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RP: FTWD: Survive With Me (randomname98766789 x greenandgold)

Dec 22, 2014
United States
Summer had just begun. 20-year-old Braden Patterson was home from the University of Southern California. As an upcoming Junior, Braden was a star baseball player and majored in criminal justice, desiring a path for himself just like his father took. Despite Jack Patterson’s early death, his son Braden admired his father and knew from a young age what he wanted to do: help people. Braden had gone through so much in his life already but one thing has been constant: Alicia Clark. She helped him through the darkest nights and roughest days with her kind words and sweet touches. Utterly and indubitably, Braden was head over heels in love.

Though he stayed with his mother during the break, he spent ample time with Alicia. The hospital was overrun with patients and his mother, a nurse, was called in. Now, he had not heard back from the woman since this morning but he did not worry. Los Angeles was massive and when the hospitals went into Code Black, she rarely had time to communicate with him. Always, he held some resentment for the woman since she checked out after her husband died, leaving Braden and his older sister alone. Thankfully, she did turn her life around and now sustained a good job and was clean.

Not thinking anything was wrong, Braden sat on the couch of the Clark living room, snuggled with Alicia as they watched a funny movie on television. Travis Manawa was working on the pipes in the kitchen underneath the sink and Madison Clark prepared to leave. She was a guidance counselor at the high school where Alicia had just graduated from. Despite it being summer break, she was one of the workers that had to work extra days. She never had an issue with Braden and it was commonplace to see him and her daughter together.

The day had been normal, calm. Braden only glanced towards the screen as his hands gently massaged the lower part of her back while they cuddled. Often, Madison had seemed to neglect Alicia because of the problems her eldest child caused, Nick Clark. He was a drug addict and he often overshadowed Alicia’s accomplishments. Madison constantly moved Nick in-and-out of recovery homes for drugs but it never worked. She had even missed a birthday or two for Alicia because she was busy with Nick. However, Braden has always been there. Just when they were having a nice moment together, Madison peered her head into the living room and called for Alicia. “Alicia, we have to go to the hospital. They found Nick on the road.” She commented quietly while Nick found another way to ruin a moment for the couple again.
RE: Survive With Me [FTWD] [randomname98766789 x greenandgold]

A long time ago, Alicia would have protested at how her brother and his drug addiction seemed to run the lives of everyone in their family. But getting upset was simply a waste of time and energy. Acting out or getting upset wasn't going to change things. It surely wasn't going to change her brother. Ever since their father had died in a car accident years ago, Nick had been addicted to some drug or another, unable to cope with the loss. He was constantly moved around from recovery home to recovery home, as their mother desperately hoped that
one of them would do him some good. It never did.

She was used to being overlooked. Anything she accomplished always paled in comparison to Nick managing to stay sober for a day, a week. And while she wanted the best for her brother and wanted him to be healthy, sometimes, knowing that she was practically invisible to her family, caused a pain her chest that ached for days. Alicia had made Valedictorian
of her class when she had graduated, but neither her mother, brother, or step-father knew. Braden was the only one she had told, and she had deeply appreciated his enthusiasm and happiness, more than he'd ever know.

At her mother's words, Alicia turned off the TV and got up. She gave Braden a small, strained smile and moved to get her shoes. Once she had slipped them on, she turned back to her boyfriend. "You don't have to come. You're welcome to stay here, or do something better or more interesting or more important with your time. It's not like you're gonna miss anything. We all know how this is going to go." The words were spoken softly, and Alicia stood on her tiptoes to press a gentle kiss on her boyfriend's lips. When it came to her relationship with Nick, she always felt like the older sibling, probably because she had always taken care of him, instead of the other way around. She couldn't remember the last time her parents or brother had comforted her for anything. It was just Braden, for the last several years.
RE: Survive With Me [Fear The Walking Dead one x one randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

“You should already know the answer, Alicia.” Braden answered in a matter-of-factly manner. Even when she went through times like these with her brother, Braden even stepped up and went with her to the hospitals and rehabilitation facilities. Today, it was not any different. Slipping on his own shoes and grabbing his wallet and cell phone, Braden followed Travis and Madison outside. Once reaching the car, the younger couple sat in the backseat while the couple sat in the front two seats. The car ride was silent and all Braden did was offer support for Alicia, holding her hand with light squeezes every now and again.

The group of four arrived at the hospital. The main hospital in Los Angeles was full, the one where Braden’s mother worked, so they went into the hospital just outside of Los Angeles where the paramedics had taken Nick since his case was not as severe as others. Once they were taken to Nick’s room where the police were talking to Nick. He was restrained to the bed and had been on drugs again. This time, he was talking about one friend of his eating someone else and trying to attack him. It was bad, this time. Madison tried to talk with Nick, get him some more help at a new rehabilitation clinic but Nick just argued with her.

