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Playmaker and the Namco Sirens (Godfang and Sigr)

"They are serving me beer because they know what I like" Makoto frowned, wondering what that question was about, taking a few seconds wrapping her head around it. "Oh, you mean it that way. It's been months since I've been twenty years old, that the legal age to drink in Japan" she pointed out, taking yet another sip. "Not like I didn't drink before that... but that's hardly the topic" she said, returning to Cody's plans.

"Yeah, what's that weird thing about going to the gym?" Sara asked, while Yuki echoed the sentiment with a nod and open wide eyes. Cody explained that it was scientifically proven and that teams were implementing it, something that made Makoto turn to Moon, while the Korean player sighed.

"I'm afraid he's right girls, many top Korean teams are doing the same thing" Moon explained with a shrug. "The gym I usually go to could be perfect for that, it's quite close and it has rental rooms for private sessions" she added. If Moon already did go to a gym and she wasn't against it, her frown from before seemed odd, not knowing what had caused it.

"If it is scientifically proven..." Mayu sighed, giving up and accepting it. "I... I trust you" she added, without raising her head from the food, continuing to eat.

The table was left wordless for a moment, but Makoto soon broke the silence. "Fine then, we'll go to the gym" as a captain she seemed to take responsibility for the team's choices, even when they weren't hers. "Our technical skill is spot on" she said, sounding a bit proud. "So I guess it's a reasonable thing to do" she added, seemingly sounding way more mellow now that Mayu had accepted it.

"I'm not sure about the martial arts stuff, perhaps some self defense..." Sara mumbled, taking a sip of her juice. She seemed lost in thought while taking a sip of her orange juice.

"I already know how to fight though" Yuki said, while the other girls didn't even blink. Was she serious or was it some kind of odd Japanese humor that he wasn't aware of?
By the time they reached the house, Cody was ready to just collapse. Jet lag was starting to settle in, and the second he sat down on his bed, he found that he lacked the energy to get up and take a shower. He really should, so he kept telling himself 'in 5 minute, get up and shower' but 5 minute turned to 10, then 15, and after almost an hour, he finally gathered sufficient ammount of willpower to push off the bed and stumble into the bathroom.

The hot water woke him up as it was too hot to the point of scalding, and he had to turn it off entirely, waiting for the temperature to normalize, but then it was too cold, a hardship that plagues bathers worldwide. In the end, he stayed in the shower too long, letting the now pleasantly warm water run over him like a lover's caress. By the time he stepped out of it, his hair is plastered to his face and his fingers are shriveled.

"Oooh, that was so good.." he muttered, drying off and heading to the bedroom to get dressed, but when he sat down on his bed, the same problem happened again and Cody dozed off, with nothing but a towel on.
The team returned home with varied spirits. Moon was back to her calm self, Tomboy seemingly had a beer too many and even if she wasn't drunk, she was making crass jokes with Sara, that was indulging her but still blushed. Mayu seemed to have recovered from the ordeal, and Yuki was, if Cody's sleepy eyes were to be trusted, explaining karate strikes and judo holds to her. Once around the house, the girls scattered around, with Yuki and Mayu back to queue in the game, Moon heading to her room and Sara taking Tomboy to hers. Given time, the house started to calm down and considering the eventful day that they had and possibly could be facing with a new coach, even Mayu and Yuki ended up going to bed earlier than usual.

Sara on her part, considering that Makoto ended completely asleep after Sara had prepared her a bath she didn't take in the end, now had to fulfill the older girl's tasks, namely being a responsible captain. A soft knock on Cody's door yielded no answer, so her plans of asking him if they were going to check Moon's gym the next morning were for naught if he was asleep. Well, she could step in just a moment to leave a note for him to read when he woke up, as there was no hurry and he had to get accustomed to the jet lag. What Sara didn't expect and caused her to gasp, was finding Cody sleeping almost completely naked on top of his bed, Akiba's lights shining on him across the windows.

She shouldn't. She knew that much. And Sara wasn't the kind to abuse those situations. But she kind of had to. Who wouldn't? Slowly tip toeing to the bed, thankful for the Japanese custom of being barefoot, Sara pinched the edge of the towel with a couple of fingers and rising it a bit, she peeked under the smooth surface. The redhead had to stifle a gasp of surprise, as a hefty piece of cut meat was resting there, bigger than anything she had ever seen in person, and it was still soft. Returning the towel to its position and inadvertently leaving a strand of red hair on the white surface, she retreated from the room in silent haste, hoping to not disturb Cody.

