RP: The 100: May We Meet Again (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Dec 22, 2014
United States
“The price has increased, Hunter. One week’s worth of ration cards.”

“One week? Are you out of your mind? I’ve paid you exactly what you asked each time you raise the price.”

“I know, but I’m raising the price again. You pay the fee or you will no longer have conjugal visits.”

“I don’t have that much with me right now. Let me pay you after. You know this is the only chance during the week I can see her. Please, let me see her now and I swear I will pay you tonight.”

“Fine, go ahead. I expect my payment immediately, though.”

“Thanks, Eric.”

A male three years older than the 17-year-old Jason Hunter collected the ration cards and turned his back. Eric Rivera took shift on the solitary confinement section of the Sky Box on Saturday evenings. It just so happened that Jason was close friends with Eric. Their fathers both worked in the factory station and they were close friends for a long time.

As they grew older, they slowly drifted apart without a real reason. When Jason found Eric again, he suggested something risky: three days of Jason’s ration cards for access into solitary. This went on for three months and then the price was raised to five days. At this point, Jason was almost starving. How could he survive with seven days of his cards gone? It was another problem for later tonight. That mattered little now. What could make a man starve himself just to have twenty minutes each week spent with one person? It was love.

Clarke Griffin was Jason’s best friend since he was in diapers. When they became old enough where “dating” was first a thing, that was exactly what they did. As stated earlier, his father, Michael, worked in the factory station while his mother, Sarah, worked in the medical station. She was not the chief of medicine like Abigail Griffin was, but she worked close with Clarke’s mother and they were best friends. They were both pregnant with Clarke and Jason around the same time. It was how the couple became so close at an early age. Neither Jason’s mother nor father knew about this scheme. This was literally risking everything. If Jason was caught, he would be arrested and tossed into the Sky Box as well.

He did not care. The only thing he cared about was seeing Clarke and thinking of some wild way to rescue her from solitary and keep her safe. In a few months, she would be floated when she had come of age. She was arrested for treason since she knew about her father’s plans to spill the information about the decreasing oxygen on the Ark. They only had a few months to live, at best. Her mother turned Jake in but did not mean for Clarke to be arrested as well. Clarke already knew this and Jason understood how she was upset with her mother. So many things were going wrong so far.

Reaching her room, Jason slipped the key inside the door and slowly turned the lock, pushing open the door. Once he stepped inside, the male closed the door behind him and immediately walked towards Clarke, embracing her in a tight hug wherever she was in her room at that time. “Clarke…” Jason breathed out, knowing that each visit meant their time together was growing shorter and shorter. He had to think of something. Despite how many times she told him not to do this and not risk getting himself killed, he was too stubborn and too protective to stop.
The blonde turned at the sound of her name. She locked eyes with her boyfriend, and when he hugged her, she hugged him back just as tightly. "I told you that you shouldn't come here anymore. It's too dangerous. What if the guard you've been paying off, decides not to honor your deal anymore? Or what if he asks for something you can't or won't give? I don't want
you to get caught and thrown in here, too. After this visit, you need to stop trying to get in to see me. It's only going to end badly for you. I don't want them to float you, like they're going to do to me."

"I have a few months until it happens, and I couldn't live with myself knowing that you keep putting yourself at risk because of me. I want you to meet somebody else. Someone who
will love you and who won't put you at risk like I've been doing. I've been selfish, but I refuse to be that way anymore. Our families won't survive if both of us get floated. You need
to be here to be there for them. Your parents need you. So does my Mom," Clarke said softly. She was still so angry at her mother, for turning her father in. But she still loved her mother, despite it.

And the thought of her mother not having anyone to be there for her, after the loss of both her husband and her daughter, was more than Clarke could bare to think about. "I need you to promise me two things. One, that you won't come here anymore. It's just too hard knowing what's going to happen in a few months. And two, take care of my mother. Tell her that I love her. I'm still angry over my father's death, but I know she was only doing what she thought was best. That she never thought they would float him. I can't say that I've forgiven her for turning him in. But I can say that I love her. And I love you."

"And you continuing to come here when it's useless, as my fate is sealed, is unfair to you. I want you to move on. Find a new girlfriend and be happy. That's what I want for you. Find a nice girl, fall in love with her, get married, and have the family that we've always talked about. I can't give that to you, but you can find someone who can." She paused for a moment and then met his eyes and said, "I don't want you to remember me like this when I'm gone. I want you to remember how I looked the night of our first kiss. The best night of my life."
Clarke had warned him not to visit her anymore. It was dangerous but Jason did not care. Even if he was arrested and floated, it would have been worth it just to see his girlfriend again. She talked about being unable to live with herself if he was caught, how their families each needed him. She made a valid point but he was being selfish, too. The only thing he cared about was being with Clarke, not even thinking about their families. It was difficult to accept these promises and listen as Clarke talked about him finding another girl, falling in love, getting married, and starting a family. That, he could not do.

“Clarke, it’s not that simple. I love you more than anything in this world. I think about what’s happening in a few months. I think about how I am going to lose you and that breaks my heart. I’d rather die than lose you. That’s why I keep coming back. I don’t want you to feel bad if I get caught doing this. I did this myself. You never asked me to do this. It won’t be anyone’s fault but my own.” During this conversation, he kept hugging Clarke.

