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The Only Rules That Matter: Bloodlines (Corsair&Madam Mim)

“I’m pretty sure sugar is a food,” Jack laughed. “Or food-related, at least.” He tore off a blob of cotton candy and stuffed it in his mouth. “Sugar’s in food, at least.”

May laughed, then turned wistful as she reminisced about going to the fair with her parents. Maybe her dad hadn’t been an asshole his whole life? But that would just make it worse, really.

“[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]What about you? Your grannies ever take you to the fair or anything?"[/BGCOLOR]

“County fair, a few times.” Jack stuffed more cotton candy into his mouth. “Saw a lot of prize winning cattle, and hog calling and pie eating contests. Some rides as well, but it was more shows and games.”

He watched her down the last of her funnel cake, then pointed at the roller coaster at the end of the walk. “Of course, I’d hate to break your long-standing tradition. Wanna risk being undignified?”


“Oh, fuck no.”

Jesse stared at the roller coaster, watching Jack and May climb into the lead car of the chain, and shook his head. No way. No fucking way. He’d wait down here. After all, he’d see them get off. And there wasn’t a damn thing he could do if something went wrong.

Besides. It looked awfully tall.


Jack gripped the lap bar with white knuckles as the car lurched into motion. “So,” he laughed nervously as it clicked upwards. “You, uhm, You did this a lot?” Gravity pulled backwards on him as the angle grew steeper. “Never had one of these at the county fair.”
"Uh-uh." May shook her head and pointed at their pre-lunch snack. "This is processed, torn up by machines and put back together to only look like food then sold to the masses to keep them addicted and complacent. You gotta wash the dirt off real food, or thank it for its sacrifice."

That didn't keep her from licking the powdered sugar off of her fingers.

"Hog calling?" she laughed as Jack described the county fairs he'd been to. "I'm a city girl, Jack, I've never even heard of hog calling. Is it like herding sheep but with pigs?"

May polished off the last of her funnel cake while he explained exactly what hog calling was supposed to be. When he pointed to the end of the boardwalk she looked, then grinned and took his hand again. It was nice to be able to hold Jack's hand without anyone starting a fight about it. She still held his hand on the roller coaster, putting hers over his when she saw how tightly he was gripping the bar. Roller coasters weren't for everyone, so it was awfully brave of him to come anyway.

"Yeah, every year." May sounded unconcerned as the car climbed, pulling her ponytail to hang straight back behind her. Comprehension dawned when they reached the top and she looked at him with wide eyes. "Wait, Jack, is this your first r--AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!"

The car had lurched forward before she could finish her sentence, plummeting earthward. May threw her arms into the air as they surged forward and around three enormous loops, alternately screaming and laughing as adrenaline lit her veins. Finally, after four long minutes, the ride costed to a stop where it had begun. She grinned, looking windswept and exhilarated.

"Was that your first rollercoaster ride?" Her voice was louder than intended, and her hands still shook a little from the residual adrenaline. "Do you want to go again?" She looked for all the world like an excited child, but wouldn't push if Jack were clearly uncomfortable with it.
[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]“Wait, Jack,” May asked, looking excited and concerned at the same time, “is this your first r--[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]He was pretty sure the scream was his, as the ground dropped out from under him and he hurtled downwards. Speed picked up and then, suddenly, he pressed back into his seat as the car shot up the next hill. They twisted and lurched, rocketing through tight-feeling spirals. May switched from laughter to enthusiastic screams, and her excitement was contagious. Soon enough he was joining in, anticipating the drops and howling as they shot upwards again.[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]He still hung onto the bar, though. That felt like a step too far.[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)][/BGCOLOR][BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Was that your first rollercoaster ride?" May called as they coaster to a halt.[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]“Yeah,” he nodded, still a little wide eyed. “Yeah, it was. Whoo.”[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Do you want to go again?" She looked for all the world like an excited child, and he found himself grinning like a lunatic.[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]“Yeah. Hell yeah. Let’s do this.”[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]-*-[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Jesse watched, wide-eyed, as they stayed on the damn thing. What was wrong with them? He felt queasy just watching.[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]-*-[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Jack had to call it quits after the third ride. “Sorry, babe,” he said weakly, staggering a little. “I’m starting to get a little dizzy, you know? Why don’t we find something a little calmer.” He checked his watch, a little act of rebellion in it’s own right. “Shit. It’s after lunch. Think we should be getting back?”[/BGCOLOR]
May staggered off of the roller coaster, windblown and a little pale. The funnel cake was starting to catch up to her. Part of her, the adrenaline junkie, wanted to go again, to not stop until she had actually puked. Another part wanted to sit very, very still, so she didn't have much regret when Jack wanted to get off. There wasn't much in the way of "calm" as far as rides went, apart from the merry-go-round.

"We could go on the Ferris Wheel again," she suggested with a shrug. People were finally starting to filter in mid-afternoon as they got their children from school and brought them at a treat.

"Shit. It's after lunch," Jack said, checking his watch. "Think we should be getting back?"