Leaning against the closed door from the outside, the flushed girl's face was as red as her hair, while an amused Moon in a silver nightgown smiled at her as she returned to her room with a glass of water. "So, anything interesting?" the Korean asked sly.

"N-No, he's just asleep, don't disturb him" Sara quickly said, returning to her room in a hurry.

"Oh, I won't" Moon whispered for herself, returning to her own private space.
Sleep came in short bursts Cody, with each burst leaving him half-awake and cold. 'I should put clothes on and turn the light off' he kept telling himself, to no avail, as the sandman persistently dragged him back to slumber even with the bright neon light glaring at his face.

In each of these short moments of rest, he dreamt of something. Many of these dreams were nonsensical, forgotten before he even woke up, but one in particular was rather lucid. In this one, Cody was back home in America, or perhaps somewhere else, but it wasn't Japan. He was lying on his back, watching as a woman used her mouth to pleasure him. He can't tell who it was when he woke up, all he knew was that the person had red hair, and the she swallowed him down to the very base of his cock.

He woke up frustrated and hard as a rock, lifting the white towell off his lap by sheer length alone. He knew that the situation had to be taken care of before he leaves his room, so he resorted to the use of his own hand in the bathroom, taking a short second shower just to make sure he did not smell like cum.

Before he left the room, he found a strand of red hair and curiously smiled.


"Wake up, wake up!" he called out, walking through the hall and banging on each room.

"We're leaving in an hour, so everyone come down for breakfast in your workout gear!"
Cody's noisy banging of every door while calling out the girls was answered with groans, protests surprised yelps alike, fearing that he would barge in their rooms in the worst possible moment. It wasn't the case, of course, so the girls started to slowly pour out their rooms.

Makoto was the first one to hit the kitchen, a shirt of the Yokohama DeNA BayStarts and pirate shorts with vertical stripes being the most notorious parts of her outfit. Boyish as always, she formally greeted Cody, and started to make her own breakfast. "I guess that you don't want a traditional Japanese breakfast, right?" she sneered.

"You are the only one that keeps eating that, like an old man" Moon appeared into the kitchen, helping herself to taking a jab at Makoto, even if the target didn't even flinch, accustomed to that. The Korean girl looked like a model for a sportswear clothing line, outfitted with top of the line gear: Training sneakers, form fitting leggings, a light hoodie barely zipped up and some kind of sports bra under it. Taking a sizeable cereal yogurt from the fridge and an apple, Moon soon started to have her first meal, all healthy.

"Morning" Sara was the third one, geared with black yoga pants and a zipped up hoodie that was over a loose t-shirt of some sorts, judging by the hem of it appearing below the sweater. Even if she was pretty, she didn't carry herself with the style and confidence that Moon did, looking way more discreet by it, and she seemed to be avoiding to look at Cody while he looked at her, stealing glances when she thought he couldn't see her. Sitting down away from him, she just started to eat an orange without much of a hurry.

"Ohayo!" Yuki greeted enthused, appearing from her room in a karate gi, as she was about to fight someone in a competition, complete with embroidered black belt. The little girl looked weird with her usually elaborate hair just tied into a ponytail and without wearing any frills nor makeup. Soon after her, Mayu followed, a simple combination of an Ikaruga t-shirt and black shorts that was appropriate for exercising even if a bit on the lazy side.

The girls were just sleepily eating fruit, cereals and some chocolate stuffed buns, with orange juice and coffee moving around the kitchen table. Makoto was the only one eating a traditional breakfast with fish, rice, miso soup and some pickled carrots.
For someone who was dedicated to healthy living (at least in the last year or two), Cody realized that there were many things to fix and teach the girls, starting from proper nutrition. Fruit was all fine and dandy, but for working out, they'd need something that can provide more energy.

'One step at a time' he told himself

When they left the house, he stuck closer to Mayu than the day before. Now he knows what to watch out for, he wasn't about to let a repeat of the previous day happen again, much to his relief, they made it to the gym Moon had recommended without any incident.

From the first time he stepped into Adonis gym, Cody felt he was out of his element. The gym was very different from what he was used to in the US, it had an upscale feel that made it clear it catered to the upper-class and it was priced accordingly, much more expensive than even a good American gym, but then Japan as a culture isn't as obsessed with muscles as Americans are.

They had many fancy machines and little free weights, normally Cody would pick from the middle of the rack, but here even the heaviest dumbell was within his range, but that was all fine, the girls wouldn't be doing much heavy lifting. The strangest of all was the rules provided by the gym, many of which seemed arbitrary to him, though none more so than the 'No tatoo shown' regulation. It was so bizarre for his western mind, it took him a while to take in.

