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RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

Without any hesitation, Drogo answered his Khaleesi with the same tone of adoration. “I love you too, my sweet Khaleesi.” Just after saying this, the young man moaned out her name another time, thrusting upwards and shoving his thick cock as deep inside of his bound wife as he could. This just continued turning him on and he wanted nothing more than to make Dany feel good as well. With one hand, he slid it down from her breasts and to her abdomen. Taking two fingers together, he pressed firmly onto her clitoris and began rubbing circles on her mound of flesh.

The male wanted to make Dany feel like she made him feel. “You look so beautiful tied up.. so graceful.” He commented, leaning up for another kiss, sliding his tongue against her mouth and finally inside of her mouth while pinning down her tongue. His cock was throbbing and the pre-cum was dripping out of his cock. There would not be much longer before he reached his orgasm and it was getting inevitably closer with each time she bounced on him. Drogo could not believe a man could feel this much pleasure.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

While one hand continued rubbing on Dany’s clit, Drogo used the other hand for something else. He turned his hand, reaching upwards to place his palm over her lips. The gag was his favorite part of using bondage. He loved how Dany’s muffled moans sounded. To him, the most intimate way to gag Dany was using his own hand since her lips would be against his palm.

He moaned out her name lowly, titling his head backwards as he kissed her, thrusting upwards as hard as he could. Finally, he knew that he would reach his orgasm soon enough. With her muffled moans, he just felt entirely more aroused than before and after she bounced on him a few more times, he was releasing inside of his Khaleesi. His hot, sticky semen filled her up, making him moan even louder during the entirety of his orgasm.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

When they both finished, Drogo pulled Dany down beside him. While breathing heavily, the Khal slowly untied the ropes from around her wrists followed by removing her blindfold. When she was freed, Drogo leaned down and captured her lips in a sweet kiss. A smile was on his face now as he felt both satisfied and loved. It was the perfect way to end the night in Drogo’s opinion.

After a few minutes spent kissing, the young leader slowly pulled away from his Khaleesi and looked deep into her eyes for a moment before speaking in Dothraki. “We should get some rest now: especially you since you’re carrying our child. We’ll arrive at Vaes Dothrak either today or tomorrow. There will be no more moving from place to place. You’ll have somewhere to rest all day. The handmaidens and myself will make sure you have all necessary accommodations. My Khaleesi can have anything she wants.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

“I love you too, Moon of my Life.” Drogo answered, giving her one final kiss before he finally fell asleep holding Dany. He was actually excited. The Dothraki held their capital city of Vaes Dothrak in high esteem. He was more than happy to share it with Dany as it was important to him that they went into the city together. He hoped she enjoyed the time with him as well. The male stayed asleep until first Light.

Being a strong warrior that trained from childhood, he was accustomed to waking up this early. The male looked down at his sleeping Khaleesi and just waited, watching her sleep. He decided to just merely watch her until she woke because the sight brought him much peace and pleasure, his heart singing happy songs right now. Drogo was infatuated with her and that would never change. They did have a long day ahead, but he wanted to enjoy this relaxing feeling just a little longer.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

“We will reach Vaes Dothrak soon. I am excited to share the city with you. Even though we had a great feast on our wedding day, we will have another feast to celebrate our marriage again along with arriving to our precious capitol city.” It would not be like another wedding, just another feast. It also meant more time to spend with Dany and that was nice. Drogo never thought he would enjoy taking a break from war or fighting: but he did. Now, he was merely concentrated on Dany and nothing else.

As reluctant as he was, Drogo forced himself to sit up. He looked into her eyes and started kissing down her neck a bit before standing up. “Come. We should get dressed and get our tent packed up so we can get moving.” He ordered softly, doing just as he said. “today, you can ride beside me. I want us to enter the city together, side by side.” Drogo added, feeling like he could definitely keep her safe with him. Besides, they had no enemies this far into the kingdom anyways. Despite that, he would be careful and keep an eye out but it was important to share this moment with Dany.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

Drogo shook his head before responding. “No, they will not. You have grown into your role as Khaleesi. You carry my child now. Everyone will respect you more once they hear of it. Not only will they respect you more because you have my child, but you have shown strength and courageousness already. They respect their Khaleesi.” Sure, some of his men might still see her as the foreign woman that knew nothing about them, but most men understood that she was here to stay.