In the middle of the arguments, Travis had to take a phone call from his ex-wife, Liza. Since this was not Braden’s place to speak, he just stayed quiet beside Alicia, offering her a hand to hold if she wanted it. If not, he was there for support and he hoped she could see that. Madison and Nick yelled at one another and it was clearly driving Madison crazy. Braden thought she wanted to be a good mother for both of her children but Nick made that so hard. Finally, Travis returned after an argument with Liza about their son Chris and decided that he could stay and watch over Nick while she left to help the school with their college counselling and other duties she had to complete since the year was over.
RE: Survive With Me [FTWD] [1x1 randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

Alicia knew what she had to do. It was what she always did. The needs of her family came before her own. And even though Nick made it clear that Travis would never replace their father, Alicia still did everything she could to make her step-father feel welcome in their family. She walked into her brother's hospital room and moved to stand beside Nick's bed. "Travis, you can leave, it's fine. I know you've got stuff to take care of. I'll take care of Nick..." Alicia said and then she walked over to the table beside her brother's bed. She saw
the bowl and washcloth on the table. She picked up the washcloth, dipped it in the water, wrung it out, and then pressed the cloth to her brother's forehead.

"Mom and Travis are gone now, you can rest. The cops and the doctor are gone, too. It's just me and Braden. And you know that I'll take care of you.." Alicia used the washcloth and rubbed it gently over Nick's cheeks and neck, before repeating her earlier actions, and then replacing the towel on his forehead. She tried to calm her brother down, knowing that the drugs were causing him to freak out and see things that weren't really happening. After a few moments, Alicia sat down in a chair beside Nick's bed and started to hum softly, a tune
their mother used to sing to them when they were little.

She got her brother to drink half a glass of water, and eat a few small bites of food from the tray on the table that was near the bowl of water. Once that was done, she resumed gently rubbing the washcloth on Nick's skin and kept humming. She knew that Braden was nearby, sitting in a chair beside her brother's bed and she appreciated him being there.
RE: Survive With Me [Fear The Walking Dead one x one randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

Before Travis left, he had been alone in the room with Nick when a doctor entered. During that time after the doctor left and before Alicia returned, Nick explained in gruesome detail about what he saw. Now, Travis was skeptical. He thought it could have been a nightmare or the drugs making Nick hallucinate, but this time he felt something off about Nick. He truly believed it and it was different from the past times he had been using drugs. Therefore, he decided to go investigate that church once Alicia had said she would stay with Nick until her mother returned to take her and Braden home.

Now, this was not Braden’s ideal location to spend summer break, but he was there for Alicia and not going anywhere. During the day, Travis did investigate the church and he discovered a ton of blood that resembled exactly what Nick said that he saw. Nonetheless, it was a long day. Braden sat with Alicia and even tried to conversate with Nick. Nick had no issues with Braden either, really. He had been around forever and never mistreated his sister so he was okay with him. Plus, he did appreciate how he was always around to comfort Alicia when he fucked up.

It was almost four o’clock when Madison arrived. She stayed up until the visiting hours were over and she was forced to leave, deciding that now she would take Braden and Alicia back home. They could come back tomorrow when the hours started again. Braden saw how Alicia was with Nick. She was such a good sister and it did remind him of his own sister when he saw her taking care of Nick. Braden and his sister had a deep bond since they grew up together and had to help each other most of the time after their father died. Once they reached the car, Braden crawled in the back with Alicia again, clasping onto her hand while they rode back through the city.
RE: Survive With Me [FTWD] [1x1 randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

Visiting hours were over for the day. But before they left, Alicia leaned over her brother and gave him a small smile. "I love you, Nick. And I hope you feel better," She whispered, their eyes locked on each other. She wasn't sure if he was fully aware of her or what she said, but hoped that he was. There was a 97% chance that her brother was too muddled by the drugs to even realize she was there. But that 3% was just enough to make her hopeful, however stupid it might be. "We'll be back in the morning, get some sleep." Alicia caressed her brother's cheek for a few more moments, and once he had closed his eyes, she turned and left, following her mother and Braden out of the hospital.

She was grateful when her boyfriend held her hand as they got back into the car and then headed for home. She drew strength from him, and gave him a genuine smile as they drove through the city and back to the house. Once they were home and had gone inside, Alicia pulled out supplies to cook a late dinner for everyone. While the food was cooking on the stove, the girl began to clean the house. The bathroom's, the living room. Her and Nick's bedroom's. She painstakingly went through her brother's room, dusting and cleaning and searching every nook and cranny, looking for drugs and then flushing what she found. Her mother was in the shower and Travis was looking over paperwork for something.

