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RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

If nothing else, at least Drogo could make his wife forget about everything for a few minutes. She was too pure and too beautiful to feel this way. As they kiss grew more heated, his tongue slipped inside of the woman’s mouth. It pinned her tongue underneath his own, his head also tilting to the side for a deeper kiss. His hands remain linked with hers, their fingers laced together as well. Drogo would never let her go. The love he felt for her was growing with each kiss.

To create friction, the male slowly rotated his hips towards her crotch, rubbing against her and teasing her. Drogo did intend for this to take a turn later so they could make love, but he wanted to get Dany all riled up now first. His lips detached from hers and finally migrated down to her neck and shoulders, alternating kisses on each part of her skin. It was so soft and Drogo loved it. He finally released one of her hands to grope her breasts through the materials of her top, sending shivers down his spine at the touch of the firm flesh.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

Drogo did think about whether Dany might want this tonight or not. If she did not, he would stop. However, he also assumed this was a good way to help her forget about everything and just focus on something positive. The male loked deep into her eyes as they continued kissing, sliding his hands through her hair as he started working on undressing her.

The top she was wearing was first to go, discarded to the side of their fur mattress. His lips moved down to start peppering kisses along her breasts, moaning softly as he kissed down her chest while his hands started to squeeze her rear. “I love you, Dany.” He whispered softly, looking at her face again. He could not get enough of her body and her love, hoping that he had the same effect on her as well.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

Drogo loved he could make Dany forget about everything so easily. His eyes locked onto hers when he started kissing the woman again, sliding his tongue into her mouth. His hands started stroking through her long hair as he began kissing her passionately. After playing with her hair for a while, Drogo started to pull down her bottoms as well, wanting her to feel as wanted and loved as possible. Drogo wanted her to forget. “Do you want to be on top tonight?” He asked softly, keeping their eyes locked together.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

Agreeing with Dany, he looked deep into her eyes while pulling his own trousers down so his long, thick cock was shown. He leaned down to start kissing her softly, sliding his tongue into her mouth. The tip of his cock started rubbing against her tight pussy lips, letting her feel him. His fingers started rubbing on her clit, his two fingers massaging the mound of nerves as they kissed. He wanted her to get wet first, making sure that she was aroused and ready to play. He was so big and he knew it would take time for her to get accustomed to his size.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

Eventually, Drogo was ready to make love to Dany. His hands moved to her chest, cupping her supple breasts after squeezing them firmly. A smile playing on his lips, the male leaned down for a kiss. His tongue slipped into the woman’s mouth as the pleasure grew deeper and deeper. His palms kept her nipples covered as he kneaded the flesh. With a quick thrust, his girth slowly entered the woman and filled her to the brim. Drogo moaned out her name softly as they continued to kiss passionately. “I love you.” He breathed out again, slowly increasing the pace with each passing second.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

Drogo was not wasting time tonight. Even though he kept it slow enough to where it would definitely not hurt Daenerys, he did not hold back too much. He now easily knew the perfect rate and strength with thrusting to make his wife reach her orgasm and feel great. He continued kissing her, squeezing her breasts, and moving his cock in and out of the woman at the most desirable rate that he could. Moans were leaving his lips and his eyes were wide open, staring deep into her lovely eyes to make this more intimate.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

Knowing that Daenerys was getting close, Drogo increased the pace of his hips thrusting against hers. The very tip of his cock continued pressing into the woman’s cervix, reaching the maximum depth that her body allowed. Moans fell from his lips as he continued peppering those kisses all over her neck. His hands moved to squeeze her breasts rather firmly now, holding her body as close to his as possible. His breathing was ragged and quick, the male unable to keep himself steady. “I love you so much, Dany. Cum for me. Cum for your husband because I am going to fill you up right after.” He growled lowly to the mother of his unborn child, wanting them both to reach their climax tonight.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

Not long after Dany reached her climax, Drogo reached his own. The male filled his wife full of his hot, sticky semen. After emptying his load inside of the silver-haired beauty, Drogo kissed Dany one more time on the lips. They spent the next few minutes simply talking and cuddling before falling asleep. At first light, they were both awake and ready to get moving. The husband and wife along with any of her handmaidens and any Khalsar that stayed with them had to get moving. Drogo quickly got dressed alongside Dany. He had no idea where they would go from here but they needed to get out of Vaes Dothrak or risk something happening to either of them.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

Their supplies were already limited and they were crossing some of the worst places in Essos without food or water in adequate amounts. Drogo had no idea where they were going either, except away from Vaes Dothrak. Everything from the capitol city was south of here so he led the way with Daenerys beside him. He kept looking at her and her dragons, ever astonished by their existence. “I’m not too sure what to do next. The only thing I can think of is the city of Qarth. They take in just about anyone. They have protection and safety there. We’d have to cross the Red Waste, though. It is a horrible place.”

Everyone knew about the deadly Red Waste. There was nothing there except corpse of dead travelers. “We will lose many with us. But we have to do something. If we stay here, we will all die by the hands of another Khalasar. Drogo was no longer Khal, but that was just a title. He was still a strong warrior and he loved his wife. He would do anything to keep her safe along with their child. That was something else he had to look out for as well. It was possible they would have to sacrifice some horses for food.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

“I know it sounds unfortunate, but there’s nothing else. To the west of us are the Free Cities. When they see Dothraki, they will kill us on sight. To the North is the Khalasar. They will kill us on sight. To the East and West is the Red Waste and just South is Qarth. That is our best option.” Of course, Drogo wished that things were different. He hoped for better options but this was the new reality.

“That is our only thing we can do.” He murmured softly while looking towards his wife. “We will have to be strong and try our best to survive. If we can make it through the Red Waste, we will be fine.” It did not help that the area just outside of Qarth was called the Garden of Bones. For those that survived, many were turned away and never made it far, thus, dying out in the open and leaving a garden of bones.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

As they rode the horses, he reached over to hold Dany’s arm. “We will be alright, my love. Somehow, we will.” Drogo would do anything to keep his wife and his child alive. This was going to be tough but they had to last a good week out here like this. “If you feel sick or if you feel too thirsty, please tell me. I will figure something out. I don’t care what I have to do, my love, you will make it through this. Our baby will, too. I love you both so much.”
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

The following two weeks were unbearable. Many died: humans and horses. The animals were used for food and they were running low on water. However, Drogo ensured that Dany and their child were fed and hydrated before himself and she was doing just fine. Besides, he figured the heat did not bother her that much since she was a Targaryen. They were finally approaching Qarth with their armed guards watching the entrance. “Should I do the talking or should you do the talking?” He asked, not sure exactly which option was better. Qarth despised the Dothraki.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

A blood rider was sent just ahead of the convoy to inform the city of their arrival. The blood rider presented it as the “Mother of Dragons” wanting to rest in their city. Once Drogo and Dany arrived, they were met with guards outside as the Thirteen, the council that controlled the city, exited to speak with them. The first person who was known as the Spice King introduced himself and their ruling system with the thirteen people on the council. Then, it was time to get into the part where they asked to see the dragons. With a name like that, anyone would ask. “If you are truly the Mother of Dragons, then we ask to see the dragons. Prove they are real before we consider letting you inside.”
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