It helped that she had commanded her role as Khaleesi. The men did respect that. They would have been angry if this happened on the first day, but now they were used to Dany. When the couple exited their tent, the handmaidens started packing up the tent and preparing their horses. It did not take long for the entire Khalasar camp to finish packing up. When they were ready, Drogo climbed onto his horse first and waited for Dany to climb onto hers. When they were both mounted, Drogo slowly started trotting towards the front, making sure his Khaleesi was beside him.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

Finally, Drogo and Dany entered Vaes Dothrak underneath the two statues depicting two stallions. The city was located just beneath the Mother of Mountains and it was important to the Dothraki people. “This is a place of peace. We gather to trade and celebrate, not fight.” Drogo explained to Dany as he wanted to also teach her things about their culture and not just have a handmaiden do it all. Before they entered the city, they would leave their weapons outside of it. Even if they were meeting enemies inside, they did not believe in carrying weapons or shedding blood inside their precious capitol city.

The passed the eastern and western markets. Everyone from all the Free cities and even further out came to trade here. All merchants were welcome. Finally, they all reached their desired location. It was a specific structure in the center of the city used for celebrations and it would be used for their feat. Outside, their horses were hitched and they would be setting up their tents close by. “What do you think so far?” Drogo asked Dany, hoping she enjoyed the city.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

“When we announce, there is a ceremony and a tradition. I understand this might seem odd to you but you will be asked to do it. You will do a ritual with the Dosh Khaleen leading and chanting. You must eat the raw heart of a stallion. It will bring our child good health and a long life.” Drogo explained while they were in their tent. “You can prepare for it. I will gather the khalasar and the dosh Khaleen.” He explained before kissing her and leaving her in their tent.

The night passed and Drogo told everyone that was needed. Soon, it was well into the night and time for the ceremony. The Khal returned to their tent and greeted his Khaleesi with a soft smile. “Are you ready, Dany? Everyone is preparing themselves. The heart is ready.” He added with a nod of his head, hoping she could go through with this.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

This tradition was typical for Dothraki. Drogo knew little about Westerosi culture or what Dany knew about pregnancy, but he was certain it did not involve this. Despite the odds, Drogo remained confident that his Khaleesi would be successful. The chant started and Drogo took his place, standing in front of Dany as she was the one on the center of the Dosh Khaleen. While she at the heart, Drogo looked deep into her eyes for reinforcement.

If she did not complete the task, it would change the way everyone looked at Dany. Well, not Drogo, but everyone else would see her as weak and their heir as weak. Drogo also caught sight of Viserys watching and he looked disgusted, but he always looked like that since Dany was winning over the Khalasar so easily. The chanting intensified and Drogo would keep their gaze locked in hopes of giving her more reassurance.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

The members of the Dosh Khaleen continued chanting after Dany finished the heart. The crones declared that Dany and Drogo’s son would be the Stallion that Mounts the World. He would be the great conqueror who’s coming has been foretold in Dothraki history. The chanting continued and soon they were chanting their son’s name: Rhaego. Viserys looked so displeased with this but Drogo was smiling. Approaching the stage, Drogo wrapped his arms around her legs and picked Dany up, carrying her around. Even the warriors inside were chanting Rhaego’s name and it was clear at that moment the Dothraki loved her.