“But finding another girl to fall in love with? Never. If I can’t have you, Clarke, if you’re being taken from me like this, I’d rather live alone. I could never be unfaithful to you. I promised you forever, Clarke. This doesn’t change anything. Yes, we did talk about marriage and kids but that will only work for me if it happens with you. I can’t bring myself to ever think about another girl the same way I think about you. You’re my world, my sun, my start, my everything.” The love they shared was deep and Jason could not accept this.

“I won’t make any promises other than that I will try. I know you want your mother taken care of and I can’t think of anything to get you out of this mess. If this is our last time, though, I want to hold you every second and kiss you every second. I love you Clarke. I will never, ever forget you. I will think about how much I love you each and every day. I love you.” He was saying those words over and over again, tightly hugging Clarke just so she was not taken from him.

“This is so wrong. This is so unfair. Your father and you did the right thing. It shouldn’t be like this.” He murmured, thinking about how unfair and unjust everything was. “You mean the world to me, you know? This is going to be difficult for me. I can’t picture a life without Clarke Griffin. You’ve been my best friend for as long as I could remember. I don’t know how to live any other way.” The past few months have been treacherous for Jason. Without Clarke, he had no idea how to act.
"After today, you won't be able to come back here. I'm going to tell Eric to stop letting you in. So you need to stop bribing him with your ration cards and use them for yourself." The words were hard and painful to say, but they needed to be said. To spare both of them the pain of continuing this heart-wrenching cycle for the last few months of her life. "I meant
what I said when I told you that I want you to move on. I'll never truly be at rest when they float me, if you don't have someone loving you and looking after you, when I'm gone."

"That's my last request, and I hope you won't just ignore it. I know that you love me, and I love you more than anything or anyone. If I didn't love you, then I wouldn't want what's
best for you, which is to move on. I don't want you to die. I want you to live, and be happy, since I can't. I need you to do that for me. I hate knowing that in a few months, I'll never
see you again. I'll never touch you or kiss you. I'll never feel you in my arms, or feel your arms around me." She pressed a sweet kiss to Jason's lips, then pulled back and whispered: "Make love to me one last time."

"I need one final memory of you to take with me. Please, Jase." Clarke moved out of her boyfriend's arms a few moments later and began to remove her clothes. Once all of her clothes were dropped onto the floor, she stood there naked and waited to see if Jason was going to join her. The anger, pain, and sadness she felt, was pushed down into some dark place that she only ever allowed herself to think of, when she was alone. The last thing Jason needed was for her to break down in front of him. She had to keep being strong, just a little longer.

Once this visit was over, Clarke would no longer have to put on a brave face, as no one would be visiting her again until her birthday in a few months, and the day she would be floated. Knowing that she would be dead in three months, both scared the hell out of the blonde, and caused her to feel relief. Relief if only to know that it would all be over soon. Scared her, because she hated the idea of leaving her family and friends behind. The only thing that kept her sane right now, was knowing that Jason would still be alive once she was gone.
“Fine, Clarke. I will honor your request. I’ll force myself to stop after this visit. I can’t promise that I will find someone else. If I find someone that interests me, I promise to not hold myself back but I’m not going to just go out and find anyone. Just know that no girl can ever fully replace you, Clarke. I want you to know that you will always have the first place in my heart.” Jason whispered, wanting her to understand. “Make me a promise, too. Promise me that you will always know that. Nobody can take your place. I don’t think I can truly ever move on. I will never forget you.”

Since Clarke was being strong, Jason would stay strong too. Undoubtedly, he would cry rivers of tears that would flood the Ark when he left tonight and especially when she was floated. At her next request, he watched her strip down and immediately did the same. This was not about having some rough, hardcore fucking. This was about making love and taking time to enjoy each other one final time. Nodding his head, Jason smiled at the blonde and removed his clothing while pushing the negativity beside. The last thing either of them needed was a darkness clouding their making love session. Plus, they did not have long before Jason must leave.

Finally, Jason pushed the blonde down onto her back slowly and crawled on top of her. He wanted to remember her like this forever, in the most pure state while they kissed. This kiss was something special, too. It was not just a peck on the lips or just touching their lips together and holding it: no, Jason was using his tongue, sliding it into her mouth and deepening the kiss as much as he possibly could. Reaching down, he grabbed both of her hands and held them, lacing their fingers together. He wanted to have every inch of Clarke’s body pressed into his. This was an important night for the couple.

“I love you, Clarke Griffin. I love you so much. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. That will never change. I love you. I will love you forever.” Whispering this into her mouth, he stopped the kiss just long enough to say that but he returned to kissing her seconds later. He was already semi-erect from seeing his lover nude and feeling her skin against his own so he immediately thrust forward, sliding his long, thick manhood inside of the blonde. Once he entered inside of her, Jason breathed out heavily and sighed against her lips, just focusing on how her tight, perfect pussy lips felt with her walls clenching on his cock.
"I love you, too." Clarke said softly, moaning as Jason finally slipped inside of her. She planned to enjoy their last time together and pushed away thoughts of the future. Knowing that her birthday would be remembered by her family and friends as one of the worst days of their life. The blonde held back the tears that wanted to gather in her eyes. She absolutely refused to cry in front of Jason. She hadn't done it yet, and never planned to do it. Their bodies moved together as one, and she continued to kiss him. After a few moments, the young woman gently rested her hands on her boyfriend's arms, to get him to stop moving.

