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A new job in Tainted Mass Space (Scrum x Firestarter09)


May 27, 2017
Gage Azan glanced around as he walked down the street, it was his first time on this particular planet and old habits died far too hard. He had been out of the U.G.C military for 6 months now, but he couldn't shake the military mindset, of being cautious, especially when somewhere he hadn't been before, somewhere he didn't know the layout. where he didn't know the escape routes. No, no stupid Gage, there weren't escape routes anymore, he wasn't in the military anymore damnit. He shook his head and cursed himself, trying his best to relax. He didn't have time to get distracted by old feelings like that, he needed to focus on the job he was on his way to. There had been a listing for an experienced Pilot and Bodyguard, both things Gage could excel in, particularly thanks to his rather unique past.
During his time in the military he had been part of a top secret project, whilst not born a Biotic like some humans had been recently, Gage now possessed Biotic abilities well ahead of any human and without the need for any kind of control implants. It was all thanks to the project that had introduced Asari genetic material into his body that had occurred shortly after first contact between the U.G.C and the Citadel races, to ensure that this new mysterious group didn't have a major advantage over the U.G.C. He had been gifted with the unique Biotic abilities of an Asari, along with at least some of their more evolved nervous system and, as it turned out, at least some of their drastic lifespan. The only outward sign of that was his youthful appearance, which the doctors had said he was likely to maintain for at least several centuries.

That was all behind him now though, and Gage now found himself outside of the warzones and battlegrounds of the far frontiers of the U.G.C and Citadel space he had spent the last several years in, mainly fighting against slavers and pirates, not to mention secret Black Ops against terrorist groups and stopping wars before they could happen, back safely in the space of the U.G.C itself, though a planet he hadn't been to before, why would he, it was peaceful here after all. Having seen both it was rather remarkable how many similarities there between U.G.C space and Citadel space, many different kinds of aliens all around, living together in peace. It brought a smile to his face to see people smiling and laughing together rather than trying to kill one another, tiny shards of metal whizzing past at thousands of miles per hour.

Gage pushed the thoughts from his mind as he realised he was here, looking up at the building, then back down at the datapad in his hands. Yes, this was the place alright. Hopefully he'd get the job, as much as he was enjoying 'retirement', the money he'd been paid wouldn't exactly last him a few centuries, he needed a job he could do well to get through the rest of his life. "Alright Gage, here we go" He took a deep breath and grinned, then tapped the call button beside the door.
Menta sighed a bit, brushing her gray bangs off to the side, as her grey cat ears that rested atop her head twitched and swiveled around picking up the slighist sound, her twin grey cat tails that came from her rear, well not from in her rear, Menta was a woman around twenty, she was the daughter of Victor Shepard Steele a famous galactic adventurer, businessman, and playboy who lived during and after the 13th Great, He founded Steele Tech, one of the most successful Mega-Corporations in U.G.C space, she was also the twin to Meena Shepard Steele, who was currently in her lab, as Menta walked to the door she forgot to put clothes on, letting her body being show off, from her large E-cup breasts to her sexy ass, to her sweet pussy lips, to her large cock and balls, she was a stunning example of hermaphrodite kaithrit, her cock was fully erect as she opened the door. "Yes?"
Gage heard movement from the other side of the door, thankful he wouldn't have to wait too long. He'd done a little research into this place, it was owned, indirectly, by the Steele Tech corporation. It was impossible not to have heard of them, impossible to not own at least one thing that they had manufactured or been involved with in some way, and it was impossible to not have heard of Victor Steele, the founder of the company. A bit less known however were his daughters, all Gage knew was that they at least had a reputation as scientists of some sort and that they were at least half Kaithrit, though beyond that it seemed that Steele Tech were able to keep secrets even from Gage's military contacts, though that was hardly surprising for any Mega-Corporations, they often fielded intelligence services even beyond the capabilities of the military after all.

