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Playmaker and the Namco Sirens (Godfang and Sigr)

"Such passion, I didn't know he would argue after a compliment..." Ruka said amused, talking more with Moon than with Cody. "Look nice we do, or even more than that, thanks for noticing" she added to Cody's words, although her eyes seemed to be lost looking towards the sea where the three younger girls were, as she was thinking of someone in particular. "I wouldn't say as much health conscious as image conscious, but I'm not here to argue" she finished, this time looking at Cody, seemingly pleased with his behavior.

On the sea Sara was defending herself in a splash war against the bot lane teaming up, oddly enough with Mayu sitting on top of Yuki's shoulders and kicking water towards the redhead. The youngest girl of the team sure was strong and supportive, but it was true that Mayu couldn't weight all that much either given her size and physique. Around him, Moon seemed just relaxed on the shadow, reading a fashion magazine, while Makoto looked almost asleep under the sun and Ruka was still stealing glances from him while they talked.

"Hmm, quite proactive, I like that" Ruka commented when Cody said he had to talk work stuff with her. "Other coaches just... well, coached. And poorly. I guess that you are different in more than just looks" she added. "During dinner I'll comment the plans for tomorrow" she said, causing no reaction from Makoto, cementing the feeling that she was just asleep, and a brief glance from Moon, that soon returned to her fashion magazine. Maybe that was why the girls called her the witch, as it was clear she was up to something, but in her mannerisms and how she conducted herself Cody could see that she also honored her old nickname: Lady.

"So lets wait until dinner and have fun in the meantime" Ruka continued. "Once I divulge our obligations for tomorrow we can talk about whatever you want, and the rest of the days are completely free, I promise" she added, a little smile on her face that soon widened as her eyes once more went to the younger girls, getting out of the water and coming closer.

"Bot lane is unbeatable!" Yuki said happily, taking one of Mayu's arms and rising it in the air as victors. Her lane partner seemed a bit more relaxed, looking prettier under the sun when she was smiling.

"I still don't know how you can keep score on such a thing" Sara weakly protested between laughs. The girl looked shining as water droplets scattered through her skin, that red hair of hers looking darker as it stuck wet to her shoulders, back and upper chest.

"It's so warm..." Mayu whined, now away from the refreshing sea water, eyeing a kiosk a bit inland.

"I'll buy you whatever you want" Ruka said, suddenly grabbing a hand purse and getting up. "Anyone else wants anything?" she asked, as the rest of the girls requested a variety of drinks and ice creams. "I'll bring a water bottle for our captain" she added, as Makoto was definitely sound asleep as she didn't even flinch. "Coach?" she wondered looking at him.

"Me and Yuki will have a one on one in the meantime" Sara said, as the little but mighty girl kept insisting her that they had won their water fight.

"I'm not going anywhere, neither is Makoto" Moon added, somewhat amused by the ease of the girl when it came to certain things.

The five awoken girls looked at Cody. Would he go shopping with Ruka and Mayu, keep himself on the sand with Moon and Makoto, or go into the water with Yuki and Sara?
He could lay down on the beach all day, but if the girls were going shopping, he wanted to come with them. The first reason being they might need someone to help carry all the things they want to buy, the second reason is that he wanted to keep Mayu safe, and the last one is that he found himself more and more tempted by the team manager.

"I'll go" he said, standing up and brushing the sand off his legs, they stuck stubbornly as sand often does and he just gave up, he'll wash them off in the shower later.

He waved at the girls in the water with a grin.

"Don't you drown while I'm away, no one will be here to play baywatch for you!"

He walked next to Mayu on the way to the store, towering above the diminutive AD carry, a loyal sentinel who made sure she was never without backup. The store they found was colourful to say the least, it had baloon decorations in the shape of lobsters and palm trees, trying to play up the fact that they were on a beach. He saw a vending machine in front of it, which sold a few items the girls wanted, but for the rest he went inside.

It was a small shop, but very well maintained, everything was arranged in neat rows and marked clearly with price-tags, a very japanese store.

"You know, Ruka-san" Cody said, walking into the seaside store just a little ways away "I'm actually feeling guilty, I feel like I'm having way too much fun on my job. Is this how it normally goes? Or did I just came at the right time?"