The blonde lifted one of her wrists, and showed him the bandage that had been there for several weeks now. Her excuse at the first appearance of it had been that she'd hurt herself,
and while she'd hated lying, hadn't wanted Jason to know what it really was just yet. Now, she took the large bandage off and showed her boyfriend the tattoo on her wrist that had a large heart and their initials JH & CG in the middle of it. "I belong to you," Clarke said, whispering the words to him. She resumed thrusting her hips against his as the two of them resumed making love once more.

"Being with you, will be the thing that I miss the most..." She told him, still whispering. A moment later, Clarke resumed kissing Jason, and as their bodies joined together again and again, she cherished this last time that they would ever make love, and stored the memory in her mind. Knowing this day and their first kiss would be the two best things that had
ever happened in her life. Her back arched and that delicious feeling went through her, and she kept the kiss going. Knowing that their time was almost up. Clarke's hands gripped
onto Jason's tightly, and she locked eyes with him.

"I love you.." She said one last time, as they continued to move their bodies together.
When they started, Jason had looked into Clarke’s eyes and the emotions were obvious. It hurt him knowing that Clarke was on the brink of tears yet he could not help his girlfriend. Up until she stopped him, the male kept a slow, gentle pace of thrusting. When her hands gripped his arms. Jason stopped his movements but looked towards Clarke’s wrist. Why was she showing him her cuts? It pained him to know that she had hurt herself. He had been none the wiser until she revealed the tattoo. It was special and it almost made him tear up as well. It was perfect that Clarke had done this. There was never any doubt about her love or him, but this just topped the cake.

“I belong to you, too.” He whispered quietly and pressed a kiss onto her wrist before they started again. They continued kissing and his tongue slipped into her mouth trying to kiss her with the most passion he had ever used because he knew how important this was. “I love you, too. I will miss being with you but I know you’ll always be in my heart, Clarke. I know you’ll always be with me through everything I do.” He whispered and it pained him to say this but it was true. Even with her passing, Jason knew that this did not mean she was never in his life again. Maybe not physically, but she would be in his heart.

His hips began thrusting a little faster and because he wanted to give Clarke another amazing orgasm before she was taken from him, Jason slipped one hand in between her legs and started rubbing her clit slowly in clockwise rotations. The smile grew wider on his face since the sadness had left him for the moment and the only thing on his mind was Clarke and how amazing she made him feel. The love he felt for her was unyielding and the physical sensations were incredible. “Cum for me, Princess. Soak my cock one more time and I will fill you with my semen.” He promised her, giving her another kiss, sliding his tongue to pin down hers and take control of the kiss.
Clarke didn't need to be told twice. With a few more thrusts of their hips between them, the blonde clenched him inside of her and came hard. Their lips remained locked together
as they continued to make love. Her arms wrapped around Jason's waist and she shoved her tongue into his mouth, putting all of the love that she had for him, into the kiss, and
into their love making. Telling him with her lips and with her body, just how much he meant to her. The blonde's heart beat quickly in her chest, as each minute ticked by and they
got closer and closer to that final goodbye.

When Jason came inside of her, she felt her pulse start to speed up. Both because of her love for him, and what this now meant. They would only have a few more minutes with each other, before Eric showed up to get Jason and make him leave. The blonde removed her arms from around her boyfriend's waist, and lifted her hands to cup his face. "No matter what happens, I don't regret anything that's happened between us and I never will. Everything that we're going through has been worth it. You've made my life better in every possible way,
as both my best friend and my boyfriend."

Clarke pressed one final kiss to his lips, and then gently pushed him back so that they could separate and get dressed once more. Once they were both dressed, she took Jason's hands into hers and gripped them tightly in her own. They locked eyes and just continued to stare into each other's eyes as they prepared for Eric to show up and separate them this final time. "Stay strong, okay? For me? You can get past this, I know you can. You're the strongest person that I know." A moment later she said softly, "I'm sorry that our relationship has to end this way."
It was not long after Clarke clenched around his cock and came when Jason reached his own orgasm. After his sex juices filled her to the brim, Jason looked deep into her eyes, listening to what the blonde said. “I don’t regret anything either, Clarke. I just wish we had more time. This isn’t right. You will always be the most important woman in my life. I love you more than anything or any person in the world. Don’t ever forget that.” The young man whispered softly, nuzzling their noses together. It took everything within him to pull back from the blonde as he quickly gathered his clothes, knowing that they must dress quickly.

“I will stay strong. I know that you will give me strength each day. I love you so much Clarke Griffin. We are still together forever.” Then, Jason kissed her hand and then kissed her lips. After that, the male pulled back when there was a knock at the door. “May we meet again.” He whispered and gave her one more kiss, holding it until there was more knocking. When the door opened, he expected to see Eric again. It was not. There were two guards he had never seemed and his heart dropped. Unsure of what to do, Jason froze.

