RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789) [dropped rp]

RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Staying in pairs was the best idea. There was a less likelihood that something would happen. However, Charlotte and Harper were in pairs but that did not exactly prevent anything from happening. Nonetheless, they had to stick together and it was imperative that everyone else was on their side. Once the couple arrived back to the dorm area, Bellamy saw Clarke drawing different scenarios on the map and Bellamy had an idea. He assumed they were being listened to at all times and he could not let anyone from Mount Weather hear what he was saying. With that thought in mind, he found an old music player and found a disc with hard, heavy rock music.

Sliding in the CD, he pressed play and turned the music up to the maximum level. People were wondering what the hell Bellamy was doing but he strictly ordered everyone to the other side of the room so they could hear him over the music. Once essentially everyone was gathered around him, Bellamy started talking. “I know you think that we’re safe just because we don’t have to worry about the Grounders, but there are still dangers here. Harper is missing. We’ve looked everywhere for her. This is our friends. We are not speculating or just being paranoid anymore. Something is really wrong here and you guys need to see that.”

There were some that looked cautious to believe Bellamy but a few of them were rattled about Harper, especially those that cared deeply about her. “Whenever you go somewhere, do not go alone. Go in pairs. We need to figure out how to hack into their security system and watch what happened when Harper went missing. There is something strange going on here and we don’t know what it is yet. I just need everyone to be careful, keep an eye out, and stay on our side because we have to find a way out of here. Plain and simple.”
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Charlotte tugged on Bellamy's jacket, so that he would give her his attention. Once he had given her his attention, she kept the music at the same volume and said, "We need to get Monty on our side. He's good with electronics. He can hack the cameras for us, and he likes Harper. So he'd probably be willing to do it." She said, and then looked around nervously. "I'm sorry for bothering you and Clarke when you were....You know. I just didn't know who else to tell about Harper, that would take me seriously. The others are enjoying being here way too much." After she spoke, the younger girl turned down the volume on the radio and then turned it off. "Can I stay close to you and Clarke?" She asked softly. "I don't really know any of the others very well," The blonde admitted to them. She moved to sit down on her bed and wrapped her jacket tighter around her body. "I'm scared.." Charlotte admitted to them, and when Clarke stepped forward to hug her, truth be told, she was only somewhat comforted. The longer they stayed here, the worse things were going to get, she knew it. "I miss my parents," The girl said softly.

"It's gonna be okay, Charlotte. We're working on a plan to get everyone out of here safely. And you can definitely stick close to me and Bellamy, if it'll help you feel safer, okay?" When the younger girl nodded, the older blonde gave her a gentle smile. "I'd hug you right now, but earlier, and I haven't showered yet.." Clarke admitted and Charlotte nodded. "Look, I don't wanna go back on my word, so why don't you come with us to the showers? We'll get clean and then Bellamy can do the same, and you can stick with us. Does that sound alright?" She was relieved when the younger blonde nodded. "Good. Now, why don't you grab some clothes and Bellamy and I will do the same? We'll all take turns showering, and we'll be in the same room but turned away from the person showering so that no one's alone and uncomfortable, okay?" At another nod from Charlotte, Clarke looked at her boyfriend and mouthed the word, "Sorry," over the younger girl's head. Usually she and Bellamy showered together, as they weren't shy about being naked with each other. But right now, that just couldn't happen.

Harper opened her eyes and the first thing she was aware of was that she was chained to a bed. Her wrists and ankles were cuffed, and there was something around her mouth, to keep her from talking or screaming. When her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she looked around and saw that she was in a room, and that she wasn't alone. Anya was there, and she was talking to some other woman that she called Lexa. This Lexa woman was speaking quickly in the Grounder language, to which Anya quickly replied. The young woman struggled against the cuffs and they clanged against the bed, which caught their attention. The blonde watched as Lexa got up from her own bed, and then walked over to her, she didn't know what the other woman had in mind, but was relieved when the other woman pulled off the cloth that was over her mouth, keeping her quiet. "Thank you," She said softly, and felt a little calmer now. Harper was surprised when Lexa spoke in English, a few moments later.

"You might not be so thankful when Dr. Tsing gets back in a few minutes. We've all been experimented on by that woman. They're using us for breeding experiments. Getting us pregnant against our will, and taking the children away. They can't go outside because the radiation causes them to get burns and it eventually kills them if they don't get treatment. And that treatment is our bone marrow. So, not only are they forcing us to get pregnant, but they're bleeding some of our people, and using even more of our people for their bone marrow. As for the breeding, they take the child and bring it outside to see which parent's genes are stronger. I've been in here for a few weeks now and they just started the experiments on me. They had trouble with two women earlier this week. One just couldn't get pregnant no matter how many times they tried, so they killed her. The other woman they had trouble with, gave birth to three children. They killed two because the father's gene's were more dominant. And the other child had the mother's gene's as more dominant, so they took that child away. The mother spent hours screaming for her children before they killed her."

Harper's face was a mask of horror as she listened to what Lexa had to say. "Has anyone tried to get out of here? I have some of my people here in Mount Weather. They know that I've gone missing and I know that they'll try to find me, and when they do, they'll help all of us get the hell out of here."

