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Seedling ((EDDE))

It was getting harder to keep his breathing steady, and even moreso to keep his stride. These symptoms were getting more and more cumbersome by the day. Being unable to keep up with his husband's physical stamina was common place in most, if not all scenarios outside of the bedroom. The fox wasn't one to run full pace for days at a time, and if he were he certainly wouldn't be left without signs of the trip in the form of panting breaths and sweaty skin. Where Yusuke would barely consider himself warmed up. So, he took no shame in 'losing a race.'

The trek from the tree to the temple was hardly days, and their speed had been far from maximum. He shouldn't be feeling winded by any stretch of the imagination. He shouldn't want to break to catch his breath, and he certainly shouldn't be falling back to 'let' Yusuke win. Of course, he was able to make it look purposeful. Shuichi sent the man a playful gleam when he caught up, and slowed his steps just enough to have a nice view of his own.
Yusuke tended to be a pretty natural show off. If nothing else he tended to put a good deal of energy behind a lot of the things he did. After all, he didn't have the sort of releases he used to. So of course the redhead was given a lovely view of the former detective's own version of peacocking as he passed him up. The look he had for his fox as he did so was easily just as playful if not moreso.

Lilly's favorite part of their run came at the end. As fast as he was going, though it wasn't nearly as fast as he could, he used the last few feet to the gate to skid to a stop. He had impeccable timing with it of course. Her intense squeal was exhilerating even though it hurt his ears a little. And when he did stop, he was insanely happy for the fact that he'd done so in the grass.

Unclad feet, no matter how tough his soles, would have taken a horrible beating on any other surface. Admittedly he did fumble just a little though. Because while the last of the morning's dew was what made the slide so smooth and easy on his feet, it was a little more slippery than he'd initially thought.

The raven haired man turned and shone a giddy smile on his lover as the tiny human cheered over their victory. "We beated you Rama~" she informed him happily.

"Yea. We 'beated' you," Yusuke repeated in a half jeer. He'd noticed the redhead fall back of course. But even with the soft look that tended to fall over him whenever he stared for a length of time, he was checking over his condition all over again.

During his show Yusuke hadn't noticed it, but as he'd passed him he'd gained some inkling of his husband's perdicament. Still, Yusuke breathed out a heavily puffed sigh that was made teasingly exasperated. "We're getting slow in our old age though. Soon Lily will be beating us all by herself." As he made this addition, he shifted and tickled at the little girl. Her delight was evident; but thankfully not as loud as before.

Both of them could have kicked thing up into a much higher gear under normal circumstances though. If Kurama weren't under the weather they could have probably had a good short-dash race on their hands. Especially if they'd stayed in the forest. With the help of those plants, if they'd actually been working at it, they would have been pretty well matched even with his ailing human's current perdicament.

Ceasing the silly behaviour, the chocolate eyed demon took the lead in changing the tone of things. Through a deep breath and sigh that he needed to take force a calm over himself his face drew straight and his attention fell down on the child more firmly. "But were home now. So lily, that means it's time to go to your room, right?"

Despite the oncoming punishment, the thrill of their race had seemed to have put the girl into a mood that wasn't nearly as easily offended as earlier on. "Right," she confirmed solidly.

"Good. And when will you be coming out of your room?" He was actually pretty curious about the answer to this. But he already had an idea of where it would head. It was pretty common place lately.

"When Rama says." Despite the fact that he'd been expecting it, he couldn't help but pout just a little. He hid it well enough that the girl didn't notice, but even with his pretty clear lack in ability to punish well there was the tiniest bit of offense over it being the fox's decision. But again, it was the norm.

His husband had begun demanding more respect from the children than Yusuke could bring himself to. "Sounds about right," he offered lightly. Though both of them turned their attention to the redhead as if seeking the approval of this decision at just about the same moment.

The only reason he'd been able to turn so serious so suddenly when he couldn't usually was because of his redhead. Mainly because he wanted to get some food in him to help him regain his strength. Yusuke's concern for kurama tended to outweigh most of his less flattering features most of the time.
"The past tense of 'beat' is 'beat,' or 'beaten.'" he corrected as he slowed to a trot, then a stroll, and into a halt. Kurama slipped his hands into the pockets of his pajama bottoms, and held his usual posture. Calm and cool, yet somehow alert; it was only the flush on his cheeks and the dampness of sweat along his brow line that portrayed his efforts.