Before he knew it, one of the electric batons struck his leg and he was suddenly taken to the ground. They slammed the door shut on Clarke’s room and proceeded to arrest Jason. Once he was taken into custody, they moved him into the general population of the Sky Box. He was not in solitary like Clarke since his crime did not put anyone else at risk while her secret could be deadly. Once that was finished, he was tossed into his own cell and released of the handcuffs and now he was in the same boat as Clarke, going to be floated at the age of 18 when his case went for the review.
"What the hell are you doing? Why are you attacking him?" Clarke demanded, shouting, when the door opened and two guards, neither of who were Eric, used a shock baton on
Jason's leg. "What's going on? He didn't do anything! Get the hell off of him!" The blonde shouted, quickly moving over to them and trying to push the two older males away from
her boyfriend. She was able to slam one of the men into the wall and punched him in the face, but as they fought, the blonde felt the harsh sting of the shock baton on her back.

And even though she tried to fight against it, once the level on the baton raised, she fell to the ground, passing out. Apparently she had only passed out for a few minutes, because
the next time she opened her eyes it was to see that she was handcuffed to the legs of her bed. The guards were in the process of dragging Jason out of her room. "No! JASON! Let
him go! He doesn't deserve this!" Clarke shouted at them, and the tears that she had been forcing back for so long, finally filled her eyes and started streaming down her cheeks.

The door was slammed shut as she kept struggling against the handcuffs that chained her to the legs of the bed. "JASON! I love you!" The blonde screamed the words at the top
of her lungs as she laid there on the floor and tugged uselessly against the handcuffs that chained her to the bed. The bed was made of heavy materials and wouldn't move, no
matter how much she pushed or pulled on it, trying to get it to do something. Eventually her strength gave out, and Clarke collapsed back onto the floor. She didn't know what
else to do.

Was there anything she could do? Her hands and wrists were bloody and bruised from both fighting with the guards and from trying to get free of the handcuffs. It took her a long
time, hours to accept that it was finally over. She closed her eyes as the tears kept falling, and rubbed the fingers of her right hand against the tattoo on her left wrist. It gave her comfort, if only a little. After a few moments, Clarke forced herself to stop crying. She wiped her eyes and straightened her spine. If they were going to float her now instead of
on her birthday, they weren't going to take anything else from her or Jason.

The blonde wouldn't give them the satisfaction of letting them see her pain. "May we meet again.." The young woman whispered the words to her boyfriend and prepared for the
guards to come back for the final time. Clarke remained lying on the floor for a long time. She didn't know how long, only that eventually someone came by with food, which she
simply stared at, but didn't eat. She was never going to see Jason or her mother again. The thought broke something inside of her, but she refused to show how much it hurt.
The following months were torturous. Through obligatory classes like Earth Skills and recreation time, Jason met different juvenile offenders. Despite this, a void left open. Clarke was locked away in solitary confinement which prevented Jason from seeing her. The days toiled by and his birthday was one day away. When the cell opened and two guards approached, Jason figured this was the end. Not fighting the inevitable, Jason presented himself to the guards. However, something unexpected happened. A metal wristband was locked onto his wrist and instead of being lead towards the area where the floating occurred, he was taken to a dropship.

Other similarly aged offenders were present. Though Jason desperately searched for the one he truly cared about seeing, he felt defeated because Clarke was not there. At least, he had not seen her when he boarded the ship. Not much was explained other than the fact they were going down to Earth. As far as the Sky People knew, the planet was not livable for another hundred years. Even so, Jason knew better. Clarke had disclosed her secret to him before her arrest. The Ark was dying. This must have been a final attempt to sustain life before the oxygen ran out in the Ark.

Within a couple hours, one hundred juvenile delinquents were strapped onto the dropship and launched towards earth. It was a bumpy ride, especially when the atmosphere was reached. On a large television screen, the Chancellor Thelonious Jaha appeared with a message.

“Prisoners of The Ark, hear me now. You’ve been given a second chance, and as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would’ve sent others. Frankly, we’re sending you because your crimes have made you expendable. Those crimes will be forgiven, your records wiped clean. The drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war, Mount Weather was a military base built within a mountain. It was to be stocked with enough non-perishables to sustain three hundred people for up to two years. Mount Weather is life. You must locate those supplies immediately. Your one responsibility is stay alive.”

Before landing, there were three or four idiots that unstrapped from their seat and floated in the air. Jason was not that dumb and refused to join these people. Even though he did not presently see Clarke, he remained hopeful. The ship was gigantic. There were multiple sections. There were various conversations in other locations but he just could not located Clarke anywhere. Soon, the retrorockets fired and sent those that were floating into a wall. It killed all three on impact. The other 97 landed safely and after the machine hum ceased, everyone began safely unbuckling, tentatively moving towards the ladder that led to the exit. Slowly moving, Jason stood around this area, searching for Clarke in the sea of people. It was not easy to spot anyone in specific.
Months had passed, including her 18 birthday. Clarke had been terrified of being floated, but that hadn't happened. Her mother had showed up at one point, and said that she was to start taking a class called 'Earth Skill's' with Pike. There were only a few other people in the class she was in, and unfortunately, Jason wasn't one of them. The next few months were spent taking the classes, and only having contact with the guards that kept an eye on her room, the few other teenagers in the class, and Pike. The morning started out just like any other.