After carrying her around for a while, he sat her down as the tent cleared out. Now that they were alone, it was time for her to get cleaned up. “You did wonderful, Dany. They love you now, but they can never love you more than I love you. Go ahead and get yourself cleaned up. We will have a feast now to celebrate.” The Khal whispered softly, looking into her eyes.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

“I understand. Go rest in our tent. I will see you soon.” Drogo smiled, leaning down to gently kiss his Khaleesi on the neck before sending her off. Drogo would be meeting a few people in the marketplace to discuss trading options while they waited until it was time for the feast. Meanwhile, Viserys was still lurking around the Dosh Khaleen. He stayed out of sight and watched Daenerys return to the camp she shared with Drogo. At this time, everyone was off doing something else. He waited until her handmaidens left the tent and when she was all alone, he entered and looked at his sister. His intentions were ill and he hated doing this, but there was no choice left for him.

“Ah, sister. You’re just like the savages now. Eating a stallion’s heart!” Clearly, Viserys was drunk. He stunk of mead and he was stumbling around, looking at everything in the tent. “We’re going to wrong fucking way, you know? Westeros is to the West of here. We keep going East and we’re almost at the end of this fucking continent.” He grumbled, crossing his arms. “You sure seem to be fitting in nicely. You’re just like one of them now. I don’t even know you anymore, Daenerys. Your Khal has not given me an army yet. I don’t want to fucking wait for their omens.”
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

Viserys audibly laughed when his sister stood up to him and demanded that he leave. “You’re not my Khaleesi. I have no Khaleesi. I am the rightful King of Westeros and I will not take orders from anyone: especially not a horselord’s slut.” Now, he was growing angry. That combined with his drunken state did not bode well for anyone. He suddenly wrapped both hands around his sister’s throat and pushed her onto the bed. “I tried diplomacy. I thought marrying you off to this Khal would help me. I guess not. If I kill the Khaleesi and the Khal, the Dothraki army will have no choice but to follow me.”

In reality, that was a death sentence as the Dothraki army would have likely killed Viserys once they knew what he had done, but the male was not in the best mindset right now. Viserys had brought rope with him and he used it to quickly tie Dany’s hands behind her back. When that was done, Viserys tied her ankles together with more rope so she could not move. “I’m sorry, Daenerys. This is your fault. You became one of them and forgot what your purpose was.” From the corner, he took the torch and lifted it overhead. It caught the tent on fire and he lit it up on a few different areas of the tent. He was not worried about burning because he believed that he was the last dragon. Now that Dany was restrained and the tent was on fire. He simply winked at his sister and moved out of the tent to leave her to burn to death.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

Viserys watched from afar. He found one of the tents to crouch down behind. When the flames were high enough to engulf the entire tent, it called the attention of everyone in that area of the Vaes Dothrak. When some of the bloodriders and handmaidens realized who’s tent this was, they sent word and it found Drogo quickly. His heart sank to his feet when he realized what might be happening. He ordered a few warriors to look for Dany anywhere else in the city but the last time anyone saw her, she was inside the tent. Drogo basically sprinted from the meeting to the blazing tent. He was so terrified even though he tried to not show it. He attempted to run inside the tent to find Dany but the flames struck up higher and some of the warriors literally held him back from running into the flaming tent.

There were tears in his eyes but he was trying to stand strong in front of everyone. There was nothing they could do as Drogo continued to fight off everyone, trying to make his way into the tent. Anyone else that tried to stop him could be damned because Drogo was not going to let anything happen to Dany. Even if it was too late, he had to try. It made Viserys laugh to himself at this sight, seeing how such a powerful Khal could look so weak when he thought his Khaleesi was dead.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

Some of the blood riders tried to convince Khal to leave. He should not watch this but Drogo refused to back away. He wanted to make it to Dany, or whatever remained, as soon as he could. Viserys was having an amazing time watching this and Drogo with the remainder of the Khalasar stood. He sent out some of his warriors to figure out what happened, to ask questions to her handmaidens and anyone else that was in contact with her recently. Just when Drogo felt like he was going to pass out, he saw something absurd. It was Dany walking through the flames with three dragons from those three eggs on her shoulders and arms.

