RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789) [dropped rp]

RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

"You're not going back to Mount Weather," Clarke said as soon as Bellamy woke up the next morning. "You're needed more here. Everyone needs someone to look to, someone who they know cares about them and will keep them safe. And who will keep trying to get our people out if something goes wrong. I'll go back with a group of the others and we'll take Mount Weather. But we can't put both of us at risk, and everyone here follows you and will do what you tell them to do. If we can get Lincoln to agree, I'll take him and some of his people with me as well."

"We'll go through the reaper tunnels. That's our best bet. We'll take plenty of fire power and Trikru will have whatever weapons they want to bring. I'll take 8 people from Arkadia with me, and as many Trikru as I can get to go with me. Don't argue with me. You're still hurt and you're needed more around here, where you can't get into anymore trouble. I promise, I'll come back to you." She said softly, kissing his lips sweetly. "Promise me that you won't do anything stupid or dangerous while I'm gone. I'll feel a lot better knowing you're here and taking care of our people and soothing their fears."
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RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Logically, Bellamy did not want Clarke to do anything. “Clarke, please, you just returned. Don’t leave again.” His hand gripped hers gently. Unbeknown to either of them was the tension between the Sky People and the Grounders. There was no way an alliance was happening. Jaha and Kane had been taken captive not long ago. They spent a few days in imprisonment before meeting the commander, Lexa. After a conversation, it was determined that the Sky People did not truly want peace. Chancellor Jaha was just returning into camp with the news. He was bloodied and battered and beaten. He was allowed into the gates and gave a very troubling message.

The Sky people have two days to leave and find elsewhere to live. If they do not leave, then they die. Abby figured this was something Clarke would want to know so she entered into the room, telling each that they should hear the news. Abby explained to Bellamy and Clarke what was going on, so it was obvious their war on Mount Weather had to cease. “We have need their help. Their own people are inside as well. I don’t know how we get them on our side if we’re having our own war.” Bellamy whispered into her ear. Above all that, Lincoln had been captured by the Mountain Men and being used in the reaper program.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

"We get Octavia to get the Grounders on our side. Since Lincoln's out of the picture and being used as a reaper, this is the only chance we've got. You need to stay here and work on our people, get them to come around to an alliance with Trikru and other Grounders." Clarke paused a few moments later. She sat down in a chair beside the bed that Bellamy was lying on. "I just feel like I'm sitting on my hands, wasting time. We don't know exactly what's going on. I..." The blonde stopped talking and put her head in her hands. "I promised Charlotte and the others that I'd get them out of Mount Weather. I won't go back on my word, no matter how dangerous it turns out to be."

Clarke sighed and then she pressed a gentle kiss to her boyfriend's lips. "I love you..." She said softly, meeting Bellamy's eyes and searching for wisdom on what to do. She didn't want to leave him here. The idea of going against Mount Weather without him, scared the living hell out of her. "Tell me what to do.." The blonde said softly, and took both of her boyfriend's hands into hers, squeezing them tightly. "If we can't go and attack them right away, I need to know that we're at least working on a plan on how to get everyone out. Any ideas?" She asked him.
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