RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789) [dropped rp]


Mar 8, 2017
Full Summary:
Before The 100 are sent to Earth:

I know Bellamy and Clarke have an age difference of five[?] years. Let's say they started dating when Clarke was fifteen and Bellamy was twenty, if that is alright. They met because he started training to be on the Guard so he could protect Octavia as you remember. Let's say he started when he was eighteen. Some of the jobs he might have done involved being around the Council for security reasons. Through that, he met Abby's daughter. Perhaps he had missions to watch over her while Abby and Jake were gone. It started out as something simple. A couple years after they had been around each other for a while, Clarke was growing into a young woman and one day Bellamy saved Clarke from a deranged member of the Ark that just had his wife floated and he tried to kill Clarke. That led them into a kiss and they started a (secretive) relationship. I'm sure they would not approve of that relationship on the Ark.

Regarding Clarke's arrest, that's the same. However, she already knows that it was her mother that turned Jake in. Wells Jaha is not a close friend, at least not as close as they were in the show. I'd love it if she considered Bellamy to be her best friend. When Clarke was arrested, Bellamy was allowed inside the Sky Box but he had to sneak around to get into solitary to talk to Clarke. He told her what happened with Octavia. He never kept that a secret from Clarke. He told her about his sister and trusted that she would not tell anyone since he could not keep something like that from Clarke. He had fallen in love with her.

Octavia is still arrested the same way because of the masquerade party. That year before the 100 are sent to the ground, Bellamy made one last trip to see Clarke, telling her that he was likely kicked out from the Guard, maybe even floated so they had their chance to say good-bye. The next year he spent his time plotting how to rescue both Octavia and Clarke from being floated but he caught wind of the dropship members thanks to Commander Shumway again. He had to shoot Chancellor Jaha the same way we already know and that was how he made it onto the ship.

When they land:

Clarke and Bellamy have their happy reunion together. Instead of taking control of the camp by himself, Bellamy always seeks Clarke at his side. I kind of liken it to the United States Presidential of President - First Lady. Clarke is right by his side for all the decisions, they talk about everything together, etc.

He joined the group that went to Mount Weather. He swung across instead of Jasper and was assaulted the same way Jasper was. After being saved, Bellamy and Clarke grew closer together even more since he had nearly died. This made Octavia feel a little better about Clarke since she saved her brother.

With the wristbands, he tells Clarke that he won't make people take them off. He knows people have families in the Ark and he is willing to take the risk that he might be killed if they land but I'd like to think that Clarke would fight like hell to keep him safe if they did choose to prosecute Bellamy upon landing.

When they first contact the Ark, Jaha does still pardon Bellamy for telling him who wanted him dead.

Here, I don't think Bellamy is as violent with Lincoln. He sees that Octavia really cares about him and he understands that they can help him have peace. For the sake of the Grounders being pissed for them torturing Lincoln, maybe someone he sent to have guard Lincoln tortures him instead of watching over him. Of course, he would be pissed at Lincoln for kidnapping Octavia but she is able to convince him that he did not hurt her, that he cared for her. Since Bellamy loves Clarke and understands love, it is easier if that makes sense.

They do try to negotiate peace. Clarke and Bellamy meet with Anya instead of how it happened in the show but some of the delinquents that do not want to negotiate followed and opened fire anyways.

The attack from the grounders still happen. Instead of being outside, Bellamy is inside when the rockets are activated and the grounders are burnt to ashes. He is knocked out with Clarke by Mount Weather and he is taken there with Clarke. I was thinking that since Dante Wallace and everyone at Mount Weather played nice first and since they knew so much about the delinquents, that Bellamy and Clarke were in the same room so in the future when they are asking significant questions, they can point out that they let them be in the same room together. If they wanted to kill them or do something, they would have kept them separated.

It could begin with Clarke waking up like she did right at the start of season 2. Bellamy is in another bed beside of her. He wakes up soon after and we get into the plot.



Her eyes fluttered open, only to be met by bright lights. The last thing Clarke remembered was that they had had Anya as a prisoner inside of the dropship when they had set the rockets on the Grounder army. Once the rest of the army was dead, they had exited the dropship with Anya, only to be met by some unknown enemy. Anya had called them Mountain Men, and then they had been gassed? The blonde wasn't sure what to call it. She sat up in the bed and then glanced around the room she was in, relieved to find her boyfriend, Bellamy, in the bed beside her.

She moved to get out of the bed, only to feel something tug against her arm. Without a second thought, she ripped out the IV that was taped to her arm and moved off of the bed. The blonde walked over to Bellamy and felt his neck for a pulse, and then checked his wrist. Happy to find a strong, steady pulse coming from each place. Clarke ripped the IV out of his arm, shook him and tried to wake him. "Bellamy, wake up. Wake up," The young woman insisted. "We're trapped," She hissed, worried as she glanced down at the white shorts and shirt she was dressed in.

When her boyfriend didn't answer, Clarke sighed and looked around the room. She glanced at the door and noticed the glass. The blonde walked towards the door and looked through the glass. She was surprised and glad to see Monty across from her in another room. The young woman tried to communicate with Monty, but they couldn't hear each other. She looked out the glass window and saw a hallway, and a sign that said they were in Mount Weather. Clarke looked around the room once more and saw the pole for the IV that had been in her arm a little while ago.

