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Scarlett Johansson - Sexual Therapy (RoleplayMaster x Someonewhoeatsapples)


Jun 26, 2013
"Oh fuck... oh fuck... oh fuck" Luke panted softly, thrusting quickly yet shallowly as he reached his end. Body on top of his girlfriend of three years, the young man of twenty-six grunted as he ejaculated into the condom. Collapsing on top of her for a brief moment, Luke rolled onto his back and then threw the condom aside. "Perfect as always." Luke muttered softly, kissing the cheek of Scarlett Johansson, the girl of his dreams, and the girlfriend he had somehow managed to seduce all those years ago.

It was great too, since his rather small penis of only three inches did not seem to bother Scarlett. She seemed to enjoy the sex as much as he did, and loved him as much as he loved her. "I love you baby." Luke said, curling into Scarlett's side as he fell asleep, the usual when he had his orgasm. He, as always, had no clue just how unsatisfied Scarlett was by the end of the night.
Scarlett lay awake in her bed basking in the after hours of sex. Luke was long lost in the world of dreams when she turned to face his back. It was midnight, and yet she was not wholly satisfied. Hunger and passion lingered in her body as she tried fighting it away. She felt guilty for wanting more when Luke was completely satisfied with what they had. She loved him for his generosity but God was not generous in making Luke's penis.

After pulling off an all nighter, Scarlett was groggy but it haunted her mind yet with disturbing thoughts. Leaving Luke on the bed, she walked around in the room naked while thinking. What can be done?

Pacing faster by the minute, she google searched some options and before anything, the idea of a therapist hit her mind. That was the ultimate solution. Every co-stars of hers had a shrink. Till date she did not require one but it was high time she visited someone.

Scrolling through various names, she hit one randomly, the available number took her to a voice box where she dropped her details and timings. By noon, she had a reply, confirming her appointment with the good doctor.
It took a week until Scarlett's appointment came, due to the various bookings her therapist had and the availabilities of Scarlett. Finally though, the day had come.

As Scarlett entered the waiting room, the receptionist told her to walk right in. But as she entered the office, it seemed to be empty of human life. Well, that was the case, until a small man pushed himself up onto the seat behind the desk. "Hello, sorry about that. My name is Doctor Smith, but please just call me Curtis." The man smiled, offering a small hand to shake. He looked fairly young, perhaps twenty five or so. But his height was hard not to notice; if Scarlett and her therapist stood side by side, he would barely make it past her waist.

"So, Ms Johansson, please tell me why you have need of my services." The therapist requested, getting a book out and beginning to write as she spoke.
Scarlett could barely contain her amusement as she checked her therapist from top to bottom. Disguising her smirk behind her fingers, she took the seat across him. Firstly she was unsure if it was some kind of joke but his professionalism restored her faith.

Sucking in a deep breath, she thought a little. There was no way to put it in words but she could give it a shot. "Um, I don't know how to put it words but my boyfriend seems a little less endowed down there....that usually leaves me with dissatisfaction more than often. So it's been bothering me for a while. Am I cheating with Luke for wanting more?"

With her thoughts echoing in the room in vocal form, the blond relaxed in her chair. She felt lighter already and fiddled with her fingers in her lap while the therapist scribbled swiftly in his notebook.
Curtis silently scribbled away as she spoke, thinking before speaking. "Relationships are a complicated matter. There are many things a partner can do that can make you happy or unhappy, whether they do it directly or indirectly, or even something they can't control. That being said, it is perfectly natural to feel as if you want more, and you can deal with these feelings in a few ways. Masturbation being one. You can talk to your boyfriend about these issues and perhaps ask for an open relationship... But the first option doesn't always work, and usually people are not confident enough to go with the second option, so I'm here to work out an alternative. After all, with your fame, I doubt you'd want things like this leaving the bedroom or this office." He gave her a small smile, before slipping off his chair and disappearing behind the desk briefly.

"Follow me." The man requested, leading her to a corner of the room with a full body mirror. Along the wall were a few stools, clearly meant for the man to get some height if he needed. "If you would be so kind, please strip nude. If it pleases you, I will look away, but I will end up seeing you anyway, so you might not worry if you don't want?" Normally, this would be a strange request. But the man's professionalism remained intact, showing that this very well could be part of his normal operations.
Scarlett led out a prolonged sigh as the good therapist analysed her situation. He was right, there was no way she could double time around Luke. People would know immediately. The horor of all the media scandal. And masturbation did not quite sink in with her. It had been years since she had touched herself. When was her last, high school maybe? Nothing beats the real thing- a man's cock and sadly, it lacked in her life. Luke's three inches was akin to her own fingers.