"I guess I'm working out in my street shirt" he said with a shrug, lightly annoyed. He didn't even like his tatoo that much, it was something he got when he was younger and more impulsive, he certainly didn't think it would cause problems like this.

They rented a private room, a few yoga mats and a sound system, nothing too crazy for their first session.

"We're doing something easy today" he told them while he stretched, his shirt sometimes pulled up to provide a glimpse at sculpted abdominals. "So everyone stretch good and we'll start with some tabata, Captain! You pick the workout music for today!" he said, pointing at Makoto
"Thanks" Mayu whispered, loud enough for just Cody hear it. The girl was on guard and sticking close to Cody since they got out the house, but she was far from being oblivious to what Cody was doing, so she thanked him for it. Being close to the tall coach sure made her feel safer, knowing that nothing would happen to her with him around. In a country where even some karaoke places had a luxurious lobby with multiple receptionists and private rooms, the gym that Moon seemed to frequent was no different, valuing not only top notch installations, but also privacy for the more reserved Japanese to exercise and sweat without no one looking at them. It was somewhat amusing that such culture was also known for bathing in public, but it was one of the interesting contradictions of that nation.

Moon helped Cody move around the place, as she was well known there and could move around the gym with ease, aware of where everything was. She seemed to frown confused when Cody made the commentary about having to exercise on his street shirt, but she followed his line of sight and soon understood what he was referring to, making a wily smile briefly appear on her face. In the end, with Moon's help since she knew the place perfectly, they decided for a mostly plain room. It was then probably true that Cody didn't want to push them too far, but that remained to be seen.

Once on the room, Yuki started to stretch like she was about to whoop the asses of everyone in the room, the little girl in the karate gi seemed to be straight out of an anime series. Mayu was discreetly stretching without much strength, while Moon helped Sara and seemingly gossiped with her, fleeting glances thrown at their coach. Makoto was just stretching normally when Cody told her what they were going to do and asked her to pick the music, making her eyes glow amused, approaching the sound system while tweaking on her smartphone.

While Makoto fiddled with the Bluetooth settings to use the music on her phone, Sara approached Cody. "Moon says that even if the gym has a rule about tattoos, you can remove your shirt in a private room" she said, avoiding to look at his face most of the time. "What is it?" she asked, slightly blushed, seemingly curious about his tattoo.

Soon, Makoto finished setting things up, and the tunes of contagious Japanese electro and rap were just one play button away when Cody wanted to start the routine. The first track on the list, Not Not Me, was one of their more easygoing songs, but soon the playlist would move on their more aggresive ones like HATE or Supplemental Diet.
Yuki was adorable, too adorable, Cody wanted to pick her up and swing her around and he would have if he didn't worry that the girl might punch him in the face for doing so. She was small, so it the injury wouldn't be TOO bad, but having your nose busted by a loli was not something a man could ever live down.

He was stretching his quads when Sara came over, when she made her request, he smiled. "You know, if you want to see it yourself, you could always come to my room" he said in a low voice before leaning closer to whisper "..again"

Then he changed his mind and decided to take off his shirt anyways. Cody was a chubby young man in his teenage years, but hard work made him a specimen as an adult, broad shouldered and powerfully built as a result of very hard work. Someone in his old gym told him that with his body type, he'd bloat up in his old days once his testosterone production goes away, but until that day comes, he might as well enjoy the fruit of his labor.

"Alright" he said, standing in front of everyone. His tatoo, now visible, was placed on his right shoulder, a celtic tree surrounded by a circle.

"Let's get to work"

He started them easy, jumping jacks, high knees,things to really get their heart pumping, but between sets, he'd only let them rest for twenty seconds, then its on to the next set, and the next one after that, over and over, getting more aggresive as the song sped up, all the time wondering, who will keep up with him till the end
"Ah... I didn't mean..." Sara blushed until her face matched her hair, returning back to her teammates. Once on her position, she was mostly looking to the ground, but not her not the others could help but notice how Cody looked without a shirt. After all, they were a bunch of young girls, barely out of teen age. Sara remained flushed and bashful, Moon was seemingly pleased while Makoto purposefully avoided to look. Mayu seemingly wasn't interested, and looked bored, while Yuki was the only one to make a remark.

"Good body! Strong!" the little girl said, raising a thumbs up in acceptance. "But can't beat me!" she turned her gesture into a thumbs down, giggling about it. Her English was still a bit rough on the edges, but she really seemed right out of a fighting manga.

