RoosterTeeth: A New House Guest (RoleplayMaster x Someonewhoeatsapples)


Jun 26, 2013
Curtis stared out the plane window as he descended into Austin, Texas. It was hard to believe he was here, after living in a small Australian town for the entirety of his life. It all started four weeks ago, with the death of his parents. It happened in a car accident where the young man of eighteen was driving, and a car out of nowhere crashed into him, killing both of his parents instantly, and leaving the boy with a broken arm. It was a horrific tragedy, leaving the boy all alone.

This whole event sent the boy into a deep depression. Fortunately, watching Youtube videos from the channel 'RoosterTeeth' did help him see brighter days, and he expressed his gratitude on the RoosterTeeth forums. To his surprise, a few days later, he received an email from Meg Turney herself, offering a trip to Texas for an internship. With nothing left for him at home, he accepted, and found himself on a plane.

As the wheels touched the landing strip, Curtis Smith was finally in Austin. His body shaking with nerves, he grabbed his luggage and left the airport, sitting on a bench outside as he waited for his ride. All he knew was that a RT employee would be picking him up, and he had no clue who it would be. His mind wondered off, thinking of what his job would be, and his accommodations. Would everyone be as nice as they appear on-screen? He was staring blankly at the tree nearby, not noticing the woman walking up to him, trying to get his attention.
Meg paced in the waiting area, looking up at the timing boards at intervals for the plane from Australia to arrive. There was only one at the evening, landing precisely which made her job easier to receive Curtis. The boy had been in her mind ever since she read his post on their forums. His story was tragic, quite appealing and at The Know, they were discussing about new interns. Meg just knew he would be the perfect candidate for the position.

Ash had urged her to take Curtis in and Meg was more than happy for it crossed her mind it would leave him feeling more depressed in an alien place, miles away from home. Several people were walking out with luggages and Meg's eyes caught that familiar face in the crowd sitting on a bench that she had previously seen only on her computer. "Curtis!" the woman waved cheerfully, walking towards the boy. "Hey!" she tapped his shoulder and crouched to hold her knees for a breather. "Welcome," she extended her hand, "I am Meg." She smiled warmly as his blue eyes scrutinised her face.
Jumping as he felt the tap on the shoulder, he turned to find Meg Turney standing next to him, a wide smile on her face. Men across the world that knew of Meg, knew how attractive she was. All Curtis could think, was how much more attractive she was in person. Blushing lightly at the many thoughts going through his head, the boy managed a small smile, shaking her hand. He hadn't smiled much since the accident, so it was a good sign, whether Meg knew it or not.

"Curtis. Obviously." The boy replied, managing a very brief chuckle as he introduced himself unnecessarily. Shaking her hand, he eyed her, making sure she was alright as she caught her breath. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I've watched you often." he admitted, before quickly adding "On the Know! On the Know! Damn, that sounded creepy." He said with a slight smile.
"Obviously on the Know!" Meg brushed it off with a gesture, retrieving her hand. "How was your trip?" she asked, taking one of his luggages. "Did you sleep well?" The woman started walking, hoping the boy would follow. They coursed through tourist crowds at the hallway before walking out of the airport. "That's my ride!" she pointed at the red convertible and fished out her keys from her shorts' pocket.

She had restocked her fridge with soft drinks and other stuff teenagers liked - fastfood and usuals. She was not exactly sure what Curtis liked and since there was a lot catching up to do, Meg looked forward to cheering up the poor soul. She opened the boot, stuffing his bags and walked over to the door to disarm the automated lock. "Hungry?" she offered with a smile, "We could stop through a driveway before we drop by the office." She started the engine, placing her seatbelt and steered out to the free traffic.
Following Meg through the airport, he enjoyed the simplicity of the questions. "The trip was.. interesting. I've never flown overseas before, so I ended up feeling rather cramped on the plane. But it was a new adventure into a new part of my life, so I can't complain." Curtis tried remaining optimistic. "And I slept well." He added, lying about that question. He hadn't slept well in weeks, which was fairly obvious from the dark circles under his eyes.

"I am absolutely starving." He admitted. "Though I'll have to pay you back with the food, since I've only got a little bit of money on me, and it's Australian currency." He hoped that wouldn't be a problem, as converting the currency had not been on his mind until they were already in the air. Slipping into the car and putting the seatbelt on, Curtis relaxed, occasionally glancing at Meg to admire her body. She looked nice, and as a teenage boy, it was difficult not to admire her.
Meg checked out her guest, whether he was comfortable with her hospitality. "That's great so far..." she offered him a generous smile. "We will be quick with the office tour and you can go take that rest afterwards. Ashley, Fanhaus team and literally everyone is thrilled to have you on board. Me too and so far you are the youngest on our team...I can't vouch for long journeys but a simple one across the states leaves me too tired. Sitting in one place aren't just for some people you know."