Surely, he was not seeing this. It must have been his imagination but suddenly, every single member of the Khalasar just dropped to their knees in disbelief at what they saw. Daenerys walked through the flames, untouched, with three dragons. That was enough to earn their worship almost immediately. Well, some of the Khalasar had already left because they felt like there was nothing else to do here other than have the Khal find a new Khaleesi or even a new Khal since Drogo was just mortified with what happened. “Dany?” He whispered quietly, wondering if he should approach her or not but he was walking towards her anyways.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

Without hesitation, Drogo wrapped Dany in his arms. When he did this, the dragons surprisingly did not hiss at Drogo or anything like they knew who he was to Dany. Pulling back, he pressed a kiss on her lips. “Are you hurt? Are you okay? Dany, what happened?” He asked softly. Obviously, he knew that she was not burnt but he wanted to know what led to this and if she knew how this was possible as he knew nothing about the Targaryen family other than they used dragons. “Dany. Moon of my life. I love you so much.” He whispered ,hoping that she was truly alright.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

Immediately, Drogo ordered some of his Khalsar members to search for Viserys. “I will find him and he will be punished.” Drogo whispered firmly before taking her hand, leading her towards one of his command tents. There was extra clothing for the Khaleesi that Drogo had found when trading earlier. He had not been given the chance to show it to her yet. After giving her something to wear, he turned to look at her and her dragons. “How could your eggs have hatched? Do you have any idea what just happened? How did you not burn? Believe me, I am happy you are here but I am so confused right now. I can’t make sense of anything.” Drogo murmured after she dressed and leaned down to kiss her softly on the lips. He would have Viserys killed, yes. That was the only option. From there, he looked to Dany and hoped she could offer some light into his situation. Now the Khalasar outside were talking about her, declaring her as the Mother of Dragons, the Unburnt, and other things. It was like she was some goddess.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

Drogo silently watched Dany clean and dress herself. Sitting down beside of his wife, Drogo held her hands while listening. Apparently, their relation was so close to dragons that they could not be harmed by fire. It was obvious that Viserys was not the one that was the true dragon, but it was Dany. After she finished talking about that, he pressed a kiss to her hands. “I’m happy that you’re okay. I was so scared when I saw the fire. I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect you better. I promise to never leave your side again.” Drogo whispered softly as he was so thankful that she could not burn. “What would you like to happen with Viserys when we find him? I want to kill the bastard but I know he is your brother and you might want something different. I will respect your wishes.” He assured her, pulling her against his body for a tight hug as they just figured out what their next move could be from here.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

“I agree. It will be done. We cannot shed blood in our sacred city but I know something we can do in place.” Drogo answered before pulling back from Dany. “So, where do we go from here? I am not leaving you until he is found. I would look myself but I want to protect you. You and our son are my priority now. What should we do once Viserys is brought to justice?” Drogo knew that the Khalasar was essentially gone now. They had a small percentage remaining but seeing Drogo worried about Dany in the fire had convinced some of the Khalasar to leave as that combined with taking a foreign wife did not bode well. They would seek out a new Khal. But now, it was apparent to Drogo that he must do what Dany wants. “You spoke of taking the Iron Throne. Is that still what you wish to accomplish?”
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

“Don’t worry about the Khalasar. I don’t care about them. Most of them left but that is alright.” Drogo assured Dany before wrapping his arms around her. “I love you and I will always love you. We should get moving at first light. I don’t know where we will go, but we cannot stay here.” After saying this, it was told to Drogo that Viserys had been found and he was being held in one of the tents. Looking to Dany, Drogo squeezed her hands. “Do you want to join me? I will not let this go unpunished. I will kill Viserys for trying to kill my Khaleesi. You do not have to watch if you don’t want to.” He whispered, deciding he should at least let her know what his plan was for her brother. An attempted murder on his Khaleesi’s wife was not something he could punish by anything less than death. It was the Dothraki way.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