As the exercise routine began, Cody could easily see where each girl was in physical prowess. Yuki and Moon kept the pace without breaking a sweat, Makoto seemed to struggle a bit, while Sara was out of sync and distracted. Mayu was painful to look at, the little girl wheezing and panting soon after they started, but still trying to keep on it. As the routine advanced, Mayu ended up lying down of exhaustion, her modest chest rising up and down as she tried to catch her breath.

Soon after that, it was clear that Makoto wasn't having a good day, and with a groan she sat down on the mat, drying the sweat from her face with the hem of the shirt, revealing a lean but shapeless midriff. Sara was the next one to stop, lying on the mat prone, using her arms as a pillow of sorts.

Yuki and Moon were starting to sweat as Cody did, but none of them lowered the pace. Moon's fitness was expected, since she had confessed that she came to the gym often, and even if she didn't do anything that would got her more muscle definition, it was clear by her stamina, hard abdomen and relentless pace that she was fit as hell. Yuki was the little surprise, as it seemed that her karate gi was no cosplay, nor the commentary she made last night about knowing how to fight a joke, seemingly being trained to endure what Cody was throwing at them and then some.
To Cody's surprise, Makoto was the second to fall. He imagined that with her attitude comes a degree of mental, if not physical, toughness, but there she was, looking like she was about to die. Some of these girls would benefit from having personal trainers, but something told him that they would not trust a stranger enough to listen to them. The routine winded down and ended, it was nothing more than a vigorous warmup for Cody who planned on doing some weight training afterward.

"You three are going to need a LOT of work" he said, tossing a towel to each of the girls. "Moon and Yuki, good work"

Yuki. The little odd girl who looked like a child, who knew she would be in such good shape?

"For you three, you're going to have some terrible aches tommorow, we call it Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, go hit the sauna and we'll take the rest of the day off?"

He wanted people to feel rewarded for this, and the first thing his mind jumped to was cakes, but that would undo what little work they did today, barbeque should be saved for special occasions, so he thought of the next best thing.

"We'll order sushi for lunch and do hot-pot for dinner?"
"I am normally in better shape, but this hangover is killing me..." Makoto protested, covering her head with the towel, trying to keep the lights at bay. It was true that she looked fit, maybe not as firm as Moon, but being more or less slender didn't mean that she had a decent stamina, specially not after drinking too much the night before.

Mayu was just exhausted, her blue hair sticky with sweat. For what Cody had seen, she had already a thin frame and didn't eat too much, so even if she did zero exercise ever, the reclusive girl didn't get any fatter. Sara wasn't accustomed to those outburst of activity, and she was not only tired but also clearly distracted after what Cody had said to her. Avoiding to look at him and helping Mayu get up, the redhead was making herself busy with her teammate to keep herself distanced from their coach.

"That sounds fine... although my stomach feels upside down now..." Makoto said, while the rest of the girls nodded with various degrees of enthusiasm. The three tired girls seemed more than glad of being spared, and getting a free day with a stop in the sauna beforehand. What plans they may have for after the lunch, if any, remained to be seen, as they dragged their tired selves out of the private room.

Moon seemed as unfazed as ever, minding her own business and taking small sips from a sports water bottle. Yuki was the one that seemed beaming since Cody told her that she did a good job. Once the three girls went out to recover, she quickly approached Cody, something that made Moon smile. "Thank you. I saw how you were close to Mayu on the way here" she bowed. "You look big and strong" she added, poking Cody's abs with a finger since they were almost at eye level given the size disparity. "But do you know how to fight? How to defend Mayu?" Yuki asked looking upwards to his eyes, serious but still cute.
He felt bad, really, when he watched the three girls slink away. He certainly wasn't a certified fitness instructor, all he did was make them do the things he was taught to do, but everyone has a different level of fitness, different body types, Cody wondered if his standardized approach would bring more bad than good. If everyone came out of this uninjured, he'd be happy, but he might need to consult someone to create a personalized work schedule for each of the girls.

"You know, you guys really don't need any extra workouts by the look of it" he said, turning to the last two survivors. "But having you around would help motivate the others, so I hope you don't mind sticking to the program"

When the little girl started poking his abs, Cody looked down with a quizzical expression. He had a bad feeling about where this was going.

"Yeah, I box" he shrugged "Never competed or anything, but I box and took some MMA classes"

He didn't mention that he only took 3 classes before seeing someone blow their knee in the grappling session and deciding that he'd keep his martial arts training casual
"Not at all, the show is worth it" Moon snickered, hard to know if she meant seeing her teammates sweat and fall or the shirtless coach, as strange and hard to read as always. "I like being in shape anyways..." she shrugged.