The blonde crossed the room and got to the pole, ripping it apart from the other pieces. Once that was done, she used the pole to break the camera that she had just spotted in the room, and then broke the glass on the door. Clarke slipped her arm through the window once it was broken, to unlock the door. She pulled her arm back in and then let out a gasp of pain as she cut her arm on the broken glass from the window. The young woman turned the handle on the door, found that it was unlocked, and then released the handle. She quickly walked over to Bellamy once more, not caring about her arm, and tried to wake him. Again.
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RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Finally, Bellamy opened his eyes. The first conscious thought was about Clarke as her name left his lips in a whisper quiet as a church during prayer. The first face welcoming Bellamy back into the land of the living was a familiar one. Upon seeing the crimson stain of blood dripping down Clarke’s hand, Bellamy shifted into an alarmed state, concerned for her welfare. “Clarke! What’s going on?” In less than the time it took Clarke to explain the circumstance, the remnant of what had been a small window on the door clued Bellamy into the situation. Approaching the door, his pale, gray orbs landed on the sign that read “Mount Weather Quarantine Ward”.

The delinquents were gassed and abducted against their will. The last thing the couple needed was extra time spent here. “We should grab a weapon before leaving.” The dark-haired male ordered, picking up a piece of the shattered glass in the doorway. Across the hallway where Monty’s room was located, an individual wearing a hazmat suite entered without even glancing towards Bellamy and Clarke’s room. Pressing a finger to his nose, Bellamy made it clear to Clarke that she should be quiet and follow his lead. Allowing the blonde to walk outside first was never an option. It was too dangerous.

Stealthily, Bellamy crossed the hallway. The room was vacant except for the stranger. Approaching her from behind, he ripped the facemask off and revealed a girl near Clarke’s age. Her face was paler than a terminally ill patient and earbuds were hanging out of her ears. The music blasted and Bellamy yanked them from her ears. With a demanding voice, he shoved the glass against this girl’s throat. “Clarke, cover the doorway for me!” Bellamy hissed in a low, throaty voice. Turning his attention back onto the girl, he wasted no time with making threats. Theoretically, Clarke’s life was in danger. Neither of them knew what was happening. He had to become protective.

“Who are you? Why are we here? Where have you taken our friends?” It was an overload of questions but Bellamy needed answers. The glass dug into her throat, drawing a miniscule amount of blood. “Please, don’t hurt me! You’re going to cause contamination!” The brunette girl began sobbing and this confused the hell out of Bellamy. Contamination? What the fuck was she talking about? “Take us to our friends.” Bellamy spat venomously before the girl nodded her head in agreement. Through twisting hallways and up two flights of stairs, Maya led them to a dining room full of people dressed in traditional clothing. An older female stood from her table upon spotting the trio, yelling something about a containment breach.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Clarke had grabbed the pole once more and she grabbed other woman from his grasp. "Don't anybody move!" She shouted, and held the pole right in front of the other young woman. A few gasps were heard around the room. "If you're part of the 100, get up and show yourselves, now!" The woman beside her started to struggle and was still mumbling something about a contamination. "Shut up!" She hissed to the brunette. "You move again, you die..." The blonde said in no uncertain terms. Clarke lifted her bloody arm. "You're really worried about contamination? How would you like it if I rubbed my blood all over you?"

Everyone around them started screaming and ran from the room, once that one woman yelled something about a containment breach. She looked to her right and saw a group of men approaching them with guns. "Bellamy, guns!" She said, and rammed the pole into the other young woman's chest, before shoving the girl away from her. Clarke leaned down and she ripped the pole right back out of the other young woman's chest and turned toward the men who aimed the guns at them. "Take another step closer and I'll shish kabob someone else," The blonde said, deadly serious.

Her arm still bled at her side, but she was long past caring about that. Clarke looked at Bellamy. "What do you wanna do?" She asked her boyfriend a moment later. The two of them stood there, ready to fight if the need called for it. Her eyes were constantly moving as she scanned the large room around them, keeping an eye out in case anyone got too close and tried to attack them. The young woman that she had stabbed with the pole was still on the floor, and crying out in pain. The blonde was tempted to shut her up, but figured that it was better to let her people hear her in pain to let them know that she and Bellamy were not screwing around.
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RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Alarms blared and Bellamy prepared to fight. However, another set of guards entered the dining room and surrounded Bellamy and Clarke. Cursing underneath his breath, Bellamy looked down to Maya and shoved her away, dropping the glass. Sharing a glance with Clarke, Bellamy told her with his eyes that they should concede for the moment. They were surrounded. These people had guns. It was a fight they could not win. Once the weapons were dropped, a couple guards assisted the two women that were held hostage and the guards ordered the couple down a set of hallways. Within moments, they were placed back into the same room with a couple guards standing outside of it.

Radio chatter was heard, something about the President and the medical ward. Together, Bellamy and Clarke were ordered to that medical ward. There was a doctor, an elderly man wearing a suite, and those two girls they attacked. “Ah, Bellamy and Clarke. Your people have talked about you. I know you are their leaders. Don’t be afraid. My name is Dante Wallace. This is Dr. Tsing. Your friends are fine.” Still, Bellamy looked apprehensive. “I understand. You might not trust us right now. I apologize. Let’s take a look at the cuts you two sustained.” Clarke’s arm was cut from the glass and Bellamy’s hand was cut from the glass.

They were led towards two beds together and the president instructed the guards that restraints are not necessary. “The two girls you attacked, they have something to say.” Promptly, Maya and the other girl said they were not pressing charges and just asked to have peace. Afterwards, the doctor began attending to them. “How many of us did you capture?” Bellamy questioned. “48, but you’ve got it wrong. We didn’t capture you. You’re not prisoners here. The ark crashed last night as well but there were multiple sites across a 100 mile radius. The patrol brought everyone in that they could. I will have a cart of clothing rolled inside so you two can get changed and meet me outside in the hallway. I will take you to your people.”
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

"Not captured, what a phony piece of crap." Clarke muttered under her breath, once Wallace, the two girls, and the doctor had left. "Who the hell gasses people, abducts them from their home and then turns around and acts like nothing happened? I don't know what their game is yet, but I'm not falling for it and I hope you aren't either." She said to Bellamy, knowing that if they and their friends were to survive this, they would need all the help they could get, and they would need everyone to clearly see this place for what it was. "We need to find the others, and learn as much about this place as we can."