Lexa looked sad and defeated as she stared at Harper. "Harper, I know that you want to believe there's some way out of here, but there's only one way out and that's death. My people have been getting taken by the Mountain Men and forced here into Mount Weather for years. We've fought them, attacked, we've poisoned as many as we could and stabbed as many as we could, but there's only one horrible truth we have left. The only way out of here is in a body-bag."
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RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Charlotte made a valid point about getting Monty on their side. He was skilled with electronics and he liked Harper. Everyone knew it even though he tried to hide it. If they recruited Monty, things could be looking upwards for them. When Charlotte apologized about interrupting himself and Clarke when they were having sex, he shook his head at her. “Don’t worry, it’s fine. You did the right thing.” Actually, it was not fine. Bellamy was pissed but he put that behind him because he knew that they could find time for each other again. It was not the end of the world.

When Charlotte asked to stay close to them, Bellamy nodded his head. “Of course, Charlotte. We will keep you safe.” It was not a promise because nothing was guaranteed. However, Bellamy could promise that he would try his hardest to keep her safe. That could be done. Nonetheless, Bellamy watched as Clarke tried to comfort her, not seeing a real shift in Charlotte’s demeanor. She was the youngest of the original 100 and he was surprised that she made it this far. He did have doubts about her but she proved him wrong and Bellamy respected her for that.

It became more toiling on Bellamy when Charlotte was even interfering with their showers. In return, he just smiled at Clarke and appreciated what she was doing. He grabbed his own clothing and led the way into the showers. Everything was safe so he turned on the water, standing away from the girl as far as possible so he could shower without making anyone feel uncomfortable. Too late for that. Bellamy was massively uncomfortable. He did not like this but it looked like he had no choice. Nonetheless, he had to get showered so he began stripped when everyone was ready and started bathing himself.

After they showered, Bellamy got dressed before the two girls did. He waited with his back turned outside the stall and listened to them talk. Clarke was so good with children. It made him think about starting a family with her one day if she was ever open to that if they were ever safe enough. When they finished, Bellamy started walking with the pair and had an idea. “Clarke, why don’t you stay with Charlotte. You can show her some of your art, teach her how to draw. I’m going to find Monty. Just make sure both of you stay in the dorm where everyone can see you.”

Bellamy escorted the pair to the dorm room and after making sure they were safe, he went on a hunt for Monty. He found the younger male in the mess hall, hoping to find Harper. Of course, he was worried about her.

“Monty. We all know Harper is missing. Nobody else is taking it seriously. You need to work with Clarke. You need to work with Me. There’s something weird going on here.”

“No, Bellamy. There’s not. She’s probably lost or just doing something on her own.”

“I know you like her. I know you want to find her safe and sound. That’s why you need to help us hack into the security cameras. I know you have the skill. I know you can do it. It’s just a matter of getting it done. Tell me what I need to do and I’ll help you.” Bellamy insisted, figuring this would go on back and forth with Monty for a while.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Clarke and Charlotte were sitting on the younger girl's bed in the dorm room. She had taken Bellamy's advice and gotten some pencil's, paper, and color pencils, and was teaching the younger girl how to draw. She had her hand over Charlotte's and was showing her how to draw flowers, the dropship, and the Ark. They also drew happy things like rainbow's and animals. This kept them busy for a while and kept Charlotte distracted, which was the point. Once they had finished drawing all of that, Clarke set everything aside and turned to the younger blonde. "I know that you miss your parents, and that you're scared. It's okay to be scared. We all are. As for your parents, I know how you feel. I miss mine, too." She said softly and hugged Charlotte gently. "I want you to know that Bellamy and I will do whatever we have to do to protect you. You're family," Clarke told her. "All of our friends that were sent here with us, are family. And we never leave family behind, do you understand?" Once the younger blonde nodded and then went back to drawing, Clarke allowed herself to relax, but just the tiniest bit.

Footsteps could be heard approaching. There was the sound of women's shoes clacking against the hall floor. Harper's fear rose with each second that passed, and before Lexa turned and raced back to her bed, she put the cloth back over the other woman's mouth. Harper wasn't sure whether or not to be thankful for the action, until the other woman spoke. And once she heard what Lexa said, was grateful for the action from the other woman. "Trust me, you'll thank me for keeping you quiet. The more you scream, the more satisfaction they get from it. Don't give them the satisfaction. I know that I said the only way out was in a body-bag, but don't give up. LIVE!" Lexa hissed in a whisper and then bolted back over to her own bed and laid down, just as the door opened to reveal a tall woman with dark hair, a lab coat, and a cruel smile on her lips.

Harper watched as the woman entered the room and pulled the door shut behind herself. Her eyes widened as the woman, Dr. Tsing? Was that what Lexa had called her, began going around the room, checking the bindings on each woman and if any were loose, tightened them quickly and harshly. The young woman watched as the doctor tied both Lexa and Anya to their bed's, lifted the blankets and did something that had each woman pulling fiercely against the cuffs, and screaming.

