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The new empress! (Firestarter09 and xXRyuJunkieXx)

Saria grunted as she resisted still; the energy from the empress stone having built up over the last for days giving her the strength needed to escape. She just needed a trigger now for it to activate, and that trigger had just happend to be her own subconscious. Due to all the sexual toture over the past four days Saria had begun to see things... More specifically two versions of herself, one that looked like her current form but was more... independent and well for better words braver; whilst the second version of her looked and acted like she did before her current transformation and the small confident boost she got from Link, meaning she acted like normal Saria and had the original form. Neither were currently around at the moment leaving Saria to her own thoughts; as the plants that had continued to pleasure her left her body, going back to rest on their full plant stomachs. Though she was still bound to the vines; she shifted her head slightly looking over to Link just in time to hear what she said. "No... We can't die here Link." She mumbled. "Oh it seems we're reaching the end of the line?" Saria slowly turned her head; her gaze meeting with the more in-dependent version of herself; seems her subconscious has mainfested once more. "Why are you appearing here?" Saria asked her opposite, who in turn laughed turning her head to the left. "What do you think... Me, you and me, we're in this together... I don't exactly want to be replaced you know? By some submissive excuse of a shell." She states, as she took a few steps back.

"What about the other me?" Saria asked her in-dependent self. "Why isn't she here." Her only answer being the roll of the shoulders. "I'm here." Said the representation of Saria original form and self, sitting up on a near by rock her face resting on her knees. "Its sad seeing you both like this." She comments on the situations. "I wish I could help; but i can't." Saria head lowered at those words. "Hey! Stop making the situation worse!" Exclaimed the independent version. "But what can we do? We're stuck and weak.. And tired." The orginial representation said. "Well if we all listened, and put our heads together-" she was cut off by the current Saria.

"Shut up! Both of you! I'm tired of the constant bickering! I'm sick and tired of it!" She exclaims to the two subconscious representations, unaware that she was channeling her new found powers granted by the empress stone; the vines began to loosen their grip on Saria.
"Hmm....what's this." The Deku Queen noticed that the vines holding Saria were starting to loosen up. "Oh no we can't now can we." She grinned as she snapped her fingers. More vines appeared to hold the girl in place and more began to torment her cock, one wrapping around her balls and tugging on them. However unknown to the Deku Queen she didn't realize that Saria's powers were awakening. As for Link the poor futa was on her last leg. She could barely stay conscious as the vines kept tormenting her body and feeding off her cock. "Can't......can't go on." She managed to get out of her voice before passing out. Still that didn't stop the Deku's and vines from raving her body. Even then they continued to stimulate and jerk Link's cock off to the point where she shot out hot thick ropes of cum for the Deku babies to feast on once more.
Saria was immediately taken away from her deluded reality, she let out gasps and cries as the vines tightned around her, and she began to scream in pain as more vines came to restrain her movements, and torment her relatively still new male gentials. Saria cock began to ooze out cum which ran down the sides of her shaft; and onto the vines. "Hngh! Fuck!" Cried Saria, as the power inside of her was approaching its climax, her bodu began to glow and leak energy, which began to effect the vines, which would start a chain reaction in them. The vines themsleves recoiled and pulled away fron Saria; as the kokiri adult was allowed to drop to the ground, Saria began to pant heavily as she began to pull herself up, her breath heavy as she seemed to be in a trance like state. It seemed the empress stone had fully awaked its powers. Now it seemed like the table would turn on the Deku girls, those poor girls were in for some mighty trouble now.
"What?! Impossible!" The Deku queen yelled. She shot more vines back as Saria which just bounced off of her. Yep she was indeed in trouble. The vines holding Link recoiled as well dropping her to the floor too. However the poor futa was still unconscious, her mental state barely holding on as well. She did begin to regain conscious after only about five minutes. "Ugh.....w-what....what happened." She asked herself before looking around. They were still underground. Deku babies surrounded Link trying to grab a hold of her with one latching onto the tip of her cock and sucking on it. "AHHH!!" She cried out. Her cock was extremely sore and sensitive for all the torture it received the last few days. Link tried to pull them off but she was far too weak and eventually gave in.
