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Breaking A Freelancer (xXRyuJunkie & Firestarter09)


Apr 28, 2016
Dr. Amy Ralts never would have imagined she would ever see this day. The day the the infamous freelancer agent Carolina had been captured by the UNSC....well at least by her branch. Her branch was an odd group capturing humans, aliens, and other species and doing experiments. Low and behold they came across the freelancer who had been injured in some sort of battle. Amy didn't care. All she cared about was now she had her. A quick history of Amy. During her youth she served as a medic for the Insurrectionists, a group Project Freelancer fought long ago. She watched as many of her friends died because of them, most of them by the hands of the person who laid bound naked before her.

Amy along with her assistant looked at the unconscious Carolina. Amy's eyes were fueled with rage, anger, a need for revenge in which she would finally get. Of course she would do it slowly. She wanted to break Carolina both psychically and mentally. She had already given her a new addition to her body while knocked out. A nice thick 10 inch cock and a pair of balls. She just waited for the freelancer to wake up.
Carolina groaned as she awoke in an unfamiliar room, strapped to a bed no armor, and completely naked, looking down she gasped in confusion as she saw a ten inch cock an a pair of balls to match. "What the fuck?" She cursed out in confusion and surprise at situation before her, her eyes darted around the room trying to figure out where she was, she picked up a few things, one this was a lab of some kind, two it was very orderly and had very strictness to the rooms design. "Is this some kind of UNSC facility?" She asked herself not knowing that there was mad scientist right next to her. How did she miss that? Well she would soon realize that the mad scientist was there, hopefully. Maybe probably.
"Yes this is." Lei, Amy's assistant and nurse of the facility replied with. Meanwhile the doctor didn't take her eyes off of Carolina. "So, we finally meet again. Here I thought you had been dead all these years." Amy spoke up, her icy cold hand caressing Carolina's stomach. She was making small circles around one of her scars. "I'm pretty sure you don't remember who I am do you? Maybe this will re-jog your memory." She showed the redhead a picture of with a group of insurrectionists, ones that she killed.
Carolina struggled more against her restraints, as one of the scars were circled by the crazy scientist. "Fuck!" She cursed. "Your so called frineds were psychos." She told Amy with a growl. She was not entirely happy with what wss happening. "If your with the UNSC now, why do any of this?" She questioned the scientist. "Are you with ONI?" She continued to question the scientist. She felt a hand grabbed her new male appendage and the squeezing it received in the following second. Carolina gasped and moaned happily.
"Psychos? The only psychos were you and those other freelancers." Amy growled back squeezing Carolina's cock even hard causing the woman pain. "All those people in that picture, you killed. Those we not just friends. They were family. The only one survived was my brother. He was lucky you only paralyzed him from the waist down, but he still hung himself." She was getting angrier by the moment. Amy leaned down, her manic eyes looking directly into Carolina's. "By the time I'm done with you Carolina you'll be begging me to kill you." "Easy on her penis doctor. Command wants a sperm sample from her." Lei spoke up. Upon hearing that Amy loosened her grip on Carolina's cock and began to jerk her off. "Of course. After that, we can do whatever we want with you." A demonic looking smile came across the doctor's face. She had plenty of ways to torture Carolina.
Carolina glarred daggers at the manic, not easily as scared by the scientists outburst and attempts, though her dare she think it, cock being sqeeuzed did feel really uncomfortable. It also hurt like hell. "Do you think they'll let you get away this, what happens if the UNSC finds out? Or ONI? They'll send a Spartan, or ODST'S do you really think you'll get away with this?" She questioned the manic, venom lacied in her voice. "What could you possibly do that would make me beg for mercy?" She started to taunt the scientists, most likely to throw her into a rage, and use that a distraction and escape. She began to move against her bonds slightly, not enough to be noticed though.
When Amy heard that they would send a spartan she busted out laughing. "Oh I thought you would be smarter than this. The UNSC, ONI, they already know what we're up to. In fact they gave full permission to do whatever we want to you. All that they ask is that we give them a good amount of your sperm. No one's coming to save you." She said grabbing a hold of the freelancer's balls and squeezing them roughly as if she was going to pop them. "As for what I'm going to do to you, well I have plenty of things. I know you won't be easy to break, but you'll eventually break. It's only a matter of time and I'm patient person. Lei get the tube ready." Amy said to her assistant.

