RP: The 100: May We Meet Again (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

After everything had calmed down, Jason returned to his tent with Clarke. He wrapped the blonde up tightly in his arms after they talked about everything. Jason decided that he would tell Bellamy what almost happened to Octavia. That could be dangerous because he might blame this group for something that Atom did. Nonetheless, Jason was not worried about that right now. Instead, he fell right asleep and kept the blonde wrapped up tightly in his arms. Outside of the tents, Monty took watch for the first three hours before finding Jasper. Before Octavia exited the tent, Jasper was only ten minutes away from finding Jason since that was the instructions.

Jasper woke up when Octavia was moving around. He saw the girl hold her backpack like she was getting ready to go. “What are you doing, Octavia? You can’t possibly go out on your own. Do you realize how stupid that is? We are going to help you through this, Octavia. Besides, if something happens to you, nobody will ever know. Please, don’t go anywhere Octavia. If not for yourself, then do it for the rest of us. Your brother is a maniac and he’ll probably, literally kill us if something happens to you.” It was a fair point. Plus, jasper was genuinely worried about Octavia’s well being, hoping that she would recover from what almost happened. He was willing to help her.


Carter soaked in every word that Lexa said. He hoped that she realized just how important she was to him as well. They could have ripped him apart piece by piece but he would never speak a word against her or Trikru. They realized that, and finally decided that the only thing they could do was capture Lexa herself. Even then, they wanted to torture Carter and Lexa further. However, before doing anything physical, Ice Nation and Queen Nia wanted to give them a taste of one another one more time. She might even let them say a proper goodbye. Her thinking was that Lexa would never get over how close she was to helping Carter. She was literally touching him, he was inside of her, yet he was killed in front of her eyes and she was allowed to live.

Carter, on the other hand, successfully blocked out everyone else. Looking deep into the commander’s eyes, he leaned up to kiss her, sliding his tongue into her mouth and pinning down her tongue. One thing he did not forget in over a year of being tortured was how to love ad how to show Lexa that he loved her. That was something they could never take from him no matter how hard they tried. His hands slipped down onto her rear, squeezing her ass as he helped the woman slide down onto his hips.

The male’s flaccid cock was growing harder against her thigh and now he slowly pushed himself inside of the brunette’s tight, wet pussy lips. He tilted his head backwards, moaning her name softly while kissing down her neck and down to her collarbone. “I love you too, Lexa. You mean the world to me.” He whispered, slowly rolling his hips against hers, thrusting up as he could. He moaned out once again as they were kissing passionately, his breathing becoming rapid already.
"Calm down, Jasper. I never said that I was leaving. I'm just packing everything up, because it's no use leaving a mess out here when I can't sleep. I'm not leaving you guys. I'm not going anywhere. I just felt stupid lying there, not able to sleep. As for Bellamy, he's fine. He's not gonna do anything stupid, because I'm not going to give him a reason to. So, relax. Besides,
one nightmare inducing encounter is more than enough to last me a lifetime. I just figured you could use some company. You've got to be bored and tired of being out here babysitting

"I appreciate the gesture, but it's unnecessary. I'm not gonna do anything stupid. I'm not gonna hurt any of you. I'm not gonna hurt myself. I did what I had to do to protect myself, and to keep him from hurting anyone else. I hate that it had to come to that, but it did and there's no changing how things turned out. Bellamy has always tried to shelter me from things, and it worked for a while. But he can't do that anymore. Some things there's just no keeping from happening. Or almost happening. Also, I'm gonna make sure that Bellamy doesn't blame any of
you for what almost happened. It's not any of you guys fault. It's my own fault, and Atom's fault, for being a jerk."

Lexa accepted Carter's cock inside of her, a moan leaving her lips as he kept thrusting. She carefully moved her body back against his as much as she could, given that her hands were still bound behind her back. Her hip was throbbing, but she forced herself to keep the pain off her face and completely out of her expression. This time was about her focusing on Carter and only him, and how much they loved each other. Their eyes remained locked as their bodies came together again and again. "I am sorry," She whispered to her lover. "I wish that we had more time."

"There are so many things that I wanted to say to you. So many things that I wanted us to do together. No matter what happens here, I will never forget you, and I will never love anyone as much as I love you." Lexa linked their lips together after speaking, needing that time to pull herself together. She was a strong woman, and could withstand many things. But losing her lover was something she had never imagined happening in her wildest nightmares. And the fact that it was happening, that she was losing him, was tearing her apart inside. Even if she refused to show it.
Even though Jasper appreciated what Octavia was saying, he figured that it was no use. Bellamy would blame them all for what happened. There was no telling what he would do. Her brother was a psycho, really. The next few hours passed and Jasper decided not to wake Jason since he enjoyed sitting and talking with Octavia. He tried to help calm her down and just talk things out with her. He tried to make her smile and forget about what happened to the best of her ability. Finally, first light was here and Jasper said it was time they should wake the others. Jasper went to Jason and Clarke’s tent, calling for them both saying that the sun had just risen.