"The sooner we know everything about this place, the sooner we can start coming up with a plan to get all of us the hell out of here." The blonde lightly scratched at her newly bandaged arm, the bandage making her itch and driving her crazy. "We can't stay here for very long. We won't be able to survive not eating for more than a few days, and I don't wanna risk eating the food in case it's drugged or something like that." The words were spoken softly, so that only Bellamy could hear her. She didn't want to risk speaking loud enough for Wallace or one of his lackey's to overhear.

"You okay?" Clarke asked Bellamy in concern, a few moments later, as she looked over his hand. It had been cleaned and wrapped just like her own injury. "We need to figure out how to convince everyone that we need to get out of here, and we need to figure out how to get out of here without getting shot by Wallace's men. Any ideas?" The blonde asked as she rubbed an exhausted hand over her face. After everything with Anya, they now had to deal with this. She just wished for one week, hell, one day, where they weren't constantly under attack or had to fight with someone.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Not saying a word, Bellamy instead wrapped one arm around Clarke and hugged her. They were lucky to be alive and to still be together after everything that happened. It was a miracle nothing separated them during the attack. Bellamy barely made it into the dropship in time. “I agree with you, one hundred percent. I don’t trust these people. I think the first thing we need to do is find a map. We have to find the exits first and foremost.” Bellamy insisted before pulling back from Clarke. “We could play along to an extent. I know they don’t trust us right now, either. We’ll figure out something. Let’s go.” Nodding his head, Bellamy squeezed Clarke’s uninjured hand lightly before leading the way once they were both dressed.

Bellamy hated the clothing here but he settled on a long-sleeved, button-up, light blue t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Once the couple exited, they were surrounded by machines. “Sorry for the noise. Hydroelectric power from the Philpott Damn. Fresh water from our own underground reservoir. Fresh food from our hydroponic farm.” They were underground? “Why do you live underground when Earth is survivable?” Bellamy questioned, another reason to feel confused about the situation now granted.

“It is not survivable for us. Your DNA went through the same gauntlet as the Grounders’ DNA. Those that could survive the radiation passed on their DNA. We never went through that process because there is now solar radiation down here. We can’t metabolize radiation like your people can. There was much higher amounts of it in the sky.” They reached the room that read “Mess hall” up above it. It was the same spot they just reached. A man greeted them and handed them a packet, saying everything they need to know about Mount Weather was inside. Dante dismissed himself now that they were here with their friends. Just like that, Bellamy saw all 46 other delinquents all piled together around the tables. They looked safe, well-dressed, well-fed, and happy. Bellamy did not like this at all.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Clarke had only been half listening to what Wallace had to say. She was too busy taking in every elevator, every room, anything that was a hall, an exit or looked like it might be an exit. The blonde was making a map in her head of each place as they reached it. Once they got to the mess hall and were given a packet about Mount Weather, she watched as Wallace left, and was grateful. She and Bellamy immediately approached their friends and she hugged Monty and Jasper and some of the others. "Are you guys okay?" The blonde asked softly, making sure to keep her voice down.

Monty and Jasper started talking about the clothes, the food, the paintings, and many other things that it seemed Mount Weather had. Again, Clarke was only half listening, to get their idea of things. She was already coming up with a plan to take out as many cameras as they could that night. It wouldn't be in the same obvious way as before where the blonde had taken the pole and broke the camera. No, this time it required some finesse. She would get to the cameras through the wall. All she needed was Monty's help. Hopefully it wouldn't be hard to convince him to help.

Clarke reluctantly took a seat at the table beside Bellamy. She watched as the others ate the food on the plates before them without questioning anything. She turned and then looked at Bellamy, unsure what to do at first. But then the blonde made a choice. She leaned closer to Bellamy and spoke as low as she could manage. "I have a plan I'm working on. Tonight, if something happens to me, I want you to attack and kill as many as you can. The guys with guns will come in, and when that happens, you run. The others will follow you. They listen to you and know that you only want the best for them. They've never questioned you and I don't see that starting now."

A few moments later, she took a breath, released it, and lifted the hamburger off the plate. She lifted it to her mouth and took a small bite, chewing the food and swallowing it, waiting to see if there was anything off about it. When Clarke didn't immediately feel sick, get an off taste from the burger, or keel over, she let out a small sigh of relief. "It's okay to eat the food. At the very least we need to keep our strength up, if we're going to find a way out of here."
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RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

heir friends had been brainwashed. Nobody was acting with urgency. When Bellamy kept his voice down with Monty, asking him how they could escape, Monty said that he and Clarke were paranoid. The others agreed with Monty. Frustrated, Bellamy sat down at a mess hall table with Clarke. Their friends around them engaged in happy conversation. Removing the packet they were given, Bellamy noticed they were given a map. Even stranger, zero exits were marked on the map. That was a red flag. Just before he mentioned anything to Clarke, he listened to her talk about a plan she had tonight. If anything happened, kill as many guards as he could and help the others escape.

All Bellamy did was shake his head, not quite ready to eat the food yet. “Clarke, please don’t talk like that. I know we have to escape but you know I’m not leaving you here. If we have a plan, we’re doing this together. I won’t let anything happen to you. I know you’ll argue with me and say focus on the others, but I can’t. Look at this map. There are no exits. I don’t even know where to look. We can’t rush this. I say that we play along until we have something concrete. I talked to Monty and the others. They said we’re paranoid. The first thing we have to do is convince the others before we make a move.”