"Uhhhh..." Of all the things that Gage had been expecting when the door opened, a completely naked hermaphrodite with a large erection was...well...if it had been on the list it would've been pretty near the bottom. He couldn't help staring at her naked form for a few moments, then had to glance down at his data pad to check the address once more, though that ended up causing him to also look down more directly at her cock, before looking quickly back up to her face. ".....Menta Steele? Uh...I'm here about the job advertisement...? The pilot and bodyguard? I'm...Gage Azan?"
Menta eyes widened in response to what he said. A grin spread across her face as she grabbed his arm and lead in him into the building, using a surprising amount of strength, she forced him over to the couch in the middle of the room before closing the door. "Why hello~." She said seductively to Gage, her eyes locking with his as she made her approach, each step her assets jiggled, and with every step she had sexy sway, there was a noticeable liquid leaking from the tip of her cock, It seemed to be bits of pre-cum, as she got close to Gage she straddled him, sitting face to face, her sexy ass and thighs were pressing against his crotch. "I think im going to have some fun~!" She purred seductively, placing a hand on his shoulder and keeping him in place, as another arm reached behind the couch, unknown to Gage there was pocket swon into said couch. In said pocket contained a silver object with a pointed end, some type of injection based object. "How big are you~?" She asked.
Gage didn't resist when she grabbed him and pulled him inside, though from her grip it seemed she was certainly stronger than she looked. He dropped onto the couch, looking up at her as Mental closed the door then started to approach him slowly, his eyes constantly shifting focus to different parts of her body as they jiggled and bounced. Why the hell was she completely naked anyway? And why was she so aroused? More to the point, why was she being quite so...seductive towards him? " came about the job you advertised?" Gage shivered slightly as she straddled him, feeling the soft flesh pressing against him. "How big am-" In his slightly confused state it took Gage a second to realise what she meant, though he certainly wasn't an idiot and understood exactly what she was talking about. It was certainly one of the stranger questions to be asked at a job interview he had to admit. "Well uh, I'm not enhanced down there or anything so...about 8 inches I think?"
Menta licked her lips happily and started to grind her ass and thighs against Gage crotch, rubbing harder and harder as she felt the cock grow more erect in the pants. She could feel it strain the pants Gage was wearing. Menta pulled the pen out from the pocket. "Now we are going to have some fun." She cooed to Gage as she brought the arm holding the pen and stabbing it into his shoulder, injecting whatever was in it.
Gage shivered as Menta continued to rub against him, feeling his pants tighten rather inevitably. Well, the sight alone would have done that, but the feeling of her grinding against him was just the icing on the cake. He was just starting to relax, well, relax in a way, when she leaned in, then he suddenly felt something stabbing into his shoulder. He gasped loudly, pushing Menta off him and scrambling out of the chair, one hand clutching his shoulder the other drawing his pistol. "What" Gage started to feel a little woozy, dropping the gun and clutching his head for a moment, then letting out a groan. "What's....what's happening...?"