May pursed her lips. "Probably." Definitely. There was going to be hell to pay for breaking both of their penitent restrictions, sneaking off without telling anyone, and neglecting to pitch in with the chores that kept the commune running. They'd probably be on meal duty, responsible for cooking, serving, and cleaning just the two of them with maybe a third to help.

"You should toss that thing out, y'know," she said, gesturing at his watch as they turned to start heading toward the exit. "It's better for both the body and the soul to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature. You'll sleep better, digest better, and be more fulfilled spiritually and physically."

The bus ride home was a little more subdued while May silently contemplated just how angry Max would be when they showed up. She fingered the collar at her throat, fidgeting a little with the lock. Jack had picked it this morning to take it off of her so they could shower, and the act of taking it off had felt more erotic and intimate than many of the things she had done with Max.

What did that mean?


Jesse took his car while the wayward couple waited for the bus, beating them back to the chapel by nearly an hour. He waved to those who greeted him and smiled distractedly, making a beeline for Max's office. One of the new girls was startled when he walked in without knocking, and Max was clearly irritated, but this couldn't wait. It was too important.

"High Ascender," he said, sinking to his knees and touching his forehead reverently to the floor. "I found the Person-Mover All-Goddess. She was with the false prophet." He gave him a significant look. "I" Jesse's eyes flicked to the surprised girl, still straddling Max backwards. Clearly this wasn't a matter for initiates.
For a moment, Max contemplated telling Jesse to fuck right off because he was busy. The brunette teenager Jack had found at the shelter - what was her name again? - had cleaned up right and, after taking communion, has been eager to be initiated into the mysteries of the Universal God-Soul. And he was close, damnit! But a look at Jesse’s expression, and the fact that he never interrupted without reason, made him decide to listen.

“Gonna have to hold on, Sally,” he said, easing her off his cock and congratulating himself on remembering her name. “My strong right hand brings the Word.”

“But I was so close,” Sally whined. Or was her name Sadie? Fuck. He couldn’t remember. “I could almost feel the God-Soul within me!”

“Just hang on, baby,” Max said, opening a small bottle. “Meditate on the Truth, while we talk.” He turned his attention to Jesse. “What news?”

Jesse tried not to stare at Jesse’s erect, wet dick. “Uhm, the Person-Mover All-Goddess,” he said. “She, well, broke the gift of penance and spent the day among the Disconnected. With Jack.”

“Well, fuck,” Max muttered. “Knew that nigger’d be problems. But that doesn’t sound important enough to interrupt an Initiation.”

“She told Jack she’d had a revelation, that she was...” he hesitated. “That she was... pregnant.”

Max looked at him for a moment, then slowly smiled. “That’s... that’s great!”

“ is?” Of all the ways this might have gone, this wasn’t the result he’d anticipated.

“Yes!” Max kept to his feet, rock-hard cock bobbing like a flagpole. “Don’t you see? The child of the Prophet of the Lotus - me - and the Person-Mover All-Goddess must be the Hidden Buddha!” He gripped Jesse’s hand excitedly. “The End Of Days is upon us, my friend. We are blessed to usher it in! I must speak with Mayflower, as soon as she returns!”

“Sure,” Jesse replied. “But, uhm, put some pants on first.”
Jesse waited impatiently. What took the bus so damned long to get across town? Surely rush hour couldn't be that bad. He leaned against the door jamb outside of Max's office, where their leader enthusiastically finished initiating the new girl. Learning of May's condition seemed to have energized him in a way that made his sermon and the girl's moans audible through the door. He could practically hear the slap of flesh on flesh. When May finally walked in with the False Savior he breathed a sigh of relief and pushed through the crowd of acolytes returning home from the world of the Disconnected.

"Jack, glad you made it back." He didn't miss the way May avoided eye contact. "We've got you on kitchen duty tonight. May... Max wants to talk to you."

Finally she looked at him, her guilt plain and with a twinge of fear. "What does he want?"

Jesse shrugged. "Just said he wanted to talk to you as soon as you showed up." He stifled a noise of irritation while May took her leave and kissed Jack goodbye, then laced his fingers with hers and led the way back through the warehouse to the office. The other girl was just coming out, but Jesse knocked on the slightly open door anyway. "The Person-Mover All-Goddess has returned," he announced before standing aside. He followed May in and closed the door behind them. Nate could be apprised of the situation later; Jesse had noticed his fondness for the False Savior and thought it best that he be left to it.

May knelt on a cushion in front of Max, touching her head to the floor then straightening to kiss him before sitting back on her feet. She wondered whether she ought to disrobe since he was naked as well. She was sure it was symbolic of their equality in the eyes of the God-Soul. But she was equally sure that if she needed to disrobe he would say so. "You wanted to see me, High Ascender?"
“Mayflower!” Max beamed, taking her hand and kneeling before her. “The Universal God-Soul has vouchsafed a vision to me, Mayflower. A vision of the future of the faith.” He paused and smiled, then placed a blotter of acid on his tongue. “I will share it with you.”

He leaned forward, cupping her chin and kissing her. His tongue parted her lips, sliding the blotter against the roof of her mouth. “In my vision,” he murmured, “the God-Soul showed the faith gathered in strength in the west. The word of the God-Soul went forth from there in truth and power, filling the souls of the Disconnected and guiding them into the light.”

