Strange in Love (1x1 with DarkMudkip)


Jun 3, 2013
This wasn't how it was supposed to be, this wasn't how it was supposed to happen. Suzume had been in a squadron of five men, and almost all of them were dead, she had been almost dead. It was only supposed to be a recon mission, in and out, get some information and leave. It didn't go that way. They had been attacked while they were leaving, two were dead immediately; Gozen and Suzuki. The attack had come from no where, and no one was ready when hey were suddenly thrown into battle. Each member dropped like a rock around her until it was her turn. She was. Early cut in two, collapsing to the ground and watching the last of her squad be decapitated. As she lay bleeding in the sand, tears came to her eyes. Her friends were all dead, she was next, and no word would ever be sent back to the Gotei about any of them. She had lost consciousness sometime midthought, and before she knew it, she was awake again, alive. She was no longer in the desert of Hueco Mundo, but in a large room. Turning her head, she found she was on a metal table, thick cuffs around her wrists and ankles to keep her down. She was no longer bleeding out, her wound closed up neatly with stitches; actually she was completely clean, hair still wet, she was devoid of dirt and blood, clothed in clothes she hadn't been wearing before.
"Ah, I see you're awake." A voice greeted. The whole room was dark, filled from wall to wall with science equipment that would make Kurotsuchi-taichou turn green with envy. Beakers and tubes filled with weird liquids and specimens, bunsen burners boiling gross concoctions. A tall lanky man with short pink hair appeared over her, gold eyes glowing with mischief and curiosity. "Good morning~"
Suzume went rigid as he moved over to her, too close for her liking. Her breath caught in her throat as it slowly dawned on her were she was, and what he was. "E-Espada..." Was all that came from her mouth. It sounded rather idiotic, but seeing as how she had nearly been sliced in two, it was fair for her to be in a bit of shock. Her mouth couldn't form any other words, and panic was starting to set in, so like anyone naturally would, she began to struggle to free herself.
"Oh good, your brain still functions properly." He said before moving away and to a work station, "I was quite worried when you brought in almost chopped to pieces. I never would be able to experiment if you died."
Horror made Suzume nearly faint, her ears ringing as she froze, then she started to struggle harder, grunting in both effort and frustration. "I should've just died with the others..!" Then it occurred to her. "M-My friends, did any of them make it?" That was a stupid thing to ask, she shouldn't have even interacted with the Espada, but shock and terror were a funny thing.
Tears welled in her eyes, knowing his words were probably true, but she still couldn't stand the thought of her comrades being dead. Why was she alive and they were dead? "You piece of shit..!" Her voice trembled as she hissed her words out, glaring hatred at the man before her. "Let me go!"
Suzume struggled until she tired herself out, the severe wound on her stomach making it painful to breathe, not to mention move. The attack had cut right through her lungs and other internal organs, she was lucky she was even awake at the moment. Thoughts raced through her head as she lay back against the table, watching Szayel with worried eyes.
"Urusai.." She growled out, but her voice broke as she spoke. Closing her eyes tightly, she turned her head away, wishing, pleading, and praying this was all a dream.
He made a noise and moved over with a small bottle with odd liquid. He opened the outfit she was wearing and dumped the substance unceremoniously on her wound. It burned like hell, but the wound began to close.
Suzume's eyes shot open and she bit back a scream of agony, her body surging forward a bit. Whatever he had just dumped onto her flesh, felt like it was eating right through to her innards. Letting out a hiss through clenched teeth, she balled up her fists and glared at Szayel through tears.
She barred her teeth at Szayel, forcing a scowl onto her face. "Poking and prodding?" She repeated, a disgusted and horrified look unknowingly crept onto her face.
Suzume broke out in a cold sweat, a good look at her biology? He was insane. "You're sick.." She felt like she was going to be sick, did that mean he was going to cut her open to see her insides? No, but then why would he have saved her and healed her wounds? He could've done all of that even if she was dead.
It was like he was reading her mind, it was unsettling to say the least. Turning her head away from him, she tried to calm herself. Someone had to be coming, even if to just confirm that they were dead, but what if they didn't? Was she expendable? She wasn't a seated officer, she wasn't in any special corp, maybe they would just leave them and assume the worst.
"I supppse I shouldn't keep you chained to this table." He mused, "I need to give you proper time to heal." He moved over and grabbed the shackles on her wrist but stopped. He looked her dead in the eye and spoke lowly. "If you try to run, I will not hesitate to cut off that pretty head of yours. Do I make myself clear?"
A cold shiver went down her spine as she looked up into his golden eyes, was he really expecting her to just not try to leave? But he didn't seem to be joking about decapitating her. She clenched her jaw and gave the slightest nod.
He smirked. "Good." He said and unshackled her. "Come now, I have a bed ready for you." He said as he moved her to a cage with a cot in it.
Suzume struggled off the table and nearly collapsed to he knees, though her wound was healed, the pain remained, and it felt like white hot metal being forced into her stomach. "I'm not going in there.." She ground out through her teeth, struggling to stay on her feet as she glared at Szayel.
With a grunt, she stumbled forward and fell to her knees against the bed. She saw white spots for a moment before glaring over her shoulder at Szayel. She didn't move however, for the pain she was in made her legs shake and go numb.
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