Inside the tent, Jason was curled up with Clarke. He slept well considering their circumstances. Plus, he was exhausted from their fun last night. His eyes opened when Jasper said their names. He realized that Jasper never woke him for a shift on watch. Nonetheless, he greeted Clarke with a kiss when her eyes open, giving her a soft smile. “Good morning, Princess. I guess it is time for us to get moving now.” He purred lowly, nuzzling their noses together before pecking her lips one more time. Finally, Jason forced himself to sit up. He stretched out all his limbs and yawned, still feeling tired since they were so exposed all night and it was tough to sleep well.


Despite their situation, Lexa’s moans never failed to make Carter feel amazing. This was no different. “Don’t be sorry, my love. I regret nothing that I’ve done with you.” He whispered softly, kissing the girl softly across her neck. His breathing was rapid as his manhood throbbed inside of the love of his life. “Don’t worry about the things we didn’t get to do. Just focus on the good memories.” He murmured, his hands squeezing her ass firmly. Even though their time together was short and the future was bleak, Carter did his best to tune that out. Instead, he only focused on how Lexa felt, moving up and down against his cock. Not only was she his commander, but she was the love of his life.

Carter truly did not regret anything that they had done together. His lips remained locked on hers, his tongue sliding into her mouth. At least she knew just how much he loved her. That was all he wanted her to take away from this. His emotions were running wild right now as he thrust his hips upwards to meet hers with each and every kiss. He gripped her lower lip with his teeth, trying to take everything from this kiss that he could, keeping his bruised eyes wide open and locked with hers.
Octavia had enjoyed Jasper's company once she had packed up her tent and just sat down against a tree and given up on sleeping. He was a nice guy, and she had known that from the start. But originally, she had gotten it into her head that she was somehow better than him, but that wasn't true. Jasper was a nice guy, and he was being a really good friend to her. The brunette wished that she knew how to repay him, and the only thing she could think to do besides hug him, which she was nowhere near ready to do, was to give him a small smile, and hope that he could read her appreciation in it.

Once he left to go wake the others, she stepped away to go get cleaned up on her own. The young woman went to the nearest pond and stripped off her clothes, forcing herself to ignore the cuts, and the large bruises that had formed all over her body from Atom's attack. Once she was clean, she changed into the clothes she had stored in the bag, and then went to meet back up with the others once more. Just wanting to forget that last night had ever happened in the first place. The brunette pushed her hair out of her eyes, stood there silently, and waited for the others.

Clarke gently kissed Jason back, and cuddled into his arms. "Morning Jase.." She said sleepily, kissing him back. She happily nuzzled her nose back against his, and then nodded at his words. "Yeah, I guess so." The blonde pecked another kiss against his lips, and then pulled back and moved to get up. "I'm gonna get dressed and then we can meet up with the others and continue walking to Mount Weather." A few moments later, she removed the little bit of clothes that she was wearing, reached out and grabbed her bag, and pulled out the new clothes to change into.

Once she was dressed, the blonde turned back to her boyfriend a few moments later. "Come on, Jase. Time to go, sleepy head." She laughed softly as she said the words, and when he didn't move, reached out and tickled him, knowing that it wouldn't allow him to stay asleep. "We really should get going before anything else happens," The young woman said, turning serious a few moments later. She sat down on the floor of the tent silently and watched as Jason got dressed.

"I feel like I wasted so much time in the beginning fighting this, fighting us. Fighting our feelings for each other. If I had known that our time together would be cut so short, I would have done
so much better by you.." Lexa told Carter, as they kept moving against each other. "You are the one that I wanted it all with. I have wanted it for years, and that will never change. I will never find someone like you. There is no one like you. You have made my life better by simply being in it." She finally stopped talking, and ran her lips over Carter's neck, kissing on the skin there.

Moans continued to leave her lips as their lovemaking got a little rougher, but not enough to do actual damage to each other. Lexa had forced the pain from her hip to the back of her mind. The only thing that she could focus on right now was the man she loved. Anything else could be dealt with later. If there even was a later for either or both of them. But she pushed those thoughts away, too. And just focused on the present, which was that she and the man she loved were still alive, and that was all that mattered. Her lips met his and she could feel their
time together ticking away.
After Jason dressed, he climbed out of the tent with Clarke. Within minutes, he took down the tent and folded all the equipment back down to the smallest size. Then, all items he had used were packed into his particular backpack. Hopefully, they would only have to use this one more night before they were finished and could return back to camp without having to find a spot in the middle of the night. After making sure that everyone was ready to go, Jason led the charge with one of the maps in hand. He kept in mind that they needed to look for animals.

So far, they had seen none. Did the radiation wipe out all life, animals included? Jason feared it did. That would have not been the greatest thing. Surely, Mount Weather would have supplies. Even if it did, they could not sustain themselves for an eternity on those supplies. They would need to find more food. That thought pierced his mind until they found a deer grazing the ground. Unfortunately, it was mutated and had two faces. Because of that, now Jason worried if all remaining animals were mutated.