Saria raised her hand and pointed it at Link, the deku baba baby plant's were soon repelled off of the former males body, Saria turned her attention to the queen. The new holder of The Empress Stone began to walk towards the Deku Queen, her body begun to exhibit a fierce green aura similar to her hair color. With each step that Saria took things began to happen; vines and Deku Baba baby plant's began to fall to the ground.... And transform! Their shapes twisting and configuring into that of a humanoid shape. A shape much like Saria's or the Deku Queen; it seemed Saria was unconsciously transforming them into what the Deku Queen and her followers had become. Soon the room was littered with unconscious women; some full females, whilst other were hermaphrodites. Tendrils of green aura shoot out at the Deku Queen; grabbing hold of her and keeping her suspended in the air. "You!" Saria voice stated aggressively. "I should kill you." Fear would spread throughthe queen. "But I won't; no instead I'll give you something more." It seemed the stone was feeding information into Saria mind.
The Deku Queen looked around as he babies were being transformed into....human like creatures. is she doing this? She wondered. It had to have been the stone. It was foolish of her to leave it in the same place as Saria. Now her true powers were unlocked and the Deku Queen was no match for her. Still she did her best to fight back send hordes of vines towards her which only shrived up and died upon touching the green aura. Before the Deku Queen could even think of escaping she was caught by Saria's own tendrils. Fear began to set in to poor Queen. "P-Please.....don't kill me. I'll do anything you want." She told Saria out of fear. Link on the other hand laid on the ground breathing heavily. Her body ached, her cock extremely raw. She looked up at Saria and noticed that something was different about her. Saria.....what happened to you? She thought before passing out again.
Saria laughed as she watched the queen panic, the power of the empress flowed freely through Saria body; as the tendrils caressed the Deku Queen. "You should panic, yes feel your fear! You can feel it right? The fear of my power? The power to kill you!" She was starting to laugh manically. "But I've said it before. I wont kill you." The tendrils began to rub the Deku Queen body. "I could make you a bimbo, a air headed bimbo! One who want's to suck all the cock in the world, and once your bimbo. I'll take control of you people, including the one's I've transformed here in this room!" It seemed Saria was becoming evil? Or was it all a play. The tendrils had begun to massage and grope the Deku Queen assets, feeding energy into the queen body. Her breasts jiggling a bit as her ass wobbled as well, It seemed Saria was altering the queen's body; as both assets grew bigger. Saria energy began to focus on the queen crotch.
The Deku Queen began to feel funny as her breasts and ass grew. Once a double C her tits became an E size and her ass was twice as thick as before. Her mind was also feeling a little different. Instead of wanting to rule she wanted to be used like some sort of use. "Y-Yes.....yes.....use me!" She begged as her crotch began to feel funny as well. About a few minutes later she started to feel something growing. Tearing out of her pants was a nice big cock and a nice a pair of balls? The Deku Queen wondered how Sara was able to do such a think and then she remembered it was the stone. Her new cock sprang up and grew rock hard quickly, pre-cum already oozing down the shaft.
"I'll make you like Link, a loyal ally. You'll rule by my side!" She hissed to the Queen, as she began to lower her closer to the ground. "I'll make sure you stay loyal too." She grinned devilishly as she watched the Queens new dick grow hard. "My some one is quiet the horny bastard." She glanced over at Link, frowning slightly at her friend.... Her lover. "Ugh, I can't believe how stupid I was... How weak I was." She mumbled to herself, turning to look at the Deku Queen. "You'll stay in your knees until otherwise, you'll learn ti never mess with us again... Now why don't we go an announce my new rule?" She smiled devilishly once more, walking up to the Deku Queen pouring more of uer energy into her; as the crack of her the Queen spine and limbs could be heard. It seemed the Queens height was increasing.
