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Re: The Gang (closed)

When she hit the dresser she stood there stunned, her head having cracked against some of the decorative trim that poked out from the woodwork. So she was quite dazed while Creasy worked Keith over. Watching the man pummel his underling for touching her—just as he promised he would in their deal. He was just so controlled about it. Almost like he didn’t really want to hurt Keith but he had to fulfill his end of the bargain to her satisfaction. In truth, Anne just wished it hadn’t happened at all. Violence is not something she wanted to be party to before breakfast.

A dark red mark was blooming on her cheek, and Anne winced when Creasy cupped her face, checking her over. “I didn’t think he could hit that hard. He’s so scrawny.” Anne said absentmindedly. Looking down at her arm she rolled up the sleeve of his shirt to look at it. Five ribbons of dark bruising wrapped around her arm. She had smaller, less dark and less bad bruises from her handling yesterday but Keith’s grip surly took the cake. When she reached over and touched it she couldn’t keep the grimace off her face. “He’s… pretty strong isn’t he?” Anne didn’t want to look in Creasy’s eyes, because of her dissent was running through his group. Undoubtedly no one would take it well that Creasy had chosen to defend her over one of his own kind. It foretold problems in the future.

Part of her wanted to disengage, to pull away from him and his gentle treatment. But part of her wanted to be thankful. If she had been in that situation without Creasy’s protection Keith might have killed her—or worse, raped her. It was a harrowing thought. And Anne knew that the longer Creasy viewed her as an enemy the longer he’d keep his guard up. So instead of pulling away she lingered under his hands.

“I think I’m all right. Just a little dazed.” She looked up at him and managed a tiny smile. “Thank you for what you did. I would not have been able to stop him on my own.” Anne resisted the desire to take his hand in her own.
Re: The Gang (closed)

Absently, Creasy answered, looking at the new bruises on her arm and realizing for the first time that she was wearing his clothes. "Keith isn't as strong as he makes himself seem," he said. "His aggression is almost always fueled by anger and blind in the way he lashes out. It's sloppy and he gives way easily."

Hearing her thank him, Creasy's eyebrows bounced in surprise. While it had been happening, all he could think about was that Keith was disobeying him and touching something he now had ownership over. His motives had been completely selfish in that he hadn't cared so much about the girl and her safety, but about his own pride and control. But, if it made her feel better to think otherwise, then he was willing to play along.

"I'm just sorry it happened at all," he said, looking down at her bared arm, and caressing the bruises with a finger, wonderingly. It was a moment of sensitivity and at first, he'd been acting...but then he started to like the gentle way he was touching her. Immediately as he realized this, he shoved the feeling away, clearing his throat and stepping back. "Why don't you, go ahead and get dressed. Come join us for breakfast." The cold wall was back up, not necessarily unfriendly, but apathetic and distant, like he was deliberately holding her at arms length. Then he nodded at her and started towards the door, frowning at the trail of blood droplets Keith had left behind.
Re: The Gang (closed)

Anne watched him leave, and watched his puzzled look as he followed Keith’s blood trail out the door. She wondered if he was going to go and talk to Keith to explain why Keith had gotten hurt. Or whether he’d just ignore it and let Keith figure it out on his own. Shrugging her shoulders she managed to get to the door and closed it for privacy. She didn’t need any peeping toms right now. It would just be another thing that would become most annoying.

Out of curiosity Anne went through the clothing that Keith had brought on Creasy’s order. Just like the first time she went through it she couldn’t find anything she’d be willing to wear. Anne had no desire to look like a tramp. And all of these were slut clothes. Thinking she’d found some underwear which would be a godsend, Anne pulled it out of the bag to find it was lace thongs. Crotchless thongs. Disgusted she chucked them across the room—then winced when her bruised arm protested the action. “Damn it, I hope he’s willing to go get me something else!”

With a huff, Anne went back to her underwear and dress and quickly shed Creasy’s clothes and put on her own. Dirt marred her once pretty dress and the wrinkles in it were most inconvenient. In the light she could see that her trench coat looked ever worse. She really really really needed to do laundry. But somehow Anne doubted they had a washer and dryer in this dump. In fact, now that she thought on what this house did and didn’t have, the thought of food cooked here was mildly disgusting. This place was a trash heap!