Pulling over the driveway service, Meg ordered her usual sandwich and beer, leaving Curtis to order his. "Don't think about paying back. We got it taken care of and Gus will help you afterwards with forex services. We even got you a place to sit on." she sounded excited, barely containing herself. He was young and as a regular viewer, Meg thought he could provide firsthand criticism to improve their content beside chipping in some ideas.
Curtis was unsure if the fact that everyone was thrilled to have him on board was an exaggeration or not, especially with the Funhaus crew since they were not in Austin with the main Roosterteeth group. But either way, he was happy. Ordering some fries and a burger, as well as a Coke, the boy began devouring the food when it arrived, though tried not to pig out too much in front of the hot girl beside him.

He felt a little uncomfortable at the idea of not paying her back, so he made a mental note to pay her back somehow, even if it wasn't a literal handing over of cash. "Where am I staying?" Curtis asked curiously. "I never really thought to ask, and I'm not sure if I should have been handing my accommodations.." He admitted with a nervous glance.
"You eat so less,"Meg commented, starting on her car. Putting the beer bottle on the handler, she unwrapped the sandwich with her free hand. "Actually, you are staying with me." she munched on her first bite. The traffic lights turned red and the car came to a soft hault. "Ash and others thought it would be nice if you had someone around and I volunteered. I hope you don't mind me taking that decision for you."

She looked beside her, the boy eating slowly, far from famished. "Eat naturally, Curtis. I don't mind." she chuckled at his reserved behavior. "My place is closer to the office though we would be outdoors more than often and since you are an intern, and our valuable fan, free trips around the city will be more regular occurances." she added, taking a long swig of her liquid.
"No, I don't mind." He replied, perhaps a little too quickly and showing his eagerness. While surprised he was staying with Meg and not a male employee, he was happy to hear he would be living with the eye candy driving the car. She was pretty funny too, so he would hopefully have a great time in Texas.

Nodding, Curtis suddenly began to eat a lot faster, almost cramming food deep in his mouth in an effort to eat faster. He was starving, and the plane food was not great. "All of that sounds more than fine with me." Curtis said, offering a small smile. "Also I'll say now... if I don't seem enthused at something, do not worry. I quite often get in... moods." He admitted, meaning his depression.
"That settles it all!" she chattered on, crossing the avenue that directed towards the Austin office of the Know. It started out as Ashley's idea that spanned out to so many ventures with a growing fan base and more members that helped them grow. And helping Curtis was the beginning of another scheme- a feature they wanted to develop to throw a spot light on people who deserved it best; even if it was as simple as an internship. Though, Meg thought it was better if he was kept unknown that team was just cooperating to her mastered device.

"Hey, I understand." she paused her train of thoughts at his revealation. Placing a hand on his shoulder, Meg continued driving ahead. "It's sad what happened tp you, too tragic to lose your parents at this young age and we understand your pain. If you ever need anything, to talk, chatter or a hug- we would love to see you happy Curtis and make you feel better. I speak for everyone. Trust me." she squeezed his shoulder reassurilngly as she pulled over on the curb. The building was nothing obvious, only with a simple sign- The Know to tell of it's occupants. "Here we are." Meg drew a long cat call.
Giving a half smile at the offer, Curtis gave a nod. "Thank you and uh... I might take that hug when we get there?" Curtis suggested shyly. It had been a while since he had been hugged. A proper hug. Soon enough, they were at their stop. "Let's face the music then, I suppose" Curtis said, taking a deep breath. His heart was racing quite hard. Meeting Meg had been great, but it had also been one on one, which was easier to handle. With so many new faces that he would recognise from online, he was unsure how he'd handle it.
Meg ruffled his hair at his request, "Can I deny you ?" she winked. Getting out of the car, she trashed her finished sandwich and drink, and Curtis did the same. Locking up, she led him to the elevators and pushed the call button. While they waited, Meg tapped on her feet and fidgeted. Would it be right? But differing, she decided to go on with her heart. He must be so lonely.

"Come here," she pulled his to a hug, crushing her chest on his. Her hand patted his back firmly, holdong him close. "Hugs are the best. They make my day always so don't hesitate to ask for one." A small smile tugged on her lips as she let go of him in time for the lift doors to open. "Hey Ash!" Meg greeted at the blond who got off the lift, followed by a cameraman. "This is the Curtis we were waiting." Turning to Curtis, Meg did an uneccessary intro. "Curtis, Ashley."