They did find a water source but before they could really explore to see if the water was fresh, they saw some movement of a large animal beneath the surface. It looked entirely unpleasant and told them that there were creatures in the water they did not know about or learn about on the Ark. Earth was a dangerous place and they had not even met the biggest threat at this time. The group continued on and Jason pointed out they were getting close according to the map, just hoping that everything worked out.


Carter chose not to dwell on the past. He might not have been as guilty as Lexa was in fighting the feelings, but he had at first. Nonetheless, it was not even important right now. All was important right now was making sure she knew how he felt. He continued to thrust up against her and kiss her passionately, holding her hands that were chained behind her back. He continued kissing her as hard as he could until his orgasm reached. He moaned out Lexa’s name and gave her one more passionate kiss on the lips as he released his hot, sticky semen inside the girl he loved.

Just after they both finished their orgasm, the Ice nation guards moved in. However, the sound of shouting down the hallway sounded. It was none other than Trikru warriors. They successfully reached the building. The Guards were killed and Queen Nia was speared in the chest, killing her on impact. However, Roan and others escaped. Trikru did not defeat Azgeda. They just slowed them down enough to help Lexa and Carter escape. They helped free Lexa and gave her clothing while they helped Carter at well though there was really nothing he could use to clothe himself. The male could barely walk so he had to be helped. They had no time to waste because Roan could be back with reinforcements since he escaped and was not captured by anyone.
Octavia was quiet as they resumed the walk to Mount Weather. There wasn't much for any of them to say, except when Jason told them to turn left or right somewhere, as they continued
the walk. There were no signs of animals or wildlife for hours, until suddenly there was. The group came across a deer, but it was messed up from the radiation and had two faces. Seeing
that made her worry that all animals on earth were now poisoned by the radiation and useless for them to hunt to eat. A little while later they found some water, but it was inhabited by
an alligator or crocodile, and there was no way any of them were going after it.

She was glad when a few hours later, Jason pointed out that they were finally getting close to Mount Weather. "Let's take a small break and just rest for a few minutes," The brunette suggested to the rest of them. If there were almost there, then a small break wouldn't hurt them. And even if they weren't, well, a little rest never hurt anyone. They were all going
on hope, here. There was no telling if Mount Weather even still had the supplies that Jaha had told them about. She quickly pushed that thought away, determined not to let it stop
them from achieving their goal.

The sound of nearby shouting had never been more welcome in her opinion. Just as the Ice Nation guards had started to move in to kill both of them, the shouting in the hall started and
then the doors were shoved open and Trikru soldiers stormed the room. Relief filled every part of her being at the sight of the cavalry. Lexa had wasted no time getting Carter help, once
she had been freed. She barked out orders for some of the soldiers to locate clothes for him, and to make a pack to carry him home on. She made quick work of the clothes she was given.

And since they were unable to locate clothes for Carter, she just told them to cover him with any blankets they could find. Once that was done, all of them left as quickly as they could. Roan had managed to slip out during the madness and that was troubling, but something they would deal with later. Right now they needed to get the hell out of Ice Nation as soon as possible.
Lexa managed to stay upright the entire walk home, as she held Carter's hand, as some of the soldier's carried him on their back with packs. Her hip had started to bleed, and the pain was almost more than she could take.

But she refused to make their army stop. Carter and getting him help and the rest of their clan that was injured, and getting them looked after, was the most important thing. Their needs always came before hers, and she wouldn't have it any other way. As soon as they got home, she told the soldier's to bring Carter to get medical attention. Lexa also told them to find the
rest of their people that needed help and to give it to them. A few moments later, the pain in her hip had finally become more than she could take, and with her hands firmly against her
hip, she passed out.
Only because Octavia had been through so much already, Jason decided they could rest. “Alright. We’ll take a break. We can map out the last part of our route while we wait.” Jason decided as he sat down against a tree, pulling Clarke down too. He saw as Jasper sat beside Octavia and Monty sat somewhat close to his friend and Octavia. While they were sitting, Jason wrapped his arms around Clarke, opening his legs and pulling her to sit in between them, her back against his chest. His arms tightly wrapped around her waist and he started kissing soft kisses down her neck just as a sign of affection.

“We’re almost there. I hope that when we return with the supplies we can carry, the others will agree with us and pitch in to help.” Jason mused softly, their eyes locked together as he continued kissing her. They took a break for a good fifteen minutes before they got moving again. They were getting close it seemed. They reached the edge of some small cliff with a drop off above water. It looked like their only way across was to swing across. Jasper and Monty were afraid, not really wanting to go across. There was no chance Jason would let Octavia do that because Bellamy would have his head. Because of the unknown, he would not let Clarke do it either so Jason volunteer himself, reaching up to grab a vine overhead.