She watched Curtis get off his chair, going out of sight for a whole ten seconds until he was seen walking from behind the table. He shuffled to the corner of the room, mirror lined on the wall with stools. She being taller, it took a couple of strides to comply with his request following him.

The next request was absurd, afterall what could her nudity possibly had to do with her case? Clearing her throat, she began, "Uh Curtis..." her protests hanged up in the air between them as he spoke of watching her anyway. Going wild with the suggestion, Scarlett placed her hands on her back to unchain her dress. Slipping it off past her hips, Scarlett unhooked her bra and moved her hands to her panties. She tried maintaining a clinical ambience but could not help getting a tad bit aroused. After all, Curtis was watching her and more on, her heart beat escalated, anticipating possibilities awaiting her.

In the state of undress, like the day she was born, Scarlett turned in her black pumps. Considering she topped her therapist by a good two feets, she got rid of them too. "I am done."
Curtis watched in silence as she stripped, Scarlett's higher perspective over him helping hide the erection growing in his pants. She had a nice body, and he loved his jobs during moments like these. "Thank you, Ms Johansson." Curtis said with a small smile, nodding to her before turning to face the mirror. "Now, look into the mirror, and tell me what you see. I understand that your issues seem to stem from your partner, but you need to focus on what you can change as well." Never once did he dispute that it was her boyfriend's problem, as he wanted the negative thoughts of her partner to grow stronger.

Grabbing a small step ladder, which seemed rather humiliating to use, the small man soon stood basically eye level with Scarlett. His feet on a platform so he couldn't fall easily, a small hand went to her arm, lifting it. "The exercise this is set to achieve, is to grow confidence in yourself, and your body. To do this, you are simply doing touching and associating. So, I want you to grasp something on your body that you are unhappy about. A typical example, although one you clearly cannot use, is your stomach. Many people find themselves too overweight and ugly, a problem you do not suffer from." Slipping in a few compliments, he was subtly manipulating her into liking him more and more. "Once you grasp that part of you, try rubbing it, to imprint the part in your mind. While doing this, you will reason why whatever issue you just named, is not an issue at all." The therapist explained.

"I understand that this may sound confusing, so I will give a full example. I had someone come in a few weeks ago, and when we did this exercise, she mentioned she hated how large her hips were. I asked if she wanted kids, which the reply was a quick yes. I explained that larger hips are better for childbirth, so now she is very happy with her large hips. Understand?" He asked.

"Now you try. Just one example should be fine." He suggested. The whole example was a lie he had constructed, as he never had done this exercise before. He simply wanted the pleasure of watching Scarlett hopefully-erotically touch herself with total compliance.
The mirror revealed the blond in the most vulnerable way she had ever been left open to. Curtis was, firstly, and stranger and foremost, someone NOT her boyfriend. With years of training and excercise, she was in shape for sure. Her body gave off a natural glow, waxed and glistened underneath the office lights.

Holding her head high, Scarlett inspected a little mole on the nape of her neck. The shorter male was up on the step ladder and by then, Scarlett was so used to him that she didn't even laugh anymore. He was praising her, but still not crossing his lines. "So I touch myself like this?" she asked, placing a hand on her waist, grazing her fingertips lightly. His hand on hers showed a random spot and she got the next thing through a thorough explanation.

Most of her body was fine with her. They complimented her and brought her the success she is today. "Mm," she pondered a little, moving her hips to a side while shifting her weight to her right leg. Gliding her hand north, down to her sex, she cupped her pussy lips. The example he spoke of was somewhat hillarious, like a farce but she slumped her shoulders to relax as she was not the only patient who stood nude in this office.

"This!" she was far through the stage of being embarrased from her nudity. It kind of liberated her in a good way. Parting her lips with her index and thumb, she locked her eyes on the mirror. "I guess I am too tight to cause him premature ejaculation?" It was more of a suggestion than a statement. Scarlett kept her hand in place because it was starting to feel good. "What do you say Curtis?"
Raising an eyebrow at Scarlett's reply, the man gave a small shrug and a nod. "If you believe that to be an issue, then sure. Though I have never found man or woman to complain about being 'too tight'. And I thought premature ejaculation was to be a bad thing? Why do you seek that to happen with your partner?" Curtis asked, his eyes running along her nether regions as her fingers touched her pussy. "You need to ensure that this imprints in your mind. A little bit of feeling, whether pain or pleasure, can help you remember the scenario a little better." Curtis suggested, just wanting to see Scarlett touch herself.

