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A new job in Tainted Mass Space (Scrum x Firestarter09)

Meena continued to rub her equipment, and began to talk. "This all natural you know. it's been pretty common for many races in the U.G.C to have hermaphrodite children, Kaithrit, Ausar are some of the races that have natural herms, though, you could say im lucky." Meena paused for a minute, thinking of the best way to explain to Vetra. "My father is incredibly rich, he was selective with his lover, He's always mentioned that he had lots, but didn't have any kids with'em." Meena continued. "He chose our mother, who you could guess was a Kaithrit, and since my father was human, Menta and I were born Hybrids, so there was a low chance of us having been birn herms, but dad had a private medical clinic, and put some of the finest of attributes into unborn bodies.... Oh sorry did i rant?" Meena asked Vetra, realizing she had just gone off and explained her lifes story. Looking down she noticed the pool of fluids forming at Vetras feet. "Oh i must have, that puddle wasn't there before... Your such a naughty girl~." Meena purred her hands stopped their stroking and rubbing, she motioned with a hand for Vetra to come over. "Now come on dear Vetra, why don't you try that new fat ass on my cock?" The Kaithrit said lust lining her voice.

Menta panted as she pulled out of Gages ass, her cock coated in the mixed fluids of semen and girl-cum. "Damn that was soo good!" She said between pants, she could no longer feel the mass effect fields, rubbing her body or massaging her chest. The Kaithrit let out a cute groan at the realization, as she come to enjoy that pleasurable feeling. Though she could feel the fsint connection between them. She looked at Gage noticing that she was twitching, a wide mischievous grin spread across Menta's face. Getting up she rushed back to the couch as quickly as she could, her hand going for the pocket, though she was careful to not put it in there to fast, she felt around for another silver pen. One to inject Gage with of course. She grinned when she found the second one.
"All natural? It doesn't sound all natural if you get a medical clinic to select things.." Vetra raised an eyebrow, though was surprised to hear someone talk so casually about genetic manipulation like that. It was, at best, frowned upon in Citadel space, though even then it was only legal on the fringes. In the cores of Citadel space such genetic engineering was typically illegal, especially on a fetus. There was certainly a lot to learn about these U.G.C people. Still, when Meena motioned for her to come over Vetra couldn't help but do so, though her legs were still shaking. Partly from the pleasure and arousal running through her body, partly from still getting used to her gigantic thighs and the extra front weight of her huge breasts...which the aforementioned thighs were actually rather helping with. "...Fine...I've come this far, might as well go the rest of the way and see if your game is as big as your talk"


"Unngh...." Even with this short break Gage could feel his breath and energy returning, his breathing slowing back towards normal, his mind starting to clear now that he wasn't being subjected to near constant orgasms from not one but two bodies. "" He slowly started to push himself up, grunting as the motion caused more cum to push out of his ass and pussy. "D-damn....who the hell said you could go so wild...? I came here for a damn job as a pilot and bodyguard" He looked down at his hand, clenching and unclenching the blue fist. "The hell did you do to me? Damnit, Asari? This wasn't ever supposed to happen even after the treatments" He looked up as he saw Menta rooting around for something, still naked. "...What're you doing? Just what the hell are you planning now?" Although he could talk, Gage was certainly in no condition to defend himself should she try anything else on him.
"Oh trust me, Kaithrit and Ausar can have natural hermaphrodites." Meena said, licking her lips as Vetra came closer, watching her huge breasts, jiggle with every step, the same could be said about the ass. "My your so sexy." Meena purred as Vetra now stood up next to her. Meena hands caressed Vetras thighs lovingly, one hand made its way to Vetra enlarged behind, giving the right buttcheek a nice long squeeze. "Skin is very soft, and so erotic to touch, I believe that your sister... Will differently love this.... Ohh theres no doubt in my mind." She let out a soft purr, as she pressed her dick up against Vetras soft thighs, Menta leaned forward and began to suckle on one of Vetra fat nipples, much like a child who was being nursed, her tongue licked at the nipple, as she sucked she began to press her cock forward, her shaft getting in between Vetras large thighs. She bucked her hips slightly as her cock rested between them.