He carried the basket, playing the gentlemen.

"Hey, Mayu, watch your sugar intake"

He got a large bottle of Pocari Sweat, a keychain he picked on impulse (something to bring back home) and all the things the girls asked him to get. There were many snacks with interesting packaging, but he merely glanced over them.
Ruka and Mayu exchanged knowing looks when Cody offered himself to go with them to do some shopping. What they were thinking about was a mystery, but Mayu seemed relaxed with Ruka and Cody, and the team's manager still had that amused look on her face, seeing how the new coach was fitting into the team.

"I can be a lifeguard!" Yuki said cheery. "Come here Sara! I'll give you mouth-to-mouth!" she added, puckering up her lips in a comical manner, starting to chase a now fleeing Sara around the spot where Moon and Makoto were resting, before chasing her into the sea as they laughed and played.

With the other four left behind, it wasn't too long until they reached the shop, wonderfully summery and full of all kinds of cravings one could get in a whim. "We needed a new coach as the season ended, so since we found you before it starts, we can say you arrived at a relaxed moment" Ruka started to answer. Mayu wandered a bit off to a side of the shop, but even then Ruka whispered the next few words. "Don't be fooled by what you saw. Most of them have strong personalities and all have their own share of personal troubles, something that high level competition does nothing to alleviate" she pointed. "If anything it makes it worse. Your work as a coach isn't as much about their individual performance, as these girls are the very best, but their performance as a team" she finished, looking like she wanted to say something more, but unsure about how to continue.

As Mayu got closer again, Ruka felt silent about that and just looked around the shop. "Come onnnn, we are on the beach" Mayu protested about the sugar remark. She was very thin, so she didn't have a trouble with extra weight, but the lack of exercise made her soft and easy to tire. Most of the petitions the girls made were largely unhealthy as most beverages and beach treats tended to be. The only exceptions were the water Ruka got for Makoto and the drink Moon asked, some kind of vitamin stuff that was mostly sugarless water. In the end, even Mayu managed to convince Ruka to get some snacks for the girls, although it didn't seem that the woman needed much convincing. Sometimes Ruka seemed like a doting bigger sister to them all, specially with Mayu around, making Cody wonder why some of them called her 'the witch' although it probably had to do with her plans to be divulged during dinner.

With his attention focused on Mayu, Cody realized a couple of seconds late that as Ruka was taking care of paying what they bought, a couple of young Japanese men around Cody's age approached her, seemingly hitting on her. Suddenly, Mayu darted close to Ruka, although she wasn't specially fast there was little ground to cover, and soon the little blue haired girl was standing next to the manager, even if she looked scared about those men. "Maybe a double date" one of the men said, "you liked little flat girls no?" he said to the other guy, causing laughter on both of them. Their laughs were cut short by a loud noise, as Ruka strongly slapped the face of the one talking, causing looks of both surprise and anger on the men.
He was distracted by gaming rack which was filled with vouchers for all sorts of online video games. Japan is indeed the motherland of asian gaming culture, but whereas the western and korean gaming scene is driven by competition, Japan was sold more on characters and storylines. Everywhere he sees, the games would feature cute young women front and center, it wasn't even clear what the game is about. It became more and more apparent to him why the Sirens are based in Japan, it is here that they can attract the audience best. That was when he noticed the men harassing Mayu.

Inwardly, Cody cursed. Japan's image as a conservative nation of polite people are not entirely true it would seem, but he never expected people to be this forward in public. The flatchest remark went over the line and his fist balled up.

'These fuckers' he thought 'These unbelieavable fuckers'

He stomped over, intent on hitting the guy a few times for being an absolute dick, but Ruka stepped in first and her slap resounded all over the shop. It took the tension out of Cody immediately, he didn't expect her to be so decisive.

"J-Jesus" Cody blurted out, immediately putting himself between the girls and the men, a hand on the man's chest in case he tries pushing through.

"Now, to be fair" he said, the anger draining away from his voice "You kinda deserved that so just let it go ok? I don't wanna cause trouble for the storekeeper"

It was a lie, he was absolutely intent on causing trouble before, but the man already had his insult AND injury.