The screaming happened with every woman in the room that was tied down, and when Dr. Tsing reached her, Harper glared at the woman, especially when the doctor tried to make small talk and tried to act as if everything happening there was normal. Harper flinched when the cover's over her body were pulled back, her clothes were pulled down and the doctor rammed something that looked like a large needle inside of her most intimate place. The young woman screamed at the pain that immediately assaulted her body.

"You'll get used to it," Dr. Tsing told her. "These injections are done twice a day for a few months. We also do blood tests, collect blood samples the old fashioned way, and we monitor each woman during their pregnancy. You should know that we won't allow you to kill yourself, so don't bother trying. There are cameras all over this room, the size of a pinhead, that you'll never find. And we have people watching this room all the time."

"If you try to kill yourself or your baby before we can check them to make sure they survive outside, then you'll just make things worse for the other women. And if you don't die, worse for yourself, too. You probably hate us for what we're doing, but if you were in our shoes, I know that you'd be doing the same thing as us. We'll do anything we have to do to survive." After she spoke, Dr. Tsing pulled another needle out of her lab coat, grabbed one of Harper's wrists and looked for a good vein before stabbing her with the needle, to knock her out.

The last thought that Harper had, was a begging thought for her friend's to save her and the rest of the women that were trapped. Then she passed out.

Dr. Tsing smiled when Harper passed out from the drug she had given her. Once that was done, she went to work drawing blood from the young woman, filling several needles with the blood, that was labelled with Harper's name. Once she had filled 5 needles with blood, she took them and left the room once more.
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RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

It took Bellamy longer than he thought it would to convince Monty to help. Finally, he agreed to assisting Bellamy. Before leaving, the young male approached Clarke and sat down onto the edge of the bed and grabbed one of her hands. “Monty has agreed to help us. You stay here with Charlotte. He’s going to hack the security footage.” The male whispered and leaned forward for a kiss to Clarke’s lips. After pulling back from the kiss, Bellamy squeezed her hand before bidding both Charlotte and his girlfriend goodbye. This could get spotty but Bellamy was confident in himself.

Returning to Monty, they searched for the location of the security room based on the map. Monty was able to trace where the lines of the cameras would run. There was a central power box on this same floor that he could use to shut off the cameras long enough for Bellamy to create a distraction. A fire or something that would draw their attention away from Monty as he hacked into the footage. With that in mind, Bellamy found a hat to cover his head as he approached the mess hall. Once inside, he slipped into the dining area where the kitchen was located. He kept his head down and avoided everyone that he could.

He found the oven and quickly turned up the heat, finding some paper towels that could be used to quickly set a fire and distract everyone. Bellamy exited and the fire alarm was ringing minutes later, causing guards and other security to move into the kitchen. During that time, Monty was able to hack into the server systems after snatching a laptop. When Bellamy returned, they noticed that something was wrong.

They finished with the hacking and quickly replaced all covers and everything they removed before returning to the dorm area unscathed. Once they returned, Bellamy called for Clarke and told Monty to sit with Charlotte so she was not scared. When Clarke joined him, he spoke in a low voice. “Monty hacked the computers and there’s something weird. Right before Harper is taken, I could see some person in a hazmat suite put something over her mouth and knock her out. Then, the cameras went dark like they planned to take them out when it happened. But you’re right. There’s something wrong here.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

"I knew that Charlotte was on to something. It's just not like Harper to ditch anyone, and I knew she wouldn't start with Charlotte. Did you see what direction they went in? If we know what way the person who snatched Harper went, then we'll have something to work with. I know that it's not much, but it's a start." Clarke ran a hand over her face and then sighed. "I'm worried about Harper. We have no idea what they're doing to her. And if you're right and the cameras went dark on purpose then that means Wallace's people are in on it, like we thought."

"We have to figure out where they took her. We need to start coming up for reasons to be on that floor, so that we can check it out for any clues. But we also need to have a valid reason to be there, or at least one that Wallace and his people will believe. If they start to get suspicious of us, then who knows who they'll take next. I don't know what to do next. Where do we go from here? Maybe we distract them with something else, like stage a fight breaking out or something, to keep them busy while we explore that floor. You take Charlotte with you and she can tell you if anything looks off from when she and Harper were in that hall."


Charlotte sat on the bed beside Monty and gave him a sad smile. "I'm sorry that Harper's missing," She said softly. "I know that you like her, and that she likes you. When we get her back, you should tell Harper that you like her. It's stupid to waste time being afraid of getting turned down. If you don't try, then you'll never know.." She fell silent after speaking, and wrapped her jacket even tighter around herself. "I should've been more careful when Harper and I were going to play air hockey. I should've done a better job of protecting her.." The blonde said softly, sadly.

"If anything happens to her, it'll be my fault..."
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RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

“I don’t think we can do anything tonight. We’re locked down now because I started a fire in the kitchen so Monty would have a chance to hack into the systems. I don’t think we can do anything tonight without them being suspicious. I did not see which direction she was taken. That hallway leads two ways so we’ll have to explore both and figure it out. I’m not sure what to do next, honestly.” Bellamy admitted, wracking his brain over what to do. After that, he turned to see Charlotte and heard that she was blaming herself and Bellamy quickly squashed that thought from her mind.