"Getting another pen." Menta answerd in a innocent tone. "Yeah your still going to be our bodyguard and pilot. Though that also entails other things." Menta pulled the second pen out, grinning as she got off the couch, still naked. She slowly approached the Asari. "I wouldn't trying moving so much, that belly of your's just needs to settle, though of course if continue to rustle around, I'll be forced to plug your ass, and little pussy." A threating tone was laced into the Kaithrit voice, as she bent down with the pen in hand. "Now where do you want the pen to be injected?" She asked Gage, her locked with the former humans. "Seriously where do you want it?" It seemed Menta was going to be patient for now. "I'm waiting." Menta tails curled as she waited for a reply.
"I'm not entirely sure I'm going to be letting my sister anywhere near this place just yet" Vetra smirked, then moaned again as her butt was squeezed, the flesh yielding to Meena's fingers, letting them sink in like she was squeezing a giant marshmallow. "Ngh...this is...this feels new...totally different to how Turians normally-" She cut off and moaned loudly as her nipple was suddenly sucked, the nipple growing even further in Meena's mouth, getting longer and thicker. " this what your people feel...? Ooooh..." Her legs spread slightly to give Meena easier access, the juices from her pussy dripping all over the tip of the other female's cock.


Getting another pen? No way, she couldn't be serious could she? Gage slowly pushed himself up onto his elbows, taking a few more deep breaths, though he still lacked the energy to get himself up off the floor. Even more importantly he lacked the energy to try and stop her from doing what she wanted to do, there was no way he could fight her off without another few minutes of rest, and he seriously doubted she was going to be stalled that long. He didn't even have enough energy to make a run for it, then again even if he did he couldn't exactly run out of here butt naked. Well...there was one thing he could at least try to do, turn this a little to his advantage. "So what's in it for me to just let you do this huh? How big of a bonus are we gonna be talking about hitting my bank account?" He was here for a job after all right? To earn enough money to see him through the next potentially thousand years, so he was sure as hell going to try getting something out of it.
Menta looked at Gage her face stone cold. "..." She was silent, her eyes locking with Gage's, a minute passed before Menta began to chuckle and laugh, it was slightly creepy and only lasted a few seconds. "Oh your funny, I'll make you a part of me and my sister harem plan." Menta said dead serious. "And if you marry well, you become a part of the Steele family, and well... You see it isn't big news yet, but our dad is.... Dead." Menta's ears began to flatten when she said it, it was incredibly touchy subject for her. "Me and my sister found out last night, so we've been trying to get our minds off it, thats why I fucked you silly." Menta explained. "And well after Meena's done with the Turian, all four of us need to get dressed, help us pack up and head to a space port. Now where do you want the shot?" Menta asked once again, and just incase she strattled Gage's lap, her erect cock was still erect and so it rested between the blue bosom.

Pulling away to answer what Vetra said. "C'mon it will be fun~ oh and we will have to pack up and stuff, we have a funeral to go to later." Meena explained before going back to sucking, she sucked and licked the nipple, feeling it getting longer and thicker. Her eye's widen in response when this happend, she had not expected this in the slightest and was enjoying every moment of it, she began to squish the butt cheeks together, rubbing and squeezing, she played with them like marshmallows. Meena moaned as she felt the Turian legs spread and felt the juices drip onto her shaft, shifting a bit Meena repositioned her cock at Vetras entrance, the tip of her shaft teased at it waiting to enter but didn't as if it wanted permission, but in reality Meena was just being Meena and with out a moments hesistation she rammed her cock upwards, going straight into the pussy, and tearing the Turian equivalent of a hymen, she giggled as she heard lewed shrieks and crie's of pleasure from Vetra. Meena sqiushed, squeezed and rubbed the butt cheeks even more now, sending ripples of pleasure through out the turian, as she began to nibble on the long thick nipple she was sucking on.
Well, the laugh wasn't an entirely unexpected response, though Gage had more anticipated it would be accompanied by the pen being jabbed into him at the same time so the fact it wasn't came as something of a bonus, though the creepiness of the laugh was just a little bit unsettling. "Harem plan? That doesn't exactly sound like it's going to pay the bills for the next millennium" Though the next part came as something of a shock, their father was dead? That hadn't been in the news...when a fact like that came out it was going to be huge, there wouldn't be a person in U.G.C space who didn't know who their father was after all. When her ears dropped he felt rather bad for her, despite what she had just done. "Well, there are better ways to get your mind off things, ways that involve asking someone before injecting them with random things and having your way with them" His eyebrow, or at least the closest an Asari had to an eyebrow, twitched in frustration. "Just what's in this extra shot anyway? I don't even know what the hell you injected me with the first time" All Gage did know was that whatever it was had massively amplified the Asari DNA that had been introduced to his body during the experiments, though he hoped the various DNA stabilisation safeguards that had been put in place would cause the effects to wear off eventually.