“The God-Soul revealed to me that I am but the messenger, paving the way for the great prophet to come.” His fingers worked at the buttons of her blouse as he spoke, bearing her skin to his touch. He cupped her breasts, then stroked her ribs and stomach. “The prophet quickened in your womb, Mayflower.” He kissed her again, unbuttoning the jean shorts she wore. “The child of the Person-Mover All-Goddess and the High Ascender.

His finger stroked her clit as he kissed her again. “Open to me, Person-Mover All-Goddess. Feel the truth of my vision as I unburden myself.”
Jesse watched May prostrate herself before Max. A tiny little niggling voice in the very back corner of his brain thought he ought to be more irritated with Max than he was as he watched the two share communion. But he had taken his own communion--one which brought him closer to The Woman through use of the same divine flower She had given to him that fateful night--shortly after Max had dismissed him in order to finish initiating the new girl and now he found he simply didn't care. He didn't care about all the times the High Ascender had had a vision shortly after being brought some pertinent information, the way he preached the Word for self-aggrandizement, or how he'd driven away Esther. The latter was all for the best anyway, as Esther had clearly been a false all-goddess in her lack of willingness to bend to the word of the Ascenders. He didn't care anymore about the deep, secret thoughts he tried to keep even from himself but couldn't, that perhaps Max wasn't acting in the best interest of The Woman and had forgotten her command already. That mattered least of all; Jesse was secure in the knowledge that he was Her one true Prophet on Earth, that She would return one day to reward him and as She wrought Her terrible love upon the land he would bathe in the glory of Her destruction. She had shown him the God-Soul, of course, vast and infinite as the sky; but even He would some distant day be brought low by Her might and Her pain and Her love. Whenever Jesse communed with The Woman, Her spirit returned to him to take all of his righteous rage and vengeance to one day release upon the world and all that was left was a euphoria in which he couldn't muster up the energy to care about what Max was doing.

Who Max was doing was another matter.

May's expression had gradually evolved from hope and elation as Max related his vision to amazement when he foretold what the God-Soul had already shown her. She opened her mouth to protest when he pronounced her child as the child of the High Ascender, but he cut her off with a kiss while he pulled her shorts over her hips and stroked her clit. She felt the truth of his vision, semantics and all. Her child was the child of the High Ascender, wasn't Max's child. That much she knew. But then, Jack couldn't be the High Ascender.

Could he?

Concern about the specifics was blown from her mind as Max stroked her clit and she pushed her shorts over her hips and wiggled out of them. She moaned against his lips and braced herself on his shoulders before moving to straddle his lap, but found herself held back and a light pressure at her throat. May looked up to find Jesse standing over her, a finger hooked in her collar to keep her back. She frowned slightly and tilted her head, anxious to take the High Ascender's(?) seed after a day of bonding with the Savior and her new-formed child. It was important to her that Max, Jesse, and Nate were as much fathers to the unborn Prophet as Jack was, which meant treating them as the baby's biological fathers as well. Or so spoke the All into her heart during communion.

"Ascender...?" She frowned, confused.

"To ensure the prophet's holiness," Jesse explained, tugging more on the collar so that she was forced to turn and face him, "the vessel must be pure, full only of the sins of others. And you're not pure, are you Mayflower?" He reached down to clip the leash to her collar, looking down on her as a disappointed acolyte regarding a fallen personal hero. May's eyes briefly watered and she shook her head. Gently he smoothed back her hair and tugged the leash so that she was pulled onto all fours, presenting herself to Max as she knelt in front of Jesse, staring intently at his lips. "Let me balance your karma, then, while Max unburdens. We must abide by the All."

"You have a lotus at your mouth..." May could see the flower clearly, made of a dark red light. Surely it had to mean something.

"Then let me give it to you." Jesse pressed his head against her lips and groaned as she took it all. Vibrations from her moans traveled up his shaft as Max gripped her hips and entered her.
Jesse gasped as May swallowed his length, and as he watched Max push into her from behind. And then he gasped again, eyes wide and suddenly open. It was like the time he and Max had met the Woman, all over again. May - the Person-Mover All-Goddess - was luminous in his altered perception. Light streamed into her head and flowed through thick and fine channels that traced through her body, swirling and converging to form great wheels and spirals along her spine and lesser ones throughout her body.

His gasp was one of horror as he saw himself, dark and dim, stained with the burden of his office. The rough rhythm he’d begun softened, becomes by a tentative request that became bolder as the Person-Mover All-Goddess allowed. “I... I was wrong...” he murmured, gently caressing the luminous cheeks of his priestess. “I... I beg you... cleanse my soul... allow the... the light... of the God-Soul to... to...”

His climax was a gift from the Divine, granted through the offices of the Person-Mover All-Goddess. He could see the darkness flow into her with each spurt of his seed, watch his corrupted chi being accepted and cleansed. The touch of the God-Soul, the warmth flooding into him as his impurities were accepted and forgiven him, shook him to the core.