Bellamy almost prayed that Clarke would accept his advice. He could not lose her. “I already almost lost you back when our camp was attacked. I just got you back. It’s a miracle that we weren’t separated. I’m not throwing that away, Clarke. I agree with you that we have to leave as soon as we can, but It is not that simple. We’re no good to anyone if we’re captured and dead. You understand that, right?” Finally, Bellamy placed one hand onto Clarke’s. “Together. We can find where the exits are and create a plan. We have to do it together, Clarke. No suicide mission.”

Bellamy would rather take his chances in Mount Weather than being outside and leaving Clarke here. That was out of the question. He finally took a bite into his hamburger and had to admit it tasted delicious. He was hungry. It must have been days since his last meal. They were interrupted by Monty and Harper, telling the couple how they were all together in a dorm-type of a room. There were bunk beds but there was one complete bed. They had saved the bed for Bellamy and Clarke, figuring they’d like to share it together. Bellamy agreed and thanked the others. After entertaining the others for a bit, he finished his food and soon everyone was leaving the mess hall. “Please, Clarke. Trust me on this.” Bellamy added before she could answer, resting a hand on her thigh again
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

"If there's no exits, then we'll have to make one. Set something on fire, blow something up. I can do that. I'll hack the security cameras tonight, turning off as many as I can in the dorm room. I'll need you to keep the other's distracted while I do it, or Monty and the other ones with technical knowledge will try and stop me, and we can't have that happen." Clarke sighed and then ran a tired hand through her blonde hair. "We also need to try and find Anya. She's in here somewhere and she'll know more about Mount Weather than any of our people do."

"Play along?" She asked, surprised to hear the words come out of Bellamy's mouth. "Since when do we play along? If we do that, we're playing right in their hands and giving them what they want. We need to be taking out as many of their people as possible, and working on finding Anya and anyone else imprisoned here, and then we need to leave, however possible...." The blonde trailed off and took a few breaths to steady her temper that had flared at the thought of playing along with Wallace and his people. "Fine. I'll go along with it for now. But as soon as I see or hear anything fishy, I'm kicking somebody's ass. That's a promise."

She listened to everything that Bellamy had to say, and then nodded. "Okay. We do it together," Clarke said softly. "I do trust you. I always have and always will. It's them that I don't trust.." The blonde whispered once they had eaten and left the mess hall. "I think I'm gonna lay down for a bit. Do you wanna stay with the others, or join me?" She asked, as she took his hand into hers as they walked out of the mess hall and followed the map to the dorm-type room that they were all set up in. They followed the map for a few more minutes and then ended up in front of the dorm.

"If you want or need to talk to the others, go ahead. I'm just gonna try and get some rest and try to figure things out." Clarke turned Bellamy to face her and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down to her height so that they could kiss. She chuckled against his lips as the sound of clapping and laughter was heard from their friends. "It feels weird to have an audience.." The blonde said, though there was a smile on her lips. She kissed Bellamy again and then released his hands and walked over to the bed that had been saved for them.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Just because the maps did not mark any exits, Bellamy knew they had to exist somewhere. It was much more efficient to use a pre-existing exit rather than creating a new one. The location of the central control of the security cameras must have been heavily guarded. They needed someone like Monty on their side for technical assistance. As bright as the couple was, they did not have prowess with technology. The last thing Bellamy wanted was being at odds with Clarke. He suggested playing along because this was not something they could rush to a conclusion. They had to understand this place before escaping it. Patience was a virtue they needed here. Bellamy did not deny needing to escape. He knew that. However, they had to pick their spots.

Everyone else seemed to enjoy it here and they were living fine. If they also acted like nothing was happening, it was less likely they would be under a microscope. Of course, Bellamy decided on following Clarke out of the mess hall towards the dormitory. All 48 delinquents were together in one location. It was perfect except there was zero privacy. That much was proven when they kissed and a following of applauds, cheering, and laughter showed. Smiling, Bellamy just looked into Clarke’s eyes and shrugged at the thought of an audience. That did not change much. He would still act the same around her. All the touching and kissing would continue. “I think I’ll just lay here with you.” Bellamy whispered quietly and kicked off his shoes, crawling in the bed with Clarke. Thankfully, the others were not sleeping yet and were moving around.

In a quiet whisper, Bellamy spoke with his lips against her ear. “Clarke, we have to be patient. If they give us a reason to act erratic, then we can. Until then, we need to learn this place. You know there must be some exits inside this place. We have to find them and we must figure out how to knock out the security cameras. I don’t mean that we play along because we’re giving up. I said to play along because we must in order to achieve our goal. We are already being watched. They know we are the leader and we already made it clear we’re skeptical. Let’s not give them a reason to do anything rash. We don’t know this place yet. That’s all I am asking. Let’s stick together and work this out strategically.”

Different situations called for different attacks. This one had to be laid-back. He knew Clarke could become over-anxious about these things. It was life-and-death, true, but Bellamy knew if they ran into a room half-cocked and ready to kill everyone that it would not bode well for them. Bellamy wanted to escape, but he also wanted all their people to live.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

"We can't do this alone," Clarke whispered back and then sighed. "We need to find a way to make contact with our people on the outside," She whispered to Bellamy. "If we can get some kind of word out to Octavia, you know that she'll rally up both our people and Trikru forces and they can help us take Wallace down, and then we can all get out of here. I'm not good at sitting here acting like nothing is wrong, when I know for a fact that something is off with this place. I just.. I can feel it deep within my bones. I've never ignored that feeling before and I sure as hell don't plan to start now."