"A funer-" Vetra cut off before she could finish her question as her nippled was sucked on again, causing it to grow a little further in Meena's mouth, the flesh of her huge breasts quivering, though it was unclear if it was from Meena's sucking motions or if something else was happening in Vetra's body. "N-nnnn....oooh...." Vetra's moans carried the typical echoing quality of a Turian voice, causing them to reverborate around the room. When she felt something pressing up against her she grunted and moaned, her hips trying to push back against the cock, only to find it suddenly thrusting upwards. As the hard cock plunged into her Vetra screamed in pleasure as her body was suddenly filled, her feet lifting slightly off the ground, Meena was definitely stronger than she looked. Every newly plump part of Vetra's body bounced and quivered with the motion, physical ripples moving across her body as well as internal ripples of pleasure, Vetra's nipples growing slightly once again, now having reached several inches in length.
Menta smirked slightly her mood lighting up a bit. "Well think about it silly." She said with a chuckle. "If you join in on this harem plan, you'll end up as one of our wife's, or husband. You can be Gage Steele!" Menta said with a purr, her tails curled and moved as she looked for a spot to inject the pen. "Well you do have a point... It's a fair point, this shot is basically the same shot i gave you." Menta stated as her eyes darted to a spot, she eyed Gage's left tit more specifically the nipple and the areola. "Bingo!" Menta said as her hand went for the left tit, grabbing it and squeezing it, before using her other hand to stick the pen into the areola. Her thumb pressed the button and the pen shot the payload into Gage blood stream. "Hey once this pen emptys, wanna give me a blowjob?" Menta asked with a cheshire grin. Her hand that was squeezing the left tit let go and went over to the right breast, kneading the flesh. "Or you can try to move your head a bit forward and try to go at my cocks tip." Menta tails had moved to either side of her and began to rub at Gage's thighs, in a very loving manner. The pen soon was emptied and pulled out, before being thrown across the room.

Meena inwardly smiled as she continued to suck like a child, she could feel the nipple grow a litte in length in her mouth. (Though eventually the nipple would return to normal after some time had passed.) Meena and Menta were very strong, extremely strong, it was a bit more obvious with Menta, but less so with Meena. Meenas tails moved forward, one came from the left, the other from the right, each one began to rub and swish across Vetras thighs, why was Meena doing this? Well it had to with them being Kaithrit/human hybrids, and the fact the twins took a large interest in Kaithrit society, you see In Kaithrit society contact with a tail is a social language in its own right. Who a kaithrit touches, how, when, and where, are all bound by distinctive aspects of kaithrit proprietary. A good example would be, a simple looping of one tail tip around another kaithrit's tail-tip signifies a friendly acquaintance and is a polite greeting, whilst doing the same with both tails on the same side is a gesture of sibling affection and doing it with one tail on either side, so that both Kaithrits must be facing each other, is a romantic gesture similar to a cuddle. There are more intimate tail-touches that are supposed to be kept private or to the bedroom, but may be seen as an expression of dominance in a social context. When dealing with aliens, a kaithrit's tail-touching often serves as an indicator of social interest; it's prefered to stroke the alien's tail, if they have one, but the buttocks and thighs will suffice. A side effect of this, though, is that most tail-touching gestures they can perform are signifiers of lust or camaraderie - the equivalent of a friendly spank on the ass, for example. So in the end that was what Meena was doing. Meena thrust began to pick up more pace as her hands continued to squeeze and rub the large buttcheeks together. She began to lift Vetra up more off the ground.
Well, the prospect if being a member of the Steele family certainly had appeal, prestige, money....not to mention he was likely to outlive both sisters by quite some margin thanks to his enhanced lifespan. Even if he was used like a sex toy for a few decades he'd have centuries to enjoy himself it might be fun anyway. Certainly more fun than fighting for your life on a battlefield anyway. "The same shot? And just what in the world was actually in the first-" Gage never got to finish his sentance, squeaking as the injector jabbed into his already swollen nipple, grunting as he felt ripples going through his body, the 'elasticity' of his DNA being stretched even further than it was already. "Y-you kidding?" He looked up at her as she asked him for a blowjob. "Haven' gotten off enough already? You're the one who should be returning the favour to me, not asking me for more"


Vetra moaned loudly as Meena started to lift her up more, the natural echo to her Turian voice being even further enhanced by the enclosed room. The Turian mind and body had never been made to handle pleasure like this, it was practically overwhelming her already and it was clear that Meena was only just getting started. "Oo-ooooh...s-so full....!" Her body tightened up a little, Vetra's body rippling all over from the movements, her enlarged thighs and breasts bouncing wildly. By now Vetra had managed to raise her arms, wrapping them around Meena's shoulders in order to support herself a little better, not that she needed it with Meena's strength but still. "Nnngh...c-come can do better than that can't you? You were talking like a big you gotta be able to give better than this" Vetra managed a Turian approximation of a smirk as she egged the other female on, wiggling her hips as best she could in this position with the various parts of her body now much larger than before.