He sobbed as he fell to his knees, spent and cleansed. “I was wrong,” he murmured, the vision dissolving into glittering sparks through the tears of gratitude filling his eyes. “In my arrogance, I presumed to judge you.” Hesitantly, gently, he touched her cheek. “Thank you.”


Max groaned as he came, emptying himself into May. He would have liked to last longer, but the initiate - what’s her name? - had very nearly cleansed him already. And fuck if May wasn’t hot when she was fingercuffed olike that. He rocked his hips, using her to milk the last of his pleasure from her.

“We have so much to do, Mayflower,” he said, barely bothering to look at what Jesse was up to. “A vision to fulfill. We must seek out the resources the God-Soul will provide, to bring it to pass.” He frowned, then brightened as he lit a joint. “We should meet with... Thomas? Our newest believer, he will help us.”
It was over before it began. Naturally she wasn't allowed to climax, wasn't permitted to commune with the All the way the Ascenders were under the burden of her penance. But when Max came then pulled out he left May feeling emptier than before; a little sadder, with an aching need for fulfillment and a hole in her heart where communion usually went. But it was selfish of her to have concern about her own desires at the moment. Jesse was crying and pleading for forgiveness. While he admitted to wrongdoing, Max pulled out and May was free to move to the Ascender. She pulled him down with her, laying back on a pile of cushions and pulling his head to her chest. Quietly she shushed him while she stroked his hair and the High Ascender's seed dripped between her thighs and onto the thrift store faux-oriental rug.

"Ssshhh, my sweet Ascender," she murmured into his ear, leaning down to kiss the top of his head. "I too am only human. All we can do is strive for the perfection the God-Soul sees in all of us. I grant you absolution, though there's nothing to forgive." She leaned down to kiss the top of his head again. The chakra in the center of his forehead glowed so brightly it was almost blinding.

"We have so much to do, Mayflower," Max said, barely bothering to look at what she and Jesse were up to. "A vision to fulfill. We must seek out the resources the God-Soul will provide, to bring it to pass." He frowned, then brightened as he lit a joint. "We should meet with...Thomas? Our newest believer, he will help us."

May nodded, still stroking Jesse's hair soothingly, then reached out for the joint. "He gave me his business card," she said. "I can find his office and maybe we can go to lunch or dinner or something. He's excited to meet you. All of you."

She inhaled deeply, held her breath for a few moments, then slowly let it out and held the spliff out for Jesse. "Here, honored Ascender. This should help you feel the redemption of the All." The lotus blossom blocking his lips glowed ever brighter, and she wondered whether he would be able to smoke through it. That angry feminine Aspect of the All that Jack had felt during his baptism was back, strong in this room, and as she grew stronger the lotus grew larger and brighter. "The Aspect honors you by laying with you," she reassured him with a gentle smile and another kiss.

"I'm sure brother Thomas will be willing to help," she added to Max, looking up at him again. "He--"

He was covered in blood. Tears sprung to her eyes and May covered her open mouth with the hand not draped comfortingly over Jesse's shoulder and across his chest. Black blood clotted Max's fingernails, crawled up his arms, leaked from the corners of his eyes. His hair was matted with it and his feet and legs were smeared with scarlet as though he had waded through a lake of it. A sob escaped before her throat clenched tight and her arm tightened around Jesse's chest both to comfort and for comfort.

"Oh Max..." Her lip trembled and she shook her head. "Max it isn't fair. You can't be martyred. We need you too much. You just...can't!"
Jesse took a drag off the spliff and held it, letting the weed mingle with the rapturous afterglow Of purification. Slowly he breathed the smoke out, allowing the last of his tensions to dissolve. All was right with the God-Soul. He was where he should be, head clear, once more wrapped in the love of the All. His work was necessary, he knew, but it took a toll on his spirit.

When the time came that he could rest, he prayed he would be able to.

The touch of the Person-Mover All-Goddess’ lips in his made him smile. He did the work of the All. He would be able to let the violence go, when he was blessed with rest.

He took another hit, letting the words Max and May spoke wash over him like honey. But then she was weeping, and her speech crystallized into stark clarity. “[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Oh Max... Max it isn't fair. You can't be martyred. We need you too much. You just... can’t!”[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]“What?” He was upright now, struggling to focus. “What is it? What did you see?”[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]-*-[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Max frowned as he watched Jesse and May. She’d been the obvious choice to be the Person-Mover All-Goddess as soon as he’d met her. Her connection to the All was strong, - nothing compared to the Scarlet Woman, Of course, but the strongest he’d met outside the divine instrument of the All herself. And she was a good lay, besides. But these visions were getting out of hand.[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]He’d have to remind her of her place. Person-Mover All-Goddess she might be, but he was still the High Ascender.[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]“Shh...” he whispered, caressing her cheek as he knelt before her. “What you saw was a warning, Mayflower. A reminder of the peril we face, if we stray from the path of righteousness.” Smiling, he kissed her gently and then took the spliff from Jesse’s hand. “And we will,” he continued, giving it to her, “if we remain among the Disconnected.”[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]“Yeah,” Jesse agreed, nodding. “We...”[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]“In my vision, Mayflower,” Max continued, stroking her cheek, “we leave the Disconnected behind and gather in the west to create a place of holiness. And Thomas, our brother whose eyes have been opened by your gift of love and faith, is key to that.”[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Still smiling, he kissed her. “Contact him, Mayflower. We must complete his initiation, so that he will be prepared to take up the mantle of greatness prepared for him by the God-Soul at the foundation of the world.”[/BGCOLOR]
Jesse struggled to sit up, urgency in his voice but his body slowed by divine communion. May squeezed his hand. "Blood," she sobbed, shaking. "So much innocent, holy blood."