Once Alicia was done cleaning everything, she washed her hands and then called everyone to the kitchen as she served dinner. While they ate, she grabbed a shower of her own and rested her forehead against the shower wall, sucking deep gulps of air as she forced down the emotions that threatened to spill from her. It was a well practiced action that she had learned and perfected long ago. Her shower probably ran longer than it should have, but Alicia didn't care. The girl needed that time to pull herself together. Braden was always there
for her, but she wanted tonight to be different for them.

After spending the day with her family and having to deal with her brother's issues, her boyfriend deserved to have one night where she wasn't an emotional mess. And she would give that to him. An hour and a half later, Alicia stepped out of the shower, dried off and dressed once more. She cleaned up the bathroom and then ate a few bites of dinner, before cleaning the kitchen with Braden, before the two of them headed for her bedroom. Once in her bedroom, the girl turned on her CD player, which had her boyfriend's favorite CD in the disc drive, and tugged him towards her bed. When they were lying on the bed, Alicia kissed him.
RE: Survive With Me [Fear The Walking Dead one x one randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

Stress and tension were high. Braden sensed that. It sucked because he already saw these people as family. One day, he intended on marrying Alicia, having a family with her, and growing old together. They talked about it all the time. Madison had been a mother to him at times when his own mother just checked out and was useless. He cared for these people, especially Alicia. The male assisted his girlfriend with cooking and cleaning the kitchen when it was done but he kept his distance when she started cleaning various rooms and showered. It was nothing new.

Braden knew what to expect when something like this happened. She was rather emotionally unstable when Nick got like this. She liked her alone time and all he did was hold her. Usually they did not talk or do anything at all other than lie in bed together and that was her comfort. Yeah, Braden did not always enjoy that. He wanted to kiss her, to touch her, to have some fun with her but he knew how she got during a time like this so he knew what to expect tonight and he had no reason to believe any different.

Killing time while Alicia did whatever she did, Braden remained in the living room and watched TV. Not meaning to eavesdrop, it just happened, but he heard Travis explain what he saw at the church. Madison dismissed him though, saying it was just a drug den and that someone was probably just stabbed or shot but Travis seemed like he believed Nick. Braden just kept his nose clean though, keeping it out of their business and pretended like he was out of it, just relaxing. When Alicia finished showering, he did help her clean up the kitchen before following her into her bedroom.

As stated earlier, he did not expect much to happen. When they plopped down onto the bed, he had not even undress since he figured it was pointless. However, his eyes widened when Alicia leaned in for a kiss. Usually, she was normally indifferent these nights, just wanting to be held without any further intimate touch. Surprised, yes, but Braden was not going to hesitate and lose this chance. Returning the kiss, he placed one hand onto the side of her face and held the kiss, deciding to kick off his tennis shoes. Other than that, he remained clad in his jeans, socks, University t-shirt, and boxers underneath. His hand not touching her cheek gently held Alicia at the nape of her neck, deepening the kiss and sliding his tongue into her mount, unsure of how far she wanted this to go. He finally stopped kissing her after a good three minutes and offered her a soft, loving smile. “I love you, Alicia. Your mother will figure out something for his rehab. I know this happens all the time but I can’t imagine how stressful it is on you. I’m so sorry baby. Is there anything I can do for you?”
RE: Survive With Me [Fear The Walking Dead one x one randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

"I love you, too." Alicia said and smiled once the kiss had ended. She knew that she had surprised Braden when she had kissed him. Usually after most day's spent caring for her brother and dealing with his issues, she was emotionally drained and didn't have much left of herself to offer anyone. But this time, things were going to be different. Alicia would make sure of it. "Let's not talk about Nick or my family right now, okay? I want this time to be just about us. As for there being anything that you can do for me, yeah. Take off all your clothes.."

After she spoke, the girl pressed one more kiss to her boyfriend's lips and then pulled back. She lifted her arms and removed her shirt and bra and dropped them on the floor by her bed. Her eyes met Braden's and Alicia waited to see if he was going to follow her lead. It had been a while since they had done anything more than kiss, and she wanted to feel as close to him as possible. She got up from the bed, stripped off her jeans and underwear and then moved back to the bed. As Alicia sat beside Braden once more, she smiled at him and cupped his face in her hands. "I love you, and I want us to both feel good."
RE: Survive With Me [Fear The Walking Dead one x one randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

Eyes wide, Braden did not question Alicia and he did not stall. Instead, the young man quickly stripped off his t-shirt first, his jeans quickly following. His feet pulled off his socks and they dropped onto the ground. Staring at Alicia’s nude body, Braden finally pushed his boxers down and kicked them off. This was perfect in his opinion. He would help Alicia forget about all this bad shit surrounding Nick and her family. It was his job to help ensure that she forgot and her mind was too clouded to think about anything else other than him and his body.