A few moments later, the blonde stopped talking. She started to kiss Bellamy and then started to run her hands all over his body. The young woman knew that she was getting ahead of herself again, and needed something to do, or rather someone to do, to get her mind on other things, to keep her calm. Not caring that they were sharing a room with all of their friends, Clarke pulled back from the kiss to remove her shirt and then Bellamy's, before resuming kissing him. "Anyone that's gonna stick around, they're about to get the show of their lives.."

The young woman whispered to her boyfriend and then smirked. A few moments later, Clarke pushed Bellamy back into the bed and moved to straddle his waist. She started to quickly ground her crotch against his and moaned at how good it felt to feel his long, hard, clothed cock against her, as she rubbed herself happily and teasingly against him. Clarke had never been shy about sex before, and she had decided that she wasn't going to start being shy about it now. A few moments later, the blonde started pulling on her boyfriend's boxers. She
was eager to get Bellamy fully naked.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Before Clarke stopped talking about their situation, Bellamy reminded her that they were not ignoring anything. They were being smart. Suddenly, he found himself pushed down and utterly surprised when Clarke pulled off her shirt. The male did not care if the others saw Clarke like this. He knew at the end of the day, he was the only person that could touch her in the most intimate ways. Yes, the others would get the show of their lives but they could look, not touch. Once he was shirtless as well, Bellamy reached immediately for Clarke’s breasts, squeezing the mounds of flesh roughly to show that he was excited for this.

Within moments, Clarke had pulled Bellamy’s jeans and boxers down, revealing his long, thick cock. Surely, anybody that saw would be mesmerized. He would put all the other men to shame with his size and make all the women wish they could have him, too. Instead, every inch belonged to Clarke. Thanks to her grinding actions, he was fully erect already so he wasted no time with pulling at Clarke’s jeans as well as her underwear in one movement, trying to pull everything down. Once he had been successful, he looked up to Clarke with a smile, his hands squeezing her ass.

“Tell me what you want, baby. I think I should take your ass, though. It has been so long since we’ve done that.” He recalled as they had not been able to have sex in a while, period. Even then, her ass had been rather neglected for no good reason. Bellamy wanted to change that, to give Clarke a nice, hard fucking. Besides, she could get her ass filled by his cock, her clit and her pussy rubbed and fucked with his fingers, and her breasts fondled with his free hand. She should get the most pleasure out of this anyways.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Clarke moaned when Bellamy reached for her breasts and immediately began to squeeze them. She enjoyed the rough actions and wanted and needed more from him immediately. When his hands moved to her ass and began to squeeze it, too, she nodded as he spoke. "Fuck my ass, babe. Ram your hard cock so deep into my ass that I can't sit for a week.." The blonde kissed Bellamy once more and then moved over on the bed and moved to her knees. She wiggled her ass at him and smirked, knowing how much her boyfriend loved to fuck her ass.

She pushed her ass out and buried her face in her pillow, knowing that as soon as Bellamy rammed himself hard and deep inside of her ass, she would be crying out in pleasure/pain in only seconds. His cock wasn't small by any means, and he knew what to do to get the most out of every position they used together. "I love you," Clarke said as she waited for her boyfriend to get ready to pound her ass. She had a feeling that he was currently enjoying staring at it, like he did most times when they did anal. A smirk came over the blonde's lips as she tried to imagine how all of their friends were going to react to her and Bellamy having sex right in front of them.

"After we do that, I want you to pin me down. Trap me on the bed using all of your body weight, like I'm trying to get away. I want you to be as rough as possible with me. We haven't screwed each other's brain's out in far too long." Clarke knew what she wanted and she wasn't afraid of telling Bellamy. It was one of the things she loved most about him. Not that he catered to what she wanted, but that he liked and agreed with some of her ideas, and had no problem going along with them. Their sex life was anything but vanilla, when they were having sex. Most times though, lately, they were too busy for sex. Which was a fucking shame, since they both enjoyed it so much.
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RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Yes, Bellamy thoroughly enjoyed staring at Clarke’s ass from this angle. It was the perfect size. Not too large but not small by any means of the imagination. It captured his breath, calling for him as he watched her rear move. The smile showed on his face when he listened to Clarke give her demands about what she wanted after anal sex. Of course, Bellamy was happy to comply with her desires since he loved all aspects of rough sex with Clarke. She was so hot and he had all these fantasies about being rough with the blonde. It worked perfectly for one another since he was so dominant in the bed.

Before starting, Bellamy had an idea. Instead of her using the pillow to quiet herself, he should use his hand. Despite the many gags in existence, he found none more intimate or sexy than the hand gag. It was intimate because he used his own palm to cover her lips, feeling the softness against his skin. Once Bellamy sat upright and climbed onto his knees, he moved forwards until he was kneeling behind Clarke. “I love you too, Princess. Sit up for me. I have something better to keep you quiet than that pillow.”

With a smirk, he used both hands to pull Clarke upright on her knees, her back flat against his chest. Then, the male’s right hand reached across her body and his forefinger covered her upper while his pinky finger rested just above her chin. The thumb of the hand that covered Clarke’s mouth rested gently on her cheekbone, using the position to affectionately stroke her face. Once Bellamy was satisfied, he pressed a few kisses onto Clarke’s neck, kissing from just beneath her ear down to her shoulder. Softly, he moaned into the nape of her neck and was ready for the main course.