While Yusuke spoke to Lily, the fox took a moment to glance at the sky and approximate the time. It seemed their 'nap' had lasted all morning, it had to be at least noon. "You may join us for supper," he answered when they looked at him. "Then you will return to your room until morning." Though, judging on how graciously she accepted her punishment throughout the day, he would consider allowing her to play with the others before bed.

As she waddled off to her room, Shuichi lead Yusuke back towards the kitchen. Hopefully it had aired out by now.

With their bare feet padding on smooth wood, the fox looked over at his husband with a warm smile. "You did well with her, Yusuke," he praised. "I am proud of you."
He set the girl down and she hurried off to her room. She'd have to entertain herself for the day but it wasn't as if her room were barren. And with the imagination she seemed to have coupled with all of her belongings, Yusuke did t doubt she'd be able to do pretty well with it. She hadn't been told she couldn't play at all. Being isolated from the others seemed like a good enough punishment. Besides he wouldn't have been able to enforce the punishment if it had been any more harsh. And then his fox would t have been nearly as pleased with him.

Yusuke was happy to coil his fingers around Shuichi's hand and lace them together with his as they were left alone. The children were either playing or Yukina was tending over a lesson. Either way it was relatively quiet in the area. And as he was praised that 'done good' smile of his split his face a little. "It wasn't as hard as usual today," he offered a bit modestly. It might be a little out of character for him really. But then again he was paying rather close attention to the redhead in looking him over again.

"Ya know what?" The addition came as he sized up his husband; some semblance of a sultry air hitting his tone. He stepped closer and drew his free hand heavily over and around hip bone to land at the small of his back. The closeness forced him to look up on his mate due to their size difference. But it didnt detract from the heated look that landed in chocolate eyes so well.

"I don't know if you're feeling good enough to rock me to sleep." It was a tease laced with that overly intrusive concern of his as well as a bit more of a proper challenge than the one offered through their 'race'. "But it aint like i got any problem doin' it for you instead. I offered first anyway."

He wanted to ask his fox what he was in the mood for to eat; mostly because he got a sudden urge to cook for him. The temple master liked to cook for his fox whenever the chance arose. He liked doing it, and Kurama usually apreciated the attempt if nothing else. His food didn't ever have any amazing appeal in its presentation, but the taste almost never left much to be desired. And the only reason he didn't ask about it was because he was far too eager to experience whatever reaction his little challenge might drudge up.

After all, even if the redhead did little more than melt a little and agree he'd be more than pleased with the show of it.
Yusuke's reaction to praise was both amusing and warming. He enjoyed watching that smile spread across his lover's face. Not only did it brighten up his deep brown eyes, but it made Kurama feel special as well. The Temple Master didn't grin quite like that for anyone but him, and perhaps Matoo. He wasn't given much time to appreciate their laced fingers and cupped palms, as his husband's hand slid from his to trace over his hip and back. Shuichi practically purred.

"Do not believe you will be getting out of this so easily," the fox countered. They each had their preference in the bedroom; but, that didn't mean the occasional switch-up wasn't a treat to be savored. "I am quite determined to place you on your back; however," green eyes landed on brown with playful sparks. "If you are left with enough energy, I might allow you to return the favor." While he spoke, Shuichi copied the hold; resting his hand on the small of Yusuke's back.

Pretty lips parted to continue their flirtation, but was cut off by an angry growl... that came from his stomach. "Ah..." Kurama looked up and away, then scratched his cheek in an expression of innocence. "Perhaps something simple for lunch. Soup?" Yusuke had become quite adept in the kitchen, and he'd come to expect the man to shower him with delicious food.
A huff of air for his loss in creating a challenge too great for his husband was followed by a warm chuckle. He, in fact, had no problem with his lovely man taking on the lesser attached role of getting him 'on his back'. In fact, if it were possible he felt even less resistance than that.

"I always have energy," he countered happily. And it wasn't untrue either. Yusuke actually tended to have a rather large bit of 'over energy' as he tended to meticulously put it when in such cheeky moods as he was now. He didnt mention it this time though. The previous comment as well as the look in heated chocolate eyes said it for him.

Plus, his poor human's empty stomach inturrupted anything else rather abruptly. So more flirting was put off to the side and another warm chuckle bubbled past his lips. He'd never mastered that look himself, but it always looked good on his fox. "Just soup?" It was definitely simple. It was also not what he'd been looking forward to making him though.

It was the happy recognition that followed his question that drew out an eager agreement with it despite the disappointment that had slithered in just a little to his tone through it. "I guess that works," he shrugged off. Because the fact that the simple meal would be quick to cook up meant they'd be off and to their room faster.