The Deku Queen fell to her knees, her cock throbbing ever so. She had never ever experienced something like this before. It was starting to become quite painful especially when she felt the cracking in her body. "W-Wait.... what are you doing to me?" She asked, a hint of fear in her voice. The Deku Queen could feel herself getting taller? Why in Hylia would Saria want her to be taller? Things didn't get any better after that. It had seemed that the Deku Queen's own vines began to turn on her, their mouths open wide aimed right for her cock. Without warning one latched on and began to suck her off. It was no surprise that the was far intense for her to handle. She let out a wail as she tried to pull the vine off but with no avail. "Get it off. GET IT OFF!!!" The Deku Queen yelled, her tongue hanging out of her mouth from the intense pleasure. Looks like she was getting a taste of her own medicine.
Saria didn't answer immediately as she cupped the Queen face, before crouching a bit and looking her in the eye. "I like tall girls, and if your going to be my side as another empress loyal to me. Then you need to be tall." She bluntly told the Deku Queen, it seemed she was under the stones control. "Now you'll be able to help me." Saria said soothingly, a hand gliding to the vine that attached itself to The Deku Queen cock. Power surged through it as it pulled off and contorted amd grew in size, till a new Deku girl layed where that Vine had been. "See with my power I can alter anything, that vine is now able to move freely, in it's new body with it's new mind. She watched as the rest would feed off of The Deku Queen cock. "Just let this happen." She says calmly before kissing the Queen and forcing her tongue into her mouth, dominating the ruler of the Dekus mouth. Her hands going to her breasts and grabbing at the nipples amd pinching and squeezing them. She began to bring her full weight onto the Queen, her pussy rubbing against the tip of the shaft.
"Please, make it stop. It hurts." The Deku Queen cried out. She was still growing and it was extremely painful. Though after a few minutes it ended but she still had to deal with the vine sucking her off. Needless to say she was quite surprised to see Saria turn the vine that had been just milking her into a living breathing creature. So that's the power of the Empress Stone. The Deku Queen thought. Over the next hour other vines fed off of her nearly draining her balls of all her cum. " more." She begged. Her cock was raw and extremely sensitive to the touch. It didn't help either that Saria was rubbing her pussy against the oversensitive tip. " more. My cock needs to rest."
Saria smirked smuggly, her fingers still teasing the sensitive assets. "Why should I? You made us your toys for days." Saria says bluntly, knowing that she was being a monster. "Those vines, and those babys make such great servants. Look at hot some of the keep watch over Link." Saria says her fingers still forcing the cock to rub against the queen pussy, she smiled as she looked at the new woman tend to link unconscious form. "Now queen, do you pledge your loyalty?" Saria asked. "Do you accept my plan? To rule over this land."
The Deku Queen moaned and writhed in her bonds as Saria continued to tease her oversensitive parts. "I......I know. I was......wrong. Please forgive me. Make the torture stop!" She begged. Now after experiencing what those two had gone through for almost a week the Deku Queen would never lay this upon anyone again. "Alright.... win. I'll pledge myself to you. I'll do whatever you want." She told Saria. She would say or do anything for the torture to stop. Speaking of Link she was finally coming to looking at both Saria and the Deku Queen. "S-Saria...... what's going on?" She asked.
Saria sighed as she released the Deku Queen from her confinement, she looked down at the woman with a glare before focusing back on Link, her eyes meeting with her childhood friend... er lover? She didn't know but would figure it out later. "Keep still and don't move slut." She said to the Deku Queen as she walked over to Link with a loving smile, her hands reaching out and cupping the former males cheek. "Oh, Link! You are okay! Thank the goddesses!" She helped the futa up to her feet.
Oh the Deku Queen dare not move unless she wanted to go through that torture again. Link on the other hand regain her strength getting up from the ground thanks to Saria. "Yeah...... I think so. Thanks." She said looking at her Childhood friend and smiling a bit. "Say how did you manage to escape and stop the Deku Queen?" The futa then asked. Everything up until now except for the torture they went through was definitely a blur for Link. She still had no idea about Saria's new powers.
Saria giggled as she thought of a way to explain what she had done. "Well, a lady will never reveal her secrets Link, but I uh... Took care of the Queen." Saria gestures to the fallen leader. "I uh... Also feel really um... Empowered."
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