Inside his body something was reacting with his previous genetic modifications, the carefully balanced Asari DNA within him was now suddenly asserting itself, aggressively so. It didn't take long for visible signs of it to begin showing, his skin starting to slowly grow darker and begin to turn a shade of blue. With another groan Gage dropped to his knees, but this groan was far less pained, and far more like a groan of pleasure. There was a hot sensation in his chest, then a tingling, before he arched his back with a loud gasp, his shirt tightening up. An instant later however the shirt began to get even tighter around the chest wasn't the shirt getting tighter, it was his chest starting to push out and fill it further. His muscular chest had softened, and now breasts were beginning to swell in their place, his nipples growing thicker, longer, harder, as his breasts continued to grow. Whilst most Asari would usually settle at around a B, or maybe a C, cup, Gage's breasts kept on growing until a proud, firm pair of DD breasts were stretching the fabric of his shirt.
Before he could even react Gage thrust his hands between his legs, gasping in both pleasure and shock as he felt an incredibly odd sensation. At first he thought it was just his erection softening, but it was going away in a very different sense. His cock and his balls, they were shrinking, retracting away back into his body, then the instant they were gone he grunted as he felt something else forming, then let out a long, lewd moan as a pussy formed in place. Even as the front of his pants had gotten looser, the side and back grew tighter as his hips and ass plumped and grew.
As Gage doubled over his hair had retracted into his head, the back of his head seemingly lengthening slightly, splitting as his skin continued to change, becoming a darker and darker shade of blue, before with a final cry Gage felt an orgasm rip through his body, not just his pussy, but like his entire nervous system were orgasming at once, the sensation overpowering and causing him to drop entirely to the floor, panting and rolling onto his back, his body having now completely transformed into that of a very female looking Asari.
Menta whimpered a bit after being pushed off, rubbing her large ass turning her head to look at Gage. Menta purred licking her lips devilishly as she got up, swaying her hips as she made her way over tovGage new Asari body, only stopping to pick up the gun and throwing it across the room. Smirking as she approached the new Asari who laid on her back panting like a whore. Mentas smiled as she raised her right hand, her sharp nails extended slightly, due to her kaithrit dna, and she swiped at the Asari pants, ripping them to shreds, and exposing her new sex. "Such sexy thighs, and child baring hips. Oh that ass must be huge!" Menta exclaimed eyeing every detail of the Asari lower half, her cock fully erect. Getting closer to the ground Menta retracted her longer nails, returning them back to there previous state, she grabbed both of the Asari legs spreading them, and letting her get clear acess to the new pussy. "Here i come whore." She purred plunging her cock into the pussy with no hesitation.
Gage was still trying to get to grips with the changes in his body, but his entire nervous system had changed now and his attempts to do anything were being interpreted completely differently by his body, meaning he could do little but squirm somewhat. He managed to turn his head to look up at Menta, then squeaked as his pants were slashed apart. "H-hey! What...what're you doing?! I...I came here for...job interview..." He gasped as he noticed Menta's erection hovering above him, then as she moved down between his legs. "No're not planning....hey just what are you doi-" Gage cut off, eyes going wide as the cock plunged into his brand new pussy. He cried out, but it was a mixture of surprise and a lewd moan of pleasure, his pussy squeezing Menta's cock tightly, though the transformation had left him immensely wet, far wetter than any human pussy could normally become.
Menta purred and thrusted, ignoring the protests of the former human, and thrusted her cock once again, she kept her hands on Gage generously wide hips, hand grabbing the flesh there. "So sexy!" Menta let moans pleasure, as the Asari pussy sqeeuzed around her cock, her twin tails curled forward and with a mind of there own, began to tickle the soft sensetivite feet. With each thrust Menta large jugs caped with pink areola and nipples bounced hypnotically. "Who's a good bitch?" She grunted to Gage as she thrusted harder as the pussy got tighter around her cock, she could feel every muscle contract in the pussy.

Meena purred as she looked at the female turian before her. "Alright Vetra Nyx? Ready to be enhanced." She asked.

(Kinda wanted to add whatever Meena was doing, so added vetra nyx to the mix)
( she transforming into that)
Gage tried to summon up his biotics, attempting to concentrate enough to create a Mass Effect field to push Menta away from him, but a combination of his inability to concentrate and the pleasure being forced on his body, the fields only ended up stroking against Menta instead, causing pressure to massage at her breasts, her stomach, her hips, as if many invisible hands were stroking at her body, Menta's breasts practically being fondled despite Gage's hands being clenched at his sides, his own newly grown breasts bouncing back and forth. Despite being on his back his breasts were firm and perky, causing them to stick upright as Menta fucked his pussy, which only got tighter and tighter with every thrust, the pleasure coursing through Gage's entire body thanks to the Asari nervous system. "Oooooh!" Gage moaned again, the nervous connection beginning to reach out into Menta, causing them to begin feeling one anothers pleasure as well as their own.


Vetra folded her arms and sighed, muttering to herself "How did I end up in this position?" She shook her head, then looked up at Meena "Just what exactly are you going to do? You keep saying enhance but you haven't exactly said in what way just yet. Have you even tested what you're going to be doing on a Turian yet? From what I hear the stuff you UGC people have isn't like anything we have back in Citadel space..."
Meena grinned slyly. "Well to be honest, I have an idea what this will do to you, so yeah... But hey! If you like what this little transformative cocktail does to you... Maybe your sister can try it out as well." She grabbed a small silver pen, full of some transformative to modifiy a Turian. Off from the side of a table which was in her lab "Yeah genetic modding isn't really frowned upon in U.G.C space, neither is species uplifting, or large scale goverment backed modding, I mean look at the Quarians once the U.G.C took them in, they have better immune systems, and aren't dextros amino acid based anymore... Though that one happend due to a large dextro based food shortage on their flotilla." She explained as she took the cap off the pen, revealing a small needle tip. "Add that to the fact our techonolgy isn't mass effect based, and well you got your answer, i mean you guys don't have plasma or laser hand held weapons right? Now where do you want to be injected?"