Smiling, the dark-haired male pushed Alicia onto her back and crawled on top of her. At first, his hands cupped Alicia’s cheeks and he kissed her sweetly on the lips, sliding his tongue across her lower lip, peeking it inside, trying to find an entrance into her mouth. After kissing the love of his life for a couple minutes, Braden pulled back and started pressing kisses from the throat, down the center of her body, and stopped at her hips. He pushed her legs open at the thighs, a smile on his face when he kissed her clitoris sweetly. He wanted to make Alicia feel good first and get her nice and wet before doing anything else. His tongue massaged her clit and rubbed inside of those tight lips of hers, moaning against her walls, his tongue already coated with her juices.
RE: Survive With Me [FTWD] [1x1 randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

Alicia smiled as she watched Braden strip off his clothes. She never got tired of seeing his amazing, strong body. Her eyes moved over each piece of skin as it was revealed to her. A smirk turned up her lips once he dropped his boxers and stood before her, naked. She laughed softly when her boyfriend pushed her onto her back and crawled on top of her. The girl leaned into his touch as he cupped her cheeks, and when they kissed, her soft lips against his, she felt the stress leave her body. A single kiss, a single touch from Braden, was all it
took to put Alicia at ease. It had always been that way between them and it was something she was grateful for every single day. Her boyfriend made her feel like everything was going to be alright, even when no one was really sure that it would.

As his kisses moved lower down her body, she enjoyed it. Soft laughs left her lips as his lips traced over her skin and tickled her. Once Braden pushed her legs open, Alicia couldn't wait for what she knew would come next. The feel of him kissing her there brought both feelings of love, and lust from her. She knew that he could feel how wet she was for him. A look, a touch, his laugh. All of that did things to her and made her feel amazing things for her boyfriend. Her head rested back against the pillows as she welcomed the feel of his mouth and tongue working her body.
RE: Survive With Me [Fear The Walking Dead one x one randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

When Alicia’s wetness reached a level of approval from Braden, the young man removed his mouth from Alicia’s clitoris and her sex. With the most sultry look on his face, Braden winked at the girl he loved and licked his lips, savoring the taste of her sweet juices. Once his tongue had trapped as much of her escaped, sweet nectar that he could handle, Braden found himself back on top of the brunette, his eyes locked onto her gorgeous green orbs. Out of everything, Braden found her eyes to be the most brilliant part of Alicia. Those green eyes always shone brightly, making him shiver each time their eyes locked. Leaning down, Braden kissed her, keeping their lips pressed together before cupping her face again, moaning softly into her lips.

Finally, the male slid his hands down her face, to her abdomen, and finally stopping at Alicia’s ass. Squeezing her rear, Braden kept their lips pressed together and pressed himself slowly inside of Alicia. So far, the only sex they had was slow and gentle. His deeper desires were much darker than this but he had no idea that Alicia knew. The male pressed his thick, long, hard cock inside of Alicia’s tight pussy, moaning her name out loudly against her lips, chewing on her lower lip. His hands continued massaging her rear, pressing himself as deep inside of her as possible, slowly rotating their hips together, rubbing himself firmly against her hips. “Oh my God, I love you.” Braden breathed out, still kissing her as passionately as he could, sliding his tongue into her mouth.
RE: Survive With Me [FTWD] [1 x 1 with randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

Alicia gasped as Braden finally slipped inside of her. She moaned softly, and began to move against him. The girl loved the feel of her boyfriend's hands as he gripped her ass and pressed their bodies tighter together. Once they had both come and Braden moved to pull out of her, she moved her hands to his back and pulled his body tightly against hers once
more. "I was thinking that we might try something else.." Alicia suggested softly. She blushed a few moments later. "I bought some toys. There's a box in the closet... But only if
you're interested."

She slipped a hand to the back of Braden's neck and pulled him down to her level, kissing his lips. Their bodies were still connected, and Alicia enjoyed the feeling of her boyfriend
still being inside of her. Right now, she could get lost in him and it was what she wanted. The girl released his neck as they continued to kiss, and her hands moved over Braden's
skin, tracing little patterns all over it. "I'll do anything that makes you happy," Alicia assured him. She wasn't afraid of trying new things. She trusted her boyfriend and knew that anything they did would be to bring pleasure to them both.
RE: Survive With Me [Fear The Walking Dead one x one randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

The sex was mind-blowing. After it ended, Braden curiously looked at Alicia. What did she mean? With his cock buried deep inside Alicia, the male kissed her lips one final time before pulling out of her tight hole. Slowly, the man sauntered towards the closet and his eyes landed on the box immediately. Returning to the bed he sat on the edge and popped off the top. There were so many things inside. He pulled out a pair of handcuffs first followed by some silk bondage rope, dropping it onto the bed. The next thing he did was find a roll of duct tape as well inside.