His free hand reached down and slapped Clarke’s ass twice before pulling her cheeks apart until her tight rosebud was revealed. Keeping this grip, Bellamy rubbed the tip against her entrance before finally pushing forward, his wide, thick cock pulling her walls apart. They were so tight that he felt them clenching on his girth already, making him smile.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Clarke moaned against Bellamy's hand that covered her mouth. When he'd slapped her ass twice, that had made her moan. But now, now it was time for the fun to begin. She slammed her head back against her boyfriend's shoulder, giving him easier access to keep his hand over her mouth, to muffle the sounds of her moans. The next thing that the blonde did, was squeeze his hand that was on her mouth with her own hand, encouraging him to tighten his grip on her mouth and face, as she didn't have a problem with it. She actually really liked it when they left bruises on the other, which Clarke saw as a kind of ownership mark.

The blonde moaned as her boyfriend kept ramming his long, hard cock into her. However, she also couldn't help but start to chuckle as she looked out at all of their friends and saw all of them wide eyed and staring as they fucked each other with bruising force, though she also noticed that no one offered to step up and stop it, and knew that was for the best. If any of their friends got in the way and tried to stop them from having sex, Clarke had a feeling that Bellamy would take their head off. Not literally, but he would yell at them, she was sure of it.

She couldn't help but shake her head regretfully as Monty, Harper, and Miller left the room. The blonde did notice, however, that none of the others seemed inclined to leave, and that was fine by her. They wanted to watch? Then okay. She and Bellamy would give them a show that they would never forget. Clarke was feeling a bit feisty and so she bit down on some of Bellamy's fingers from his hand that was over her mouth. Not hard, and she didn't break his fingers, or even any skin. But the action was enough to let him know that she was ready for them to kick things up a notch.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Well, it seemed like Clarke wanted it rough. Giving her what she wanted, Bellamy gripped her face tightly and kept his hand pinned firmly over her mouth. To anyone else watching that did not know Bellamy and Clarke, it might have looked totally non-consensual, but it was. It began back early on the ground when people noticed Clarke had bruises on her hands and ankles along with various delinquents accidentally stumbling in on Bellamy and Clarke as they were being rough. Yes, if anyone tried to stop him, there would be hell to pay. He did not give a shit about anyone else that was watching. This was all about himself and his girlfriend. Nothing they did would change their love.

“Rough is what I will give you. Let’s put on a little show. I want you to fight me a little. You should yell against my hand. Beg me to stop. Keep struggling.” Bellamy growled lowly and suddenly pulled one of her arms behind her back, trapping it in the small of her back just above her ass while yanking the other arm behind her back as well. Using his immense strength, Bellamy kept both her arms behind her back like they were bound and he held her in place as firmly as he could.

It might have been a risk, asking Clarke to struggle and act like he was forcing her to do something but they should all know better anyways. He hoped Clarke would give him what he wanted. Plus, that was basically what she asked for when he pinned her on the bed. This was a little variation and something that Bellamy found hot. He kept his hand firm over her lips, digging into her face. Of course, he did not want to draw blood or do anything damaging but he knew how Clarke loved her share of pain so he was giving that to her. For him, it was pleasurable because her sounds were even more muffled.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Clarke eagerly moaned as Bellamy gripped her face tighter with his hand. She chuckled against his hand when suddenly a pillow was tossed it them. It hit the blonde's arm and then fell onto the bed. Such accurate aim could only mean one person. Harper had apparently returned to the room, and wanted them to stop. They weren't going to. It had been too long since they had done this with each other and there was no stopping them now. She turned her attention back to her boyfriend and listened as he spoke about her fighting him a little and having her yell against his hand.

Oh, Bellamy really wanted a struggle? Then she'd give him one. Not only had it been a while since they'd been rough with each other, but it had been even longer since the blonde had actually fought against him, trying to break free. A few times she had used barely any of her strength to fight him, but not today. Today, Clarke was going all out and she sure hoped that he was ready for it. The young woman nodded at her boyfriend's words. She immediately started to yell against his hand as he had just directed her to do, a few moments ago.

This was followed up by Clarke ramming her elbows into Bellamy behind her. She knew the action would catch him off guard and took the few seconds that he was stunned at the action to scramble over to the other side of the bed, only to be caught again by her boyfriend before she could get very far. A smirk was on her lips once he had grabbed her and restrained her arms behind her back once more. His grip was tighter on her this time, and the blonde loved it. She struggled against the grip that he had on her wrists, this time leaving her mouth free for her to make noise.

"Caught you be surprise this time, didn't I? Guess you're not as in control as you thought.." The blonde teased her boyfriend, knowing that her words would drive him crazy. It wouldn't make him angry, but she was sure that it would cause Bellamy to get even rougher with her, which was what she had wanted in the first place. They had done a good bit to each other during sex, since they had gotten to Earth, and Clarke found that the more she pushed her boyfriend, the more he pushed back with force, and the more eager they both were to punish the other.
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RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

ell, Clarke did catch Bellamy by surprise. He did not expect her to elbow him and the grip was lost. His cock slid out of her ass and he chuckled, chasing her back down. He had to use both hands to restrain her this time so her mouth was free. “Yes, you did. I’m sorry to say that it won’t happen again. Nobody can save you and you will not escape me.” Bellamy had hoped one day they could do this differently. It was hot having her struggle aggressively, but he hoped to have her passively struggle one day. He wanted her to take on the role of a “please don’t hurt me, please let me go” type of kidnap victim rather than one that fought and punched and kicked. It was not nearly as sexy to him.

Smiling at the blonde, he pinned her down again, not caring that Harper or anyone thought they should stop. Some were disgusted by this and others were turned on. Everyone was surprised that Bellamy and Clarke cared so little about what the others thought. With Clarke back in his grasps now, he slid his cock right back inside of her ass where he left off. Again, the tight walls clamped on his cock immediately and that drew a moan from his lips, something he was not trying to hide. In fact, he moaned loudly so everyone could hear just how great it made him feel.