"Box and MMA!" Yuki said happy, realizing that Cody could fight if needed to. "Hmmm" she walked in circles around him. "Big muscles will be enough to scare stalkers, but knowing to fight is good" she nodded in appreciation. "I'd test you, but don't want to hurt you" she said with a defiant smile. "Unless..."

Was it for real? Yuki was like half the size of Cody and weight wise the comparison was ridiculous. A movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention. Moon was frantically shaking her head, forming the word 'NO' with her lips. Seeing that the situation was so crazy that Cody had trouble to react, Moon decided to step in. "Yuki, you can't fight him. If you hurt him Ruka would punish you, and you don't want that, right?" she admonished.

"Awawawa... nonono" Yuki paled, shaking her head. "I'll trust your skills, coach!" she bowed, running out of the room, presumably to join the others in the sauna.

With a sigh, Moon took a sip from her water bottle. "You owe me one, you looked about to accept it just to make her happy" Moon said, taking a brief pause. "She would have murdered your ass. Those belts aren't for show. She was a champion before getting into LoL barely one year ago" she explained. "If Mayu is a nerd genius that can process tons of data, Yuki is the perfect match for the bottom lane, her instincts are scary" a hint of envy echoed in her voice, but Moon's sly smile was still on her face.
He was going to say yes, Moon wasn't wrong on that, but he was twice Yuki's size, probably twice her weight, what can she possibly do? Machismo swelled in him and try as he might, the expression of disbelief refused to stay out of his face.

"Ok then" Cody said with a chuckle.

He decided to use the free weights for a bit, but his energy level wasn't back yet, so he lifted a little under what he was used to. Of course, he picked the wrong one because he was too used to the imperial system while Japan used metric, and he felt stupid for it. The weights felt good in his hands, it made him sweat, and it made him feel better by the end of his session.

Before he went to the shower, he passed Moon once more and paused.

"Hey, can I ask you for a favor?" he asked "I need to buy some new clothes for working out, and just for day-to-day purpose, I also need some new razors, deodorants, you know, basic grooming stuff, think you can help me find them?"

He was drenched in sweat now, so he stayed a few more steps away from her than usual. Moon seemed helpful so far, and if anyone of the girls know about grooming and shopping, she'd be the one.

"If you help me out, I'd owe you one" he smiled, a drop of sweat crawling down his chest.
"Well, it's your male pride, you don't have to believe me" Moon shrugged, keeping her usual playful smile painted in her face, seeing that Cody wasn't entirely convinced that little cute Yuki could whoop his ass. While he lifted weights, Moon was mostly using a treadmill, doing squats and several other exercises that seemed to be guided to keep her fit attractive body in shape, more than anything else. With the tight sports clothing, there was little to be left to the imagination, and even if Moon seemed focused on what she was doing and didn't seem to look at or even notice Cody, he could swear that there was a bit of an exhibitionist streak to how she moved.

It was probably his imagination though, as Moon showed no difference in treatment as how she behaved with him. "Hmm?" Moon seemed interested when Cody asked about a favor, moving her silver hair behind her ear while she dried her forehead sweat with a towel. "I thought you already owed me one for saving you from Yuki's martial arts skills" she said with a smile, nonchalantly closing the distance while she stretched her arms behind her head, making hard to not look at her while she avoided to ogle at Cody.

"But hey, I guess it will be fun" she finally decided, leaving her towel hanging from her neck. "I'll take the girls to the showers and then the six of us can head home to get out of... this" she gestured. She had spare clothes with her, of course, but the gym wasn't far from the apartment and there was no way she was going to dress in a practical way for the endeavor of taking Cody shopping. He could wear on that surprisingly fit body what he wanted, but Moon liked to look her best. "I'll take care of you" she said, throwing her hand towel to Cody's face, then walking away to rescue the girls from the sauna and get them showered.
The Tokyo Metro was the most shocking cultural experience Cody had yet, of course each day he finds something new that boggled his mind, but this one was hard to top. It was more jammed than anything he ever experienced, people pressed up against one another with no concern about personal space and they all seemed rather nonchalant about it. He even saw older people in the crowd, people who seemed like they might be trampled or suffocated in the sea of humanity within the narrow tube, but they persisted. Each station, a few people went out and seemingly twice their number came in, it was all extremely uncomfortable and he was sweating (again) by the time he blundered out of the subway.