The nursed nodded and rolled over a small machine which was used to collect semen. Lei strapped a metal ring around Carolina's balls before placing the milking tube on her cock. As she turned it on Amy gave her balls a good slap. The machine began to pump Carolina's cock sucking it nice and good. "While you're being milked I'm going to play with your balls like they're a pinata."
Carolian grunted at the machine turned on, trying to resist the feeling of the cock milker, she would not cum so easily. "I wont let you win!" She said through grunts, letting out a low moan, she gasped when her balls were slapped, moaning when they were sqeeuzed softly, before being slapped again. "F-fuck!" She gritted through her teeth, she was keeping up her resistantance to the attempets of getting her cum, though she had no idea how long it would take before she gave up. She let out a soft gasp once again, as her balls were vigorously slapped. "F-fuck!" She cursed even more. She watched as her lower half was played with, watching as her balls were slapped and cock was pumped up and down.
Amy let out a small chuckle as she watched Carolina grunt and struggle, trying not to give into the pleasure. "Aw, why such low moans? You can be as loud as you want you know. This room is sound proof. Go ahead and try to resist all you want. I have plenty of time and eventually, you will break." She told the freelancer squeezing her balls with one hand while using the other to flick each testicle. Her assistant nurse Lei came over with some oil and applied it to her stomach and chest. Lei began fondling Carolina's breasts rubbing and pinching her nipples. "For a harden solider you have soft skin." Lei said.
Carolina moaned lowly as her skin was rubbed, trying her best to not cum, she would not fall to some crazy persons game of revenge, she would not give in. "Fuck you." She moaned lowly once again, before gasping as her balls were flinched and slapped, before being sqeeuzed. "F-fuck!" She grunted out, she felt Lie stop playing with her breasts momentarily, before seeing her grab a syringe, and injecting said syringe into one of her breasts. "God damn it!" She cursed out in pain, before it was replaced by low lewld moans, her balls being played with more, she could feel a tingling sensation on her breasts.
"Doesn't look like she's going to last long." Amy chuckled as she contuinued to torment Carolina's balls. "Especially after what I injected into her. It's going to make her nipples extremely sensitive. Almost as if she has two clits on her chest." Lei explained as she began to flick the freelancer's nipples which were now rock hard. "Mm.....I love the way you flex your muscles like that. Very hot." The nurse told Carolina. "Just give in Carolina. After all that milker is not coming off until we get a good amount of semen from you." Amy told her.
Carolina grunted and moaned as her nipples were flicked, sending waves of pleasure the freelancer did not want through her body, she cried out in ectasy when she felt wet lips engulf her new testicles. "F-fuck." Her hips began to buck, her body was slightly betraying her. Her muscles began to flex more as she squirmed, trying to resist and fight back. She felt another tingle come from her breasts, only to look and watch in horror and pleasure as they seemingly grew before her eyes, her modest c cup growing. "What have you done!?" She cried out in pleasure, pre-cum began to leak from the tip of her cock.
"Oh that was Lei's idea. Who would have thought you would have such small breasts." Amy said before sucking on Carolina's balls again. She inserted a finger into the freelancer's ass massaging her prostate. Her tit grew only to a D cup, but that was enough for the nurse. "You should try to relax. Just give in Carolina. It will feel a lot better if you do." Lei told her kneeling down next to her ear. "Just close your eyes and imaging someone you love giving you this pleasure. Perhaps Agent York. Shame a freelancer as good as him as killed so easily. How pathetic. Guess you have Tex to blame for that." She whispered into Carolina's ear trying to open some old wounds.
Carolina growled when they mentioned York, such a touchy subject for her. It seemed to only increase her anger and make her resist even better. "F-Fuck you!" She cursed out, gasping as her prostate being massaged. "Do your worst, Theres nothing you can make me do to cum! Not even you make tits beach balls! BRING IT BITCH!" She cursed out more and moaned even more, as the assault on her body continued. "Fuck you!" She began to pant. She really was putting up a fight now.
"Oh I think you hit a nerve there Lei." Amy chuckled as she twisted Carolina's balls. "Heh heh. I'll be sure to bring it. Such anger. You need to relax." She continued to massage her prostate rubbing it in circles. Lei turned the cock milker onto its max settings. By now Carolina could feel the machine suck and pump her cock real hard and real fast. The nurse kneeled down once again licking Carolina's ear and nipping at her neck. "Mmm....just give in." She whispered. "You know you can't fight it forever."