When they walked to where Viserys was held, Drogo reached down to hold Dany’s hand. There was no point in not doing this. The Khalsar that stayed behind knew how much Drogo cared about Dany. He made no attempt to hide their hand holding. When they reached where Viserys was held, it looked like he had seen a ghost. “Danenerys. I demand you to stop this. You have dragons, now. We can kill everyone here and take Westeros back on our own. You don’t need these people anymore.” Viserys shouted. He was not begging her for help. Instead, he was still making demands of her like he always did, showing on compassion at all. While this was ongoing, Drogo decided to give Viserys a golden crown like he always had wanted, but it might not be just like he had dreamed about. Drogo started to mix the molten gold while Viserys pleaded his case to dany.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

Viserys was out of his mind at this point. He continued to shout and yell at Dany calling her a whore and saying that her child should die in the womb. Drogo, still calm as ever, slowly approached Viserys. Dany had taught him the common tongue. For that, he was thankful. He could tell Viserys what he wanted to say. Holding the bowl of hot, molten gold with an iron, Drogo spoke to Viserys in broken, common tongue. “You tried to kill my Khaleesi. This can’t go without death.” When saying this, he turned the pot and poured the molten metal onto his head. Viserys screamed out loudly and painfully as he writhed on the ground but it killed him in only seconds. Drogo dropped the pot down and nodded to some of the other in his Khalasar to get them to move the body somewhere else. Well, at least he got that golden crown he always wanted. Now, the threat was dealt with and Drogo immediately turned to Dany, hoping she was doing alright.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

“Of course, Dany.” A new tent was prepared for the Khal and the Khaleesi. A majority of the Khalasar was gone, but the remaining members represented their loyalty. Reaching down to hold his wife’s hand, Drogo slowly walked from this tent to their new, private tent. Once inside, Drogo finally released her grasp before sitting down onto the bed. The male watched his wife before pulling her down gently by the arms to join him on the fur mattress. Drogo wanted to comfort Dany as much as possible. When they were lying down, his arms wrapped around her back and his hands started rubbing up and down on her back, offering a gentle back massage while they were in bed. “I love you, Dany.” The Khal whispered, leaning forward to kiss her lips.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

Drogo did not speak when Dany started crying. Instead, he quietly held the silver-haired woman and stroked his fingers through her long hair. His lips locked onto hers once. Other than that, he sat still and tried to help his wife feel better with his touch. He could not imagine what she was going through right now. They had a few problems to face but Drogo was only worried about keeping Dany safe and happy. He wanted to help find a way to get through this. Even though it was late, Drogo was not trying to sleep. He desired to hold Dany until she fell asleep in his arms or at least until she stopped crying.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

When Dany said she needed a minute, Drogo did not fight it. Instead, he kept silent and watched her as she took the minute against him. Drogo was simply there for her, still playing with her hair and kissing her cheek on and off. Whatever she needed to get through this: he would help. Everything was going to be alright. Drogo did not know how – but it was. Keeping that in mind, Drogo just listened for whatever was next.
RE: Khal and Khaleesi (Khal Drogo x Daenerys) LovelyDeadlyLadies and randomname98766789

“Khaleesi, don’t apologize. You’ve done nothing wrong. I don’t care about the Khalasar. I don’t care about Vaes Dothrak. I care about you. I love you. My sweet, sweet wife – I love you.” The Khal repeated a couple times while his rough, chapped lips pressed kisses against Dany’s face. Nothing would change how he felt. It did not matter if they were now without the Khalasar. Drogo could not care less. The only important thing right now was that Dany was safe. Viserys was dead. Nobody would harm Dany anymore. Besides, her dragon eggs hatched. That was a miracle of itself. The remaining members of the Khalasar and her handmaidens practically worshipped her now. They were not alone.

It was unsafe to stay in the city for much longer. Where did they go from here? Drogo did not know. Still, Dany was pregnant with their son. He was still with Dany. Things could have been worse. “You are the Moon of my life. Nothing will ever change that.” Drogo reassured the young woman again before capturing her lips against his own. It felt like she needed something concrete, so the male suddenly pushed Dany down onto her back while crawling on top of her, their hands lacing together.
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