"Trust me man, you're not man enough to handle either of these ladies"
Even if the two Japanese young men that had been aggressively trying to pick up girls were fit and clearly accustomed to move in environments like the beach, it was quite obvious that neither of them had met someone like Ruka once she slapped one of them. Cody reacted quickly, and once he was between the girls and them, he noticed that he was taller and more muscular than those two that seemed to have leaner builds. The two dudes were already over their heads as soon as they picked on Ruka, but the sudden intervention of the tall and strong foreigner made them more eager to back off instead of starting a scene. Glaring at the trio, it wasn't long before they turned tail and went away, not even daring to say anything else that could make things worse for them.

Looking back at the girls, Mayu seemed down, her hands hovering over her chest, the words of those thugs clearly weighting on her mind. Ruka leaned closer to her, whispering something to her ear that made Mayu open her eyes wide and blush a bit, but soon she seemed to be a bit more relaxed. "You are right, they weren't man enough to handle any of us" Ruka said, opening and closing the hand she used to slap the shit out of one of them, her usual welcoming expression clearly angry. It seemed that she had somehow managed to ease up Mayu, but the manager herself wasn't happy with the situation. "You said that the girls from the team looked nice before, and I could feel you were honest" Ruka stepped closer to Cody as she said so, while Mayu was picking up the stuff from the shop, unable to hear them. "But for women... things are never that easy, there is always something that could be bigger or smaller..." she added, looking a bit troubled but turning to her best face once Mayu shared the weight of their shopping spree between them.

"Lets just go back" Mayu commented, seemingly happier than before. Whatever Ruka said to her worked, although it was difficult to imagine what it was. "The ice cream will melt otherwise" she said, as some of the girls had requested those.

(feel free to talk whatever with any of them and I'll address it in the next post)

- - -

Back to were the other four girls were stationed at, the outlook of things was a bit on the weird side. Makoto wasn't just awake and under the shadow provided by the bunched beach umbrellas, but the weirdest thing was the whole picture. She was sitting down between Moon's long legs, bunched up while embracing her knees while the Korean girl hugged her from behind. Her face made clear that she was in pain, barely noticing the return of the others, looking a bit mortified as she did glance at Cody, but seemingly too pained to say anything.

"Pass me the tea drink" Moon said stern, gesturing to the shopping trio for the drink she ordered. "This will do you good" she added, once she had the bottle at hand, making Makoto take a couple of sips. "How many times have I told you that alcohol doesn't help..." Moon mused, leaning her head against Makoto's back.

Mayu tapped Cody on the arm, gesturing for him to lean towards her, whispering "she tends to get really bad cramps on those days of the month" to his ear in the same informative tone she tended to use for game facts and data.

"You'll have to get accustomed to certain things living with five girls" Ruka mused, sighing. She seemed to be thinking things over, her face making quite clear that whatever plans she had, that wouldn't be of help.

"Can you walk?" Moon asked, receiving a silent nod from Makoto that seemed to be avoiding to lock eyes with Cody at all costs. "I'm taking her to the room, we'll meet for dinner" she said, taking the team captain with her back to the hotel.

With all that scene, it took a few moments until Ruka asked. "Sara and Yuki are still in the water?" she said, looking to the sea. Not far from there, Sara's red hair could be easily spotted, although it was precisely her head the only thing that was over the water. Yuki herself was walking back to the sand, trying to hold back a laughing fit to no avail.

"I told her that... I told her that it was several sizes too small... didn't listen..." she mumbled, going back to the sand.

"What was small?" Mayu asked her lane partner.

"That bikini Moon got for her" Yuki answered. "It came undone while playing and got dragged by the sea" she explained. "So I thought of bringing her a towel to cover herself up" she finished, clarifying the reason for her to be there and why Sara was still in the sea, covered by the water.
The Siren was a mythological creature that lures men to their doom in the ocean, often depicted as a beautiful woman with heavy, naked breasts. How fitting, Cody thought, that Sara was becoming just that. Cody wondered why she felt the need to wear something so revealing, really, he would have been eyeing her no matter what. "Silly girl" the man sighed, walking over to the water until he was about a few yards away from the redhead.