His eyes widened. How did Alicia know what he liked? Looking towards the brunette, he reached across to hold her hand, squeezing it gently. “Alicia? What is all this? Do you want me to use this on you? To tie you up? Gag you?” He asked softly, having no idea that she had seen the videos on his phone, of all the bound, gagged women that he loved to watch online for his own pleasure. Now, he was mute and just wondered what was going on inside her head or what she thought so he picked out a few things that he really wanted to use and let Alicia explain.
RE: Survive With Me [Fear The Walking Dead one x one randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

Alicia let out a small groan of disappointment when Braden slipped out of her. She didn't want to lose contact with him and had enjoyed being as close as physically possible, with him. She did smile, though, when he got up to leave the bed and went to get the box of sex toys that she had mentioned. Typical guy. But that was okay, as that was the reason Alicia had mentioned it in the first place. The girl laid there in the bed and watched as her boyfriend brought the box over to the bed, sat on the edge of it, and went through the box of sex toys curiously.

She smiled when Braden pulled out the handcuffs and the bondage ropes. "I found the bondage videos on your phone. I know that I should've respected your privacy, and I'm sorry. You had gotten a call a few days ago while you were downstairs getting a snack, so I answered it. And when I hung up after taking the message from your friend, I went to lock your phone but pushed the wrong button and your internet history came up. Once I saw the videos, I figured that you'd like to try some of the things from those videos. What do you say?" Alicia asked softly, a smile on her lips.
RE: Survive With Me [Fear The Walking Dead one x one randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

The memory replayed vividly inside Braden’s mind. Alicia chose a movie for herself and her boyfriend to watch while the male popped a bag of fresh popcorn. A fellow teammate called, suggesting that himself and Braden join a few of his friends at a bonfire. Politely, Braden declined because it was a day spent with Alicia. Later that night, Braden realized his gaffe. He accidentally watched videos without using the private browsing option. They were deleted within seconds of him finding out. Instead of acting discouraged, Alicia seemed curious. Just when Braden wondered if she could ever become more perfect, she continued surprising him.

“Don’t apologize, sweetheart. If I had known all it took for you to try bondage with me was finding my browsing history, I would have asked years before.” Chuckling, Braden found it amusing that he feared suggesting it to Alicia. “I worried you might think I was weird. I didn’t want that to happen. Not everyone is receptive to bondage.” It was true. Some people thought anyone that liked bondage might be psychotic. The last thing he wanted was to scare Alicia. “If you’re open to my ideas, here’s what I want first.” Pausing, Braden grabbed the roll of duct tape and Alicia’s panties that were on the floor. “Can I… stuff your mouth with your panties and tape your lips closed?” It felt almost unnatural asking such a thing, but Braden knew Alicia would not judge him.
RE: Survive With Me [FTWD] [1 x 1 randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

"Okay, but just make sure that the tape's not too tight." Alicia said easily. She figured that Braden was starting off slowly with his ideas to get her used to to a bit of weirdness, before he brought up any of the really kinky ideas that he wanted to try with her. The girl relaxed back into the bed as her boyfriend stuffed her panties into her mouth and taped her mouth shut, the tape going all the way around the back of her head, to keep it sealed. She let out a small laugh when Braden commented on the incident with his browsing history. Alicia was glad that he wasn't angry with her.

She hoped that her agreeing to try out his ideas, that Braden would like the things they did together. Alicia didn't want him to regret agreeing to try out bondage with her. She wanted it
to be enjoyable for both of them and something they could do together regularly. They trusted each other not to go too far, and that trust was well earned. Alicia wasn't against trying
out any of his kinky ideas. She was game for trying anything once. They just had to be careful, if her family walked in on them doing something kinky, they were sure to get a lecture from her mother. Travis would just tell them to be careful, Nick wouldn't even realize what was going on because he'd probably be in a drug induced haze, and her mother would embarrass all three of them by making them sit down with her as she lectured them and gave them a safe sex talk, and a talk about not doing things they don't know anything about.
RE: Survive With Me [Fear The Walking Dead one x one randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

“My God, baby. This looks so good on you.” Clearly fascinated, Braden’s bright, blue eyes locked onto Alicia’s gagged lips. Simply stuffing Alicia’s lips with her own panties aroused Braden. The sight of the duct tape covering her lips fostered and evoked more arousal as well. Taking the forefinger from his right hand, Braden traced the outline of her lips against the duct tape. Damn. That was sexy as hell. Leaning down, Braden kissed her lips despite duct tape covering them. In fact, he kissed her just like nothing was in the way, using his tongue, sliding it across the adhesive and across her lips, moaning when he did this. Suddenly, he found himself on top of Alicia, not even worrying about the rope or handcuffs at this point. He started making out with her despite the duct tape covering her mouth and it was obvious just how turned on Braden became thanks to the gag.

