and pussy leaked excessive amounts of femcum. Carolina was starting to want to be experimented on more. "Mistress! Make me your fuck toy! Grow my tittes! My ass! All of it! I want it so bad!" She cries out in animalistic pleasure, as she reached another climax coating Amy leg and foot in cum. Her balls tightend as they were practically drained.
Carolina gasped and moaned as Amy's feet pumped her shaft, parts of whatever remained of Carolinas fragmented mind screamed at her, telling her to stop giving in and fight back. Yet sadly those parts of her mind were drowned out from the pleasure the main mind was reciving, Carolina tongue lolled out from the side of her mouth; as her balls churned with cum and pussy leaked excessive amounts of femcum. Carolina was starting to want to be experimented on more. "Mistress! Make me your fuck toy! Grow my tittes! My ass! All of it! I want it so bad!" She cries out in animalistic pleasure, as she reached another climax coating Amy leg and foot in cum. Her balls tightend as they were practically drained.
Carolina gasped and moaned as Amy's feet pumped her shaft, parts of whatever remained of Carolinas fragmented mind screamed at her, telling her to stop giving in and fight back. Yet sadly those parts of her mind were drowned out from the pleasure the main mind was reciving, Carolina tongue lolled out from the side of her mouth; as her balls churned with cum and pussy leaked excessive amounts of femcum. Carolina was starting to want to be experimented on more. "Mistress! Make me your fuck toy! Grow my tittes! My ass! All of it! I want it so bad!" She cries out in animalistic pleasure, as she reached another climax coating Amy leg and foot in cum. Her balls tightend as they were practically drained, her pussy gushed out loads of femcum as it leaked out onto her thighs, and onto the floor below. The scent of sex was filing the air at this point; that it was almost disgusting and horrible to be in. Though it seemed Carolina and Amy did not mind it at all.
Oh Amy was definitely enjoying this. She had finally broken Carolina, one of the toughest freelancers throughout the galaxy. As for Lei she was quite sickened by the whole thing. She knew the doctor wanted revenge but this, this was going too far. Maybe I should give her up. She thought. It would be the right thing to do. Amy got up, her feet still covered in Carolina's cum. They were making squishing noises on the floor as she walked over to the broken freelancer, her hand cupping the stronger lady's chin. "I'm sure we can figure something out." She said. Within the next hour she had Carolina strapped to the table once more. She gave the woman a nice thick ass and her breast size went from a double C to a double D. She also injected something into her cock and balls, mainly a drug that would keep her cock rock hard and her balls heavy, filled with hot thick spunk. "You know I really love the cock I gave you. So fun to tease." Amy spoke as she took and electric toothbrush to the shaft gliding it up and down before pressing it against the glands of Carolina's tip.
Carolina moaned like an utter whore, unable to speak at the moment. She moaned as the doctor covered her chest in her own cum, It was quite disgusting to watch. A horried sight no-one should have to face, it was sad to see what had happen to Carolina; one of the strongest soldiers out there was now acting like a whore. She let out a whorish grin as needles were injected into her body, sending a rippling effect through out her body. Her ass wobbled as her breasts jiggled; becoming more sensitive. She was getting filled with horrid drugs, her body twisting into something that wasn't her own, her mind warped and destroyed. It would take a miracle to save her... Maybe if someone was willing to stand up to the mad scientists.
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