"Jesus, you guys go through that daily?" he asked as they walked up towards the street. "You're from Korea right? I imagine it's not as crowded as Japan..Tokyo is realy something else"

Once they reached 109, Cody knew he was in the wrong place. A few simple t-shirts, some shorts, that was all he wanted, this place was far more upscale than he expected, as expected from Moon really. He looked for the plainest shirts he can find but they were still pricier than he'd like, and once he tried them on, they were quite snug, Japan has a different standard of XXL shirts than America afterall.

"This is a bit too tight" he said, exiting the fitting room, his shirt clinging uncomfortably tight and leaving nothing left to the imagination, it made him even more self-conscious than being shirtless in front of Moon.
With the rest of the girls deposited at home after a shower and having changed into something less sporty, Moon guided Cody to the nearby Suehirocho station. It was part of the Ginza line, unlike the Akihabara one even if they were close, so it could take them directly to Shibuya. Wearing some slim steel leggings that hugged her every curve with a balloon bone white blouse that mostly hide her upper half, Moon had chosen an outfit most comfortable and fashionable, but her smile soon turned into a frown. "Rush hour" she mumbled, as lunch time wasn't too far and lots of people were moving around. Unable to avoid it, Moon ended up stuck to Cody's body during the whole trip, and luckily the Japanese custom of being silent on the subway saved them from making any reference to how awkward it was during the trip.

"Normally it isn't like that, it depends of the line and the time frame..." Moon explained, finally out of the ordeal. "The big cities have their moments in Korea too, but no, not like Tokyo. Nothing is quite like this city" she admitted, slowly recovering and taking Cody from the Shibuya Station to the 109 men across the famous Shibuya Crossing. It soon showed, for Moon's amusement, that Cody wasn't entirely comfortable in that place, but Moon didn't mean for him to feel bad, so she wanted to sort out things. "I'd say it looks just perfect. No reason to hide the body you work so hard for" she commented, staring at him.

"And don't worry about the price, the team has a budget for anything you wear to the matches, so you are covered when it comes to fancier stuff" Moon explained. "Not to mention that even if I don't know the exact sum, your salary is pretty good. Not to mention that the house is free..." she stopped enumerating the advantages. "So stop frowning and be a bit of a showoff. Show those muscles, I'm sure you will scare the other coaches and every player will want to be on your place" she commented, seeing that Cody wasn't still sure.

"I'll tell you what" Moon proposed. "You get those kind of clothes without protesting much, and I'll... no, buying you lunch is too boring. We can escape to the original 109 nearby and I'll wear whatever outfit you pick for me the rest of the afternoon. Is that fine?" she asked, luring Cody in that kind of dare.
Being able to get access to money so easily as long as it's written off as a job expense seemed too good to be true, but Namco was a much bigger sponsor than the energy drinks and gaming hardware companies that funded his old team. It almost seemed wrong to him that money seemed to mean so little, but Cody won't say no to a little luxury. He was a down to earth guy, not a hermit. The bonus from moon only made him all the more eager to take advantage of his team perk.

"Anything?" he asked with a mischievous grin "Really?"

He paid for his shirt and wore it immediately, getting a paper bag for the shirt he wore to the store, then he went to the other store almost in a rush. "You sit tight, I think I have an idea of what I want you to wear" he said, heading into the shop.

The store was huge and stocked with a large variety of women apparel, Cody soon found himself second guessing his choices, going back and forth to compare between two options, it was an odd sight, a rugged gaijin torturing himself whether black or red skirts would match the ensemble better.

"Here" he said, returning at last "Wear these and let me see the final product"

His choice was relatively conservative for Tokyo, A vest, long sleeved white shirts and a medium length skirt with thigh-high socks, but hidden under the pile was a set of lacey black lingerie that would be hidden pretty well under the rest of the clothing
"I wonder if I'm going end up regretting it, but yeah, really" Moon said amused, trusting that even if she tempted him, she pushed and pulled him around, Cody would still remember that he was their coach and show some restrain. Cody ended up accepting it so much that he kept that tight shirt on, carrying his old one in a bag. Once outside, Cody seemed almost a kid that was promised an ice cream, eager to choose what she would have to wear. Moon smiled, liking to see his more playful self, but was surprised when he told her to wait so he could take care of everything. "You better have good eye for the sizes!" she tried to warn, but he was already gone.