Max shushed her and she felt the blood smear on her face when he caressed her cheek. She held his hand there, but when she pulled it away her own palms were clean. Blood and vermin oozed from the corners of his mouth as he spoke. When the High Ascender insisted that it was a warning, she shook her head. She took the offered joint, paper blood stained from Max's fingers, but she was still struggling to gain control of her breath and choked on the smoke.

"You don't see what I see," she insisted once she'd recovered from the coughing fit. "Max I'm so scared for you!"

"May, it's alright," Jesse insisted. "He--"

“In my vision, Mayflower,” Max continued, stroking her cheek and ignoring both of them, “we leave the Disconnected behind and gather in the west to create a place of holiness. And Thomas, our brother whose eyes have been opened by your gift of love and faith, is key to that.”

"Thomas?" She frowned a little. "I'm always joyful to bring a new believer into the light, but what's he got to do with anything?

Still smiling, he kissed her. “Contact him, Mayflower. We must complete his initiation, so that he will be prepared to take up the mantle of greatness prepared for him by the God-Soul at the foundation of the world.”


May waited nervously outside an upscale little bistro. Yesterday she had walked into Thomas's office in her usual clothes, confident under the judgemental eye of his secretary, and asked for a lunch appointment. She knew how these things went. She had watched as the attractive, put-together young woman had called into his office and explained the situation. She had avoided the tempting told-you-so triumph as the girl's eyebrows raised higher and higher in surprise before she hung up the phone and grudgingly scheduled her for lunch before informing her that Mr. Abel would arrange an appointment for her at some uptown boutique tomorrow at 10. Judgemental eyes said she needed it, but May forgave her for not understanding and pitied her for being constrained by the trappings of the commercial world.

Constrained was how she was feeling right now, wearing a bra and panties for the first time in more than two years. But it wasn't the couture making her wring her hands nervously; the Givenchy suit was similar to one she remembered belonging to her mother when she was young, and Grandmere would certainly approve of the hat. But this was the very same restaurant she could remember her father bringing her to when he'd scheduled business meetings on weekends and couldn't get a sitter.

Finally Thomas arrived. They kissed and he gave her his arm as they were led to his usual table. He pulled her chair out for her. All the gentleman stuff that went away in a truly egalitarian society, though she'd be lying if she said it wasn't sort of nice.

"I have so much exciting news, Thomas," May said with a grin once the waiter had taken their drink orders. "Come to communion at the Chapel on Sunday. You'll be fully initiated into the church. The High Ascender is so excited to meet you!" She reached over and squeezed his hand. "And Max said not to tell anyone yet, and really I think he thinks it's a vision not yet come to pass, but Thomas I know... I'm pregnant." She grinned widely and squeezed his hand again. "The Savior blessed me with his seed. We're going to have a baby!"
Thomas took his seat, and smiled at May. “What did you want to see me for? Don’t get me wrong,” he added hastily, “I’m delighted you asked! But I...”

“I [BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]have so much exciting news, Thomas," May bubbled. [/BGCOLOR]

“Oh? What s it?”

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]"Come to communion at the Chapel on Sunday. You'll be fully initiated into the church. The High Ascender is so excited to meet you!" [/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]She reached over and squeezed his hand, and he found himself grinning stupidly at the news. “That is exciting!” he agreed. “Ever since I... What did you call it? Ever since I unburdened myself to you, I’ve prayed for the opportunity! What time on Sunday should I...”[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]“And Max said not to tell anyone yet, and really I think he thinks it's a vision not yet come to pass, but Thomas I [/BGCOLOR]know...”

“What do you know?” he asked, caught up in her enthusiasm.

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]“I'm pregnant." [/BGCOLOR]

“What?” Everything suddenly felt toast-turbulent.

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]She grinned widely and squeezed his hand again. "The Savior blessed me with his seed. We're going to have a baby!"[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]“We... uhm... we are?” The last word came out as a squeak. “You and, uhm...”. Pregnant? Fuck. Should he have used protection? It hadn’t seemed important at the time, but she was pregnant now? [/BGCOLOR]
"Yes!" May grinned wider, a manic sort of frenzy behind her eyes as the frantic smile turned a little strained. She was excited. She was excited. She was excited. "The whole story is a bit romantic, really. Jack was my roommate right before we came to live at the Chapel, and when he took his first communion with us a divine aspect of the All spoke to me. It sent me a vision." She leaned in a little. "Jack is our Savior, Thomas. Together he and Max are going to change the world. Then a couple days ago while we were communing together the All sent me another vision of his seed planting in my womb." She leaned in a little more. Her pupils were pinpricks. "And what a village this child will be born into."