Even though they did not defeat Ice Nation, they did escape the most prominent place. Yes, they lost many warriors but they saved Lexa and Carter. They all returned to Polis. The first thing they did was take Carter and Lexa to the medical ward unit of Polis. It was not exactly the Commander’s quarters, but it would function. With Lexa’s hip, some of the healers started working on her immediately while most of them worked with Carter. His wounds were much more severe than any injured warrior they had: burns, cuts, bruises, broken ribs, and other things they had no idea what could have caused such a mark. Clothes from his quarters with the commander were gathered and brought to him while they worked on him.

From everything that happened, Carter was passed out as well. However, he did have a bed in the medical unit right beside of Lexa. Within a few hours, they had helped the Commander and her boyfriend as much as possible. Their wounds were cleaned and stitched. All action that could be done had been taken. Now, they just had to wait for Lexa and Carter to wake up. The only one with the life threatening injury was Carter. His body endured so much this past year and it was preparing to shut down. Of course, Lexa would wake back up before Carter did. When that happened, he was just laying lifeless, his chest moving up and down slowly. At least he was back in Polis. Healers were constantly in and out of the area checking on these two important individuals along with the others.
"Be careful, Jason." Clarke said immediately. She was worried about him falling into the water and getting bitten. Or about him falling somewhere else and just hurting himself. "Your huge
protective side is showing," The blonde teased her boyfriend and then pulled him close, kissing his lips, before letting him go and watching him grab the vine. "I'm not sure that's the best
way to go. But I don't see any other way for us to get across yet," She admitted, still unhappy with the idea. The young woman kept a close eye on the other three, as Jason got ready to swing across the water on the vine.

Jasper and Monty were afraid, and the blonde didn't blame them. She would have volunteered, but she knew that her boyfriend would never allow it. So, with a soft sigh, she stood there
and watched as Jason swung over to the other side of the water. Then let out a loud scream of alarm as her boyfriend suddenly let go of the vine and fell to the ground on the other side
of the water. "JASON!" The blonde screamed, worried about him, and she and the others tried to make their way over to him. It took them longer than Clarke wanted to think about, to
reach the area where Jason had gone down.


Lexa woke sometime later, and a sigh of relief left her lips as she realized that she and Carter were back at Polis, safe and sound. The young woman groaned as she moved off of her bed and walked over to her boyfriend, moving to sit in a chair that had been placed by his bed. She was careful of her damaged hip, and she was carefully seated, reached out with one hand, and took one of his hands into hers. "You are going to be okay now. I will not accept anything else. You did not make it through their cruelty for over a year, just to be taken from me now. You know how stubborn I am."

"You also know that I mostly get what I want. And what I want, is for you to be around for a long time. So you better not give out on me. I will not accept that." She glanced around the room and saw that the Healers were currently gone from their quarters, she leaned over and pressed a kiss to his lips. "You are the strongest person I know, and I need you to keep being strong for me. I am right here with you, and I will not leave you. I need you to get some rest, heal, and come back to me, my love." She reached out a hand and a moment later, gently stroked his face.
When Jason landed, he barely reached the other side, but he was fine. Then, the male walked a few yards and found a sign. It read “Mount Weather”. At least they were in the correct location. Well, things were starting to change after that. He heard twigs snapping around him. At first, the male thought it was merely an animal. However, he soon realized that it was another human being. By the time he processed how impossible that was, he was being attacked! Jason fought back, jumping out of the way as a spear ripped through the right side of his body. It scraped the side of his body, probably hit a couple ribs but it missed most of him.

It hurt like hell and Jason pushed back against this person, throwing punches and eventually subduing him with a tight chokehold. Looking back to the others across the rocks, he called out. “Don’t you dare fucking swing over here. Just follow the water. We’ll see where I can cross back over!” Jason called out like they had just went into a certain territory they were not supposed to be. They could talk about it later but the others tried to make sure that Clarke was following them down the rocky path near the water, hoping to find somewhere shallow enough where Jason could walk back or swing back across.


Even though his eyes were closed, Carter heard every word. It was like her voice spoke life back into him. When her hand touched his face, that was when his eyes finally fluttered open. After licking his dry lips, the tingle of her kiss remained there. When he came to fully, he saw that her eyes were locked on his own. Offering the woman a smile, Carter cleared his throat and greeted her. “My love.” Carter whispered lowly. “I could never leave you. You’ll have to deal with me for a long time.” He teased lightly, offering her a grin and a weak squeeze of her hand. The once strong and brutal warrior was now weakened and barely hanging on. Despite that, carter had all intentions on returning to that form once he recovered.

“The only thing that kept me going was thinking I might see you again one day. Whether you had moved on or not, that gave me peace. I love you, Commander Lexa. I will love you forever.” He whispered softly, giving her hand a soft kiss. She was his and he was hers. That was all that mattered. “I know you’re busy. You’re the commander. I can only imagine what you must have to plan and think about after this. If you need to go, then do what you must. I’m going to be fine.”
Jason, are you okay?" Clarke called out as she and the others kept running, trying to get to him and make sure that he was okay. When he had gone down after crossing the water, that had scared the hell out of her. But she told herself that he was okay, that he had to be. There was no other answer that the blonde would accept. She loved Jason too much to lose him now, after everything that they had been through both together and apart. The small group of them kept running and running, staying away from the water, seeing the creature inside it and just being careful.