Had she pushed Cody too far? Moon doubted so, they were both adults who knew how to behave, more or less, and even if their relationship was bound to be professional there was no harm on having some fun, was it? Moon noticed that she was nervous, and even if it wasn't much it was somewhat odd. Sure, Cody was hotter than any gamer had right to, and he seemed to be available to fool around, but for a moment she wondered how would the girls react to that, specially Sara who had been quite weird the last hours.

Before she could mull over things even more, Cody returned with a 109 bag that was soon left in her hands. "Right now?" Moon asked, amused. "Ok, let me..." she looked around, searching for an finding a public restroom, something quite easy to do in such a commercial area. "I'll be right back!" she said with a smile, finding that she was more eager than expected to see what Cody had picked up for her. Those restrooms in commercial areas were pretty spacious, and even the booths had hangers and space to work with, so Moon started to unveil the bags contents. It seemed that Cody has played his hand quite safely, even if the thigh high socks were a bit risqué with those suspenders for a garter belt.

That last detail made her wonder and dig deeper, finding out the cute and sexy lace black lingerie on the bottom. Moon stifled a gasp, not wanting to make noise in there and took the fine garments in her hands to examine them, her eyes opening wide when she noticed a detail about them that she definitely had to tell Cody about later. Moon made good by her word, and she changed into each and all of the clothes chosen by Cody, soon getting out of there and meeting him again.

The vest and shirt looked cute and somewhat demure on her lean frame, while the skirt and shorts made her legs look even longer, showing a few inches of her pale thighs and the suspenders. "I don't know how to feel" she confessed with a playful smile. "A bit more... innocent that what I'm accustomed to but still nice. Have you been unable to peel your eyes from me?" she asked, "You basically guessed my size right even... even with the underwear" she doubted for a moment.

"You only got a single shirt, you have shopping to do yet" she said, stepping next to Cody and clinging from his arm a bit. "It should be easy now that you have given in to my advice and then we can have lunch" Moon said, definitely enjoying it.
"I like looking at nice things" he shrugs with a grin, flirting was an innocent thing to do for Cody, or any red blooded American men, really, he understands this and he knew easterners might take offense to his casual approach on dating, but honestly, he doesn't know how else to approach the issue, how DOES asian people manage to commit so seriously so quickly?

The rest of the shopping trip was less exciting for the most part , clothes were personal, sensual even, but shaving razors, facial scrubs, little things like socks and snacks, these are not things that inspire romance. Buying snacks were hard, Cody was not big on snacking but once a week he needs his cheat day so he wanted cookies or chocolates, but most of the packaging were in Japanese and he can only guess from the picture what was inside.

"Japan has so many weird variations of western snacks" he said, eyeing the colourful rack, filled with things that ranged from a mild adaptation such as Green Tea Chocolate Oreos or Avocado Salad Cheetos, but by far the strangest thngs were the Kit Kats. Some of them were relatively sensible, cheesecake kit kats? Sure, strawberry kit kat? perfectly sensible, but the Japanese seems to enjoy making the weirdest combination as if there was a competition to see which region had the oddest flavor, things like sweet potato kit kats, or soy sauce kit kats, or even fish sauce kit kat, of these, Cody decided to get one of each from morbid fascination alone.

"Jesus, who came up with these?.." he muttered

Finally, he headed to the cashier, but as he stood in line, his eyes caught sight of the condom rack. Curiously, he picked up the small pack of Durex, pondering for a few seconds before tossing it onto his basket.

"Think I should get more just in case?" he whispered in Moon's ears
"I guess it's an acquired taste? We don't have so much crazy ones back in Korea, but I'm quite adaptable" Moon admitted while they were snack hunting. "Makoto and Mayu have quite the sweet tooth, although Makoto won't admit it" she said with a wry smile. "Yuki likes everything tea flavored, while Sara feels a bit like yourself, having a hard time with some foods" she explained, feeding Cody information on their personal tastes. "They have quite the late expiration date, so better safe than sorry. If you run out, ask me for some" Moon said without even blinking. "Some guys don't have condoms on them so I always make sure to carry some just in case. One would think that you guys would be more responsible about what you have between your legs but..." she shrugged. "Even if you are a tease, I'm glad that you have protection in mind" she said, her smile more warm than her usual playful one.

"That said..." she whispered back. "Did you have someone in mind when picking up those?" Moon asked, her eyes bright. "I mean, I thought we were hungry for lunch, but you seem to have certain other appetites..." she said. "I saw how Sara acts around you and all that..." mentioned. "Although you are up for some... casual fun, make sure you don't hurt any of them" Moon warned, her face serious. "Don't make them think that it's more than just that, or the team could suffer for that and I'm guessing that you are liking your job so far" she said, her smile returning back as if losing it was a mistake, a mask slipping off.
"I don't really plan on anything" Cody said, stepping forward as the line moved just a little. "But I'm a healthy young man and I'm living in a house with healthy young women, if anything comes up...I want to be prepared".