Menta thought for a moment, her finger tapping her chin lightly as she glanced at Gage every few seconds, a grin spread across her face. "Well lete get things straight. The first shot made you into a Asari, as we did some background checks on you, so yeah... We know all about yor experimentation. It's also what was in the second shot as well... Must be pretty sad not to have that nice.member any more." She teased leaning forward and placing a hand on Gage hip. "I mean you can't fuck my pussy, so either way it doesn't matter... Because well i get off either way." She leaning forward more before planting a kiss on Gages plump lips, her tongue sliding into Gages mouth, as her hands gripped the former humans shoulders holding her tightly. A minute would pass until Menta pulled away panting slightly as a line of saliva connected them. Which was broken by the Kaithrit. "Mhhh your mouth taste delicious, now then why don't give my nice cock here a blowjob, I mean I bet it would feel good on those soft plump lips of yours." She stated gesturing down to her still erect shaft, which twitched slightly as little bits of pre-cum oozed out from the tip.

Meena grunted muffled by her sucking as she was teased by the Turian, her tails continued to do there rubbing of Vetras thighs best they could, though it was a bit difficult due to her wiggling thighs. Meena lightly bit down on the lengthened nipple her left hand raising off of Vetras ass, before coming back down and giving a sharp smack to the flesh, she began thrust with even more vigor. Her cock pumping in out of Vetra at a fast pace her hand repeated what it did before, and came down with another sharp slap to the Turians arse! Pulling away from the nipple Meena said. "Your going to regret saying that. After all I can bloat a Humans stomach with my semen... I bet you would like to see that." She teased her eyes leering at Vetra. "After all a sexy beast like you must enjoy that." With a final thrust she lodged her cock up into Vetras pussy, and came her hot thick semen flooding the Turians womb, and not even a second after she began to thrust again, just as she felt the alien pussy clamp down on her cock. "Oooh fuck!" She cursed not expecting that in the slightest! "Soooo tight!~" She purred in pure bliss.
They did some background checks on him? Gage's brow furrowed slightly, though it was rather difficult to tell now that his body had become Asari. That meant they had gotten into some very highly classified military files, ones that were supposed to be unhackable. He'd have to send a mail to some of his former colleagues to tell them to beef up their cyber security. The kiss rather surprised him, especially when she grabbed onto his shoulders, holding him in place, Gage wasn't really quite sure how to react, his mind and body were in something of a state of shock until Menta pulled away, leaving Gage gasping for breath for a few moments. He glanced down at her cock as she started to present it to him, how the hell was she still hard?! Sure he knew Kaithrit could go more than humans but she'd already cum several times, and each time had been such a volume too, despite the constant flow of cum back out of his pussy Gage's belly was still a little swollen with her cum. "Uhhh..." He was hesitant, but there didn't seem to be much other way to get this over with. So he reached up, grasping her cock, though his body still lacked most of his strength from a combination of the change and exhaustion, he really needed a few hours to rest in order to recover.