Ashley beamed at the younster on their premises. "Welcome on board!" she high fived. "Looks like the report gotta wait. We have a tour to make." Meg sneered at Ash's rather enthusiastic nature. "Com'on!" she tugged and pulled them in the lift.
Blushing at the tight hug, he didn't expect it even though she offered and he accepted. It felt comforting, and she would feel him tighten at the touch, and eventually relax into her arms. When she eventually pulled back, she would notice a small smile on the boy's lips, as well as his face becoming quite red, and slight watery nature of his eyes, which he tried to subtly stop.

Smiling as he met Ashley, he gave her the offered high five, a little surprised at the way of greeting. "It's a pleasure to meet you." He said, as he entered the lift. It wasn't very large, and he found himself sandwiched between the two beautiful ladies, an erection beginning to form. How embarrassing! "Thanks again for all this... I haven't even done anything yet, and I'm already happier than I've been the last few weeks." Curtis admitted. It likely wouldn't last too long, knowing him, but for now, it felt good.
Ashley draped an arm around the boy, to accomodate better into the lift. "I hope Meg was kind to you. No bullying?" she joked as the numbers changed slowly. Meg muffled out an awkward laugh, throwing back at Ashley, "Aren't you the bully Ash?" Ashley knew better not to reply.

Meg was the first out of the lift, standing by to be with Curtis. New faces and probably some he won't recognise but she was sure he would mix in soon. Holding his hand, she started from the Editing pannel, moving to the recording studios and individual desk areas. Everyone greeted him and the boy, as usual maintained his enthusiasm. Though his tiredness was unescapable, Meg decided to cut it short. "We will start tomorrow then Ash, what say?"

Ashley nodded, waving them away to the last spot- his desk. "This is yours," Ash thudded his back. "Be creative and live the Know's spirit. We are counting on ya." Meg chirped an answer before he could say, "He will, Ash. He will. Let him unwind a little." As Ashley walked with a last bye, Meg pulled out the chair for Curtis. "Like it so far?"
Nodding slowly, Curtis ran his eyes over the desk. He had worked small jobs in the past, like cleaner, or working at a fast food store, but never had a job where he had his own desk. "I uh... this is more than I expected." He admittedly, a hand on the desk, looking at the computer and everything else on it. "I've never had my own desk before. I'm excited to... start." Curtis said, yawning halfway through the sentence. Shaking his head as if trying to wake himself up a little more, he looked over to Meg. "Do you mind if we go now? I am tired as hell." He confessed with a small laugh.

They soon returned to Meg's car, with Curtis falling asleep halfway to Meg's house. It clearly wasn't a good dream, if the tears running down his cheeks were any indication. He was silent as he slept though, so if she never glanced at him, she would never realise there was a problem
Meg steadied the steering wheel, to peek on Curtis. He had been pretty quiet after the visit. Must be tired. Exhaling quietly, she watched his sleeping figure curved on the passenger seat. His head was tilted on the other side that could leave him with a neck strain. Smiling, she pulled over her driveway in front a modest two storied home in a quiet neighborhood.

Cutting off the engine, she heard soft sobs and turning, the smile vanished from her lips. Eyes replaced with concern, she shook his arm, wanting to wake him up from the bad dream. "Curtis, Curtis," she whispered, until he was awake. "It's only a dream." she unclasped her belt to hold him over the gear. "It's over." Her arms went around the sleepy boy, only wanting to erase his fears of losing everything all over again.
Groaning softly as she pulled him from his restless slumber, he hastily wiped away the wetness from his cheeks. Cheeks going slightly red from embarrassment, he found himself pulled into her embrace once again. It, again, felt comforting, yet feelings of stress lingered in the back of his mind. 'I'm such a burden... I've only been here a few hours and I've already had her hug me twice and console me, and I've done nothing to deserve this thoughtful treatment. Why am I even here?'

"Thank you." He mumbled, closing his eyes as she held him for a few moments. "Sorry I'm such a burden." He added softly, though still loud enough to be heard. Pulling away from her embrace, Curtis climbed out of the car, grabbing his bags from the back.
Meg sat perplexed in the car, collecting her thoughts about the things recently happened. There was no doubt, she shared a familal feeling towards Curtis, wanting to comfort him and make him feel at home. When she were his age, she was close to her parents and can now only imagine how the boy misses him family.

Exhaling, she stepped on the driveway, planning to park later since he was waiting with his bags. Clinging the keys, she opened her door and almost mentally slapped herself for not cleaning up too well.