Carolina began to buck her hips harder in resistance, each time she did the cock milker would hit her rock hard stomach, and each time it did it slowly started to break down, slowly but surely. "I won't give in!" Declared the former freelancer. Moaning as prostate was rubbed even further, gasping when she felt the hot breath of the nurse's brush against her ear and skin, and finally squealing as she felt the nurse nip at her neck. She began to buck her hips harder. "F-fuck its sooooo goood!" She cried out in pleasure, but did her best to keep control. She would not end up as some guinea pig to some revenge driven madwoman. "Your friends did horrible things. " she cried out to the scientist, hoping to find some shred of innocence she could use to her advantage.
" is good isn't it. Enjoy it." Lei said as she began to suck on Carolina's nipples. "Oh don't act like the freelancers are so innocent, especially you. You killed innocent people as well. I'm sure you remember sim trooper Biff right? You killed him by impaling him with a flag, and for what. To prove that you were better than Texas? Did you stop to think what his family went through, his girlfriend. His child had to grow up without a father because of you!" Amy explained gripping the freelancer balls and squeezing them extremely hard. "Don't worry. If I managed to pop them I can always give you a new pair." She said squeezing even harder.
Carolina bucked her hips once again, smacking amy in the face with her cock covered pump. "That wasn't even intentional!" She exclaimed. "I didn't even know he was there! Its not my fault!" She declared in protest, gasping as her balls felt a little release from amy grasp. "You can't blame me for that one!" She gritted through her teeth, Carolina was one tough cookie to break, which made it all the worth while to actually break her, and all the more satisfying when she did. "Fuck!" Carolina cursed she was going to cum soon.
After being cock slapped by Carolina Amy was furious. Lei saw in the look in her face. "Ma'am, I don't think you should that right now." The nurse said but she wasn't listening. Amy rolled in another machine to which she placed clamps on Carolina's nipples. She even place a couple on her balls. Turning the machine on and without warning Amy started it sending volts on electricity throughout the freelancer's body.
Carolina cried out in pain, the electricity coursing through out her body, she began to convoulse. "F-fuck!" She cried out as the electricity stopped following, panting in pain as another jolt went through her body. "F-fuck!" She screamed out in rage and pain. "I've felt worse... This is nothing compared to the shit I've been through, being through off a cliff is one of the many." Carolina stated through gritting teeth, she had hoped that a few more shocks would force her to pass out, and hopefully she would not have cummed... Hopefully. She cried out as another shock was administered sending electric waves through out the freelnacer body, as it convoulsed. She gritted her teeth even harder.
"Wow you really are a tough one. Oh I give up." Amy sarcastically said. "Injected her again." She told Lei. This time the nurse injected Carolina with a different medicine, this time just under her shaft. This was would make her cock extremely sensitive to touch and being that it was in a cock milker it would take long for her to finally cum. Another needle was injected into her balls which would make her produce more thicker, creamer cum, and lots of it.
Carolina gasped as the feeling of pleasure began to pick up, she could feel her balls churn. "N-NO! CANT GIVE IN!" Carolina thought, soon her everything seemed to be going dark for her. Was she passing out? Yes that must be it! The thought ran through Carolina mind, as she had a chance to not cum... Hopefully. Just hopefully she would pass out soon enough, so she would not end up an experiment to the revenge driven Amy. She could almost feel her grasp on reality fade as the darkness would soon take over.
Of course Amy wouldn't allow Carolina to pass out. With a press of the button she shocked the freelancer preventing her from passing out. "Oh no. Don't think you're getting out of this that easily. Every time you try to pass out I'll shock you and this machine is strong enough to awaken someone in the deepest of sleeps" She explained injecting her more medicine into her cock. "Also, for every five minutes you do start cumming I'm going to inject more of this into your penis. Imagine how sensitive it will be after so many injections." She smiled devilishly.
Carolina gasped out in shock and pain, as she was shocked awake, It seemed that was the tipping point. Her cock twitched as hot ropes of seed shot out, going into the tube and being sent some where else. Carolina began to pant.
Once the milker sucked up Carolina's load it was shut off, for the time being. "That's a good girl Carolina. You finally came." Amy said walking over the her head brushing a few strands of hair from the freelancer's face before kissing her on her forehead. "But we're far from done. Turn the milker on again." She told Lei in a cold heartless tone. The nurse nodded turning the machine on to max settings even though Carolina had just came. "I want more sperm from you." Amy did something shocking and kissed Carolina on her lips forcing her tongue into her mouth.
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