Menta raised an eyebrow as she noticed that Gage was seemingly exhausted, even the grip of the former human male, was a little less tight, and it felt it so... Lose. Groaning slightly as she figured that the human turned Asari; was incredibly tired she grabbed Gage's hand and pulled it off her cock. "I hate my soft side." She muttered to herself, as she got up off the poor Asari. "Get some sleep." She states turning around and facing away from the former male. "Your grip is a total mess, it wasn't firm or tight, it felt flimsy, weak... I don't want that, that makes sex boring." She stretchs her arms behind her head, popping noises being made by such action. "I'm giving you a few hours to adjust, so hit the hay! I got a job of watching my twin fuck a Turian to attend." As she began to walk away from the Asari, her hips sauntering and swaying alluring as she walked to the lab door, humming to herself as she grabbed the doorknob, opening the door and heading on in; Meena grunted muffled by her sucking as she was teased by the Turian, her tails continued to do there rubbing of Vetras thighs best they could, though it was a bit difficult due to her wiggling thighs. Meena lightly bit down on the lengthened nipple her left hand raising off of Vetras ass, before coming back down and giving a sharp smack to the flesh, she began thrust with even more vigor. Her cock pumping in out of Vetra at a fast pace her hand repeated what it did before, and came down with another sharp slap to the Turians arse! Pulling away from the nipple Meena said. "Your going to regret saying that. After all I can bloat a Humans stomach with my semen... I bet you would like to see that." She teased her eyes leering at Vetra. "After all a sexy beast like you must enjoy that." With a final thrust she lodged her cock up into Vetras pussy, and came her hot thick semen flooding the Turians womb, and not even a second after she began to thrust again, just as she felt the alien pussy clamp down on her cock. "Oooh fuck!" She cursed not expecting that in the slightest! "Soooo tight!~" She purred in pure bliss.
The feeling of her enlarged ass being slapped was rather strange to Vetra, the feeling of the flesh jiggling completely alien to her. After all, a Turian backside was normally completely solid thanks to their armour plated skin. So to feel this was most definitely a sensation her body was neither prepared nor designed to be feeling, and her brain wasn't quite sure how to process it. Then again her brain wasn't quite sure how to process almost any of the sensations that she was feeling right now. "O-oh yeah? Bloat a humans stomach huh? Yeah right" Vetra hadn't even noticed Menta entering the room, she was rather distracted at the moment after all so it was hardly surprising. And when she felt the sensation of Meena cumming inside of her she was even more distracted, by the sensation of her body suddenly being filled to the brim with cum. Still, powerful Turian muscles managed to restrict her stomach for now, causing her body to squeeze even more tightly as most of the cum was being pushed back down around Meena's cock, it seemed it was going to take more than a single orgasm even from the futanari Kaithrit to bulge this Turian's stomach.
Meena groaned happily as her cock was squeezed inside of the aliens pussy. "Damn its tight." She cursed, giving another heft thrust as she felt her own semen, force it ways back down the pussy, coating her shaft and giving it even more lubrication. "For a Turian it seems your ass is quite sensitive for you, then again you never had mucb of an ass before." She teases the alien, as her taiks still stroked the the thighs of the lovely Turian. Meena balls churned as more sperm was being produced, giving another thrust she began to suck on one of the nipples she had yet to suck on, her soft lips making contact with the now soft skin of Vetras. Earning echoy moans from the exotic alien, as her crotch clashed with Vetras; Meena couldn't help but squeeze ine of the large ass cheeks, letting her fingers sink into the soft flesh, that a Turian should have never had in the first place. Her eyes glacing up to look at Vetras face, trying to get a read kn the Turians facial expression. But if the sound was anything to go by, she was enjoying like hell, the hermaphrodite Kaithrit cock trembled once more as she lodged herself deep with a thrust, letting cum spew forth from her shaft; filling Vetra to the brim once more. The 'barbs' that lined her shaft rubbed against the vaginal walls increasing both of the pleasure they recived. Making her way up slowly, Menta couldn't help but marvel at the enhanced Turian, every part of her was just.... So damn sexy, after all she had just been a normal Turian not to long ago. With a purr Menta asked. "Sis you don't mind me getting in on this ass?" Onoy to receive a hand signal from her twin as an answer. Getting closer she placed her tip against the soft browm malleable alien flesh. Before thrusting her cock into the foreign ass.
Vetra barely even noticed Menta's entry into the room, she was far too focused on the pleasure that Meena was giving her, enjoying these sensations that she was never meant to feel far too much to be concerned with the world around her. It was so out of character for her, normally Vetra was so attentive, always on guard, always on the look out, but right now her brain was overwhelmed, her better judgement pushed completely aside. "Nnngh! A-aaahhh! Wh-what's the human word...? Fuck!" Vetra cried out as she thrust her hips down against Meena's cock to take it deeper into herself, feeling more cum spill inside of her, overflowing back out onto her enlarged thighs. Then she felt it though, another presence close behind her, then felt something pressing against her ass. Vetra's eyes widened as she felt a prodding, then sudden entry of a cock, her eyes going wide as she screamed in pleasure, cumming once again, her body squeezing down tightly on both of the cocks that were plunging deep into her body, juices squirting all over the lower half of both Kaithrit's.