“Don’t’ do that to yourself, Charlotte. Don’t ever blame yourself. It is not your fault. The only person to blame is the person that took her and whoever else is working with them to take Harper. We just have to keep an eye on each other and make sure we all stay in pairs. Tonight, we have done all we can. Just get some rest tonight and we’ll start fresh tomorrow. If anyone is out past the curfew then we’re in real trouble and the key to saving Harper is avoiding protection.” After that was said, Monty and Charlotte understood everything so they decided to leave Clarke and Bellamy alone, returning to their own beds for the night.

Looking to Clarke, Bellamy wrapped his arms around the blonde and pulled her into his chest. “Just so you know, I am not letting you out of my sight in this place. We’ll try to get more of our people on our side tomorrow and we’ll look for clues tomorrow. We’ll see if there are any activities on that floor and when they are happening. That’s all we can do. Make sure that nobody does anything rash because if we give away that we’re onto something, then things could get ugly.” Bellamy whispered softly, just stroking his fingers through her hair.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Clarke nodded as she listened to what Bellamy had to say. "You're right," She said softly. "I just get more and more nervous the longer Harper's gone," The blonde admitted to her boyfriend. "I hate not knowing what's going on, and if she's even still alive.." She said the last part softly, not wanting Charlotte or Monty to overhear her. "We're sitting ducks here, Bellamy." The young woman told her boyfriend. "We don't have any weapons to defend ourselves or the rest of our friends if it would come down to it. I just hate feeling like this."

"I know that we need to take our time and figure things out. But it's driving me crazy, not knowing if Harper's safe, or if they slaughtered her like an animal. These people don't seem to care about using or hurting innocent people, and given how many of our friends are in here, that scares the hell out of me. I wish that we could just lock all of us in here at night and keep the residents away from us. I'd just feel a lot safer if I knew that our friend's could protect themselves. Without our guns, we have nothing. I feel like any of us could be attacked or snatched any given moment, just like Harper was."

The two of them talked for a while longer, trying to figure things out and trying to keep each other calm, with Clarke laying beside Bellamy, with her arms around her boyfriend's waist. "I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I wish my mother were here with us, guiding us and telling us what to do.." The blonde admitted softly. "She'd know what to do to keep us and all our friends safe, and she'd know a way how to get all of us out of.. here..." In the middle of their conversation, she found herself nodding off, her eyes closing as she fell asleep.
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RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

It was not easy sleeping knowing that they were sitting ducks. However, Bellamy somehow found peace with Clarke and comfort in her body. The sleep overtook him until early the next morning. Bellamy was the first to rise so he woke Clarke with a gentle kiss and figured they should get something to eat. Their day was full and they needed energy. While eating, Bellamy whispered to Clarke about things they had planned for today. The mess hall was only one floor down from the location where Harper was taken. The couple enjoyed a nice, warm breakfast. If anything, the food was delicious here in Mount Weather.

After eating, Bellamy walked with Clarke, sneaking from place to place. The location where Harper was taken seemed to be a crossway between two separate hallways. The abductors could have taken her either way. It was so much ground to cover. They casually walked together, exploring. After all, Wallace had said they could explore and look around wherever they wanted. As long as they did not do anything troubling, they should be alright. When they reached one of the lower levels, Bellamy heard loud commotion down the hallway.

Without a second thought, Bellamy pulled his girlfriend down behind some crates with him. There were three men that passed. One had a gunshot wound to the abdomen. One man looked poisoned with radiation. One man was trying to get them both to the medical ward. This did not sit well with Bellamy. The Grounders did not use guns. It was a sky person that shot this soldier. It meant more of their people were outside, unlike what Dante said. Secondly, they needed to follow and find out as much information as they can. Waiting until they were out of sight, Bellamy moved forward slowly, bringing Clarke with him as they walked down the hallway, trying to avoid detection.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Clarke held onto Bellamy's hand tightly. They had left Charlotte back with Monty, who seemed to not mind looking after the younger girl, especially once it was established that Charlotte cared about Harper, too. And so that freed up Clarke to go with Bellamy to do some sneaking around in Mount Weather, to hopefully try and get a clue into what was going on. She remained quiet as she followed her boyfriend to where Harper was taken, and they found out that it was a crossway between two hallways. They made sure to try and look normal, even as they tried to look for more clues.

They reached a lower level and there was suddenly yelling, and some of the residents were freaking out and running. The two of them made sure to duck behind a box of medical supplies, as they kneeled there and waited to see just what was going on. Three men went by them, without seeming to notice that they were even there. Once had a GSW in his stomach, another looked like he had radiation poisoning, and a third man was trying to get both of the first two, into the medical ward. Clarke couldn't suppress a wince when she saw the victim of the radiation poisoning.