( she ends up looking like this.)

Menta moaned as her breasts fondled by the Mass effect fields, loving how they were gropped and pressed against each other, enjoying every second of it, she purred as her stomach was rubbed, ears flattening in response, she felt the invisible fields massaging her hips and rear, sending more ripples of pleasure through her body, which was only turned up more when she felt the nervous connection being established. Squealing as felt the pleasure coming from Gage. "F-Fuck!" She cursed her thrusting picking up pace, going deeper and harder. "Squeal like a bitch!" She moaned out.
The additional pleasure rushing through his body was getting to be too much for Gage. Feeling this in his human body would have been bad enough, but to feel it with the enhanced Asari nervous system, it was driving his body absolutely wild. To feel not only the sensation of a cock plunging into his new pussy over and over, but to actually feel through the cock as well, not only that but feeling the way their bodies were being groped and caressed. Despite any attempts not to Gage found himself moaning loudly in pleasure, head thrashing from side to side as his hips bucked upwards to swallow more of the cock, drawing it deeper inside of his pussy.


"You have no idea? Well that doesn't exactly inspire confidence" Vetra sighed and shook her head. "My sister? Hm, well maybe, she is always pestering me to get out and do more after all, but only if I'm satisfied with the results, and even then I can't guarantee she isn't going to ask you for a bigger fee than I did" Vetra had to admit, these U.G.C people had done more for the Quarians than pretty much anybody else had, the species had been outcasts back in Citadel space, persecuted for something that none of them alive now had anything to do with, but they were still being punished for the actions of their ancestors. "We might not have those kind of weapons, but ours are much more energy efficient" She glanced down at her sides, then raised up her arm. "I suppose here will do, it's where Turian's are normally given injections" She raised a finger to tap at a particular spot "There's a gap in our skin plating just here that's the easiest spot"
Meena scoffed at Vetra said. "Yeah but yours over heat, unless they have thermal clips, ours can cause some good damage." She stated, leaning in and sliding the pen needle into the gap. "Now when I press this Im sending a payload of shit into your body, it might hurt or be incredibly pleasureable." Meena pointed out to the Turian, her thumb moving to the trigger, as she waited for the singal to press it, when she got the singal, her thumb pressed down on the trigger, injecting the pen needle into the soft skin, and sending its payload through out Vetras body, she pulled the pen out once it was finished and fully empty. "Now time to watch the fire works." Meena calmly stated.

Menta moaned as she felt the pleasure the Gage was feeling, every muscle contraction, every ounce of cries building up in the Asari. "Ooooooh!" The Kaithrit moaned happily, as thrusted harder and harder. "Your loving this!" She moaned out to the new Asari. Her tits bounced hypnotically with each thrust. "C'mon admit it!" Menta moaned out happily, her cock twitched, she was going to cum soon, her so called 'barbs' rubbed agaisnt the vaginal walls, the fleshly nubs, which actually werent barbs, add large amounts of pleasure which both Gage and Menta felt. "Oh i can feel it!" She cried out in pleasure, moaning as tons of pleasure was applied, and only went further as the massaging fron the biotic fields continued to grow more pleasureable.
"Maybe they overheat, but ours don't run the risk of exploding if something goes wrong with them" Vetra smirked slightly, then glanced away and winced as she felt the needle puncturing the skin. She'd never been a huge fan of getting shots, but there wasn't much she could do besides grin and bear it. "Well I'm here and the thing is jammed into my arm now, might as well go ahead and get this over with" Once the pen was pulled out Vetra let out a sigh of relief, reaching up to gently rub the spot where it had been. "So...any idea how long this is supposed to take before something happens? Should I be telling you if I feel anything we-" Vetra cut off as she suddenly felt rather warm. "Anything wei-" She cut off again, stumbling a little as she became light headed, reaching up to touch her head, before her hand moved to the wall to support herself. "Ok definitely feeling some...some...." Her voice trembled, before cutting off into a strange echoey moan of pleasure. Her clothing was hiding it but the skin plates around Vetra's bust were starting to soften and give way to flesh, though it soon became noticeable as her shirt started to ripple and bulge from movement within.