Eric knocked on the door to her room and then opened it without waiting for her to reply. She knew that he did it on purpose in the hopes of trying to catch her undressed one of these days, but the blonde refused to give him the satisfaction. However, today was different. Clarke was told to take a shower, and to prepare for a visit from her mother. The shower was quick and the teenager enjoyed the feel of the water on her skin. Once she was done and dressed, she went back into her room and a gasp left her lips at the sight of her mother.

"Sweetheart, it's so good to see you."

"Mom!" Clarke said happily, and the tears started once more. She crossed the room and hugged her mother, a surprised look on her face, when the blonde felt the pinch of a needle
in one of her arms. The sight of her mother's face turned blurry, and she felt something encircle her wrist, looking down to see a metal wristband. Before she could say anything
else, the last thing she heard was her saying:

"I love you, Clarke... Be safe.."

The next time the young woman opened her eyes, she found herself strapped into a seat belt and on a dropship. Everyone else had unbuckled themselves, and within a few moments,
she had done the same. "Jason!" Clarke shouted as she freed herself and rushed to pull open the hatch to the level below her. She wasted no time going down the ladder and pushing through the crowd, looking for her boyfriend. The other teenagers from the Earth Skills class she had been forced to take, were there. Along with a bunch of others. Including Jason. Moments later, the blonde pushed people out of her way and darted across the ship, racing over to her boyfriend and throwing her arms around him.

"We made it.." She said happily, tearfully.
Despite wanting to stay back and look for Clarke, Jason was swallowed into the crowd and pushed forward. When they reached the ladder, he saw an older male at the front of the door preparing to open it. Just then, he listened to a familiar voice call his name. Turning, Jason spotted Clarke and merely a second later she had leapt into his arms. Of course, he received his girlfriend with open arms and a tight hug. It was tough to believe she was real and actually here within his arms. A smile grew on his face, a smile wider than he had smiled in months.

“Clarke…” Jason breathed out in pure disbelief. “We made it. You’re here. You’re really here.” He breathed out again, holding back his own tears. From spending months thinking that the love of his life was dead to seeing her again on Earth was incredible. Not only were they reunited against all odds, but they were actually on the planet Earth again. There was still low murmuring among the crowd and nobody knew exactly what to do yet but Jason could not care less about everything going on around him. Instead, the male focus solely on Clarke and hugging her as tightly as he could.

The embrace lasted for multiple minutes before Jason finally pulled back and offered this same smile at Clarke, suddenly leaning down and kissing her lips. Not caring how many people were around him, he kissed her as passionately as one could, sliding his tongue into her mouth and playfully battling with her tongue, pinning it down underneath his own. He moaned out softly, titling his head slightly to the right as they kissed. He wanted to get everything out of this kiss that he could as both hands cupped her soft, sweet face. His eyes were wide open just to take in the sight of her again. It was like a dream come true.

“I dreamt of your lips every night. I dreamt of you every night. I love you so much. I hope this is not a dream.” The male murmured lowly, pushing harder against Clarke’s body as if he would lose her if he let her go. The male wanted to avoid that at all costs, just keeping his arms tight around the girl while sometimes moving his hands to cup her face instead. The love he felt for her was undying and perservered even through this mess. “I love you.” He repeated.
Against all odds, against everything that had happened to them, around them, and because of them. They had made it. The tears that Clarke had been holding back, fell from her eyes and down her cheeks as she and Jason embraced, not wanting to let each other go. Their lips joined together, once, twice, three times, several more times, as she couldn't get enough
of her boyfriend. The fear, the pain and the horror of the last few months was finally over. They were finally reunited and back on Earth, too. The blonde didn't want to let him go.

She finally pulled back from the kiss and stared into her boyfriend's eyes for a few moments, before pulling away and clearing her throat. The tears were still in her eyes, as the young woman looked around as the others. "Don't open the door just yet. We don't know if the air is safe for us." Clarke grasped one of Jason's hands tightly in her own, refusing to let go of it. "I thought that I'd never get to see you again. That I'd lost you.." She said softly, wrapping her arms back around his waist, hugging him close and squeezing him with all of her strength.

Clarke finally made herself let go of Jason, though she made sure to stick close to his side. She watched as Bellamy Blake opened the door on the dropship and they were all immediately blinded by sunlight. The blonde placed her hand over her eyes to block the sun, and stared in wonder and amazement at the Earth that laid out before all of them. It was all so beautiful and exciting. The fresh air blew a small breeze into the dropship, that ruffled her hair, and a smile lit up her face. They were officially back on Earth now. The urge to go off and explore was a strong one, but she remained with Jason, not knowing if there were any dangers nearby.
Following each teardrop was Jason’s thumb, wiping it away from her cheek. “I know, Princess. I thought I’d lost you, too. This is a miracle. I love you.” During their embrace, Jason hugged Clarke tightly and kissed her passionately. Despite her warning about opening the door, Bellamy Blake did not obey. After having a reunion of his own with a girl that Jason had become close with during different classes, the older Blake opened the door. If the air was truly toxic, they would have been dead the second the ship hit the atmosphere, but that was not the case. When the door opened, Octavia Blake was the first to step out onto the planet.

She took a few tentative steps before shouting with her arms raised in the air. Then, the remainder of the delinquents followed suite, sprinting from the dropship exit and entrance into the world. Some shouted, some even cried, but everyone basked in the glory of actually being on Earth when it was thought impossible for at least another hundred years if they were lucky. Looking down to Clarke, Jason’s mouth stood agape and he reached down to hold her hand. “Let’s check it out.” He whispered, pulling her beside him eagerly. Sure, there could be dangers and they would assess the situation, but Jason wanted to enjoy and explore for a few minutes.