And the faster the better really; even if just for the fact that it gave them a better chance of escaping without inturruption. Yusuke wasn't always the best at keeping his mind on one thing while distracted with others. "Maybe some sandwiches too. While it's cooking," he offered lightly. It wouldn't exactly be a well rounded meal, but then at least they might last until dinner without needing to sneak in another snack.
"You do indeed," Shuichi was happy to purr in return. It could be difficult to keep up with the man, but it was a challenge Kurama took in stride. Besides, even when he 'failed' he won. The exhausted state Yusuke could put him in was a pleasure in and of itself. "Did you have something else in mind?" The fox questioned with the slightest tilt of his head. "I was simply suggesting something I knew to be easy on the digestive system; but if you'd like something that is also more pleasing to the palate, I would be happy to oblige." It was funny... On their first date Yusuke had ruined two meals and left them with cupped soup; and now, the fox trusted him with the cooking more so than he trusted himself. Everything just... tasted better when Yusuke made it.

They turned the corner and Kurama was relieved to find the are empty. Yukina's lessons must still be going on, and not a single child ever missed her classes by choice. "It seems we are safe," he teased lightly. "For the time being, at least. Would you like my aid in the kitchen?"
Just after that giddy smile of his popped back over his face for that bit of 'praise', the smile he had to offer was calm and warm. "Actually soup sounds fine. I should probably make some for everyone." The reasoning behind this was almost genius when taking certain limitations into account, if only for having been worked out so quickly by the former detective. "That way if they do show up we got somethin' to keep 'em busy."

That might not have made as much sense on it's own if he hadn't continued as he tugged the redhead into the kitchen with him and opened the fridge. "So," he added merrily. "What should we put in the special soup today?"

And as he began pulling out the proper ingredients for his 'special' soup, he hummed out a curious contemplation. "Snails, snakes, or worms?" Kurama had seen him make the soup before. It was insanely simple and pretty damned quick too. And all it really required was a pot and water to start with aside from the ingredients he was already gathering. He figured if the redhead wanted to help, he'd be able to grab here and there with him too.

The 'special' soup was a great idea in its own right. Because if they were interrupted, their excitement over the way it was presented and they were allowed to 'play' with it would be more than enough to keep them entertained for a little while if nothing else. And if they let Yukina in on the fact that they needed the time alone for rest, she might be willing to keep them away for an actual nap too.

Man, they were in for a pretty lazy day if things kept up. It wasn't a bad concept at all. And despite how very antsy the temple master could get, it was sounding better and better to him every moment.
Emerald eyes danced in amusement as he was tugged into the kitchen. Yusuke didn't have to say much for him to catch on, and he was happy to play along. There weren't many games that he joined in, at least not when it came to the children. Playing 'pretend' was an annoyance more often than not; but, it did create a distraction for the strays. Which allowed the two lover's some time alone. "A lovely idea," he agreed, taking the spot in front of the fridge once the temple master had moved on from it.

The question pulled a quiet hum from the fox, who reached into the refrigerator to pull out a half chopped leek from last nights supper, as well as the few remaining strips of beef that had yet to freeze again. "Perhaps an old favorite?" He purred playfully while setting the left overs on the cutting board. "Scorpions," he chopped off a few small onion pieces and held one up. "With a seasoning of flies." He did try to keep a straight face, and it was a valiant effort, but as he returned to cut the beef strips into surprisingly well sculpted scorpion shapes, Shuichi couldn't help but break into sweet laughter.
Yusuke pulled out the pot, filled it, and set the heat. "Ooh. Yea. I like that." As he set about cutting the noodles in thirds to make convincing wormd, having chosen the thick ones of course, he couldn't help but chuckle himself. After all, the dish was as fun to make as it was to watch the childrens' reactions to it.

"Those look great," he complimented happily. As he added ingredients he decided what they were. "Lets see... Slime from the bottom of a pond; baby bird bones and beaks, rat eyes, and uh..." His list started with keil, water chestnuts he cut much smaller, whole baby corns, and just a couple sliced olives to add a little bit of a different flavor. Of course, he'd already but in the base for the broth, and there wasnt much to be said about that. But as he got to the broccoli and carroys he had to stop and decide how they should be cut and what they should be called.

"How 'bout these?" Chocolate eyes roamed over to his husband as he empty the contents of the bowl he'd been filling with the previously mentioned items. Of course the spices were a given. Sand, dirt, rocks (pebbles) for each mixture of spices he used. He didnt mention those only because they were already a given.