Meena moaned happily as more of the mixed sex juices spilled out of Vetra, and onto the aliens thighs, some of it even dripped in the Kaithrit balls which churned heavily with her seed, as she increased her grip on the aliens exaggerated hips letting her nails dig into the flesh. "Sister our plan is going accordingly well." She hears Menta moan, like the absolute slut she was; as Meena continued to suck on the one nipple she hadn't. Her cock throbbed and trembled inside of the aliens pussy; as her breasts began to press against Vetras stomach, nipples rubbing against the soft skin eliciting muffled moans from the Kaithrit, as she thrust with a final thrust once more sending ropes of seed into the womb once more, before she began to thrust once again. Menta was quite surprised as to how the Turian had turned out from her siblings expierments, having expected that she would be this curvaceous, or soft but it didn't matter to her. With each tbrust Menta brought her body closer and closer to Vetras; till she was pressing her own breasts against Vetras soft brown skin; letting her nipples rub against the skin; eliciting whorish moans and bestial howls. Deciding to expierment a bit Menta brought her head closer to Vetras back; letting her wet tongue run along the skin coating it in salvia, she began to lick Vetras back lovingly as her hands cupped and squeezed her large bodacious ass, as her plowing of Vetras ass began to pick up pace, her crotch crashed with the sides of the jiggly orbs creating a papping sound with each hit. Pap! Pap! Pap! it went with crash as a similar noise started to be made from Meenas side.
When Meena came inside of her pussy once more Vetra cried out as her own body came hard, juices squirting all over the lower halves of the two Kaithrit's once again. This time there was a slight bulge in Vetra's stomach as well, the cum forcing her body to expand, or at least for a few moments, but those strong and tight stomach muscles soon forced the cum back out again, causing it to pour over both of the cocks now thrusting up into her, the sensation eliciting an echoey moan from the Turian as the thick fluid poured back out around the cock that was trying to thrust it back up inside.
When she felt Menta start to lick at her back Vetra gasped, then came again just from that sensation, body quivering as orgasm ripped through her, it seemed that was a particularly sensitive spot for Turians when it was uncovered, and combined with the enhanced sensitivity her body had been subjected to it was too much for her body to withstand. Vetra's hips started to thrust back down against the two, her pussy and ass swallowing the cocks that were greedily plunging into her, just as greedily trying to pull them back in every time they pulled out, attempting to milk more cum from both of them, desperately trying to feel the sensation of both cumming inside at the same time.
Meena and Menta moaned in Unison as Vetras jucies rushed out of her pussy, which surprisingly hit Menta legs coating it in the sexual jucies and Meena semen. "Someone's going to have a field day cleaning my legs." Menta pulled away from licking to refer to her sister fetish for legs and feet, before she went back to licking the aliens back. her sister came once more bloating the poor Turians stomach a bit, before being forced out by the tight stomach muscles once more, causing it to rush downwards coating Meenas shaft and flinging some on the bottom half of Mentas cock, it was still hot when it landed but became cooler over a few seconds. The half-kaithrit moaned as she felt her cock throbb in Vetras ass, and it wasn't too long before she came sending large amounts of semen up Vetras ass. Meena groaned as she felt her balls churn once more she knew she wasn't half way done yet, her cock was going to hurt after this. She bit lightly on the Turians nipple as her sister licked furiously across the back; coating it in saliva, both were once again approaching their climaxs and both would cum at the same time. The constant thrusting from Vetra kept bringing more of their mighty shafts deeper into Vetras ass and pussy, which squeezed tightly around their meat; eliciting moans from both of them as the began to ram their cocks faster and faster, as Mentas licking of Vetras back becake even more pleasurable, while Meenas biting of Vetras nipple turned into a sucking sensation, it all continued to build more and more.
Vetra panted and moaned as she began to lose track of the orgasms ripping through her body, it was becoming like she was in a constant state of orgasm now, they were just all blurring together. Even her newly enhanced Turian body was having trouble keeping up with this pace, it wouldn't be much longer until, like Gage, she simply became a quivering mass drained of all energy. Before that though she grunted and thrust her breasts into Meena's face, practically smothering her with the breast that wasn't being sucked on, whilst what energy the Turian did have left was pushed towards grinding her hips. She wanted one more blast of cum from both of them, at the same time. She had felt the both cum inside of her but not together yet, before she inevitably passed out she at least wanted to feel that much. "Nnnngh! Nyaaaagh!" The power of coherent speech had long since left her by this point, grunts and moans of pleasure were the only sounds Vetra was capable of making for the time being, not that she had many other noises to really make right now.