"Anyway, if that is truly an issue you find with your body, here is my retort. You clearly put time into making yourself look good, I can see signs of waxing and so on. You need to have someone show you that what you're doing to your body is appreciated. Does your boyfriend ever go down on you?" The smaller man asked, his question sounding as if he had been asking her opinion on the weather.

Stepping down from the stood, Curtis moved it away. "While you answer, you can come for the final bit of the session." He said, leading her to the open area of the office, save for the massage table. Of course, the table was not far off the ground, reaching the man's waist and about Scarlett's knees. "Please lay down." He requested.
Scarlett had never thought of her tightness as a bad thing but to some extent over the last years with Luke, it was sure a problem. He would finish off within five minutes, often not even giving her an orgasm. "Size I guess," Scarlett cocked an eye brow while shrugging her shoulders. "It does not take much to get him off." The foreplay was great- heavy petting and much to her annoyance; she agreed with the therapist. He never went down on her.

"No he does not," Scarlett pressed her fingers to her heated sex that was getting moist with her casual touches. "In fact, that is not a thing I tried before with my previous partners." The doctor was out on his walk to the massage table. The office had multi dimensions that seemed to unravel one by one. It was a regular one as Scarlett saw in many massage rooms she had been too. Unsure in what way Curtis wanted, she lay face up on the cover.

Since it was the last bit, Scarlett thought it would pass by soon. Not that she wanted to escape, just the intensity of the visit was too much on her. She needed some sleeping to do and probably talk with Luke. The toughts were provoked by Curtis, quite curtly that it was not her fault that their sex life was sinking. Making a mental note to thank him later for his words, Scarlett exhaled.
Once laid out on the table, a cool, wet cloth was applied to her forehead, resting there and covering her vision. It felt soothing, having that weight there, and soon she would feel cool oil being squirted onto her chest. "Now... I want you to think of the best sex you ever had. Whether it had been with your current partner or an ex, just focus on how good that had felt, and nothing else. If it helps, you can speak out loud, or you can simply think on it." Was the therapists soft words, his hands gently massaging the oil into her body. He worked on her shoulders and arms first, soon moving to her chest and breasts. His hands, despite being childlike in size, still had the firmness and strength of an adult, as well as the skill. Every touch could bring a moan out if the celebrity wasn't focused on silence, feeling plenty of tension within her body... though even if she hadn't, he would be sure to tell Scarlett that she did.

"Yes.. Your body is very stiff. We'll likely need to do this at the end of all our sessions to see some sort of improvement. As you probably guessed, this will have plenty of physical benefits, but the mental exercises you are now doing for me will help your mind too." He promised, fingers running down her toned stomach. When her upper body was completely finished, the man moved down and began at her toes and feet, the foot massage slightly ticklish yet still very pleasing. Then his small hands moved to her legs and thighs, and it looked like it may get a little sexual. But he never reached her sex, opting to stay far enough away that it wouldn't be considered a sexual move, yet still close enough that it was a tease.

"Okay, onto your stomach now please."
Scarlett lay immobile, vulnerable to the therapist's moves on her body. The whole ambience had an effect on her, calming her racing mind into a rippling body of water. The cloth patch acted a veil since she was not particularly keen on watching Curtis work on her. It was a great way of blocking the view and inducing images of her well hung once upon a time ex boyfriend. Luckily she could not put a name on him but the imagination was vivid.

His hands curved around her skin, massaging the supple expanse she took care of immensely. "Oh," a muffled mone escaped her lips carnally. Scarlett hoped Curtis knew clinical boundaries and that this whole experience was for her and her treatment only. "Right there," she guided as he moved from kneading her breasts to her hip bones. There was a lot of tensed muscles which needed to go away. Looks like they will be non-existent by the time she will be out of his office.

Scarlett giggled a little as his fingers laced with her toes, scraping her feet balls. Gracing his hand up her thigh, his hands stopped below her sex. Scarlett turned in table, crushing her boobs on the sheets below. The light now hit her back and she saw the male touching along her hind legs. She faced northwards, burrying her head amidst her crossed arms.

"I meant to ask earlier, is this the way you treat all your patients?" she said with a grunt as his oiled fingers dipped on a stiff muscle.
Adjusting the cloth so it still covered Scarlett's vision, the man went to work once again, lathering her body in strong scented oils. "I treat you with as much professionalism as I treat all my other patients. I may treat you differently compared to other patients with other issues, but if someone came in tomorrow with the same issues you are dealing with, I would be doing these same things." He explained, as his hands ran along the curve of her back.