"The All has granted Max with a vision as well," she said after a long, vibrating pause. "We're going West, Thomas. I don't know where to yet, but that's where the genesis of the world will happen. The High Ascender will work the All's will on the land and usher in an age of peace and prosperity. And it's all starting right here. With us."
“[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]And what a village this child will be born into,” May exulted, leaning surprisingly close for such a public place. Thomas wasn’t concerned, though. He was still processing what she’d said, both relieved and absurdly disappointed that he wasn’t the father.[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]Mostly relieved, though.[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]“Well, I’m happy for you,” he began. But she was off again, and the sincerity of her words stripped away his doubts once more. He could almost see the village she spoke of, a place of peace and serenity. A place where the truth of the universal God-Soul could take root and grow, nurtured by the faith of the initiated. “I...”[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(25, 49, 66)]He swallowed and tried again, feeling his heart thudding against his ribs as he spoke. “I... it sounds magnificent, All-“. He bit off her title. Surely it was wrong to profane her sacred office by speaking the words aloud in such a common place? “How can I help, May? What does the High Ascender ask if me? And need we wait until Saturday, before I can be initiated?”[/BGCOLOR]
May's eyebrows furrowed briefly when Thomas cut himself off and she tilted her head curiously. He still seemed to have reservations of some sort, but she didn't understand why. Was it her? Or Max? Surely he couldn't be questioning the God-Soul? She had never met somebody so eager to receive truth, certainly he couldn't be questioning it already. But he changed tack and offered his help and she dismissed the strange behavior.

"Honestly I don't see why we have to wait," she admitted. She leaned forward and took one of his hands in both of hers. "He probably wanted to wait until the fellowship supper, where some of our members who don't live at the Chapel come celebrate unity in the All with us. But we can introduce you then. Come to the Chapel tonight. I'll tell Max you're coming and we can prepare everything, then you can discuss what role the High Ascender sees you playing in the creation of the new world. I truly believe that he does see you taking your place among us in shaping the image of the Universal God-Soul on the land." May brought his knuckles to her lips and kissed them one at a time before being interrupted by the waiter.

With a polite smile she ordered the Waldorf salad, then squeezed Thomas's hand again after they were left alone. "Faith won't be easy, Thomas," she said solemnly. "We believe, for instance, that every creature has a right to life. You can make the transition slowly or go cold-turkey, so to speak. But the All wants us to refrain from consuming the animals it has breathed life into, and to harvest plants and animal by-products only after we've asked their permission." She tilted her head again and looked at him seriously. "This is the least of commitments to the God-Soul. Do you think you can do it?"
“That’ll be hard - I like a good steak, after all. But...”. Thomas frowned in thought, then nodded. “Yes. I think I can. I’ll try.” He looked at the menu, frowning as he realized just how hard that would be. Here, at least. “The, uhm, the Denver Omelet. Hold the ham.”

The waiter nodded and left. “Well. That wasn’t too hard,” Thomas joked, before his expression turned serious. “But... you’re sure it will be all right if I come to the Chapel? Tonight, I mean. I don’t want to presume to make demands of the God-Soul and the High Ascender. I just...”

He swallowed, then drew a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I’m just so... nervous. And eager. Ever since you, you cleansed me I, I’ve been seeking that connection again. Trying to feel the God-Soul around me and in me again. I’ve tried meditating, and praying... even going to church. It’s not quite the same, but...”

He took her hands in his, voice dropping to a whisper. “You, you’ve changed my life. Whatever the God-Soul needs, whatever the High Ascender needs, I’ll do it.”
May grinned when he ordered an omelet instead of a steak. The chickens probably hadn't granted their permission for the eggs to be taken, but it was a step in the right direction. She squeezed his arm encouragingly.

"It gets easier every day," she assured him. "Especially when you start to see the Universal God-Soul moving in your life as you work to live in harmony with all living beings."

“But... you’re sure it will be all right if I come to the Chapel? Tonight, I mean. I don’t want to presume to make demands of the God-Soul and the High Ascender. I just...”

"Thomas, breathe." May took one of his hands in both of hers and smiled gently. "You are exactly where you're meant to be. The All isn't the God of Abraham: it welcomes the uninitiated with open arms, and doesn't expect perfection from the start. It doesn't expect perfection at all; we're all only human, after all. The God-Soul just works its will through us. The High Ascender will be thrilled to have you."

Thomas swallowed, then drew a deep breath. He was nervous and excited, and looking for another fix of the Divine. Of course he was: weren't they all? Didn't they all crave the wholeness the God-Soul had to offer? May found herself grinning so widely her cheeks hurt as he went on about how finding the All had changed his life. It was exactly as she had hoped! She leaned forward and kissed Thomas slowly, letting her tongue linger on his lips. She could taste the future of the Universe.

"Leave it all to me. You just come to the Chapel at six."

It was last minute, she knew, and Max probably wouldn't be terribly happy about it, but Thomas's soul and well-being was on the line. The High Ascender just liked to be able to plan things carefully. And who could blame him? The will of the All must have been quite the burden, and executing it took planning. Regardless, May still came to him with a bounce in her step and a grin on her face.