Gage had lost the ability to speak in response to Menta's cries, all he could do was moan loudly in pleasure, his hips bucking and thrusting back against her cock as his pussy hungrily swallowed it over and over, practically sucking her in deeper and deeper. He wanted to feel it more inside of him, but more than that he wanted to feel the sensations from the cock being deeper too, it had become impossible to tell what pleasure was his and what was hers anymore. Oh god he wanted to cum, he wanted to cum so badly and he didn't know if he wanted it from his pussy or her cock. No, more precisely he didn't care, he just wanted to cum! "OOoh! AAAH!" Gage's eyes went wide as his body's nervous system seemed to respond to the subconcious demand, as if cumming simply through being willed to do so, his pussy suddenly squeezing down on Menta's cock even more tightly, screaming in pleasure as the orgasm ripped through his entire body, as if every single nerve were cumming at once, that pleasure being transferred to Menta even stronger than before, pussy juices squirting all across the Kaithrit's midsection and the bottom of her breasts.
Meena giglged like a child at a candy store, quickly she grabbed a notepad, and began to write what was happenings with, and what would happen next. "Oh my!" Meena face had a grin on it, as Vetras had bust started to push out, Meenas keen eyes had detected the slightest amount kf movment." Are those breasts I see growing? Or are my eyes deceiving me?" She said that last part a little dramaticly and playful. It was very noticeable that Meenas pants sported a bulge. "Oh i just love how my work turns me on." She blurted out at random, not really caring if Vetra might have been disgusted by that. "I wonder how big you'll be? Or if anything else will change? Will your waist fill out more? Oh so many things to want and to know!" Meena exclaimed excitedly as she kept her attention on the female Turian. "I thank you for being my test subject." Meena said with appreciation to the Turian. "Oh, and our weapons only explode when there cheap knock offs."

Menta moaned as she felt the pussy pulled her cock in deeper, she loved the feeling and when the pussy clamped down on her cock, she let out wild moans an mewls as this happened, only to do it louder a few seconds later when Gage pussy squeezed her cock even tighter. "OOOOOOHHHHHH FUUUUCK!" She cursed out in ectasy, as she felt the sensation of Gage pussy cumming, she felt the juices spray across her tone midsection, and the bottom of her large breasts. "HNGH!" She let out as her cock finally blew its load, spraying... No shooting loads of her baby batter into Gages Asari womb. "Fuck!" She cursed as her hands went up to grab Gages breasts, gropping them and teasing them. Her thumbs rolling aorund the nipples, teasing them as Menta shot another load into Gage. "Fuck Im not done coming yet?" Menta moaned out in surprise. "Fuck I love feeling your pleasure." Menta blurted out randomly. "HNGH!" She manged to moan as the feeling intensified.
"This is....Turians aren't..." Vetra groaned as her bust went through another growth spurt, rapidly doubling in size in barely a second, her clothing now stretched to the limit, the outline of the bulging breasts clearly visible, along with humanlike nipples starting to form on them. "Just what inject me with...?" Vetra stumbled backover, hand reaching out for the wall to support herself, her sense of balance being thrown completely off. Lower down her body her upper legs were starting to shake and quiver, though Vetra was rather too distracted to notice, at least until her pants suddenly felt much tighter as her thighs rapidly began to thicken, giving her some extra support that was very much needed as with a cry of pleasure Vetra's breasts underwent another spurt, slower this time but more steady, the flesh now constantly growing as the clothing covering it ripped apart.


The sensation of Menta's cum flooding into his pussy was almost too much for Gage to handle, all he could do was thrash around in pleasure on the floor beneath her, his orgasm now almost continuous, one long orgasm constantly ripping through his whole body, and through Menta as well as the shared nervous connection only strengthened with the increased pleasure. The feeling of being cum inside of, and the feeling of cumming inside a pussy at the same time, Gage screamed in pleasure as his body tightened and sucked at Menta's cock, trying to draw out more and more cum as it flooded the depths of his body, hungrily craving more. "NNNN! AHHHHH!!!!"
Meena took more notes of the progressive changes Vetras body underwent. "Stuff, lots of stuff, your skin should be as hard as your old metallic carapace, skin plates, yet soft." Menta answered the turian. "Your waist is seemingly changing as well, its not soooooo.. creeperly thin, its still thin... Wonder if I put an animo acid changer in that pen?" Meena wonder aloud, she had forgotten one or two things that had been added to the pens ingredients. She continued to take notes, watching as Vetra lower half grew, the Kaithrit licked her lips watching as the softer flesh, shakeing and quivering as it grew. "I wonder what having such wonderful, succulent butt cheeks will do yto your asshole?" Meena once again asked out loud, not really caring for what she was saying. Her pants were really tight at this point, her cock threating to burst free from its confinement. She giggled as she watched Vetras shirt began to rip, revealing the succulent breasts the turian previously did not have.