As if reading her boyfriend's mind, the blonde glanced at him and nodded. Grounders didn't use guns. They used bow and arrows, or stabbed their enemies with their swords. This meant that somewhere outside of this hellhole, they still had friends who were safe, and a soft sigh of relief left her lips. Once the coast was clear, she gripped onto Bellamy's hand tightly, and followed him when he tugged her along so they could walk down the hallway and get more information. "Did you see the man with radiation poisoning? Those burns are horrific." The blonde whispered as they walked.
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RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

“I saw it. That’s one thing Dante did not lie about. If we must kill them at once, radiation might be an efficient way.” It could be sickening to think like this, but that did not phase Bellamy. Instead, he saw it as a simple answer. Right now, the love of his life was in danger in Mount Weather. They all were. To escape, he would kill as many people that he needed to secure Clarke’s safety at the least. As much as he wanted to save everyone, Bellamy would make sure Clarke escaped first if that was possible to ensure.

Walking down to medical, Bellamy realized they had a problem. Only patients were allowed inside medical. Just as the idea hit him, he realized they were passing a room where one of the guards slept and his ID card was dangling from the dresser, almost flaunting around and begging Bellamy to grab it. Keeping Clarke outside, the male sneaked into the room and grabbed the key card. He feared the guard was woken but he only turned on his opposite side in his sleep. Once Bellamy returned outside, he showed Clarke the card and grinned. The next obstacle was getting inside medical without being seen.

They waited outside and looked in the door. Only Langston, the radiated soldier, was inside this room. The gunshot victim must have been operated on so Bellamy slid the card into the door and entered. They had Langston hooked onto something. “Follow the tubing, I guess.” Bellamy suggested, wondering what the Mountain Men used as treatment for radiation. It led into another room and he used the card to access that as well. Once they entered, he could not believe what they saw. Grounders were hanged upside down and their blood circulated through the Mountain Men inside. Deeper into the room, there were hundreds of cages with other grounders locked away. “What the fuck…?”
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

"Bellamy, look. There's Anya." She said, mentioning the young woman they had recently been at odds with. "Do you think they're still alive?" The blonde asked softly, as she approached the other woman. Clarke jumped back when Anya started to speak in the Grounder language, and reached out to her. After a moment, the blonde let out a sigh of relief when the other woman's eyes opened and locked on hers. Words burst out of the woman's mouth rapidly, some in English, and some in the Grounder language. The only thing that Clarke had understood was Harper's name.

"She's taking about Harper," The blonde hissed to her boyfriend. Her head jerked around when Anya started to speak in English. And she listened to what the other woman had to say, before turning back to her boyfriend. "Anya says that Harper's alive, and that she was with her yesterday. Her leader, Lexa, is still trapped with Harper and some other women who are being experimented on." Clarke glanced back at Anya, to see the woman's eyes closed. She quickly pressed her fingers on the side of the woman's neck and let out a small sigh of relief.

"She's passed out from blood loss. We need to get her and the rest of them out of here. We can't leave them here in cages and having their blood drained out of their bodies. Bellamy. What do we do?" The blonde asked, worried. This was so much bigger than a two person job. But she also couldn't stand the thought of leaving them here, now that they had found some of the missing. "Harper's alive. I just hope she can stay that way until we can find her and the others with her, and help them.." Clarke said worriedly. There was the tiniest glimmer of hope in her eyes, now that Anya had confirmed that Harper was still alive.
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RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

The Grounders looked so weak. Bellamy wondered what they Mountain Men did to these people. Some women were being experimented on, including Harper. They had to break Anya out of her cage, at least. Bellamy found a pipe and prepared to beat the lock off Anya’s cage. “We’re going to get you out of here, Anya.” Before Bellamy could do anything, though, he heard the door open. Shit! It was Dr. Tsing. Grabbing Clarke’s hand, Bellamy sprinted for the nearest door. It was labeled “End Containment Area.”. They hid into the corner until the Doctor left. Before they did anything else, the ground suddenly opened up beneath them and they were dropped down into a mining cart filled with bodies. Dead bodies.

Peering out over the cart, Bellamy pulled Clarke with him. “I know our people are still inside, but the Guards have guns and we need manpower. If just the two of us try to attack, you know it will be pointless. We have to find the others back at camp, wherever that is now.” After talking, they heard voices down the cave. It was not something they were happy to hear. Reapers. There were too many for them to fight so Bellamy had another idea.

Grabbing Clarke’s hand, he pulled her back into the cart where they pretended to be dead like the other bodies inside the cart. The Reapers tossed two more Grounder bodies into the cart and began pushing it down the tracks. When they stopped, the Reapers had taken a weak grounder and began feasting upon his body. Next, Bellamy figured they could use that as a distraction to escape, so they quietly pulled her out of the cart with him, hoping they could escape. As they walked through the tunnels, they desperately searched for an exit but it was almost like a maze and it felt like they were walking in circles for hours.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

"Oh God," Clarke mumbled and looked around, trying not to freak out, when she and Bellamy landed in the cart full of dead bodies. She was still staring at the corpses when her boyfriend tried to pull her with him. The blonde heard him speak, but his words didn't penetrate her senses at first. She flinched when suddenly reapers appeared and tossed two more bodies into the cart they were in. Clarke pressed one of her own hands over her mouth to keep herself from freaking out at the scene that was playing out right in front of them.