Besides, there were many nights where they stayed in her room together, watching her draw how she pictured the ground. Even then, Jason was not prepared to see trees and ground and the sun in person. “This is… amazing.” Jason breathed out with this big smile on his face. Once they touched the ground, he pulled Clarke against his chest again for another kiss, finding it fitting for them to share a kiss as soon as they were on land. Everything in this moment was a miracle for the couple. “I love you.” Jason repeated yet again, wanting Clarke to hear those words as often as she could.
"I love you, too, and everything about you. Even how stupid you were to put yourself at risk when I told you not to do it." Clarke took this moment to just keep kissing her boyfriend.
It was a miracle that they were both alive after everything, and an even bigger one that they had found each other again. After they spent a few more minutes together, just taking
each other in, she pulled back and wiped away her tears that kept falling, even after Jason wiped them away. The blonde glanced around them at all of the trees and wildlife, and
looked around at the other delinquents, keeping an eye on all of them.

They were already down three people. Teenage males who had died from not being in their seats and belted in, when the dropship landed. As horrible as that was, it could have been
a lot worse. She pushed those thoughts away and stepped a few inches away from Jason to pull out the map that was in the small bag at her hip. "We need to get some people and use this map to locate Mount Weather, so that we can get all of the supplies that are in there." Clarke ran a hand through her hair as she studied the map. "Who should we bring with us?"

"There's no telling how long it's going to take us to get to Mount Weather and get the supplies. We're going to need to bring a decent sized group, if we plan to bring back enough supplies for 98 people. There's also some gun depots that are marked on the map and that Jaha mentioned. We need to send another group out and pick one of the locations to send that group to." Clarke sighed, as she immediately started to make plans. They had a lot to figure out if they were all going to survive on Earth. "What do you think we should do?" She asked Jason.
The male studied the map closely and Jason started thinking in-depth. “I think we should concentrate on Mount Weather, first. Supplies are there and we need as many people as we can take with us. Once we are well fed and protected then we can look at the gun depots.” Jason mused out loud. “There’s also a problem. It looks like they missed the drop zone. I might be wrong but according to this map, it looks like we’re about 20 miles west of Mount Weather. Plus, there is a radiation-soaked forest in between us and Mount Weather. Don’t you agree?”

Reading maps was not exactly a specialty but Jason felt confident about his observation. He waited and let Clarke look at the map and then observe their surroundings to see if she agreed. After it was confirmed, Jason looked towards the center of camp. Someone was already scuffling with Wells Jaha because of his father. It was a poor thing to see. Wells really did not have any friends here at all. He could not imagine how horrible it was. Bellamy Blake, the oldest who somehow was on the ship, led the attack on Wells. Jason stepped in between John Murphy who just shoved down Wells. “What is wrong with you people? We have to work together. Myself and Clarke are heading to Mount Weather. We were dropped on the wrong mountain and we need people to help us gather supplies.”

Unfortunately, nobody was stepping up. Instead, Bellamy answered Jason with a scoff. “Just let Clarke do it. Let the privileged work for once. She can bring everything back for us.” This earned a shout of agreement from the entire camp followed by various cheering. This made Jason’s blood boil because they were insulting Clarke and looking at her a different way just because her mother was on the council. Holding his tongue, Jason returned to Clarke and shook his head. “That’s not good. Surely we can find at least a few people that want to go.” Even then, Jason did not sound so sure.
Clarke was tired of the way Bellamy acted, and in a quick move she knew that no one expected, the blonde spotted the gun sticking out of the back of the brunette's pants and went for it, taking the gun before anyone, much less Bellamy could react. She fired a shot into the air to get everyone's attention. "I don't care what you think of me, or my mother for being on the council. She's done things that I'd never agree with. Had people floated for things that shouldn't have been considered crimes. But I'm not my mother, and we're not on the Ark anymore."

"So, if you want to eat, or if you want any of your friends to eat, then stop acting like children, and come with us. We need the help. There are 97 of us left, plus Bellamy, and we need help. We need supplies and food, guns, and lots more, if we're going to survive here on Earth. You talk about things being unfair on the Ark? Well, here's a chance to change the status quo. Now, you can sit here and bitch and moan about how life sucked on the Ark, and how you don't want to contribute anything because you don't want to listen to me. Fine, that's up
to you."

"But I'm done screwing around and wasting time. Come or don't come. But keep in mind, you won't last long without any supplies like food, water, blankets, or guns. So, go ahead and keep dicking around, that's fine. That'll just mean there's more for those who aren't afraid to work for it." Once she had spoken, Clarke rolled her eyes and turned back to Jason. "We need to gather up anyone who wants to go with us.." She was surprised when Octavia Blake of all people, walked up to them and said that she would go with them to find supplies.

This was followed by Jasper Jordan and Monty Green joining them and saying they would help, too.
Jason listened to Clarke take a stand. It surprised him but nobody was moved by her words except for three people. Five was better than two, it seemed. The group of five started walking through the lush forest. The trees were blooming and it looked like a beautiful sight. Jason walked right beside of Clarke but stopped at one point to grab a flower blooming from the ground. The young man stopped for only a second to bend down and pick it up. Now he had no idea what it was called. All he knew was that it was not poisonous.