Once he finished kissing her, he winked at Alicia and took the handcuffs from the mattress. Then, Alicia found her wrists quickly handcuffed in front of her body. Soon, he would want to cuff her hands or bind her hands behind her body but for starting out, he found nothing wrong with this. Plus, her arms pressed against her breasts like this and made them appear so much larger. “I love you so much, baby girl.” He whispered quietly, pulling back and playfully slapping one of her breasts before pressing her ankles together, using the rope to tie them as well. If she had seen the videos, then she also must have seen his little foot fetish. Feeling confident, Braden placed that thick cock of his in between Alicia’s tied feet and started slowly rocking his hips forward, just watching her reaction.
RE: Survive With Me [FTWD] [1 x 1 randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

Alicia raised an eyebrow at the 'baby girl' comment. Though a moment later, she moaned against the tape over her mouth, when Braden slapped her breast. The young woman watched as her boyfriend bound her ankles together and then slipped his cock between her feet, using them to thrust between and get himself off. Alicia chuckled and moved her tied feet against Braden's cock, rubbing her feet against his cock, wanting to make him feel good and wanting to see what he had in mind next. Her panties in her mouth also made her moan. It was new and erotic.

She laid there in the bed, enjoying exploring these new ideas with Braden. Her lips were taped shut, her panties between them. Alicia's wrists were handcuffed, which pushed her chest out. Her ankles were bound together and she was rubbing her boyfriend's cock with her feet. The young woman lifted her cuffed hands and reached out, laughing against the tape over her mouth as she twisted one of Braden's nipples in a firm grip. Her eyes met his after the action, and she knew that he knew, that she was smirking at him through the tape over her lips.
RE: Survive With Me [Fear The Walking Dead one x one randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

“It feels like I’ve died and gone to heaven.” Braden whispered into his girlfriend’s ear, offering insight into how this felt. His words added with his body language and facial expressions showed love shining through everything. Braden had never been this turned on before. Reaching in between Alicia’s legs, Braden flicked his thumb across her clitoris a few times in a teasing manner before sliding his forefinger and middle finger inside of her sex. He hoped to find evidence that Alicia was turned on, too. He hoped she was dripping wet after being bound and gagged at his pleasure.

Once his hand was retracted, Braden looked at those bound feet of hers again and smirked right back at the brunette before pushing her down onto her back. Next, the male pushed Alicia’s knees towards her chest and her feet were now dangling in front of his face while there was just enough space in between her thighs at this angle to fit his thick cock through. Once she was positioned where he wanted, Braden gripped the beautiful girl’s rear and squeezed it before giving her a warning. “Get ready, sweetheart. I’m going to give you the best fucking of your life.” He whispered sweetly before shoving forward, his large, long, thick manhood found its way inside of Alicia, striking deep inside of her tight walls, drawing a loud moan from his throat. While he started fucking his girlfriend, Braden leaned forward and started kissing Alicia’s feet, concentrating first on the soles which served to turn him on even more.
RE: Survive With Me [FTWD] [1 x 1 randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

Alicia smiled as much as she could against the tape over her mouth. A few moments later, Braden reached between her legs and worked her sex with his thumb. The action caused the young woman to go crazy, bucking her hips and moaning against the tape over her mouth. As soon as her boyfriend slipped two fingers inside of her, she nearly lost it. Alicia started trying to work his fingers deeper and deeper inside of her, harder and faster. She was definitely dripping wet for him and everything he did to her from that point on, would only turn
her on even more, she was sure of it.

She complained through the tape when Braden removed his fingers from inside of her. The young woman saw him eyeing her feet and knew what was going to happen next. Alicia had seen a bit of the foot fetish that was on those videos and knew that her boyfriend had picked it up for himself. She let him push her onto her back and her knees to her chest. Her feet were in front of his face and left just enough space between her thighs for him. Alicia remained how she was as Braden moved her how he wanted her.