The horrified look on the blonde's face was real, as she let Bellamy drag her out of the cart, once the reapers had started to eat a weak Grounder. They started walking around the tunnels, trying uselessly to find a way out. But Clarke refused to give up. Even if they kept walking for hours, there just had to be a way out of there. The sooner they found a way out of these creepy tunnels, the sooner they could hopefully get back to camp, grab a bunch of soldiers and take out Mount Weather and free those who were still trapped inside.

"I can't even... Those people.. The reapers.. are cannibals. I feel like I'm gonna be sick.." Clarke mumbled as they got farther and farther away from the reapers, the bodies and unfortunately, their friends and possible allies. "I'm gonna have nightmares about this for a long time..." The blonde said softly, after some time had passed and they were still walking. "We don't even know if we're going in the right direction. All we know is that we're going away from Mount Weather. Well, hopefully." She ran a nervous hand through her hair as they continued to walk.
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RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Suddenly, Bellamy stopped walking and grabbed Clarke’s hand. He knew she was nervous, scared. “Clarke, just take a few breaths, okay? We’re going to be alright. I-“ He did not get to finish because of yelling down the tunnels. “Reapers!” He hissed, grabbing Clarke’s hand before taking off in a sprint. They did not know the tunnels, but the Reapers did. Soon, they found themselves cornered and Bellamy stood in front of Clarke, shielding her with his body. If the Reapers were getting her, they would go through him first. He could at least cause a distraction to give Clarke a chance to run, he hoped.

Just then, a high pitched noise was heard. It made the reapers fall onto the ground in pain. A few Mountain Men in hazmat suites were approaching. One grabbed Bellamy and one grabbed Clarke. They were about to use some syringe to knock both Bellamy and the blonde out, but the dark-haired male had an idea. He reached up and ripped off the Mountain Man’s mask. It exposed him to radiation. He tackled the other one, ripping his mask off as well. “Clarke, let’s go!” He breathed out, running with her from the scene.

They took a few more twists and turns until they saw light. It was an exit!” Right… here.” His voice faded when they reached the light. It was not a real exit. This was over the damn and the flowing water was rushing. He heard voices down the tunnel that were getting closer. Casting a glance to Clarke, he gripped her hand tightly. “I love you. I think we only have one choice here. We have to jump. Don’t let go of each other.” He whispered softly, seeing if she had a better plan. This was their only escape.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Clarke didn't bother answering Bellamy. She took a deep breath, released it, then took his hand and jumped, pulling him with her. They fell through the air, over the dam, and hit the water with painful force. The next time the blonde opened her eyes, she was sprawled face down on top of a large rock. She sat up and coughed up water. Quickly looking around for her boyfriend. "Bellamy?" The young woman coughed a few more times, clearing the water out of her throat and airway. A few moments later, she spotted her boyfriend and got up, walking over to him.

She kneeled down beside Bellamy and felt his neck for a pulse, relieved to find a steady one. The blonde sat down on the ground beside her boyfriend and waited for him to regain consciousness. Thankfully, it wasn't very long before he woke and dark eyes met light ones, and a smile came over her lips. "I'm glad you're okay. We need to find our way back to camp now, get help." After she spoke, Clarke helped Bellamy to his feet and they started walking once more. It was dark by the time they finally got to Arkadia. They were both exhausted and a mess, and the bright lights of home called to them.

The two of them were so close to getting help for their friends. They couldn't afford to waste any more time for anything. They picked up their pace a little, and kept going. All they had to do was make it a little bit farther and then they'd be back home, and could rally all the troops to save everyone trapped in Mount Weather. It was the last thought the blonde had, as she felt Bellamy push her behind him, followed by a gunshot, and then something slammed into the side of her head. The only thing she knew after that was pure darkness.
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RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Somehow, the crazy idea worked. Clarke and Bellamy both survived the plunge into the water. The next day was long and toiling. Bellamy was tired but drew strength from being close to Clarke. By the time they reached Arkadia, they were both covered in mud, sweat, and tattered clothing. It was easy to mistake them for Grounders. Bellamy saw one of their Guards raise a gun. He did not even get a chance to speak. On instinct, he pushed Clarke onto the ground, absorbing a bullet in his shoulder. He fell onto the ground immediately. From there, the guard knocked Clarke out with the butt of his gun and both Bellamy and Clarke were carried inside Camp Jaha.

Major Byrne greeted the guards at the gate. “The prisoners are secured. We will get them to medical when they are restrained. Secure the perimeter! Teams of 3! 100-yard buffer. We don’t know how many there are.” The female shouted orders as Abby approached, thinking she knew the blonde. “They aren’t prisoners. That’s my daughter.” Abby whispered, seeing Clarke. To this point, she did not know about Bellamy being her daughter’s boyfriend. She did not notice the other boy until realizing he was Bellamy Blake. She learned that he was pardoned for trying to kill Jaha but she had a decision to make.