The only thing they knew unequivocally not to add to their list was maggots. For some reason, despite all the horrible ingredients they tended to list, maggots were so unappetizing that practically no one could eat it after they were mentioned.
Between the work on his sculptures Shuichi looked up to see each of the ingredients named as they were tossed into the pot. He hummed thoughtfully while looking at the veggies. If they cut off the stems the broccoli they could be the brains of gnomes, and shaving the carrots could make curly witches nails or pointed dragon claws.... "Those are broccoli and carrots," he decided after a moment. He waited for the predictable 'well duh!' expression from his husband before he elaborated. "That will frighten the children more so than anything else.... Here." The fox placed down the knife and offered up the sculpted meat and chopped up onions to be placed in the soup.

Moving from the counter, Kurama stepped up behind his lover to wrap his arms loosely around his waist. He absently watched the broth boil while lazily nuzzling into Yusuke's neck. It was a position that held perverted promise on most occasions, with kissing lips and grinding hips. This time he was still, aside from a bit of nuzzling. It was innocent and loving. "It already smells lovely."
They were carrots and broccoli. Of course they were broccoli and carrots!. He didnt notice the odd look on his own face. But just as he opened his mouth and took in a breath for a snarky comment to tease with Shuichi inturrupted with an explination.

It took him a moment either way, but slowly the almost dead panned look on his face rounded off into a devious smirk. "Niiiice," he hissed out in an obviously pleased tone. He wouldn't have thought of it on his own, really. And he loved it. Because for the most part he was absolutely right.

Through warm, somewhat giddy chuckles, Yusuke added the last few ingredients without say in much more. Why? Because he was rather candidly basking in the warmth of his fox instead of remembering to think of nasty things they'd be calling them. A warm him permeated off his chest as he leaned back and to the side just enough to fall against him comfortably, but not heavily enough that Kurama was actually supporting him.

As the last of the ingredients and spices were added chocolate eyes fluttered closed. His head leaned back after taking a great deal of offered warmth from that pretty mouth too. It landed against the divot in the redhead's collar bone. Through a happily heaved sigh those eyes peeked open and he tilted his head back a little more to look up at his husband upside down. "You're warm," he commented happily. "Keep that up and you wont even get the chance to rock me to sleep." His fingers had coiled happily around kurama's. And despite the obvious tease he didn't even attempt to pull away. Because it was in no way a complaunt.

Unfortunately his brain was still working quite well. So he added a question despite still making Barry a move to follow through yet. "Think we should still do sandwiches too?"
A quiet chuckle rocked the kitsune's shoulders and displaced a few locks of raven hair. "I doubt that will be much of an issue," he assured. They both knew Kurama could get the man in his arms all sorts of riled up. A nap wouldn't be enough to keep Yusuke's hands off of him, not when Shuichi asked for it in all the right ways. So he hummed; content as fingers laced with his. It was funny how needy they had both become. The hard ass delinquent of years passed had grown to become putty in his embrace. And Shuichi was a man who was never a 'hugger,' the action saved for Yusuke, his mother, and occasionally for Shuuichi. Even now he didn't hug the other members of the temple, not even Lily; despite her best efforts. Even when the girl forced a hug on him, Kurama would awkwardly pat her back and try to weasel his way out of it without forcing a sob fest.

Yet he could stay here, just like this, all day. He could even forego the 'rocking' in order to keep this. Thankfully, they were going to do both very soon. No matter which end Kurama was on, he always clung to his husband as tightly as the situation would allow. Another hum came, this one thoughtful. "If we add flour, the soup will become more like a stew; which should be filling enough for lunch," he offered. Honestly, he was just too selfish to let him go.
His own hum of contemplation came with the suggestion. "It's kinda nice for stew though." Then again, it was 'kinda nice' for soup too. The warm air heated by the sun was bound to grow hot soon enough. Although it really didn't matter either way. Yusuke wasn't one to take the weather into account when he cooked regardless. Hell, he even made sukiyaki pot dishes in the dead heat of summer. He wasn't really a traditionalist. And food that sounded good at the moment was what he tended to put out.