Lexa gave her boyfriend a small smile. "I am not leaving you. I just told you that," She said, a bit sternly. "I can plan the attack from here. I just will have to make the others keep it down
so that you can get some more rest." The young woman pressed another kiss to his lips, and pulled away. She sat back in her chair, grabbed her spear and tapped it on the ground, to get
the attention of their Healers. Once three of them ran in, she told one of them to get some water and soft food for Carter. After she had done that, the young woman gently ran her fingers over one of his cheeks.

"Rest now. I will take care of everything. All you need to do is sleep." With a small smile at him, she thanked the Healers when they brought food and drink for Carter, and then told them to send in the other warriors, to discuss a plan of attack. "They will wait at the door, and one I have taken care of Carter, then will we discuss our plans of attack. That is all, leave us now. You will return later to clean Carter's bandages." Once the Healers had left again, Lexa carefully helped Carter sit up a bit, as she fed him, and gave him water, taking care of him.
It took about ten minutes but Jason finally found a path across. There were a load of rocks in the center of the water. That was dangerous in itself because he could slip and fall into the water and whatever gigantic sea creature was waiting could kill him. However, he reached land beside Clarke and collapsed down, gasping and looking at the others. Jason was bleeding. The right side of his abdomen was bloodied. Thankfully, the spear did not hit him well enough where it was stuck in his body. It was just a graze. Standing up, he gripped himself before speaking.

“What the fuck? There are other people here. They were not any of our people. Something’s wrong here. We need to get back to camp. It’s like we crossed someone’s territory or something. Why did they wait so long to attack? They didn’t even say anything. We have to regroup.” Jason grunted as he tried to support himself while walking forward. Clarke would have to patch him up when they were back at camp but for now he could make it slowly. They would likely have to camp out another night and that would be painful for sure.


Honestly, Carter was happy to hear that Lexa was not leaving. He returned the kiss as he leaned into her touch. “Okay, I’ll rest as long as you are here by my side. I see that you’re hurt, too. Please make sure that you get your rest, too.” He whispered and sat up when she asked him to sit up. He did need her help but he was functioning by himself to an extent. When she fed him, Carter smiled at Lexa. It was tough to eat the food. He had nothing good like this for over a year. He had no idea what they fed him at Ice Nation. It was disgusting but it kept him alive long enough. He lost so much weight and he would have to gain that back once he was feeling better.

“I’m just afraid that I’ll be seen as less of a warrior. I was caught for a year. No other warrior looks this skinny. I have to get back into shape, lexa. Will you help train with me again? I want to be up and moving the second I can. I don’t like feeling weak.” Carter admitted. That was his biggest fear now that they were both safe. In this state, he could not help out anyone and that was the worst pain of all.
Clarke quickly caught up with Jason and wrapped an arm around his waist, taking some of his weight onto her. "Don't bother arguing, just let me help you." Her eyes took in the sight of trees all around them and sighed. They still had a ways to go before they got back to camp. They would have to camp out again for the night, which was dangerous. There was no telling who or what could happen to them as they tried to make their way back. They would have to settle for walking back for as long as they could. And once they were too tired to keep walking, that's when they would be forced to set up camp for the night once more.

What mattered is that they got as close to camp as possible, before they stopped for the night. The closer they were to the others, the better the blonde knew that she would feel. "We need to keep going, and figure something out. We won't last more than a day without food." She said, starting to worry.


"I am plenty stubborn, but I am also not stupid. I will get some rest.. Eventually. But for now, I have to make sure that you are okay, and I have to start planning our next move against Ice Nation. They are not going to get away with taking what is mine." She said seriously, a fierce look on her face as she said the words. Lexa moved to sit back down in her chair, only relaxing
as she held one of Carter's hands in her own. "Close your eyes and rest. I am right here and I will still be here when you wake up. The only way for you to get better, is to listen to the Healers, rest and let your injuries heal. You were gone for a long time and they did much damage to you. Just enjoy us taking care of you. Let the sound of my voice soothe you and coax you to rest and sleep."
Because of the immense pain he felt, Jason did not argue with Clarke. He used her for support. Jasper even helped as well, taking the other side of Jason. He might have been injured in his ribs but it was so hard to breathe and that made it difficult to walk. “Fuck. I hope this feels worse than it is. I feel like I’m going to fucking suffocate.” He muttered to himself. He was already wheezing because each inhale and exhale caused so much pain. “He had a spear. How are other people even here? How did they survive? We have to make sure that we protect camp. We’ll have to make sure we build walls.”

Jason murmured, trying to keep his mind off the pain. They kept going like this and soon it was dark. Of course, they were still far away since Jason was so slow. It was dangerous to be out in the night. “It’s getting dark. We really should stop until first light in the morning. We might get lost in the dark and we can at least watch ourselves better if we stop.” Monty pointed out and Jasper was tending to agree with him as Jason toiled on forward, waiting to hear the final decision. He was not in any capacity to decide.