"You know it's getting cold out here" he said

"Best get out of the water, or else you just might catch a cold"

He waited for her to do so, knowing she wouldn't. It was cruel, he realized, teasing her like this, but she made it hard to resist, her face looks so pretty when its as red as her hair. "What's the matter? For someone who sneaks into a naked man's room to check him out, you sure seem uncomfortable with nudity"

Eventually he decided it was enough and he took off his shirt, placing it atop her head and walking away so she can wear it without being seen.

"Just give it back to me when you're done with it missy"

Now he had something else to do, so he walked up to Ruka, now shirtless once again.

"So, boss, we got a lot to talk about, and my room has some really nice facility we can use for an informal meeting" he said, referring to the outdoor hot pool.

"But..." Sara frowned, deeming that her arms weren't enough to cover her assets so she crouched until the sea water reached her shoulders. "I didn't sneak into your room to ogle at you!" she protested. "I went in to talk about the gym and... I just..." she pouted. Sara knew well enough that what she had done wasn't any good, but it wasn't her initial intention, it was just that seeing him like that had been all too tempting. It had been a long time since the last time she had a boyfriend, as the team took too much time from her. "I'm sorry, okay? I said it so several times already..." she whined, starting to feel really bad, her eyes starting to get wet when she felt something on her head.

"Wha-?" she voiced surprised, daring to raise one hand to check his shirt and hold it. "Jerk..." Sara said, relieved and with a smile. Turning around underwater to face the deep sea, Sara raised from her pose, revealing her bare back to the beach. Without thinking twice, she donned Cody's shirt, more than big enough to accommodate her breasts and almost look like a mini dress. "It smells of him..." she mused in a whisper, daring to turn around to come back to the sand. It was true that with the water the shirt's fabric stuck to her body, but it felt safer than her revealing bikini, not to mention walking topless.

Ruka seemed to think Cody's offer twice, eyeing the girls on the beach. With Moon having escorted Makoto back to their room, if Ruka went with Cody that would meant leaving Mayu, Sara and Yuki there. Two of them were already adults, so it was perhaps silly of Ruka to worry about them, but even if some disliked her methods, they still were her girls and would do anything for them. Ruka's eyes lingered on Mayu, while Yuki was still recovering from the laughing fit Sara's wardrobe malfunction caused on her. "So it can't wait until dinner then?" Ruka mused, "Fine, I like initiative" she added, getting up and covering her swimsuit with an elegant body wrap that had the same roses over black design. Adults or not, it was clear the difference between the girls of the team and that woman on how she conducted herself. "Girls, be responsible, you can go back to the hotel if you want" she commented.

Sara didn't want to stay on the beach anymore in that outfit, Mayu's pleading looks turned brighter when she heard that she could return to the safety of the hotel away from the outdoors shenanigans, and even Yuki was fine with it given how much fun she had, not to mention that being the only minor she couldn't be left to her own devices like that, even if she could fend for herself. The five of them returned to the hotel, with the young trio soon entering their room carrying all the beach trinkets. Ruka paused for a moment in front of her room, shared with Moon and Makoto. "I don't want to disturb Makoto if she's resting" she said, feeling bad for her. "It's fine if I wear this to that meeting of yours?" she asked Cody.
"You love me" Cody chuckled, patting the girl on the head "And off the record, I don't mind you taking a peek at all"


They were indoors and the shade was instantly comforting, Cody was ready to just stay indoors for the rest of the day. He already showered outside, not wanting to bring sand into the resort, but he can still feel the little grains stuck in the nooks and crannies all over his body. That was the worst thing about beaches, really. Now, it was time for work. With the sexy colleague. In a hot tub. Maybe it was also a bit of pleasure mixed in, that seems like something that would become a running theme in this job.

"No, of course I don't mind" he said "Why would I mind having a killer view?"

They entered his room, and he was slightly self-aware about leaving his belongings scattered about, would it reflect on her view of him, as a co-worker, and as a person? He tried not to dwell and headed straight for the hot tub.

"Gotta tell you ma'am, this is the best job I ever had, not many job comes with trips to exotic locations, meeting interesting people, having paid beach vacations AND playing video games. Best job in the world I dare say"

He sat down in the water, feeling the heat relax his muscles. From the cool salty water of the sea, to the hot fresh one in his room, it was two equally pleasant experience. If it wasn't for present company, Cody was sure he would have been skinny dipping in this tub to scrub all the sand clean.