(Should Vetras Amino Acids change to Levos?)

Menta moaned happily as she shot more loads of cum into Gage pussy, her own pussy leaked her girl fluids onto the floor, due to all the pleasure she wss fleeing from the bond with Gage, the sensations of feeling being cum inside, and feeling cumming a pussy, was something that the Kaithrit was truly enjoying, her balls churned as another load was shot into Gage's hungry pussy once again. She pushed her cock deeper too the hilt, she let out lewd moans, and purrs at the pleasure, she could feel her cock being drenched in her own sperm and Gages Asari cum. Mentas ears flattend before quickly standing up straight due to the pleasure, as Mentas tongue lolled from her mouth. "A-Anal! Have to try anal with you, must feel great!" She moaned, Menta twin tails curled and falied a bit as anotber climax was on the way, man Menta could cum a shit ton.
" wonder? You don't even remember what you..." Vetra was starting to have second thoughts about this, though it was certainly a bit late for that now. Moreso she was doubting those second thoughts the instant they came to her head as waves of pleasure started to wash over her with every bulge and spurt her body was making. She grunted, then moaned loudly, a flood of wetness pouring from between her legs as the growth of her breasts accelerated, each one spilling from the remains of her clothes as they grew to fantastic sizes, only finally slowing as they hit the size of an Earth watermelon each, large nipples topping them. Zetra's thighs had also radically thickened, to the point they were each practically as thick as an average humans hips. The changes seemed to have stopped, Vetra panting slightly and leaning against the wall as she tried desperately to catch her breath.


Gage's pussy was squeezing Menta's cock so tightly as she came over inside of him over and over that the thick sperm had no way to escape, nowhere to go except deeper into Gage's body, causing his belly to begin slowly bulging as it filled with more and more cum, his flat, now blue, stomach pushing up and out slowly as the cum continued to fill him more and more. The sensation travelled through both of their bodies, Gage screaming out in pleasure once more from the unfamiliar but very pleasurable sensation. He barely even heard Menta's comment about Anal over his own screams, even if he had there was no way that he could possibly reply in this state, the power of speech had utterly left him whilst he was overwhelmed with the pleasure, and Menta's own continuing cumming inside of him was only prolonging Gage's own orgasm.
Meena licked her lips as she finished taking notes, putting them down on the table besides her, she began to take close observations,she pressed up against the Turian, her hands caressed Vetras thickend thighs, giving a squeeze here and there, before moving to the enlarged hips, before giving a long tight squeeze this only served to further Meenas hard erection. Her hands moved to Vetras enlarged backside, she wonder if the those large buttcheeks changed her asshole. Her eyes moved up to Vetras waist and stomach, she gave the soft skin a poke, giggling as she did. "Your skin will work like your old metallic carapace skin plates." Meena told the tried Turian, she leaned closer against her as her hands caressed the sides of Vetras waist. "It's amazing isn't? Well maybe for you, but for other Turians i bet the would find this disgusting." Meena commented, hands moving up to Vetras Earth watermelon sized breasts. She pressed up against Vetra further her contained erection, almost inbetween Vetras thighs. "Sooooo big! And those nipples.... My you would make a Rahn blush." Meena giggled, her left hand squeezed and kneaded with the left breast, while her right hand pinched and pulled on the large nipple. "Mmmhhhh wanna have some fun?" Meena asked perversely. "Just seeing your body like this is.... So sexy!"
(So does Vetra become a Levos based Turian?)
Menta panted and mewled as she came once again trying to pull out a bit, her Kaithrit cock stimulating even more pleasure, due to the 'barbs' or nodules that lined the shaft, with most of them being near the head of her cock, and at the base. She came once again due to the stimulated pleasure, watching as Gages belly inflated even more. "You look so pregnant!" Menta exclaimed with a giggle. "Is this pleasure to much for you? Is that why you cant talk?" Menta in a swift motion pulled out from Gages pussy, quickly sliding her cock between the thighs, and then the butt cheeks before entering the new Asari ass. "Ohhh you got a pretty tight ass." Menta moaned happily.
"Well this skin might work the same....but I have to say I preferred the look of my plates..." Vetra glanced at her arms, then gasped and shivered as Meena's hands started to move across her, squeezing various enlarged fleshy parts of her. More than just the enlargement though her entire body felt drastically more sensitive than it had before, and every one of Meena's touches sent shivers of pleasure through her. "Well...amazing is certainly one word for this, though I'm assuming you have a way to reverse this...right? I mean, to turn me back to normal........eventually" Whilst Vetra was partly eager to get her body back to normal, she had to admit she was also rather intrigued with this new body, given the way it felt. When Meena grasped her huge breats she let out a very loud moan, an unfamiliar type of pleasure running through her, this was radically different from what Turians would normally feel during sex. "Uhhh...have That's one of those human euphamisms...isn't it?" Vetra shivered again, fluids already starting to run down her huge thighs.