So he stood tall and reached up into the counter over the stove; happy to find that grabbing the flour didn't sacrifice his fox's hold on him. And unable to help but fall into chuckles as he used it to thicken their meal as he realized that even if it had, Kurama would have moved with him to the point of absolute childish stubbornness in order not to lose it anyway. He loved that about him; loved that constant need to be close that he often felt himself but didn't steal quite as often for how much his sweet human lover tended to take it for himself without question in the first place.
Yusuke moved and Kurama preemptively lifted himself up onto his toes to move with him, unwilling to let go just yet. The flour was mixed in, and Kurama lowered the soles of his feet back down onto the polished wood floor. After losing its place, the fox nuzzled his nose back into the soft hair to drown himself in the scent. One that had been getting stronger over the past few days. Actually, his sense of smell in general had gotten stronger, but he didn't dwell on it. Instead he decided to pay attention to the sound of thundering footsteps that were coming this way.

A groan left his lips, and the fox let himself sag for a heart beat or two before he collected himself again. He didn't want to show just how displeased he was with the children. His dislike of the young temple occupants wasn't a secret by any means, but that didn't mean he would openly scowl at them... just internally. They were loud, nosy, obnoxious, and more often than not they smelled as if they hadn't bathed in days. Which had been the case on a few occasions. Worse was how easily Yusuke seemed to be able to walk away from him for their sake. He was possessive of Yusuke to a fault, and he selfishly wanted the man all to himself. That's why his arms curled tighter.

Three sets of footsteps were heard as they pounded down the patio, and the excited laughter of Rin, Tory, and Karasori was booming in his sensitive ears. The fox stifled a low groan of aggravation as the sliding door was thrown open, and all three tumbled inside. They were covered from head to toe in dirt, with grit stuck under their fingernails, and Rin had something in her hands. It looked to be an ordinary stone, with a not so ordinary shine that was obstructed by mud.

"Master Yusuke!" The dragon-ling called out, rushing to his side to grab at his arm and tug on the sleeve despite Kurama's proximity. "Come play with us! You didn't yesterday," she demanded and accused. Yusuke had spent most of the day tending to an ailing kitsune. Said fox tensed and sharply preened, and not just because they were getting in the way. Was his nose deceiving him? It must be.

Karasori stayed on her spot on the floor with a shit eating grin on her face that strongly resembled her teacher, and Tory had scurried his way over to pull at the temple master's pant leg. He half expected the boy to call them 'fairies,' but he was pretty much ignored. He didn't care, what bothered him was the smell. It was sweet and sharp just like... No, none of the children had the courage to play near his garden, and none of them were stupid enough to dig around over there.
The groan that left his fox's lips signified the approach of the children almost as prominently as the patter of their feet did. A soft petting massage was added into the hold in the hand he hadn't freed in order to grab the flour and add it;; rather expertly with just one hand one might add. The pet was soothing and silent.

Chocolate eyes didn't land on the children until his clothing was tugged at. Guilt hit his features for a moment before curiosity struck him instead. The guilt trip wouldn't have worked in the first place. Not with his intense concern for his mate currently. But it could still strike him just as easily. And as he had the day before, if he hadn't been distracted, he would have explained that what they wanted wouldn't be happening just as calmly though without the underlying reason attached. There was no need to cause the children to be jealous of his fox even more than they usually were when he was chosen over them.

Instead his eyes landed on the object in Rin's hands. Not because he'd noticed it right away. But because despite their vastly different scents usually, all three of them were covered with the exact same, maddeningly familiar scent. It bugged him, though he didn't know why. Because he couldn't place the scent despite the fact that he could catch and recognize it otherwise.

"Where did you get that rock?" It was calm and quiet; nowhere near what his usual exchange with the kids usually was. Usually he was exuberant and cheery. And usually he would address what was said to him before moving on to his own thing. But that was just how much it was bugging him.
The petting relaxed the preen, and Kurama decided to simply nuzzle into his husband's scent and allow him to take care of the children. It was already clear that he wouldn't be letting go any time soon, leaving Yusuke with only one choice. To send them away. At least, that what he'd thought. Yusuke's question created a curious glint in emerald eyes, and the fox lifted his head to look down at the young dragon who had suddenly gone very quiet. Rin had just realized what she'd done by asking Yusuke to join them in digging a hole in a place they were all told specifically not to go.

"It's ah... Um..." She shifted from foot to foot and hid away the rock behind her back; but not before Kurama caught sight of it. All at once the fox preened and his teeth gnashed, a growl built in his chest but it wasn't released. Now that he was aware of it, he could hear the tiny bulb's cries. It had been so cruelly ripped from its home. Rin shrunk under the calm, but frigid gaze of the spirit fox. It was Tory who spoke up. He stood tall, puffed out his chest in a proud display and pointed his thumb towards himself. "I went through the fairy's garden!" He proclaimed with great pride. Rin lost every ounce of color in her face, and rightly so. Kurama looked more and more frightening by the second, even with the neutral expression. Those pretty green eyes spoke volumes all their own, and he was far passed 'displeased.' She did the only thing she could think of, and what most children did, she threw another one under the bus. "Karasori took us into the garden, she said we'd find cool things if we started digging!"