He never understood why men make such a big deal about wearing condoms, it's not that big a hassle. Maybe when he was younger he fantasized about cumming inside of a woman raw, but then his older friends ruined their lives from getting a woman pregnant, or worse, by catching an STD. He had been a firm user of condoms ever since then and if he ever finds a girl he trusts enough to go raw with, he'll consider it a special treat.

"And working out around you can be pretty good for my..appetites" he whispered. "What do you like?" he asked, getting carried away with the conversation. "Ribbed?...Dotted?"

He turned to the selection, most of them had japanese letters but it was easy to tell which was which from the pictures on it, ribbed, dotted, fetherlite, magnums, they had a good inventory. The woman in front of them stepped up and now they were second in line, and Cody hoped no one around them speak English else they'd knew he was flirting heavily in public.

"Go on..Pick one for me and I'll set it aside to use with you"
"To be prepared and not be an stupid man that insists on doing it raw..." Moon nodded. "So mature, it's just a few years of difference and yet..." she added, looking at the variety with amused interest. "I'm surprisingly standard when it comes to my selection of prophylactics" Moon answered, playful. "That thing between your legs isn't the center of what happens in a bed... or somewhere else, and if one doesn't know what to do it hardly matters with kind of condom you cover it with" she shrugged.

"Well... better check the expiration date in case you aren't as charming as you think you are" Moon answered Cody's proposal to pick some herself from using them with him jokingly. "This ones should suffice" her hand hovered over a fetherlite box, but she stopped before picking them, looking to Cody. "Unless that you are telling me you need the bigger ones..." she said, glancing down without even trying to conceal it. "So either one of those" she said, picking the proper box.

It seemed that few people knew English, or at least enough English to really understand what was going on, but their physical language, how they looked and casually touched each other while talking, and their open discussion close to the condom rack was sure causing a few amused looks. After all, it was two attractive people dressed to emphasize it openly talking about condoms, something that had already caused a brief giggle in a couple of girls in high school uniforms that were shopping nearby.

"See? You are attention grabbing after all, the shirt really works on you" Moon commented, tapping her lips with a finger.
His eyes turned to the magnum condom box and he considered getting it just to be playful, but then that might seem a bit vain, a regular condom can fit a man's head, so he never really saw the point of magnum condoms other than a way to tell the world 'I have a big dick', and while he was pretty secure in the girth of his manhood, he wasn't entirely self-absorbed to the point where he needed to brag about it.

"Nah, the regular one fits me just fine" he shrugged with a grin.

They rode the subway again back, and this time he was far less worried about physical contact, sensing that Moon was welcoming of the flirtation, he stood behind her, his chest to her back, each time he inhales, he caught the scent of her hair and he liked it.

"You smell nice" he whispered, hoping she didn't push back against him, lest she sense the rigid bulge in his pants.

"Thanks for today Moon. You really make my day easier" he added

"And much more...pleasant on the eyes"
Back at the subway, it felt a bit odd having Cody behind her, but he had already shown and admitted that he liked to look at her, so that allowed to do in unsupervised. "Better than in the gym" she joked, leaning back her head when he talked about how did she smell, her white hair flowing back, allowing her face to be fully seen. "It has been fun, but it doesn't have to end yet" she said, enjoying Cody's no holds barred, constant admiration and fixation upon her. "We are heading back to Akihabara, do you want to buy some food and head home with the team or..." Moon made a pause as the movement of the train interrupted her, and now it wasn't just her head, her whole body leaned back on Cody's strong taller one, making her notice something.

"I do smell nice and I sure am pleasant in the eyes" Moon smiled, surprised by his sudden bulge. "Hide that with the shopping bag, we can't go around like that" she said, sounding bossy but not specially angry even if she had a fire in her eyes. The subway arrived to the Akihabara station, but Moon guided them away from the team house to a place that seemed like a hotel, having two prices on display on the front, one for a rest and another for a stay. The garish image of the colorful red and pink hotel together with that sign completed a puzzle that could only be one thing, a love hotel. "We can go in to take care of that thing in your pants, unless you think you can make it disappear..." she said, back to her usual smiling poker face that was so hard to read. Did she want Cody to take the offer or not? What was she up to?
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