Menta and Meena groaned in unison, both were taking back by Vetras action. Meena was starting to lose herself in pleasure and lust, so when Vetra practically hit her with on of her mammoth sized tits; she found herself letting go of Vetras other breast, and so she began to switch back and forth between each tit. Or at least tried till she was practically just licking at Vetras tits. Menta on the other hand could feel hersel edging closer and closer to an orgasm, whether was it from how tight Vetras ass was, or too how her nipples rubbed across Vetras back, it was getting to be all to much. So when the Turian began to grind her hips on Menta crotch. The Kaithrit could practically feel her balls chunring as her cock began to tremble. The twins who both were licking parts of Vetras body, pulled away as both of their cocks trembled and both screamed in unison "HNGH! F-FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" Menta and Meena cried out in unison, both gave one final heafty thrust, slamming their cocks deep into each of Vetras respective holes. As their shafts released their payload shooting up into Vetra womb and ass. Filling to the brim with virile Kaithrit seed. Neither dared to pull out as they were still cumming, Meena moaned whorishly as she began to lose coherent thought, her speech becoming more and more than lewd noises, and loud almost feral-ish moans. A similar fste began to happen to Menta, their large sacks churned with cum as their constant stream of cum was beginning to slow down. "S-so- nyaaagh! Much cum- nnnngh!" Menta tried her best to say, Vetras ass and pussy was practically milking the twins cocks at this point... And that was something both Kaithrits really enjoyed.
Vetra could feel nothing but pleasure now, in every last inch of her body. Pleasure that Turian's were never meant to experience, that their brains were never meant to process in even tiny amounts, and yet now she was completely and utterly overwhelmed, drowning in it. The noises leaving her lips, or the nearest that she had to lips, were nothing but echoing moans of pleasure. She could barely feel the tongues of the two women, all she could feel were there cocks driving into her over and over again, her body being stretched, her enlarged breasts bouncing and jiggling wildly, further pleasure shooting from them and into the rest of her body. Somewhere through all that pleasure Vetra could hear something, the twins crying out, saying...something, but she had lost the ability to understand even her own language, let alone that of the UGC. One final orgasm ripped through Vetra's body, causing her pussy and ass to tighten up more than ever before, right at the time both twins had thrust into her one more time.
She screamed in pleasure as cum flooded inside, her womb and ass filling almost instantly, and yet the cum kept on coming. Finally, Vetra's belly started to bulge and swell, more than noticeable, filling with so much cum that practically her entire midsection was bulging, her body seemingly attempting to drain every last drop of cum from both Kaithrit, milking them for everything they had left all at once, until Vetra finally could process no more, her mind being finally overwhelmed as she passed out.
Menta panted as she practically had to catch the passed out Turian, she let out a sigh as she set her on the floor. Letting the Turian rest on the ground, she looked at her sister and smiled. "Well we're covered in cum, guess we should clean up this small mess. I know the perfect way how, I know you wamna go crazy on my legs and feet sis, so why don't you." A devious smile crept onto Meenas face, as she suggested for her twin to go crazy on her feet. She knew her sister loved licking and cleaning legs and feet, (which Menta enjoyed to a degree.) so when her twin tackled her to the ground like a wild animal and started to lap at her legs and feet, Menta could help but giggle and laugh in a crazy manner. Man both of them were extremely fucked up. Meenas tongue ran up and down Mentas legs and feet, as she cleaned her sisters legs and feet clean. Her tails swayed and curled happily as she took pleasure in what she was doing. Minutes would pass and Mentas lower half would be cleaned, she would have the favor returned by Menta, and soon both twins would be cleaned. A few hours would pass. Menta smiled as she finished getting dressed. "Now time to dress Gaige." As she grabbed a dressed and hurried to get Gaige dressed, after all they needed to head to a funeral.
After an hour or two of rest Gage had woken feeling much more refreshed, not to mention his belly was back to normal, though his body was still that of an Asari rather than his regular human self. Once he had gotten dressed he had found a desk to sit down at, connecting up his Omni Tool to a computer terminal to make use of the extra processing power as he pulled up some custom programs on his tool, some 'leaving gifts' from the military, using them to start running an analysis of his DNA. He was no gene scientist but he knew a few basics, at least about his own DNA, just enough to keep a close check on himself for however long his lifespan ended up being.