Carter felt relieved when Lexa said she would rest. He did understand that she needed to plan an attack, though. It made him happy when she talked about him that way, how they took what was hers. Carter could see how true their love was. He squeezed her hand, hoping to relax her the same way she did for him. “I will help in whatever way I can. We’ll win this war. I know it. I will try to get some sleep now.” Carter promised her and promised to listen to the Healers. He was stubborn but not stupid, either. Carter did not think he could just do anything that he would normally do now.

If he were to recover, he must be patient and take his time. After he closed his eyes, Carter gently gripped her hand again. “Can you lay with me? That will help soothe me even more. Don’t worry about hurting me. I’m in pain either way so you might as well be by my side. I know I can’t rest until I feel your body against mine.” Carter pointed out with a soft little smile, their eyes locking together as he reached down to squeeze her hand.
"Stop talking and just focus on breathing and staying upright," Clarke told Jason as they continued to walk for a few more hours, before she said that they needed to stop and set up camp so that they could all rest for the night. The blonde had Monty and Jasper continue to help Jason stay upright, and she and Octavia put all of their tents together. Once that was done, she had the two boys lay her boyfriend down as gently as possible on his back, on their sleeping bags. When that was done, she thanked them and then started to pull out first aid supplies, taking care of Jason's injury.

"It's gonna hurt," She told him. "But I'm gonna do my best to limit the amount of pain I put you through while I take care of you." For the next half hour, the blonde cleaned and examined Jason's wound, before slowly and carefully bandaging it. At one point, she even asked if he wanted some pain killers, to numb the pain. "I have a few bottles that I always carry with me in case something happens and I think this would help you to relax a little, and sleep tonight." Clarke laid down beside Jason, being careful not to touch him, except where she stroked his hair.


"Right now the way you can help me, help us, is for you to rest and get better. That is all you are going to worry about right now. I am right here beside you, and I am not going anywhere
any time soon. The soonest the attack will happen is within a week. We are going to take our time planning this, to make sure all of the kinks are worked out, and that we are going in with
the best plan we can come up with." She nodded when Carter said that he was going to try and sleep now. "Good. That makes me happy to hear. Are you comfortable?" The young woman asked, concerned.

When he gripped her hand, she gently squeezed his back. The brunette listened to her boyfriend speak and then nodded at his request. "Of course, I will. Helping you relax is the most important thing right now." Their eyes locked together and when he squeezed her hand once more, she returned the gesture. A few moments later, Lexa made sure to be as gentle and
careful as possible as she laid down beside Carter. "Rest now," She said softly, still holding his hand. "I'm right here beside you. You're home with me, and right where you belong."
Yes, the cleaning and bandaging of his wound hurt like hell. Despite the pain, Jason understood it and knew it was necessary. Biting his lip gently, Jason tried to keep himself silent. When she finished, he thought about accepting the painkillers but finally decided against it. “Let me try without the painkillers first. Someone might get injured worse than me one day. I hope not, but they might. I don’t want to have wasted any pills on myself. I can take it.” Jason murmured, trying to convince himself that was true. When Clarke moved to lay down beside him, though, the pain relief was much stronger than any medication on the Ark could have given him.

With a sweet smile, he leaned his head close into her hand. He was ever thankful he refused to let Clarke swing across first back at Mount Weather. “Thank you for taking care of me, Princess. I will make sure that I make this up to you.” Jason teased, just using this as a reason to play with her after he recovered. “I think all I need right now is you in my arms.” As silly as it sounded, Jason thought that was the only thing he needed. He was confident in her ability as a doctor so all that was left was the psychological aspect and just being around her helped.


“Thank you.” Carter responded to Lexa for both staying with him and taking her time with the attack. The last thing he wanted was for Lexa to react brashly and put her own self in danger. Carter knew how horrible these people were. Within the next week, Carter was unrealistic if he thought he could act in the battle. It would take him a long time to recover from a year of torture and starvation and other deprivations. The worst part was not being able to fight back and being unable to keep Lexa safe on the battlefield. He was confident, though. Even if he did kick her ass most of the time when they were younger and trained, she was a great warrior herself.

Lately when they had trained, she beat him more than she ever had before. “I love you, Lexa. Thank you for getting me out. I knew they made up all those lies about you. I never doubted you for a second.” Carter whispered and nuzzled his nose against hers. Finally, he closed his own eyes and gently wrapped his arms around the brunette, pulling her as taut against his chest as possible without hurting himself or his girlfriend as he slowly fell asleep.
"It's not wasting pills if you're in pain," Clarke said sharply. She hated that he was refusing to take the pills, but in the end it was his choice. And as the only actual one with actual medical knowledge, she could only make suggestions for him to follow or not follow. And apparently he wasn't going to follow her suggestion. The blonde put the supplies away a few moments later and then moved to lay down beside her boyfriend, making sure to be careful of his injury. A small smile settled on her lips, when he leaned over and kissed her hand. "Stop being sweet, and rest. There's plenty of time for that later.."