Once again, Curtis began with the shoulders and arms, before moving to her neck, then the back. Then, he started at her feet once again, slowly moving up her legs. And again, he reached around the same spot before he refused to travel further up. But unlike when she had been getting her front done, the man did not seem to be finished. Squirting the cool oil over her butt, she would feel it drip into every crevice. Then, ever so gently, the small hand dipped between her ass cheeks, fingers grazing her ass hole as he worked on her ass cheeks. It it weren't for the pains and then sudden relief that the massage brought, it would have been suspect. But then, his hand dipped lower still, between her thighs to the pussy that had been neglected all this time. With a firm touch, the hand rubbed, his sole intention being pleasure. His spare hand still worked her ass, massaging and rubbing it, watching it jiggle slowly from every movement.
Scarlett was caught up in a haze, smooth movements clouding her mind. "Curtis..." her voice drowned in the office as her teeth sank on her full lower lip. "I...ah," her pussy ached to be touched. It was torture as his hands went everywhere but her sex. It was insane she wanted him to touch her intimately that violates all laws.

His finger probed her ass, teasing the opening. Warm oil kissed her sex as he kneaded her cheeks. His hands grabbed her flesh, a torturous harmony that relaxed her beyond measures. "Nggh," her breathing was hoarse. Fuck! Touch me already!

His hand slid between her thighs while the other remained on her ass, making a mess with the oil. "Curtis, please," Scarlett closed her eyes as a wave hit her. Was it possible to reach the end this way? "I alow you to touch me. I need it so bad."
His hand had already been between her thighs, probing it, rubbing it as she tried to resist the pleasure. But she immediately caved, giving her permission to be touched. "This is solely professional." The man explained to Scarlett. He wanted to sound like what she was asking him to do was a burden, that he eventually obliges to do. Sound too eager, and it might seem as if he had planned it the whole time... he had, but she didn't need to know that.

Even as a finger slipped inside of Scarlett's entrance, tight from the lack of use from a good cock, and the thighs that were closed together, Curtis kept up the idea that there was nothing intentionally sexual about his touching. "Would you uh... like some stimulation? It's not a normal part of my sessions, but I can alter your theraputic progress to cater for it. The only condition being that when the sessions continue, you comply with any and all methods I use to improve your wellbeing." His finger had been thrusting in and out of her slowly, and once he made the proposition, it slipped out, leaving her without any pleasure and a whole lot of built up sexual stress.
Scarlett saw red when he spoke formally. Fuck formality, she was past the stage where anything called shame existed. It seemed to have flown through the vents the moment she stood in the office, bared ass, stripped off her last modesty. She was enjoying the attention, from another man. Heck, he was good at this. "I will pay!" she groaned, rising her head to drop it again. "Just keep on doing whatever you are doing."

The celebrity sounded desperate but who would not? If you went without sex or getting off...she did but it was nothing compared to the teasing and arousal she was going through. "Yes," Scarlett gritted, clamping her walls around his index. "Don't stop, please." She was not in her right mind no more. Scarlett Johansson was nothing less than a damsel in distress at the moment.
Smirking at Scarlett's weak, begging nature, the man knew he had won this round. His hand slipping between her thighs once more, two fingers slipped inside, flicking, rubbing, and thrusting in and out of her ignored cunt. He was tempted to lean down, eat her out a bit, but knew that would stretch her opinion on him attempting to remain professional. As their sessions would move on, he would 'reluctantly' do more for her, so she would become more and more indebted to him.

It did not take long until he chose to spit on Scarlett's ass hole, lubing it up a little more than just the oil, before his middle finger slipped inside. There was a special spot that would help bring an orgasm, but even just the sudden, unexpected entrance could do that at times.
Scarlett heaved, her eyes seeing dark from the cloth over her vision. She had no idea what he was doing underneath her but it felt so good. His hands moved sensually, a slow pace which assured her that the male was still intact on his principles. She was grateful he was obliging to her absurd requests but the hazy future tensed her. What if she wanted more from onwards? Would it be cheating?