Even though Clarke might not be the typical girl that wanted flowers or jewelry, Jason thought she might appreciate the thought. Jogging to catch up with her again, he placed the flower behind her ear with a chuckle. “I don’t care what you do with it. I’ve always wanted to do that, actually. It looks so cute on you.” The male murmured as they walked. Yes, he did keep an eye out for anything suspicious but he also did not block everything out. They had overcome so much and had been through too many tough times to ignore the beauty around them. The sun was radiating on his face and it felt incredible.

“You know, we haven’t seen any animals yet, Clarke. Surely there are some animals left, aren’t there? If not, we’re in for trouble. We can’t survive without meat. I don’t know what we’d do.” Jason murmured as he thought about their classes. Forests areas like these should have been crawling with animals: squirrels, rabbits, deer, or anything, really. The radiation wiped out the entire planet and might have taken the entire population of animals, too. This was no easy hike and it was becoming more treacherous if everything had been killed along with humans. These supplies in Mount Weather and other depots would not sustain them forever.
Clarke smiled when Jason caught back up to her and placed the flower behind her ear. "You're showing your sentimental side," She teased him. The five of them kept walking, and the blonde continued to read from the map, marking their current path on it with a pen from the bag she had had on her hip. "It's going to take us a while to get there. We'll have to stop
in a few hours to eat and drink. I'll test the berries and water and make sure it's okay for us to eat and drink. This way if something happens, it only happens to me, and the rest of
you can keep going."

The small group walked for hours and true to her word, 5 hours later, she suggested they all take a break. Rest, eat and drink. Get their strength back before they keep going. They
each had a backpack with minimal supplies in it that they had been sent to Earth with. There was a few bottles of water in each pack. A tent for them each to sleep in, a few cans
of uncooked food, which was better than nothing. They had enough to hopefully get them to Mount Weather and back. But if Mount Weather turned out to be a bust, then they were screwed.

"You're right about the animals. I'm almost afraid to know what's happened to them," She admitted.

Clarke was surprised when another of the 100 ended up catching up to them a few hours later, as they were taking their break. It was Atom, and the blonde figured that Bellamy had sent the teenager to look after his sister since they were currently separated. She tried out some of the berries and drank the water from the nearby pond. And when she didn't immediately feel sick or die, they waited half an hour, and then the others started to pick and save the berries in their packs, and they filled up their water bottles which had been nearly empty, from walking for so long.
Jason did not allow Clarke to taste random berries since they might be poisonous. It was ridiculous she would even think that way. Plus, they all had Earth Skills class and Jason was a great student. It was easy for him to decipher safe and unsafe berries just like the others did. There was no need for Clarke so easily willing to sacrifice herself and leave Jason again. Finally, nightfall reached and the group of six stopped for the night. A tent was set up for each of them. Two people shared one tent. Of course, Jason shared with Clarke. Atom shared with Octavia while Monty and Jasper shared the third. They had picked berries and filled their water, ready to eat for the night and then get some rest.

During their day of hiking, they did spot one animal. It was a deer. Unfortunately, it was mutated and it had two faces. That did not bode well. What if all animals were mutated because of the radiation? Would it be safe to eat the meat? Sitting in the tent, Jason sat down first and pulled Clarke to sit against him. He sat upright and pulled the blonde comfortably in between his legs after spreading them, pulling her back against his chest. His arms wrapped around the blonde while holding his can of food. Jason began eating on the uncooked food and berries.

The berries tasted the best and they had picked a heavy supply. “What are you thinking, Princess?” Jason asked, leaning down to press sweet kisses along her neck while they ate. “We should reach Mount Weather tomorrow if all goes well. With only six of us to carry supplies, I can’t imagine how much we can return with. Hopefully, that will at least give other people a reason to join us.” Yet, they did not know the real dangers that awaited them in other humans. For now, Jason chose to enjoy his night with Clarke, happy that he would once again sleep with her in his arms, where she rightfully belonged.
"I'm thinking that we shouldn't have left Bellamy in charge of the others. I don't like the attitude he has, and he's either going to get someone killed, or start a problem with possible other people, that we can't overcome. He likes to start trouble where there doesn't have to be any and it both irritates and worries me. The others listen to him, and he should be
putting that platform to good use, instead of just trying to make things harder for all of us."

"It's bad enough that we're all away from our families, the Ark's systems are failing, and we don't even know if we're alone down here. But for him to purposely start problems where they're not needed?" Clarke sighed. "I just wish he would put as much care in his regular actions and words, as he does when he interacts with Octavia. Speaking of Octavia... the two
of you seemed pretty close. Closer than I thought you'd be when you first told me about her. I'm not jealous, promise. I'm more concerned. I assume that something has changed now that we're on Earth?"

"I know, it's none of my business. It's just that the two of you don't seem as close anymore as I had originally assumed. I don't have a problem with you and Octavia being friends, if that's what you're worried about. I know what I mean to you, and what you mean to me. And it's good that you had a best friend while we were locked up. That doesn't have to change just because we're not locked up anymore. I just want you to know that, okay? You don't have to explain anything to me. I don't want to get in the way of your friendship." After speaking, Clarke kissed his lips.

