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A new job in Tainted Mass Space (Scrum x Firestarter09)

Gage couldn't help feeling just slightly suspicious when Menta asked him to change in the room, after the earlier incident it was understandable after all, though he couldn't help feeling guilty when her voice dropped again. It seemed that perhaps the grief was only just now hitting her, the reality setting in now that the funeral was imminent. "Well, alright, I'll get changed here. I've never worn a dress before but I'm sure it can't be all that complicated" Still, Gage couldn't help turning his back on Menta as he started to remove his clothes. Sure she'd seen the naked Asari body before, but he was still a little self conscious, though even like this Menta would get a perfect view of Gage's smooth, currently blue ass. "Well even I've heard of your father, who hasn't? Though I'll admit I didn't really know much beyond what was in the news, I've no idea what he was really like as a person. Some of my superiors in the military met him but I never did" Once Gage was naked he looked at the dress, then slowly and carefully began to pull it on. The fabric certainly did feel nice against his skin, especially now that his skin was far more sensitive than in his human form. "Why don't you tell me more about him? What was he like? What was it like growing up with him?" Gage was rather interested in Menta's past, he did rather wonder how she'd ended up being quite so shameless.
Menta bit her lower lip, as she thought of how to explain how her father was. "Well... He was eccentric. I mean he really was, made sure me and Meena had the perfect dna... You know?" It wasn't uncommon for family's to specifically request certain things on unborn children, such as gender, breast and etc. Menta wiped one of the tears of her face. "I vaguely remember my mother, she wasn't around much. That's not to say she's dead or anything, actually I've heard my dad mention her being quite fine." Her ears start to unflatten a bit, watching as the former human undressed. "Nice ass." She says below her breath. "So you could say we had a surrogate mother, she was an A.I with a body. I know that's an Android, Briget was her name; very motherly figure.... We never figured out her manufacturers. She raised for the most part, long with the other staff of our fathers hired help. Dad was around a lot, there were times when he wasn't." Menta chuckled slightly as she remembered a certain event. "I think it was around my seventeenth birthday, and you know what I get?" She paused for a second, letting the suspense rise. "A damn artificial vagina! For my dick! Hahahah!" She lets out a laugh, letting her sprits rise a bit. "My dad was very exotic sometimes, full of life and energy. When it came to business... Well he was mostly the same. But I could tell he was serious, most of the time.... He talked with a lot of people... I think he once tried to get a Quarian as our nanny at one point... She was really beautiful too..... Big tits and everything.... That damn accent too." Menta chuckled slightly, as she watched gaige slowly put on the dress. "Me and my sister, did at one point confront him about our incestual relationship. He supported it, he was really supportive of a lot of things. Like our harem plan." Menta commented.
So, the girls were genetically designed. Well that wasn't uncommon at all, though for the mother to be an Android...that was rather unusual to say the least. When he heard about her 17th birthday present Gage couldn't help but look around at her. At first he was a little sceptical, but then again with how the girl had turned out that sounded exactly like the kind of person who would have a daughter like this. This family was certainly strange to say the least, artificial vagina birthday presents, supportive of incestuous relationships, he did have to wonder if the father had indulged in either of his daughters at one point. "Well, he certainly does sound like a great man, though he certainly seems like he was successful in keeping his business and personal lives very separate" News reports on the man had always been positive, no mention of anything perverted really. Well, nothing beyond the usual rumours that surrounded any even remotely famous person anyway.
Gage smoothed down the dress as he finished putting it on, moving over towards Menta and gently rubbing her head. "Ok, let's go get your sister and get going hm?"
"Yeah.... Life was rather fun back then. Though wish me and my sister, could've met our actual Mother. A Kaithrit like me and Meena, we didn't know her very well barely remember her that well too." She paused for a minute before grinning and saying. "If your thinking our dad ever indulged in one of us... Well your wrong. Our old man wasn't that bad of a pervert." She could only smile fakely as she clasped Gaiges hand with her own. "Yeah let's get out of this place, knowing what's probably going to happen next .. Well it's better to get it out while we can." She began to sniffle as she was close to crying to again, her hand leaves Gaige grasp as she heads to the door and out in to the hall. Before heading to her room, which Meena and the Turian Vetra were in at the current momment. Her tails curled and flicked and her ears flatten as she gathered the rest of the group, before heading outside to the porch and waiting for them get out of the house, she leaned against the side of her house as she was about to breakdown crying; her body trembling and shaking as she felt the full weight of the situation hitting her like a truckload. She knew this was the last time she would ever see her father ever! She found it unfair and not right. Why did her old man die? He was rich! He could've have had years added to his life! So why did he die? How did it this all happen. Her ears flicked as she heard the front door open.
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