She felt cool liquid on her ass, must be the stimulation stuff, she thought. But next, she felt a finger sink in her backdoor. "No!" she promted to stop him since that orifice being never used other than secretory purposes. But it was a full, livid feeling, tantalising her insides. She was lost in emotions, thinking lots at the same time. Her walls closed, slick with her arousal, around his small fingers. His knuckles hit her nerve ends, luring her to feel mind blowing sensations. "Curtis," she whimpered,"More," her voice falling an octave lower.
Smirking at the whimper, it was difficult not to slam his cock in her throat, making her gag on it until he came. But he had to play the long game. The finger deep inside the celebrity's ass gently began to thrust, not moving more than an inch in and out of her. Meanwhile, the fingers between her thighs moved at quick speeds, the small, chubby digits moving like a small yet skilled cock, a pleasure seeker to say the least.

"Okay. Just to make this a bit more than getting you off, I would like you to describe a sexual fantasy of yours. As much description as possible." He requested, the forced vocals meaning Scarlett would be unable to stifle moans. "It can be something about a co-worker or friend, or something you want to do with anyone you can." He added.
In Scarlett's mind, she was starting to think that there was more to the therapy. It was self indulging on the giver's part but it was so good. The way his knuckles brushed against her nerve ends, it made her head buzz. "Fantasy?" she asked unsure what he wanted, but spoke, "Chris..ngh...mmm...mph!" her moans no longer contained within her carnal cavity,"I always fanta-aah!" she crunched the sheets beneath her claws,"Fu-ooh!" Still encouraged to speak, the celebrity went on. "I always had hots for him and wanted him to...Lord!" she panted heavily as her lower region throbbed after what it seemed like decades. "fuck him!"

A feverish frenzy took upon her, almost seizure like as she started cumming. The actress did not even think of holding back. Her limbs shook, toes curling as she rode his fingers. A thin sheer sweat broke on her skin, glistening her body even under the controlled temperature room. She was too damned to speak further, wasted as she pictured Hemsworth wagging his dick against her face.
Alternating between thrusting in her ass or pussy, the unused hole simply having his finger(s) rest inside, Curtis could feel her body tighten as she began to cum. "Not good enough. Describe the acts that make this so appealing." He instructed, removing his fingers a little bit at a time, as if threatening that he wouldn't give her pleasure if she refused. But soon enough, they returned, keen on having Scarlett orgasm a second time, if not more.
Damnit!Scarlett cursed lowly, nuzzling deeper to the crook of her elbow. She wanted to throa a tantrum bit it wouldn't work. The moment she started talking, his assault resumed.

"Fu- He is married and I am in a rela-Aaah!" the actrees cried out as his fingers curved inside her depths. "Relationship. It was forbidden but so appealing at the same time- Goddd!" her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Anyone who would see her would think she was squint eyed, her whites and veins only visible.
Smirking as she groaned and cried in pleasure, the man tried a different tactic, trying to change her body's response to become more aroused at anal. Pulling his fingers out of her soaked cunt, the small man simply rubbed her clit firmly, applying strong pressure that was sure to feel good. This was done in combination with a second finger entering her tight ass, pumping it with a previously missing enthusiasm. "So the thought of taboo is what interests you so much?" He confirmed.

"What would you two do in these fantasies? Would you try it in either of your homes? A bathroom quickie with your boyfriend asleep? An under the table handjob at a double date?" Curtis suggested, his cock rock hard from her moans, her smells, and her fantasies.
His finger pinched her clit, softly rubbing on her pleasure button. "Aah!" she moaned, his fingers sinking deeper in her ass. "I might cum- Ah!" her vocals slipped off without control.

"I would imagine we would fuck in the trailer or have a quickie in the ladies...more about in after parties, me on his lap casually but in real, just have his cock burried deep up my pussy." she related her lewd thoughts, clearly forbidden to speak but it turned her on so more. "I need a big cock, Curtis, not that weenie of Luke's. I need a big dick to fuck me hard and make me cum!" she blabbered away.
He was surprised at how soon she was begging for a cock, planning on leaving that until the next session at least. It was tempting to fuck her here and now, but knew that playing the long game would turn her into something more than a simple fuck buddy. She could become his fuck toy...

Feeling her tighten up, wetting the small massage table with her juices, the man soon pulled his hands from her, being slow so the sudden disappearance didn't feel too bad. "I think that was a good session." He smiled. "Before you get dressed, could you please clean the uh... release of yours?" He requested, sounding like he was trying to be professional, despite what they had done. "It's actually a good hormone thing to drink, which can help you orgasm quicker." he lied, simply wanting to see how dirty she would be. If she began licking up the table, he would then also offer his fingers to lick and suck clean. "Your appointment is just about over. I look forward to your visit next week. Don't forget the exercises we've gone through, and what I've told you."
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