“Bring them both into medical. They are not prisoners.” Byrne wanted to question Clarke about Mount Weather but she was not even coherent enough so Abby rushed them away. She saw that Bellamy had been shot, but she was more worried about her daughter. Therefore, she let Bellamy lay on the table and bleed as she made sure that Clarke was alright. “Clarke? Clarke, are you alright?” She whispered as she started treating her injuries. There were various scratches and marks on her body, but the worst blow was to the side of her head from the gun though it would only leave a bruise. It would heal in days.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Clarke opened her eyes and the first thing she said was, "Where's Bellamy? He was shot!" She said and sat up on the medical bed, pushing her mother away. Her head throbbed a little, but the blonde ignored it. The young woman moved off the table and past her mother to where Bellamy lay. "You idiot," She said affectionately. "Don't ever scare me like that again." After Clarke spoke, she carefully peeled the brunette's jacket off of him. "Mom, I need your help. Bellamy was shot by one of the guards when we got here." As she spoke, she peeled off his shirt next and wasted no time examining the wound.

The blonde stepped away to get supplies, and a few moments later, had first numbed the injured area. "You're gonna pass out from the medication," She warned Bellamy. "But I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here when you wake up, just rest..." The blonde said and then she cupped his cheek in her hand. "Close your eyes.." Clarke said gently, and once he had, she grabbed the supplies she needed and went to work removing the bullet and cleaning the wound quickly and efficiently, almost as if she were some kind of army medic. She knew that her mother would be surprised at how quickly she had taken over the situation.

But after living on the ground for over a year, desperate times had called for desperate measures, and so she'd become used to being in a position where she did what she had to do. As Clarke treated Bellamy's wounds she said, "There's still some of the others trapped in Mount Weather. Anya said that the residents of Mount Weather are draining Grounder and Skaikru member's blood for blood transfusions, and bone marrow. They're also using it for curing radiation poisoning. The women are being experimented on. That women including Harper, were trapped in another room and were being forcibly impregnated. Not through... that... But, the doctor there is tying the women down and shoving needles of.. you know... up them and also drawing their blood to add to the others."
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RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Abby and Jackson both tried calming Clarke down. They did not want her moving around with her injury. However, as Clarke took over the situation with Bellamy, something was evident. Clarke must have cared for the dark-haired male so the pair just let Clarke work. Just like she said, Bellamy passed out eventually having taken a bullet for Clarke. It would have hit her somewhere near the head or chest if he had not stepped in the way and pushed her down. Bellamy and Clarke were both lucky to have their lives. Once she finished working with Bellamy, Abby pulled her back down onto the table. “Okay, Clarke. We’ll talk about that later. We need to examine you now. Please.” She all but begged her daughter as Jackson helped Abby with her daughter.

“There were six others that made it here. How many others are inside Mount Weather?” Abby questioned. Among the six that made it back to Camp Jaha were Sterling, Murphy, Monroe, Raven, and two others. “All Ark stations landed on Earth. We still are not sure where everyone is. The crashes are scattered around a huge crash radius.” Abby explained to Clarke since she was curious about everything. Clarke was just like she remembered and she hugged her daughter tight. “I’m so grateful that you’re alive. I knew that you were strong enough to take care of yourself. I never had any doubts.” She whispered, pulling back and noticing how she was preoccupied with Bellamy.

“Bellamy… you know he tried to kill the Chancellor, right? He is almost a murderer. I can tell you care for him, though. You should… be careful around him. You know that I worry about you and that I love you. I just don’t want you having your heart broken or hanging around the wrong people.” Abby was in mother mode, now. She did not approve of Bellamy just because she knew a little about him: he had a sister, which was illegal, and he tried to kill her close friend, Jaha. Abby did not understand how Clarke was ever attracted to him.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

"There was 48 of us in all. So, 46 are still trapped inside Mount Weather." Clarke told her mother. She let the older blonde hug her for several moments, and then moved away. "I'm fine, Mom." She insisted, not wanting her mother to worry about her for no reason. The blonde rolled her eyes when her mother brought up Jaha. "He did it for his sister, and has since come to feel bad about it. And Jaha's not dead, and he's pardoned Bellamy. So I don't see what the big deal is. I don't need to be careful around Bellamy. I trust him with my life, which he's saved, along with the rest of the 100, on numerous occasions."

"You don't have to agree with us being together, or even like it, but we're still going to be together. I'll live if Bellamy breaks my heart. I'm a big girl, and you can't protect me from that happening. As for him being the wrong kind of people, you're wrong about that. You don't even know anything about him. So until you get to know him, keep your opinions to yourself." Her words were firm and came out sharper than she intended, but her mother was starting to make her angry. "How the hell are you going to stand there and judge him when he just saved my life, again?"

"Bellamy pushed me out of the way to protect me and took a bullet so that I wouldn't have to. Those idiots on patrol, their motto apparently is, 'shoot first, ask questions later'. If Bellamy hadn't stepped in, I'd have been shot in the head and I'd be dead now. So instead of judging him, you should be thanking God that he risked his life to save me. And if you can't manage to muster up some kind of kindness towards him, then I have nothing left to say to you." There was no hesitation in her words. Clarke was completely serious, and refused to let anyone, even her mother, get in the way of her relationship with Bellamy.
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RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Shocked, Abby listened to Clarke. She had no idea that Bellamy took the bullet for Clarke. She had no idea Clarke felt so strongly about the young man. In Abby’s eyes, Clarke was still the little girl she knew on the Ark that needed guidance in every aspect of her life. Abby could not fathom Clarke being grown. “Ok. I’m sorry. I just…I’m sorry.” Abby murmured and stepped back from Clarke. She figured that her daughter needed room after the outburst she just had. “I will be in the camp if you need me. You two just get some rest for now. You both should be alright in a couple days.” Abby offered with a small smile before leaving the room.