The young woman moaned when he gripped her ass and squeezed it firmly. His words had her nodding in encouragement. She was more than ready for her boyfriend to fuck her silly. As soon as Braden rammed his cock inside of her, she felt so full, and her body jerked from the force of his thrusts. His moans matched her own, even though his were heard and hers were muffled by the tape, it didn't matter. As soon as Braden kissed her feet, Alicia discovered that they might have a problem. She laughed and struggled as he kissed the sole of one of her feet, the feeling tickling her.
RE: Survive With Me [Fear The Walking Dead one x one randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

When Braden started kissing Alicia’s feet, he watched as the soles of the foot he kissed crinkled up and how her toes flexed together. It was adorable and it turned him on even more. The mixture of her giggles and moans behind the duct tape were so arousing. Braden was fighting a battle within himself on where he should focus his eyes. On one hand, he wanted to look at Alicia’s beautiful face and watch her expressions while paying special attention to the sexy gag on her lips. On the other hand, Braden wanted to keep watching her cute, bound feet and give his attention to her large breasts that looked so huge pushed together thanks to her arms bound in front.

It was a nice problem to have, though. He started thrusting faster than ever before with Alicia, the tip of his cock striking new depths inside of her. Braden pulled almost fully out of Alicia before thrusting forward again, allowing himself new angles and more strength with each pump of his hips. The wet slapping noise of his hips crashing into her rear filled the room. His lips continued assaulting her feet. This time, he focused on her toes, kissing them and wrapping his lips around them, moaning when he did.

This was the most aroused Braden had ever been. He continued squeezing her ass with all his might, feeling like his orgasm was quickly approaching now though he wanted to hold off as long as he could. “I fucking love you.” Braden growled out lowly, breathlessly, unable to control himself. Moans continued leaving his lips. Braden was normally quieter during sex. However, he was loud tonight, moreso than any past time they had sex. His eyes now locked onto Alicia’s, one hand reaching back in between her legs to rub her clit while the other hand grasped both of her cuffed ones. The moment was so intimate and Braden was smiling wide, feeling that electrical pulse building from his core.
RE: Survive With Me [FTWD] [1x1 randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

Alicia struggled against her restraints. Not because she wanted to get away, but because Braden was making her feel so good. With the exception of his new interest in her feet. Each time he touched or kissed her feet, the young woman felt herself squirming and laughing. Wanting to warn her boyfriend to be careful so that she didn't accidentally kick him in the
face. The way their bodies worked together so well, had her regretting not making love more often with Braden. By the time they had finished, both of them had come three times.

They both laid on the bed and tried to catch their breath. She was still bound and gagged, but it was definitely worth it. That was the hardest she had come in a long time. And the first time they had had sex more than once in a single day. They remained lying in her bed relaxing, just the two of them for a while. Alicia remained restrained, but that was fine. It was even a little hot. But eventually, Braden released her and they each grabbed a shower. Over the next few days, things got weirder and weirder. Her parents were gone a lot, and not
just to work.

Nick had come home from the hospital and Alicia had agreed to take care of him. She apologized repeatedly to Braden, as she hated that she was neglecting him while she took care of her brother. He was on vacation and had come to see her, and she was basically ignoring him during the day as she took care of Nick. Three days after Nick got home, he and Alicia were the only one's home. Her parents were across town at work and Braden had run across town as well to pick up lunch. Nick hadn't been feeling well that morning. He'd been parked on the couch and throwing up.

Alicia had been taking care of him. She had just started to rub the washcloth over her brother's face and neck, when suddenly he started screaming. His screams surprised her at first and then his body started to shake in a seizure. She tossed the washcloth aside and turned Nick on his side, her panic rising as his mouth foamed and vomit and a bit of blood came out. "Nick, it's gonna be okay!" Alicia tried to soothe him, even as she lifted his feet and elevated his head. She had done a little reading up on seizures and the books always said to do this to help the seizing person.

She clutched his body against hers and started to hum that one song from their childhood over and over, hoping that it would help calm Nick down. They remained in that position for a long time, though how long the young woman didn't know. She only knew that it must have been a while, since Braden had just gotten back and it usually took an hour or more to get
to the house through LA traffic. She was running her fingers soothingly through Nick's hair. He had finally stopped seizing 5 minutes before and was now still. Alicia had checked his
pulse, breathing and other vitals and all of them seemed okay as far as she could tell.

Her phone was dead and so was Nick's, not that it mattered. There hadn't been time to call for help or an ambulance. She knew that her brother was just unconscious now, and tried to calm down. Though the young woman didn't release her brother, even as Braden entered the living room and asked if everything was okay.
RE: Survive With Me [Fear The Walking Dead one x one randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

The next three days were wild. Some pandemic about an influenza outbreak was spreading in the Los Angeles, California area. Universities with Summer courses were closed and even areas of the coastline and the beach were closed down. Hospitals were overflowing with patients and it was a pain getting Nick out of the hospital, down the elevator, and out into the parking lot. People were crazy and things were getting weird. A video had circulated on social media about something on the highway. Someone that had been killed in a car accident was lying on the ground and bit the paramedics attending him. When the man stood up, the police shot at least one dozen rounds into his chest before he fell with a shot to the head. It looked inhuman and the government tried to shut the footage down. It was shot from a video camera in a helicopter covering the scene for the news. It was a story that was on fire. It was almost difficult to believe and everyone essentially discounted the news as fake and created. Nobody thought this was real.