“Oh, fuck. Your ass is so tight, Clarke. God, I love it. I’m going to fill your ass up with my cum soon enough, Princess.” He promised her with a smirk on his face, leaning down to kiss her neck while he started thrusting. This time, he did not start slowly. Instead, he began to increase his pace, shoving his thick cock inside of her ass as far as he could go. His hips slammed into her rear, tilting his head backwards. The feeling of her ass while he fucked her was extravagant.

Bellamy pinned Clarke down onto the bed, folding her over slightly while keeping her arms behind her back. The thrusting became more powerful and he slammed into her violently, roughly just like Clarke wanted. When he had a tight grip on Clarke’s arms, he removed one hand to pull on her hair, yanking the blonde locks roughly. Nothing about this was sweet or gentle. Bellamy was not holding back and he hoped Clarke enjoyed it.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

"Clear out!" Clarke suddenly yelled at their friends. "Now!" She shouted firmly, and within moments, everyone that had remained in the room, had left. Once everyone else was gone, she said to Bellamy: "I know what you want, and I'll do it. Just not here, not now. The 'helpless victim' thing, isn't the kind of image we want to project to these people. Besides, if they take it seriously, they might separate us and arrest you, and that's the last thing I want to happen.." All of this was said in a whisper, as the blonde tilted her head to the side so that her face was turned away from a camera she had spotted upon entering the room.

"We might have to ditch the kink for now and just go vanilla," The blonde said and then groaned. "But only while we're stuck here, however long that is." She sighed then pulled away from Bellamy to lay down on the bed. A few moments later, Clarke reached for his hand and pulled her boyfriend down beside her in the bed. "I love you, and
I want the same things you want. But for now, we have to deal with this place and the people here. If they get even a hint of how strong we really are and how much we
plan to resist them, we're screwed."

"So we have to go along with it and play the part of the air-heads who think we've been saved from the Grounder's, when the truth is, that whatever's going on here,
is probably worse than the Grounder's could ever dream of." She laid there in the bed and took one of Bellamy's hands into her own. "The only thing that keeps me
hopeful, is knowing that your sister and the rest of our people outside, are working on a way to help us. And knowing that you and I aren't going to fall for the lies that Wallace and his people tell. If I didn't have that, I don't know what I'd do."
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RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Pouting, Bellamy sighed and realized that Clarke was right. He let his hormones get the best of him. “Ok, Clarke. We’ll keep it vanilla for now.” His voice suddenly grew deeper and his lips pressed against her ear when he continued whispering to her. “But the first time we get out of Mount Weather and get back to safety, you can bet that it’s going to be one hell of a kinky night.” He smirked at the blonde before pulling back. It did not have to be kinky for Bellamy to enjoy it. He loved Clarke and he loved having sex with her whether she was tied up or not, whether it was kinky or not.

For now, he decided they would just be simply making love and that was okay. It did not bother him at all. His hands reached underneath her body and rested on the small of her back as he reached for her lips. This kiss was not rough or violent. Instead, it was slow and passionate, his tongue taking time to trace on the outline of her lips before slipping inside of her mouth ever so slightly, playfully pinning down her tongue before releasing it so their tongues could softly wrestle and twist against each other. Bellamy’s hands massaged the skin of Clarke’s back and he slowly slid his manhood inside of Clarke’s sex.

This time, he was taking it slow. Now, he was already fully erect and close to an orgasm from how turned on she made him earlier so he slid right in without an issue. The thrusting pace was slow as he added the rotation of his hip against hers, grinding against Clarke’s body. Their chests pressed together and he did not stop kissing her during their love-making. Even with the kiss ongoing, he told Clarke that he loved her a couple times without pulling back from her mouth, his eyes wide open, looking down into hers.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Clarke grinned and then shivered at Bellamy's words. "Is that a promise?" She teased and then happily kissed him. As soon as their bodies connected, a low moan left her lips. No matter where, when, or how she and Bellamy had sex, it was always amazing, because they loved each other and they knew each other. Trust between them was a must and it had never been questioned by either of them. If they planned to do something new, and one of them wasn't sure how they felt about it, then they talked about it, until the one who was nervous, their fears were eased.

And if that person's fears were unable to be eased, then they tried something else. The two of them rarely ever fought. Sure, they disagreed and butted head's sometimes, but for the most part, despite having such similar outspoken personalities, it worked for them. They didn't have to be afraid of hurting the other's feelings by saying the things that were on their mind. Bellamy slipped his tongue into her mouth and their tongues battled against each other's. She was moaning happily, as soon as he slipped inside of her. His hips moved against hers, and the blonde happily followed her boyfriend's actions.

This was a rare thing for them. They didn't make love often, unless one of them were hurt. They were both more into rough sex, and it was one of the many things they enjoyed about each other. That they could get rough, and the other loved it. Clarke lifted one of her hands and began to run her fingers through Bellamy's hair as they continued to make love. "Love you," The blonde mouthed the words against her boyfriend's lips to him. There was never any doubt about how they felt about each other. Their feelings for each other were right in the open for everyone to see. They had claimed each other long ago, as some of the others had learned the hard way.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Bellamy kept his eyes open so he could look into Clarke’s eyes. Her beautiful blue orbs were shining with love and he found himself completely mesmerized. His breathing became heavier and more ragged the longer he stared into her eyes. The smile continued growing on his face while making love to Clarke. Not only did he thrust inside of his girlfriend but he started rotating his hips and taking more of a grinding action against her hips. Moans fell off his lips and Bellamy was kissing her passionately, pinning her tongue down again for a few seconds during some of the thrusts.