"Please, sit anywhere" he said, watching her from his seat, leaving both the place next to him and across him free for her to choose. "I think we got a good team here, good players, good girls, but...I kinda wanna know a few things, things like what would you consider a succesful first month for myself as the new coach?"

As his muscles relaxed more and more, he leaned back and lets out a deep, pleasant growl.

"Oh that feels so good.."
"You certainly don't mince words, Mr. Swanson" Ruka commented, looking entertained with his straightforward attitude despite acting formal herself. "Nor do you value being tidy I see..." she added, seeing that his room was a bit of a mess. As far as he knew, his contract depended of that woman, but it seemed that despite her jabs or playful back and forth that wasn't at risk. Ruka knew what trouble getting a decent coach could be, and she had seen enough to notice that the girls had taken a liking to him, at least for now, but once tension started to pile up either with personal issues or the competitive nature of the season, she feared for the stability of them, so she had to make sure.

"At least you had enough sense to not mention the girls within the benefits of the job" Ruka said. "I don't know what your limits are, nor will I impose any, really" she commented. "Trust your judgment, but remember that they are both elite athletes and young girls, all at the same time, so forget if you think that dealing with them is going to be a walk in the park" she continued as Cody got into the outdoors tub. "And if anything happens, you better make it sure that it remains private. Japanese people don't take well to see the reputation of their idols tarnished" she added, circling the tub.

Sitting on the edge of the tub in front of him, Ruka dipped only her feet into the water, keeping her legs closed together. "So, you seemed impatient for a talk" she said, looking down on him with her current height advantage. "Tell me what couldn't wait until dinner" she asked.
"Well, It's about Mayu" he said, fully relaxing in the hot water, but his tone was serious. "Her anxiety, the way she reacts to fans..It's not healthy, really, I think we need to consider proffesional help"

He had seen little things like this go out of control, and yet Japan is Japan and America is America, he wasn't sure about the stigma that might come with psychiatric therapy here (Whereas Americans have a much greater awareness of mental issues). "So that's why I called you here" he said, looking over at the pretty lady at the edge of the pool.

"Or maybe I just wanted to get some one on one time with my blazing hot boss...I don't know, what do you think this is about, ma'am, business, or pleasure?"

The answer was unclear even to him, he had planned to talk to her about Mayu, but he didn't plan on having to talk to her about it in a hot tub.
At the mention of Mayu's name, Ruka tensed, her brow frowning visibly as he mentioned her issues, taking a while for her to relax a bit with a heavy sigh. "I'm of course aware of Ms. Sakaguchi's situation" Ruka said, being forcefully and overly formal, like if she wanted to distance from her even if it was painfully obvious how much she cared. "I want the best for her" she added, sounding sincere but also tender, as if the relationship was more than professional, even friendly. "But we can't risk something like visiting a shrink getting out" Ruka commented, looking a bit down. "I don't think the situation being so dire to resort to that. If it got out... it would be even worse for her" she said, fully knowing the repercussions of such a thing. "She needs friends, support, and opening to a male figure that it's positive" she said, looking at Cody once more. "So no professional help other than your own for now" Ruka called off, appearing as the figure of authority she was again.

"I do hope that you are more subtle with the other girls at least" Ruka chastised, broaching the other topic. "I don't mind you trying to sleep with them, as long as it doesn't affect the results. They are adults after all so they can do what they please, my team doesn't have stupid moral clauses" she commented. "Aside from Yuki, of course, as she's still a minor and I'll jail your ass if you even try" her eyes flared. "But beyond that, you may as well try, you are still a young man" she shrugged. "I do know what I like though, and you have plenty of that..." she said, slowly opening her legs, just to close them back again. "Not now though, not yet" she said with a smirk, playing with him a bit. "I have to get a shower, get rid of this swimsuit and rest a bit before dinner, I advise you to do the same" Ruka added, getting up. "I'll share the plans for tomorrow during dinner, if all goes well... then I'll reconsider your blunt approach" she commented, ready to leave his room.
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