She said and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. "You don't have to thank me for taking care of you. I love you, even if you are stubborn as hell sometimes.." The young woman grumbled, though there was no real anger in the words. "The way for you to make it up to me, is for you to get better, and for you to be more careful from now on. I know that you want to protect
me, but I don't want anything else to happen to you. I love you, just as much as you love me.." Clarke said seriously. She kissed him once last time, and carefully snuggled into his side.

"Get some rest now. Doctor's orders."

Octavia was quiet as she sat down on the ground and and wrapped a blanket from her pack, around her body. Monty was inside the tent that he had Jasper had set up from before, and Jasper was a few feet away, and the brunette knew that he was watching her, wanting to make sure that she didn't do anything stupid or dangerous. "If you're going to keep watching me, you might as well do it with more blankets. Get over here," She told Jasper, not bothering to pretend they both didn't know that he was keeping a close eye on her. "I'm not gonna go and kill anyone else."

"Atom had it coming. It was self defense. If anyone questions that, then that's their problem. I'm only going to explain things one more time, and show them the proof, and then I just want
to forget about it." She wiped a tired hand over her face, and put a little bit of space between herself and Jasper, though they were both quite close to each other as they shared the three blankets between them. "I know that you like me, but you shouldn't. I know you probably think that I think that I'm better than you, because before now I never really gave you the time of day, but you're wrong."

"It was because you're better than me. I'm not a good person," Octavia said softly.

Lexa held Carter close as he rested. "I promise to be careful. I will do my utmost best to avoid putting myself in dangerous situations. The fighting is going to get vicious and ugly, there is no denying that. But the only thing I can truly promise is to do my very best to come back home to you. I have missed you and loved you and gone without you in my life, my heart, and my bed for far far too long now, to go out and do something stupid that would take me away from you. I will come home to you, no matter what. It does not matter what shape I am in when I do it."

A few moments later, she just laid there beside her boyfriend and rested as well. Her hip was a little achy, but it was nothing she could not handle. The young woman was just happy to have the love of her life back home, and back in her arms once more. She would deal with everything else soon enough. But for now, she was only focused on Carter and his needs, and wanting to make him safe, comfortable, and happy now that they were finally back together. "You were gone from me for so long, but I never truly gave up on you, my sweet man.." Lexa whispered the words and kissed his lips one final time, before closing her eyes and going to sleep beside him.
Finally, Jason gave into the tiredness and fatigue he was feeling. His eyes closed and his body nuzzled close with Clarke. A smile remained on his face and the young man slowly drifted off to sleep. Under normal circumstances with this injury and the lack of pain relief, it would be almost impossible for a man to sleep. However, Jason had Clarke in his arm sand that alone helped him relax and slowly find his way to a peaceful slumber. It stayed that way until the next morning when the sun first rose. There was no time to be wasted. They must get moving and get back to camp as soon as they can.

Once Jason and Clarke were awake, they worked on getting everyone else up. Jason felt better, but he was more sore than anything. He still needed some assistance with moving from place to place each step but the improvement was noticeable. It took another few hours and by early afternoon, they were all returning to the camp together with everyone eyeing them curious, wondering what in the hell happened out there in this world. It did not look good, though. Everyone saw someone was hurt and they all fell silent.


Jasper did not say much else to Octavia that night. He hated being shot down like that and he thought she was acting quite rude to him but she had gone through some rough shit so Jasper did not hold that against her. When they walked back to camp the next morning, he did still keep a close eye on her but she had not given him a reason to think she would do anything rash. However, when they arrived to camp, he heard Bellamy practically bellowing for his sister, demanding to know if she was alright after seeing the scene before him with Jason.


Carter did not sleep well and that was expected. If it was not a nightmare or intense pain keeping him awake, it was a healer entering at certain periods of the night to check on him and apply other antidotes, powders, and creams. They told him it would be a long road to recovery and it had started out bumpy. More than anything, he hated that Lexa had to be bothered by being woken up each time he was since she had to move out of the way. Finally, the sun rose in the morning and there was much commotion around Polis.

When Carter awoke with Lexa in his arms, he just watched her sleep. There were whispers about people that fell from the sky were now on Earth. A village was supposedly burned down when they landed. There was so much going on now with that and planning to attack Ice Nation but Carter wanted nothing to do with anything. He greeted Lexa when she woke and gave her a kiss. “It’s morning now. You should get yourself something to eat if you’re hungry. I’ll be here when you get back.” He pointed out, not wanting her to go without food if she was hungry.
"I don't wanna talk about it, Bell. I just wanna go to sleep. Help Clarke get Jason into medical, and don't be a dick to them, or Jasper and Monty.." Octavia told her brother, as she walked past her brother and headed for their room. Just needing to be alone, and needing the familiar comfort and feelings of safety that their room gave them. The brunette walked into their room a few minutes later, closing the door behind her and letting out a shaky breath. She walked over to her bed and moved to sit down on it, resting her head in her hands. Everything over the last few days had happened quickly.