"I had lunch with Thomas," she informed Max, sitting with him in the old manager's office later that afternoon. "He's willing to do anything you ask, if only you'll give him the same direction to the will of the God-Soul you've given the rest of us. I've invited him here tonight at six for his baptism." May was all grins, expecting praise for bringing another lost sheep into the fold.
Max had his feet up on the desk, smoking a joint and letting the mellow love of the God-Soul flow through him, when the woman entered. For an instant he didn’t recognize her, not dressed the way she was. The clothes of the Disconnected, not one of the Chosen. Then her identity clicked into place. “Mayflower!” he grinned, sitting up straighter and sliding his bag of weed over. “That’s... that’s a different look for you.” Why was she dressed like that? There was a reason, right? What was it again?

“I had lunch with Thomas," she smiled, sounding well and truly pleased.

“Right, right.” He took a drag, then rolled her a joint. “How’d that go?”

"He's willing to do anything you ask,” she replied proudly, “if only you'll give him the same direction to the will of the God-Soul you've given the rest of us.”

“That’s great!” Max gushed. “His help will really move...”

“I've invited him here tonight at six for his baptism,” she added with a broad smile of delight.

“...the work of the God-Soul forward and tonight?” The last word came out in a yelp of shock. “Tonight? Fuck. Fuck me.” He took another drag on the cigarette, holding his breath to the count of three to let the marijuana settle his nerves. “Fuck, I wanted to do it Saturday to make sure...”

He broke off as he caught her expression. “No, Mayflower, don’t look at me like that! You did great! Really great! It’s just...”. He took another drag. “We’re out of acid, and Jesse’s guy can’t get us the morning glory seeds until tomorrow.” He drummed his fingers, then smiled. “But I know a guy. I’d rather make it myself, sanctify it properly the whole way through. But he makes quality shit. We can do this. Let me make a call.”
May was uncertain why Max had taken her with him to find communion in time for this evening's baptism. Unless he had trouble convincing the supplier to sell to them on such short notice, then maybe he thought that her standing as Person Mover All-Goddess would help convince him? Either way, she was a bit nervous as they pulled up and glad she had changed as they walked in to a dilapidated apartment building downtown. While the building she'd been living in the week before certainly wasn't the Ritz, it had at least been clean. As they walked up the stairs May smelled death and decay seeping out from under certain door cracks. It was one such door that Max pounded on.

There wasn't much proper furniture inside. A single sagging couch, two or three mattresses, and a camera on a tripod. In the same room was an old stove that May wouldn't have trusted not to blow up, never mind to cook something. The only other room was a bathroom with the door off its hinges. Pipes, clothes, and old girly magazines littered the floor and it was an effort of will not to hold her nose. She may not have lived in the best part of town, but she at least kept it clean. This place smelled as though the windows hadn't been opened in years. A man stood in the doorway, too thin to be healthy, and looked at the two of them for a few long moments before everything seemed to click into place. He smiled.

"Max." It was part greeting, but mostly a statement. He stood aside to let them in then glanced out into the hallway before shutting the door. Several strangers lounged on mattresses. One couple lazily made love on a patch of carpet behind the couch. "You got the money, man?"

Max shrugged. He did have the money, but that was for their pilgrimage plus a little extra on the side. He held out a wad of bills, only about half what they had discussed. "It's been lean, man," he lamented. "I got mouths to feed and too much month at the end of my money."

The skinny man held his burning cigarette between his lips and snatched the money away, eyeing it critically before counting it. He arched an eyebrow and looked back up at Max. "What the hell do you expect me to do with this, man? This isn't even enough to cover overhead."

"It's kinda an emergency," Max wheedled. "And I was hoping we could come to some sort of an arrangement." His eyes flicked to the side where May stood a pace behind him but faithfully at his shoulder. The dealer's attention turned to her for the first time and he smiled, taking the cigarette out to blow the smoke away before stepping closer.

"Well hello there. What's your name, pretty thing?"

"May." She glanced nervously to Max, who wasn't looking at her, then back to the dealer. "What's yours?"

"They call me Alder." He fairly loomed over her, sliding an arm around her waist and pressing their bodies together.

His body language was one she was fluent in, but something felt off. She glanced back to Max again, who nodded very slightly but still wouldn't look at her. She smiled nervously up at the dealer. "Alder? Like the tree?"

"Yeah baby, like the tree." He leaned down to kiss her neck. There was a smell under the patchouli that didn't seem quite right to her. "How bout you and me go have a seat while Max catches up with his friends, hm?"
Without asking, Alder shoved someone out of a Naugahyde armchair patched with duct tape, and pulled May down to perch on his lap. “You’re one of Max’s girls, ain’t you,” he said, resting a hand on her hip and pulling her close. “He’s got a good eye.”

His hand caressed her bare stomach possessively, and his attention turned to Max. “She any good?” he demanded, taking a drag and letting smoke stream from his nostrils.

“Yeah, man,” Max replied, avoiding May’s eyes as he examined the baggie he was handed. “She’s the best.”