Nevertheless she was hungry and Creasy had made it clear that the only time that she would eat was when the whole of them made food for themselves. So if she planned on eating anything this morning it was going to be what they made—something she was not excited about.

Right as she was going to walk out the door she looked down. “Ug I’m not wearing shoes and I don’t have any socks. I am not walking on that floor down there. I saw what it did to my stockings, no way am I going with bare feet.” She said to herself. Turning back she rummaged through Creasy’s dresser, looking for socks. She found several white and black pairs but they were huge on her and flopped all over the place. Anne tried rolling them but she didn’t have much luck, but at least there was now something on her feet. Sighing and feeling ridiculous with a dirty pink dress and floppy white socks, Anne left the room and was escorted down to breakfast by a big bruiser of a man missing several teeth and smelling roughly like wet dog.
Re: The Gang (closed)

The kitchen was much like the rest of the house, dilapidated and old, the floorboards creaking under foot and everything covered in a layer of dust. The appliances were somewhat old and the kitchen table only had two chairs for it, but the utensils and silverwear were semi new and in good condition. Creasy prided himself on his tastes as far as food and clothes went, and would not sink low for any reason in either regard. The stringy man still stood at the stove with a few pans, but was no longer smoking as he made up some eggs and bacon. The two other men were standing around, some already with plates, and Creasy sat at the table smoking as he waited for his own meal, not begrudging his men to get first dibs. While he'd been busy with Anne and Keith, breakfast had been ready and it was alright with him that those who were here first got served first. There was no sign of Keith--he was probably still in the bathroom tending to his wounds.

As the girl entered the room followed by the man who'd been guarding the door, Creasy gestured at the seat across from him. When she sat down, all of the men shared uneasy glances, but Creasy ignored them for now. When the man cooking brought two plates to the table of newly made food and placed them in front of Creasy and the girl, he quirked his eyebrow at her.

"You get a maid while I was gone, Creas?" he asked in humored tones. "Maybe she'd like to cook for us?" He smiled at the girl, liking the idea of a woman in the kitchen instead of himself. He wasn't always here, but when Creasy had asked for a volunteer to do the cooking for when them, Randy had offered. It was demanding but he didn't mind doing it, but still if there was woman around, she might as well do it.

"I think you cook just fine, Randall," Creasy said placidly, making the skinny man frown. "But yes, I agree, maybe she could take up some of the chores around the house." That was a little better, but still it made the men uneasy. This woman had been a target last night, somebody who threatened all of them and...Creasy was acting like she was his girlfriend or something. Maybe he had a good reason, but it still made the men nervous to consider the possibility that Creasy had already abandoned them in favor of some slut. Creasy ignored the looks and started to eat. All would become clear in a few moments; he was just waiting for Keith to come back from the bathroom so he could address everyone.
Re: The Gang (closed)

Anne looked down at the plate of food and near salivated from the smells rolling off it and up to her. The eggs looked golden and fluffy, the bacon was fried to perfection and the two sausage patties looked to-die-for. As much as Anne wanted to dig into the food and wipe the plate clean she couldn’t come off as a slob or someone who had no control. But when you’ve been on a diet for years and then someone hands you a plate of fat it’s almost all you can do to not attack it like an animal. Picking up her fork delicately, Anne gathered a bite-full of eggs. And almost had an orgasm on the spot. “I’m not sure I should take over the cooking here. Whoever you are, you’re a God in the kitchen.” Anne smiled at him and picked up a pieces of bacon, taking demure little bites out of it.

Raising a brow, Anne looked at Creasy because of his next comment. “I don’t think me doing a little cleaning is really going to help this place. You guys live in a dump. I mean, if you renovated, ripped out some of this rotting wood, updated your electronics, heating, cooling, wiring systems. Then maybe this place might be habitable. But a little soap and water is going to do about as much as a band aid does when your leg has been ripped off.” It was the truth. And Anne was pretty sure Creasy wasn’t going to spend his drug and prostitute money to fix up the shit-hole. No matter how much more pleasant that would make this place for living.

“Hell, this place probably needs so much help it would be cheaper to rip it down and have a contractor build you a new house. Then every one of your little gang members could live here with you and not fear getting tetanus!” Punctuating that thought she put another bite of bacon in her mouth and then turned back to her plate.
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