She pulled back after several minutes and nodded about Jason's words about the animals. "I'm sure that not all animals are messed up from the radiation. We just have to find those animals, is all. As for supplies, we'll take what we can carry, and we'll try to find a large pack or bag or we'll make one if we have to. I'm not sure how many more people we can
get to listen to us, with Bellamy thinking that he's going to be in charge. Though maybe we could get Octavia to get him on our side. He listens to her, and wants the best for her.
So maybe she could talk him into it."
Jason was not happy about Bellamy, either. However, with the entire camp rallying behind the older male, what could they do? Then, the conversation shifted towards Octavia and Jason quirked his eyebrows slightly. After the kiss, he needed to make something clear. “I promise that you are not interfering with anything, Clarke. I guess myself and Octavia had our own reunion and we were too excited about that to really speak to one another much. We are close and I promise that you are not messing with the friendship.” Jason assured Clarke, not wanting his girlfriend to feel that way.

However, he did want to make something else clear. “By the way, she was NOT my best friend. She is not my best friend now, either. Even when I was locked up, YOU were my best friend and you still are. Nothing will ever change that. I know you’re not jealous and I am not just saying this because I think it is what you want to hear. I am saying this because it is true. Clarke Griffin, you are my best friend and my girlfriend. I love you and nobody else will ever come close to being my best friend.”

Sure, some people argued that a person needed a best friend that was not their significant other, but not for Jason. He was more than happy to consider Clarke to be his best friend and his girlfriend. It was certainly not Octavia. Sure, he liked Octavia as a friend and cared about her. She might be his second closest friend, but Clarke was infinitely more important to him. Plus, Jason was sure he could convince Octavia to convince Bellamy to change his ways. Granted, Octavia did not enjoy the fact that Jason’s girlfriend was a daughter of a council member, but that did not bother her enough where she hated Jason.

Looking deep into Clarke’s eyes after they finished their meal, Jason gave her another kiss. “Let’s get some rest now, Princess. We’ll need it for tomorrow.” He whispered before moving to lie down while pulling Clarke with him. “I was so afraid I would never hold you in my arms again. Now, here we are. I love you so much Clarke Griffin. I am never letting you out of my sight, I hope you know that.” Jason teased, nuzzling their noses together before moving to kiss her lips again, playfully nipping at her lower lip.
"Okay," Clarke said to him softly, once Jason had said everything that he needed to say. "But I just want to say one final time for the record, that I don't have a problem with you and Octavia's friendship. If anything, I think it's going to be interesting to see how she and I and you and Bellamy get along with each other now, knowing that the two of you are friends.
But anyway, that doesn't matter at this moment. I love you," The blonde told her boyfriend. She laid there in his arms as Jason fell asleep. The young woman wasn't tired yet, and
had a few things on her mind.

She was worried about the rest of their community. Friends and family members who were still on the Ark. The situation that she and the rest of the 100 and Bellamy faced now that
they were back on Earth. It was up to them to all get along and to protect each other. They couldn't afford to fight or turn on each other, not when they only had each other to depend
on. There were no more stations in life. Not here on Earth. Everyone was now going to be treated equally, and the others needed to understand that so that they could all start working together and come up with a way to survive.

The night was spent with Clarke worrying and trying to come up with solutions to things that hadn't happened yet, but that she had a bad feeling were going to be need to be dealt with soon. The wind blew through the trees and the tent and the peace of the wind and the night should have soothed her, but it didn't. The blonde felt like they were too exposed. To what,
she didn't know. They hadn't come across anyone else on Earth yet. But for some reason, this feeling of concern and worry just settled inside of her and wouldn't go away. Not knowing what else to do, she sighed and checked the knife at her side, and felt a little calmer, having it and Jason close.
Actually, Jason did not go to sleep after this. Well, he closed his eyes and tried for a minute or two but his mind was too busy. There were so many uncertainties the delinquents faced. It was easy to get caught up in the horrible things that were waiting for them. However, there was something that Jason thought about that was not so horrible. He and Clarke had been dreaming of being on Earth together for so long. They were finally here and too worried about things going on around them to appreciate the beauty of what this meant. Opening his eyes, the male saw that Clarke was already restless after only a few minutes. That was perfect because she needed to be restless for what he wanted.

“I can’t believe that we are actually spending our first night on Earth and about to go to sleep without making love.” Jason whispered and decided to put a stop to that immediately. He sat upright and pushed Clarke onto her back. Then, he crawled on top of the blonde and kissed her slowly. They had all night and neither of them felt tired so there was no rush. While kissing the blonde, Jason kept his eyes close while one hand gently cupped her face and the other slipped into her jeans. All this talk about everyone else but themselves was tiring. Jason wanted to be selfish tonight with Clarke and block out everything bad and get lost in one another.

When his hand slipped inside her jeans, he pushed it into her panties where he started rubbing her clitoris, slowly massaging the mound of flesh with a growing smirk on his face. He kept their eyes locked together after opening them, keeping the kiss going. With a smile on his face, the young man pressed his lips down her neck now, using his other hand to grope Clarke’s breasts through the material of her shirt. Already, he could not get enough of Clarke. It had been too damn long.
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