The rabbit, who'd been covering her mouth with both hands to hide her snickering, froze in place when those chilly eyes were settled on her. Now, the children all had a bit of fear of Kurama (all in varying degrees) but Karasori knew the redhead before he was a redhead. The expression on her face read a very clear 'Oh shit!' "Later!" She squeaked while leaping up onto her feet and running out of the room and leaving a trail of dirt and mud in her wake.
That curious look remained in Yusuke's face as the children spoke around him; looking from one to the other as this went on. And the temple master took in a long, calming breath before letting it out a bit shortly. The attention of his hand paused to curl a bit tighter against the redhead's as he closed his eyes through that breath. But despite that breath when they opened back up there was a blatant glare that landed on both of the the two at his side before shooting off after the rabbit. "Karasori you better freeze your ass right in that spot or you're gonna be ten times more sorry!" If they'd known Yusuke's anger any better they'd be glad for their saving grace of the fact that he did yell the threat and it carried in it's normally loud tone. If it had been quieter there might have been a bit more of a need to worry.

The children of the temple feared Kurama for their own varying reasons, yes. But Yusuke did not glare at them. And when he did holler he never had such a stiffness in his shoulders.

Yusuke was in a rather deep protective mode over his ailing fox. And it might have made his reaction sharper than usual, but it was definitely attention grabbing if not horrifying.
The sounds of skidding and crashing came from around the corner, then after several seconds the rabbit poked her head out from behind the wall. The smile she had this time was nervous, and her laughing was more of a panic response. Doll black eyes were wide and her grey ears drooped, one could practically hear dog like whimpering. She was really debating on running. What were her chances? Slim to none... less than none. Karasori just ducked herself behind the wall to hide from view, but didn't dare try to run.

Rin's scaly tail curled between her legs as she shrunk down further and further until she felt like nothing more than an ant. Everyone knew how hard she was crushing on Yusuke (who was possibly the only exception) and to see her crush so angry with her was heart breaking. Tory, on the other hand, didn't seem bothered by Yusuke's glare. In fact he stuck his tongue out at him so hard it looked like he would have fallen over had he not been grasping the man's pajama pants.

Kurama was just as stunned by his husband's scolding. It was down right evil when compared to how gently he usually treated the kids; and it was for his sake. He held the squeezing hand with his left, but extended out his right. "That is not a rock, Rin." The fox's words startled the girl until the 'rock' nearly fell out of her hands, then nearly tripped over herself to put it in the open palm. The moment it was, Shuichi relaxed. Though only a little. Then it was gone again when a thought came to him. "How many holes did you dig in the garden?"

"Um... one?" Rin said, looking down at the floor and scuffing her muddy shoe over it.

"Are you asking me?"

She hid herself behind a curtain of black hair and started to slowly back off. Karasori was out of sight, but not ear shot, and Tory seemed pleased with himself. He was grinning ear to ear.
He wasn't grinning ear to ear for long. Because the moment that tongue poked out at Yusuke his free hand shot down and smacked the boy in the back of the head. It wasn't hard. And it wasn't enough to cause blood. But that kid would sure as Hell think twice about poking that tongue out at him again any time soon with how he made him bite it with the simple, insanely swift movement. There was no chance for the boy to avoid the blow even. Yusuke made sure of that rather simply.

And then his attention turned down on Rin. She at least looked remorseful. And even though that glare of his softened some, it remained, and it settled on her. "Hurry up and tell us Rin." The demand was much softer in volume than his address toward the rabbit had been. But the tone was almost as sharp.

And again his eyes flicked in the direction of his apprentice. "And don't think for a single second any one of you isn't gonna be punished for this. I don't care who told who to do what. I don't care if one of you even thought for a second it was a bad idea. You did it anyway. And you're gonna pay for it one way or another."