"Your room is on the left; that way," Meg directioned. "I will show you." The room housed no guest till date so it would be the first time someone would sleep on the new bed. Fluffing the pillows, she said, "Take a shower and crash. I will wake you up for dinner. Mind you, we only have only bathroom- its downstairs following the hallway." She shrugged her shoulders, resting her hands on hips as he unpacked. "Rest and anything- shout Meg. Ok?"
Curtis was silent through the tour of the house, noticing the things he had seen in a few of her vlogs. Everything in the house suited her online personality, and it was amusing that he noticed it so quickly. Nodding as she finished talking, Curtis put down the last of his things and hesitated for a moment, before hugging her. Since she didn't expect it, he had pinned her arms to her sides, and the hug didn't last long. "Thanks again... for everything." he said softly, avoiding eye contact as he spoke.

When she eventually left, he gathered some clothes and a towel, walking downstairs to the bathroom. The shower felt great after feeling so dirty, with the self-circulating air of the plane. Soon enough though, he was dressed for bed, slipping underneath the covers and falling asleep immediately.

When Meg would find him later, she would see him holding the pillow as he slept, the pillow vertical with his head halfway up, arm wrapped around it. He wasn't crying which was a good sign. The covers came to about waist-high, revealing a bare upper body and the waistband for just some underwear for his lower half.
Meg smiled foolishly, recalling Curtis' innocent way of thanking her. Anyone would have done the same, he was too gullible and Meg took it up as an assignment to alter his ways of expressing gratitude for very little things. It was after all, a part of his internship. Pondering about dinner, she made a quick two serving of stir fry, heavy and nutritious for Curtis as a homecoming gift.

Dabbing her sweat on a kitchen towel, she skipped to his room, and knocked. With no response, she entered, taking in the cute scene. There were some bolisters around. "Curtis," she called out softly, her weight creating a dent on the side of the bed. She touched his bare arm, shaking gently as he let out a sleepy groan. "Dinner's ready sleepyhead~" She was reliefed he wasn't crying at least.
Groaning in protest, Curtis nuzzled deeper into the warmth of his pillow, slowly opening his eyes. It would be a strange sensation to get used to, waking up to see Meg rather than his mother or father. Giving her a small smile and a nod, he went to get out from the covers, remembering at the last moment that he only wore underwear. "I'll um... be down in a second." He blushed, sitting up in his bed. From this position, she'd see the front of his upper body, rather skinny yet with a slight bit of muscle. His chest and under his bellybutton had some hair, growing rather thick due to his puberty.

Waiting for Meg to leave, Curtis got dressed and headed down, thanking Meg for dinner and beginning to eat. "If uh.. If you want to ask me anything, go ahead. I know more about you than you would know of me." Curtis offered, since he knew her from online. Other than his name, his situation, and stuff like that, he doubted Meg knew much of him.
Meg left Curtis alone, pulling out the plates for dinner. As he joined; she passed his food. She wasn't used to have someone around for meals, or just around the house. A lot of her habits would have to change and yes, they would have to strike up a routine to use the bathroom to save accidents. Those were really common in the serials she watched.

"Um," she chewed on her food, "How's Australia? Give me the bigger picture. Might as well visit someday," she elbowed him playfully.
Giving a small smile, he took a bite as he reasoned his answer. "Before I came here, I barely travelled, but Australia can vary. The place I lived in particular, the weather would change fairly quickly. It could be a nice twenty one day, then twenty three the next. The following day could drop to fourteen for no reason. That's one of the bad things about it." he gave a small, fond smile as he thought of it. "But the people are good. Mostly. You have your normal idiots here and there, of course, but they're mostly good people. And the slang makes everything more amusing." He answered. "I lived in a fairly small town, but the big cities are amazing. Though I assume they're more amazing to me since I'm from a small town, and big American cities would be even more amazing." Curtis rambled.

"Anyway, that's all I can really think of to describe Australia." Curtis answered. Pausing to eat a little more, he decided to turn this into where they ask each other a question one at a time. "What do you do for fun? When you're not working?" He asked.
Meg was lost as he described his origin, smiling through out. He would love Texas then as she planned long drives for him to show him around. As he threw the spotlight back at her, Meg felt unprepared.

"Me? Nothing. I try new hairstyles and know that right? I visits comic cons and cosplay meets. Too much fun," she beamed. "Also," she twirled her fork, "try new stuff for a change.Too much free time when I am not filming. What things do you like to do? We could incorporate some since you would get bored if we live my way. Or you want to lend me a hand on my cosplay work? Take a photo or two?"
He got a little lost in her smile, full of bright white teeth and a perfect shape, he listened as Meg described herself. "I usually play games or Basketball. Never really tried Cosplay before. Though if I had a friend with me, I would be open to it." He replied with a small shrug. "I can be a little camera shy though, so you'll need to convince me." He added, but with a smile that suggested it wouldn't take much to convince him.
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