Meanwhile, Bellamy was unconscious for a couple more hours. The medication Clarke administered would ease his pain and help him rest. His shoulder was all bandaged and wrapped up. The bullet had gone clean through his shoulder so the wound was an easy fix compared to other possible gunshot wounds. The worst of problems for Bellamy would include his soreness in his shoulder. The male was lucky. It the bullet was a few more inches to his left, it could have hit a major artery. Thankfully, he was doing well now. Bellamy would wake a few hours after falling asleep. When his eyes opened, a wave of confusion hit him. The male was unsure of what happened at first, but he slowly regained memory. The last thing he recalled was seeing a gun raised towards himself and Clarke.

Clarke! When Bellamy regained consciousness, she was the first thing he thought about. When he turned and spotted Clarke, a relieved smile showed on his face. He reached to wherever she was and grabbed her hand, just sitting on the table and resting. “Clarke. Are you alright? What happened? Are you hurt?” Again, even though that he was shot recently, the only thing he cared about was making sure that Clarke was safe.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

"Except for a headache that I just made worse by shouting at my mother, I'm fine. You're the one who was shot. How are you feeling?" She laughed softly when he asked what happened. "We got out of Mount Weather. We found Anya and some other people they've been experimenting on. We jumped over a dam to escape some of the Mountain Men, washed up on a shore, walked for miles to get here. I got knocked out when one of our men hit me in the head with the butt of his gun, and this was after they shot you. So, don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

"I'm more worried about you. Your injury's more serious than mine. Though I have to admit that I've been going crazy, pacing back and forth, waiting for you to wake up. I've been trying to come up with a plan to attack Mount Weather but everything I've come up with so far, isn't feasible. So, now that you're awake, you can rest and help me come up with a plan to get our people out. But you're going to stay on that bed, and just talk with me, help me figure everything out."
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

“I’ll only rest if you stay with me.” Bellamy quirked, reaching one hand to grab Clarke’s. “Stop pacing and sit your pretty ass down on this bed with me. There’s enough room for you.” Scooting onto the edge of the bed, Bellamy opened a spot on the mattress for his girlfriend. When she joined him, Bellamy wrapped an arm loosely around her neck. Leaning down, Bellamy pressed a kiss onto her forehead. “I think we need to recruit the help of the Grounders. I know our relationship is shaky at best, but some of their people are trapped inside too.”

If the Grounders were convinced to join Skaikru, their odds were better. Mount Weather was a powerful place with no weaknesses. How did they attack an underground compound? The Mountain Men had higher ground, more weapons, and more technology. “I think that’s our first step. How many of our people made it from the sky?” Bellamy recalled seeing the different Ark stations crashing onto the ground days earlier. How many survived? “I see that your mother survived. I’m happy for you.” The dark-haired male valued family, obviously. The last member of his bloodline was Octavia but he also considered Clarke as family. Other than those two ladies, he had nobody. “What do you think?”
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

"A couple hundred people made it from the sky. And your sister's around here somewhere..." Clarke was cut off when the door was yanked open and Octavia came running in, spotting her brother and hugging him tightly. "Careful," The blonde told the other woman. "Bellamy was shot. Be gentle. Anyway, as for the Grounders, that's a good idea. And since Octavia's here, we can talk to her about it, too." The young woman turned to the other woman. "We need your help. We need you to talk to Lincoln and try to get him and get him to get his people to help us."

"His people and our people are trapped inside of Mount Weather. Neither of us can take it down by ourselves, so talk to Lincoln and his clan. Get them to meet with us, so that we can join forces and rescue all of our people." Once she had said her part, the blonde sighed and then ran a hand through her hair. "I'll give you guys the room, I'm sure there's plenty you need to catch each other up on. I'll be right outside if you need me.." Clarke told Bellamy and then she gave him a small smile, right before she got up and left the medical ward.
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RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

When Octavia entered the room, Bellamy wrapped his arms tightly around his sister. “Octavia. Are you alright?” The male questioned having been separated from her since the attack. The last he heard, Octavia was with Lincoln. Until this point, Bellamy was vehemently opposing his sister being involved with a Grounder. From torturing him to nearly killing each other, Bellamy and Lincoln have been at odds. Those odds have disappeared. Bellamy and Lincoln were no longer enemies. There might be tension between the two men but there was nothing as dire as before. He trusted Lincoln with Octavia’s life. He kept her safe.

The siblings spent an hour chatting and being brought up to speed about their situation. When they finished talking, Bellamy asked for Octavia to bring Clarke back inside when she left. After the blonde returned, Bellamy made room on the bed so the blonde might join him. “I want to rest, now. We should get some sleep and focus on our plan of attack tomorrow.” Kissing Clarke, Bellamy closed his eyes and lost himself in the kiss before falling asleep moments later. With one night of rest, Bellamy should have been fully recovered and ready for full activity tomorrow.
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