“I love you, too.” He breathed out, nipping on her lower lip, tugging and pulling on the skin. Since they had played a little already, Bellamy felt his cock throbbing. He felt his body on fire right now while having sex with Clarke. Finally, his hands settled onto her ass, firmly squeezing the flesh, even gently spanking her ass from time to time but nothing too hard that would make it rough or kinky. Bellamy’s head tilted to the side so he could deepen the kiss and he started rubbing her clitoris with two of his fingers, tracing random shapes and patterns on the mound of flesh.

Then, he would switch it up and rub circles on her clit but he always made sure to show her attention there. It took a few more thrusts and another sexy moan before that orgasm reached. The tip of his cock clenched and flexed before hot, sticky semen spurted out of his cock and inside of Clarke. Tilting his head backwards, he moaned out her name softly as he filled her up, his body falling flat against hers. Even though they only made love, it was still fulfilling and it felt incredible still as he made sure that he could give Clarke an orgasm as well.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Clarke's back arched and her fingers flexed, as she gripped Bellamy's hair tightly, and came. Her lips remained on his, unable to stop kissing her boyfriend, as her body rocked from her orgasm. Several minutes passed as they remained locked together, before the blonde reluctantly pulled away. She pressed another kiss to her boyfriend's lips and then sighed softly and laid down beside him. A satisfied smile on her lips as they relaxed with each other. The two of them were just enjoying each other's company, when suddenly Charlotte ran into the room.

The blankets were pulled up over her and Bellamy's bodies, as the older blonde tried to get the younger one to calm down. But Charlotte wouldn't listen. The young woman kept going on, talking about how she and Harper had been walking down one of the hall's to the game room, when she turned a corner and suddenly the other girl was gone, and no one knew where she was or what had happened to her. The younger girl's words, had Clarke moving quickly off the bed and grabbing her clothes, to slip them back on as she asked Charlotte to repeat all she knew.

Charlotte took a deep breath to try and calm herself down so that she could speak more clearly. Having turned her back once she caught Bellamy and Clarke naked and having sex. They didn't have time to waste, so she didn't bother leaving the dorm so that they could get dressed. After a few minutes, the younger blonde didn't care anymore if they were dressed or not. She was too worried about Harper. "Harper and I were on the second floor and we were on our way to the game room on the fourth floor, for a game of tabletop air hockey. We were planning to have a match and it was supposed to go on for hours."

"We never made it to the third floor, much less the fourth. We were walking down one of the hall's towards the elevator, and I turned a corner and suddenly she was just gone. I went back and re-traced my steps. I tracked down all of our friends and asked if they had seen her. I had even asked some of the residents, and even President Wallace if they knew where Harper was, and no one knows where she is. Somebody's lying, only I don't know who. We need to find her. I mean, maybe she's just lost. Right?" The younger woman asked hopefully, not wanting it to be more than that.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

It was so peaceful and relaxing to cuddle after sex. Bellamy and Clarke were wrapped up together in the sheets and it felt amazing. Only minutes later, they were interrupted. Bellamy’s eyes went wide, looking at Charlotte. This was unreal. Someone was missing now? Bellamy did not know exactly what to do about it so he found his clothing and quickly pulled everything on. When he finally dressed, he sat beside Clarke and listened to Charlotte explain exactly what happened. The cuddling and relaxing was over. They had a friend to find. Everyone else thought she was lost and nobody had been worried except for Charlotte.

Still, Bellamy took it seriously and made a choice. “Alright. Take us back to where you last saw Harper. Actually, from the very moment that you decided to play in the game room, walk us through exactly where you went and what you did.” It was time for an investigation. Bellamy must take every step carefully. Charlotte agreed to the older couple’s request and started from the dining room where they sat at their table for dinner and talked about spending the night playing air hockey. From there, they went through the East stairwell and Bellamy plotted a path on one of the maps they were given.

He noticed that it would have been easy for anyone to follow. They were in densely crowded areas and anyone could have been inconspicuous but really following them. She was grabbed on an area of the third floor where nobody was around. She said how it was eerily quiet and empty before she was grabbed. Bellamy stood near the last spot she had a concrete memory of Harper and debated on how someone would take her from here and where they would go after that.
RE: RP: The 100: Escape Mount Weather (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

"I think that we should start having people pair up, and make sure that no one's alone from now on," Clarke suggested softly, keeping her head turned from a camera that she saw. The blonde made sure to keep the action of turning her head to the side innocent, so that whoever was watching them through the cameras wouldn't know that she was trying to avoid them seeing her lips. The three of them had no idea if the person or people who were watching them had done something to Harper, but Clarke had a bad feeling that they had. "What are we going to do?" She asked Bellamy, as Charlotte kept glancing around the hallway for anything or anyone strange.

"We have to tell the others that Harper's missing and make them take us seriously. They think that just because we're safe from the Grounder's that means we're safe, period. But we know that's not true. I just don't know how we're going to find Harper, and get the others to listen to us, with Wallace or Maya constantly showing up, and the damn cameras all over the place." The blonde was frustrated and wasn't sure of the next step, well, the next steps, they needed to take to get done what they needed to get done. A few minutes later, the three of them turned around and left quickly, deciding not to draw attention to the area where Harper had been snatched from.

They headed back to the dorm and took a seat on the floor. Clarke started writing down everything that Charlotte had told them, and she also made a map of the place and of everything and everyone she had seen and what they had all been doing, since the delinquents had arrived in Mount Weather. They needed as much information as possible. She paused a moment later, and turned to Charlotte. "What if Harper fell behind because she felt sick? Are there any bathroom's on that floor?" The older blonde asked the younger one, and then sighed when the younger blonde shook her head no.
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