The analysis took a little while to run, but eventually the results came up. It seemed his DNA was already starting to slowly return to normal, the safeguards that had been put in place meaning his DNA had a certain 'elasticity' to it. On the one hand it meant his DNA was rather easy to manipulate, with changes tending to be rather more exaggerated than would probably be expected. On the other hand though that same elasticity meant his DNA would always return back to normal, or normal for him anyway, no matter how it was modified.

Just as Gage was finishing up and shutting down his Omni Tool he heard movement, looking up as Menta came into the room. "Hm? Oh, done with...whatever it is you were doing? I'm surprised to see you in clothes for a change" He raised an eyebrow, or at least did the nearest thing that an Asari could with their slightly different facial muscles.
"Well my dear little slut; I'm going to dress you up. Your transformation should last a day and a half. So I'm going to treat you like a woman." Menta tells Gaige; who would know doubt gawk at this. "That means I have to dress you nice and proper; especially since we're going to my fathers funeral." The dress that was Menta current attire was simple and black. There was a cut at the leg part allowing for Menta perfect legs to show every once and while. The dress hung nicely to her assets; showing every possible curve she had; at the cut open part their were glimpses of panties she was wearing, along with black stockings. There was the faint outline of her dong in her panties. "Oh! By the way, what do you think about the dress? I mean I like it; but it isn't my style.. Especially the panties... Rather boxers you know... But sadly they don't look good in a dress." The daughter of Victor Steele chuckled nervously. "Well guess it's time to get your blue ass dressed... Now do you want this exact copy of tbe dress im wearing?" She lifts up the dress in her hands. "Or do you want one from my closet?" Menta gave a bright smile as she waited for the answer from Gaige. "Oh right, should mention we're bringing the Turian with us.... I think it's going to be quiet funny to see her in a dress." The Kaithrit was trying to make some small talk to pass the time. Her tails swished and curled behined her as her chest rised and falled with each breath. "Oh, by the way how's being an Asari? I've been wondering since you've transformed." Menta seemed different; her brashness was seemingly gone and replaced with a nervous girl. It could be simply because of her fathers passing that she was acting like this.
Gage twitched slightly as Menta talked about treating him like a woman, oh he'd get her back for this that was for sure. Though when Menta mentioned that they were going to her fathers funeral his expression softened immediately, thoughts of getting her back being pushed aside and replaced with throughts of sympathy. "Hm? The dress? Well...I have to admit it's rather unusual to see you wearing something quite so covering after how you were when we first met...." How she was when they first met being completely naked of course. Still, the dress was a far cry from being 'conservative' exactly, it clung to her curves perfectly and the slit showing off a few glimpses of underwear....still, it was probably one of the most covering pieces of clothing Menta owned from what litte Gage knew of her. "Oh, well I guess I'll take a copy of that dress" He slowly stood up, walking over to carefully take the dress from her hands, he wasn't sure what other clothes were in her closet but he was sure none of them would be any more appropriate for a funeral than the dress she was wearing.
It was unusual to hear Menta like this, she had shown nothing but confidence before and yet now she was so....almost helpless. Gage just smiled softly and couldn't help giving Menta a gentle hug in an attempt to comfort her. "It feels rather....strange that's for sure. All these extra nerves make even moving around feel totally different, it's still a little hard to move my body exactly how I want to" He released the hug and gently rubbed Menta's head, giving her cat like ears a soft stroke. "I'll go get dressed then ok?"
Menta purred as she was hugged and gently rubbed on the head, ears flatting slightly from the rubbing, as she mewled like a cat. Both their breasts briefly pushed against each other. She let out happy sighs and purrs as she nuzzled against Gaige, before she pulled away from the human-turned-Asari. Smilinging brightly she handed the dress to Gaige, her tails swishing behined as she waited for the woman to go put it. "Trust me, you'll like wearing it! It's made from the finest material, desgined for comfort and well showing off ones assets. I think the person who made it was a friend of my fathers." Her ears flatten once more as she mentioned her father; it showed how much she really cared for her father. "You know it's kind of sad; to think that I knew a lot about my father, but I also knew so little." She lets out sad sigh, her ears flattening even more, a frown growing larger as she looked to the ground in defeat. "Hey can you change in here? So I can talk to somebody.. I don't want to be alone right now, and you'll need someone to help you with getting dressed... I doubt you crossed dressed, and your still adjusting to your new form, so a woman's touch is going to be needed." Menta weakly smiles leaning against the wall. Tears running down the sides of her face as she was on the verge of breaking down. It seemed that she was going to need a lot of comfort; her father's death had hit her hard and it was showing.
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