However, the rumors were going wild with the influenza outbreak being something else that was not the typical flu. This disease was something that made humans go berserk and attack other people. It was odd and nobody wanted to give it much attention. There were rumors about poisoned water as well. When Nick got home, he ended up leaving again in the middle of the first night, trying to find his old drug dealer, trying to find out what was laced in the last batch. It ended up being a chase that ended with Nick shooting Calvin in self-defense. Madison and Travis witnessed the reanimation firsthand but kept that from Alicia and from Braden when they returned the next morning.

With this new information, Travis decided that they should head for the desert. They needed to evacuate the city. Riots were breaking out on the third day and Travis desperately tried to reach his son and ex-wife, Liza. Without giving anything away to anyone, Madison had to go into work and get whatever she needed because the schools were getting closed down, too. Not even the staff would be working. Travis had left to try and find Liza and Chris. Braden and Alicia heard that they were leaving for the desert that night and they had to take care of Nick during the day while the other adults were gone.

Braden never was upset with Alicia about having to spend their time like this taking care of Nick. Everytime she apologized, he made sure to shoot it down, saying that she did not need to say that. Braden even pitched in, helping however he could with her brother, hoping to make him better. It was lunchtime and he went to find something to eat from a nearby fast food restaurant. He knew how crazy it was but they lived on a calmer side of things in Los Angeles so he stopped and grabbed each of them a burger and fries.

Once that was done, he drove back towards Alicia’s house. When Nick finally finished his seizing and came too, his mind was clouded and he was hallucinating. He had found drugs to get high on the other night when he left the house and he still had some of the positive symptoms of adding hallucinations and delusions of these drugs. He looked at Alicia and saw one of those creatures. He muttered to himself and suddenly swung his fist forward, connecting his fist with her face before dashing off into the nearest bathroom, slamming the door shut.
RE: Survive With Me [FTWD] [1x1 randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

Alicia's head flew back from the force of Nick's punch. Her nose immediately started to bleed all over the shirt she wore. She got up from the floor and held part of her shirt against her nose to try and stop the bleeding. The young woman knocked on the door to the bathroom that her brother had bolted into. "Nick? It's Alicia, are you okay? Answer me, please. I need to know that you're not on the floor having another seizure!" When silence greeted her, she pounded on the door with her hand that wasn't holding her shirt against her nose. "At least open the door so I can take care of my nose."

She heard what sounded like a door and fell silent. After several moments of tense silence, Braden walked into the hall, joining her, and the young woman let out a sigh of relief. "You scared me," Alicia admitted, but then gave her boyfriend a small smile. "Nick's locked himself in the bathroom and he won't answer me. I'm worried about him. He seized on me, and then once he woke up, freaked out," She said and motioned to her face, meaning her bloody nose. "He's on drug's again.." Alicia said and sighed, worried. "I couldn't call an ambulance because the lines are down, and I didn't have a car. I couldn't do anything for him."
RE: Survive With Me [Fear The Walking Dead one x one randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

Cursing, Braden grabbed a tissue and pressed it onto Alicia’s nose. “Hold this. Hard.” Braden ordered before finding one of Alicia’s hair pins, approaching the bathroom door. Crouching down, he slipped the pin inside the lock and finally picked the lock. He had gotten bored back a couple years before and watched videos, learning how to pick locks. Who knew it would come in handy? He barged in, finding Nick passed out again by the toilet. No seizures, steady pulse, he was fine. Using his strength, Braden carried Nick back onto the couch and sat him down where Alicia had him. His attention turned to his girlfriend, helping clean up her nose. “How does it feel? Just looking at it, I don’t think it’s broken.” He whispered softly.

There was nothing an ambulance could do for Nick, now. It was part of withdrawal and Braden knew how crowded the hospitals were. Plus, he had not heard from his mother in two days but he understood the critical situation she faced. Sadly, his mother had not made it but he had not found that out yet but it was in the back of his mind, thinking about her. Once Alicia’s nose stopped bleeding, he disposed of the tissues. “Just go sit down, okay? I’ll clean up Nick’s mess.” Braden whispered, cleaning the vomit, foam, and spit that happened from his seizures.
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