Gage gurgled as Menta came inside him once many times was that now? Between feeling the sensation of cumming and being cum inside he had lost count, it was impossible for him to tell which orgasm was hers and which was his own anymore, and the almost continuous orgasm running through his body made trying to keep a count a completely futile exercise. Gage's belly was now nicely swollen and rounded, like a football was sitting inside of his womb. Gage yelped and whined slightly as Menta rather suddenly pulled out her cock, though before he could regain his power of speech he felt something pressing against him lower down, his eyes going wide as he realised too late what she was planning, only able to squeal as she plunged into his ass, her now well lubed cock sliding in easily despite the tightness. At the same time her cum was now slowly pouring out of his pussy, pouring across her cock beneath, only serving to further lubricate it with the mixture of cum and pussy fluids.
"Yes I will devise a way to return you back to normal... eventually... maybe." Meena answered truthfully, her hands continuing the kneading of the flesh, the pulling and pinching of the nipples. "Yes your skin plates were pretty neat, but I think this makes you stunning... and so sexy~." She purred her eyes locked with Vetra's, as she pulled her self closer. "Yes that's a human euphemism's. Now lets get to the point. Wanna see my Kaithrit cock? Wanna taste it? C'mon It'll be fun, and if you enjoy it enough, well... maybe. Just maybe you would like to join in on this fun idea me and my sister a cooking up?" Meena purred softly, she planted a kiss on the side of Vetra face. "You better give an answer soon?" Meena whispered to Vetra in a seductive manner, her hot breath brushing against her face. "I can get pretty rough." Meena pulled her face away from Vetra's, as she gave another Squeeze and tug to the nipple, before giving a pinch. "C'mon you know you wanna see my Kitty dong." Meena purred seductively as she pressed her shorts covered crotch up against Vetras thighs even more, she felt the jucies that escaped Vetras pussy seep on to her shorts. "I bet you wanna see the so called barbs we Kaithrits are well known for?"

"I hope I didn't get you pregnant?" Menta moaned out as her cock was lubed even more, from her cum and Gages own cum, her "barb's" made the pleasure all the more enjoyable, as they moved against the walls of Gage's ass. "Kaithrit "barb's" are said to be one of the most liked things, about my species. Well it's true, I like the a lot." Menta moaned as she began to thrust, her cock going deeper, before being pulled out a bit, before being rammed in again, she began to make a pattern from each of these thrusts. "Your ass is so tight! and those butt cheeks, I bet they feel amazing to squeeze!" Menta mewled out in pleasure, her tails curled more and more as she enjoyed her assault on Gages ass. "Moan like a bitch! Cry out for more! C'MON!" Menta grunted as she placed a hand on Gages breasts, more specifically her left tit, before giving a tight squeeze to it, sending pleasure through out both.
"Wait, you mean you don't have a way to reverse this already?" Vetra shot a glare at Meena, though truthfully she wasn't entirely surprised, and the glare soon vanished as Vetra closed her eyes and moaned when her nipples were suddenly pinched and pulled, the huge fleshy nubs rapidly hardening, becoming harder than the skin plates had ever been, almost like bullets. "Fun idea....of you and your sister? Yeay...and just what's that..? I should probably know what it is rather than agreeing to some weird unknown thing again..." Vetra panted slightly for breath. "I uh..." Vetra glanced down at Meena's crotch, the girls clothes looked about ready to burst, and without even realising it Vetra had licked her lips. "Sure....I mean....might as well at least take a look...right?"