Granted, as he said as much, his own thoughts turned toward marching each and every one of them out there to fix whatever mess they'd made under the watch of the two adults. And he shifted in his stance to turn to the side just enough to turn those harsh chocolate eyes on Kurama. But when they reached him, they were much softer again. And the question in them begged to know what exactly had happened since he obviously hadn't quite caught on to that despite his anger for it in the first place.
Narrowed eyes widened considerably as Yusuke smacked Tory upside the head and forced away that smug little look on his face. He'd seen the action performed on Karasori several times, and he wouldn't be surprised if Keichi had been on the receiving end of that 'blow,' but Kurama never thought he'd see it used on any of the children. The kid was fine of course, he knew for a fact that his husband would never cause them any true harm; besides, that smack would hardly kill a bug. That's how he knew the tears now welling up in Tory's eyes were a ploy to pull sympathy. He couldn't blame the kid, it worked more often than not.

Sobs jerked the young boy's shoulders, and his dirty hands clamped over his mouth as if to hide the abused tongue from the world. Crocodile tears left streaks of clean skin over his filthy cheeks. Rin scooted to the side and away from the crying child, glancing up with bright orange eyes at the Temple Master. "Four," she muttered before looking away. Karasori pulled her ears over her eyes, and Kurama sharpened all over again. "And how many of these did you pull from the ground?"

Rin went quiet again, and it gave Shuichi a chance to look down on the warm eyes gazing back at him. "We thought they were rocks," she tried to defend, only to flinch when Kurama demanded an answer.

"How many, Rin?"


The deep snarl he'd been holding back squeezed through in the form of a rumbling growl. "You have excavated all of these bulbs?" The cozy green Yusuke was showered with turned chilly all over again, his attention snapping back at the dragon child. "These plants are skittish, and take months to grow on their own. If the others are like this one," the fox took a moment, pulling out of Yusuke's grip just long enough to brush away the dirt from the bright, iridescent oval that sat in the palm of his hand. They did look a little like gemstones. Small cracks and holes left on the hard, shell like casing gave him all of the information he needed. "Then you have frightened them all back into their bulbs." He'd been looking forward to seeing them bloom in the winter. As skittish as they were, they flourished in the season nearly all other plants hibernated through. He'd be waiting much longer now, and without conscious thought, his glare became crestfallen while his thumb pet along the smooth surface. It was still afraid. It was dormant inside its bulb, but he could feel the fear it did as the three children ripped through its bed of dirt with greedy fingers that snatched it out of its nice cool home.
They'd dug up his plants. That much he'd gathered. And at the moment his multitasking skills, thanks to his anger for the infiltration and defiling of Kurama's special place, was uncharacteristically amazing for a situation that didn't involve pleasing his fox physically. He'd know the scent was familiar. And now he knew why it had bothered him so much without recognizing it fully to begin with.

"Mph...." The change in his fox's eyes tugged at his heart strings so harshly it was nearly physically painful. First he turned that soft look he'd had for his redhead down on the boy. It didn't grow harsh again as he started speaking to him, his tone even softer. "C'mon. I barely touched you. Seriously. I thought you were tougher than that..." But then it did slowly turn back to that harsh stare as he corrected himself. "Actually, I know you're tougher than that. So shut the Hell up before you seriously piss me off." That might work. Words didn't always work on the boy, but if this wasn't 'seriously' pissed off what the Hell was?

Well the truth was that he certainly was seriously pissed off. It was just a further threat because he wasn't quite at the end of his rope yet. Still, his voice raised all over again despite knowing the rabbit could hear him perfectly even if he hadn't done so. "And if you had any plans tonight you can go ahead and scrub 'em from yer head, Karasori. You're gonna be way too busy to screw around." In fact, chances were the girl would be punished in a far harsher manner than the smaller children.

Bunny had something Yusuke never really had when he was younger; the smarts and ability to manipulate people in to following her. Then again, if this was what she did with it he didn't doubt they'd stop listening pretty soon given how horrified they were of his reaction to this. And he couldn't help but wonder for a moment if he couldn't get people to really listen to him in his younger years because they were already worried this would be the outcome of it purely because of his reputation, and not for anything he actually did wrong in trying to get them to. Of course, his former teammates didn't count in that scenario he worked through his mind quickly.

Once more sharp chocolate eyes landed down on the young dragon. Given that she seemed to hold the most remorse over this--even if that was only because he couldn't currently see his apprentice--he chose her to focus his next question on. "And just what do you think a fair punishment would be for doing something that hurt Kurama and his plants both?"

Sometimes Yusuke couldn't help but think of his plants as beloved pets. Kurama sure as Hell could tend to treat them as such every so often. And these kids had needlessly tortured those pets so badly that they'd sent them into literal hiding. He doubted the little girl would come up with anything he felt would be even close enough to a 'fair' punishment. But that didn't mean he didn't still want to hear the answer from her.
The gentle words of the temple master did nothing to stop Tory's sniveling; but the following, harsher tone had him sucking in his breath. The boy covered his mouth with both hands and began to skirt himself behind Rin. Not that she'd be much help, but she was a girl after all. She could take the roll of meat shield. His sexist, racist, and homophobic tendencies stemmed from an abusive father, so they were rarely taken to heart. They were, however, swiftly corrected; and the boy was getting much, much better despite how bad it still looked.