She was still trying to process it. After a few minutes of letting herself freak out, the young woman sighed and pulled herself together once more. Octavia walked over to the dresser and got out some clothes for her to change into. Her plan was to burn the clothes she currently wore, to try and forget what had gone out while they were out there. She took off her clothes, and stood there for a moment, naked, taking in the scratches, bruises and scars, unable to stop staring for several minutes. Eventually, the brunette forced herself to hurry up. She cleaned her scratches and scars and then changed into the new clothes, getting rid of the old clothing.

Clarke helped Jason into medical, gently helping him to lie down on a bed so that she could remove his clothing and then examine his wound once more. "How does it feel?" The blonde asked gently, as her hands and fingers ghosted over his skin ever so lightly, trying not to add to any pain that he felt. "I think that you should take some of the pain pills now. Your pain might be feeling a little better, but it's not going to go away that quickly." After she spoke, she pressed a gentle kiss to one of his cheek's, gently reaching out with one hand to caress his cheek.

"There is much to be done today. I can eat later. For now, I want to spend these last few moments here with you, before I have to go." Lexa said and then she ever so gently kissed Carter's lips, taking extreme care not to hurt him. "I will deal with Ice Nation, and I will deal with the Sky People, when I'm ready to do so. But for now, my attention is focused on you. How are you feeling?" She asked, and took one of his hands into one of her own, squeezing it gently. "I am so glad that you are alive. Seeing you again and having you back is the best thing in my life.." She whispered, smiling.
It had been another week before Jason was fully recovered from his injury. During that time, the delinquents had to deal with different problems such as acid fog in the woods that took some of their lives and dealing with someone murdering Wells at the gates. They thought it was a Grounder attacked but found it was one of their own. The young girl ended up taking her own life and Murphy was exiled from camp. Now, it was late and Jason returned to his tent with Clarke. The walls were almost finished around the camp and they were doing well for themselves.

Jason moved to lie down in the tent first with Clarke, pulling her into his arms next. He offered her a sweet smile. “Thank you for taking care of me this past week. I am glad to be back completely now. I hated not being able to do much.” The young man commented as he nuzzled their noses together, just so happy to have made it through this last week and thankful to be alive really. They have encountered so many dangers already and that was likely to only grow.


It would take Carter a long time to recover, but in the past two weeks, he was doing much better. Now, he was finally able to stand up on his own and exercise his body. It was early morning and he was lying in bed with the commander. He had been helping plan another attack on Ice Nation even if he might not get the chance to take part in it, but they were making sure to plot another attack to keep the pressure on Azgeda. Carter woke first that morning and he was nude beside the brunette.

A smile was on his face while watching Lexa sleeping. Today, she would be helping him train again. It was not like he forgot how to fight, but he just needed to train his body again. It took them back to their younger days when they were first learning. Lexa could take what she learned in preparation for the conclave and practice with Carter. Until she woke up, the man just looked at her and felt thankful to be back. Things seemed almost normal again.
"You're welcome," Clarke said and smiled, once Jason had come back to their tent, laying down and pulling her into his arms. She shifted in his arms and pressed soft kisses to his lips.
"Well, now that you're doing better, you don't have to worry about sitting around and feeling useless. How was your day with helping with working on the wall?" The blonde asked as she
pulled the blankets over their bodies, and pressed her body lightly against his. It wasn't a sexual move, she just wanted to have him close to her, as she had missed having him close all

"You've done your part for the day. So just rest now. Take a nap, and I'll wake you up in an hour and we'll go and have dinner together.." The young woman told her boyfriend, not wanting him to worry about anything. "If it will help, you know that I'm right here, and I'll take a nap with you.." She said, and slipped one of her hands into his, squeezing it and moving to lay down and rest her body right beside his. "I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere any time soon. Now, close your eyes and just rest. You know you can always wake me up if you need anything."

"You always did enjoy watching me sleep," Lexa said as she woke up, opening her eyes and turning towards Carter. A smile was on her lips as she took in the sight of him. Leaning over to
kiss him. "How are you feeling this morning? Do you need me to call for the Healers to help treat your wounds?" She reached out with one hand and cupped his face with it, gently stroking her fingers over his cheek. "It has been wonderful having you back home. Honestly, most of the time I still worry that it is just a dream, and that when I wake up, you will be gone again."

"I am happy to be proven wrong every time. I find myself being the one to watch you sleep at night. Taking in the rising and falling of your chest, to make sure that you are still alive and breathing. I find that I can not fall asleep at night anymore unless I know for sure that you are okay and that you are beside me. I never want to risk losing you or almost losing you, ever again. You might think that I am being overprotective, but I do not ever want to go through that horrible pain of being without you ever again. I was broken for a long time, thinking that
I had lost you."
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