Pregnant? Gage hadn't even considered that. But...he was a man, right? As soon as she turned him back to normal it wouldn't matter anyway. With his enhanced immune system Gage was capable of feeling every single barb, every bump and movement they made against him, which in turn meant that Menta could feel them as well. Gage's cum swollen belly was jiggling with the force of Menta thrusting into his ass over and over, his breasts bouncing wildly, Gage now screaming and mewling in pleasure with every single movement, his body completely and utterly overwhelmed with pleasure that the human mind simply wasn't made to process, and that was just from his own body, the added pleasure of feeling everything Menta felt was almost enough to make his brain overload. It was amazing Menta was even able to talk, but then again she seemed to have far more practice when it came to handling pleasure...practice that Gage maybe needed himself.
Meena giggled gleefully as she back away from Vetra, taking a few steps back, and only a few. Meena began to undo her shorts, the button being undo in a matter of seconds. Her hands went to the sides of her shorts, and began to pull down on them, moving it down her sexy legs and pulling them off her feet, her strained blue panties were revealed now, seeing Meena in them was relatively cute. Her two tails curled as the Kaithrit got excited about showing her cock off, she quickly began to pull those off in a matter of seconds, throwing them off to the side as she did, she watched Vetras facial expression changed, watching as surprise went across her face. Meens rubbed her erect shaft hands gliding across her cock, across her "barbs" these "barbs" lined her shaft, and were around her cock head, but were most prominent at the base of her shaft, where they most likely rubbed against a clit mid-coitus, one of Meenas hands rubbed her balls, her balls were relatively big like her sisters. "Like what you see? Oh! And to answer your question about me and my sisters plan, well... Its a harem plan."


Menta continued to thrust, her cock pumping in and out of Gage's ass, back and forth they went. Menta moaned as she felt the pleasure Gage felt, amplified by her own pleasure, she loved every moment of it and every second it kept getting better and better. "Your ass is so lovely!" Menta purred her hands squeezed more of and more Gages hip flesh. PAP! PAP! PAP! The sounds went as Gages as was getting coated in hot semen that leaked from Menta cock, or from what had been leaking from Gages pussy, and had dripped on to Menta cock lubricating it... It was both... Menta left had made its way to Gages breasts, which were jiggling wildly with each thrust, her left hand went for gages left, holding it down in place, whilst the other tit bounced, her hands began to pinch and tease the dark nipple. "Oh your nipple is so soft in my hands." Menta grunt as she thrustsd once more, this time with even more force, as her cock let out amounts of hot seed into Gages ass.
"A harem plan? Why do I not like the sound of that when you're involved?" Vetra certainly didn't know Meena well, but she was getting the feeling she certainly knew her well enough by this point. Still, as she glanced down she had to admit she was rather impressed by the sight of Meena's cock, not to mention her balls. Vetra had studied enough about humans to know that typically the male was the one with such equipment, though she'd heard rumours that in U.G.C space there were a lot of different drugs and plants that could cause rather drastic changes in physical was probably some of those drugs coursing through her own system right now, though she doubted any Turian had been exposed to them before. "Well that' impressive sight" Vetra could feel the heat between her legs growing worse, and fluids were practically pouring down her huge thighs and forming a puddle on the floor at her feet.


Gage cried out as yet another orgasm hit him when Menta came inside of his ass, her thick cock once more trapping it all inside of him, causing his belly to bulge even further due to the extra fluid he was being pumped full of, though cum continued to pour slowly out of his pussy. At this point it was becoming difficult to stay conscious, Gage laying beneath Menta and panting for breath. He may have had enhanced stamina, greater than human or Asari norms, but this was pushing even him to his absolute limits, certainly more than any military training could ever hope to do so. He let out a soft gurgling noise, the closest he could manage to speech without at least a minute or two of rest, his body twitching in the 'aftershocks' of his latest orgasm, the mass effect fields that had been caressing Menta's body fading away and the nervous system connection between them rapidly weakening, Gage's body seemingly spent for the moment.
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