Karasori sunk down and pulled her ears a little tighter. She was screwed. Absolutely screwed. She didn't even push her luck with the usual response of 'Bring it on old man!' The bunny believed she had a good reason, but really doubted the adults would see it that way. "Oh no..." she mumbled. With as pissed as Yusuke was, she didn't doubt her punishment would suck beyond belief; but what scared her most was Kurama. She'd seen those eyes when they were gold...

That didn't stop her protective streak. It wasn't something she'd had when she had first started training under Yusuke, but she'd picked up that trait just as she'd picked up his delinquent tendencies. "Woah, hey!" Karasori peeked her head out from behind the door, still obviously terrified but with doll black eyes set hard on Yusuke. "It's my fault, don't do anything to them!" The rabbit sharply preened and her eyes went wide when she realized just what she'd done. "Er... Um, make me sleep with snakes or something and let them go?" She squeaked instead.

Rin pointed a filthy finger at the door. "Yeah, what she said..." Rin paused, then sputtered. "Not the snakes part!" Of all the occupants, Rin hated snakes the most. Kurama enjoyed the irony. Usually, anyway. Right now all the fox seemed to worry about was the frightened seed in his hand. He ran his thumb gently over the dirty, but smooth surface and offered a bit of soothing energy that the seed hungrily devoured, but did not use to grow.

"I suggest the first thing they do is aid in fixing my garden," he started with an irritated pinch in his nose. "If they are willing to dig up several feet of soil, then surely they are willing to return it. The Toyaku bulbs do not do well in the open air." Which is why they were buried at least a foot below the grass.
A rather cool look was turned on the rabbit as she inturrupted his line of questioning. He seemed to be calming down... or was she making it worse? It'd be hard to tell if he hadn't chosen to respond to her in kind. "If you think a single thing you've done so far has been any kind of punishment, oh man do you got another thing coming." The amused smile that accompanied it probably didn't help I'm the least.

And again Yusuke turned his attention back to kurama as he spoke. He nodded lightly as his eyes landed down on the bulb. In no way could he sense what was coming from the plant. What he could sense was his husband's distress over it. "Yea, i thought so too. Alright. Rin and Tory can come with us to put 'm back. Karasori's gonna need all the energy she can save up for later."

Chocolate eyes turned back to the stove as he made his announcement. It wasn't ready yet. A sly little grin slipped over his lips as he leaned closer to Kurama and spoke behind his hand, but didn't whisper as the pose might assume. "How sick ya think we'd all get if I left her in charge of the soup? I don't think I've seen her cook since she got here."

While he was seriously thinking about leaving her in charge of it, the somewhat teasing tone he'd fallen into in asking was most likely that need of his to lighten the mood of things. Even if it was just a little. And it was poi Tedat his fox, who was so distressed currently he simply ccouldn't help but offer it just a little.
Karasori groaned at the threat, but didn't reply. At least, not loud enough to be heard. "Alright, I get it, I'm fucked," she grumbled to herself.

If Kurama heard, he made no mention of it. He was focused instead on the task at hand. Returning his beloved plants back to their cool, damp homes. Rin jumped up tall, eager to follow Yusuke's command, but also hopeful that fixing up the garden would ease her punishment. Whatever it was. None of the children knew what to expect when it came to their 'mother duckling' taking charge. Yusuke had been fickle at best, and in the end it was almost always Kurama who had the finale say when it came to disciplinary action. Rin looked up at the redhead and shuffled her feet awkwardly. The usually well poised fox looked devastated over the not rock she had dug up. He would not be taking charge of this.

"'Sori's a girl. 'Course she can cook," Tory proclaimed rather snootily. Still, he didn't miss a step in doing as he was told. Kurama may be a fairy, but he could tan his hide red and leave him unable to sit for days.

As they left the kitchen, Bunny hopped her way into the kitchen to wash her hands; and Kurama turned a sharp look at the smallest child. "We have talked about this, Tory." When the kid offered a grumbled almost-apology the fox turned his attention back on his husband. "All that is left is to stir the mixture as it simmers. I doubt that there is much she can do to ruin lunch," he assured.
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