“Better be,” Alder grunted, taking another drag. His hand was under her shirt now, roughly cupping one breast. “Last one wasn’t bad, but you’re into me for a couple large this time, with the skinny roll you brought.”

“She’s the best,” Max repeated hastily, watching the couple in the mattress. “I swear it, man.”

Alder pinched her nipple to hardness, a cold smile on his lips. “Better be, Max. Better be, or you’re gonna be next.” Still smiling, he stubbed the butt out on the arm of the chair, adding a stink of scorched vinyl to the miasma. Then he kissed May hard, his tongue and breath tasting of old tobacco and nicotine as he forced it between her lips. “Well, don’t you taste good.”

Roughly, he dragged her shirt over her head and tossed it aside. “Time to pay up, May. Put that seeet mouth to work.”” He leered past her, staring at Max. “And make sure he can see what you’re doing.”
May smiled nervously and nodded when Alder demanded to know whether she were one of "Max's girls." She settled in as best she could on his lap while he pawed her possessively. "I'm the High Ascender's Person-Mover All-Goddess," she informed him. "I help train other person-movers in our church, and I'm responsible for the karmic well-being of the High Ascender himself." She sent a warm little smile over to Max, still avoiding her gaze, before being cut out of the conversation.

Alder wanted to know how good she was. She knew a lack of humility was a sin before the All, but she knew that she was an excellent cleanser if she said so herself. The God Soul wouldn't have chosen her as All-Goddess if she wasn't. But the men weren't interested in her self-aggrandizing, and rightfully so. Alder stubbed out his cigarette and kissed her hard before pulling off her bandeau and discarding it. She smiled nervously when he demanded that Max be able to watch her work; Max liked to watch, liked to make sure that she was doing her job properly. And why not? These were souls they were talking about.

More and more, however, May got the feeling that Alder was Disconnected. Why they would get their holy communion from a Disconnected, she didn't know. But that wasn't her place to question. Instead she turned in the seat to straddle his lap, stroking his cock through his pants. The smell was overwhelming, and his aura was nothing short of malicious. But if Max had decided that Alder needed to be unburdened and saved, she would do her best to save him. She smiled and kissed his neck while she undid his jeans.

"That's not always how it works," she informed him gently. "See, Alder, the All moves through me and directs me how best to purify you. Just relax; I'll take care of you. I promise."
“Oh, I know you will May. A couple of times.” His hand ran through her hair as she pulled his hard dick out of his jeans. Then it tightened into a fist as he pushed her down, his head rubbing against her lips before forcing between them. “There you go,” he growled, rocking his hips, his shaft sliding back and forth between her lips. “Ah, fuck yeah. Not bad at all.”

His hips moved faster, harder, belly slapping into her nose as he fucked her mouth. “You like that?” he leered. “Bet that’s a better fuck than Max ever have you, ain’t it?”

Suddenly he released her hair and settled back into his seat. “But maybe I’m being rude,” he laughed, lighting another joint. Taking a drag, he let the smoke stream from his mouth and nose. “You said you were gonna take care of me.” He grstured around the room, taking in the other three men that had entered and were now watching. “Why don’t you show all of us how good you are, hm?”
He forced her to her knees, grip tight in her hair. May choked on his cock when he forced it between her lips, but once she reoriented herself and steadied herself with her hands on Alder's thighs, she managed to make something work. Her head bobbed up and down, if nothing else because it was less painful for him to pull on her hair if she cooperated. When he demanded to know whether he was better than Max, she made a noncommittal grunt around his shaft. This was starting not to feel like a cleansing, or even like proper proselytizing. She was beginning to feel somehow...used. Max couldn't have meant for it to go that way, could he?

No. He wouldn't use the Person-Mover All-Goddess as a prostitute for the Disconnected, not intentionally. He would never sell her into something so far from the All's purpose for her.

Alder released her and lit a joint this time, sitting back in his chair. Cock still wet and throbbing. May looked around the room as he gestured and demanded that she show them how good she was. Good she was at what?

"I...I don't understand," May admitted timidly, casting her eyes down as she knelt at Alder's feet. She glanced sideways over at Max, but he still wouldn't look at her. Why wouldn't he look at her? Didn't he see how they profaned her holy office? "I don't know what you mean by how good I am. I'm only as good as the All deems me to be."
“As good as we all deem you to be?” Alder laughed. “Well, baby, you’re in luck. We’re all here.” Letting the joint hang from his lips, he reached out and unbuttoned the fly of her cutoffs, dragging them down her hips. “Look at that, boys. She goes commando!”

With that he slid out of his chair, landing in his knees and dragging her down as well, pushing her back onto the threadbare carpet. His cock slipped against her slit as he gripped her hips, and he made a growling sound of pleasure as he pushed into her. “Oh, fuck yeah,” he groaned, taking the cigarette from his lips. “Bitch is nice and tight.”

“Looks like a good fuck from here,” another man laughed as Alder began pounding away, grunting as his hips slapped into her.

“Fuck yeah, she is,” Alder replied. He rolled suddenly, forcing May to roll with him so she straddled him. His hands gripped her ass, spreading her cheeks as he moved her on his dick. “Come get a little, man.”
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